tv The Kelly File FOX News September 12, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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tonight. please always remember that the spin starts right here. we' we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, new fallout from what looks like a serious health scare for hillary clinton as both she and her husband do new interviews in an effort to convince america that she's healthy enough to serve our next president. welcome to the kelly file. i'm megyn kelly. at this hour hillary was supposed to be attending a fundraiser in california. instead he's at home unable to travel due to illness open having to respond in a telephone interview in the past hour. her campaign insisted for days that her series of campaign trail coughing fits were nothing more than seasonal allergies. that was with until she attended the 9/11 memorial yesterday and
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a viral video showed her collapsing has she left. at first the campaign kept the press in the dark about her condition. then they said she was simply overheated. that was all. only to finally reveal hours later that she had actually been diagnosed with that moan ya days earlier. we'll discuss it in a moment but we begin with trace gallagher reporting from our west coast newsroom. trace? >> hillary clinton now claims she thought her cough really was allergies until she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday morning. she never said why she didn't disclose her illness to reporters on friday night. and even on sunday after leaving a 9/11 event early, collapsing and dragged into a van, the campaign said that mrs. clinton was overheated. it took several more hours after the video went viral before the campaign finally released a
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statement from clinton's doctor reveelg she had been diagnosed with pneumonia and dehydrated. at that moment a top democratic took a swipe, apparently lumping everything from e-mails to illness. david axle road tweeted, antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. what's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy. she is working with her doctor on a full release of medical records that will show she has no other undisclosed condition. mrs. clinton was not asked about a report tonight saying that after she collapsed on sunday she opt out of going to the emergency room and instead ditched her new york police escort and went to her daughter chelsea's apartment. the post says the move was to
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keep details of her medical treatment under wraps. the clinton campaign dismissed that. mrs. clinton walked out of her daughter's apartment an hour later saying she felt great. tonight former president clinton told charlie rose has happened >> if it is it's a migs trito me and all of her doctors. rarely but on occasion the same sort of things happened to her when she got severely dehydrated. >> tonight hillary clinton said it's only twice that she can recall. she plans to take a few more days off the trail. her husband will pinch hit for her in the meantime. >> trace, thank you. again, both mr. and mrs. clinton spoke about this? just the last couple of hours. we have more but first we want to bring in chris and howie.
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first of all, the question of whether it's happened before or whether this is an isolated incident. she was asked about that moments ago. here is what -- how she describes her own history with what wu saw on video yesterday. watch. >> how often has this happened? >> oh, i think really only twice that i can recall. you know, it is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life, and i'm aware of it. >> i don't know. you tell me whether that had the ring of truth. >> man, there is a reason clinic tonian is an adjective. bill clinton said -- it's so legal lis tick rarely but on more than one occasion over many many years. so it's oip enough so that it
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covers all of the bases, the bases are covered counselor. but there's a way to remedy. i guess i forgot about that other time i passed out. i forgot about the other time i collapsed. the clintons are clintoning in full clinton fashion. >> it raises more questions. if i asked you seriously do the viewers sitting at home, if i say to you how many times have you fainted in the past ten years, would you have to be like, well -- i have never fainted in the past ten years. you tell me whether she answered more questions and created more, howie. >> well really created more based on the fact it's the number one story. what was stunning was not that she has pneumonia. lots of people get pneumonia. but the realization that hillary clinton and her dam pain spent days misleading the press and the public about her health. now imagine an alternative universe where on friday before
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the shaky 9/11 video she put out a statement, aye got pneumonia. people would have felt sympathy for her. >> i can defend her on that. i think, okay, you're running for president, you have a grueling schedule, you're tough. you get a diagnosis of pneumonia. she did do a lot on friday. and i don't need to disclose it. a lot of people got pneumonia. it's not like a cancer diagnose. but when she clansed and tried to get the press pool away from her, and then they tried to give us a bunch of bologna that she was overheated, which was not true. that's when people said there's more here. >> uh-huh. and if you are a person who is about two-thirds or close to two-thirds of the american electorate is not honest and trust wore think, if you're that person and also a person with a history of health problems, including serious ones, what is
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the dad gum only thing that you should never make sure that you ever ever do, lie about your health. don't do it. big mistake. >> although her doctor says she's in excellent health, her doctor says this is pneumonia and she said tonight she needs to rest for five days and then she's going back out there. i'm not going to ask you to diagnose hillary clinton over the air waves. i no e you can't and won't. but she said tonight that she never lost consciousness. i have to tell you, that doesn't look like it could be real based on this video. this doesn't look like dizziness. this looks like she went down, like she did lose consciousness. but what are you thoughts? >> well, number one, it is a video. but you're picking up something there. there seems to be a loss of muscle tone and that happens when you're in the process of blacking out. she fell and hit her head in
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2012. i would like to see the neurological records, the mriss. the less information we have, the more we're prone to speculating. if we don't have the facts, we speculate. we cannot make a diagnosis here and no doctor should. pneumonia, i don't think it's a minor thing. you give it -- i if i diagnose somebody with pneumonia on a friday, and it's made by a chest x-ray, an elderly person if they had a fever -- bill clinton said she's dehydrated. people don't walk around dehydrated. why would she be going to a memorial service. >> i have another question for you. if she has pneumonia, you can get viral ore bacteria. but should you be at a crowded memorial event, shaking hands with a bunch of people, should you be hugging a little girl, going to visit her daughter with her two babies? >> absolutely not.
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and you can't always tell the difference between viral and dak materiel pneumonia. that's probably why the doctor put her on ant biotics. >> no one can condemn her for being irresponsible. the question is whether we're being given the truth. this is show she's trying to spin it now to put it back on trump. can you listen? watch. >> donald trump's doctor said she would be the healthiest president in history. that's not even serious. and i've released nearly 40 years of tax returns. he hasn't released one. this is a man with unknown numbers of partners and investors who says he's doing 120 foreign deals. the american people deserve to know what he's up to and what he is hiding. if we weren't fast enough -- i've talked to my staff. we take responsibility for that. but the information is out there.
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you can't say the same thing about donald trump. >> howie? >> you know, this carries uncomfortable echos of the e-mail scandal. and when a politician is cornered, they try to deflect. rather than talk about her health problems and the fact that the campaign was not straight on the day it happened, she goes to donald trump's tax records. he should release her tax records. that's a separate issue. >> as we saw on the axelrod tweet. also breaking tonight, a late-day hearing on clinton e-mails explodes into angry exchanges. >> what information do you believe that congress does not have the right to see? >> the judge and larry sab on the no are next on a clinton campaign taking fire from all sides. and what would happen if she had
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to drop out of this race over health. plus governor chris christie joins us next to answer questions that millions of trump supporters are nothing more than a bunch of racist sexist home phones. and. and then nearly 20 years after the murder of jon benet ramsey, her brother, who was nine at the time, is now speaking out for the first time ever with an interview with dr. phil. dr. phil is here to shoe us what he learned. busy night. we're right back. in the 20 years that have gone by, you're the one that has never spoken. you've never talked about this publicly. and you decided to do so now. my question for you is why now and why here? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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why not just say on friday, as you said to apparently senator schumer on sunday, i have pneumonia folks, i'm going to power through it. why keep it a secret in. >> well i didn't think it was going to be that wig of a deal. i know chuck said today he didn't tell anybody. if it happens to you and you're a busy active person, you keep moving forward. >> breaking tonight, that was more from the phone interview mrs. clinton did last hour over on cnn as she recovers from a
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health scare this weekend. what if this is worse than they're letting on and she has to drop out. judge anna napolitano and larry sabato joining. this was reported today, that members of the democratic party it has them nervously whispering about her stepping aside and finding another candidate. if they needed to do that, who would decide who is going to be at the top of the democratic ticket? >> the democratic national committee has all of the power of the democratic national convention when the convention is not in session. so the 104 members of the dnc, the committee, by a simple majority vote could remove her and replace her. >> with anybody? >> with anybody who is a natural
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born american and 35 years old. >> the point is, according to this reporting that corky roberts offered on npr, saying that is being rumored. larry, question for you. a lot of people when they saw that yesterday said she's done. now she's come out, i'm fine, i'm on the campaign trail in a couple of days. what say you as to the long term effect of all of this in. >> probably nil. first of all she's very likely to recover from everything i've seen unless they're hiding something. second of all, having worked as hard as she's worked to get the nomination, i don't think you eeng going to see any clinton, particularly this clinton sfep aside. and the third thing, this is very important, people in this election have overwhelmingly made their decisions. the percentage is very very high. these two candidates have strong profiles, people feel very
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strongly, whichever one they've chosen, they are very unlikely to switch. >> what about the independents, you know, the group of independents in the middle. are they not up for grabs? >> they're a very small number of independents that actually aren't leaning one way or the other. a lot of people claim to be independents but they're hidden partisans. and when you push them a little bit in polling, they quickly identify with one candidate or the other. >> they just want attention. they just want people to keep coveting them and running after them to get their vote. all right. so your prediction is this doesn't change the polls and does it change your electoral map at all? >> it doesn't change anything as far as i can see. doesn't change the map. if there's any reaction in the polls, i think it's going to disappear within a week or two. again, assuming she fully recovers and that's what the people close to her are saying. >> okay. now i want to shift geers and go to the judge because something big happened on capitol hill
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this evening at a hearing of the house oversight. they were cross-examining the fbi about -- you tell us. >> this is the house governmental oversight committee chaired by congressman jason chaffetz is furious that the fbi released selected portions of its file about mrs. clinton. at the same time the fbi was being interrogated by congressman chaffetz, his opposite member in the senate was making a speech about the same thing. >> quickly go ahead. how did the fbi decide what to keep secret and what to release and how can they do that to the congress. >> our representatives feel that the fbi held back too much, that our representatives get to hear more. watch what happened when the fbi testified today. >> will the fbi provide to congress the full file with no redactions of personal identifiable information? >> i cannot make that commit sitting here today. >> then i'm going to issue a
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subpoena and i'm going to do it right now. i've signed this subpoena. we want all of the 302s and we would like the full file. you can accept service on behalf of the fbi? >> certainly. >> you are here by served. >> this is dramatic and legally effective. the fbi, which rarely receives subpoenas, received one on national television. they will have to go to a federal judge now to argue why they shouldn't have to comply with the subpoena. >> they're going to have to give up a lot of information about who they talked to in the hillary investigation that they did not want to give us. >> exactly. >> great to see you. thank you for being here. new fallout after a number of nfl players decide to protest the national anthem on 9/11. plus, hillary clinton refers to millions of trump supporters as racists, section cysts and homophobics.
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governor chris christie is here. before outspoken "the new york times" columnist makes her first kelly file appearance with some wild stories showing why this election is unlike any other. don't go away. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. every day starts better with a healthy smile.
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speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton calls tens of millions of measures deplorable. >> you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable. racists, sexists, homophobic, islamophobic, you know it. >> people like you, you and you. >> that was part of a new ad just released today by the trump campaign on what has become a hot issue. hillary clinton made remarks at a fundraiser this weekend that painted many trump supporters as hateful. >> to be grossly general lis tick, you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? they're racists, sexists, homophobic, zen phobics, islamophobic, you name it.
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and unfortunately there are people like that. and he has lifted them up. >> we have a powerful lineup for you on the fallout from both campaigns including governor chris christie with the word from donald trump's inner circle. and best selling author of "the new york times" columnist maureen dowd. first we go to karl cameron who was at the site in asheville, north carolina with how this played out on the trail today. karl? >> reporter: very aggressively obviously. from the moment hillary clinton uttered her basket of deplorables line, the trump campaign was getting ready to run ads. and now that ad list will go in the four most key states for trump, florida, ohio, pennsylvania and north carolina. it will be a multimillion dollar buy. trump is making the argument that hillary clinton is debasing the american public, american voters. and to illustrate his disagreement with that, he brought a handful of folks up on
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stage today to explain why they, black, white, hispanic, were not xenophobic, homophobic or islamophobic ore any of the others and trashed hillary clinton saying that this statement makes her now officially unelectable. watch. >> hillary clinton has been running a hate-filled and negative campaign with no policy, no solutions and no new ideas. hillary clinton can never be president of this country. what she just said shows what a low opinion she has of the american people we just can't let that happen, folks. >> it's provided an incredible opportunity for donald trump, a man whose campaign started out with him talking about a ban of
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muslim immigrants coming to this country, who referred to unlomted mexican aliens as rapists and criminals and now he's got the hurp hand upper hag her to be a hater. he'll be in philadelphia tomorrow, to talk about issues for minors and those who noouz need more economic opportunity. and again contrast what was thought to be his disadvantage as an advantage over hillary clinton or her basket of deplorables line. >> thank you. joining me now, new jersey governor chris christie. governor, great to see you. do you fine it ironic that she sat there and said that in front of a sign that read stronger together? the unifier? >> her whole campaign has become very ironic. this is a person who is supposed to be the single most qualified person ever to run for president of the united states. i'm sure that thomas jefferson
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and george washington are spinning in their grave. >> trump says he's the most qualified. >> she has no plan, no substantive things she's put forward. now she's going to bring the country together but she says that donald trump supporters are deplorable. you heard it. this is a campaign that is trying to run out the clock. she's devoid of any ideas. the worst part about it is he's an elitist. 25 years in washington, d.c. she's a washington, d.c. elitist who believes anybody else is beneath her. >> her people say she's not the elitist. she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. they're trying to say he's the elitists, she pulled herself up from nothing. >> she and her husband set up a foundation that made them
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wealthy after he left office. >> she spent her entire life in government service. >> but megyn if you listen to her swb she was flat broke when she left the white house. all of the pulling up by the boots -- before then i'm not demeaning how hard she may have worked. but she said she was flat broke when u they left the white house. now they're multimillionaires from foreign countries, big corporations. >> that paid bill clinton for speeches. >> yeah. and suicide secretary of state you wrote a check for the foundation. you got to go into the secretary of state's office and have a meeting. if you call that pulling yourself up by the boot straps. i call it ripping off the america people. >> i'm talking about how they were raised. she's talking about -- he's talking about her running a hate-filled negative campaign. that was trump saying she's running a hate-filled campaign. that's been her allegation
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against him all along. this is a huge political blunder by her. do you think she has any sort of a point in raising that with him. he's made points that have been controversial like the mexican judge can't decide my case because she's quote mexican. but he's in indiana. >> there was a meaningful moment in his campaign that he said if he said things that have hurt people, he has real regret for that. >> he didn't take responsibility for a particular remark. >> sure. >> which one? >> hi said if he hurts people, he regrets it. megyn, seriously -- >> what kind of responsibility is that. if somebody on your staff came to you and said i'm sure i've done some bad things and i take responsibility. that's meaningless. >> here's the thing. hold the two to have them to the same standard. hillary clinton does not express regret over the things she's done and said about donald trump. and what -- >> she regrets his commethis co
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>> it's now been stuck in her ear on national television by paid media and free media. >> she said it repeatedly. nobody called it to her attention the first time. that's a stupid and offensive thing to say. >> you know why? two reasons. she doesn't have people speaking the truth to her. and secondly, the other problem is she believes it. that's what she believes. you know some people say things over and over again that are wrong where we sit back and say how could they say that. here's how. they believe it. >> i haven't seen you since you became a trump sewer gait and you took a lot of heat from people for that. i went back and look a columnist wrote you've been ruined by it, gone from someone admired to an errand boy. ouch. >> i don't care what jennifer
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ruben said. i'm trying to make sure that the nominee for the president of the united states, of my party is the best possible nominee he can be and to make sure has hillary clinton doesn't get into the white house. i think i'm doing the right thing. >> governor, great to see you. >> thank you. >> joining us now with more, "the new york times" columnist maureen dowd. a new book out tomorrow entitled "the year of voting dangerously. the derangement of american politics." great to have you here. this is an award winning pulitzer prize winning journalists. you have talked tough on both sides. i can't tell who you're going to vote for. i'm not going to ask you that. but you have been just as tough on her as you have been on him. basket of deplorables what did you think? >> the first thing i thought of that's my family. >> trump supporters. >> my brother and sister who were both explaining why they're
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going to vote for trump. and it gave me an interesting insight into what paul ryan and mitch mcconnell must be thinking but can't say. you know, how your kind of average country club guy like my brother is twisting and turning a little bit about voting for trump because he really wants hillary to be defeated. but on the other hand after the khan family mez he called me and said, can i kill the essay. i said no. it's gone to print. you know how it is with trump, every day and every hour they change their mind about whether they can support him. and my sister got off the band wagon of trump retweeted the unattractive picture of heidi cruz and i told that to trump. i said you lost my sister's vote. this is in the book. and he paused and he said, are you serious? and i said yes.
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well he wasn't that unattack tif of a picture. and i said yes it was, why don't you just apologize for it. and he apologized for it. >> to you. >> that was an amazing accomplishment. >> and i remember that column because you mention me in there and my dustup with him suggesting this is not helping you. >> i think he came around and realized that was true of you. because the first time i interviewed him in this cycle he asked me about the question you had asked himmant the debate. and i said it is absolutely legitimate. you are going to have to explain all of those misogynist comments about women. and you know, you should have just answered her. and then when it continued, i said, there's no way your numbers are dropping with women. there's in way you can take on this respected news woman and expect to have women come around to you. and i think he thought about that too. >> thank you for that. i was glad to put that mess behind us. but let's talk about her some
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more because something happened in the past couple of days. you've been studying the clintons for a long time. >> right. >> this business with her health. they want us to give them the benefit of the doubt, this it is pneumonia, they've known it since friday, half of the team has pneumonia. have they earned the benefit of the doubt, the clintons? >> i agree with david axelrod, it isn't about the health, it's about the stealth. the health issue is a perfect microcosm of why she has problems. i started covering her in '92 when she first came on the scene. and that's why i thought, you know, i could give some context to this. and this is the exact same pattern she followed every time where trump has his wall and she has her wall up defensiveness and secretiveness and just pushing back the press can't know anything, and each time it
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gets worse because that spirals into a snowball. and the press and her foes get into a frenzy and the whole thing is so much worse when it starts out relatively mundane. >> some people have criticized maureen dowd for being focused on the person and not the policy in her columns. that's what i love. we can get the policy anywhere. i like the introspection you can offer on any given person. you force us to get into their psyche. here's one line, an exert from the book talking about this is the most epic battle of the sexes. the former first lady and first woman ever to run for president as the noom knee of a major problem is going up a rat pack reality tv star who still calls women sweet heart. that's just in the introduction. this is my kind of book. it's kaubld "the year of voting dangerously."
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it's story to help you get to know the candidates that's not going to bore you to death. good luck. it's not introspection when you're offering it about someone else. you get what i mean. i get nervous when i'm talking to a pulitzer prize winning author. what some nfl players decided to protest the national anthem on 9/11, a couple of other players in new york went another way. and next, for if first time in 20 years, since the murder of jon benet ramsey, her brother has now granted a major media interview, sitting down with dr. phil mcgraw and she joins us next on what he thinks of burke and why this interview could change everything.
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before, and i asked personal questions just kind of at some point you have to move on and i'm not saying who doesn't? it might have been kind of the other end but you've got to stop crying at some point, i guess. >> joining me now, dr. phil and co-creator of the brand new cbs show, "bull". this is big. he hasn't spoken in 20 years and this is his one, and only interview. >> we refer to this as a cold case, but it never got cold. this case is at the 20-year anniversary. during the 20 years, the internet has been abuzz about this. people have continued to focus on this and there are major factions that adhere one theory or another. and the missing link in that 20
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years has been burke ramsey. he was the one person known to be in that house that has never speaken publicly. >> she was six, this young girl was sexual assaulted, she was strangled with a cord, with a slip not. a d.a. and judge said it was not burke ramsey. it wasn't anybody in that house. yet, his demeanor was so bizarre with you. it has people wondering what is going on there. >> this young man had a very unusual upbringing. because at the very beginning someone said to the ramseys, the boulder police department are targeting you. they lawyered up early on. normally, you'd think parents would be saying look. exclude me. do anything you need to. dna, polygraphs, interviews, whatever, to exclude me so you can go after the real killers
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but instead, they lawyered up and started taking a defensive posture because the boulder police were looking at them. and burke was held back from the media and police. so for nine years until reaching age of majority, they held him back. then, at that point, he decided to go off the grid. and he is socially uncomfortable. he works as a computer analyst now. he doesn't go in. he works remotely. he still is very isolated guy. >> do you ask whether he committed this murder? >> well. >> what do you think? >> i asked him straight up did you murder your sister, jonbenet ramsey? do you believe your mother murdered your sister, jonbenet ramsey. what did you see? what did you hear? there is a foot print of a boot
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he supposedly had that brand and size next to the body. i asked him about that. he makes a shocking disclosure about that. >> this is an ongoing series now. you've got several sit downs but this is not enough to have the number one show and an exclusive like this. he had to launch another show. and the new show is going to be based on fascinating career you used to have called "bull". it involves a jury consultant which is how you met oprah during her mad cow beef, back in the day. >> what they click on, then, we run mock trials. dr. bull knows how they'll vote before they do. >> was that true for you?
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know how the jury will vote before they do? >> ht of. went into it. what we're doing is showing people what goes on in big time litigation that they don't know about. we're pulling back the curtain. everybody thinks that when the lawyer stands up and these got his three by five card, and it's got names, age, occupation. that is what they know about that juror. not even almost. >> they know your divorce proceeding looked like? >> never. never. >> we have pictures of your house, what bumper stickers are on your car. we know everything you done for the last 20 years before you sat down. >> okay. settle for more is the name of my book, coming out november 15th, based on my own life philosophy, based on dr. phil's life philosophy. the i heard this and a light
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bulb went off. i can settle for more, and i did. now, i'm going to come on your show to promote the book. is it going to -- are you going to try to make me cry? >> of course. what i am going to ask you important questions about the book. you have had an amazing ride. >> it's been a crazy year. >> you took chances that would make grown men throw up when you walked away from what you walked away from to do what you're now doing. after everything to walk away from that to do this, that took guts. >> thanks dr. phil. >> you did it. >> it was a situation which i think a lot of people can relate to. i was desperately unhappy and didn't realize it, one night, sitting there, watching the oprah show. this guy. and i was ready to hear it. thank you for that. >> you're kind to say that. if you ever wake up and doing what you're doing today because
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it's what you were doing yesterday, instead of what you want to be doing, man, you have to look at the whole card. >> great note to leave it on. >> good to see you. >> see you in you in november. >> all right. good to see you. >> pearls of wisdom every time. i love it. up next, some nfl players protest on one of the most tragic days in american history, but fellow athletes respond in powerful displays of their own. stay tuned. do you want to answer that? nah, i'd never with a kid in the car. it's ok. i'm not here. [phone vibrating multiple times] i'm there.
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yesterday marked the 15th year mark since the september 11th attack. on the same day mmms of americans gathered to remember that tragic day there was more drama in the nfl as some players took the field in protest while others had a very different response. trace gallagher has the story in our west coast news room. trace. >> reporter: megyn, some of the players are out to support colin capper neck, others are trying to continue the conversation he started. kansas city chiefs corner back marcus peters had a double moment. he linked arm with his teammates during the anthem to show unity but raised his fist in a movement reminiscent of black athletes in mexico city. he said his gesture was meant only as support, not disrespect. the initial plan for the seattle
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sea hawks was the entire team was to kneel during the national anthem, but players close to the military vetoed the idea and the team decided to link arms instead, saying the move was meant to honor those who have fought for freedom. nfl commissioner roger godel says he supports the players' rights to demonstrate but says the nfl believes in pay treatism. avery williamson of the tennessee tie tons, victor cruz showed cleats with messages of respect to those who died on 9/11. all three expect to be fined about $6,000 for the gesture. new york and new jersey police associations will play williamson' fine and we believe beckham and cruise could see theirs covered as well. >> a special anniversary. 50 years. can you tell me what it is? we'll be right back.
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since the premiere of the show "the monkeys." yes! used to love those reruns. don't forget to tune in tomorrow night as ivanka trump joins me here on the kelly tliels for the first time. looking forward to that. yay! see you tomorrow. tonight, new questions surface about hillary clinton's health after she collapses yesterday. former speaker of the house newt gingrich is here with reaction. >> i think as she was getting to the vehicle, she got a bit dizzy. >> then clinton's campaign reveals details about her medical incident. how concerned should you, the voters, be? our medical a team will weigh in. >> and hillary clinton trashes donald trump supporters. >> i was deeply shocked and alarmed this friday to hear my opponent attack, slander, smear, demean these wonderful,
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