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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 15, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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"killing the rising sun." bill o'reilly, thank you so much. >> always a pleasure to be here. sandra: we are back on tv tomorrow at noon eastern. we're going toes it over to "happening now." it starts right now. a new poll shows donald trump increasing his lead over hillary clinton in iowa. >> the republican nominee build ping momentum in that state. polling at 45 percent to clinton's 37 percent. we are covering all of the news "happening now". thank you. >> donald trump picking up in the polls. we'll look at the path to the electoral college victory in november. >> and major flooding making streets rivers. >> and couldn't get. it we made it. and how much safer are airline
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passengers after the miracle landing on the hudson. if the government follows through on safety recommendations. it is all "happening now". >> but we begin with donald trump building momentum in the battleground state of iowa he leading hillary clinton up by eight points. that is way up. welcome to the second hour of "happening now". i am jon scott. >> i am jenna lee. 45 percent of the voters support trump and 37 percent back clinton. it is a state that trump lost to ted cruz in the caucus. >> and they are unveiling new details for an economic vision of america. he had a speech here in new york. peter?
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>> reporter: jenna, mr. trump said he's not running to be president of the world, he's running to be president united states. and suggested that hillary clinton may have things the other way around. >> in hillary clinton's america we surrendered our status as the worldy greatest economy and surrendered our middle-classes to the whims of foreign countries. we take care of them better than we take care of ourselves. >> reporter: just before trump's remarks in the waldorf, he released a letter from his daughter and showed all vitals are normal and takes statins which are normal for somebody his age. he told dr. oz, that he feels good as he did when he was 30. and he's skeptical of hillary clinton's ability to
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comcampaign. >> what is your sense of going up to election day. >> i don't know. for this you need tremendous stamina. >> reporter: trump is sharing his feelings about colin powell who doesn't think much about donald trump or hillary clinton. powell called trump a national disgrace. and his respois sponse. >> i was never a fan of colin powell after the weak understanding of weaponses of mass destruction in iraq. we can comuch better. >> and trump will go to the tonight show at 8:00 a.m. excited trump fans there. and off to another swing state, new hampshire for a rally. jenna. >> we'll be watching, peter, thank you. there is new fallout from colin powell's leaked e-mails.
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he revealed his feelings about both presidential candidates. he calls trump a national disgrace and slams clinton for trying to drag him in to her e-mail scandal. some seem to be unseemly. danna perinno. >> it is like party lines. you remember them? >> in wyoming there was a party line phone and my grandmother, the phone would ring once for her and two times for aunt and it was different ring and you pecked up and listen, that was the worst thing to do and not allowed and you still wanted to do it. and that's how i feel like. it you don't pick up the party line phone. >> what is the the net affect of all of this.
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we have ned here from the wall street journal. and colin powell is an equal opportunity critic. he's not endorsed either one of these people and slammed them hard in the e-mails that he never intended to be public. but is the affect on one of them worse than the other? >> what he said about donald trump was conventional and a lot of people. >> a national disgrace. >> well, unaccept isable and beyond the pale. we heard that before. what we have not heard is someone of the stature saying that hillary clinton with whom he worked was full of blind ambition and greed and overtaken with hubros. that comcan ports with what people think about her cappedidacy. there is a reason why they are are tightening up the way they
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are. and donald trump extending a lead in iowa waand -- iowa and ohio. it is reflected in her behavior. the speech about the deplorables and her server and it is colin powell the way that does something. >> it is rare that you see secretary of state's criticizing one another in this way. >> i think it hurt him a lot when the leaked e-mails, previous e-mails saying he would give her advice about that e-mail server and her campaign suggesting that what she did was no different than what colin powell had done. it was significantly different. and i think powell was very upset that he was used in a public way by the clinton
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campaign. >> that came out obviously in the e-mails that he didn't want to be dragged into it. and he protested to that affect. what about the hacking itself? we have russia hacking into the private e-mails of a former secretary of state. what does that say? >> it is appalling and we have to ask what the u.s. government is going to do about the extent of russian and chinese hacking. the colin powell hack and dnc pack. and the chinese hacking in the personal management records and 21.p 5 million former government workers, many of them with highest classification records and every time this happens. they shrug and go gee this is awful. when is the united states government defend united states against the chinese and russian
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and north koreans by doing public hacking of our own? >> and raises questions about the fbi director said there is no evidence that hillary clinton's private server was hacked when she was secretary of state. but if the russian and chinese are going after information, it leaves you to wonder? >> it is incredible. her e-mail server had less security than gmail p. gmail is more effected their her server was. you have to assume the russian and chinese pulled down most of the material. the intelligence service said they could not engage to that sort of thing because that would reveal our method and we are tapped in to a lot of what they are doing. how much of our sensitive federal was powells and pentagon being hacked and defense contractors are are hacked and
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how much will they allow before we go on a counter offensive against the russian and chinese hackers. >> a little more computer security. >> a fox news alert. the fbi is aware of several election- related hacks on gop official and surrogates. and we haven't heard are about that until now. and sparking new concerns about p the possibility of russia meddling with the presidential election and come can -- comes less than two months. we don't know it is happening but that is the word of on the street. catherine? >> reporter: the cordinator for cyber security telling a conference here in washington d.c., that the cyber threat issoused to achieve political
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objectives. >> they can effectively and cheap rate try to achieve their goals through cyberspace. we expect the rate of intrusions and probes and attacks to increase. >> reporter: the successful hack of the dnc and the leaks about the clinton campaign, one republican said there's evidence that the hackers are after the republican targets. >> the fbi is doing the investigation into this. they have come to certain conclusions thus far that i can't talk about. but i would hope they in the near future come out strongly p what russia has done and what the response is going to be. >> reporter: the u.s. hasn't
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called out putin, others briefed on the evidence expect the cyber investigation to continue. and one reason the white house would be reluctant to assign, it requires a punishment. you saw that with the sony case. >> we are looking for the fact and a lot of whispering but we don't know for sure. some law makers are talking about our voting process and what we are doing to modernize the voting process. tell us where that is going? >> reporter: it is an interesting twist. congresswoman miller in michigan said this push to modernize the voting process after 2000 created some vulnerability. >> i think the paper ballots are are the way to g. they are
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recountable and a paper trail and not going to be an issue be with people hacking into that. and get the election results just as fast. >> i don't think anyone would think we are talking about paper ballots. this is the issue with the cyber and nonpaper systems and the real focus bite russia backed militias on the voter registration in two states. >> comes full circle. paper, you will see. as we are right now on the air sometimes. >> reporter: can't get the paper. >> makes you long for the days of the hanging chad. donald trump slamming ford company over the decision to take production of the small cars to mexico. and the car maker is pushing
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back. russia accuses the u.s. of not holding up its end in the ceasefire. are you satisfied with the answers from the candidates regarding their health. go to to join the conversation. >> hillary clinton on the campaign trial. she's making comments.
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let's listen in. >> i will talk about that. >> is it true. >> and [inaudible] i really am. madam secretary. so that is something to look forward to. >> no, i have gotten a big kick out of. it >> i watched it with a little bit of skeptism at first. it was a good story line. it is realistic. [inaudible] i have it figured out. >> and one of the key advisors for hillary clinton. that was live. hillary clinton getting on the plane where she is heading to north carolina and donald trump
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talked about the economy in new york state. but hillary clinton back on the campaign trail after a few days off after the pneumonia diagnosis. and that was the first comments to the press after being at home resting. she's happy to be back on the campaign trial. and will we see a shift bite clinton camp because of the new polling and what is her strategy and what is she focusing on today, jon? >> >> the ford motor company clarifying that it will move small krar production outside of the united states and ford insists it will not impact u.s. jobs because full size cars and trucks and suv and vans in the usz. they createded 28000 jobs in the last five years and 85000 employees in this country and
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only 8800 in mexico. it is a hot topic on the campaign trial. >> you build that new fact row and make car and sell them tax- free and right through our border like we are stupid people, we are going to charge you a 35 percent tax on every car. >> trump emphasizing that ford's move will hurt jobs as well as trade. a dire situation in syria. the crews have not been able to deliver life saving supplies toinose this need despite the cease four. john, we are seeing comments from the the state department crossing right now. the u.s. state department saying
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that the ceasefire is holding by and large but it is not perfect. that is interesting, the u.n. tells us it is not going well. what is happening inside of syria? >> reporter: we will start with the aid crews notably to get in syria. 40 humanitarian, u.n. humanitarian aid trucks that are stuck on the turkish side of the syrian border and supposed to get to war- ravagedy city of a leppo. and they are held up because of paper work. can you you believe that. and syria's government hasn't signed off on the facilitation letters to allow the trucks to roll in syria. they are carrying food and water and medicine and critical supplies to it aleppo they are
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losing time because of the hold up. and there are reports of fighting in person and northwestern syria and in fact, this is the back and forth, russia said u.s. backed rebel forces violated the cise fire. earlier the u.s. state department said there arevilleses by both sides. and over all the ceasefire is holding up. and it leads to a question of whether the sassation of hostilities will hold. it calls for syria regime and rebel forces to hold their fire and if that lasts seven days, the u.s. and russia will fight isis and al-qaeda affiliate in syria. and will this indeed?
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>> thank you. hillary clinton's health has been an issue since she stumbled in leaving the 9/11 ceremony. >> she hiked up the steps to the plane. this preceded the live video feed we just carried for you. there you can see the candidate climbing the stairs to her new 73715 minutes away from her home in chappaqua. that may answer some people's questions about her fitness. it is an issue that know continues to dog both candidates, their physical health and we'll keep an eye on them both in that regard on fox news. back in a moment f with more
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>> a fox news alert. hillary clinton's isolation is over and back out on the campaign trail returning to the trail after recuperating from pneumonia. jennifer is on the plane and joins us by phone. >> reporter: we heard from hillary clinton and saw her. she looks better than she did on sunday. much more are rested and came back and she said welcome back to stronger together. she did not take serious questions and she will have a pressability on the flight from north carolina back to washington d.c. there was a little bit of banter
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and joking about how she likes the show the good wife. she didn't say if she watched net flix while recuperating. there was a lighter moment as she came back again. she said she would talk to the press after she gives the speech. i will leave it at that. and the video of her speaking to the press and what they were playing. it was more of a greeting. >> sit back and relax and enjoy the flight. and we'll hear from you later. >> jennifer griffin. >> and joining us now david duvela, and julian epistien and ceo of ing. the good wife aside and talking
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about favorite television show and i want to start with this. hillary clinton back on the campaign trial and new poll number. is it a reset for her campaign and what does she need to focus on the campaign trial. >> the numbers are fluid with the independents. we have seen the tightening of the polls. but most of the election experts and prognosticator whether the upshot puts her in 80 percent or 65 percent chance of winning. most of the polls seem to show she is a strong favorite, not just, and that doesn't mean it can't change and donald trump can't win. it is difficult for difficult. she has 228 and he's at 164. and he will have to run the tables in ohio, pennsylvania,
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florida, and she continues to have a lead in all of those places according to the average. she will focus on the message stronger together message. donald trump had a divisive message. and it is working. >> julian said the numbers are fluid. and uses it to support hillary clinton a win. that is very well. >> all things can be accurate. >> and it was impressive julian. david, do you think that hillary clinton needs to stay the course because of the numbers? >> the polls are closing, jenna because it doesn't take an advanced medical degree to know that hillary clinton has a severe case of pathological lying and donald trump is staying on message and talking about issues that americans care about.
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and you will see the polls, actually seeing him up. >> and so the question is, julian, as both candidates go forward. there will be focus of her walking up to the plane. is she okay and what does she look like and sound. if you are the cam can pain, how dew get it off that and back to the winning issues that work for her. >> a week from now, we will not talk about her health and she is out there and doing campaign event and vigorous. it will focus on her electoral college where she starts off and her base. she's gone issue by issue. and national security and plan for the economy and controversial issues like immigration, she had a substantive plan and when you
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get in the debates. they will down play the expectations. she is a first-class debater. and there is a vice-presidential debate and most experts think she will be more substantive. the polling shows that people believe she is more prepared to be commander in chief. >> but a piece in the new york magga zone that trump is opening up multiple paths to victory. recent poling in new hampshire and colorado, it is showing a decided tightening tightening of the race. how does donald trump take what some call momentum and be be competitive? >> he needs the momentum in the polls to continue, gen a. as
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early voting starts, voters are cast and there is a wealthy research that shows late deciders want to do so because they want to be with the winner and the key to trump is close or win nothing state and his core supporter and undecided will cast the vote for him. polling and debate and paid advertising that are the three biggest impacts that we have left in the campaign about who ultimately will be the next the president of the united states. he needs to stay on message. >> and unexpected happenings, we saw that with hillary clinton and the issue of turn out. and we'll see about that as well. >> thanks for having us. and growing show down over the proposed pipeline. how the white house is looking
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s >> the white house holding ground the stopping the construction on the pipeline. this plan sparked protest in the dakota and the ripple affect is felt in our nation's capitol.
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>> officials in the oil industry is the latest example of overreach by the federal government. a federal judge rejected the lawsuit from the tribe to stop the pipeline being from constructeded and then days later, three federal departments overruled that judge and halting the project until additional reviews could be done. even now, pipeline officials will complete the project that is 60 percent complete. and so the protest continuing including here in washington where sanders led a protest, calling for the administration to do more to stop the pipeline from being built. josh earnest defended the federal government stepping in to halt the project and the interactions so far.
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>> there is a rather sad chapter in our history. with regard to the federal government not effectively looking out for the concerns, of native manageses in this country. and you know, that's left a legacy. and one that the administration is determine the to address. >> the north carolina acesz pop line will transport half miion barrels from now. >> thank you. >> president obama could be facing the first veto override of his presidency over a bill to allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of saudi arabia. the administration argued that the legislation would threaten
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the concept of international sovereignty. supporters say families who lost loved ones in the worst terror attack on u.s. soil deserve justice. and the bill earning unanimous support. law makers appear to be in a position to override the president's expected veto. and we'll have the head county prosecutor and trial attorney. bob, let's start with you. a former prosecutor and the president doesn't think it will be good to let 9/11 families sue the government of saudi arabia. >> we are sympathetic to the individuals and families. and we have to look at the consequences of such a decision.
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as a prosecutor, i don't want to be dragged in a foreign court and foreign law and having the depositions and abusing their not so good legal system to get intelligence. what will be happening, the saudi arabia government is involved, they should deputy after the executive branch of government. you don't want it in where they could hurt our national security interest. advocates saw it is nothing to do with other people sue. p it is only in evidence that the saudis engaged in terrorism in. and only allows the americans toutes because of that?
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>> this is an irresponsible law. it is it a feel-- good law that needs dentures. it has no teeth. here's why. first of all, it vihates the international treat for sovereignty immunity. you can't typically sue other country s. >> they are accused in the 9/11 terror attacks. >> and human being you have to serve every government official with the lawsuit. and good huck trying to go the systems with the lawsuit. and luck to subpeona witnesses
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can p.m. weapon to come to the united states. and good luck in showing the finl trialment and look legal. you have to prove that the saudi officials were directly liable for the horrible tragedy. only way you can prove that is a conspiracy and they were funding it. how can you do that absent e-mails or financial documents? it's going to give the families false hope. i feel bad for them. >> i agree with that. it is giving the families false hope. i wonder if congress thought it through. do they want to be subpeonas and go to places, and policys that we and executed in foreign
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leads, it is a major national problem here. they are duped in believing that will happen for all of the reasons that brian stated. this is upending something that is in the best interest of the united states. more than any p country and it should be shot down and it is a shame. they publicized the issue and put it on the shoulders of president obama to make the tough call. we have to get past the political divisions and do sometimes what is right to the country as to what is politically expedients. >> it is still to be decided. the president has not vetoeded it but threatens to do so.
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and bringing we'll see what happens. >> thank you. >> a powerful it left -- typhoon and the massive destruction. >> and the plane of captain sully landing on the hudson river. we have an interesting p look at the lesson's learned, next.
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>> a powerful typhoon slams in taiwan and china. high winds shattering windows on tall building and knocking down tree and causing a massive blackout. the ti fon strongest of its kind to hit taiwan in 25 years.
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debris flew in taiwan. he leaves his bike behind and hope he got inside. and this is something that all of us will remember for a long time. nmiracle on the hudson. it is a film called sully. it show cases the hero's steady hand as he made the decision to land the plane in the hudson river. >> it is 5339. and i going by laguardia. >> 1529. can't get it for you. seven years after that flight. most recommendations for water landings are not put in place.
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here is why we talk about it today. the associated press looked at the 35 recommendations. and ap, found six of them were applied in some way by the faa and others. and so before we get into those that were not applied. after a crash happens like this, what normally happens is it normal they are are made and not followed? >> normally the ntsb recommendations are followed. >> they look at the ntsb as a public organization. and maybe we missed this. and again, that is only when the decisions to be made in the agency. and what you will see on the recommendations, is that these would have evolved into p
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decisions outside of the faa. >> that good to your point. and this plane flying from new york didn't have floatations. it was not required to have raft but it just happened that the air bus did. and one of the recommendations. we should put it on all planes regardless of whether or not they are going over the water. the faa doesn't want to be be involveded in telling the airlines that they need. but it is si. and carry that is part of the miracle on the hudson is the
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luck they had that particular airplane. >> it was freezing cold. and they didn't have that. hypothermia would have been a issue. everybody survived. i understand your point about the faa not wanting to get involved with the airlines. does it make sense the airplanes have a floatation device. ? most of the time they are not over water in an altitude of where 1549 was. so it is a very, very rare possibility they can be used. the airlines are saying come on give me a break. >> right now. pilots have a check list if there is engine failure and the pilots couldn't see the check
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list. they were in the water. they had engine failure at 2000 instead of 20000. there should be a place for are pilots have to have a check list at lower altitude. and the faa would not require that. why is that? >> i have to admit i wondered about that one myself. the practicals it is they didn't have enough speed to air through the motors. is there another check list to use in the altitude. they would have to pen it on the boeings and the air bus probably doesn't want to take that stance. >> what is the dfshs.
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and the most important sessionod good people out there that can make a decision when they're forced to do it. >> rob, great to have you on the program once again, thank you. three police officers in arizona lucky to be alive after a driver runs right over there. we'll have a update on their conditions coming up. ♪ (whispers rocket)
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hello, everyone. she's back, hillary clinton is on her campaign plain and on route to north carolina as we see her for the first time since
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her sunday stumble. and dr. oz is airing right now to talk about donald trump. and parents of a nascar driver found dead in their homes. who and what we know on this breaking news story on "america's election headquarters" just moments from now. >> the suspect that ran down and ininjured three police officers held on bond. officers say it was inattentional. jonathan hunt, has a update. >> that suspect was, according to the phoenix police chief, impaired when he samed his nissan altima directly at the
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three officers. he certainly appeared impaired. he was barely able to stand at times and barely able to speak. as he was asked to identify himself. >> i need for you to please stand up straight and give me your name and date of birth. >> mr. payne, what is your middle name, please. lequan. >> he is facing three charges of attempted murder. he is being held without bonld and will be back in court on tuesday. amazingly all three officers involved in this are doing okay. the most seriously hurt was the officer you see flying through the air as the car hit. he is a 33-year-old rookie on his first day on the job. he suffered a pretty bad
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concussion. the officer at the back of the vehicle had a brokenleg, and the third officer that managed to get out of the way was then injured as he fought with mark payne having pulled him from the car. payne had to be tased several times before he was sub cued. it was not his first run in with the cops. he got probation after a 1997 incident when he was pulled over for a traffic stop and attacked the officers involved. >> it goes to show even an ordinary day can go very badly for the men and women that serve out there, thanks. >> baseball fans treated to some very different hotdogs. why they were at the white sox stadium.
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time for the final 30. >> more than is,01,000 dogs attending a white sox game to set the world record. >> america's election headquarters starts now. >>. >> okay, this is a fox news alert, brand new battleground state polling. hillary clinton is polling at well. just out in the state of ohio, trump shows a slight lead above hillary clinton. take a look at how things have changed in the buckeye state. the


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