tv Outnumbered FOX News September 19, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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lived and this morning seen sleeping after what most likely was a difficult night and took him to the hospital and at least this part of our story is over. but the questions in investigation are just beginning . it's noon on the east coast. 9:00 a.m. on the west coast and this is fox news channel continuing coverage of the capture of the suspect or at least the first and primary suspect in the new york city bombing in the neighborhood of chelsea and other bombing devices around and this is the man who has been put in custody and is now on his way to a hospital for treatment after being in what has been described to us as the shootout with police. his name ahmad ramani taken into custody after being wounded by gunfire according to multiple law enforcement officials as you heard. here he is on the street. a still pictures taken by photographer. that's the picture of the man on
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the ground as they awaited medical services. the episode was a rain-soaked street in new jersey. this is new york times after police issued a cell phone alert to millions of residents telling them to be on the lookout for this guy who was described as armed and daishes and sure enough a semiautomatic weapons registered. we have no idea, it's too early and we do know that he engaged in authorities. authorities see him and raises his head as had been describe today us and, again, these pictures exclusive to wabc, channel 7 eyewitness news in new york city, on scene, network affiliate got the pictures and shared them with us and always our friends we are grateful. photos from the scene that i showed you show this man lying on the sidewalk, handcuffs were already behind him, you saw his shirt pulled up there and exposing wound to what appears
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on his right shoulder. that blood could have come from some where else. this is from the reporting of "the new york times", you remember that the authorities raised his head and began firing at vehicles as police were there. so the timeline on that doesn't sound like it's perfect, but certainly these are eyewitnesses first accounts and we have to take them for what they say if they were there but during the investigation we will get the exact time frame. is it possible that he had been on some sort of substance. he is in custody. i must tell you, i'm not sure how this has been playing in local media, your town, it's always met with much more urgenty when it's happening around the corner from you which frankly this is ten blocks from where it, think of this, the un
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general assembly is in new york city for the week, begins today and begin flying yesterday. air space was largely curtailed yesterday and by way of example helicopters were not allowed to fly into the local heleports. the east side heleport of 34th street and near the fdr drive right near the east river, lower manhattan heleport, all of those shut down to regular traffic. people that might have been coming from nearby airports flying into manhattan, all of that shut down. authorities on extreme alert and staked out at common areas you might suspect the empire building, the new transit system in lower manhattan, down on wall street, certainly in our own city government areas and certainly around the united nations on manhattan's east
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side. enormous law enforcement presence as planned prior to this and on saturday night in the middle of the chelsea neighborhood on a typical september evening as everyone was going about their business, bars and restaurants were packed, beautiful weekend in new york city, humid, and a lot of people out and about and suddenly in a dumpster in the heart of chelsea a residential neighborhood in a particular spot that happens to be outside, as i mention the facility for the blind where a number of blind people are not only housed but also given the special services that blind people require often times when walking in the neighborhood. you hear the speak signs speak to go you, walk, don't walk, a lot of blind people live around here and the particular special services are here and available to them. it's something anybody who lives in the neighborhood has known about, probably not a bunch of blind people live there but known that the street signs talk to you there.
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that's common knowledge. 29 people hurt in the explosion. originally the conventional wisdom sort of was, well, if somebody handed me a hand grenade, where might i put it. i might put it in a dumpster. it didn't seem like if you wanted to cause mass destruction, mass casualties inside a major city on an extremely crowded right next to the train, port authority train which takes you to new jersey -- what's that? the mayor is speaking live again. now we want to listen in. mayor is going to join us. an extraordinary morning in the streets of your town. you must be elated. >> well, we are pretty shocked to be honest with you. we are happy that none of our police officers are seriously injured. we are happy that all of them
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are going to be okay and we are happy that the suspect has been apprehended. >> as we all are so thankful for that, here is the suspect they've taken down. mr. mayor you were speaking a short time ago and you were listening and thank you for that, about local resident or businessman who witnessed this man apparently sleeping in the door front, could you tell me a little more about that as far as you know it? >> well, apparently he was sleeping in a local establishment. >> is that a restaurant, bar or something? >> it was a bar, what occur was a call was made, one of our police officers went to investigate and our police officer noticed almost immediately that this was the suspect that was being wanted for the bombings, so what occurred at that point was he was immediately shot and officers returned fire and this
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individual proceeded to go west ward on -- >> so he got up after being shot? >> yes, he began firing at other vehicles and he did strike another police officer and that officer was injured from and -- >> know anything about what weapon he might have carried or demeanor as he went westbound as you mentioned? >> i can't say his demeanor, i wasn't there. he was shooting endiscrimnantly. i'm not sure what he was hope to go accomplish. >> trying to get away.
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>> there were several rounds fired and again we are just thankful that no one was seriously injured. none of our police officers or citizens here in town. >> mr. mayor, i don't know about you but as a long-time new yorker, hearing these if you see something say something and reported immediately warning, there's always been something that we should all take personal responsibility in doing by way of example this morning coming down up to midtown where i work. you know, you're looking around. do i see this guy anywhere and it appears that's exactly what a citizen of your community did and may have saved who the hell knows what. >> well, i think the owner of the establishment had no idea who he was. he thought it was vagrant who was sleeping in establishment. i think it was the police officer that realized
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immediately when he woke the individual that this was the suspect wanted in the bombings. >> do you know who that police officer is and understand that he was wounded superficially and from your reporting he's going to be okay, do you know who he is and whether he's recounted details? >> his okay, angel padilla. he's okay. the other officer hammer and the officer with the high blood pressure is officer kajana. we are thankful in linde, in that none of the officers are seriously injured and the suspect has been apprehended. >> mr. mayor, do you have any knowledge -- we know according to authorities living nearby elizabeth, new jersey, do you have any knowledge, any discussions with anyone who have
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said, yeah, i have seen this guy around or we knew something about him or to your particular community was he a stranger for a lack of a better word? >> he was a complete stranger to us. totally off the radar. as more and more individuals who engage in this type of behavior, most of them are just totally after the radar, but again, if you see something, say something. it should be the order of the day for all of our citizens, if you see anything or suspect anything, the best thing to do to let somebody know. >> that's the mayor of linden, new jersey, mr. mayor, thank you so much. >> armsted. >> many thanks from all of us who live in the tri states. i want to go through the names, officer angel padilla, encountered the suspect in the store front, the bar there and
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it was he who aroused him or roused him i should say and the man began firing. officer padilla was injured. officer padilla who recognized him as the suspect in the bombings around the tri state but even during the shootout he was able to get up and move in some way, running or walking whatever, westbound from that area where he encountered another police officer, officer hammar as he was named by the mayor and officer who engaged him, he returned fire and there were some wounds to officer hammar and officer kajano involved in all of this who had high blood pressure, huge-stress related time would cause somebody with high blood pressure to be checked. he felt stressed out and they took him, but that's it. the officers -- all of the
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officers involved, heros each one, able to take this man down and he is alive and that maybe the most important bit of this day. think of the wealth of information the man on the stretcher may have available to the jttf, the joint terrorism task force in new york and surrounding areas and terrorism task force and law enforcement in the area, was he working with someone, was he trying to get a larger plot underway, what were his motives? it's endless, we could go through this all day. now it appear that is he will survive from the looks of things here, you decide, it looks like he will probably survive. you make it to the trauma center alive and you usually survive and authorities get to speak with him and ma means that we could know and that could be invaluable to authorities. rahami's fingerprint has now been found on the unexploded
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device, the second of two devices in manhattan recovered after the explosion in chelsea and so to the degree it provides servitude, they are certain he handled device and able to identify the suspect with the help of a cell phone left behind with the pressure cooker found onwet 27th street. to back up, there was a bombing in chelsea and then a second device found with the cell phone attached, remember, they believe the first device may have been detonated by a cell phone and a second device apparently had a cell phone attached to it and that would have been the detonation process for that. that cell phone, the second cell phone which was found on west 27th street, blocks away has been identified as his in some way identified, that's according to source to abc7 eyewitness news who has been providing all of the pictures this morning. our own rick is live in chelsea
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where all of this began and working through the weekend, you're not going to find a bigger development than this, rick, the thing left outstanding is authorities said this morning that he may have been part of a greater cell and that needs to be investigated. >> absolutely. reports that aren't able to confirm that there were other scenes on surveillance video pulling a plastic bag out of a duffle bag and placing it which turned out to be the second pressure bomb. we are on 23rd and chelsea, this block is still sealed off by the nypd and recovery team still behind us working the crime scene and they will be potentially a couple more days collecting evidence here and have been on 27th, don't forget, this really started on saturday morning in seaside park new jersey, that's where the first bomb went off, there was a pipe
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bomb in a trash can. it went off. there were other pipe bombs that didn't detonate. they later had explosion on saturday night in chelsea and found this was a pressure cooker, second pressure cooker device on 27th street and i was told on sunday that they very quickly tied all three of those devices together. there was unexploded ordinance down in seaside park new jersey and 27th street, they all had similar signatures and triggered by or supposed to be triggered by flip phone cell phones and other signatures that were able to collect that told them, investigators told me that they knew were related, able to track them to the suspect rahami. his residence surrounded last night in elizabeth, new jersey, there was another explosion at a train station in elizabeth where they found numerous pipe bombs in a back backpack and that may also be connected to the
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suspect, a half mile from the residence. while authorities are surrounding residence, a couple of homeless found another backpack in trash can and they realized there was wires sticking out of it and one of the pipe bombs in the backpack detonate. after all of that, they put out a mass alert, then they see him in l irk nden and involved in the shootout and caught. there's no question that the quick work by the fbi collecting evidence identifying him as the suspect and then citizen, seeing a guy, a stranger, you know, they were able to get him and they were able to get him in part because of the extensive work done by the fbi and local police. they got the guy but as you mentioned, the other question is were there other people involved, working with him to pull the device, did they help him here, we don't know. >> for more context, rick, we
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all got notifications last night from local police authorities and others that around the bridge which is one of the extreme bridges on the outer skirts of new york city right by the belt parkway which many of the viewers may have reversed there was an incident where a number of men were brought into custody in a very large set of police activity last night and some of those people taken into custody, do we know if that was related in anyway? >> well, i was told that it was related, that the fbi was tracking this vehicle and they pulled over this suv on the bell parkway between staten island and brooklyn, five men were taken into custody and questioned, and they were apparently tracking the vehicle and pulled them over. i don't know if the fbi wanted information released. it may have been released prematurely and tipped off
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rahami, that we don't know. we were told that the incident was relate today this. they were questioning the men in connection with the bombings here and in new jersey and that's why they stopped that vehicle. we don't know whether they determined whether they were relate today incidents here. >> live and on scene. we will go back. in just a moment i will get captain harris in just a second. i want to give you new information, unless anyone is under the impression that this happened, you know, pretty quickly and without much incident, i want to spell that for you. they saw -- this is from the area there where all of this went down this morning. witnesses had reported gunfire in elizabeth avenue. don't get confused there's elizabeth, new jersey and
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linden, new jersey. that's where they spot it had guy and witnesses say they saw a car speeding and police cars around the corner and this guy on the gray car got out of his car and at least 30 shots within seconds, witnesses say this was after -- they first encountered him in the doorway of a business there, he got up, they exchanged and got away and went westbound and that where we pick up the new information from new york times, within seconds of this short pursuit with police, witnesses say the man fell to the pavement alive but the body still smoking from the shot, again, his body still smoking from the shot, at least one police officer seemed to have been wounded too and that matches what the mayor told us as one police officer received some wounds but it's been determined that he will be okay. quoting here a man name nicholas
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peña, a mechanic at lyndon auto parts, at first it was only a few shots but, quote, then it sounded like war. we have all been holding our breath but completely surreal. the cops were all over him, the manager at the shop. he had no where to go. diego jeronomo, countertop store on elizabeth avenue right there where this happened said he had seen a police car parked along the avenue with the police officer back today him with the gun drawn showing the car as a shield as shots ranged out. the picture of all of this came together. the man is asleep on the doorstep, probably been sleeping through night. a local business owner called a there is a guy sleeping here. a check it out. a police officer from linden new jersey named officer angel padilla arrived. saw the man in the doorway.
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saw the man in the doorway. realized he looked like the suspect. took cover like any officer would. thought to be armed and dangerous. used his car as a shield. yells at him, whatever he does to wake up, that is when the gunfire ensued. that is when he took shots at officer padilla and was hit. he has been treated, going to be okay according to the mayor there. the suspect here. does that mean he is in a car? sounds like witness account. witness of the police shooting in linden. sean styles is with us. the assistant manager at that linden auto body shop. should say the linden auto body shop i was mentioning there. sir, good morning, good afternoon. tell us what you saw this morning. >> it was normal day in the morning. we were sitting here. next thing you know we're outside, heard one shot ring out. the suspect was right at the
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corner here. shepard: where he was sleeping there. >> heard one shot rang out. heard two shots afterwards. police officer fired upon him. looks like he took off running. i don't believe he was in a car. looked like he was running on foot. he went down a good block 1/2. saw a whole bunch of cop cars fly by. 20 or more shots rang out and it came to a halt. shepard: you saw what appeared to be a end to all of this? is that when they took him into custody or he first took off? >> i saw him took off running after he fired first two shots. shepard: he ran westbound, he didn't get in a car. he was on foot? >> yes, he was on foot. shepard: that comports with other witnesses near by as they were following police as they were following him. there was a shootout again. >> pegasus they took him down. down a block 1/2. shepard: block 1/2 away.
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all within walking distances withriesdential neighborhood. >> correct. shepard: this linden police officer, angel padilla, he did hero's work. >> absolutely. they're all magnificent. shepard: thanks so much for that. i appreciate account. i want to let viewers know we just got more from the linden mayor, derek armstead, who had been speaking with us. he sent out information to clarify. linden residents avoid these streets, rozelle and linden avenue so the authorities can conduct their investigation. parents and schools healther in place. nobody leave the school grounds. tough protect those kids. most important of all, all linden police officers are safe, saying i will keep you updated. for a little bit, we heard so much about how new york is on lockdown and there are police everywhere and impossible to get around that would be normal for
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the u.n. general assembly meeting here. it is further heightened as a result of all of this. but just for a little bit of context where all of this has happened. 27th street and 24th street are the two sort of locations around 7th avenue. that is the west side of manhattan, way below, way below times square. to the west of, if you ever shopped like macy's at herald square. that is at 34th street. north of that in neighborhood called chelsea, a lot of restaurants and bars, largely gay neighborhood for a long time. like all gay neighborhoods, it has since now become a stroller neighborhood, with great access you want to go. you heard them mention the path train. the port authority train through new york and new jersey. goes south over manhattan and goes into new jersey and provides transportation for hundreds of thousands if not
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millions of new jerseyites as they come in for their commute. in addition to that there are two major subway lines, f and m. they go up to sixth avenue and over to lower brock lynn and queens on either end -- brooklyn. directly above where the shooting happened, that is the n line, n and r. never and rarely as they call it as those subway trains are sometimes a little he slow. the n or never train has, is experiencing delays today. up and down 7th and 8th avenue that is n train, the orange train. there are delays. rest of the city up 6th avenue where all this happened. heart of chelsea. 1, 2, and 3 lines take people up into the west side and upper manhattan. everything is up and running. not to say there aren't delays. there are delays on sixth avenue which is closed and wherever the shootings happened, the bombings
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have happened. certainly there are delays in new jersey and there are shutdowns -- but my overriding point here, new york is open for business. if you were to come into this city today, fly into laguardia or newark liberty or into jfk international airport or somewhere else and come in for business meetings you would notice a hustling, bustling, mid-september rainy monday morning in the city. it would in the seem out. ordinary. there are forces of armed police. there are national guard and people of that nature. we're accustomed to see that at ports of entry and points of movement. so when all of our massive subway and train stations in the port authority terminal, which takes thousands of buses into and out of the city per day, along our bridges and our tunnels. the george washington bridge, holland tunnel, lincoln dunn nell into new jersey. there is enhanced police
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presence there. new yorkers saw police on subway systems riding trains with residents. at train station entrances, searching bags indiscrimminantly. during times they felt was right and doing that in subways especially where they believe the man used the path train to come in and out of the city to place these bombs. they were on heightened alert. heightened alert all over the city. new york city is up and running. and my personal experience today has been a bunch of nothing. the m train and f train that i used to get to work are slow and imperfect and they got me here slowly and imperfectly just as i expected. so the city is normal, in the midst of what is clearly chaos but that is tribute to new yorkers up and down and across all the borders, boroughs and certainly our friends and neighbors over in new jersey. this thing is on track.
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new york city can handle this, if you see something, say something works. and we are not afraid. was not one bit afraid to get in that subway system this morning. got so many calls and letters, calls and emails from friends who know i live in that neighborhood, who know, who called on saturday, thankfully i was watching rebels playing football. saying are you okay, are you okay? are you afraid? no, i am not afraid. i don't know anyone who is afraid. not one employee of dozens and dozens i work with, frankly live in new jersey, who use the same subway lines and tunnels, not one of them was late today or absent today. we can handle this in new york and new jersey. we got you. catherine herridge is in washington. there is a lot of investigating to be done. could this be part of a larger terror cell. we're field it could be, catherine. do you know why they said that or out of abundance of caution or some evidence? reporter: they're trying to
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understand what the individuals associations are, based on the evidence to date and how events unfolded we were told late yesterday it did appear it was operation of more than one individual. i want to emphasize there is an extremely tight lid on information from the federal agencies here in washington and this is really a reflection how serious the situation has been and continues to be. two sources confirmed to fox news that rahami was identified in the surveillance video from the explosions saturday night in new york city. and that two other individuals of interest were also seen in that video. forensic review is now being done on the devices. one that was recovered at the sane which did not explode. a pressure cooker bomb. what was left of the device that did explode. we were told by two independent sources that the way the bombs were made, the components, the explosives, the shrapnel, the method of detonation, all suggested that they were made by the same individual and that the
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devices that were recovered in new jersey at that 5-k race also bore some similarities. so we were not able to get more detail as to what the connection was. what has jumped out at us in our reporting this morning based on two sources is that rahami was not unknown to authorities. there had been some prior contact with authorities we were told. it was not recent and was some time ago and where people got a little squirrely whether it was local, state law enforcement or whether in fact it may have been the fbi but he was not an unknown. based on my experience, this is a huge development to capture him alive. what would typically happen now is search what they call the pocket litter, the kind of information literally in his pocket and on his phone as to his other contacts. his social media and whether this speaks in in way to motives. so it's a major development to take down someone. but if there are others involved
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that can be the catalyst to more action because the plot has been disrupted, shep. shepard: what? catherine, one more thing. reporter: sure. shepard: you've been on this stuff since the bombing back in '93. where do you see this? contextualize this, give us perspective. is this one of those in your mind, is this one of those incidents all of us will have to deal with? there are going to be people hell-bent and determined to cause problems. may not be all that organized according to law enforcement i'm reading. didn't make attempts to cover fingerprints or wear gloves. didn't look like to authorities he was not trying to get caught. is this one of those guys we're going to have to deal with or is there something more here? reporter: secretary of homeland security told me in an interview you can look at any given threat picture and say nothing was specific or credible which the threat picture was leading up
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until the weekend events. you can't hang your head anymore. what is happening underneath the radar due to encryption and almost impossible to disrupt. the person who will disrupt it perhaps a person on the street or the local cop. what i would tell you for some context there really is a growing private discussion among officials who work in the counterterrorism area about a discussion about the level of risk that americans would need to be willing to accept in the future. what i mean by that there is really no such thing as perfect security. if you want to maintain freedoms we have in this country which so many of us enjoy we have to accept a certain level of risk because people don't want the government in all of their stuff so to speak. just based on the facts so far, i don't want to get too far ahead of it, but this does speak to someone who was radicalized in some way, decided to act.
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may have had some sort of support for their operation. if he was in fact the bomb-maker. may have pulled the instructions from these manuals online. what was emphasized to me the bomb-maker was not proficient, not very good. increasingly this is what the plots look like. good news it was taken down quickly and there were not serious and multiple injuries in this particular case. shepard: i feel you. linden, new jersey's police chief is speaking live now. let's listen. >> elizabeth is only one town over from us. we found the devices found at elizabeth police station. we went into high alert mode. went into the train station. we realized focus of investigation was only one city away. doesn't surprise me everything ended up here just one city over. just goes to show you never
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think it could happen in your city. just, he reinforces how we always have to be on high alert. >> sir, did the suspect -- >> [inaudible] do you know where the shot came from? >> i don't know where the shot came from. >> did the suspect say anything to the officers when he took them down. >> not that i'm aware of. i'm not aware of any verbal exchange between the officer and suspect. >> what precise role did the suspect play what happened in new york city? >> i don't know. you have to ask the fbi that. that is their investigation. i'm only concerned about the city of lindh inch and police department here. >> what -- >> it appeared he had a gunshot wound to maybe the arm and the leg. i don't know other extent. he was conscious and awake initially when he was taken into custody before being turned over to the fbi. >> did he say anything? >> no the that i'm aware of, no. >> how long do you think before the streets are reopened? >> it will be several hours. the fbi is the lead agency on this investigation. we're here to assist them. and this other federal agencies,
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law enforcement and also state law epforcement so it will be a quite a while before they wrap up the investigation. >> excuse me. [inaudible] shepard: that's it. that is the police chief from linden, new jersey, where all of this went down this morning. as far as he knows, there was no communication. interesting to hear did the suspect, you see video exclusive to abc 7 in new york and we thank them. we are glad we have the pictures and brings us context. let's us know his state. let's us know he is communicating in some way, i don't know if he is talking to the iphone there, if he is communicating with that, and that is fantastic news. another witness on the phone with us. peter is the owner of balan scott brothers a bowling shot in linden. said he was sitting at his desk
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when gunfire erupted this morning. 10:30, right? take us back if you could. >> quarter to 11:00. shepard: all right. >> i heard gunshots outside of my door. i saw a man walking down the street with the a gun in his hand. shepard: describe the gun if you could. >> couldn't describe the gun. shepard: big, little, long gun, handgun. >> i thought nothing of it. i thought he might have been a police officer looking for somebody. then a police car pulled in front of my store. and the man took about six shots at the police car. shepard: that had to have been sobering. >> at that point i got away from my plate glass windows and got out of the line of fire. >> never got a good look a of the suspect, right, except you thought he initially was a cop? >> i didn't really know.
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he was short, stocky. i described him as either white n@or hispanic. and didn't know he was, what he was doing until he started firing at the police. shepard: he has been described to us at about five six and 200 on these bulletins on at five six, 200. from where you were he went walking off? >> he went walking down the street or walking down the street i guess maybe 100 yards before i can lose sight of it. and i don't know what happened from there on. shepard: big ups to your police officers over there. aping jill padilla, officer hammer and officer kahana, they did your city proud this morning. >> very. shepard: good to talk to you. peter ballan "scott owner of the
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bowling shop. i was talking about how this went down and how you react this sort of thing and what measures you take next. remember after the terrorists got on the planes and began, took down buildingser here in new york and landed at the other spots in the pentagon and other places, we made really big changes what we do at airports. we obviously can't have shampoo or toothpaste anymore. we can't wear our shoes unless we have gone through a thing. we have to take our laptops out of our bag unless we're the 10% of people who don't have to take their laptops out of their bags while tens of thousands of people are standing around. that is kind of what we've done. the question because all of this happened in our train system, enormous train system that includes the, that includes, you know, the amtrak which goes you
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will and down the northeast corridor, all the trains, blue line, orange line, yellow, all these are train lines in new york city. here is where this happened. this is 23rd street and seventh avenue right here. this is where the bomb went off, right around 23rd street. at 23rd street is a train station. from this train station you can get on, right next to domino's pizza and the sprint store, you can go down underground here. there is a little entrance. you go down underground and get on one much these trains here. you can get on a train that will take you uptown in manhattan, past the empire state building all the way uptown. bring you down to greenwich village through the west side. then it will come down here, join another train and take you over into brooklyn heights. so you can do that by taking your metro card, your access card, swiping it, it will take 2.50 from you i think, you go down there and get on the train.
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in the case of the path train it's a different thing. very similar thing, it comes out. right, that's it. and sometimes there are people stationed there for random bag check. it is random. they check sometimes. they don't check sometimes. my point it is really easy to get around here you know. you just go down there and get in. this is the sixth avenue line which is also involved in all of this. sixth avenue at 23rd street. this is the one i was telling you about. the m and the "f" train. you can go straight down in there and make similar treks around the city. it looks confusing like spaghetti and complicated it is not, if you live here you can do this with your eyes closed. idea which have our bags searched every time and go through magnetometer, these are things they have thought b not as if they don't think about these things. all cross streets, all of them, if the street goes both way across the islands. there are big buses often
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undulating buses very long, hold 100 people or more. you stick your metro card in there, on you go. you sit down and wait, ready, get off the bus, there you go. that's it. you could also put in heightened security there. you can make us have to have bags checked. have to go through some sort of screening. maybe a guy with a wand. you can do all of that. do you need that at empire state building? decision is you do. if you visit here and go to the empire straight you go through magnetometers. that is high occupancy and high threat target. i don't have to explain to you. same thing downtown. certainly same in the u.n. but where does it stop? do we have to get screened now for subway stations because this moron got up there and blew up a dumpster in front of the house for the blind? do we? it will be thought b what are the limits on our freedom. what are limits on our access based on actions of what appears
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to be a somewhat radicalized man who blew up a dumpster and planted bombs around the area? there is no, here's the answer to that. that is not you how this works. this will be a topic of discussion and i for one think we're handling it pretty well, until further notice. i don't know, stay the course as george bush, the 41st would have said, thousand points of light, stay the course. we want to keep you updated what is happening in the way of this investigation. this is the suspect who, here's what we believe is happening right now. we believe that he is receiving or has received his medical evaluation. whenever you're shot, we believe he is shot you're taken to a level-one trauma center because we have them all over the area. you're evaluated, if bullets could be removed and should be removed and necessary they do that. if you need surgery immediately. just because he is lucent and apparently communicating here does not mean he does not have
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internal injuries. they want to patch those up. down matter who you are, what you have done, doctors patch you up before anything else happens. members of the jttf, joint terrorism task force, the fbi most likely would begin a, shall we say a discussion with him. that discussion one would guess would be wide-ranging and broad. i'm confident he could get a lawyer and not speak but his his actions suggest a man who wasn't really concerned about all of that. for example, they found no, they found no evidence that he tried to conceal his fingerprints. his dna is all over the place. it was on the bomb in the station in chelsea. it was on the bomb in the station, they found unexploded with a cell phone. the cell phone itself was attached to him in some way. you might think, you can go buy a burner phone and not like that. well you can, apparently what it sounds like they were able to trace this phone that was attached to the bomb that didn't
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go off, they were able to link it directly to the man in custody. that suggested he didn't work too hard to conceal all of that. he did not have a place to hide last night unless you consider the front door of a closed bar a place to hide. people next door did not think that was place to hide when they saw him and called police. then it transpired. what is happening now, on the left side of your screen, soon to be on very far left of the monster wall here you see a woman in a orange shirt in the front row and couple of flags in the background. state flag and u.s. flag and police department of new york. now, the police chief is going to come up and give us that part of all of this information in just a minute. so you know, this was a scheduled news conference. it was scheduled to begin around 12:30. that was the information we got first which would have been about 15 minutes ago. then it was moved to about noon,
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45 minutes ago. but at 10:30 this morning, just about two hours 15 minutes ago all the stuff went down in linden, new jersey, they got the guy and all the events have been backed up a bit. we got word from the police department the police chief will be up. we're hoping to get that information. we're waiting for something else as well. in elizabeth, new jersey, there is the fire department there and this is politicians and lawmakers. this is the town where he believed to have lived, the suspect, or taken up residence in some way. this looks like it is about to be one of those we did good, i'll be damned you did do good. we all work together and tribute to everyone and it is. we'll go there for that as well. they may have new information. it nothing else they may do some back patting. they have earned that. we'll go there. first i want to get to rick
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leventhal who is in chelsea where all of this began. i wonder if you get any reaction from people around there? this is weightlifter -- rick, i wasn't scared getting on the subway this morning but i did look at every face in there and looked at hy to see if anybody looked like the guy, that's what they tell you to do, tomorrow i won't have anybody to look for and that's a bonus? >> absolutely. we hope there is no one else to look for. that is one of the thing the fbi is looking into whether this guy was working with others. they will check his computer and cell phone records to he see who he talked to and they are going to talk to those people. it is also worth noting, shep, our first story was going to be the first official day of the new police commissioner of new york, jimmy o'neill, who we're waiting to hear from. yesterday was his first day on the job without a uniform on. the commissioner's position is civilian one so he was in a suit. yesterday was the first full day as new commissioner and he was
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working onth story. so today he is officially sworn in. we'll hear from him at a news conference in short time to talk about what happened. it is a heck of a welcome for the new commissioner of the city of new york who has been on the job 33 years. he started out as a transit cop running subways and running the largest police department in america. shepard: i don't know any details we know going forward i hope we get information about the details. investigation within the bor he row here and what happened at your location and further details as they're available, is that what we're expecting? reporter: absolutely. they will bring us up-to-date how they captured the guy and what they're doing from this point forward. the street behind me still closed. they're still collecting evidence here on 23rd street. the 27th street location i believe is cleared. they did recover a second pressure cooker bomb there. there are couple other locations with explosive devices.
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they're in the process of confirming the link to all the devices to the suspect who is now in custody. shepard, the key question, was he working with others and are there potential terrorists on the loose who might do potential actses in the city especially with the u.n. general assembly beginning today. shepard: rick leventhal, thank you very much. i got word from the control room that we'll talk to john bussey from the "wall street journal" as we wait for the news conference to begin. this news conference, has it started? they're just testing microphones and that sort of thing. this has been a matter of extensive reporting by our local newspapers here including one that you may read on regular basis, "the wall street journal," which is owned by our corporate cousins, a murdoch facility, if you will and their reporting has been extensive over past couple days. john, this is a relief. >> yes it is.
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remarkable how fast it happened. everybody was kind of thinking this. you know, if there is a silver lining here, people get to see that the machinery has been put in place to track down people very quickly. mind you, they got huge help with the fact that that second bomb, 27th street, that a resident noticed was there. reported it to the police. it had not gone off. the bomber had left a fingerprint on it which made a huge difference tracking him down. still, still with a bomb attack and lots of clues that came from it, it is pretty remarkable that law enforcement was able to get him so quickly. mind you he made a lot of mistakes along the way. shepard: he wasn't as careful as he could have been. see something, say something, man, i remember tom ridge, the new director at the time of homeland security after a chemical scare asking us to all wrap our homes in plastic, i realized then they don't know
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what to do. duct tape your property. it came from tom ridge, god bless him. the most worthless piece of information we ever received but, see something, say something, i will be damned it is good. >> new york has a long history of this type of event. there have been bombings in the past, much worse. 1920's on wall street. many people killed. the city has switched into a gearing now appears and our report something kind of reflecting this on, because now the sit -- citizenry is responsive they're not walking by and thinking that is somebody's trash, they're reporting it to police. it looks like much more efficient, not just for new york police but interdepartmental. this involves a big area around new york city. a lot of different police force, linden, the fbi, new york
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police, it is remarkable at the work they have done. shepard: fine folks from elizabeth, new jersey, to speak in just a moment. elizabeth, new jersey, is a name we heard, our viewers may have heard after the attacks of 9/11 as so many people who died in that attack sadly happened to be from elizabeth, new jersey. i know of a few personally. but that said, one of the problems at that time was, local law enforcement agencies and there are some in the tri-state area, were not very well able to communicate with each other and work well together at that time. the joint terrorism task force came in. they figured out a way to better communicate it. that communication led us to so many success. >> i think that's true and we're going to see now whether or not this individual was just an individual or rather substantial bomb-making was as a result of many more people being involved. we just don't know yet. there is a trove of information on that stretcher being put into that ambulance. they're going to be able to talk to this man now.
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he was not shot and killed. he was wounded. we don't know how the shooting went down. maybe by chance that he survived but looks like there was discipline involved as well. this was not a person simply taken down at the moment because he had a weapon and threatening the police. shepard: no, every law enforcement officer knows if you find this guy, we need to have a discussion. listen to this. i got new information. fox 5 new york, wnyw, what new yorkers watch. update, four officers shot during the takedown of the bombing suspect this is new to us. in linden, new jersey, the officer approached, shielded himself behind the car. began an encounter with the guy that included gunfire. he also fired indiscrimminantly at vehicles there and got away. he encounteredded other police officers and one received a shrapnel wound and one reported high blood pressure wand treated for stress. according to wnyw, four officers
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shot taking down the suspect. the work that they do, john. >> the fact they kept the guy alive with the altercation, we'll not have speculation how big was the cell, if there was a cell? where did he get the equipment and where was it facilitated somehow. they have this guy and very likely they're able to question him. shepard: as i mentioned two new conferences we're waiting for. we'll stay with you for the two new conferences. our hope they will bring perspective we expand upon here. elizabeth, new jersey, one thing, city of new york, quite another. this is interesting, we all have police chiefs in our neighborhood. we have become familiar with number of them around the country, recently in sad american events. not least of which outgoing mayor of city of dallas who led us so dutifully and with the greatest respect, just admire the man beyond description, who is leaving that force but today
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in new york city we have a brand new police chief, new to the i would say 99% of all new yorkers although he has been on our force for 32 years, what a challenge. already knew it would be a challenge, john, with the opening of the u.n. assembly which is nightmare for authorities. >> this happened on his first day of work. he came in and this took off. u.n. meeting huge security undertaking for the new york police department. shepard: yeah. >> these are all heads of state that come into town. remember also, shep, you were talking about inneragency cooperation before. it was the lack of that that complicated 9/11, right? it was sharing of information that didn't happen. that, was one additional element into the problems that led to our not anticipating or not knowing of these individuals in the country. so the level of interagency cooperation, information sharing and specificity, carefulness and
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speed is remarkable and that's what you're seeing today. shepard: one of the issues with that was, digital versus analog communication, believe it or not. some departments working on analog, some department the on digital. they hadn't all synced up yet. state law enforcement, local law enforcement, not having facilities to share the kind of information in due time thatted to carry out these sort of investigations, they told us along way, better not perfect. it is much better and we're seeing that. >> you underscored the savvy of urban american, not just america but in europe as well, that people here are responding. the role of the citizen is really critical here. shepard: yep. >> i was out over the weekend in new york. things were pretty much back to normal even though this had happened. it was a little quieter than usual. but it was back to normal and
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people were going about their activities. the fact that residents were conscious of what happened on street, mind you a bomb just went off. there was heightened alertness for everybody in the neighborhood. still it got reported, a fingerprint was found. a suspect is now in custody. shepard: a lot of people really came together. trivial matter to discuss a sports bar on a corner but people worked there. they need their income. that place has been closed because of this for the past few days. they're now going to be able to get back open. and people live on that street. can't even access their apartment. the standard hotel, for instance, if you live on 23rd street between sixth and seventh avenue, bring i.d. eating dinner and staying there free tonight. those sorts of things in this massive city, openly don't look at each other, but when things like this happen, remarkable how the city comes together. >> you pointed it out with your map of the city. this was in a location that
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wasn't kind of in some part of the city. shepard: no. >> this was in a location that was in the heart of the city. shepard: oh, yeah. >> so it could have reverberated through kind of the psyche of new york much more profoundly than it did. it made everybody a lot more alert. over the weekend there were a lot more cops. shepard: sure. >> my subway stations when i got on and got off, trains are running and people going about their business and law enforcement was there. shepard: now law enforcement in the city of elizabeth, new jersey. this is the city where the suspect who is now in custody taken up residence. we'll get more details on that now. we'll listen in for a while while we wait for the mayor, city of new york. this is the elizabeth mayor speaking now. let's listen. >> homeland security funding is more important than ever. securing our residents and insuring the health and safety of our first-responders is
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extremely important. firefighters and police officers go to work. they are not knowing what they will encounter as evident in our city over the last 16 hours. more firefighters help improve the safety of our department, their ability to provide more effective service for our community. this could not have been possible this grant, without the help of our congressional delegation. and i would like to introduce them for a few words. first, i'd like to introduce our senior senator, when we were looking for a grant years ago for housing and in the hope 6 project, whether it that 50 -- $100 million grant, senator menendez, then a congressman was essential. working for police grant under the bill clinton crime initiative, then congressman menendez was efficient and effective helping us get the grant. today he is extremely helpful getting us this $5 million grant. the senior senator from new jersey, senator bob
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menendez. [applause] >> thank you mayor. well, thank you, mayor. let me congratulate the mayor and the fire chiefs and the members of the department. as i always say, these are competitive grants across the country, and the competition is fierce, overwhelming, billions of dollars sought for millions of dollars of available. this $5 million grant, safer grant, to the elizabeth fire department, putting 36 firefighters to work after a depletion of firefighters because of retirements and whatnot is a commitment by the federal government matched by the municipality, to continue to protect our citizens. now, i know that many much you are here for reason but let me just say for many times, those of you -- shepard: politicians will do what politicians do. in this case bob menendez and cory booker do what politicians do. that is what they do. today is about new information
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and finding out what happened and where we are in this investigation. we're expecting to get some of that from the new york city police department and from the fbi. when that news conference begins we're led to believe, just minutes from now. this is fox news channel's continuing coverage. 10:00 p.m.a the west coast. the apprehension of the primary suspect in the bombings in new york city and new jersey. this happened eastern daylight time on the raining streets in new jersey as the suspect was brought into custodiy not without incident. the suspect was seen sloping in the door of a bar, sleeping in the doorway. and the business owner
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