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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 21, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hi. she climbs ant hills for exercise, dana perino, the five. last night riots erupted after a pair of deadly shootings. it's impossible to know all the facts this fast. in the world of social injustice, one can't afford to wait. after terror, our leaders say don't jump to conclusions. not in these situations. why is that? fact is, humans lump unique acts together if it suits them. no matter how different tulsa was from charlotte, it's easy to form a theme out of both making it less complex and more black
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and white, even if a police officer and victim happens to be black. what drives each act though is compliance. once that first step goes south in a traffic stop, it creates a cascade of actions that can go south as well. the tulsa and charlotte shootings are way different. they started in one place, perceptions of non-compliance. reactions ramp up as part of training. each time an officer black or white confronts someone, non-compliance triggering the training, the adrenaline, the fear, the unbending mind of law enforcement. last, compliance doesn't just apply to cop work. but to life. to us. lately it seems we're abandoning any form of conflict resolution. we can't discuss this stuff without retreating to specific sides. we have all been there in our own unbending minds where
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emotion transcends truth. media and activists green light it as a replacement for reason. facts become annoying hurdles to action. i want to play a clip of the chief from the police department. he is describing yesterday's shooting of keith lamont scott, which is different than terrence crutcher, which that video is disturbing. here is the chief talking about keith lamont scott, the shooting of him. >> he exited the vehicle armed with a handgun. the officers observed him get back into the vehicle at which time they approached the vehicle. to engage the subject. the officers gave loud, clear, verbal commands which were also heard by many of the witnesses. they were instructing the subject once he got out of the
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vehicle to drop the weapon. in spite of the verbal commands, mr. scott, as i said, exited his vehicle armed with a handgun as the officers continued to yell at him to drop it. he stepped out, posing a threat to the officers and officer brently vincent subsequently fired his weapon, striking the subject. >> juan, when you hear about how that unfolded and how different it is from the tulsa shooting where the man is unarmed and it looks like it just looks really bad, it tells me that these things cannot be grouped together, because when you group these events together, you create a story line that leads to things like riots or like dallas. unfortunate events that emotion drives them to wrong answers. does that make sense? >> yeah. i think obviously compliance is key, because i have said this to my sons, one of whom has a heavy foot on the gas.
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when a cop stops you, keep your hands in plain view, be respectful. i have heard people on this network say, why would you say such a thing about police? let me tell you if you are black, you say such a thing. compliance is very real. the other side of this as we saw in the tulsa shooting -- we have seen in minneapolis this year. i believe it was minneapolis where the guy was in the car and he said to the officer, i'm reaching for my wallet. i have a permit to carry a gun. he still gets shot. i think there's a lot of fear on behalf of people like myself that you know what, you show up and let's say you had a couple drinks or your medication is not right and a cop says, you better do this and you are slow or you look a little stumbling, bam. what did i do? this is what the sister of the guy in tulsa said. brown skin and if you are a male and if you are large, suddenly you are criminalized, the sight of you is taken as significant
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threat to the officer. you are talking about officers responding because they feel threatened. i'm sensitive to that. i wouldn't want to be one of these officers. i praise god for having officers who do such a difficult job. but i'm saying, as a citizen, it hurts me that i have to fear for myself, my family, my children when we deal with police. >> kimberly, the idea of grouping these stories together -- when you look at tulsa, you can see how horrible that is. you can see perhaps there were choices that shouldn't be made, obviously. but you look at this other one with mr. scott, he was armed. when we group these things together, we eliminate facts to create a story. that, to me, is dangerous. >> you eliminate meaningful discussion based on the unique factual situations. it's grouped together. people can easily misplace the facts from one and attribute it to the other story. there isn't clarity, focus and the learning moment that you
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might have to be able to talk to the people -- talk to the public, explain the circumstances without prejudging the other situation. this is just a big problem. this is an epidemic in this country. here is two more examples. they're very different in terms of the facts and how it played out and ultimately the end conclusion. >> the other issue i find is when they ascribe intent to the shootings as though a police officer decides, this is how i want to end my day. it's not like terror where a person goes out, plants a bomb because he wants to kill people. the police officer, the black officer in north carolina didn't wake up and say, this is -- i'm going to go out and shoot somebody. >> police save lives for a living. they don't take lives. look at the facts here. there's a narrative that police are killing unarmed black people. just in 2016, police killed 702 people. only 163 of them were black. that's only 23%.
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that narrative is out the window. if you look at the facts of this case, this guy scott, he had a dui conviction, assault conviction, he was armed. he didn't obey xhondwbey xhonco. they say black people need to boycott white businesses. that makes no sense. which contributes to the riot r the daughter of the victim says he was reading a book. that's one of those hands up, don't shoot narratives that's false. they recovered no book. the thing goes viral. now people are rioting. martin luther king never rioted. he never looted. that's one of the reasons he was so effective. if black americans have such a problem with police officers stereotyping them as criminals, the reaction shouldn't be to then go commit criminal acts out in the street, loot and cause mayhem. it's not a great look.
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>> dana, if you control for compliance 100%, the only error would be on the police. isn't that kind of -- you will always afterwards have that area investigated, at least that's what we are seeing now. >> in this heightened environment, police are going to be held to account or at least have to answer to things. that's an improvement over past decades. but if i could ask juan a question, i'm curious about the fact that it was a black police officer that was the officer that shot the man in north carolina. does that change anything in terms of the thinking or the discussion or any of the online chatter that you hear? >> no. >> is it more -- it's not about white cop ss? >> it's about the thin blue line. greg has pointed out it's black and latino officers are more likely to fire quickly. this officer was plainclothes.
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even so, he was with officers who were in uniform. the issue becomes not one of is it a black officer or white officer. it's the idea that police are either fearful or quick to respond, use excessive force in dealing with black people or latino people. but especially -- i would think this is important, poor people, people living often times dysfunctional crazy neighborhoods where you have drugs, gangs, kids out of control. the question is, okay, sometimes you have bad behavior taking place. is that a license for people who have the authority of law to use excessive force? >> it's also -- the police officer, his job is to go into that environment. if it's unstable environment, that adds -- >> it does. >> extra emotional conflict. >> so the washington post has a statistic that speaks to what jesse was talking about, 24% of the people who have been shot so far this year -- fatally shot by
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police are black people. black people are 13% of the population. about -- when it comes to black men, 6% of the population. it's 40%. >> they are committing disproportionate amounts of the crime. they are having more interactions with police officers in the inner city. >> how many black versus white doing drugs? similar numbers. >> listen, heroin is a big problem, crack is a big problem. it's infesting inner cities. where do people live in the inner cities? mostly blacks. that's part of the problem. you are seeing more densely populated regions infected with drug abuse and drug trafficking. they are concentrated in urban ar areas. that's where close contact with law enforcement takes place. >> i think we have drug problems -- oxycontin is a plague in this country. heroin out in all kinds of areas. i'm telling you the concentration of law enforcement -- >> police are less racist in appalachia? >> i will leave that to you.
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>> i think we want to be very careful. there's different statistics out there. one thing i would like to be up in arms is throughout this country is black on black crime in areas that suffer disproportionately. they are struggling for jobs, struggling to have safe communities and clean streets. i want to be careful not to focus all of it on police officers. we have seen some incredible leadership coming out of the police departments in african-american police chiefs, police superintendents coming forward, speaking, being part of the solution as well. discussions like this, yes, are very helpful. one loss of life in a situation like this is one too many. >> that's the second part of this story is that it's so hard to talk about this. i listened to a podcast with sam harris talking about this. they were talking about how hard it is to talk about this. it turned into an absolute
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brawl, a total fight. the conversation was about having a conversation. it is because -- everything is becoming team sport. >> can i make one last point? you are talking about grouping these two things together when actually the facts are separate. i think that let's put -- obviously, i'm not a black people. if i could try to put myselves in their shoes. when we had terrorist attacks in new york, new jersey, minnesota, we immediately as americans go, you connect the dots because you think, this is obviously islamic terrorism. being perpetrated against the united states. when two events happen on the same day and you basically start a brush fire with social media, it's understandable that people group them together instead of waiting for the facts. >> it's a natural human behavior to seek -- it's an evolutionary -- >> but it's not the case that we have so few. it's constant. it's almost like a constant flow around the country. the specifics that you talk about may be real, the
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differences, even the malicious stuff about no hands up, which jesse said was true. it's so regular and not all of it is fatal. a lot is excessive force. >> we will end there. ahead, trump argues that black communities in the u.s. are in the worst shape they have ever been. how he says he can fix them next.
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yesterday, donald trump made this declaration about black america. >> we're going to rebuild our inner cities, because our african-american communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they have ever been in before ever, ever, ever. >> wow. so how would donald trump rebuild struggling xhe ining co? he was asked that question earlier at a town hall. >> we need jobs. we need jobs, desperately need jobs. obviously, we need schools, education. we need all sorts of things, especially the inner cities. the inner cities are -- can you say never? but one of the worst stages ever in the history of the inner city. it's so unsafe where you walk down the street and you get shot
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or your child gets shot. we're going to really fix the inner cities. we're going to spend a lot of time. the democrats have run them for 100 years mostly uninterrupted. you see what's happened. >> the full interview airs tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern. don't miss it. >> i hope they play the new ad. just kidding. i'm kidding. just a joke. >> okay. >> the camera stayed on the wide shot. >> on to more serious issues. gregory, the worst ever? >> that might be a stretch. there are things in the past that are worse. we are seeing spikes in violence and roughly 20, 25 cities across the united states. even as overall, violence goes down, we're seeing these increases. he has an interesting way of -- when he is saying what do you have to lose, he is saying, you are not going to get anything new from hillary.
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it's like watching an old "law & order" rerun. he is saying, it's going to be different with me. pick door number three. it might actually work. his numbers are going up with blacks. >> they weren't up in an l.a. times poll that was a tracking poll. "the wall street journal" has him at 1%. >> hasn't it gone -- >> it bumped up. he said i'm doing better. anyway. >> part of this is not only he might believe what he is saying and care about what he is saying, but he wants to depress african-american turnout for hillary clinton even if they don't vote for him having those few people that he might be able to pick off are good. there are a couple things working in his favor that if he could talk more about this. one in particular is something you will agree with, which is school choice. we know the naacp and hillary clinton have said, no more on the school choice thing. she's not for that. we know that it works. evidence of that this year in new york city.
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the other thing is that the government really in order to improve people's lives, there's not much the government can actually do. a thing that a president can do is help us try to set conditions for economic growth. people really need opportunity. the other thing that somebody like donald trump could do working with the governors in particular and even the mayors is the overregulation of all things for when you want to become a entrepreneur, a plumber, an interior decorator, if you want to braid hair, all the regulations and the costs of entering into that is really bad. last thing i would say is, as a conservative, what you would want is smaller government. one of the ways you can work with communities is to support the faith-based communities, something president bush did. obama pulled back on that. i think that was money well spent. >> that's an important point. on school choice, you should emphasize it seems like hillary clinton was a support are of school choice. then when the unions got involved, teachers unions, they pushed her. she caved. i find that appalling.
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jesse, what you see from donald trump, he is doing some outreach now. in fact, the lament about donald trump from the black community is he was exciting white nationalist anger and grievance for most of this campaign. suddenly, he is paying attention to black people? >> it's funny how the democrats and media always criticize republican candidates for president because they don't go politics for the black vote. the first time a republican comes along and politics for the black vote and the same media and democrats criticize that person. i think he is doing legit outreach. when i go to these neighborhoods, no one likes hillary. they want bill back in the white house. maybe they don't like trump. but people say they are open to trump. you have to admit, blacks have suffered under president obama's policies. >> i don't believe that. >> crime is up. wages are down. home ownership is down. poverty is up. food stamps are up.
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what do you have to lose? roll the dice. >> that's what he is saying. i'm saying, you have an opportunity to lose your progress. here is a guy who is talking about obama, he is not an american, trying to undercut the first black president. >> don king endorsed him. that's going to change the game. >> my point to you is, he is playing footsie with david duke. >> wait a second. reverend wright was obama's pastor for 30 years. >> to be fair, he did disavow. it's unfortunate, you can't control your supporters. look at some of the people that support me. i'm kidding for all of you out there. you are fine. we're good. >> we love them. >> trump, at least he is trying. at least he is asking the question. he is putting forth the narrative. give me a moment. why don't you ask yourself, what have the liberals done for you in your school, in your community, for your jobs, for
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your families over the past 50 years? you have trusted them. you have counted and in fact depended on them. do you feel you have been let down? if you do, please listen to me. please give me a chance to do right by you. that's important. maybe other republicans coming forward will also follow suit. you haven't seen that kind of rhetoric and that questioning since basically 1964. >> i think that's fair. >> i'm saying quickly to you, if this was another republican, i might say, kimberly -- when i hear donald trump, who had to settle a suit with the justice department because he was accused of discriminating against black and latinos in housing in new york, i think is this guy really the one. >> as a lawyer, that's an accusation. >> he settled. >> sure. people settle things all the time, every day, across this country. that's how the system works. nevertheless, you know -- you have to know the circumstances. i'm talking about what the inroads he is trying to make and the fact that maybe
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washington -- "the wall street journal" has it, but since september 10, it has gone up to 19.6% in the tracking poll of african-americans. from 3%. who knows? >> juan, everybody is making a big deal about don king's endorsement. he endorsed obama twice. >> oh, gosh. >> they're all democrats. >> that was a misunderstanding. the unfortunate death was due to the frustration of the ghetto. >> make sure to catch trump's town hall tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> i love you, sean. i love you. just kidding. ahead, do you recognize either of these two men? the fbi is looking for them. they were seen walking off with the new york city bomber's backpack saturday night. how you can help track them down next.
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we are learning more today about the terror suspect charged with saturday's bombings in new york and new jersey. his possible motive, his path to radicalization and what the feds knew about limb two yehim go ye. the fbi is asking for your help to find these two men. >> reporter: the fbi releasing new images from surveillance video that was captured saturday night. they are seeking information on the two men who were seen take a pressure cooker bomb out of the suitcase and leaving it on the street. that is the device that did not explode. the new poster goes to the reporting rahami may not have acted alone. the men are described as witnesses, not suspected, the suitcase as evidence. it does leave open the possibility others were involved and seemed to undermine the information that they got
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everyone. rahami was carrying a personal journal when he was shot and captured on monday. today, fox news exclusively obtaining eight images from the notebook showing he was knee deep in jihadist propaganda when he allegedly planted the bombs. the journal was badly damaged, riddled with bullet holes and soaked in blood. you can clearly see the references to osama bin laden, to the american cleric who is the god father of the digital jihad as well as the ft. hood shooter who killed three and injured more than 30 others in the 2009 rampage at the texas army base. what is striking is that this 13-page indictment released last night that laid charges about the notebook but there is this glaring omission. while rahami wrote about a terrorist who is a senior spokesman and leader of the islamic state, there is nothing in the indictment about him
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effectively whitewashing rahami's isis sympathies. we have asked the u.s. attorney as well as the justice department to explain what seems a very significant discrepancy. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. take it around the table. i wanted to ask you, the picture of the two men, the suspects reminded me -- remember in brussels when the airport bombs were let off and they had the pictures of one or two guys? they were leaving. ultimately, they helped track them down. the second thing is the question of the scrubbing of the information. how important is that? >> i think it's significant. now we have proof to the contrary. it really is a glaring omission. when you see that they have that, intel, information, rich source right there to say look at the journal, look at his writing, take him for his word. he was very specific. he held it with him to the end, riddled with bullets and blood on it. unbelievable imagery, incredible for fox news to get that.
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it tells the truth. then it begs the question, what is the department of justice doing? why would they not include that information which would only strengthen the facts in the indictment against him? as to the other two individuals, highly suspicious. you going to -- >> who walks up and takes somebody's backpack. i will move on. >> someone complicit. >> that happens in new york a lot. a lot of people pick stuff up. you know what's interesting to me? you have a current terrorist preoccupied with an earlier terrorist. the same thing that goes with mass shooters. it lends itself that compounding infamy through coverage escalates terror. jihadism is a contagion spread by terror. it's about going -- matching our story with their story. >> can i interrupt to mock you?
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>> sure. >> didn't you go after john kerry for saying this a few weeks ago? >> i did. i said that -- i'm trying to remember what i said. i mocked him as well. >> yes, yes. >> but it's about -- it is about -- it's a war of narratives in a way. but the problem is that over the last four decade, the left has destroyed our narrative. america is no longer an exceptional country. you can provide the narrative against isis. we're supposed to say -- this is the greatest country ever. but we have academiacademic, me telling -- deconstructing our country as evil. it's no longer a surprise that people sit during the national anthem. >> you can say anything you want. hindsight is 20/20. how can we improve our foresi t foresight? the father said my son stabbed my other son and he is not on a watch list. >> there has been a lot of domestic terrorist attacks.
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they contain similar components. suspicious travel. this guy went to some crazy war zone in pakistan. you have contact with law enforcement. this guy stabbed his own brother, his dad dropped a dime on him. the fbi never even interviewed him. you have radical online footprints. this guy had his own youtube channel looking at crazy videos. he was buying shrapnel off ebay. why can't the national security officials crack down on these things so these things don't happen again? wake up. >> i was struck by that. he is on ebay buying ingredients for a bomb. i didn't know you could do such a thing. if you are, why isn't someone paying attention? >> people will find out they were. hindsight is 20/20. >> resources that you brought up and raised on this show yesterday to say maybe this is really a call to say we need additional resources to combat this so you can tie these threats together and connect it. >> if i were a candidate debating on monday night, i would bring that up. who am i?
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coming up, the obama administration makes the case for why america should not take in more refugees if we can't properly vet them. it happened right here on fox news this morning. so stay tuned for that.
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yesterday, president obama announced the u.s. will take in 110,000 more refugees in the coming year, despite the threat that terrorists could slip in with them. the state department even concedes it's a possibility. >> i would tell you that more than 10,000 syrian refugees that we have admitted into the country by this month have all been extremely and very stridently vetted. in fact, syrian -- >> by whom? >> the home agency, dhs. >> we don't have the paperwork. >> they are going through a very serious vetting process.
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the most that any refugee goes through. is it perfect? can it be perfect? probably not, no. it's very, very serious. >> acknowledges this morning on fox news that isis has already infiltrated refugee camps overseas. >> i wouldn't debate the fact that there's the potential for isis terror i haists to try to t themselves in the refugee camps in jordan and turkey where they try to insert themselves into the population. >> a note here. we have invited john kirby to join us. we will sit here until he comes. get comfortable. >> i will be here. i would love to see him. i love that -- that job is incredible. he is refreshingly honest. this could happen. what i find interesting is that on monday, i was reading -- i think it was tuesday. the financial times. i knew you would love that. the front page headline story is
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angela merkel saying, i messed up. we weren't ready for this. if i had to do it over again, i would change things. if she's saying that in the face of having -- for bad politics for her but also bad policy, it would stand to reason that we might actually want to rethink things as well. i'm not saying not to allow in refugees. the process has to be iron tight. the other thing is, onkirjohn k points out eight out of ten of the refugees are women and children. the thing about having men come with them is that you need help in providing for these people. somebody has to work. in order to make all of this assimilation actually work out. i have lots of other things. >> i would say to you -- >> i will give you the talking stick. >> i would say to you that in fact, when you look at angela merkel and germany, they let in millions. we have let in -- i don't think we let in 10,000. >> i know. here is the other thing. solve this problem at its source. >> that's a good argument.
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i'm saying it's an argument for human understanding of people who find themselves suffering devastation. when donald trump junior talks about skittles -- >> glad you brought that up. >> these are human beings. >> i love this. may i? >> mother may i, please. >> this is the first time where intelle intellect intellectuals don't understand metaphors. how dare you apples? the left used the skittles metaphor when talking about police. a few bad cops. a few bad gun owners or college students. a few of the college students, they're -- the idea of the skittles metaphor being inhuman. it's an analogy. the other point that drives me nuts, the left chastises the right for denying progress, for ignoring change. the world has changed.
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the world has changed. jihadist has changed the battlefield. the globe is the battlefield. jihadists changed the world. why is the left being so regressive? why is the left actually adapting to the change in this world and admitting change has to happen and we cannot think the same way anymore? sorry. >> go for it. >> i don't find it to be so humanitarian if you are not, in fact, adhering to a proper and fair vetting process. we know from intelligence reports that the vetting process in syria is compromised. you would expect it because that's a war zone and it's very difficult. let's get a little bit of elevation on this. what else can we do to help rebuild communities there, to restore jobs and communities over there so people don't have to be displaced, so they don't have to be uprooted from their country? you see other countries saying, we're going to throttle back on this and we're going to try and provide aid over there. maybe that's another way to look at the problem.
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it does take time to be able to do the vetting. the answer isn't who looks like the better guy on the block. germany or the u.s.? by sheer numbers, that's not a fair analysis. >> here is the problem. we are constantly yelled at for, quote, nation building. if we try to help anybody, that's nation building. when the refugees come here, they were chided for trying to build our own nation. >> hillary has her fingerprints all over the refugee crisis. it was boiled over on her watch and obama's watch. she left iraq. she pushed the arab spring. they have nowhere to go. come here, because she feels responsible. why should we have to play russian roulette to soothe her guilty conscience? >> wow. awful. >> the state department is running the program. these are the same people that lost track of $6 million, that couldn't protect an embassy on 9/11. got suckered by the iranians. i don't trust these people. let them live at your house. >> i'm telling you, they live in our community. this is like saying not in my
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neighborhood to people who are disabled or mentally ill. i'm telling you, on the skittles thing, nobody says that because there are a few bad cops there shouldn't be cops. it's that what we're talking about are human beings in crisis situations. dana and kimberly make a point about we can do more. it's not to say this great country should shut its doors. >> no one is saying to do that. >> not at all. >> do it the right way. >> we aren't calling them candy. >> i want to stand up for green m & ms. they have to be able to have communities here and husbands have to work. >> here is the other thing. when you are a refugee, what you want as a refugee, you want to go home. >> you want to be safe. >> we assume they will come here. why do we assume that? the average length of a refugee state overseas wherever they go is -- 30 years ago it was nine years. now it's 26 years. that's a generation, which is how you get rahami here at 7 and then 21 years later, he becomes
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radicalized. >> so much more complicated. >> how are we going to pay for it all? you are not doing anybody anything by saying good luck. let's have another commercial to pay for this. how does juan prepare to predict one of the most unpredictable presidential candidates in history? it's a secret. scalpel. i have no idea what i'm doing. i'm just a tv doctor. i never went to college. (scream) i don't do blood. but now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. is that a foot? we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. cigntogether, all the way.
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the first debate between clinton and trump is five days away. we're getting insight into how hillary is prepping for the showdown. her spokeswoman says today she's strategizing to face two different kinds of trumps. >> he can come on with a relatively genteel persona that is calm, or he could come in very aggressive and, you know, be aggressive in a way that you would not normally see a presidential republican nominee behave. so we're preparing for either one. what's interesting is we're not necessarily finding that what she does changes much.
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but you just want to game it out. >> sounds like hillary has her work cut out for her. prepare to face two different people. kimberly, if hillary starts coughing and has a coughing fit what does trump do? >> pat her on the back. >> cough drop? be a gentleman. take a moment. would you like some water? something. be nice. >> play it cool? don't step on it? >> no. >> wink at the camera. >> say, you have a phlegm. >> i think one is concerns about this. you have a tv personality. he is loose. he is going in pretty fresh. he is a rookie. he is very funny. he has sharp elbows. >> man crush. >> you have hillary who is programmed like a robot. she has been overprepping. do you think she will get up there and freeze up and trump will have this winning
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personality? >> he is not going to say yes to that? >> for instance, lester holt, that famous democrat, he is a republican, didn't know. then secondly, everybody -- >> working the moderator. >> he is a bully. he will be bullying with the first woman to appear on this presidential stage. he will be one on one, not one on 16. >> playing the gender card. >> for all of us, if he doesn't say something stupid, outrageous, offensive, he wasn't bad. >> the expectation game going in now, trump is considered basically one comment away from blowing his campaign up. if you go in there with these low expectations, what kind of level of performance does he need to hit in order to say, trump didn't lose, maybe trump won? >> we might be putting too much emphasis on this first debate. it's an important one. they both have low expectations, because nobody knows what they are going to end up. they could get 100 million viewers. if you want to learn more about
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what i think and -- we recorded our podcast this afternoon. we talk about pre-debate meals. >> i thought the debate wasn't important. >> we have a podcast. >> i think -- >> quickly. >> the person who snaps first loses. i think that hillary, for practice, with a stand-in for trump they should have had joe peschi. >> one more thing is up next. at old dominion, we see freight... a combination of products and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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time for one more thing. kimberly? >> today i'm remembering a dear friend who passed away. my 81-year-old neighbor born in 1935 in brooklyn, new york. he was a beloved father of chris and doug, jill and david and a grandfather of four. a wonderful husband for 42 years to his beautiful wife. he will be remembered for his amazing sense of humor and glass is half full outlook on life. his life was taken by cll and we can honor his legacy by fighting cancer. have i have more information on my facebook friend. you will be missed by many and will not be forgotten. >> very nice. dana? >> you might not know that today is the international day of peace. this is called for by the u.n.
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secretary-general. american university had a great event. this is happening in america where there's a lot of peace. not so much around the world. they had a good event and a lot of kids came out. i wish them well. >> peace. >> out. >> all right. i hate these people. speaking of peace, there's a petition to get in and out burger to have a veggie burger. forget who would even go to a burger joint for a vegetarian meal. that's stupid. >> i would. >> i hate people who file petitions because they want something. i want something. let's file a petition. if you want something, go find it. all right. >> all right. take a look at this reaction from texas rangers third baseman adrian beltre. it was an amazing behind the batch catch by nick martinez.
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leaving the batter and the manager very annoyed, considering the angels not only lost the game but -- >> i want that as a gift. >> even with mike trout. >> okay. this weekend 8:00, we have a wa. tomorrow night, i go to a hillary clinton rally. here is a picture i took there. it was a barn burner, as you can tell. people passing out, sleeping in the hallway of the event. there will be more where that came from tomorrow night. >> we're live, too, saturday. >> have fun. >> i have a show at 10:00. we all have shows on. >> then dana, you are live sunday at 5:00. i will tell you what. >> i will be on fox & friends. >> i will be -- >> it's going to be an awesome
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weekend. >> i will be drinking somewhere tonight. >> i love it when we run out of things to talk about. >> i won't tweet. they are telling me not to tweet. that's it for us. special report is next. this is a fox news alert. welcome to washington. breaking right now, u.s. forces at a base in northern iraq have come under isis rocket attack and u.s. officials tell fox news traces of a, quote, mustard agent are believed to be present. if confirmed, this would be the first chemical attack on u.s. forces in iraq since returning in 2014. no american troops were hurt, we're told. they do have chemical weapons exposure suits there. an initial test on the substance came back positive, we're told. military officials could not -- say they could end up being false. officials say security posture on the base has not changed yet. official


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