tv Happening Now FOX News September 30, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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into an orbit this morning. shutting down right everything crash landed. rosetta will never be seen or heard begin. bill: that's sad. i had a workout chasing that comet. melissa: you can watch it online. bill: see you online. [music] bill: we begin the presidential candidate in full sprint with 39 days till election day. welcome to happening now. i'm john scott. >> we do begin with donald trump who is hitting the ground in michigan. that's where he's located marking fifth visit to the state since july as nominee opens line of attack against hillary clinton.
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john: we are awaiting remarks from mrs. clinton in port fierc fierce, florida. >> now donald trump is putting his dent to put a dent in machado's credibility, quote, did crooked hillary help discussing, check out, alicia m become a u.s. citizen to use her in the debate. trump trying to remind voters what happened when white house lived in the white house, about
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the time bill clinton got caught having an inappropriate relationship with a white house intern. >> the american people have had it with years and decades of clinton corruption and scandals. corruption and scandals. [cheers and applause] >> and impeachment for lying, impeachment for lying, remember that? impeach. >> trump campaign isn't just reminded about scandals from 20 years ago, they are trying to keep recent examples on people's minds as well. this morning communications direct orgyson miller sent an e-mail blast that included quirey, do you promise that the five people that received immunity will never serve if elected. >> applauding people smart who are canceling news subscription
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where they decided not to endorse. so there maybe a lot more where that came from, john. john: 39 more days of the crazy. thanks, peter. >> federal investigators, in the meantime switching gears, they plan to interview engineer. investigators recover one of the train's black boxes and they will examine it today to learn about the train's speed and breaking, what they do know is that it came in too fast plowing through bumpers into waiting area collapsing part of the roof. authorities say that 34-year-old fabiola de kroon was rush to go catch a train when she was
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killed by fallen debris. he joins us now with more information. thank you for joining us. >> sure, good morning. >> first i want to talk about the black box that has been recovered. if you can tell us what they hoped to learn from that and i understand that there's a second black box that they have yet to be able to recover because of the conditions are still unsafe. >> yeah, the black box is known as an event recorder. very much like a black box on an airplane but a lot less functioning capacity but it will indicate whether the engineer was attentive at the time at operating the brakes or the throttle. it will indicate a lot of things, throttle applications, whatever information that they gather from that will be very important as far as dictating which direction the investigation goes. >> we heard a lot since yesterday about this ptc, do you think that would have prevented
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this crash and explain to us how that would have benefited in this case? >> well, not knowing all the circumstances, i mean, 99% of the time in an accident like this positive train control would have prevented it. it would have overwritten incapacity dated engineer. you know, it falls right at the feet of our congress. they've been trying to implement this for 40 years plus and it's still laying there. >> right, they had set a deadline for 2015 and they extend that had to 2018 and ntsb said over past 20 years that the positive train control, the lack of it was a contributing factor in at least 25 crashes. so how long would it take to get
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this put into place? >> well, it's all about the money, it always is and i suppose if they're doing some bean counting, maybe the cost of this implementing this program is much greater than the cost of paying for these types of incidents and accidents which is really a negligeable way of looking at things and i would urge them to spend the money, fix the nation's railroad. this is preventible, the word you're going to hear. preventible to the bad word if you lost a loved one. >> there are have been safeguards put in place. i understand that new jersey trains like this one that was involved in the crash have an alert system in place. is that correct? do we know if -- that if it was working on the plane?
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>> if you don't touch it starts applying the brakes and takes control of the train, stops the train. and i do believe that this train had an alerter system. but an alerter system maybe incapacity -- incapacitated. another thing to consider which i haven't heard them talk about the engineer was operating the power from the other end. he was on the lead-end and the engine on the opposite in. how do we know signal was not accepted properly. it's all speculation until the ntsb gets in there and does their job. >> we know that one mother was dead and very scary situation yesterday. thank you very much for joining us, we appreciate your insight. >> thanks for having me. john: new information on battle for swing state of ohio, donald
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trump has not received powerful latest on hurricane matthew and where it's headed next here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold
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interesting article in wall street journal caught our attention concerning donald trump's chances in the swing state of ohio. basically reporting that if donald trump wins ohio, it could be due to the reverse curtail of bob portman, the popular governor has built top-notch organization throughout the state while the trump team has recently started to get out -- start today get out the vote effort. portman's hard work is paying off. according to this take a look, the latest real clear politics, portman is leading rival by 13
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points, double digits. donald trump may need to ride portman's curtails to a win here and currently locked in a dead heat with hillary clinton for ohio's 18 electoral votes. let's talk about this with u.s. news editor for the wall street journal. thank you very much for joining us. >> pleasure, yeah. heather: reverse curtail situation happening in ohio. >> definitely. usually goes the other way where the presidential candidate is pulling members of their party. rob portman, he was worried about strickland's chances and thought it would be very competitive. he started game early and now he's leading the offense for everyone in ohio. heather: support behind donald trump but not on the campaign trail with him at all. >> that's right, he has endorsed donald trump as the nominee but he has not had any joint appearances with him, he was really invisible at the
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convention in cleveland. heather: what difference do you think that has made? >> basically it hasn't hurt donald trump and it hasn't hurt senator portman either. what you have instead a halo effect across the republican party where other members of the down ballot, you know, republicans are also thankful for portman, he has been pushing out to more regions, he started running some spanish-language advertising, so really trying to widen the base and it will help everyone, a rising tide for all boats. heather: hillary clinton and ground game in ohio, they really step that up whereas donald trump they just now begun. >> that's been a contrast between the two presidential candidates all along. hillary clinton and the democrats have really strong ground game across the country, large staffs, large amounts volunteer. donald trump has been a lean candidate and worked on getting all the media attention that he
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gets to drive awareness of campaign more than the ground game. he has also relied on the republican party to support him and in the states more than than his own teams. heather: what about some of the other battleground state that is could be in place, specifically for the senate? >> so one of the most obvious once is senator grassley in iowa, you have seen donald trump has been out, hillary clinton has been out recently. also early-voting state so ballots started there. they're pushing in there. you also see of travel patterns and you see donald trump and hillary clinton both concentrating in ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, north carolina. it's a small number of states. it's really seven or eight that they seem to think are in play. heather: new hampshire. donald trump was there yesterday. and north carolina and arizona speaking of those states, it could be the flip side because those states that traditionally
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maybe gone republican or they haven't had to worry about it and now hillary clinton, of course, making a big play for north carolina, just one of them. >> north carolina a big swing state in this one and has gone both ways in recent presidential cycles. obama carried it in 2008 but then romney in '12. you see the changes out there and some states that weren't in play are being challenged this year, it's a very unusual election cycle. heather: to say the very, very at least. thank you very much for joining us. appreciate it. john. john: i stand corrected. i said that senator portman had not endorsed trump. he did. my mistake. sorry about that. investigators are looking into an unfolding mystery, a mother and son lost at sea during a fishing trip. he was rescued bobbing on a life raft. she was not. why authorities are now taking another look at the mother's death.
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john: some new information on a very strange story we have been following on happening now. a man is rescuesed at sea after his boat sank during a fishing trip. he had taken it with his mother. his mother was never found. she is presumed dead. now we have come to know that the 23-year-old was a suspect in her father's killing, his grandfather, on september 17th linda and nathan are believed to leave rhode island on fishing trip. the next day the boat sank and he climbed on the raft to look
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for his mother but could not find her. 7 days later a freight picked up nathan, he was in good shape and he had food and water. the next day the coast guard said linda could not have survived and suspended the search for her. on september 27th authorities began to investigate saying a witness told them nathan had removed the tabs and they keep the vessel from lifting in the water. now we are learning from court records nathan was a suspect in 87-year-old grandfather's fatal shoot and he insists he had nothing to do with it and he's coming to terms with the loss of his mother. >> i just want to thank the public for their prayers and for their concern for both myself and my mother and i want to thank the crew of the ship and specially the captain for both
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rescuing from the sea and for taking such good care of me, was giving me food and blankets while i was on board his ship. i just want to thank the public for their prayers and continuing prayers for my mother. john: well records show linda carmen's father left a 40 million-dollar estate and three sisters were beneficiaries. many say they were fearful of nathan. let's bring in david owen a reporter with the hartford current. when this guy is found alone in a raft everybody at first thought, this is a miracle rescue at sea, happy ending to a terrible story, right? >> that is correct.
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john: his mother apparently, there are reports that he took his mother -- they were supposed to go off block island, they were supposed to go fishing an island within view of the coastline of rhode island instead they went much farther out to a place where she reportedly did not like to go, can you fill us in on that? >> she told a friend that that's where they were going to go fishing. he in turn had planned, he intended all along to go way out to the block canyon, 100 miles offshore, deep area to do fishing. his mother as you said never wanted to go there so that's the conflict. john: they were going 100 miles offshore in a relatively small boat with one engine?
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>> i was told it's been adequate to go that far, i've been told it's not. i just don't have an answer to that. john: i think we have an illustration where they go on the boat but he was seen removing trim tabs the day he was going out with his mother? >> he told a witness, again according to search warrant that they weren't functioning. there were some maintenance issues with the boat that caused to be concerned harbor, some poll incomes the harbor thought that there were issues with the engine, that it wasn't properly, that the pump wasn't working properly so rhode island police are conducting an investigation as to whether this was safe to go to sea. john: doesn't like the boat i would want to takes 00 miles offshore. now let's talk about the
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grandfather. he was shot to death under mysterious circumstances in 2013, a real estate developer, r estate and is it true that nathan was one of the last people known to have seen him alive? >> according to a search warrant for nathan's apartment the winsor police. the homicide occurred in winsor, nathan was the last person to see mr. chakalos alive. john: police asked for an arrest warrant, did they not, and a judge said no? >> well, it wasn't a judge. they applied for an arrest warrant. it was returned by the prosecutors for more information and that's not unusual if the police don't have adequate evidence, prosecutors don't just
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willy nilly sign warrants. john: so his grandfather's slain remains unsolved? >> correct. john: thank you for that information. let's go into the legal aspects of this very strange story. our legal panel today fred, former federal prosecutor also with us diana and criminal defense attorney. fred, i will go to you. is there enough smoke here that -- that murder charges or i don't know manslaughter charges, something could be filed against this young man? >> the answer to your question, john, yes, there's enough smoke here but unfortunately there's also a hole big enough for a defense attorney like diana to drive a truck through. when you're a prosecutor it's not your job to take the warrant the police brings to you.
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sit down with them and what additional evidence you need an keep going. in this case, the fact that this guy was fiddling around with the trims is unbelievable to me. looking at these airplanes carefully. they aren't taking pieces off of them. you don't start taking pieces off a boat and go 100 miles offshore. it's troubling to me. john: the father of this young man, he has something called asperger's syndrome, but the father is defending his son. listen to this. >> none of us really know what he went through. i'm sure it was traumatic. what i want to say about that is i wish the press would leave it alone because he was not
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involved with his grandfather, with his mother. [inaudible] >> he's a good kid and loved his grandfather and nothing to that effect and it's all being grudged up and i hate to do that because there's no substance to it. john: i could also add that not long ago nathan purchased a rifle his grandfather was mysteriously shot three times and left for dead. that is uninvolved. his mother's disappearance, she's gone and presumed dead. how do you defend a case like this? >> as a defense attorney it's a dream case to defend. the rifle that they found didn't match ballistics, so we know that the rifle that he purchased was not involved in his grandfather's murder. the issue here is we have a young man that is on the autism
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spectrum who has lost his mother, previously lost his grandfather and it's really unfortunate. he was involved in this trauma out -- but out at sea and maybe he's just not good at operating a boat. he didn't realize what he needed to do and wanted to go out farther than he probably should have gone, does that make him a murderer, absolutely not. he is proven until guilty and the facts here do not support probable cause at this point. john: not even on the disappearance of his mother, the boat trip that they took? >> i disagree with that. >> at worse it's negligence. >> i tell you what, let me tell you, his mother knew she didn't wanting to out there, he shows up fully stocked ready to go, plenty of food and water. i think there's enough for the police to keep looking into this and this whole notion that somehow this young man is the victim of some horrible, horrible circumstances, i think what you're going to end up find, what the police are ultimately going to find if he
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created them. john: he was in that vessel for almost a week and still shows up, you know, looking pretty healthy, he has food, water, but low and behold -- >> a miracle he survived. john: well, okay. a miracle he survived and not his mom, diana. >> that's just horrific. >> yeah, it is, it's awful. really sad that she passed away but doesn't mean that he had anything to do with her death. john: we will let viewers what happened. >> 21 million reasons. thanks for having me. heather: dozens gather to pay tribute to shimon peres. american military history coming alive at a unique museum in the lone star state and john scott will be our guide, up next. john: cool place.
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>> the future was more important than the past and that type of optimism made him israeli power politician here but also an important statesman in the international stage, as you said, former president bill clinton and current president obama on hand with more than 70 other countries, delegations to pay tribute to this former prime minister and president of israel. he is one of the country's most distinguished politicians, but while now known as a man of peace, he started off as a real hock. it was the father of the nuclear program here in israel that it was after decades of war that he became to realize that ultimately success and stability here for israel would mean peace with his neighbors, it's something that president obama talked about today during his
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eulogy for shimon peres, have a listen. >> he understood from hard-earned experience that through security comes with making peace with neighbors, we won them all of israel's wars but we did not win the greatest victory that we aspired to release from the need to win victories. >> now it's an irony here today that peres' death was able to do something like international leaders have not been able to accomplish, palestinian president was on hand at the funeral and met with netanyahu, first one in about seven years, something that the international community has pushed to take place but only at shimon peres' funeral today that that meeting actually took place, what will come out of it, given the pessimism that seems to surround this entire region, probably
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very little but shimon peres would always say that the future is really the important thing and not the past. heather: absolutely, nevertheless that meeting did take place. thank you so much. john: no one has more to make this country what it is than america's veterans, now contributions are on vivid display in a place where visitors can touch, i had a chance to check it out. [music] john: about an hour outside dallas on a quiet country road in colin county you will find the most unusual museum. a treasure of american history. military collection of north texas, exhibits from the armed conflicts that have shaped america. and this being texas, it shouldn't surprise you the man
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who founded it has a bit of an accent. >> you're looking at 10% of the collection today. john: a british collection. >> doweling every year, it's incredible. mark grew up in england where he served the royal air force but after several visits to the states fell in love with texas and decide today make it home. >> you start to appreciate the quiet open spaces and that's what i really love. you can't find nicer people than texans. they are open. john: give ordinary specially children a way to literally touch history. >> most places where kids go to them, don't touch this and don't touch that and don't run. they're more like moselium instead of museum. john: it's turned into one of the most popular museums and
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although they expanded several times the collection is growing faster than the building. john: you're not buying this stuff. people are giving it to you. >> no, people are giving it to us. john: colonel shot down over vietnam, he went onto receive the medal of honor. he's a frequent guest on fox and one of the finest men i know. it's a place where the dry pages of history books come alive in personal stories and artifacts like the dairy of a navy nurse who witnessed the attack on pearl harbor and newspaper published after hours of attack. >> they were expecting japanese to return and come back and invade hawaii but they printed the ads with cards for vacuum cleaner and everything else and
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for system reason that instruct me as kind of strange, strange thing. john: in a time of war. >> yeah. almost certainly using slave labor. the irony it got sold to israel after the second world war. so two slave labors in a german factory and ended up in a survival kit. strange how the whole circle, complete it is circle. >> from world war ii to korea and the cold war. >> i think the cold war is someone left outside with a door open. they don't understand the long-time repercussions the way the world looks today.
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>> tear down this wall. [cheers and applause] >> so you're teaching living history lessons here, really. >> yeah, that's exactly what we are doing. what's important is the people and the way people that defended what they had and they need to understand that there was a cost to that. [music] >> captured at the end of vietnam war. john: whose weapons were they? >> vietnamese. supplied them. they would have those things all over the place. john: for the zoars of children who visit the museum, the realities of what americans gi had to endure are made incredibly vivid. >> in the summer, for instance, we get the high school kids coming out and we will strap the combat load from vietnam era, give them a dummy ar-15 and they
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normally get to about the first carport and stop. we can talk to them, now you understand what like it's being 19-year-old in a rice pack, you're sick and scared and now you understand what it's like to be a kid in that situation. that's the important thing that we are trying to get the kids to understand that these are normal people that do extraordinary things. john: colin county judge, veteran himself stops by the museum. >> this is a hidden jewel in colin county. i was amazed at the quality of artifact that is they have here. veterans themselves have given them just world class artifacts. they're history. john: and you say that mark is a big part of the reason this museum succeeds? >> mark is the reason. along with the volunteers, but the volunteers are here because of mark. he is so humble, he is so commit today this, his heart is so big.
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john: the yes, you can touch it idea even extends to the museum vehicles, an offer i couldn't resist. a fully restored tank, not just on display but ready to roll. these volunteers in the quiet corner of texas it's their way to thank men and women who have given so much, even their lives to keep america the land of the free. >> it's really a privilege to be able to connect with these things and you're telling someone else the story. john: absolutely. >> humbling is the only word i can use because i don't know how they did it. [music] john: it's quite a place and they have a waiting list of volunteer who is want to come in and help them. they have too many people. heather: they will probably get more now.
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how was it like to drive the tank? john: a lot of fun, every little boy would like to drive a tank and i got my chance. heather: very important. john: you know, that's what armed conflict is, human beings going at each other and you can learn an awful lot in a place like that. heather: great job. john: thank you. heather: coming up the vice presidential candidates gearing up for one and only debate. that happens next week and we will show you some culture war issues like abortion, gay marriage and religious freedom. will they play into the discussion? we will preview the faceoff between governor mike pence and senator tim kaine
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and religious freedom, tuesday night vice presidential candidates will take stage for only debate, indiana governor is much more of a social conservative than donald trump. can we expect that those issues will come up when pence faces off against virginia senator tim kaine? he's in roman catholic but in favor of abortion. putin's master plan to restore russian power and global influence, also a former adviser to both bill clinton and michael bloomberg and fox news contributor, blake berman. one article covering the question of what's going to come up at the vice presidential debate, doug, said that the culture wars are dead and that it's not an issue, these issues that i mentioned are not going to be discussed by the vice presidential candidates, do you agree? >> well, i'm not that that's the case. mike pence is a social conservative, donald trump has
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been all over the lot on issues like abortion, has a lot of downside. i think mike pence is more likely to drive those issues, but in the context of supreme court judges that trump and pence would pick versus those that secretary clinton and tim kaine would arguably pick, but i don't think the culture wars are dead in american politics, they maybe on a temporary haitus. john: issues have been part of past election, bill clinton, instituted don't ask, don't tell. now we have a military with all sorts of people in it. should these issues come up? if you were advising say mike pence would you tell him to be ready to defend some of the traditional values and other similar things in this country? >> i would tell him to certainly be ready for it but don't dwell on it. here is why, during this
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election process who is going to be the party nominee is typically when the social issues are hashed out and at the convention we have a platform. in the general election it's more about bread and butter issue, issue of gay marriage or abortion is not going to be the defining factor of who will be the next president. i tell you what will be, economy, healthcare. mike pence should not be baited into a social argument. you can do a lot of harm but the idea is to help your candidate and not get bogged down in issues that are not going to be determinative. john: because we are past the primary season, we are sort of past those issues in terms of developing the party nominee? >> yes, john, because we know historically what is on the american people's mind when they enter the booth, typically is the number one issue is the economy and certainly now if there is a social issue it's the unrest in this country and unity under the obama administration.
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i think that is a key issue that maybe pence should touch on is that a trump-pence ticket is going to unit america, something that obama could not do. john: republicans have nominated donald trump a guy who is not known for conservative views on a lot of issues, does that suggest that those issues are not front and center for the party anymore? >> well, they may not be front and center for the republicans but for democrats and particularly in their efforts to appeal to millennials i think is the final five weeks of the application campaign playout. you will see secretary clinton and mike pence appealing to the choice position support for gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, certainly medicinal basis. you will see those appeals made because that's -- effectively acknowledges. the republicans don't really have much of an argument to voters under 40 particularly women other than the economy.
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john: let's check out what's ahead on outnumbered at the top of the hour. sandra, melissa. >> how hillary allegedly treated his accusers, is this a good strategy or could it backfire? melissa: yeah, latest dig at rival's perform ands and what president reagan's son say what is trump needs to do before the next showdown.
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sandra: igniting a fire storm after taking sides in the presidential race for the first time ever, did comments go too far? el.. melissa: all that at the top of the hour. john: we will be watching, thank you. heather: new concerns about hurricane matthew who has intensified to a category 3 storm. that's considered a major hurricane. right now it's moving into the central caribbean and could threaten the east coast next week. chief meteorologist is tracking the storm for us from the fox extreme weather center. rick, possibly hitting the east coast? >> certainly impacting the east coast and maybe hitting the east coast. it's really too early to say that. we need to watch it. certainly a major hurricane in the caribbean. really close to south america, bringing rain to venezuela and islands here. it's going to continue to push
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towards the rest. eventually will make a right-hand turn, not exactly sure when this happened and likely bring big impacts to jamaica, parts of cuba and haiti and certainly the bahamas looking that i -- like they're going to get raked from the storm. you see the storm at least through saturday continuing off towards the rest before it makes the right-hand turn. and we are going to see does this nudge a little bit further to the east or to the west and have impacts with the u.s. outer banks, certainly areas of the east. you need to be just -- keeping in mind that this is may be coming. heather: tune into you. >> exactly. heather: thanks, rick. >> you bet. john: new reports about financial. s.
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to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ jon: heather and i will be back in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ ♪ sandra: all right. it is friday, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith, and here today is co-host of "after the bell" on fox business, melissa francis. also, dagen mcdowell is here. democratic strategist julie roginsky, and today's #oneluckyguy, veteran of three tours of duty in afghanistan, ben collins, joins us. sir, you are outnumbered. good to have you. >> thank you. i'm glad to be back. sandra: so much going on these days. >> yeah. it's hard to keep up with the news. >> it's the brunettes versus the blonds, and we have you outnumbered.
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