tv Outnumbered FOX News October 10, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> but they did same some nice things. nice way to end the event. a rollicking 90 minutes. >> it was that. get on the website. let us know. see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" started right now. harris: house speaker paul ryan telling republicans he will not defend or campaign with donald trump during the remainder of the election season. happened on conference call with house republicans. we're following story as it is developing. this is "outnumbered." here today, sandra submit. host of "kennedy," kennedy herself. eboni williams, today's #oneluckyguy, oh, yeah, he is back the host of the "o'reilly factor." bill o'reilly. multiimmediately yaw bill. >> is it really? come on. all right.
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we've got lots to talk about today, that's for sure. harris: bill's latest best-seller, killing the rising sun how u.s. vanquished world war ii and japan on sale. speaker paul ryan advising members on the conference call to do what is best their district. he will spend his energy making sure hillary clinton does not get a blank check with a democrat controlled congress. all right, i come out to you with the news of this and apparently he jumped back on the call, bill, this does not mean he is unendorsing trump. your thoughts. >> obvious republicans think trump will lose. republican hierarchy thinks he will lose, and that may well be the case however last night in the debate, trumped stopped catastrophe for the moment. i think he did as well as he could have done under the circumstances.
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but, let's face it, if the republican party loses the house and that is ryan's responsibility, then if hillary clinton is elected the country take as radical turn to the left. harris: what do you hinge the sudden back and forth now with paul ryan? >> it is all on the tape. it is all on this tape. that is what this whole thing is. the debate last night for first 30 minutes that was about that. so they feel, republican hierarchy never liked trump to begin with, never. they feel he is not, i don't know, responsible enough maybe that is the word to be president. they don't say it because the republican rank-and-file folks voted for him. so they don't want to go up against their own people but it is clear the republican hierarchy doesn't like trump. harris: i wrote down what you said, stopped the catastrophe for the moment. >> right. kennedy: i see paul ryan running for president in 2020. that is solidified in his mind. there is concern among some
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republicans perhaps there are more tapes to come out. perhaps there is more donald trump doesn't necessarily remember as private citizen saying and doing. you know, i think that is probably some of it keeping him up late at night. i do think it is kind of curious he make this is big move this morning because i agree with bill, trump neutralized a lot of discussion about the tape last night. and in doing that, the republican party, with these vice-presidential nominees. had very big week with the debate. rewriting rules of modern political history. it is a political history. we know right away speaker ryan was endorsing trump right after the debate. he said there is no update in his position. now this conference call.
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she was elated. he did a nice job stopping bleeding for the time-being. this is about thresholdsed. . every single person in this country has threshold around what they will support, what they won't support. we've seen many republicans throughout the primary and campaign have different points the threshold has been crossed. john mccain the same was it. the pw talk wasn't. showed deference to will of the people around many things. this crossed threshold. what i hear him saying, regardless of the debate performance the threshold has already -- sandra: by the way sheer observance ofdown ballot trends on gop side would lead him to do this thing. ryan has spent the past five months touting a better way agenda. republicans have to be for
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things and not just against things. well isn't that sort of what he is doing here by saying he is not for hillary clinton but he is against donald trump? >> again, he is in a survival mode, ryan. it is hard to at this point read his mind but he never liked trump. ryan never liked him, all right? so then there are rumors there is more stuff coming out and all of that. so i think ryan is basically saying to the republican party, look, you're all on your own. we'll help you but we're not going to really get behind trump it could destroy us if there is something else. harris: really quickly anti-establishment was for bernie sanders on left and donald trump. so maybe this won't matter so much to some voters that paul ryan has pulled back. >> no, that is not going to matter. harris: in terms of his core support, speaks to the issue did he ever really support him to
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begin with, i think that is fair question? >> no, he never did. the folks will decide. this is visceral election. emotional election, i said that long time ago, doesn't matter who endorses what newspaper, what commentator everybody is going to say look, i think a lot of people will stay home. they're not going to show. don't like either of them. sandra: emotional election. quickly changing election. that conference call coming after debate donald trump apologized for a leaked tape. caught him making lewd remarks about women. he repeatedly called it locker room talk and said he was sorry. hillary was not going to let him off the hook. >> i don't think you understood. this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologized to my family. i apologize to the american people. >> so for the record you say you never did that? >> frankly you hear these things are said. and i was embarrassed by it but i have tremendous respect for women. >> have you ever done those things?
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>> women have respect for me. i will tell you, no, i have not. >> what we all saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women, what he thinks about women, what he does to women, but, i think it is clear to anyone who heard it that is represents exactly who he is. because we've seen this throughout the campaign. we have seen him insult women. we've seen him rate woman on their appearance, ranking them from one to 10. sandra: the republican nominee then pivoted to attacks on bill clinton's sex scandals. hillary did not seem to want to take the bait, listen. >> if you look at bill clinton, far worse. mine are words and his was action. , what he has done to women there has never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that has been so abusive to woman. hillary clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
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four of them here tonight. one of the women who is a wonderful woman, at 12 years old, was raped at 12. her client, she represented got him off and she is seen laughing on two separate occasions laughing at the girl who was raped. >> so much of what he said is not right. he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. he gets to decide what he wants to talk about, instead of answering people's questions, talking about our agenda. when i hear something like that i am reminded of what my friend michelle obama advised us all, when they go low, you go high. sandra: that was quite a moment last night. bill, what did you make of donald trump unvocking bill clinton's past not with his words, but as he mentioned those accusers were in the audience? he sat them front row with members of his family among them. paula jones, juanita broderick. we have image there. that is your thoughts.
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>> that is strategy to say okay, i did something bad myself on the bus with the access hollywood guy, don't be a hypocrite because bill clinton done worse than i have, his wife hillary clinton, basically defended him. so it is a classic defense mechanism. sandra: how did he handle with, just locker room talk on his side? >> what else is he going to say? that is what he is going to say. they sit in a room, all right, they being trump and maybe eight or nine people. they said okay, this is a disaster, right? this is terrible. so they're going to ask us about it. what are we going to say? they come up with a phrase. what was the phrase with bill clinton? it is only about sex, right? remember that. that was carville and his crew came up with that exactly the same. this is what these people do. they give it to trump. trump says it five times. he said it five times in the debate. people at home with the
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responsibility of casting the ballot to decide all right, i'm going to give trump a pass on this, or, vote for him or i'm not, it is too horrendous and i don't trust him and that's it. so we commentators, all we can do is provide perspective. tonight on my program we'll tell but the 12-year-old girl, we researched case, nobody knows what that is. tune in tonight i will have all of that data for you. >> bill articulating my point about thresholds this is so different about any other election in my book. it is not about collective thought. one place hillary clinton misspoke. this is so clear. it is not clear at all. every american by themselves have to decide if indeed that is satisfactory to hear to say it is locker room talk and they can forgive that and move on and vote for him because they feel he is the remedy they need in washington or you know what for me, enough is enough, he has gone too far. that will be the challenge that
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he will continue to have throughout the rest of this election. kennedy: press conference with the four victims. this was trump card. that was pagentry. that was dropping nuclear bomb less than 90 minutes before the debate started. kennedy: people on stage, uncommitted voters selected by gallup by the commission for presidential debates. did they have aware the press conference was underway? did they get their phones taken away. >> that is the point. bad behavior pointing to bad behavior. kennedy: trump wants everyone talking about the press conference and not the debate. >> this is what they do in courts. this is what 5-year-olds do, how can you punish me, he set the barn on fire. so i'm saying american people are smart enough to understand what it is. edge this you make the personal decision. kennedy: i interviewed kathleen willey last night. she said --
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harris: one much his accusers. kennedy: one of his accusers. he has close relationship with to of the women at press conference. he said hillary clinton is fake feminist. for her to say she fights for women and fights for children. that was painful, those statements are painful to listen to because she had the opposite experience. sandra: if anything it showed awkward moment, when accusers were -- sitting down in the front row you could very much see discomfort in bill clinton. harris: for me it started from the top they didn't even shake hands. we'll get into this later. so you mentioned there is potentially more of this to come. and you talk about that room where they all sit around and they prepare for this. how do you prepare for that? at end of the first debate and talking about alicia machado donald trump's response to hillary clinton where did you get that? there could be more. there could be tape, there could be audio? is the public going to be told
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about this? does his team get out in on the from of it all? >> you can't get out in front because you don't know. listen -- harris: there is another attacker this morning. another woman this morning. >> of course. harris: do you answer each one or -- >> don't want to answer unless it reaches critical mass but 90% of the media despises trump. just don't like his policies, they don't like him, all right? so they're going to try to find or buy or whatever they can do stuff that is going to hurt him. and then on the other side, you know there are people looking for stuff about hillary clinton and things like that. so there is four weeks left. four weeks from tomorrow. kennedy: how much dirtier can it get? >> look, trump is a rich guy did pretty much what he wanted to do for 40 years, okay? and so there could be stuff. sandra: we want to get this in. latest "nbc/wall street journal" taken saturday and sunday before the debate happened last night showing hillary clinton now with
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an 11-point lead nationally over donald trump. >> yeah. that is predictable. that will shrink after the debate. but, mrs. clinton has a firm lead and i would say the odds are that she will win the election. the third debate, you know, that means something but right now the secretary's in front, no doubt. harris: do you put odds different now than in the past? >> sure. this tape really hurt donald trump. and, you know, it is one of these things where you sit at home, and people go who's worse? it is not who is better. harris: the reason i ask that, the the news of him saying things like this is not necessarily new. is it just got caught on tape? >> yeah, tape. >> heard his voice saying. >> the language is stark, okay? kennedy: the attitude. >> "new york times" printed thing on page 1, with all
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four-letter words. harris: i did not see that. >> yeah. you go, okay, look we know you hate him, but we know you hate trump, all right, do you have to do this? and they did. >> classless. kennedy: those of us with middle-schooler trying to read the newspaper a bit disconcerting. >> i thought it was terrible editorial decision. sandra: some are calling it ugliest debate ever for reasons we mentioned. insults between donald trump and hillary clinton and impact their rhetoric could have on voters and hillary clinton defending her paid speeches to wall street firms after the latest dump from wick very leaks. how her report the comments on public and private positions could affect her trustworthiness
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some paid speeches hillary made to wall street firms including goldman sachs. last night she defended her claims found in the leaked emails politicians need a public and private position on certain political issues. >> as i recall, that was something i said about abraham lincoln after having seen the wonderful steven spielberg movie called "lincoln." and i was making the point it is hard sometimes to get the congress to do what you want to do. >> she got caught in total lie. her papers went out to all her friends at banks, goldman sachs and everybody else and said things from wikileaks that just came out and she lied. now she is blaming lie on the late great, abraham lincoln. that is one that i have -- honest abe, honest abe never lied. that is the good thing. that is the big difference between abraham lincoln and you.
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kennedy: fortunately we have speaker of truth, cultural icon and historian, bill o'reilly. i go to you. you know more about lincoln's life. >> old abe would be really, really sad to see what is happening here. the, i'm not so angry or upset about hillary clinton's wikileaks exposure. i think most important thing was that she says she want open borders. trump didn't even mention that last night. i think that is huge myself that is issue pole la rises americans. you can go to town. a public and private posture. any catholic politician supports abortion, personally i'm against it but, that is kind of thing that hillary clinton says. is hillary clinton a sincere woman? no. she isn't. okay. but how many politicians are? the bar is so low.
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and lincoln was the guy who raised the bar. so he was the best -- harris: look what they did to him. >> right in front of him was james buchan nan the worst president the united states has ever seen. so it is ebb and flow. i don't know we have any ronald reagan's or abe lincolns on the horizon. i'm not seeing them. harris: look at some of these emails, just to read through them and see what they said. one of them to john podesta said, talking about the changing a speech. change the nurse story so it is less self-congratulatory. there was a lot of that not so much about the focus the formulation needs to be less on her. things they tried to change the speech. forget my language. more humor, first woman. ass kicker, coloring her hair. these are conversations going back trying to humanize her in speeches, an issue they tried to
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do time and time again in the campaign. >> they have been you can successful almost in any attempt. you're right. there are no bold men or women among us in terms of politics but i think there is something particularly off-putting, disingenuine about hillary clinton at that comes off. that was one of the most ridiculous answers from her last night. she can put historical context, lincoln blame game was poorly received. kennedy: shoutout to democratic donor steven spielberg. >> come on, madam secretary, what are you talking talk here? she would be better off, you know what, sometimes because of nature of politics you have to present your personal opinion in particular way and professional in different one and ownership. kennedy: shows mechanically what flipped in the debate. in the first debate he would have the explanations or excuses
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that teed her up for her canned lines. i don't think he saw the abraham lincoln thing coming. >> that was good on the fly. you would be in jail. i know, that was a great line. that is what i would say. hey. harris: pinhead. >> you pinhead i would absolutely added that. did you see the faux outrage, one cnn reporter, not going to mention her name this is like hitler and stalin. somebody get her a coke. i mean -- harris: she had enough caffeine. >> really. hitler and stalin said he would put her in jail. what do you think the fbi was doing for a year, okay? sheesh. we have living in an insane political time now, insane. sandra: to bring this full circle whether or not she defended herselves or explained herself as far as paid
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wall street speeches, $225,000 a speech, to say there is such a bias against people who led successful or complicated lives, how often do we hear that from her in her attacks on donald trump. for her to be saying this to her goldman sachs audiences, what we hear publicly as her political persona every day two very different -- kennedy: she vilifies what she calls trumped up trickle-down economics but then you know she goes in front of the billionaire class and now we have a glimpse into some of the promises that she. >> watch what they do. her words are rhetoric. she goes there. we already know what it is. we know what it is. harris: no, it is true. we're done. >> can i leave? no? is the show over? harris: just trying to behave. >> like geometry class in high
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school. how much longer? kennedy: debate moderators openly with donald trump and critics -- i loved geometry. they were in the tank for hillary, but were they biased or just being tough but fair? plus donald trump admitting he took a major tax deduction saying hillary's donors do it all the time? will the answers be enough to put the issue to rest? sandra: 30 more minutes, bill. ♪ see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin.
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raddatz corrected trump during question on syria and even argued with him at one point. trump raised issue of bias during the debate, saying he was interrupted more than hillary clinton. watch. >> she campaigned where the -- >> mr. trump, mr. trump i want to get to audience questions and online questions. >> so she is allowed to do but i'm allowed -- >> you will get to respond right now. >> that sounds fair. >> we turned over 35,000. >> what about the other 15,000. >> please allow her to respond. she didn't talk while you talked. >> hillary clinton wants to allow hundreds of -- >> why did it morph into that. answer the question. do you still believe -- >> you interrapt my all the the time. you're growing to have plans. >> what does that mean? >> i'll tell you what it means. >> there has been lots of fact-checking on that. i like to move to online question. >> she went 25 seconds over time. >> she i did not. >> anderson, why aren't you being brought up the e-mails.
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>> no it hasn't. >> kim has a question. >> nice one on three. harris: all shades of auction wardness. couple facts before we delve in, moderators attempted to interrupt 41 times. 26 of those perhaps, more than often were donald trump. 26 minutes in only one audience question. most of it was about the tape and such off the top which you had mentioned. 33 minutes, five seconds went to clinton. 40 minutes 10 seconds went to trump. your thoughts? >> i thought moderators were okay. i worked with martha raddatz at wcbb in boston. know her pretty well. she made one mistake arguing with syria about trump. she knows that area very well. she is passionate about it, and she believes, and i know this to be true, trump doesn't know anything about it, okay? now whether that is a valid assessment, i don't know because i don't know how much trump knows about syria. however, that was a mistake.
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if you're moderator you don't argue. that is hillary clinton's job to argue, not your job. but otherwise i think they, when they heard repetition, you know, as somebody who has done this before, when you hear repetition, okay, we heard that. all right. let's get to another question and. so i mean, do anderson cooper and martha raddatz going to vote for donald trump? never on this earth, all right? we all know that, all right. so yeah, he is right, one against three but i didn't think they were aggressively promoting hillary clinton. i didn't theyer doing that. harris: say this for anderson cooper early on said he wasn't voting at all. i don't know if he would keep to that. no handshake off the top and a lot of comments on line about donald trump walking the stage and kind of, sort of, i don't know it is a town hall you're allowed to do it. kennedy: you're allowed to do it, that is very subtle dance figuring out where to position your body without look like
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you're stalking your open.. there were times they framed him up with the camera, the shots looked weird because he was sort of ominously looked like learing behind her. i agree with kyle smith in the "new york post," moderators inserted themselves to become the stars of the show. this is debate forum where there are 38 people on stage, like kenneth bone, to ask questions of the candidates and they did a better job framing questions so the candidates could answer them with a little less hostility. harris: too bad they didn't start to get to questions until 26 minutes in. sandra: by the way, 45 minutes in, before any mention what we talked about in the last block, those wall street speech excerpts. i found that to be amazing. that was lead story for everybody that day as far as what is happening with the hillary clinton camp. are you going to say something? harris: i am because you moderated a debate. i want to ask you do you think we've gotten to the point where donald trump is right? sandra: follow-up questions
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should be used only when absolutely necessary in my opinion. you feel that out as moderator. that is your job as moderator but just exactly what you said, bill, newt gingrich, advisor to trump, former speaker of the house, why is raddatz debating trump? isn't that hillary's job. all they had to do let hillary respond, wasn't going where he was supposed to or wasn't answering the that is how a debate set up. different format. town hall format. it was set up she could have challenged him. kennedy: is that sexist trying to rescue her from him? sandra: i will let you answer that. harris: what donald trump said he think it is time we don't have moderators at all. they stand up there and -- sandra: there are reasons for it. harris: i don't know how you do that in 90 minute format. what happens when you get to the 91st minute and they haven't stopped talking. >> wouldn't trust these two without a moderator. >> they don't want a brawl up there. kennedy: they need chris wallace harris: one.
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remember when you said men are superior drivers? yeah... yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. ♪ sandra: donald trump admitting for the first time he avoided paying personal federal income taxes for years thanks to a big deduction he reportedly took back in 1995, but he blamedded hillary clinton for not reforming the tax code when she was a u.s. senator, saying she refused to because she was protecting her donors. watch. >> did you use the $916 million loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes? >> of course i do. of course i do. so do all of her donors or most of her donors.
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i know many of her donors. her donors took massive tax writeoffs. >> did you pay personal income tax. >> a lot of my write-offs was depreciation that hillary as senator always allowed, and people give all her money that allowed it. sandra: trump appeared to reverse himself he pays hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes including federal tax. did he make any ground on this last night? it was a big moment. >> it was a neutral. i think people understand that when you run companies like he does, the tax code is there and they take what they call depreciation on buildings and they -- sandra: all legal. >> yeah. so, what are you supposed to not take it? sandra: right. >> i have corporations and i instruct my accountant swiftie, all right, to be very, very -- harris: it his name is not swiftie? >> it toys me. to be very, very conservative, all right?
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so if there is any doubt pay it because i was audited three years in a row under bill clinton. it was political audit. they audited me because they didn't like me. if that were the case everybody on earth would audit me. we went in and said if you continue this we'll make a big deal. trump, i'm not justifying the tax code which i think needs to be changed. it does because you can't favor, you have to give business room, especially when they start up or you won't have any business, but at certain point minimum you need to pay. if you live in the trump tower and having a private jet you have to pay a minimum, all right? harris: yep. >> that is the solution to this thing. sandra: goes back to how could donald trump be at fault for taking advantage financially of the existing tax code? he blamed hillary clinton for not changing it. was that effective? >> i think it was. i don't think anybody is mad at donald trump because he is using legal advantage -- >> bernie sanders is. >> you know --
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>> a lot of people. >> that is why he is still not standing. >> reasonable-minded people, i know i don't think any of us should be paying income tax we're not getting a lot of bang for our buck. the government is poor steward of money they have. it doesn't make any sense. i don't think there is place trump hurt himself. sandra: kennedy? kennedy: duplicate programs and hillary clinton talking about open borders as libertarian i'm fine with, but you need to end the entitlement state. you can't have both things happening at same time and have functioning economy and country. there is a lot he finally pinned her on he didn't do effectively in the first debate. there are people sitting there for the first time, really, george soros and warren buffett do the exact same thing and they're giving her millions and millions of dollars? huh. sandra: she loves to bring up the warren buffett thing. how can it be warren buffett's
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secretary pay as higher tax rate than warren buffett himself? it is effective. harris: doesn't want to talk about her own companies. there are tax people not all named swiftie, taxed with doing, finding low threshold for all of them. this issue donald trump has been missing opportunity to grow beyond his base. this is one of those issues you can really make compelling argument for how, okay, so i didn't pay taxes but here is what would happen if you changed the laws and how some of that money would have gone to different things that really need it like military and so forth. he can answer some of the criticism from the independent voters and at same time grow the tent a little bit bigger saying, look i know exactly where to go in there and mess with it. kennedy: simplify the tax code. overpaying taxes, no offense, bill, it is not virtuous you're not getting great return on your investment. sandra: harris was so disturbed by the lack of handshake to start the debate.
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harris: you and i, we hit elbows we hug, do whatever. they didn't even shake hands. sandra: kills bill when we mentioned twitter. trending quickly, #no handshake. bother ad lot of people. the debate was not a total slugfest, a heartwarming moment at the end when the candidates were asked what they liked about each other. we'll discuss the answers. so sweet. harris: let's do it here. ♪ we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can.
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♪ >> could call it a bitter sweetened to a nasty, nasty debate. the 2016 candidates were put on the spot when an audience member to ask donald trump and hillary clinton say something they respect about each other. here is what they said. >> i respect his children. his children are incredibly able and devoted and i think that says a lot about donald. i don't agree with nearly anything else he says or does
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but i do respect that. >> she is a fighter. i disagree with much of what she is fighting for. i do disagree with her judgment and in many cases, but she does fight hard and she doesn't quit and doesn't give up and i consider that to be a very good trait. >> bill, so my favorite trump supporter that will remain nameless she thinks donald trump referred to hillary clinton as such a strong fighter and someone very tenacious and won't give up. >> all right. that was your mother. [laughter] trump was, i think that was an honest answer, all right. that is an answer i would probably have given. i don't know secretary clinton that well, but i met her a few times. i don't think she is the demon a lot of people try to make her. the reason i say that because i know some of her friends and in private, this is going book to the private public thing again,
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she is much kinder or more softer. and so, when i saw trump pick that out i said that was smart play. as far as she is concerned, look, she again is, has to maintain this outrain about him. you know, it is all person fall. she's offended and outraged by him, not his policies, him. the guy. so that i think that was an excellent question by the way by the audience member. sandra: i thought so. >> very, very good question. i think they both answered it appropriately. >> i agree. it made me sleep a little better last night. with a little bit of shade. hillary's answer to bill's point. she didn't compliment anything about trump the man but complimented parenting with his kids. harris: no, she directly said that is what she liked about him. >> she doesn't like anything about him. she likes extension out to other -- that is like saying
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what is the best thing about harris faulkner? well she has a nice house? harris: no no,. completely different. i can live without my house. >> that was hypothetical. >> mama bear coming out. harris: sorry, bill. >> his extension away from the person because hillary clinton truthly loathes donald trump. harris: i disagree. your children are extension of who you are. >> she made that point. harris: i gave her a lot of credit going there. it softened her a bit. she needs that more than he does. for him not to get all warm and fuzzy doesn't hurt or help him. he is neutral in that. they all met his family. they like his family. she disagreed with the rest of the nation. kennedy: that answer benefited him and benefited her. shows her children are passionate. they are actively campaigning for him. they had impressively speeches particularly done, jr., at the rnc.
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that was quick thinking to show her softer side as mother and grandmother i respect how much your children are loved and invested in you. i half expecting he went first to say i don't like anything about her and, i think that is the kind of answer he would have given on "the apprentice." if he were fighting with the contestant on "the apprentice." i like winners, i like your fight. sandra: if only they would have started question would we have a more cordial debate. harris: you couldn't start that with the news though. >> sandra has a point, maybe they should have started debate, all we are saying give peace a chance. yoko would have come on. you can do whatever you want. kennedy: she would have broken up the band. >> i'm here for another seven minutes and i'm out of here. [laughter]. they had to lead with the tape because that was the giant gorilla and, i thought, you know it was very interesting, for me
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as journalist, back and forth to watch that first 30 minutes. >> agreed, agreed. yes, ladies and gentlemen, he has done it again, our very own bill o'reilly penning another best-selling book. this one, "killing the rising sun." another movie coming out based on another one of his successes, "killing reagan." bill is here to give us a preview.
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9:57 am
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sandra: you have to have it for yourself or an early christmas gift or anyone, not too early, bill o'reilly's brand new book, "killing the rising sun" how america vanquished the world war ii japan. it is "new york times" and amazon business seller. premiering this weekend, the movie based on bill's "killing reagan." on gnat geo 8:00 eastern. sales have been through the roof. >> we're busy, you know, people ask me why the killing books so successful? we have 16 million in print. this is the sixth book. it is because you learn about your country, but you also have fun. it's a fun read. it is not like, 900 pages. it is 300 pages. each page is turner and keep turning them around. rising sun is a little different because it talks about the courage and nobility of americans.
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these soldiers and marines and naval people, 18, 19, 20. that was the age that were fighting and how brave they were and what they did. my father was in it. he was in it. and then i'm not going to tell more because it is in the book and all that but america want stories about their country that are noble, show us in a good light, particularly in a season where there is not a lost nobility going around. harris: you got it all going on. sandra: the movie happening this sunday night? >> good movie. i saw it. they had previous view in washington thursday. tim matheson plays reagan. cynthia nixon plays nancy. people will be surprised by movie, not what you think but you will be rivetted. harris: we'll live tweet while we watch. bill had to do that. we'll have a nice tutorial this week. sandra: mr. bill o'reilly great
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