tv Hannity FOX News October 14, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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not just you and me, but the people in my control room and the people in this room and the people in your live room at home. we're glad you trust us in this moments and times like this. good night, everybody. and welcome to "hannity." i want you to pay very close attention to what i'm going to tell you tonight. we have bombshell revelations from a new round of released e-mails from wikileaks, reportedly from the inbox of hillary clinton's campaign, chairman john podesta. these details are absolutely stunning and most of the media is not covering this. we're going to go over it in detail. now, in 2008 the clinton campaign appeared to conduct a focus group that tested voters' reactions to various attacks they may have wanted to use against then senator barack obama in the upcoming primary race. this tells you a lot about the clintons. here are the topics they were looking at back then and
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allegedly testing. obama is the only candidate at a recent event not to cover his heart during a national anthem and he stopped wearing an american flag plan. obama benefitted from a land deal from a contributor indicted for corruption. he would personally negotiate with leaders of terrorist nations like iran and north korea without preconditions. wow, hillary did it too. obama voted against allowing people to use handguns the defend themselves against intruders. he planned to raise taxes by $180 billion to pay for his government-run healthcare plan. hillary voted for it. he voted repeatedly against emergency funding bills for u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan. obama's father was a muslim and obama grew up among muslims in the world's most pop you lus islamic country. obama is ranked as one of the ten most liberal members of the senate because of his support of issues like guy adoption. he voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses
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who survived the procedure. he supports giving driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants. by the way, hillary did too. obama described his former use of cocaine as just using a little blow. here is more proof that the clinton campaign has been pushing this muslim narrative all along. now, these stunning facts exposed by wikileaks, it is only a small portion of what has been uncovered with these released e-mails. we've also learned that what hillary clinton tells you, the american people, about her policy positions in public is very different from what she says in private. you think clinton would be ashamed to admit she lies to you, the american people, but, no, she actually brags about doing exactly that in a 2013 wall street speech where she was paid $225,000. here are some of her major contradictions. now, she says she wants to increase the number of syrian refugees coming into the country by 550%, but the wikileaks e-mail show in a speech in 2013
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she admitted that refugees cannot be properly vetted and could put countries they enter at risk. stop one second. that means she's willing to gamble with your life. now, clinton also claims she wants a no fly zone in syria, but it was revealed she was very skeptical about the idea during a speech she gave to goldman sachs, despite being the so-called champion, by the way of climate change, the e-mails reveal she is unsure about supporting or opposing the keysteen pipeline, and she praised fracking. that's pretty hypocritical. she also pretends she is a fierce critic of wall street and big banks, but she praised their actions after the 2007 financial collapse while she was talking to bankers who were paying her. contrary to what she says now, paid speeches clinton has supported open borders an open trade. she wants an open hem ills fear we discovered. we discovered, too, that these
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e-mails, that clinton's team actually tried to use the benghazi terror attack as a distraction from her private e-mail server scandal. think about that. who does this? we're talking about four dead americans that died in that attack, and, remember, there were 600 requests for extra security and she didn't send anybody to help them, and she wanted to use their deaths as a political distraction. who acts like that? speaking of her e-mail scandal, serious red flags are being raised tonight after e-mails released earlier today show john podesta e-mailed clinton aide cheryl mills, quote, do you think we should hold e-mails to and from the potus, meaning the president of the united states? well, that's the heart of his executive privilege. we can get them to ask for that. now, they may not care, but it seems like they probably will. so it appears now the president obama did in fact know that clinton used a private e-mail account despite publicly saying to you that he learned about it
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from press reports just like we did. now, this shows the clinton server scandal may very well reach the highest level of government. mr. president, what did you know and when did you know it? now, to me this helps prove why clinton's i.t. team, remember, they used bleach bit to term nent by delete tens of thousands of e-mails instead of wiping it clean with a cloth? in my opinion it explains the suspicious, questionable actions of fbi director james comey and attorney general loretta lynch and why bill clinton met privately with lynch on her private plane for nearly 40 minutes just before she rendered her decision. they couldn't bring charges against clinton or investigate this too much. why? oh, obama looks to be directly tied to hillary's scandal. now, simply put for president obama this would be the equivalent of water gate, plus wikileaks discovered the campaign was tipped off, in other words collusion, with the department of justice about the release of information about hillary's private e-mail server.
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on top of that, collusion with the state department because the state department gave the campaign a heads up about when e-mails related to democratic nominee would be released to the public. but the revelations don't stop there. wikileaks also uncovered more about the inner workings of the clinton foundation. this is interesting. this is pay to play. chelsea clinton in 2011 raced questions about corruption and pay-to-play and practices going on inside her family's charity, but her complaints were ignored and she was viciously attacked for speaking out by one of her father's long-time aides doug ban. he called chelsea a spoiled brat. keep in mind as a.p. previously reported, 55% of non-governmental people who met with hillary clinton while secretary of state ended up donating or pledging money to clinton foundation. is that selling access? abc news is reporting after the 2010 erlgt quake in haiti,
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remember, 150,000 people died, a reported $10 billion in relief aid was dedicated to that disaster. at that time hillary's state department gave special treatment to bill clinton's friends who may have been looking to cash in. the editorial board call this the most damming clinton foundation story yet, they made separate lists of friends. clinton foundation denies this happened, but wikileaks says otherwise. there's also more. there's also the blatant hypocrisy of hillary clinton and her campaign. they label donald trump a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe, referring to his supporters, remember, basket of deplorables that are irredeemable. bill clinton said they're red necks. the released e-mails show her campaign attacked and mocked catholic goes and evangelicals and john podesta, a left wing activist, he was talking about fomenting revolution within the catholic church and it should be infiltrated so they can inject their progressive values into the church.
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in one e-mail podesta used the subject line, quote, needy latinos, one easy call for the needy latinos. they also leaked e-mails from the democratic national committee. remember, they showed a sleazy plan to post a fake job listing on craigslist for a trump company? the job requirements, no gaining weight, and that you must be open to public humiliation. almost on top of that there's the issue of liberal mainstream media bias and how it has now become an extension of the clinton campaign. since 2008 what have i been telling you? journalism in america is dead. back then the press refused to vet senator obama and now we have proof that the abusively biassed liberal media is openly cluding with the clinton campaign in what is clearly a coordinated effort to put hillary in the white house. what wikileaks found is disturbing. it should be very, very concerning to everybody in this country because in e-mails we see cnbc's john horwood,
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remember, he moderated a debate, he offered advice to clinton campaign, praised hillary and bragged about attacking trump at a primary debate he was moderating. the "new york times" reporter actually allowed the campaign to edit out certain quotes from hillary before the story is published. by the way, they never let me do that. also, the bost"the boston globe launched an effort to boost hillary clinton while battling senator bernie sanders in primaries. head of uni vision pressed to attack trump harder. after a trip to michigan, the clinton campaign said every interview was for her. donna brazil while working there appears to have shared a question with the clinton campaign before a town hall on that very network. brazil denies it, but the question seems verbatim. also, there are revelations about how hillary clinton and her campaign feel about you, how they really feel about you, the american people. an e-mail shows that clinton
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hated using the term every day americans in speeches, and in prepared remarks hillary said she was far removed from the struggles of the middle class because of the fortunes her and bill now enjoyed because they get $250,000 a speech from big banks, lobbyists, insurance companies, wall street firms and much more. huge, huge, huge revelations. joining us now with reaction, the author of the brand-new book, called "treason," former speaker of the house, fox new contributor new gingrich. here is what is amazing about this to me. number one, you see the dark arts of politics that the clintons played against obama. that's revealed in wikileaks. on top of that you have this collusion, full collusion with the media. they're an extension of clinton. then it is also the state department, they're tipping off clinton. the justice department is tipping off clinton. the white house is helping clinton with the e-mail server
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scandal. why? because obama, who said he learned about the e-mails like we did from the press, actually was e-mailing the private e-mail. what do you make of all of this? the media, by the way, all they want to talk about is some new woman that made an allegation this late in the game against donald trump. >> well, look, think you have to see the whole thing is the same thing. you have so much corruption under way now that, you know, you get a million dollar check from a dictatorship in the middle east, it is a birthday gift for bill clinton. in a healthy society it would be considered bribery. you get the richest man in mexico donating millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while he's also the major stockholder in the "new york times" which just happens to be doing everything it can to protect hillary clinton. >> can i just stop you. a million dollar check came from qatar, a country that marital
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rape is legal. >> it is also a country which hillary herself said was helping support and sustain isis. >> yep. >> one other thing, you know, wikileaks, there's so much material there that it is going to take a while for it to sink in. but wikileaks is actually going to presently give us an entirely new understanding of how sick and how dishonest and how corrupt the left is in all of its mechanisms, the news media, the bureaucracy, the campaign. at the center of itr t are the clintons, and hillary clinton is the most corrupt candidate ever to run for president of the united states. you are now seeing detail after detail after detail. it is beyond any reasonable question of the depth of their corruption and what they would bring into the white house. if you look at the $10 billion that was supposed to go to help the haitians after the last earthquake, and what did we have happen? >> yeah. >> you suddenly had friends of bill who came -- not people who knew haiti, not people with
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particular skills, but friends of bill. people who donated got special state department treatment. this kind of stuff is surfacing now in a way that i suspect the average american over the next week or two is just going to be sickened by the repetitive example, example, example of corruption. >> let me ask you, do you think it is a coincidence here we are 25 days out of a campaign and all of a sudden out of nowhere six women come out and make allegations against donald trump? six! do you think it is coincidental it is happening right in the middle of a massive document dump that implicates the clintons? >> look. if you're the "new york times" or cbs news or "the washington post" and you are desperately propping up the most corrupt candidate in history, you're going to reach for anything. i think it is actually funny today that the man who was cited by the first woman being on first class flight in the airplane 30 years ago came out of the woodwork, turns out to be british, said, yes, i was sitting across the aisle, no,
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she is a total liar. these things are going to unrival. it gives the media a chance for a few days to try to suppress the trump voter, and i think it makes the polls highly inaccurate. balls you get three or four days like this, a lot of voters will not say donald trump's name when they're called by a pollster but they will answer donald trump, this is why rasmussen is different from some of the polls, because it doesn't require you to tell a person what you're going to do. >> that's pretty interesting. i like what you're saying. it took me ten minutes to outline just the headlines of what is -- there's so much here about collusion with the media, collusion with the state department, collusion with the justice department and the white house knowing and obama lied and they're talking about erasing e-mails under subpoena. there's a lot here. we'll have more with new gingrich. right after the break also, wikileaks helped reveal how much the white house knows about the clinton server scandal. what do they know?
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when did they know it? should the case be reopened. judge-j and kimberly guilfoyle weigh in is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez, the number of deaths in the u.s. rising to 41 from hurricane matthew. two more victims were found in north carolina. meantime, state investigators in north carolina are looking into environmental costs of the storm. duke energy says the hurricane caused erosion at one of its plants there that may have resulted in possible release of coal ash into a nearby river. a connecticut judge dismisses a lawsuit against remington arms in connection with the 2012
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attack at the sandy hook elementary school in new town. remington made the bush master ar-15 rifle used in the attack that left 20 children and 6 adults dead. lawyers for the families that filed the suit say they will appeal. log on to fox for details. have a great night. the media is covering up for the clintons, and there are many crimes against so many people. the wikileaks documents show how the media conspires and collaborates with the clinton campaign including giving the questions and answers to hillary clinton before the debate. okay. last night we had a massive crowd of over 20,000 people in cincinnati, filled up an arena. and the media won't even talk about the size of the crowd, the
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enthusiasm of the crowd. the corrupt media is trying to do everything in their power to stop our movement, believe me. they don't want this happening. carlos slim, largest donor from mexico, reporters at the "new york times," they're not journalists, they're corporate lobbyists for carlos slim and hillary clinton. these lies spread by the media without witnesses, without backup or anything else are poisoning the minds of the electorate. >> donald trump earlier today on the campaign trail going after a very corrupt news media in this country. you know, this really is -- i mean this is sick. this is really troubling. june ivision, nbc, cnbc, msnbc, cnn, the "new york times," "the boston globe." i mean every major media group is basically an extension of the clinton campaign and it is
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revealed. i've always said journalism is dead. now we have the evidence and proof to back up what i've said, but it really puts donald trump at a disadvantage. how should he deal with these allegations that are coming up last minute to smear him and get his message out? what should the message be? >> first of all, barry castleman wrote a blog in which te said this was literally a media coup, it was an effort starting last friday to replace the chosen nominee and destroy the chosen nominee of one of our two parties. it was an all-out lynching by the news media. the way ronald reagan beat it, the way we beat it in 1994 is you take a set of key messages you know will win in tend. i was reminded, john engler, the year he won against the incumbent governor, the sunday morning before the election the
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detroit liberal came out and said he was going to lose by 14 points. two days later he won by 1 point. it is a 15 point spread. of course, they were trying to depress republicans, gelt them o decide not to vote, to stay home. trump has to stay big. o right at hillary as most corrupt candidate in history, he has to go right at carlos slim, the amount much money they have given, paid speeches given to the foundation, the relationship of slim and the "new york times." i love it when the head of the "new york times" explains, oh, there's no real relationship. right, the richest guy in mexico who is your biggest single stockholder has no real effect on you. give me a break. the level of dishonesty is breathtaking. you think you see it in "the washington post," in the "new york times." >> i mean you and i are the only ones who will tell this story. >> well, i think with trump, listen, the thing that makes trump so remarkable is if he stays at the level he was at this afternoon, if he hammers
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home the facts, as they did last night when they took on hillary for her brazilian secret speech where she said she really wanted a hemisphere without borders and trump took her headon and said, look, 600 million people could come into the u.s. that means mexican drug dealers, colombian drug dealers, all from el salvador could come. when you get that message out there and between social media, the giant rallies he has. remember, you get 20,000 people at a rally, you have 20,000 people on facebook, you have 20,000 people on instagram. >> that's a good point. >> i have been at these rallies. he creates his own mini network everywhere he goes and it is much more than the people in the room, it is all of their electronic connection. >> all right. the message is simple. are you going throatlet a corru media decide the fate of your country. >> that's a profound, deep question. there's a lot of work to do after this. by the way, now you --
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>> and ending on a happy note, this is the first event on television ever of ellis, the elephant, the plush toy version and a new book, of course. >> you will be at barnes and noble in fairfax, virginia at what time tomorrow? >> we will be there at 1:00 and calista and i both will be there and the real elephant will be there for pictures with kids. >> and next week at the reagan and nixon libraries for people to see you. >> sure am. >> will you be in vegas. >> i'm doing a debate watch party in los angeles and catching a red eye to see my grandchildren. >> mr. speaker, thank you. 25 days to go. >> good to see you. coming up in the week of the damning revelations exposed by wikileaks, should the case on clinton's private e-mail server be reopened? yes, it should. judge jeanine pirro and kimberly guilfoyle coming up. and later governor mike huckabee and dr. ben carson as we
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wikileaks released new clinton campaign e-mails revealing how friendly hillary was with the attorney general, loretta lynch. this was only months prior to lynch's investigation of hillary's illegal secret e-mail server that gave foreign governments access to our c confidential information. this comes on the heels of disclosure that clinton campaign was conspireing and colluding with the state department and justice department over the release of her e-mails and the investigation into her server. donald trump earlier today talking about the new wikileaks' revelations related to hillary clinton's server scandal. among them was an e-mail from clinton's campaign chairman podesta to cheryl mills. he discussed the server scandal
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asking her, think we should hold e-mails to and from potus, that's the heart of his executive privilege. we could get them to ask for that. here with reaction, kimberly guilfoyle, host of justice, judge jeanine pirro. we have to slow down here because we have collusion. we know that the state department contacted hillary's campaign, gave them a head's up. we know the justice department gave hillary's campaign a heads up. we know the white house was actively involved because the president who said he learned about the e-mails in the press ended up getting e-mails to and from hillary. now, i would say because of everyone's involvement we need an outside investigator, we need a grand jury impanelled, and there is a possibility, first of all, they destroyed those e-mails and they were under subpoena, that's a crime. that's called obstruction of justice. she could get elected and be impeached within days. true or false? >> well, you're right. she could get elected and be
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impeached, but here is the problem. you've got the clintons who have tentacles all over. this is a textbook example of collusion, corruption and a banana republic. you've got the department of justice, the fbi, the state department as well as the white house. and the white house, all in collusion. >> all in agreement to make sure hillary gets in. i mean the deal is everybody's in on the deal except for the american people. you can get the justice department or a special prosecutor with grand jury powers to start all over, but here is the problem. jim cohen destroyed some of the evidence. jim comey allowed for some of the evidence -- >> makes you wonder what they have on jim comey. >> ymakes you wonder. i agree. i know him to be a different man, but i'm terribly disappointed. >> you think there's a possibility they have something on him? >> i don't know why he did what he did, but it is contrary to the law. >> here we are in the middle of
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the investigation. why would the justice department be talking to the clinton campaign? is there any justifiable reason, like is there any justifiable reason bill clinton got on a plane with loretta lynch? >> no, the impropriety, the lack of ethics and morality. it is a big problem. the proof is in the pudding, in these e-mails to show the collusion, to show the desire to obstruct justice, to perpetrate a fraud upon the american people. it is outrageous. we're both former prosecutors, and when you see something like this it really shocks the conscience. by the way -- we know obama lied. >> -- may take the most important office in the world, the president of the united states. >> i want to dig deeper because we know owe baema lied when he told the american people, oh, i just learned about it in the press like all of you. that was a lie. >> yes. >> now we have an issue, if that evidence was subpoenaed, the e-mails and john podesta and cheryl mills are conspireing to erase them and get rid of them, he's invoking executive
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privilege as a means of getting out from under this cloud, what did the president know and when did he know it? >> and that's exactly the problem. because you've got this cover up, and generally the coverup is worse than the crime itself. you've got the president saying he had no idea that she had this private server -- >> and he's e-mailing her on it. >> and he's e-mailing her on it. i said from the beginning the reason there were no charges by comey is because the first witness for the defense would be president obama because he was communicating with her on a private server less secure than google. >> did obama influence his attorney general and the state department? >> of course he did. >> but that is against the law. >> no kidding. but if you listen to loretta lynch, do you think she's made an independent decision in her life? >> no. >> when she meets with bill clinton on an airplane and two days later hillary clinton says, if i become president i'm going to appoint her attorney general, this is a banana republic and
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we're the stooges in it. >> it is the way the clintons do business. it is the way bill clinton, hillary clinton, the clinton foundation, and, by the way, they were passing out immunity like party favors to everybody including cheryl mills who was advising hillary at the time. >> they did it to shut the case down. >> right. you have to ask the judge, too, to set aside. >> the proper agreement, isn't it given specific information that you're going to hand over? >> right. >> so there may still be some opening somewhere, but i'm assuring they've dotted their i's and crossed their t's here. >> the proper agreement is only issued by the department of justice when the person making the proffer is offering evidence of a crime, otherwise there's no point in giving immunity. >> why would the fbi ever agree as part of the deal to destroy evidence? >> because they wanted to get rid of it, pure and simple. sometimes the most simple answers are the ones that come to mind. >> common sense. >> what they didn't count on was wikileaks had all of it. >> all, julian assange.
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>> that was the unknown variable that came forward that will haunt them. the problem is we're close to the election here and there's a strong likelihood she could be the next president. now what? >> impeach her. >> they knew wikileaks was coming out, which is why they saved all of the trump stuff. they knew they were in deep trouble and they said, let's hold all of this. >> that's where the women come from, five at once. >> the bottom line is you wonder why the allegations weren't brought forward and why the media was com police i think in holding things like the tape to bring it forward for maximum impact. >> by the way, between the two, you guys have a lot of bling. >> she has more, the good stuff. >> your earrings, i'm totally like -- >> but don't even go there. don't go there. >> i don't wear jewelry at all. i don't have a ring, i have nothing. >> you got something better. >> coming up next on "hannity." >> if i watched fox news i wouldn't vote for me. i understand. if i was listening to rush limbaugh i'd say, man, that's terrible. is obama back out there
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old. watch this. >> some of these folks on talk radio started talking about how i was the antichrist. this is in the swamp of crazy. look, if i watched fox news i wouldn't vote for me. i understand. if i was listening to rush limbaugh i'd say, man, this is terrible. joining us now, two former 2016 gop presidential canneds, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, dr. ben carson. with all of the revelations, governor huckabee, with the collusion with the clinton campaign and the white house, the collusion with the state department, the collusion with the justice department, doesn't it seem odd the timing, all of the women in one day, right in the middle of the wikileaks dump, that show all of this, that show even the president lied to us about when he got
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e-mails from hillary? >> you know, it is not surprising to me, sean, because this is exactly what i experienced in arkansas at the hands of the clinton political machine every time i was on the ballot. within weeks, usually sometimes days of the election, there would be all manner of the krasyest stuff imaginable being thrown, even lawsuits filed. everything you can imagine and more to give the press something to talk about and write about other than the issues of the election. so it looks very familiar to me. i've not only seen it, i've been there in the middle of it before and not the least bit surprised by it. let me just say this. so far we can't verify a lot of these allegations, but let me tell you what we can verify. we can verify that if hillary is elected we have a real good shot at losing religious liberty, the second amendment, the fourth and the fifth, having open borders, leaving israel to blow in the
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wind. >> open hemisphere. >> we can verify this country is going to take a very, very negative direction, and that's what we need to be focused on. >> dr. carson, when you look at the collusion with the media, the media seems -- they're not paying attention to some of the most profound things that have been revealed here, the propaganda efforts, the lying efforts, the collusion that has gone on here. you know, they just want to talk about the new allegations while simultaneously ignoring juanita broud drik, paula jones, kathleen willey and kathy shelton who i interviewed last night, it shows everything we learned in wikileaks about nbc, cbs, abc, cnn, the "new york times," boston globe is all true, they're in bed with the clintons. the clintons want them to talk about women that make allegations but only against trump and ignore wikileaks. they're just taking orders from the clin tons it seems.
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>> it does seem that way. it is so predictable. you know, a week or two ago i predicted exactly this would happen. i said that the tape was not going to be the last thing, there would be another thing the next week and another thing the next week because that's what they do, because they don't want to discuss the issues. i mean wouldn't it be refreshing to have an open and honest discussion about hillary clinton and donald trump about why he wants to lower taxes and why she wants to raise them? explain the rationale behind that, why he wants to secure our borders, why she wants to have open borders. i think it would be a fascinating discussion and the american people deserve to know the differences. we're not giving it to them. >> you know, governor, when you look at the media and that establishment is for hillary and that's now confirmed, and, you know, cnn feeding questions to hillary, msnbc being fed questions to ask hillary in the leadup to an election, and then you got the republican establishment, they're weak, they cut and run and they never like the insurgency of donald
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trump to begin with. then you have the democratic establishment. it is like everybody is against him. then you see the poll numbers the way they are, hillary in the lead in the polls. do you think that donald trump has a fair shot at winning this at this point, 25 days out? >> well, i do think he's got to start focusing solely on the issues that pack those rallies out by the tens of thousands. he can't let himself take the bait and respond to all of these allegations because it just gives more attention and he validates a lot of the accusations. my advice, focus on the fact of the contrast between donald trump, hillary clinton, and it is major. it is significant. by the way, i have to comment when barack obama said if everybody had listened to fox news he wouldn't have been elected, that proves right there, sean, that people should have been watching fox news and not all of the other stuff, and maybe we wouldn't have had the past eight years with a totally broken economy. >> thank both for being with us.
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lift others up. people who are truly powerful bring others together, and that is what we need in our next president. we need someone who is a uniting force in this country. we need someone who will heal the wounds that divide us, someone who truly cares about us and our children, someone with strength and compassion to lead this country forward. and, let me tell you, i'm here today because i believe with all of my heart that hillary clinton will be that president. >> all right. that was first lady michelle obama praising hillary clinton at a campaign event yesterday, but back in 2007 when then senator obama was locked in a primary fight with hillary clinton, michelle obama was singing a very different tune. take a look. one of the things, the important aspects of this race is role modelling what good families should look like. in my view is that if you can't
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run your own house, you certainly can't run the white house. can't do it. >> now, i wonder if the first lady thinks after today's wikileaks document dump a little bit differently. as we revealed earlier in the show, the clinton campaign back in '08 appeared set on pushing a narrative that obama's father was a muslim, and they wanted to bring out the fact he liked to do blow, cocaine use. joining us now radio talk show host, rose tennent, kristin tate is back. congratulations on the book. >> thank you, sean. good to see you. we know back in '08 they were focusing on the fact he wouldn't put his hand over his heart or wear a flag pin. the clinton campaign was saying he would negotiate with terrorist nations like iran and north korea, he was going to raise taxes by 180 billion to pay for obama care, that his father was a muslim, and obama grew up among muslims beings and he's one of the most liberal
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senators in the senate. it goes on from there. and he did a little blow. >> yeah. well, these democrats are such flagrant hypocrites, but michelle obama is going to get up there, put her acting shoes on, bring out her shaky acting voice to express how upset she is. trump's biggest foe is not hillary or michelle obama but the gop establishment. say what you will about the democrats, but they are good at coming together to win an election. meanwhile, the gop is throwing the only candidate who can beat hillary clinton under the bus. look at hillary's most effective ads it it is all other republicans slandering trump. establish mntd pukes think they are such angels for walking away from their imperfect candidate. >> you sound like me. you've got talk radio in your future, no doubt about it. rose, let me bring you into this. >> she does. she does. >> you know something, they don't like each other.
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>> they never did. >> this is a phoney act. michelle obama is so outraged over donald trump's tape. you would think maybe she thought, well, not that well of, let's see, paula and juanita and kathleen and kathy shelton. >> i'm sure michelle obama dreds getting up every day and doing the job she has to do. i know ed klein has been telling me for years how much the clintons are despised and disliked by the obamas. but you know what, sean? something kristin said, she is right, the real enemy is the gop. i wouldn't disagree with her at all. i would like to remind everyone that the movie they're watching play out right now with the parade of women that the left and the media is bringing out happened before. if you remember, herman kaicaino was a black conservative people really, really liked, he was wowing crowds, he was so dynamic in his speeches, so inspirational. i was at quite a few rallies with him. people were falling in love with him.
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he could eat obama for lunch in a debate, and that scared the left. so what did they do? they brought out the blond bombshell from chicago, gloria a allred showed up. it is the same cast of characters right now. >> they do this, five women in the middle of the wikileaks dumps. here we are 20 days out, let's dump five women on them so that's all the media will focus on, not what we're focusing on. >> the timing is very suspicious, but it is a employ to deflect people's attention away from the issues, i away from hillary's scandal. >> will it work? >> and on to these things. it is so far. the media has been reporting on this stuff non-stop and the gop is making it worse. what is paul ryan doing? spending his time trashing trump. the gop elite say they hate trump. they created him. they gave obama everything he wanted and now there's this push back and this is what we've got. >> rose, last word. >> i would like to say it is not
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going to work. they're trying the same play with the same play book and it won't work, not with donald trump. it won't. i will tell you something else, as long as donald trump stays on offense and doesn't go to defense he can win this. that's what he did at the debate, when he came off the debate and showed up at rallies people were going crazy. that's what he needs to do, stay on offense. >> good to see you both. appreciate it. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> when we come back we need your help with an important question of the day straight ahead. day, straight ah here's the pla. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible. doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago,
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all right. time for our question of the day. so why is the media not spending more time covering the wikileaks e-mails? well, it is pretty obvious, right? go to media people, it is they want hillary to win. simple answer. you want to come on debate. at sean hannity. we will be in las vegas ahead of
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the third presidential debate. thank you for being with us. hope you have a great weekend. let's see if a liberal can catch. ready? later sunday, a special report at 8:00 p.m. "on the record" with my friend bret hume starts right now. >> good evening, i'm tucker karlsson in for if great bret hume. the this was on the record remember was president obama lying to you when he said he didn't know about the checkpoint e-mail server? it looks like he may have been and the clinton campaign may have tried to hide the e-mails between the secretary of state and hillary clinton. those are not the only bomb shells in today's wikileaks e-mails. every day a new batch. the press seems to be ignoring them. wait nul see what we have uncould have had overnight. there are new assault accusations against donald trump. we will hear trump's response to those coming up. now to the poll, the national polling average shows hillary clinton with just under a 7-point lead in a two-way race
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