tv Outnumbered FOX News October 17, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> three weeks still the election. are we going to have anything to talk about after that? >> what will we do is the big question? >> we'll see. see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ sandra: this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, host of "kennedy" on fox business, kennedy also from fbn, co-host of "after the bell," melissa francis, today's #oneluckyguy, fox news digital politics editor and co-host of "i'll tell you what," chris stirewalt. you do that bit better than me. >> tell you what, i'm happy to be here. if they could see me at gene henry's filling station now, that is closed. they closed that a long time ago. harris: i talked to gene this morning. >> you check in the deer from the fall hunt. sandra: you're a first-timer on the couch. >> now i know i'm here. i've arrived.
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first one that made this space when we came in. a lot to get to because there are just 22 days to go till election day with just three weeks till voters head to the polls, donald trump ramping up his claims of a rigged election. over the weekend a republican nominee and his top surrogates are working hand in hand with the media. listen. >> it looks to me like a rigged election. the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations and outright lies, in an effort to elect her president. >> what he is talking about is, 80, to 85% of the media is against him. when you look at "new york times" and you pick it up every morning on the top of the paper are three stories anti-trump. some of them totally baseless. some of them silly. then at bottom you get a little something about wikileaks.
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>> i think that without the unending one-sided assault from the news media, trump would be beating hillary about 15 points. the news media is onesided. this is the worst i've seen in my lifetime. i'm old enough that and is fairly long statement. sandra: tim kaine pushing back on the charges. >> donald trump is going wilder and wilder, by all accounts losing his first two debates, making wild claims, scorched earth claims about rig election. everybody needs to speak out we run elections and run them well here. he shouldn't be engaging in the scare tactics. sandra: scare tacticses? what do you make of trump's claims this being a rigged election? >> there is two things, one part any person can legitimately make say that there is a liberal bent to the press and that the coverage is unfair. calling that rigged, i don't know that it requires a conspiracy to be rigged. it may just be the natural
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default setting of a lot of journalists. that is fine argument to have. then there is second thing, rigged election being stolen. trump is making and his surrogates are making these two claims contemporaneously. they're happening at the same time. we say the election is rigged because the media is biased but they're saying the election is actually rigged votes will be stolen from his supporters. that is different, more dangerous thing. sandra: second one though, ed henry made the point earlier, what you said rigged is not necessarily the right word. he is talking about, these were ed henry's numbers, in terms of registered voters down in florida, for example, republicans have registered 117 new voters, democrats have registered 6920, almost 9,000 new registered voters to the 117, coming out of the republicans. early ballots, two to one going to democrats that could be good organization, chris, right? >> yeah. melissa: that could be get-out-the-vote. >> right. melissa: i guess there could be
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fraud in there -- >> you wouldn't do fraud there. that is no indication of fraud. i am from west by god, virginia, i take a back seat to no, ma'am mall on this earth in the belief election fraud committed. i've seen it done. i've seen ballots destroyed. i've seen votes bought. but you have to be close to get the election stolen. as trump talks about the precondition which is, that media is biased against him and that is why he is trailing, that is one thing. it is different if you say, and they're going to steal it from you. if you're down 11 points in pennsylvania they ain't stealing nothing from you. harris: what we saw in florida with hanging chads. that is what people typically think of but when he went a step farther, said polling place. >> yep. harris: that is where people got their ire up because look, you know this, is not a third world, fifth world situation and it makes potentially for a dangerous situation to have to man those polls and women those polls with extra security
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because somebody is calling that out. how do you see it? >> what on earth would possess somebody -- we've had for 219 years the envy of the world in terms of the orderly transfer of power in the united states. harris: mike pence made this point. >> fact he had to make it is a testament what absolute, tire fire 2016 is. that the running mate for a major party had to say, we promised no armed insurrection after the election. you say holy krokono. sandra: rudy giuliani, one of his top supporters, there are a few places philadelphia and chicago where illegal voting occurred. donald trump pointing to other things and everybody is in it for hillary clinton. talking about "saturday night live." watch the clip from "saturday night live." >> i need all of my supporters to get out there and vote on election day, mark your call len
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darst, here is the date, it is november 359th. >> number one insurance companies can't deny you coverage of preexisting conditions. number two, [laughter] you know, which is a big deal if you have serious health problems. and number 3 -- [laughter] sandra: what about all the women accusing you of sexual assault? >> they need to shut the hell up. [laughter]. sandra: donald trump didn't think that was so funny. i immediately tweeted after this, watch "saturday night live" hit job on me. time to retire the boring and unfunny show. alec baldwin portrayal stinks. media rigging election? >> rigged. rigged! kennedy: he is right the media is not in his favor. he got so addicted to unearned media during the primary campaign. he realized that is free, easy and cheap and super fun. but as the media made pivot to the general election you can say by and large toward hillary
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clinton and you know, certainly showing her in a more favorable light, that is when i had to create a narrative of his own. i want to talk about a different kind of rigging because i do think the system truly is rigged, i said it before, third party candidates. the commission on presidential debates, that is a duopoly set up by the two-party system. there is 15% threshold which is completely arbitrary that candidates have to meet to get on all important debate stages that is the only place you have a concentration of eyeballs making the presidential debate so much more important especially wednesday night's debate, moderated by our own chris wallace. >> i'm scared. so i will not argue. sandra: we want to move on to this as well. at least nine women are now accusing donald trump of unwanted sexual advances but republican nominee is fighting back. >> these allegations, many of them have proven so false. we can't let them get away with this, folks. we can't. total lies.
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you've been seeing, total lies. how about this crazy woman on the airplane? okay? i mean can anybody believe that one? how about this? after 15 minutes, we don't know each other. after 15 minutes, that was too much. i decided 15 minutes? with the ladies in this place it would be one second and smack. sandra: vice president joe biden slamming trump saying it is sick how he used his wealth and power to demean women. >> his own words, i don't have to even go to the accusers. when a man says, that, what he said is textbook definition of sexual assault. i mean it's a textbook definition. and, the thing that is, making it so believable that he engaged in that kind of activity, is not just that he said it, but his,
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sort of instinctive abuse of power. sandra: trump's running mate, however says more evidence is going to come out to disprove the claims against his boss. >> i know there is counterveiling evidence that is coming out right now and more information will probably come. but, the american people are very, very troubled. once again here we are in an election of such enormous magnitude in the life of this nation and once again the media is piling on with unsubstantiated claims as the headlines while they ignore an avalanche of hard evidence about corruption, pay-to-play, political favoritism eminating out of hillary clinton ears of secretary of state. sandra: different strategy between pence and donald trump but donald trump as you heard pushing back hard against his accusers. is that strategy working for him? >> no. we saw it, they undertook it the last debate in st. louis. we can only imagine what happens in the next debate.
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chris wallace better have his headwear on as he goes out there, but the approach was, do not back down. apology, yet, sorry, then attack, attack attack, attack. they have stayed on attack attack, to try to destroy the credibility a of these women. unfortunately trump also include ad attack on their looks. he said they were not attractive enough for him to have assaulted. he was trying to make a joke, but it goes to the fact that he is just giving -- if mike pence is right and media is colluding against donald trump, why help them out so much and give them so much raw material with which to work? sandra: there is just over three weeks to go, harris. will this continue to dominate the election conversation? harris: that is up to donald trump. i think it is up to him to try to change the conversation and he doesn't seem to show he is willing to do that i understand he wants to come out strong, deny these charges. at every speech he can do that. but you can pivot quickly to, mike pence is right about the evidence.
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we have such a dump over the weekend, it was hard to keep up with it all. i don't know how you guys spend your sunday nights, but even working on a sunday it was hard to read 2,000 of anything. >> right. harris: he is right about the evidence there and what people should be looking at with hillary clinton. donald trump has got to show now if he has got it, the discipline to change the conversation. melissa: i was at a football game in south bend, indiana, and people walking up to me, donald trump has to get off the field? just, not quit the race, but he has got to stop talking so that the media cycle can natural turn to all the emails. shut your trap. >> remember in a campaign, we see this every four years. saw it definitely with john mccain, in a big way, when you get down to the end and things are not going the way you want them to go, you are likely tosue the advice of people who say, you keep doing what you're doing. harris: sycophants. >> absolutely. get down to concentrated
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supporters, boss, i hate to be the one to tell you this, you have to stop doing what you're doing. you end up surrounded by people -- harris: he has those people. he haskellly anne conway. he has those people. does he listen to you, but well, yes, at end of the day he makes his own decisions. i think he listens to his kids. sandra: kennedy, look at latest national polling even since the release of that video and multiple accusers stepping forward he is still only trailing her in the "washington post" abc poll by four points. kennedy: really doesn't that make that much of a difference and shift momentum in the opposite direction and get himself back on top. the question is, does he really want to do that? if so, does he have the fortitude to make it happen? you have to wonder what that wednesday night, that final debate is going to be like. i mean will he go in there saying to himself, i will reach out to independents, i will make a logical case why my presidency will be better for this country? or will he go in there like a wounded animal who has nothing
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to lose and will it be complete scorched earth? it will be wildly entertaining. >> every time you talk i -- now we have wounded wild animals. kennedy: that is absolutely right. that is the landscape, my friend i didn't create the is a far riff. i took you in the jeep to go out there. harris: you're asking him to be more after politician, does he have political skills to do it? ohio trump leading by 4 points. north carolina, clinton leading by 3. nevada, clinton leading by two. these are squeaky close still. >> absolutely. trump is consistently good in ohio. that has been a bright spot for him. if mitt romney would have had the numbers in ohio it would be a different 2012. trump is out-- harris: i don't know he had them in utah. go on. >> poor mitt romney. tough out there. kennedy: animal on the car.
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>> the issue of trump he is underperforming romney in places like north carolina and arizona and georgia and even texas. the landscape is shifting but you're right, in key states, trump could reset this race if showed up in a different way as a different person on wednesday. sandra: chris stirewalt, so fun to have you here. thank you, sir. more from him coming up. new questions involving hillary clinton's emails. just-released fbi documents contain allegations after quid pro quo back-room deal between a state department official and fbi agents during the hillary clinton email investigation. why critics say this looks like a cover-up at the highest levels of government. plus, with just two days before the final debate what we can expect from donald trump when he goes head-to-head with hillary clinton in las vegas? what his most recent attacks reveal about his strategy. and after the show you can join our live chat by clicking on overtime tab at, or go to you can tweet us.
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♪ harris: new questions today involving hillary clinton emails. the fbi released another set of documents related to the investigation into clinton's email practices during her time as secretary of state. the documents include allegations of quid pro quo and state department official and agency. the deal goes like this. in return for altering classification of one email, the possibility of additional foreign opportunities for fbi agents was discussed.
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when pressed about these allegations on "fox news sunday," clinton's running mate, tim kaine, denied any involvement by clinton or her campaign although he did concede the accusations warrant a second look. >> absolutely not. i have no knowledge that happened, absolutely not. >> you do see classification of information change for very legitimate reasons, so, that would be something that you would have to, you definitely have to look at. harris: the bureau does not dispute there was a discussion about classification and fbi placements overseas but it claims the two issues were not connected, saying in a statement, quote, the classification of the email was not changed and it remains classified today although there was never a quid pro quo, these allegations were nonetheless referred to appropriate officials for review, end quote. chris, people looking up at their tv, going, huh, what is the big talk from all of that? what is the headline? >> the headline here is, almost want to say, i will say,
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desperate desire that you see on behalf of one of hillary clinton's closest advisors and insiders at the state department to get the classification on this email changed because they knew that what she had said was not true. when she said i never received or sent any classified, it is like, no, bro, that is not true. harris: so if you help me change what the email was marked, then you will get a cushy job in some foreign country, am i oversimplifying that? kennedy: creates more room for the fbi agents who are already overseas so they get nicer offices. >> fbi wants slot, everybody wants a slot at u.s. embassies overseas. harris: we do. >> sure if it was good enough gig like barbados, cultural attache i'm in. harris: i'm with you. >> but reality is, that the cia, fbi, all of these law enforcement national security and, i suppose national oceonographic administration
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does too, everybody would like office and room overseas because that is where our offices. this is the state department saying, first thing, how about reclassifying this email so it doesn't embarass my boss. you know what i was thinking about? you guys need more slots at the state department, don't you? i don't know that you can make the case but i don't know you could make a legal case but certainly he a little dangling going on here. melissa: big thing catherine herridge uncovered, she is bringing to us every hour, the fbi agent himself on the phone, described it as quid pro quo conversation. he says it was this undersecretary of state, patrick kennedy who made it very clear it was in fact. >> right. melissa: he used words, fbi agent, quid pro quo phone call. that is what it was. oh, just because they were in in the same conversation they weren't necessarily connected but the guy at the other end of the phone this was a straight up -- you give me this i give you that. harris: looking at it from
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37,000 feet, kennedy, what we're seeing here a situation that would what, indicate how mrs. clinton would be if she were in the white house? what is in it for the people -- kennedy: that is how they subtly operate. it is just enough not to get caught. you have people just far enough removed from secretary clinton herself that it is very easy to, to sway eyeballs away from what appears to be a very guilty interaction. but my question for chris is, so if they changed the classification on a single email -- >> right. kennedy: does that mean, set a precedent you could change classification for a bunch of other emails that are very similarly classified if because therefore, she had so many thousands of emails that were already marked? >> they change classifications on emails all the time. that is a thing that happened. this way should have been this way. not really top secret, blah, blah, blah. there is a whole, you would be appalled to see how many human beings are involved in the
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clerical paperwork aspect, you know, when they -- harris: i would be appalled. so much digital, why is the government so slow pushing paper? anyway -- >> when they meet ladies in bars they say they're secret agent men, what they're doing, we have to mark the c down to i and move it over here. harris: by the way, mrs. clinton has no idea what the c stands for. sandra: congressman jason chaffetz who is briefed on fbi interviews, quote him exactly, this is a flashing red light of potential criminality. obviously we can not deal with the aspect today but we'll look at political impact today. how does this affect hillary clinton? we can talk this all day long, does it have any political impact three weeks from election day? >> kennedy said it, confirming for three trillionth time that her familiar es sent during run-up to the election, as close as you can get without going over the line.
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always rubbing, always rubbing it. harris: does anyone know who turned off internet for julian assange and wikileaks? >> just asking questions. harris: polls with very different conclusions on impact donald trump recent controversies are having. what should we believe about it all? site of one of the bloodiest battles for our american troops during the iraq war. more than a decade later, mosul in the hands of the isis savages as renewed battle to take back that city is underway. gun gun. ugh. heartburn.
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nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge.he so in 30 days, my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model?!? yes. no. start the challenge today and notice more beautiful hair, skin & nails or your money back. harris: intense battle launched in iraq. u.s. forces attempting to retake mosul from the islamic state savages. secretary of defense ash carter calling it quote a decisive moment in the campaign to defeat the terror group.
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conor powell in the middle east, conor. reporter: harris, this operation to retake mosul has been in the works for months especially since it is longest-held city in iraq by isis more than two years now. the operation began about 2:00 a.m. or so this morning when iraqi prime minister abadi announced the operation had begun. at same time, coalition, u.s.-led jets began bombing this area, particularly in and around the city, mosul sits about 250 meters or miles above north of baghdad. it is an important city because it sits along the turkish and syrian border. it is really isis's last major strong hold there. the only other place that isley really controls a lot of territory is across the border in raqqa, syria. so this is a big deal for isis. if they lose there, they will have lost most of their territory they controlled in the last couple years. so they expect an intense fight. in the last few days we have seen some fighting outside of
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mosul, particularly in the last 12 to 15 hours, iraqi forces and kurdish peshmerga troops push closer and closer. there is not any reporting of fighting inside of mosul. all the fighting is going on outside. iraqi troops are taking is very slow. there are one million civilians inside of mosul as we speak. the concern is for their safety. iraqi forces want to move slowly and give civilians a chance to leave. there is a reports that isil has a chance to leave in the western part of the country if they want to leave through syria. they're limiting as many civilian casualties as they can. harris? harris: conn nor, thank you. sandra: with just two days left until the final presidential debate hillary clinton is off the campaign trail doing prep sessions while donald trump attends rallies. this as many are wonder whether he will carry his scorched earth
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strategy into wednesday night's showdown. this weekend he slammed hillary clinton over wikileaks dumps, wall street speeches, whitewater, and suggesting that she had taken performance-enhancing drugs before the last debate. >> we should take a drug test prior, because i don't know what is going on with her. but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning. and at the end, it was like, take me down. she could barely reach her car. so i think we should take a drug test. anyway, i'm willing to do it. [cheering] sandra: all right. so she -- [laughter] >> so it is, whatever. kennedy: lance armstrong of the democratic party. >> what is the right performance-enhancing drug for a debate? what would you take? like binkoloba?
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kennedy: what are banned substances? i think they're all asthma medications. sandra: she is five days in debate prep. >> is she? sandra: she was at the doral five hours straight on a mock debate stage. >> i'm sure that hillary rodham clinton is being diligent in her preparation. diligent is kind of her jam but what is she really doing for five days? sandra: donald trump says she is resting. >> for five days, doned a, you go ahead and talk -- donald. you go ahead and talk and i will see you in las vegas and we'll chat again. sandra: that is what he is doing, holding rallies along the east coast. will this work? should he be shutting down shop and prepping himself? kennedy: just to throw one off a little bit, everyone is expecting he is going to filibuster until vegas which is always a fun thing to do and it is a euphemism. hillary clinton in her debate prep, is not only, trying to
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prepare for donald trump and the blitz that, perhaps might be coming from him, who knows what we'll see the night before the debate. i think she is prepping for chris wallace. i honestly do. >> she better. kennedy: she has not had questions like the kind he will pose to both candidates. >> she better pack a lunch, they both better. i want to make clear they have not faced a challenge like this. donald trump remembers, they have both been interviewed by chris wallace. donald trump has been on debate stage with chris wallace. i want to tell you this is the death match stuff he is bringing down. sandra: game on. >> be ready. sandra: is he prepared for that? is he going to use the scorched earth strategy? harris: we saw in the last debate he can clearly prepare if he wants to. i know from kellyanne conway they will do same kind of roll-playing, more traditional type debate prep we didn't see second time so we can see if he is more prepared than he was then. the onus is on hillary clinton not to blow it at this point.
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not to make a mistake. that's why i don't think you see her. yes she is watching donald trump set himself on fire with more he says. that is already baked in. that he is talking to people that loved him in the crowds. not like reaching out to independent voters and burning down houses what he is saying. they have already accepted. percentage of people in one poll says the tape with the sexual lewd comments about women matter all that much, 63% of women answered that poll no, in terms of how they would vote. so some of it is baked in. the question for him is, when are you going to telegraph for the world that you are preparing? are you just going to let them know? you know he has got to. i believe he is. melissa: look at news cycle, back to your point why we don't see her. working great for her. >> keep doing what you're doing. melissa: nobody is paying a lot of attention to it. he keeps talking. keeps focusing on that. working for her. i do think she is preparing. >> i'm sure she is. i'm sure she is. melissa: chris wallace and those
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sort of things. we're saying this debate is make-or-break for everyone. we never thought we would be saying that about the third one. >> she is practicing the shimmy. kennedy: or the lean. harris: quickly you brought up independents how they play a role. guy by the name of evan mcmillan is on fox news yesterday. he is getting that 20%. >> or better. harris: on the ballot in 11 states. some are swing states. "new york times" talked about the moon shot it would take -- >> go to the house. harris: he can leave a divot out of somebody. true conservative -- kennedy: can only be extra party candidate who wins an electoral vote. gary johnson was in striking distance in utah. harris: he lost aleppo. melissa: oh, gary. harris: seriously they do play a role. they can cause problems.
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kennedy: could win a few. sandra: chris stirewalt eloquently sold the final showdown. we've been telling you it is coming up just two days from now, for the first time ever, fox news anchor will be moderating a general election presidential debate, our friend and colleague, award-winning journalist, chris wallace, regarded as one of the best questioners in the business, will be moderating all-important final debate between donald trump and hillary clinton. it will be held this wednesday, october 19th, at 9:00 p.m. eastern this time in las vegas. best place to watch, the first fox moderated debate is on the fox news channel. all right, donald trump stepping up his campaigning oaf the weekend amid questions about the impact of recent controversies. new polls coming to very different conclusions on what, what is the takeaway from them and are polls really reflecting the pulse of the people right now? we'll discuss that next.
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♪ melissa: growing questions bill pack of accusations against donald trump really having on the race. "washington post/abc news poll" conducting after the release of the video making lewd comments about women showing it is barely affecting voters with hillary clinton up four points. only slight change from the last abc "washington post" survey. "nbc/wall street journal" poll shows clinton up 11 points in four-way race. how do you parse those, like she is ahead and way ahead? >> you know what we like? we love the "halftime report." you know why we love the "halftime report"? because i write it. we're required to like it. one of the things we like about it, polling average we put in there. we throw out the garbage polls. we take the bad polls. we throw those out. just use prime cuts of usda choice.
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as dana perino calls it, likes my slim jim algae. we make a delicious smoked meat treat. harris: you are hungry because it is noontime. >> i'm hungry because i'm a fat american and i will eat -- i love slim james. harris: back to the polls. >> back to the polls is, so yes, the post poll says it is four, "wall street journal" it is 11, other the polls say it is seven. they all agree she sinning with. if we take average he is down six or seven points. that is the average. melissa: question is -- >> they put bad meat in their slim james. they do. melissa: the question was, what is impact of the tapes coming out and response? he was already down by a lot. >> the contour of this election is clear. if we go back to the first week of may when the general election began and ted cruz went kablooy,
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the shape of the election has been the same. donald trump trailed every day in our after arage of polls and he trails to this day. is it eight points, is it two points? it has gone back and forth. melissa: wait, wait -- harris: where is this race will be won. we look at electoral votes, and we look at battleground states to inform us what will really happen. we can naval gaze on national polls and each of these candidates can say i am up today, down tomorrow. but when you look, i read earlier this hour, $150 million she has spent in negative ads at last count, right? >> right. harris: this week she is silent. you guys think it is in part because she is waiting for him to set himself on fire. i think it is so she doesn't make mistakes, whatever. >> both, both. harris: you have him talking mostly still soaking up news cycles and there are a couple of points apart in many of those battleground states. that is where it counts, right? >> it is. he can be happy doing well in ohio. make no mistake --
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harris: north carolina, nevada,. kennedy: new hampshire. >> we used to say the election held today, but now the election held for a month, if the election concludes today he would lose most of swing states. he needs trajectory to change. if you lose by two points or 12 points you still lost. sandra: going to get to your forecast or insight because of voter turnout that seems to determine election. enthusiasm is pretty low historically for both candidates, what are we seeing? >> on the vents of ocean floor of atlantic, there are vents that pour out sulfuric acid into the deep, deep part of the atlantic. kennedy: which causes global warming, thank you, chris. >> which plates meat meet out of this furnace of sulfur only certain kinds of bacteria can persist. sandra: where are we heading there. >> those are the veriers you're looking in the election, so gross, so acidic. harris: 8%, that is how small number of undecideds are.
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>> if it is that. harris: that is huge. >> they're lying too. harris: you think they're lying? >> half of them. melissa: for halloween i going as voter because i think they only exist on halloween. >> undescribed. unsubscribeing from this conversation. nope, nope, nope, nope. melissa: trick and treating with my children, my friends, a comfortable undecided voter. more than half of americans say the race between hillary clinton and donald trump is stressing them out! oh. which voters see it the most and least anxious and whether this will all go away in three weeks. ♪ how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america? it's measured by what we do for our children.
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it's why as president i'll invest in our schools. in college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that let's them start a family of their own. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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polls and several new battleground state polls. bret baier is going to be joining to us discuss. mike pence set to speak at a trump rally in mason, ohio. it is running late but we'll be monitoring for news once that getting rolling. a firebomb thrown at republican headquarters office in hillsborough, north carolina. anti-republican graffiti sprayed on a nearby building. we'll have a live report from our own jonathan serrie. that is next oning now. >> sandra: thank goodness you told him. he is stressed out. you have to get on a plane to vegas. kennedy: filibuster. if the 2016 election is stressing you out, not alone, poor chris and everyone in the world. the race between hillary clinton and donald trump is now officially recognized as, a significant source of stress. more than half of americans, according to a survey by the american psychological association, found voters 71 and
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older, golden americans most anxious. 59% of the them worried about the outcome. millenials are next, so self-involved. 66% of them can't stop thinking about it. 60% of the baby boomers say pretty much the same thing. gen-xers, yeah, bro, 18 to 31, lowest level of election related stress at 45%. this is very interesting how this all breaks down along generational lines. so what is it about gen-xers we're really not too worried about the outcome election? is it that we gave up hope in our childhood? harris: we have one in the seat, today. no, i don't think so, i honestly think that this is one of those situations, and why people shouldn't talk about it at their jobs in new relationships and so on, so forth. >> yeah. harris: i think most analytical people on the planet are probably my generation and you're just behind me and you're a little bit more chill because you've seen it got us nowhere in
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terms of our happiness value, right? we're always better when we turn the stress around and make the word that the it is, desserts. >> terrible lie infected this election is that america can't handle this. i get really frustrated with both parties. harris: oh, it can. >> i get really frustrated with both parties and both of these candidates. trump talks about america dangling at precipice, if hillary clinton is elected america is over. hillary clinton says if donald trump is elected there will be nuclear war and life on the planet will be consumed in a ball of fire. let me say, america is americans. it is not its politics and politicians, go, chris. >> these two people are not reflection of the best of america. this process is not reflection of the best of america. americans are decent. americans are kind. they are good-hearted, hard-working, they're patriotic. they're gracious. sandra: here, here. >> america is a great country, all of this eliminationist talk that somehow this is it for america, chill out.
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harris: from both sides. >> chill out. melissa: i will take a piece of other side of the argument? >> it's over? what is the other side? counterpoint, we're done? melissa: hate to be really boring, we're destroying our economy. we're passing tremendous debt on to our children. >> i'm not saying things that need to be addressed. melissa: some administrations, republican, democrat, past eight years, no economic recovery, 1.% growth, it is dire, kris! i take the opposite view. >> no you don't, you don't think america is over. kennedy: these are not exclusive. we have problems. the candidates are not addressing them but america is strong and gracious and beautiful because of the -- melissa: worried about the economy. kennedy: problem, sandra, a lot of americans use facebook. they're on social media. sandra: there are people unfriending people and dumping
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family members. >> for the record, this will be okay. this will be fine. harris: from the analytical generation, it absolutely will be. melissa: can i talk about the 71 years and older? did we get a wrap. sandra: save it for "outnumbered overtime." kennedy: it is fantastic. good news for you, we have more "outnumbered" in just a moment. [ crowd noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. try this. but just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve.
9:56 am
what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model.
9:58 am
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harris: i love a "countdown." we're a couple days away from a huge event, history-making for our friend chris wallace, will be the first fox news channel anchor to debate in a general election presidential debate. debate twice in one sentence because i love you so much, chris, we can't wait for it. it is this wednesday october 19th, 9:00 p.m. eastern. you want the watch the best of the best among questioners and great analysis here on fox news channel. fnc for the cool kids. speaking of cool, chris stirewalt will stick with us for the overtime. are you ready for a little ot, baby? >> extra '90s slang. harris: is that what that was? sandra: so good to spend hour with us. >> hour ten minutes, extra 50 bucks. extra 50 bucks right there. harris: we pop up on facebook live. >> i've done facebook live. i was down to fake "outnumbered" before real "outnumbered".
10:00 am
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