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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 27, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ 12 days. although the mainstream media would love to prematurely declare hillary clinton the winner, they can't because donald trump has sliced her lead in half according to a new fox news poll. three points between the nominees now. yesterday, hillary clinton celebrated her birthday with her pals in the press. >> here is some birthday cake. i highly recommend it,
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especially if you are a chocolate lover. because it is really, really good. >> must have worked. she sweetened them up before answering these hard hitting questions. >> how do you feel about your birthday and the campaign and where you are today? a poll in new hampshire has you up nine points? >> will you meet one on one with donald trump after the election is over and also sit down with paul ryan and mitch mcconnell as part of the process to help the country heal? >> have you succeeded in the american people getting to know you? do you feel like they know the real you? >> trump didn't get the same treatment from the media yesterday. >> this is one of his last 13 mornings before the election. he is spending it not in a place where he can pick up electioral votes or shaking hands with voters but here at his hotel. >> oddly, donald trump will not spend this morning in a battleground state but here in the district of columbia raising questions in some republican circles is trump more interested in self-promotion than victory.
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>> with less than two weeks to go, donald trump taking time away from the voters to spend time with his business. >> he has 13 days left and he is trailing in the polls. is this a good use of his time? >> it's not. if you were a sane presidential candidate, you wouldn't go anywhere near that hotel during the presidential campaign. >> we will let juan handle the softball questions for hillary clinton. on donald trump getting taken to task for opening his hotel in d.c., i gotta think would you want a guy who is successful in business. >> well, if you tie it in right. he is not abandoning his business. however, yes, this is neck and neck in terms of now it's tightening between the gap between the two of them. real clear politics is saying pennsylvania is a tossup. devote all your time to the states you can win. if you can say, i'm a man who has created jobs, built
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businesses. this is what i want to do with the economy and this is an example of what jobs created and move on from there. but it doesn't matter. at this point, if he came up with the cure for cancer, the press would bash him. >> a couple of weeks left, 12 or 13 days left, depending when the sound bite came from. how do you feel on your birthday? off you win the presidency, are you going to shake hands with mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. wow? >> you have an occasion where it's her birthday and she's in the back of the plane. they are trying to develop relationships with someone they see as a potential president of the united states. i will say this. i thought that she had some interesting answers. for example, when she was talking -- i think it's important for her about the need to reach out to people who aren't going to vote for her, to people who are independent and to republican congressional leaders if she hopes to get anything done. i was interested that she was -- that's on her mind. that's what she is talking about. the questions weren't hard ball
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questions. if you want to say soft, fine. i did think it was interesting to see if you give somebody a blank slate, what comes out of their mouth. in this case, immediately she was talking about doing business with republicans. >> juan points out, if you give somebody a blank slate -- i'm not sure that they have given donald trump a blank slate yet. they give her quite a few. >> reminded me of -- remember when president obama had that press conference and i can't remember the name of the guy but he said, mr. president, what enchants you the most about the white house? it was like, okay, seriously? >> ask him what his favorite color was. >> these are things america needs to know. i think she was pretty smart on one thing. always feed the press before you take questions. >> you pointed this out yesterday. trump being a businessman might be an asset, not a detriment. >> you know, it's not bad to have a job to fall back on. but you know what? i didn't see those questions as softballs. in that context, those were blistering take no prisoner
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interrogation. we didn't show you what else they asked. they asked what it's like to be a scorpio. right? >> yep. >> how the grandkids are. they did a deep dive into her grandkids. the grandkids -- this is breaking news -- are doing pretty good. then they asked her what she thought of the new bridgette jones sequel. she hadn't seen it. that upset a lot of people in the crew. she sul beiked for a while. >> is that supposed to be good? >> it's supposed to be great. it's not like trump never got a softball question. i remember hours of softball questions. >> can you not start again? >> i didn't say anything. i'm just saying -- we can't be -- she's getting easy questions. trump gets easy questions, too. let's be honest. >> you know when you were talking about trump, i didn't get a chance to respond. i will say this.
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it's not just democrats who had thought why is he in d.c. to open a hotel he opened in september. i think a lot of republicans thought, well, why aren't you in ohio. you are still doing well in ohio. go secure ohio. get out into the states where you can fight. >> maybe his message is i'm not a typical politician, i'm not a typical presidential candidate. i'm different. i spent my life doing this and it works. >> i just tell you how people -- a lot of people in politics took it as, this is self-promotion. he's not putting his whole heart into it. he is asking us to vote for him but he's not putting himself on the line. he is worried the campaign -- >> you think if you draw a line on a -- a plus or minus for a candidate that he has been a successful business person, you wouldn't put that on the plus side? >> you know that old theory that sometimes what a candidate thinks is their strength in fact is their weakness?
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john kerry thought his military record. they went after him. i think that all the talk about donald trump is not as succe successful, won't release tax returns, doesn't support charities, it has hurt donald trump. >> can we talk about the polls? three points now, the fox news poll, most recent. tightened quite a bit. do you expect that to continue towards the finish line? >> i have no idea. it's plus six because you had one poll -- the ap poll with plus 14 for clinton. fox with plus three. let's say it's probably plus five. so that's the national poll. then you've got the battleground states. you see today i think they reported that florida, ohio and georgia in early voting are really good for trump. the other states with early voting, not so good for trump and better for clinton. the election night is worth watching. it won't be over early. it could be over early, depends on florida as we were saying
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yesterday. >> that's 100% true. he needs florida. he is polling very well in florida and for some reason when -- they are calling florida troublesome for the republicans because the same amount of numbers have requested early ballot, republicans and democrats. >> because last time, it was such a big advantage for the republicans. >> they still lost. >> that's the point. >> maybe it has nothing to do with how many early ballots are requested. >> i don't know. i think that this -- anything can happen between now and election day. i really believe it. especially with every day it's the faucet keeps dripping with this person has this coming out, they have this more wikileaks. who knows? there's so much of a saturation that it's all becoming overwhelming white noise. i don't know how much that will move the needle against hillary clinton at this point, even though some of it is damning. she survived the e-mail scandal and benghazi. it's unbelievable.
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in terms of trump, who knows if they are holding back something to release last minute to suppress voter turnout. i think his people will come out no matter what. i think the enthusiasm that he has on his side is his best asset in terms of his die hard followers. hillary, she had a great day today with michelle obama. >> michelle obama had a nice speech for hillary. does the need ya thrmedia throw softba softballs, does that do her a disservice? >> well, you know, i don't know. i think it's because we have come to accept this. we know the people who enter the media tend to be liberal. this is why republicans always have to try harder. they have to feield the better candidate. i think that the problem is, e-mails don't -- the e-mail story for hillary is a scandal. but people are just more interested in the scandals and allegations that are on the side
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of trump. that's why -- >> pun intended. >> there's always stuff -- e-mails do not win in gossip. >> hang in there. donald trump appears on "the factor." we have the first clip. watch. >> the polls are rigged, certain news organizations and other organizations, when they poll, have their thumb on the scale and they want hillary clinton to come out on top in the poll? do you believe that? >> absolutely. have i no dou i have no doubt about it. >> i won the third debate. it wasn't even a contest. every poll had me winning. then cnn did a poll and they had me losing somewhat. i said, dhhow did that happen? then there were other polls -- i'm winning in certain polls. then in other polls, the dirty polls we call them, i was losing by numbers that were ridiculous. >> i have all the polls here. >> i think we're winning. bill, you look at some of these polls, it's absolutely ridiculous.
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>> that full interview airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. one you want to see. this is something you and i argue about all the time. the internals, the methodology on the polls. besides the margin of error, internally, do you still have to -- they picked up the phone. they call 1,000 people. it will come up democrats outweigh -- more democrats surveyed than republicans. sometimes it will be 9%, 10% more. the country isn't there. the country is about 4% to 5% more democrats view themselves and register -- even registered as democrats. >> you don't understand. it's not that they are saying initially we want you to be a democrat. they are calling a pool of people. the people self-identify -- >> if you call a pool of fox viewers and a pool of cnn viewers and say, which network do you like better and you have 20% more fox viewers, i'm guessing it could be -- >> no, no, no. they are not saying we're calling fox viewers. they're calling everybody.
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they do things like, for example, with minorities, they have to sometimes add more in and then they -- to try to weight it. >> they can play games with weight. >> let me tell you one thing that's interesting. with the fox at three points. that's within the margin of error, as i understand it. i think we're -- you say we're even? >> no. i say within the margin of error. >> but we're even. you think plus three for her is even? >> no. it's the margin of error. >> i will say this. >> can you talk about that during the break? >> we love to talk about it. >> is this a winning strategy for trump, the polls are rigged? >> you know, i think he should keep campaigning and say why they should choose him and have a resounding victory so nobody can say anything about it. there's no issue for that. it's great for this country, for our election system and our process to be able to say that, look, we have fair elections in
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this country. despite any evidence to show there's any kind of rigging or anything. we did this investigation. >> especially whether his own team is telling bloomburg that their internal polls match the public polls. they said that. i don't understand what the message is of saying there's rigged polls when they are saying they are seeing the same thing. >> you know why i don't like the rigged poll thing? even if you are a trump supporter and he is telling you the polls are rigged, you may not show up. because it's rigged. >> it's true. why bother? this is the most ominous thing that can happen out of this election is that he is telling people -- he is acting as though he lost. the media is rigged. the polls are locked. everything is corrupt. don't bother. when it's over, screw everything. >> if he wins, then he can say, i alone can fix it. i can overcome rigged polls and the media and i alone can do this. he wins either way. >> there you go.
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>> leave it there. coming up, he is back. the infamous obama architect who said we were too stupid to know we were being duped on the president's health care law. he is showing his face again. what does he have to say about the all-out implosion of obamacare now? stay tuned.
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juan and eric are talking about the polls. it lasted four minutes. we will talk about obamacare. remember when a key architect admitted that we the american voter were intentionally deceived? to get the health care law to pass referring to us as stupid. >> in terms of subsidies, a law which said healthy people will pay in -- healthy will pay in and sick people will get money, it would not pass. people transparent -- lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. the stupidity of the american voter or whatever. basically, that was really critical to get it to pass. >> soon obamacare premiums are about to skyrocket by double digits. the president's affordable care act will cost millions of americans dearly. that's no surprise to jonathan gruber. he says that was the plan all
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along. >> obamacare is not imploding. the main goal was twofold. cover uninsurred uninsurred. those have been fixed. it's not a crisis. it doesn't mean the system is collapsing. it's working as designed. >> he is now the baghdad bob of obamaca obamacare. he said it's not imploding as the president called an emergency conference call with insurers. here is a little bit of that. >> the one thing that's been a challenge, obviously, since we passed the affordable care act is the politics of it. because there is a faction of people who are continually trying to root for failure despite the fact that we keep on insuring people and folks continue to get help. so the bottom line is that most
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people are going to be pleasantly surprised at just how affordable their options are if we can just get them to see for themselves. >> so eric, he says it's politics. you say it's math? >> it's math. no politics at all. the silver plan, not the highest, not the lowest, the most popular plan, if you are 40, male, non-smoker individual, silver plan, you pay $411 a month, almost $5,000, plus a $3,600 deductible. $8,500 before any insurance company kicks in a penny. a family, up to $13,000. the commerce clause prohibits government to coerce individuals to buy a good or service. unless you call it a tax. that's how the supreme court -- in fact, gruber called it a fee or penalty. the supreme court switched grub gruber's word and turned it into tax allowing it to become a law. >> cleaning it up for them.
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>> i think you can go back at some point -- i'm not sure if it will. you can go back and relitigate the congress. >> repeal it. >> there was a report in the "new york times" today that many, many more people than they anticipated are willing to accept the penalty. they are used to it. they fill out the tax return and it's simple, especially if you are a younger person. it's pretty simple. you don't have a lot of investment. you say, fine, i will take the penalty. i'm not going to spend $8,500. >> right. when you do that math, they don't want to spend it. they are working. probably have student loans. that's a big chunk. you are asking them to basically engage in a charitable act to support a failed health care system. really? does that make sense? did they just get out of school and learn better than that and basic math? why would they? why are you putting such a burden -- you wonder why they
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don't have money to pay back student loans. >> i was thinking about you earlier, because in the same article it said, if we are going to raise the penalty, then we also have to increase the amount of government aid so that people can understand the penalty and can maybe get more subsidies. >> it's all about the blob getting bigger and bigger and bigger. the whole appointmepoint of govs survive. it's not about getting smaller. this whole idea of it being a problem, it's not a problem if it's for the greater good. you can do all the bad you want because your heart is in the right place. it never needs explaining. if there's a mistake in obamacare, it's your fault the consumer or person, because you are stupid. the other thing that helps government programs is that they are so inept. people willingly endure it because they have come to accept it like the weather. they feel they can't do anything about the weather. they feel they can't do anything
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about government programs. it's so bad that it's a non-story. >> you factor it into your life. >> you factor it in. >> like the dmv. >> that's why it doesn't have an affect. >> i have a question about, how does president obama answer health insurers who they are doing their own math and pulling out of these states? i would imagine they were on the other end of the call looking at each other going, it's not just the politics. it's actually the system is not working. >> they're looking at exactly what you are talking about. they're saying, who is signing up, who is not signing up? the question is, what was this plan designed to do? that's what you heard from jonathan gruber. gruber said it was intended to insure more people who didn't have insurance. there are 20 million people who have insurance that didn't. it was intended to do things like prevent the insurance -- >> the cost curve down, that's what they said it would do.
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>> he makes the case -- this is accurate -- that the premiums on these plans for people who qualify actually came in lower initially and now are just back to the point where they thought they would be. the point that i was going to make to eric's -- what eric said was that gruber is now arguing that you should raise tax fee penalty, whatever you want to call it, and force more people into the market. >> we want -- my niece is a u.p.s. driver. she makes $13 an hour. she makes $19.50 an hour with overtime. she's doing overtime. she said, if i take a little more overtime, i'm going to get kicked into this fee, this extra tax. she's like, i can't take the overtime. they are forcing people not to work harder. >> how does she get insurance? >> she's on obamacare. she's on obamacare. she has a bad package and she worked for u.p.s. >> gruber and the president made this point that the people who
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qualify, it's 85% of them who get subsidies. they will see no increase. >> right. but the -- >> exactly. >> michael moore's profane prediction on whether donald trump will win the presidency is probably not what you are expecting. we have the bleep button available. stay tuned. some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly-designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. get up to $5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. see your lexus dealer. in einstein since he started the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. (vo) try new beneful originals with beef. now with real beef as the number one ingredient. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh...
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michael moore is sounding the alarm bell to his fellow democrats and any undecided voters nationwide. >> trump's election is going to be the biggest [ bleep ] ever recorded in human history. and it will feel good. for a day. maybe a week. possibly a month. >> the far left filmmaker is for
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hillary. he predicts donald trump is going to come out on top on november 8 in his new documentary "trumpland." the message has resonated with so many voters. >> whether trump means it or not is irrelevant. he is saying the things to people who are hurting. and it's why every beaten down nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves trump. he is the human molotov cocktail that they have been waiting for. >> greg, i see you nodding. >> powerful stuff. it's odd because he looks so much like large marge from peww new adventure. saying something powerful. it's the opposite of what's happening in the republican party when you read amanda carpenter's peace about
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republican women. michael moore is saying the democratic party is losing millions of angry men, the working stiff. the democrats are losing millions of angry men. it's the yin to the yang of the republicans losing millions of angry women. it's exactly the same problem. but in reverse. by the way, he is not -- what he is doing -- which is very smart, different from what bill clinton said and hillary said. bill clinton called them redn k rednecks. moore is not -- he is not condemning the support. he doesn't like the candidate. but he's not condemning trump supporters, which is a very important thing to say. he is a smart fellow, even though i disagree with almost everything he said. he also said if you vote for trump, you are a legal terrorist or you are supporting legal terrorism. >> wonder if he would like to take that back. >> maybe. >> text him after the show. >> he might have a clans hance take it back. he will be on megyn kelly's show
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tonight. if he wants to make himself feel better about the election result, he should look at larry sabatos. if you are a republican, it was depressing. this morning in crystal ball, he holds steady and says hillary clinton at 352 electoral votes, trump 173. so i think -- i wonder if this is a little bit of a scare tactic for democrats. >> it is. >> i agree on the messages. donald trump has done that. republicans are accused of and rightly to be accused of ignoring the voters. the democrats are at risk of doing the same thing. from an economic perspective, the vision of what happens with the technological revolution, where the jobs go. everybody needs to focus on helping those people. >> that's not a news story, the loss of jobs through automation. that's not a news story. >> what's going on? >> i think he is right. i think he is right that there are a lot of people who feel their voice is not being heard in washington.
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guess what? it happened on the democrat side as bernie sanders supporters. hillary clinton beat him out. we find out some of the methods they used to win that. it does make a point. look, donald trump is tapping into some anger and people who are feeling they have been ignored. i think that's a good thing. if there's an opportunity for trump, it would be tap into that on the democrat side and say, it's not just them. it's you as well, democrats. i am the outsider. i'm not the business as usual as michael moore points out. by the way, i would say the biggest fu wouldn't be donald trump winning the presidency. it would be the american revolution. remember when we did that, 13 colonies said fu british, we got this? >> remember that? >> i do. >> juan, what do you think about michael moore? what's he up to? >> i suspect what dana said is true. it's a way of avoiding complacency and also reminds me of that vice-president biden on the democratic side has been
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saying, you know what, one of the last things he wants to do is make sure democrats don't forget working class people. don't think that they have lost that constituency for all time. i think everybody is aware of that. the question is, if you are willing -- this is what, by the way, michael moore concludes. what's fascinating is the far right has taken to a michael moore movie, which is mind boggling. the reason they take to it is they play some of the segments. he goes on then beyond what everybody on pt rigthe right is watching to praise hillary clinton and say she is better than he thought in the past when he wouldn't support her. he thinks she knows how to solve problems. >> that's hypocritical. >> why are the democrats losing ma males? because the worst thing you can be is a white male. you are obviously a bigot. you are obviously sexist. you are crude. you have to be a sensitive, new age leftist if you are a male or
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you are done. >> otherwise, you are responsible for the list of grievances. we have to leave it. >> next, claire erence thomas o the political stand off over nominations. his remarks next.
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it's very rare to hear supreme court justice clarence thomas speak from the bench. he spoke publically yesterday in washington. the heritage foundation invited him to celebrate his 25 years on the bench. he had some very strong words for the current state of our government. he thinks it is broken. >> i think we have become very comfortable with not thinking things through and debating things. i think that we have decided that rather than confront the disagreements and the
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differences of opinion, we'll just simply annihilate the person who disagrees with me. i don't think that's going to work. at some point we have got to recognize that we're destroying our institutions and we're undermining our institutions. >> i thought that was on target. the justice was responding to a question about the high court's confirmation process. he didn't mention the stalled nomination. kimberly, you can't help but think about what happened to him 25 years ago. >> of course. >> he personally was so vilified. >> he was. he proved himself to be a very capable justice. someone who is greatly admired, a good man, a hard worker. we're very lucky to have him. saw th you saw that. destruction trying to ruin a man who accomplished a great deal in his life. he doesn't speak -- very rarely hear from justice thomas.
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the fact we're hearing from him is a unique opportunity to get insight into a man who is obviously live aid fascinad a f life on the bench. >> we come to a moment where we're stuck. garland is there. what happens, let's say, if you get a liberal like hillary clinton in the white house and she nominates a liberal justice? senator mccain, senator cruz, they say, we won't consider even putting anybody on the bench. >> garland, prior to her being sworn in, maybe they should rethink that if trump doesn't win. he may be the best choice going forward. >> they said they wouldn't -- >> they can say that. they may change their mind. the nomination is still there. they can take it up. i would assume. they're probably just saying that. they don't want to acknowledge a hillary clinton presidency. let's -- they are going forward with, trump is going to win. i will tell you, don't leave, clarence. >> please stay.
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>> we are really in trouble. >> wow. >> one tlihing we didn't show -i don't flow know if we talked ab it. when scalia died there was reporting about the court and the friendship that are behind the scenes and they all get along. they have a common cause. they enjoy each other's intelle intelle intellectual capabilities. from a legal standpoint, he is one of the best writers we have. juan, it was your son who wrote a piece about the new african-american museum that doesn't celebrate him in any way in washington, d.c., which is a real shame. >> can you do something about that? >> i would like to do something about that. i know the people over there. i just can't understand it. one of the arguments i read was, actually, in the post-civil rights area, he is an important
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voice -- i think in terms of american history, this is one of the most important african-americans -- i'm saying this as his friend. if you want to write me and complain, but that's what i think. he and i disagree on a lot of stuff. >> white liberal guilt turns into open hate when faced with a black conservative. thomas remains proof that the mainstream media -- there's one kind of acceptable black man. it's a black man who agrees with everything in the mainstream media. that eliminates justice thomas. the one thing he brought up -- we talk about it a lot -- is the polarization. unity is dead. i don't know how -- we talk about unifying a country. i don't believe it's possible. we have these buckets of kno knowledge on the internet. we can bypass everybody and find that thing that makes us feel comfortable. people on the left, people on the right, we find the comfortable strain and we stay
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in it. we never have to talk to anybody again. >> that's really lamentable. stay right there. we will show you some of what happened today on the campaign trail. that's next.
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i won't do that. not anymore. wondering what happened today on the trail? hillary clinton, you know her, campaigning for the first time with the first lady. trump has had enough. >> i think we have had enough of the clintons, in all fairness. hillary clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the office of the president. >> dignity and respect for women and girls. is also on the ballot in this election. i want to thank our first lady for her eloquent, powerful defense of that basic value. >> hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime. yes, more than barack, more than bill. so she is absolutely ready to be
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commander in chief on day one. and, yes, she happens to be a woman. >> kimberly, how interesting is it that hillary is speaking in front of stripes? she should be wearing them in prison. >> lock her up. >> lock her up. >> that pleases me. i thought michelle obama was fantastic. when you saw the crowd, they were super excited. she's a great speaker. she's confident. smart, talented. that sounds like somebody could be running for office and would be electable. am i right? she made one misstep when she said hillary doesn't play. hillary does pay for play. >> juan? thoughts, feelings, emotions? >> i was just surprised. i'm really surprised at michelle obama has become a star in this. she's the number one surrogate. >> why are you surprised? >> i didn't think she was going to get involved. >> because she's a woman? >> no. >> a black woman.
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you make me sick. go ahead. i'm kidding. >> no, no, no. if i can make you sick, well, i must be saying something. >> something get some obamacare. >> i think it was hilarious. >> you can see a future in politics for michelle obama. >> you said it. many have said it. >> we have had elizabeth warren and michelle obama outshining hillary clinton. i looked it up. former presidents are -- outgoing presidents have campaigned for the chosen successor. first time ever, the first time they brought the successor on air force 1. >> dana, do you -- it's amazing what the first lady did given that -- do they really get along? was that amazing acting? you know what's behind the scenes. they must hate each other. right? i don't know. >> no. there's somebody else that is a guest on the network that will
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tell you things like that. i'm not going to be one of them. i don't know what their relationship is. >> that person rhymes with juan bolton. >> no. it doesn't. >> what? >> hillary clinton is able do something that's not easy for somebody in a leadership position. that is to take a step back and let other people speak for her. elizabeth warren, joe biden in pennsylvania, michelle obama, most valuable surrogate of the campaign trail. trump doesn't need any. he is his most valuable -- >> he is the wow. >> i don't tli michelhink miche will go into politics. obama tv. >> i could see supreme court justice. that's what i could see. or maybe president of the u.n. maybe the world. why not president of the world? >> he is not going to want to be supreme court justice. takes up too much time. >> are you talking about lihim her? >> her. >> either one.
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>> any job where you can wear a robe. i've been looking for that. >> i still have that on my phone. so disturbing. >> a picture of me in a robe. one more thing is up next. >> short robe.
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time for one more thing. >> i love the world series. i did my up wione more thing.
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a student got a surprise from his dad earlier in the week. he got tickets to game one of the world series in cleveland for charlie and his brother. the problem, charlie had class that night. he checked into class, gave his homework to somebody else to turn in and he left and went to the game. problem is the professor took attendance. so he got an e-mail that said, you weren't there. what's going on? the kid very smartly sent back an explanation to be honest, i got to go to the game. the professor said that looks like an impeccable excuse. go tribe. that was a good excuse. >> good thing he wasn't in chicago. >> they should be arrested. i haven't done this in a while. banned phrase, in the tank. whenever you criticize somebody -- you criticize trump and somebody goes, you are in the tank for hillary or if you criticize hillary, you are in the tank for trump or you are at a restaurant trying to steal a
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lobster, get out of the tank. >> my god. >> this emotional response, which is what it is, it's a baby response, prevents you from exercising the engine of criticism that helps you frame your arguments. you shouldn't be scared of people disagreeing. you should embrace it. it makes you better. >> can we hash tag tonight baby response? >> you are in the tank. >> my goodness. >> i'm in the tree. >> in other news, with no animation, my one more thing. this is funny. sometimes women try to teach their husbands -- teach an old dog new tricks. teach him a lesson. not like that. she was trying to tell him, you are wasting a lot of money by playing this lottery. she bought -- she's 57 -- a $10 carolina million scratch-off ticket. guess what? 1 million big ones. she's like, my gosh. there it is right there.
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it's pretty exciting. she didn't teach her husband a lesson. in fact, he was like, i told you. now she's going to buy a home. she's going to help her daughter. and she's going to put money into her granddaughters college fund. $415,000. >> that's it? >> yeah. >> not so big a check after all. >> take it though. as we all know, justin timberlake got in hot water for taking a selfie while he was in the voting booth. last night on "the tonight show" timberlake had advice for future voters. >> do you have advice for anyone out there? yeah. get out and vote. but don't take a picture of yourself. >> i had no idea. >> you heard it from justin, vote but don't take a picture
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while doing it. don't worry, the district attorney decided that prosecuting timberlake would be a waste of time and money. >> it's against the law. the white board -- we should call it the right board. we did a white board, this came out today from wikileaks. >> that's incredible. >> coca-cola dropped $4.3 million that ended up in bill clinton's coffers. ubs, $2 million. this one right here is disturbing. a public college paid him $17.6 million to be honorary chancellor. this ended up in the tune of 50 million bucks, $66 million through 2020. it included travel, vacations, hospitality. >> i thought that said vaccination. >> vacation. >> it does say that.
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>> they are basically a broker for bill clinton. 116 million bucks. >> broker or launderer? >> i'm not going that far. >> i gave you an opening. >> they get away with everything. not even two of hillary clinton's top campaign officials realized how big the e-mail scandal was when it first broke. all coming from e-mails you were never supposed to see. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. from its launch, the clinton campaign has been obsessed with secrecy. now with internal conversations from hacked e-mails put out by wikileaks for the world to see, we're learning that as suspected, that secrecy led to hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server in the first place. today, e-m


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