tv Americas Election HQ FOX News October 31, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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>> have a fun and safe halloween. thank you, everyone, "america's election head quarters" starts now. the fbi moving forward after bomb shell e-mails revealed. it could shake up the election in just eight days from now. potentially tens of thousands of newly discovered e-mails that fbi director james comey may relate to the clinton case. it case was for anthony weiner, weiner's ex-wife is clinton's top aide.
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let's talk about the clinton campaign scrambling and then to recover and then going on the offensive against james comey. >> it is strange to put something like that out, with so much little information right before an election. it's not just strange, it's unprecedented and it is deeply troubling. because -- voters deserve to get full and complete facts. >> full and complete facts, she says. jennifer griffin is following the campaign. she is live on the ground. huma abedin nowhere to be seen today. what is the mood of the campaign? >> the campaign has been on his heels since that stunning
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announce by by the fbi. they have been trying to play catch up ever since. not only a tightening, but also a slippage. the campaign is slipping in some of the states. in ohio, the real clear politics average shows she is down by 1.3% and donald trump is ahead. what is note able is she will be speaking in ohio in kent state not long from now. she will be introduced by a former air force officer that was in charge of the nuclear missiles. he has come out to say he doesn't think that donald trump doesn't think that donald tr to. we will hear more about that today. we're told that she will not address the fbi director james comey today, and we're told by reporters on her plane today that huma abedin is not
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traveling with her today. hillary clinton was at several get out and vote events across florida. so we don't know much at this point about what the clinton campaign is doing and what the interaction with the fbi is at this point. what we know is that top democrats on the hill have come out and criticized comey saying he is influencing an election that is just eight days away. harry reid being the most senior of those democrats. he sent a letter to comey accusing him of breaking the law, saying he was in violation of the hatch act. very strong words from some of the democrats that had praise for comey back in july. >> the white house daughter and sonned it in the daily press conference not long ago. back to that swart to look through potentially tens of thousands newly discovered e-mails that fbi director james
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co comey says may relate to the clinton case. there is a lot of information contained in these e-mails, do we know anything about the content of the e-mails yet? >> i'm going to get to that in a second. i want to begin with the comments we had a short time ago from the white house spokesman where he said for the first time, addressing the later from friday, that the president does not believe director comey is trying to intentionally influence the election. >> i will neither defend nor criticize what director comey has decided. to communicate to the public about this investigation. >> also, former attorney general eric holder has written in the washington post saying that comey did make a mistake. a senior democratic this morning
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went opportunity. >> i agree with eric holder. i think this was a very serious error in judgment by the director. you don't talk about an investigation this close to an election. that's a very sound policy that -- you don't want to appear to be putting your hand on the scale. and the accusation they're trying to have an impact on the outcome. >> they told fox news he felt he had no choice because of the sheer volume of the record and because of that pledge he made under oath in the summer that if there was new evidence that appeared to be of significance he would revisit it. >> we will talk with you later on in the show. i want to get back to that point we touched on earlier which is what is contained on anthony weiner's laptop? >> the meta data on his computer
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has positive hits for e-mails from the clinton server and government records from the state department. it's like the at least ddress, who it is to and from, but ewe read it. they want to move forward and be able to read the messages. they think the laptop was used to back up his estranged wifes smart phone contacts. ending three or four years ago, but covering this important time period when huma abedin was working with secretary clinton.
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gji jim comey it s not responsible for her private everybodier, or tell huma to not turn in all of her devices, or anthony weiner sends messages to an under age girl. >> it is not clear at this point if there was any unnecessary delay. >> do we know anything about -- would we know at this point if there is any attempt to delete information from that laptop? >> that is a great question. from a forensic point of you, you would be able to see, but you can't just open up the computer and determine how many records are relevant to the clinton case. they have to build out a computer program to isolate the records of interest to them. and i'm not a computer tech
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person despite my efforts to appear as one, but this is a process in itself, to design the program that takes days. they're not physically looking at these records yet. >> to be continued, thank you for the great work. >> the latest revelations feeding into the perception that clinton can't be trusted. a recent fox poll showing a record low 30% of voters believe that clinton is honest and trust worthy. trump slightly better. i'll tell you what, does it even matter? those numbers at this point? >> it's like would you rather see a dead raccoon or a horse -- and the only people at the bottom there are the hardest of hard partisans. the people that would always
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trust a democrat or always trust a republican when asked. >> they're saying james comey is being political. >> when republicans attacked comey this summer, it was probably helpful with their base. i'm sure donald trump still says the system is rigged, now hillary clinton has a chance. >> we have very scant polling data since this came out on friday. basically in the form of the washington postabc news poll. >> that was done wednesday through saturday. >> it was so close, but in that poll we learn something which is -- and the race was already getting closer. last week it tightened up. but what we have seen is -- >> obama care, republicans are going back? >> it is almost november, that's
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what happens every time. we were seeing the tightening of the race. what we see now is that for republicans, democrats it's energizing, too. hillary clinton was telling donald trump what they used to say which is that it is rigged and it is rigged against us. >> two major stories are converging, wikileaks and the fbi investigation. is there any evidence that voters are not able to take it all in yet? it is too much information? >> i thank god that the american people are in large part able to ignore the new england politicians most of the time. wikileaks, i think the kremlin made a mistake. they bring out so much so often,
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and it comes through assange all of the time. >> i wonder if it is lost in the mix right now, especially the people who are not the political hacks that live and breathe this stuff all of the time. >> thank you very much. we'll talk to you again soon. >> a clinton surrogate is out of a job after revelations from the latest wikileaks dump. so what else do we have in the latest dump of e-mails? and without the judicial watch, there would be no clinton e-mail scandal. now they're pushing to find out what happened in the run way meeting between former president bill clinton and the attorney general a week before the fbi decided not to prosecute hillary.
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the head of judicial watch is joining us, next. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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welcome back. more e-mails are showing classified information on an unsecured server. just coming out with that information a short while ago today. ju dishl watch's efforts have revealed among other things that hillary clinton used more than one device in spite of her claims. now they're setting their sights on loretta lynch and the meeting between her and bill clinton on a tarmac over the summer.
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it happened just a week before and they show that she was receiving classified information from mrs. clinton, sending them to her own accounts. and it is just more of the same. we previously received information from abedin showing classified information on her e-mails. so why did the justice department and the fbi take steps to retrieve all of the e-mails abedin had last year. >> what happens now then?
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where is the legal fallout. >> they are saying she testified to judicial watch and she turned over all of the devices she used to her lawyers and they were supposed to send the e-mails they found that were government e-mails and documents to the state department. they never certified they turned over everything to the state department. now there is another device. i think the courts might be interested to flow is potentially thousands of more e-mails that should have been turned over as promised to the courts. >> but didn't huma abedin said she handed over all of her devices and now we're learning that is not the case? >> yeah, that is the case, that she said she turned over all of the devices she used, and evidently there was a device not turned over, at least one, but we don't have those details. despite the fact that we have been getting e-mail after e-mail
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showing she was in communication with hillary clinton, had classified information on her e-mail system in the clinton e-mail service, but also the yahoo account she had, i don't understand why the fbi and the justice department had not thought to retrieve that information and make sure it was security in the least. people are upset about what comey is doing because they didn't trust the investigation to begin with and this is one of the reasons. when you see that mrs. clinton got a get out of jail free card. >> you filed a lawsuit against the department of justice asking them to turn over information about what happened on that tarmac just days before they decided not to indictment hillary clinton. >> hopefully we get some documents. the fbi, the justice department,
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the faa, they have been in stone wall mode, especially the fbi and justice department. no documents before or after that meeting took place? why is she covering up details, why is the fbi covering up details about that meeting. for all of the concerns about what comey did, violating some unwritten rule, the law requires that the documents be turned over and you have federal agencies in violation of the law and that's why we're in federal court trieding to get the documents. >> we're certainly learning more about the ongoings of our government. the fact is that you have been getting information out there and voters certainly need more information ahead of this election. >> troops are closing in on isis and the battle to retake mosul.
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step in. freed from isis control after living against the ball p in that army. we're live in irbil iraq. >> some reports say they are now only a few hundred feet away. it began as the iraqi special forces moved east of m ourks sul. tanks moving in the village, an allied artillery and air strikes hit isis positions. they played a crucial roll hitting the special targets. today the defense ministry showed one such strike on a suspected isis position. today we reached a town that had been liberated from isis. we spoke to villagers there.
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they spoke about how it felt to be living under isis and how it feels now. >> the men are ready for a haircut and shave, something that was forbidden under isis rule. >> isis indoctrinated children to join them and the schools were stopped. food was also scarce and cell phones punishable by torture. one of the interesting things about that village is it had a population of about 5,000, but there was only 30 to 50 isis fighters there and it's a real sign of how much fear they could instill when such a small group of fighters can instill such terror. another batch of e-mails
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voting event. real clear politics showing that the candidates are locked in a very close rate in that state. trump at 46% and hillary clinton at 45. let's listen in. >> let me start with this. i am sure a lot of you may be asking what this new e-mail story is about and why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any wrong doing. and just days to go. that is a good question. first of all, for those of you who are concerned about my use of personal e-mail, i understand. as i said, i'm not making excuses, i understand and i regret it. they should look at them. and i'm sure they will reach the
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same conclusion they did when they looked at my e-mails for the last year. there is no case here. they said it wasn't even a close call and i think most people decided a long time ago what they think about all of this. now people are focusing on choosing a president and commander and chief for the united states of america. did any of you see the debate? well, i think it was important, because i had a chance to talk about my 30 years of public service, my plans for our country, and people could weigh that against what my opponent has donesaid. i'm running against a man who says he doesn't understand why we can't use nuclear weapons.
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he said "then why are we making them"? he wants more countries to have nuclear weapons. japan, south korea, saudi arabia. imagine nuclear weapons smack in the middle of the middle east. if you're telling yourself he'll surround himself with smart people who stop these crazy ideas, remember when asked who he will consult, he said "i don't need to consult, i have a very good brain." he says he knows more about isis than our generals do, no, he does not. and the people that donald trump
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around him are being investigated for their ties to vladimir putin. let's not get distracted by this and the consequences for your future. i started saying last june, i believe, that donald trump has proven himself to be temp mentally unfit and totally unqualified to be president and commander and chief. i have to tell you that i did not take any pleasure in seeing that. i have known for years now that people who ran for president, republicans and democrats, i have had my differences with them, but i never doubted their fitness to serve. donald trump is different. it's as serious as it gets. today i want to talk about
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national security because when the election is over and people wake up on november 9th, people will have picked the person who will carry the responsibility for all of these weighty decisions, and it should convince anyone how high the takes are in this election. i want to focus on three of the most crucial questions facing the next president. can you be trusted to command our nuclear arsenal and make life and death decisions about war and peace? how do you handle a crisis? and do you know the difference between our allies and our adversaries? >> there she is, hillary clinton, hearing from her for the first time today here in ohio talking right off the bat
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about that e-mail information. she brought up the use of it, saying it was a mistake and she regreats it. let's go to ron de santos. she said there is no case here. she say it's is not even a close call, and that voters made up their minds a long time ago about what they think of all of this. what's your take on that? >> i don't think that is true. i think most voters view her as dishonest and a majority of americans think she should have been prosecuted. if you look -- i was in the military, if people would have handled top secret information the way she did, they would have faced a court marshall. here is the thing going forward. we don't know what is in those e-mails. they destroyed over 30,000 e-mails. there are others that could not
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be recovered. some of those are on huma abedin's laptop and they could be relevant not only for the investigation about classified material and the allegations against the clinton foundation. >> this thing is not wrapped up in the next eight days before the election. where do you take it from here? you sit on government reform? >> i think it depends. we looked at the investigation and why there wasn't more done to follow up on things like e-mails being destroyed. bleached even though they were under system. we can't criminally prosecute people, but when she became secretary of state, she signed an agreement saying the foundation would not be that involved and she didn't follow that. i think we'll see what happens when the dust settles after the election.
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if there are four different fbi probes about the foundation, this is not just going to go away because if she ends up winning the election. >> your committee was one that received the letter from james comey. have you heard from him or spoken to anyone on the staff outside of that letter? >> no, and it is important to know that he didn't really get into the facts, but he had to do that because his testimony as it stood before congress previously is that the case was closed. he had to update that. so i think it was just to correct the testimony more than brief the congress. >> congressman ron de santos. we'll be looking forward to more from you. what a great town you have, love it'd there. >> thank you. the fbi investigation temporarily overshadowing
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wikileaks for now. a bomb shell came out including donna brazil. ed henry with the details, a lot of stuff just dripping out here, give us the headlines from it. >> yeah, it is almost like a full push now beyond just drip drip drip. around 26 of the e-mails out there, and it takes you behind the curtain on march 10th where hillary clinton admitted among other things that about 33,000 e-mails were deleted about yoga and wedding planning, but this e-mail talks about the deletion of the e-mails. it says get it all done tonight. tight sequencing, no overnight gap between her statement and dropping the bomb. alternatively, put the bomb in her face and her statement.
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the bomb is the deletion of of the e-mails. they were more servous than they lead on. all of the top advisors saying the clinton foundation only because good work around the world, here he is with a story about foreign contributions. saying it is better than dealing with brush fires. and within days of him talking about shutting down the foreign fundraising for the foundation, bill clinton's chief of staff says "foreign government donors; all the money is in. very cryptic, don't know what it is. within days of shutting it down, they say all of the foreign money is down now. >> referring to deleting e-mails as dropping the bomb.
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i'm just wondering, what would have happened, why where would we be right now if all of this information came out six months ago. i want to ask you about a new development with donna brazil that came out of the wikileaks information. >> remember the should megyn kelly that all of this was false. this idea that she had used her connections as a cnn contributor to feed a question to hillary clinton's campaign. cnn denied there was anything improper. new e-mails today saying wait, not just a town hall debate, but donna brazil says one of the questions directed to hrc tomorrow will be from a woman with a rash. the opposite of what we heard
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from donna brazil to megan kelly. so cnn on october 14th accepted donna brazile's resignation as a cnn contributor. we're completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the clinton campaign while she was a cnn contributor. she is now the interim chair of the democratic national committee, and cnn is saying on october 14th they accepted her resignation. >> ed henry, thank you so much. for more on the new wikileaks stuff that came out today, we will talk about it with our panel, how will or won't it affect the election when we come back.
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let's bring in our panel to talk about. margery is joining us. we were just listening to ed henry's report. let's get your reaction to the significance of it. >> wikileaks is providing the dirty laundry of political can paini -- campaigning for the clinton world. they feel that some of them are backwards for their rrge thoughts. you saw the colluding. they were making sure they were pushing forward bill clinton
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inc. this is the ugliness of the political reality in the clinton world. once again it reinforces the lie that's we're seeing whether or not it is from donna brazile, or those that were insighting violence. >> what do you see the impact being? i wonder if voters are really absorbing this? >> i think everyone just wanted to take a shower on both sides of the aisle. the whole campaign is painful. more stuff is revealed. i think trump voters have clothed their ears for the most part. marco rubio said we need to be
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careful where we throw stones. it is not pretty. we have not seen something that is really insighted an earth shattering revelation that feels any worse than what we have all right -- already scene, but hillary clinton is constantly on the defensive. >> unfortunately we with have to leave it there. we had our hillary clinton speech there from ohio that we had to cover lie so we were tight on time today. ladies, thank you so much. millions of people heading to the polls and thousands could cast their ballots before election day including many independents. what do the numbers tell us so far? we'll be right back. probably gonna double. but dad, you've got... allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands.
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the 2016 race is breaking records for early voting. 40% of the electorate expected to vote before november 8th. michael mcdonald has been studying this whole early voting thing. my mom loves it. don't have to wait in line. just show up and do it. but 40%, huge number, which party does that tend to benefit? >> well, depths on which state you're looking at, frankly. so we have to go state-by-state. see a mixed bag of candy out there for both the clinton and the trump campaigns. >> 2012 to 2016, 6.8% increase in early voting, democrats are down 4.2%, runs up 4.5%. this is the interesting number.
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registered unaffiliated voters are up 36.9%. >> i'm not dish gees are national numbers. >> a lot of unevenness across the states but this is certainly a feature we're seeing in this election cycle, is that while the democrats and republicans may be about on parity with the 2012 numbers. we're seeing unaffiliated people, who do not have a registration with a political party, in states that have party registration, we're seeing the numbers up over 2012. >> do you think people are becoming more frustrated by republicans and democrats and don't want to be affiliate with any party and headed to the polls early. >> this is long-term trend we have seen in american politics. a decline in the number of people who register with a political party and has
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important consequences. staff in states with closed primaries, those who register are eligible to vote. >> some states may be forced to change the closed primaries to open primaries. let's look at the battleground states. florida, arizona, some of those states, north carolina, where are we at right now with regard to early voting in those statess and do who does it favor? >> let me go around the horne. good news for clinton campaign and then good fours trump. good news for clinton we are starting to get numbers from western states like nevada, colorado, a quarter of the votes cast in this election, already into election officials out there. and what we're seeing are part concerns that look pretty good for the democrats, at least on par if not better than 2012. in those states, nevada and colorado, obama won by healthy margin. so republicans need to make inrodes in the coming woke to
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have a chance to split those states in iowa and ohio, we have seen continued weakness for the democratsing through the early voting period. some signs of but a long way to good i'm not sure where the states well be at the end of the week but appears may be narrowing from trump advance. >> hillary clinton may have a hill to climb with the fbi investigation. you looking at the real clear politics national, christian took 47 359%. taken last week. trump's 45%. so the numbers as a result of this new news about the fbi have not been factored into that yet. how do you think that information is going to affect the polls coming out this week? >> we're not seeing any change in the voting patterns on saturday or sunday. so, the numbers look very similar as they did before the
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news happened. of course this is just a slice of the electorate, but at least looking right now at the patterns doesn't look at this news as so different or updating people in some ways that would change at least the voting patterns among different people registered. i don't know who they're voting for. just not seeing decreased enthusiasm among dream cats -- democrats. >> what your saying tracks what larry sabato said and thinks it may produce one to two points difference between the candidates. professor, thank you so much. great to see you. >> thank you. >> politics can get down and dirty but this one just flat out stinks. a large pile a manure dumped outside the democratic party office in warren county, ohio, near cincinnati. police arresting a 47-year-old antiabortion protester and say this is not the first time he has done this.
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he faced up to 60 days in jail. the head of the local republican party says the republican party was not involved and even offered to help clean up that mess. well, it will make good fertilizer. we're await a donald trump campaign rally in michigan. the republican presidential candidate trying to expand his support in blue states. we'll bring it to you as soon as possible it gets underway. be right back. i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition
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to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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a little boy in florida getting the best halloween treat ever. jaden hayes dressed up at his hero. not superman or batman but his father, u.s. air force staff sergeant who has been iraq for eight months. the four-year-old was getting candy and got the surprise of a lifetime. watch. >> daddy! >> hey, buddy.
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>> i thought i was just coming here to pick him up just from trick-or-treating but turned out to be a whole lot more. >> a whole lot more, congratulations. the emotional reunion caught on tape in florida. here's shep. >> it's 3:00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast, water we're waiting to see what the feds will find, if anything, on anthony weiner's computer whom he shared wiffle clinton hayed, huma human huma abedin but we're seeing some political fallout. democrats accusing james comey trying to swing the election but the white house is arguing comey is a man of integrity. clinton and trump each holding events this afternoon. we'll have live coverage. plus, how donald trump's team is trying to take back some
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