tv The Five FOX News November 1, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. hi, i'm kimberly guilfoyle with greg gutfeld, juan williams and dana perino. this is "the five." they are shouting female to hide the e-mail in a desperate defense of hillary, some claim the e-mail probe is an attack on women. berkeley professor robin lakeoff claims it's not about e-mails at all. it's about men not believing women should be engaging in high-level communication. sorry, robin, your tragic plea
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is about as high as a worm's burp. meanwhile, president obama is already casting more sexism, even if hillary wins. >> what do you think will be the female equivalent of you weren't born in this country? >> i think the equivalent will be she's tired, she's moody, she's being emotional. when men are ambitious, it's just taken for granted. when women are ambitious, why? that theme will continue throughout her presidency and it's contributed to this notion that somehow she is hiding something. >> dude, mr. president, she is hiding something. apparently team hillary knew anthony weiner was sexting a high schooler back in 2011. she should have told huma, it's
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either him or me, but she didn't. they covered for the twerp, which is why weiner was able to continue, go even younger, allegedly sexting a 15-year-old. the lesson here, hillary only looks out for one woman, herself. a teenager getting sex from a creep is ignored because the creep has connections. birds of a feather. hillary protected bill by shaming his victims. another female victim both driven by self-preservation and power. when hillary is concerned, it's the women, never the men, who get screwed. kimberly, you were a prosecutor. this seems to be the most ignored part of the story, that hillary or team hillary knew about this stuff even before anthony weiner resigned, from the new york post from wikileaks. >> yeah. going back for years.
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yeah, it's shameful behavior. you have an obligation to protect underage victims like this. this is a serious crime. the fbi is investigating crimes like this, sadly, in huge numbers across this country and you have somebody like this guy who is a congressman, in a position of influence and authority, and then you have a secretary of state and essentially his wife being complicit because you want to preserve your own reputation and the office you want to seek in the future? i mean, that in and of itself should be grounds to not even consider them or anybody to do with them for further office. >> i find it interesting that huma has gone from her most trusted advisers to "one of my staffers". >> i can read upside down. >> what happened to my second daughter. >> that's her talking point on the campaign trail. one of my staffers. really? because she was right there from 2009 to 2013 when hillary was
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secretary of state. she's the vice chairman of her presidential bid. now she's just one of her staffers. i will tell you the victims, blaming the victims or ignoring the victims in this case, as what you're pointing out, this is fairly common with hillary clinton when her words were we need to destroy her story and we're talking about one of bill clinton's victims and she continually denied or berated some of the clinton victims and what's the difference here in this case if you're very extremely worried about women and young women, you should be worried about the women and young women that your chief of staff, her husband, is sexting. >> uh-huh. exactly. dana, you're a woman. >> really? >> how can feminist support two women whose choices of men, whether it's bill clinton or anthony weiner, are exactly what women should detest.
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>> when i worked on the hill -- >> that's in d.c., right? >> yes, on the hill. they were in the rayburn feeling down the hall from where i worked and who was the senator or congressman from government over side asite -- oversight an he would rail about it and the feminist would attack monica lewinsky and then all fell into lock seven and defended clinton. that's why i have a hard time with the hypocrisy with this election. did anthony weiner know that the girl in 2011 was underage? >> that's the question. he could get out of this by saying i didn't know. she could have been pretending that she was older or whatnot. i don't know because i don't do those things, juan. >> i'm glad you don't. >> she was in high school. that's a good indicator, right?
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>> unless you're in a fantasy land. you don't know what people say and they put up phony pictures. >> i don't know the details. but when he asked her what her favorite class was, she said math. >> but i think that column that ran in "time" magazine that basically the target of this is not hillary clinton and the e-mails, it's us as women, speaks to a bigger topic. >> do you believe that, really, though? >> i don't think that's true because i think there's a legitimate issue with the e-mails. i think it's blown way out of proportion and sometimes equated with donald trump, i think it's too much but it's a legitimate issue nonetheless. but if you're asking me about talking to female politicians about how they are treated and about being called shrill or bo
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bossy, when they take a tough stance, being out of place and uncompromising and why are you doing this, questioned in a way that a man would be said he's a leader. >> it's a pathetic argument to use it as a shield against -- which is pretty what you would call loathsome behavior. do we have the sound bite of james carville talking? >> this is an unprecedented event done at the behalf of the house republicans leaked by the house republicans and as we know the kgb is all over this election and this is what we're talking about. we ought to be talking about our democracy being under assault right now and what we're going to do about it and not what somebody said in july by james comey. >> he's very angry but i commend him for coming in a halloween costume. >> and i had nothing to do with
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any of this. why is he saying kgb? one of my nicknames. he's obviously upset and you can tell by his tone and demeanor. guess what, he's concerned. but if they are afraid that the truth is coming out about the clintons, about the foundation, about pay-for-play, about anthony weiner, about protecting people against crimes against young women and children essentially, young girls. so this is very bad for them. it's bad for the party. the party's been exposed. there's been so much going on that every day you could just talk about this the whole time. >> yeah. >> the dnc, donna brazile, what you see that everybody is associated with the clintons. >> are you guys trying to collect what anthony weiner did to hillary clinton and huma abedin? >> yes. >> first of all, anthony weiner
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is, i think, a sort of abomination in terms of the charges against him. >> then why -- >> secondly, why would his wife, who is now separated from the man -- >> now. >> right. who i guess was trying to salvage his relationship and realize he's beyond help and now -- >> but "the new york post" reports today on e-mails from wikileaks in an exchange on june 10th, 2011, it shows john podesta sending an e-mail to jennifer palmieri and says fyi, there's a report that a police in delaware asked a 17-year-old girl to ask about contact she had with weiner and palmieri writes back saying, ooh, knowing that would be horrendous, possibly illegal. that's the connection. >> that's a political consideration. that's not about human beings. there's a man and a wife and a guy behaving arguably.
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no argument. but how this has become a political -- >> you don't think it's bad judgment on hillary's part to make her the vice chair of her election campaign? >> i see your point there in terms of -- if you believe what happens in your bedroom should stay in your bedroom. >> right. >> but in terms of -- if there was -- >> never happened to republicans? that's not true. that's not true. >> i'm saying, democrats are a master at using everything politically. the personal is political. >> eric, go ahead. >> so how do you explain her now calling huma abedin, who we've seen by hillary's side from the benghazi, she spent everywhere with hillary, on the campaign trail yesterday and one of my staffers -- >> she said my top aide. >> someone been attached to my hip for the past seven years. >> i see. you wanted her to describe it --
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>> huma abedin that close to her knowing what may be going on. >> just hear my point. i heard eric just say to you that you want her to speak because it's politically convenient for you. she spoke in terms that were politically advantageous for her to say "one of my staffers." she is a top adviser. i think cheryl mills and the chief of staff and other people at rogue but you're right, huma abedin is like a daughter to her but it's not politically advantageous to say huma is so important. look, huma clearly is a liability at this point but she is not and i would wonder -- >> what's the liability, then? >> there should be a line drawn between what the husband has done and -- >> she's a liability in terms of whether or not there was classified information on a device that was not disclosed to the fbi. >> right. and if you're aware of it back then that your left and right hand, huma, is bedding down with
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somebody who might be a child molester -- >> kimberly, this is her husband. >> it's true. if you're aware of it, you have an obligation to protect children, let alone the national security of this country. >> kimberly, i don't think anybody knows for sure -- >> oh, please. wait and see, juan. wait and see. >> -- that this was a child. >> if we don't jump to conclusions, what will we jump to. >> i agree with that? >> the mainstream media has turned hillary clinton's in the and a breakdown of their bias coverage, next. remember when you said that men are superior drivers? yeah... yeah, then how'd i'd get this... allstate safe driving bonus check? ... only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident-free ... silence. it's good to be in, good hands.
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hillary clinton is under investigation again but as far as the mainstream media is concerned, it's the fbi director who is to blame. the big three networks, nbc, abc and cbs have been relentless in their efforts to smear comey. the director came under scrutiny by a ratio of three to one. 88 to comey versus 31 of
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hillary. are you surprised that the media is biased? >> no. and it's not become so obvious that it's become a one-sided talking point. even the polls you look at, democrats that are polled think that the media is biased against donald trump. but, again, we don't want them to go down the whole rigged path because that doesn't seem to make any sense but we've been talking about media bias for a long time. and howard kurtz has a show that discusses it quite often and a lot of research polls and how they cover elections and candidates and cover the news for that matter, political news in particular. >> dana, i heard hillary clinton, i believe it was this morning, earlier today, stating that james comey, the fbi director, is bringing this for political reasons with no evidence. and that is a violation of the hatch act itself. >> it's also so strange because of what he announced on friday
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because there was more evidence that they were going to be looking over. i guess they missed the white house's statement yesterday which is that james comey is beyond reproach but you had attorneys general from both parties questioning comey's -- maybe not the decision but the way in which he communicated it. but i don't think it's necessarily the media -- the not having as big of an impact, especially at the network, the social media and online discussion and cable news having a bigger impact and in fact good news for donald trump today in north carolina where he is up plus five in a week. so now he's had a tie with her. and in wisconsin there's good news about him tightening there and also ron johnson, who was long considered to be a senator, running for re-election, that was likely to lose now by some accounts, it looks like he's
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moving up in the world. so you actually are going to want to watch fox news on tuesday because there's going to be a lot here and i don't know how much the e-mail story will have an impact at the end of that night. but it certainly is having a really big impact now and i think the clinton team is nervous because they are actually now spending time in colorado, which they didn't even have to do for a while. >> wow. that's -- they are in colorado, out of colorado, they are back in. greg said the president thinks that james comey, what he did, it took, quote, guts. >> well, comey used to be their homey and now he said you don't know me. anyway, the media is in a panic because now they are forced to confront their bad candidate. before they could hide behind the gender flag. that was all you needed, historical choice, first woman. all it took was a strong flag to blow that away and now you're
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stuck with hillary rodham clinton. sometimes being a woman isn't enough. you have to be a good person, too, juan. >> i don't know. i'm so struck by this you think it's the liberal media. i pick up the conservative media and i read bret stevens leading -- >> and jeanine pirro. >> and i hear judge napolitano saying it was outrageous and the idea that the fbi director would come out with this at the 11th hour in the midst of a presidential campaign is unprecedented and a violation of standards. and even "the wall street journal" editorial this morning said that it could be cowardice on the part of loretta lynch which was fearful that comey would resign. it would be an even bigger storm. and she didn't say to him, hey, listen, don't do this. it's her fault.
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all of this is about the idea that something unprecedented has happened here and it's not about the media. it's about what is going on in washington. >> okay. >> well, that's part of his message. just to be fair, jeanine pirro, the judge was saying specifically that she feels comey did not do a thorough and fair investigation to begin with and has now put himself in this position where she feels it's unconscienceable. >> what she said was it was last minute. she said something like that happened to her in her life, it was not fair and -- >> let's call her up. she does not think he handled it right to begin with. >> and until we know what the evidence is, if down the road donald trump wins and then comey says, well, we don't really have that much evidence after all, then you go, wow, that was a play on politics. it could be a bombshell. you can't bring it out -- >> but eric, you're making the point. i think it was judge napolitano
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who said -- it was like me saying eric bolling is guilty of something, audience. but prove it. if you've got it, say it. comey, say it. >> they should have done -- >> then you're asking him to do something that he's also not supposed to. >> no. no. >> and eric, can you talk aut an ongoing investigation and be fair to the people being investigated? no. >> he didn't. he said there's evidence. that's all. >> oh, my goodness. >> he also said it's unprecedented. we can differ with that one as all. next, the suspicious message sent between hillary's top aides 48 hours before congress ordered the secretary to turn over all of her e-mails.
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today, wikileaks released a batch of john podesta's e-mails. today, there's one that could be a smoking gun in the clinton e-mail scandal. on march 2nd, 2015, "the new york times" wrote the story that hillary was using a private server to conduct professional business. that night, the former chief of staff cheryl mills was written saying, "we are going to have to dump all those e-mails so better to do so sooner than later. it was sent two days before the subpoena went out from congress for clinton's e-mails. the clinton camp tells fox news the word "dump" refers to releasing the e-mails, not dumping then. let's bring in bret baier. thank you for joining us. >> hi, becakimberly.
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>> you have some specific comments because the question is, what does that word mean? does it mean that they were going to do like the equivalent of what we know to be a friday news dump, put something out about it or dump, does that mean to get rid of them? what were some of the nuances and information you were getting today? >> all i was pointing out is that if you give the hillary clinton campaign and john podesta the benefit of the doubt and say "dump" meant dump, get out, sooner rather than later, a couple of things. what actually happened? they turned over what they wanted to turn over and then at the end of that month, of march 2015, they destroyed e-mails with bleach bit. did they classify clinton foundation e-mails dealing with the clinton foundation and secretary of state as work-related? we don't know because they
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destroyed that server. the other thing is, if you give them the benefit of doubt and "dump" means putting out, they would have been giving out classified information because we know that there were classified e-mails on her unsecured private server. so you can say what they wanted to do, what they were talking about in these e-mails behind the scenes but you also have to note what practically happened and they did destroy some 33,000 e-mails. >> still to be discovered. >> bret, the inconsistencies are amazing, because on one hand they say they meant release but then on the other hand they destroy destroyed 33,000. after the secretary either testified or was deposed, i'm not sure which one it was, there was an agreement to destroy some of these units, these laptops and the handhelds. meanwhile, the fbi smartly, wisely, held onto the laptop.
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point is this. why would they cut a deal to destroy the laptop if they weren't intending on hiding something. bill mcgern said call the secretary's bluff on it. release all of these e-mails, comey. >> i think it's a great point and one in which how the fbi makes that deal for not only immunity but the potential for evidence is something. but to put it in perspective, eric, wikileaks in 25 different releases, including one this morning, has released 42,000 e-mails of john podesta's g-mail account. what is potentially on anthony weiner's laptop, huma abedin e-mails, we're told some 600,000, 650,000. so what has been released so far by wikileaks is 1/15 of what is potentially on the laptop that the fbi is currently exploiting.
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so that gives you a sense of what they are looking at. could a lot of it be duplicates of what they have already seen? yes. could 33,000 or so e-mails be on there? yes. and they are going through it right now, we're told, with a fine-tooth comb in technological sense with special tools and a task force that was on the original case. >> all right. dana, you have a question for bret? >> i think document dump is how people in washington know -- i dumped something on a friday after thanksgiving, such a jerk move but i did it because i knew there would probably not be a lot of coverage of it. the then then internally within the clinton camp about these 33,000, just doing the actual dump of all of the other e-mails was that they were concerned about classified information possibly being in there, even though hillary clinton had assured us there were none. isn't that also with james
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comey's situation is right now with these additional e-mails that are on anthony weiner's e-mails? he can't just throw them out there in the worry that there's something classified and you'd have to think of somebody being on the other side of that? >> of course. i think from the fbi director's point of view, you are potentially making a case here so you are not going to put out any evidence. the case is pretty tough, if you think about all of the things that have transpired, including the president of the united states in an interview long ago saying there was no national security threat to this e-mail situation. fast forward to all of the things that have come out since, that would be a pretty tough case overall to be making. but to your point, all of this stuff was on an unsecured private server. we're getting from state department documents that suggest the i.t. guy, brian pagliano, sent an e-mail saying that the server had been hacked
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ten times in one day back in 2010 and made the u.s. secret service aware of the hackings. it's not exactly the best track record here. >> certainly not. >> terrible. all right, greg. >> not much of a question, bret, but more of a statement you could comment on. this is now i think the official low of 2016 that we have six people trying to discuss the meaning of the word "dump." >> you don't disappoint, greg. now you've ruined not just our show but report." juan will ask you something dignified. >> comey, the fbi director, said there was no evidence of any effort to destroyed any e-mails and when he previously reported on the investigation and the second thought i had is in
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conjunction with something i saw earlier which is hillary clinton saying when some of those e-mails that we're discussing were destroyed. so i'm wondering, how do you deal with what comey came to as a conclusion, which is that there was no intent to destroy anything and how do you deal with hillary clinton saying i wasn't under subpoena when this request was made. >> a couple things. one is, he is saying what he is saying about that investigation not seeing all of the back and forth that we have since seen on the wikileaks e-mails going on behind the scenes inside the clinton campaign, number one. number two, technically work-related e-mails, he's referencing the clinton foundation investigation that never stopped, that four different fbi offices were continuing this look into the clinton foundation and specifically what secretary of state clinton did at the time and possibly in a quid pro quo
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scenario. if the clintons decided that those were not work-related, they would be part of the ones that were destroyed. and what comey was talking about was specifically the classified aspect of that investigation. that's what i would say about it but that's obviously what the clant campaign would come back with. >> clearly, you know, if they said they intentionally destroyed what they knew to be classified, that's when alarms would go off in my head. >> the alarms are going off in the room. bret, thank you so much. be sure to catch him on "special report" tonight at 6:00 p.m. and sunday at 8:00 p.m. another issue that could harm hillary clinton next tuesday? donald trump wants to repeal obamacare. hear about that, next.
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it's november 1st. open enrollment, day one for obamacare 2017. this year, americans have fewer plans and fewer doctors to choose from and although the president promised that the affordable care act would be actually affordable, they are also going to have to pay a lot more for their health care. hillary clinton says she'll fix obamacare but pence, trump and paul ryan are vowing to repeal it. >> we can't trust hillary clinton with our health care any more than we can trust her with classified information. >> obamacare means higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality yet hillary clinton wants to expand obamacare and make it even more expensive. if we don't repeal and replace obamacare, we will destroy american health care forever. it's one of the single most important reasons why we must win on november 8th.
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>> we don't have to live with obamacare. we can have something much better. obamacare is collapsing under its own weight. we can and will replace it if we win this election. >> that was paul ryan talking about wisconsin, which is important, as i just mentioned, the race tightening there. also, trump and pence were in pennsylvania. average is a 33% increase in pennsylvania. if i can point out one other thing that i think shows the republican idea of breaking down state boundaries on insurance across state lines makes sense. in arizona, you are going to see 116% increase. but guess what, in indiana, you're seeing a 3% decrease because there's more competition in indiana. so to me, it's reasonable to think that competition across state lines would actually help bring costs down and probably improve care. >> some of the highest rate hikes are states that don't have competition. the whole state of oklahoma has one provider. >> and minnesota has one or two.
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>> and in pinal county, arizona, there may be zero providers. costs are skyrocketing. paul ryan, good to hear that he voted for these three republican tickets. ted cruz did as well today. obamacare care costs, fallout to americans, to the business and economy, "the wall street journal" had a piece about what restaurants. there are 12 restaurant chains that have declared bankruptcy in an environment where gas prices are low, food prices are low. that should put bigger margins on restaurants. 31% of people are saying i'm not going out to restaurants as much as i have in the past because of health care costs. specifically stating health care costs. so that's the fallout. >> not only that, but job growth went down because as some of these places with the cap on how many employees you have to have. >> it's funny. to declare open enrollment for
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obamacare. that's like for measles, nobody wants it. that is the point. in the free market, if the product sucks, the product goes away and big government is a product they force it on you. that creates a cycle, if it's bad they force it on you through penalties and what you end up is with venezuela, an entire country ran by coercion. >> and then they try to -- for republicans it comes at a good time. >> bad for democrats, bad for the american families and workers and small businesses and for people who literally will not go to the doctor just to try and save money. if they have something wrong with them, a chronicle illness, people will say, well, if you have your health, you have
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everything. you have your health. this is a foundation of a healthy nation and country and for people to be able to get affordable health care that they can trust. our vets, too. however, due to the shenanigans from this administration and rushing this through and perpetrating this fraud on the american people, you have now no choices and a hike of 116% why not work it out. there's no available choices and guess who is getting squeezed by the throw, the american people. >> juan? >> i just don't understand so much of this conversation because, in fact, 20 million americans are on it. 20 million. in addition to which, goodness
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gracious, in arizona, rates are going up and, by the way, most people in arizona are covered by subsidies that now protect them from these hike, the numbers show that people really are split about obamacare and if you go to gallup and say, how big of a political issue is this for you, it's one of the lowest. >> juan, can i ask you a question? >> of course. >> how hasn't people are in the united states? >> 310 million. >> you said about 330 million. is that a success to you? >> yes. most people get their insurance through their employer. and they are happy. >> how many are paying for the insurance that they are getting? you've extended medicare. at the end of the day, call it what it really is, it's a massive medicare expansion. >> if you want to go to single payer, which i think a lot of conservatives fear, this idea that this was supposed to increase the number of americans
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who have access to quality health care. go back to the earlier point -- let me make a point here. dana thinks the costs are going up. the costs have gone up now to where they were predicted to have been three years ago. that's unbelievable. >> tough argument to make, especially out on the campaign trail. but we have more about the campaign trail. the big vote is one week away. we hope you'll tune in next tuesday for complete election coverage all day and night. coming up, what is happening so far on that very trail we were just talking about. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do.
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as california's former director of finance, i assure you, proposition 64 is a smarter, safer, more fiscally sound approach to adult-use marijuana than what our state's currently doing. so, though i've never tried marijuana, and i don't advocate others doing so, i'm voting yes on 64. to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana for adults 21 and over. 64 has strict safeguards for families. and a billion dollars in new revenue for our state's greatest needs. so, vote yes on 64.
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we're one week away from election day. where do we think things stand at the moment? according to the fox news electoral board, they've given democrats a better chance now in alaska but it still leans republican. republicans, they see, is also up in florida. they also say republicans are up in nevada, little bit of a surprise to me but they think democrats are a little more secure in north carolina. let's go around the table. kimberly? >> i found this interesting, i like to see how it shifts then you look within specific communities for pockets of support that have had good
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predicted value in the past in terms of turnout then i saw some other things if i were the clinton camp i'd be a little concerned about because they were specifically examining voter turnout in african-american and minority communities and also with millennials and those numbers were down in those states that you mentioned compared to president obama. doesn't mean they won't come out election day, but so far, the numbers were off for early voting which could be affecting some of these numbers here. >> in fact, a lot of enthusiasm quotients indicate what's going on with democrats is not where they thought it would be. >> yeah, the watch poll that came out today points to one week ago, it was clinton plus 12, today trump plus 1, 13 points in one week. internal on the poll, 38, 28, republican, democrat, independen independent. it's heavy to the ds. very quickly, i have the electoral map in my mind right now. >> you sleep with it. >> i have this and it's driving
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me crazy. romney, plus florida, ohio, either pennsylvania or michigan, or wisconsin or minnesota, plus iowa and -- >> wait, that's a lot to keep up with. whiteboard it, boom. >> what about russia? what if trump takes russia? >> how many electoral votes? >> i'll mention one state, that is wisconsin. back when there was 17 republicans in the primary, one thing i suggested if they called you up and asked for money, you ask them, can you flip a blue state? and which would that be? basically kind of what eric was saying. i think that at this point, maybe one of trump's best -- it would be a surprise -- might be wisconsin. >> all right. gregory? >> i like eggs. >> you like eggs? >> this whole thing is scrambled is what gregory is saying. >> "one more thing" up next.
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yeah... yeah, then how'd i'd get this... allstate safe driving bonus check? ... only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident-free ... silence. it's good to be in, good hands. "one more thing" eric. >> ditime for the whiteboard. i'll go very quickly. thanks, obamacare. since 2010, remember they were going to bend the cost curve of health care down. here's what's going on. health care expenses to the average household up 38% in that period of time. during the same period, household incomes up only 11%. stagnant. it doesn't look good for the economy in general. only up 11%ing ing ing ing agg. even before the mess of 2016 and outrageous 2017 numbers kick in. it's only going to get -- that's
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why the middle class gets squeezed. >> k.g.? >> that's cute because you said the rightboard. i get it. i get it. i have a dramatic video to show you. >> just do it. >> so a santa fe police officer rescued an 87-year-old woman from her burning car last friday after her tire caught fire. her name's deborah spear. she was driving on a flat tire. to see her doctor. god bless her. hope she doesn't have obamacare. when sparks ignited the front of her car. she was unaware of the flames until this officer, jimmy madison, started yelling at her, get out of the vehicle. he was able to get her out in the nick of time and managed to fut out the fire using his fire extinguisher. how amazing is this? these are the stories you have to tell to talk about how awesome the police officers are. god bless people, officer -- >> glad she's okay. all right. macy hensley, she's the little girl on "ellen" that knows everything about presidential history. she was able to go to the country music festival to answer a whole bunch of questions that
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would definitely stump chris stirewalt and got to meet dierks bentley. >> can you identify this president? >> harrison. >> who's that? >> lyndon johnson. wilson. van buren. ulysses s. grant. >> what president was ambidexrous? >> james garfield. >> i wish it was me. she's amazing. i love that little girl. >> slightly taller than you. >> juan? >> last night was halloween. great fun walking around manhattan, but back in washington, my grandkids were dressed up in fabulous costumes. here's pepper, wesley and eli. i think the girls are catwoman and batwoman and eli, the grim reaper. that was especially for greg. and here he is, there's the grim reaper. and then we have shots of the girls. pepper and wesley. don't they look determined and fierce?
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>> they look adorable. >> they take things seriously. >> i trust them. >> they're so cute. >> all right. oh, yeah. this. >> greg's romantic news. >> romance news. >> yeah, exactly. >> all right. i want to roll this tape. this is from china. thank you for that. i get it twice. all right. check this out. this is a guy, jumps into an area, an enclosure where there's a panda, and he starts wrestling with the ban panda. this is perverse. this is pure anthony weiner crap. he keeps rolling around and rolling around and rolling around. turns out, turns out, okay, he doesn't get eaten, he doesn't get killed. the man did this to impress a girl. bring it back to me. i want to tell everybody. do you know how many men die from impressing a girl? this is the other side of sexism. risky achievement to impress women has killed more men than the plague. >> it's called gnash r eed natu
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selection. >> it is. that's it for us. "special report" is up next with my favorite baier, bret baier. don't wrestle with him. he's no panda. he'll bite your head off. the race against time in the clinton e-mail scandal. federal agents said to be working 16 hours a day as millions of voters watch the news and wait with just one week left before election day. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. the calendar says november, but the reverberations for one of the all-time political october surprises are still being felt all across the nation. federal agents are at this hour scouring through tens of thousands of e-mails which may or may not exacerbate what has become a nightmare blast from
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