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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 2, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello, everyone. it's not special report. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." i will tell you what. we're only six days away from the most important election so far in our lifetime. the race is hotter than ever. hillary clinton is fighting for her life in the wake of the latest fbi investigation into her e-mails and other scandals rocking her campaign. clinton's controversies are
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bigger than watergate. >> you say this blows watergate away in your view, what the clintons have done, what hillary has done. why? >> the pay for play. the foundation that gives less than 6% of the money to charity to reports that i've read. the way they treated the haitians, i think it's a classic example, where they collected the money and very little of it went to haiti. this goes on and on. >> what do you -- >> look at wikileaks. look at the e-mails themselves. the complicity of staff. it just goes on and on. >> meanwhile, former house speaker newt gingrich thinks hillary and her inner circle may be held criminally liable. >> there were 43 people in watergate who were either indicted, tried or convicted. i say that because as you watch more and more of this stuff, i
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don't see how john hoe decembpo cheryl mills will stay out of legal trouble, huma abedin. a lot of the secondary players, the i.t. guy. this is not just about hillary clinton. this is a large group of people who are being carried into behavior which is illegal, much of it involves overt criminal t criminality. >> the combampaign for hillary trump hitting hard. one saying, president obama saying this is sexism. trump supporters saying, this is serious. she could be indicted. >> one of the things that newt gingrich said, he doesn't think they can escape legal trouble. some of them have. they got immunity deals. there's that. you are talking about some of the people like mills and the guy that set up the e-mails. i remember in journalism school one of the first classes i took was about covering -- from a news writing perspective, covering possible legal issues and crimes and that you are cautious to not say that someone is actually a criminal before
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they are indicted and charged. i think that's actually where we are. a friend of ours has a column coming out tonight that he let me see. it's going to be posted at midnight. the headline caught my eye. it's called j. edgar comey. it's from his legal perspective and from the libertarian perspective. one point he made that i think is one that is just to exercise caution is that we have talked about what did comey know or see in the e-mails that led him to put the letter out that said he was opening up the investigation or continuing on and they found more information. because they couldn't have had a warrant, they didn't have a warrant until sunday, if they had seen e-mails, that would have been illegal. it gets into the -- it doesn't mean there's not a big cloud following hillary clinton's campaign around. but some of the legal dissection i think would urge caution before saying she's a criminal and going to jail. >> you talked about this because there would be a constitutional
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crisis. what if she wins the election and an indictment does come down, whether she's convicted, an indictment could come forward. there's hearings and whatnot that would have to take place. >> imagine the president elect is under indictment, possibly end up with a felony? while they are searching through clinton foundation material on one investigation, four different fbi offices doing that. another fbi office is searching through anthony wiener's laptop in regards to his possible -- texting a 15-year-old. they come across things that would be concerning regarding hillary clinton. i think -- i could be wrong. but if you are looking over here and this is popping up and it pertains to another case, you can use that. you probably can't bring -- >> if they look at the e-mails, they didn't have a warrant to do so before sunday. >> the e-mails were on the denice thd
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device they were investigating anthony wiener for. >> they are on the device. you can't read them. if you do -- >> i don't know about that. >> bottom line -- >> am i wrong? if it's there, if you come across evidence -- >> if you come across it, you have to notify and say, i have -- we need a subpoena so that -- >> which is what they did. >> you have to make sure and show you went to get a subpoena. you get a subpoena. and then you would read those specific e-mails that you believe pertain to a separate -- >> isn't that what he did? they couldn't go further until they got the warrant? it took until sunday to get the warrant? >> my only point was that the -- did he have some sort of bombshell in the e-mails that they couldn't have looked at yet? that's not possible because i don't think comey would have broken the law to do that, even though he went forward and did the letter. that's why it was so vague. >> regardless. some of the other things going on, the assistant attorney general at the department of
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justice gives a heads up to podesta saying, hey, guess what, down the road they will be looking for your e-mails. heads up. two days later, they are looking for e-mails. a couple of day u.s later they gone. >> that's corruption. >> it's insane. the -- bill clinton shaking down a saudi shaikh for $20 million. we find out about that this week. we find mark rich made massive contributions to the clinton foundation before, during or after he is pardoned by president clinton. mark rich, dealt oil with the iranians during the embargo. it's amazing some of the stuff. there's so much pay to play and so much likely corruption going on. >> global corruption. what do you say to the people that are saying, the clintons have what appears to be this cloud over them of a criminal syndicate, pay to play, using it
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to influence the government office to profit for their own end? >> some of it is obvious, you have to question what went on with the foundation. but there's no comparison -- this is what i can't get. i was listening to eric. there's no comparison about the number of legal cases and charges facing donald trump and they extend beyond the trump university case to the trump pageants to the assaults on women. this is all there. this is bigger than anything that hillary clinton is facing. yet i mean, there's a focus -- i understand it's political. he has known donald trump for more than 40 years, trump has been generous with him, i guess. now he is endorsing trump. he is using his background, the fact that he is a former deputy at the fbi, to not only endorse trump, to get involved with politics in a way i think is unseu unseemly, but to go after jim comey.
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he thinks there's a revolt. the revolt may be among former fbi officials attacking comey. i think people can watch this and they might come away with an impression that maybe he is trying to put his fingers on the scale more so than using his credibility as former director of the fbi. >> greg? >> you are missing the big story. anthony wiener, he entered a sex addiction clinic rehab in florida. the interesting thing about this place is you are allowed no phones or laptops. those are barred from the facility. lucky for him he is bringing a copy of "highlights." that will be good. the big story here is that hillary and company knew what wiener did and did nothing. so that puts the government in jeopardy. what would hillary do to keep these things quiet? what secrets would she hide? they did the opposite of an amber alert. they did -- i would call it a
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pervert pass, which is the reverse. they actually buried something that is potentially illegal and highly damaging. it's pretty disgusting. when you think about it -- we were talking about the clintons being a crime family. she really is frank costello, the jack nicholson character. peter is like sullivan, the matt damon character that makes sure everything is going to be fine. she's like pig pen from peanuts. wherever she goes, there's a big tumble weed of dirt behind her. everybody gets it all over their clothes and face. >> i don't think her staff from the e-mails would disagree, talking about horrible judgment and what happened and huma abedin saying she knows -- well aware of what she did and bringing these things upon herself. >> we should offer some sympathy to the fbi who was distracted from doing the work they're supposed to be doing, whether gang crime or terrorism or drugs. this is an institution plagued
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by controversy. you can't do your best if you are thinking about your job as we all know. >> remember, james comey said they had open cases on isis in all 50 states. sometimes multiple cases in the states. >> those are on the back table now. >> everything is on the back table. >> they are reporting that we read that some fbi agents were literally lining up to put in their resignation because he didn't go forward with the indictments. maybe that had something to do with here is the evidence, if you don't bring this forward, i'm done or i'm walking. that could force someone's hand -- comey's hand to come forward at this point in time, 11 days left. i can see that. >> there's no excusing -- senator grassly comes from iowa. senator grassly, of course, iowa, a strong trump state. he has endorsed trump. there's no reason for him to step out. he stepped out this week and he said, jim comey, you have to provide us more information. this is not good. this is not good for the fbi. not good for the american
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government or trust in government for you to act against someone without specifying what it is that they are supposedly guilty of. >> you know what's a good idea? president obama -- >> he thought it was a good idea? >> president obama said -- comey say standup man. he backed him. >> you know what president obama said? the horse said today, you know what, we -- >> i watched today. >> you know what the horse said. >> have you ever seen a horse walk backwards? the horse walked backwards. >> i will bet on that horse. >> i find this whole thing disturbing. >> that's mr. ed. but he's -- >> ed henry? >> he is not coming up. six days away from the big vote. we hope you tune in to the fox news channel next tuesday for complete election coverage all day and night. coming up, president obama plays the sexism card while urging men to vote for hillary.
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is it an act of desperation from the democrats? stay with us next. just like the people
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with less than a week until the election, some new polls show them in a dead heat. are democrats getting desperate? clinton has become the unsafe hand. president obama, one of hillary's strongest supporters, is asking male voters to consider whether it's sexism that's keeping them from voting for her. >> to the guys out there, i want to be honest. you know, there's a reason why we haven't had a woman president
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before. i want every man out there who is voting to kind of look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you are having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we're just not used to it? i want you to think about it, because she is so much better qualified than the other guy. >> i will give you the op-ed or president obama. this op-ed is wonderful. >> i want the take on obama. he says that's why we haven't had a female president. we haven't had a female president because last time you beat her in the primary. there was much ado about that. everybody was all in the bag for obama. hillary was supposed to get it. she got her legs cut off right there. that was it. now he is complaining saying everybody especially is sexist because they will choose donald trump over here. they weren't sexist when they chose him over her last time around. >> juan, can we hit this op-ed? >> sure. >> hillary clinton has become the high risk candidate and goes
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through reasons. her past, wikileaks, her affinity for greater government control. mrs. clinton is a screwup. >> i think the key point here is that everybody, as we have been talking about today, says, gosh, what about this fbi thing. i think the fbi thing seems to be losing steam, especially in the media these days. the second thing is that there is risk attached, of course, to anybody. but are you kidding? compared to donald trump, the risk? >> she took the reign of the high risk candidate. >> i think the high risk here is someone who doesn't have the qualifications to be president. even trump supporters say, he is not qualified. >> she could be indicted. she could be -- >> as we discussed in the prior segment, he has more outstanding legal cases right now before she does. >> can i read another line from that? >> sure. >> trump may not be a solution
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but an outsider can dislodge an elite and replace it with an less had a -- he is pointing to bill clinton making a lot of money off the time in office. >> definitely. one of the things that we have seen in this race all along is that when it came down to clinton and trump and they had the convention, when the news was on them, the news is on trump, her poll numbers went up. when the news is on her, his poll numbers go up. in the last several days before an election, donald trump is right where he would want to be. the news is all focused on her and what have we seen? his poll numbers go up. hers are going down. >> you notice a tone different? she's amped up, fired up, getting after it. he seems to be taking a more subdued, staying on message. he is on cruise control. >> can i go back to obama calling men sexist for not
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voting for hillary? that's like calling me racist for not liking black licorice. in fact, you are using it to overlook her weakness. which is sexism. what president obama is saying is that if you -- he is actually the sexist, because he is saying vote for her even if she's awful because she's a woman. he is actually projecting his own sexism on to america. that's the other thing that bugs me about this. he seems to be looking down his nose at people. >> that undermines the quality of the female conditions that run on character and integrity and merit and experience. you should be able to choose based on that person's qualifications and suitability for office. >> let's do that. let's do it. i'm all for it. i like gregory's standard. because what the president said was she better qualified. he said she's had a record of
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better public conduct. he said this shouldn't be a hard choice because the only people trump has ever helped in his life is not children or women or families or tried to fix health care, but he has focused on everybody rich or a celebrity. he said he thinks she's better qualified to be president than anybody. >> but not a politician. >> you can go that she has compromised both national security and personal security. and by shielding anthony wiener's perversion, she compromised young people who were later contacted by him. >> you know i love you but how -- >> she knew. >> she shielded -- >> clinton knew he was texting somebody in high school. he went even younger which means by her not doing anything, other women were contacted. >> you are going to blame every woman in his life -- >> they had knowledge. >> the right is learning from the left. if this was a right wing
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politician, left would be all over it. we're just learning. >> let me throw one more thing at you. this is not the greatest week to say she's the most qualified. >> why? >> this week we find out that obamacare premiums are skyrocketing. voters in swing states are getting massive premium increases. hillary clinton is the one -- she wanted hillary care. she wants a bigger monstrosity. >> i don't think it's a monstrosity. >> that's a great tease for the next segment. >> the whole thing -- she may be more experienced than donald trump. in my opinion, certainly not more qualified. >> she's been a life long politician. they're in two separate -- as clinton campaign would say, food groups when judging candidates. >> wrap it up and let's move on. bill clinton in a feud over obamacare on the campaign trail. we will play the tape next.
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bill clinton probably wishes everyone would forget what he said about obamacare at a compare stop for his wife last month. >> the people are getting killed in this deal are small business wom people and individuals who make too much to get subsidies. they're getting whacked. you have this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care, and then the people out there busting it sometimes 60 hours a week wind up with their premiums doubleed and coverage cut in half. it's the craziest thing in the world. >> voters don't have a problem refreshing the former president's memory. check out this confrontation in florida over president obama's flailing health care law. >> you said it was the craziest thing, so ynt would ywhy wouldn
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repeal it. >> that's not what i said. don't read it over the internet. i campaigned hard for that law. second, i risked losing congress to pass universal health care. thirdly, i defended president obama in 2010 and 2012. and he went up five points after i defended what he did. >> that's a fired up bill clinton we haven't seen for a while. >> it's a mistaken bill clinton. i went back and you saw and i think the audience saw, he said it. >> then i pulled up what he said the next day when he tried to fix it. he has this thing about the health care act did a world of good and efforts to repeal it -- he did try to fix it. i think that -- >> my feeling is -- >> is that a pinocchio? >> i'm trying to help. >> i appreciate your generous spirit. he did say that. it caused a spir and gtir and g
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national attention. he is talking about a crazy system, but he did say it. you have to own up to it. he was -- this was an interesting campaign stop for him. he is in southwest florida. three-quarters of the population of the area is republican. it's about one-quarter democrat and they send bill clinton because when clinton was running he did very well. obama won 35% of the vote over there. so here comes bill clinton. i think it must have stirred up the democrats there. my gosh, i don't think it did well with the three-quarters of republicans. >> i wanted to ask you what the ultimate aim is. when he says it's the craziest thing in the world, it's not because he thinks there should be more competition in the market, i think the democrats would like to see the single payer program. >> you think he said it was crazy they didn't go far enough? that's the left's trick on anything. we didn't go far enough. when he did say it, he said it -- he was on a roll. it's a crazy system, we're squeezing the small businesses,
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the middle class -- >> it sounded like you. >> exactly right though. he is 100% right. i've been doing white boards on obamacare for days. it's squeezing small business and the individual. he admits it. then this is the problem. this is what's wrong with american politics. the next day he said i didn't say that. a week later, two weeks later, i never said that. go look it up. come on, of course he said it. >> it was entertaining. he got fired it up about it. i like when he speaks the truth. >> isn't it scary when they believe it and they are so fired up? >> i thought we were supposed to tell it like it is. do you miss bill clinton on the trail? >> his mouth gets himself into trouble no matter what he does. obamacare is the public bathroom of government programs. if you look at it, you hear there's 22 million that are into it. we lost 6 million. it's maybe 16.9 million people. 3% to 7% of the population
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taking something free. it's the public bathroom of government programs. it's the last resort for people. you always have to put newspaper down on the seat before you sit on it. >> you can read it later? >> no. >> no, no, no. >> i hope not. >> did you see the knew news a aetna? >> they might pull out of a lot of the exchanges. >> it's insane. that's what happens when government gets too involved. when they mandate something and then they don't allow for competition. even if you wanted to keep obamacare and keep the health care exchanges, lift the rule about being able to sell it across state lines. >> what's interesting -- >> anti-american. >> this was built on a republican model that tried to increase competition, retain competition, not go to single payer. >> what happened?
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>> in other words, they built a structure that was intended to allow private companies to compete for services. >> it's a -- >> what i'm saying is -- >> frankenstein. >> i worry about that. >> wow. >> don't forget one of the reasons why the health care companies are pulling out is because doctors are saying, i'm not taking obamacare or -- >> medicare. >> they are saying, i'm going to take it but i'm going to jack up the price because if i take it, you are going to pay me 11 cents. >> become an accountant. it doesn't pay to be -- >> a doctor has to hire an accountant. >> to greg's point, what do you think about social security, medicare, medicaid? >> social security is our money. i would prefer -- it's take -- >> money you pay in. >> i would prefer not to. at my age, i'm over a half a century, i would like to say you could have my social security if you let me have the rest.
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>> try that with the american people. >> no, no. american people would rather have their own private savings accounts. they would like to do it themselves. >> send that to washington. washington will give them their money back. they won't have anybody to take care of them. >> up next, greg talksbiggest e. >> my birthday.
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series. the indians versus the cubs. as i prefer to call it, the thing that pre-empts "empire." you can have trump supporters and hillary fans on the same side and they won't kill each other. you can focus on something emotionally gratifying even when it's grown men in gentlempajamao word of politics. how different from that world. it's about real people, real emotion. a large faction isn't from real people at all but bought. fake people created this. did you know twitter bots make up a lot of your twitter traffic? much of the stuff that upsets you has no pulse. also absent in the game, phony political showboating of the athletes. unlike the nfl, no one takes a
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knee in baseball, which could be why we keep watching. thank goodness for baseball. it may be too long, too slow, too boring, but unlike the world beyond the field, it's still too real. dana, game couldn't come at a better time. watch some guys spit tobacco. >> i'm on "the kelly files." the country music awards and the world series. what's a girl to do? >> what's a girl to do, kimberly? >> if you have multiple television sets, watch dana and the world series and watch the cmas. or you can watch clips after and consolidate it. i think because politics has been so fascinating lately and trump and hillary and -- it's like a ufc fighting match, a cage match of politics. everything is coming out from the rich pardon and those scandals to foster and people r resurrecting that. everything they have been
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involved in or alleged against any of these people for 20 years. it's all on your plate right now. g given the nfl with kaepernick and people being turned off by that, it's the perfect storm that created a problem for ratings. world series is doing well. >> eric, you and president obama actually share something. you are cubs fans. >> two cubs fans. >> it's a unifier. in some way. >> no. >> he isn't born here, but you could still be his friend. >> what a series. the numbers are insane. blowing out football, which is unheard of. why not? two teams, one hasn't won in seven decades, the other one in ten decades. bill murray outside the stadium gives an extra ticket to a guy standing there because he's a cub fan. eddie vetter crushes the seventh inning stretch. you know who wins? america. two midwest teams that are both due.
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no one can be a loser. >> nobody -- >> i could scream with eddie vetter. >> that was awesome. that came from the heart. think about it, one guy might win three games in one world series. that's unheard of. on other side, a guy who pitches 104 mile an hour fastball who pitched last night who might pitch tonight. >> great baseball. >> what do you think, juan? are people paying less attention to the game because of the election? >> no. clearly the ratings are so high. i was hoping you would ask me what i thought. how can you resist watching megyn kelly and dana? >> yes. they are the indians and the -- what's the other team? >> the cubs. >> i have an idea. it repeats. >> yes. >> watch the world series. find out what happened on the country music awards.
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then you get the repeat. >> picture in picture on the screen. >> why is baseball immune to the political influence that affected the nfl? why do you think that? why do you think it happened in the nfl but it won't happen in major league baseball? any thoughts? >> i think it's because of the teams. these are two teams no one has seen -- >> in general. >> in general? i don't know. >> adam jones of the orioles said, you know what, there are fewer back people in baseball than in football. >> oh, my gosh. >> how about the reverse? say there are more people in baseball from other countries who are more grateful to be here. from cuba or any part of south america that have come here are very -- >> you know what happened? when the dodgers were in chicago, some of the dodgers refused to stay in the trump hotel. they didn't want to make a big deal of it. >> it had to do with the mini bar. they don't have the large kit kat. >> sometimes worth $5.
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>> no one really wants -- no one wants it. >> i want it. >> i would leave it in my room. i don't know. >> it's the -- >> it gets -- >> it melts quickly. where are we going? i've had enough. i've had enough of everybody here for that matter. >> the feeling is mutual. up next -- stop it. we will show you some of what happened today on the trail. what kind of trail? the political trail. stay right there. (vo) maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand.
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it's now six days until the election. the presidential rivals buckling down in battlegrounds. trump rallies supporters in florida today on the trail. >> with your vote you can beat the system, the rigged system. and deliver justice so show up early and vote. show up early. you know the lines are incredible. the polls are all saying we're going to win florida. don't believe it. don't believe it. get out there and vote. pretend we're slightly behind.
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you gotta get out. we don't want to blow this. >> we have yet to hear from hillary clinton. one of her biggest surrogates, president obama, he hit the trail for her today in north carolina. >> she's not flashy. she's not going around spending all her time giving big -- as a consequence, she's underpree d t appreciated here at home. she's tough. when things don't go her way, she doesn't complain and whine. she doesn't blame others, suggest everything is rigged. >> it was interesting to me. we're approaching the point where you come to closing messages. charles krauthammer said bringing out alicia was a desperation move. clinton is focusing on trump an inappropriate behavior with women. what do you think? >> i think she should focus on her strength, her qualification
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and bringing out president obama, biden, michelle obama. those are moves of strength and positioning. i don't think at this point she has much to gain by putting somebody up. i think that's a little bit of a mixed bag in terms of the things that have gone on the news cycle with the story. just focus on her qualificati qualifications. that's what i would advice her if i were working on her campaign. when you have president obama campaigning for you in a state like north carolina that you really need and having a big rally there, that shows that the president's got your back. i think that's powerful imagery. i think the words that he uses -- he is very good. he is good at campaigning. and winning. unfortunately, she's not. she does need to boot strap to him. i would ride that all the way. >> eric, trump as we were saying, pennsylvania, wisconsin, tomorrow, thursday, he will be in north carolina.
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is that a good strategy? >> i will have a white board at the end. president obama, michelle beoba, joe biden, they are better than she s. this. she's losing her cool. she lost her -- she got really ticked off at someone who mentioned something about her husband. she lost it. donald trump is in that zone. the polls are starting to move towards his direction. he is playing it cool. he is like -- do you remember leon lett? he picked up a fumble, ran it 95 yards -- >> wrong direction? >> no. to the end zone. he went like this to show off. he dropped the football on the 1 yard line before he scores. this is what trump -- don't showboat it. play low key. take this thing into the end zone. i think he has a very serious shot at winning. >> they have clinton with a 71%
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chance of winning. new york ty "new york times," 88%. princeton has her at 97%. >> they had her at a 90% likelihood to win two weeks ago. he is closing and the chances for him are getting better. we did -- it's a podcast that will be up in a couple minutes. get the latest on that. one thing he notes is that he v be already locked in by election day. >> i think that's an important point. i think a quarter of people in florida and some other states have already voted, nevada. >> you heard trump saying, if you not sure and you want to change it -- some states you are allowed to change it. >> talk about desperate. i wanted to come to you, greg. i picked up the paper and it said the kkk newspaper today endorsed donald trump. >> really? >> they have a paper?
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>> hard to believe. right now, you are looking at the electoral, 273 to 265. it's tighter than skinny jeans or chris christie. interesting thing -- >> they are not for everyone. >> it's frustrating for the media. right now events are dictating the news. it's not the reverse. it used to be the news was cocky. they could change the path whenever they could. now they can't. it's out of their control. right now trump is godzilla. hillary is japan. who knows where it's going to go? our job here is not to lead people on. right? we don't want to be election teases where we take you out to dinner and at the end you go home alone. it's still an uphill battle for trump. right now -- it shows he is behind in florida and north carolina. it keeps switching. in terms of the last time hillary trailed, wisconsin, never, virginia, never, michigan never, pa not since july, colorado not since september.
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it's kind of -- you don't want to get people to think that something is going to happen that isn't. >> that's a good point. one more thing up next.
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take a look. >> you are just joking. >> no. i ate it all. all gone. [ crying ] >> i ate it all. >> i'm not mad. i'm not happy, but i still love you. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's so sweet. >> so cute. >> very quick. the path map. i believe this. contrary to -- i do believe this. r romney is a must in florida and ohio. that makes the magic number 16. you need 16 electioral points. pennsylvania, that will get it.
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michigan will get it. wisconsin and iowa will get it for you. minnesota and iowa. you can interchange nevada with iowa or wisconsin with minnesota. either one of those. or this one. i think the trump campaign is looking at this one. it's iowa, nevada and new hampshire. these are all within margin. he is winning everything that romney won. >> it's funny. >> there you go. >> greg? >> let's ban a phrase. shall we? the stakes could not be higher. every single day we say the stakes could not be higher. they keep getting higher. they keep getting higher. let's ban the stakes. only fry them or broil them or barbecue them. >> okay. and use a-1 sauce. >> no. >> yes. >> let me tell you about jasper. make "the new york times" best seller list today.
2:59 pm
that's good. that's fun for little jasper. i'm going to be -- that's when the tarantula crawled on me. colorado and wyoming, i'm coming the weekend after the election. i would love to see you. please in california, sign up. you have to get tickets to go to these. reagan library and nixon library. then i'm coming back here to do the show. >> congratulations, well done. so, kimberly's food court. it's not going well. it doesn't matter. when you have taco delight, everything is a happy day. let's full a full screen. can we manage that? in a nice way. this is the story. if you have been watching the world series, you may remember this. everybody gets a free taco at
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any participating taco bell between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern today. you have one minute east coast time. set your dvr. "special report" is next. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. breaking news tonight, two sources with knowledge of the fbi investigation into the clinton e-mails and the foundation tell fox the following. the investigation into the clinton foundation looking into possible pay for play interaction between secretary of state hillary clinton and the foundation has been going on for more than a year. led by the white collar crime division, public corruption branch of the criminal investigative division of the fbi. the clinton foundation investigation is a quote very high priority. agents have interviewed people about the case and even before the wikileaks dumps, these sources said agents had


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