tv Hannity FOX News November 2, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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that journey in my new memoir. a personal book. been under an embargo. basically two who have to hurt you if you found it. the publishers were like this. i first got it yesterday. no one has it. but can you have it delivered on november 15th if you order it now. amazon >> things, megyn. major fox news alert, explosive new details about the fbi investigation into the clinton foundation and hillary clinton serve that could alter the election which is six days way as brett baier reported earlier, foch news is told the fbi is actively and aggressively pursuing allegations of pay to play at clinton family foundation. the probing of the foundation is now quote very high in terms of its priority. and there is quote an avalanche of new information coming in everyday. agent also indicate that
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multiple people are being interviewed and some are even being reinterviewed about the case. sources also reveal to bret baier, stunning new information about hillary clinton's e-mail servers saying authority believe there is 99% chance that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed this server and taken these e-mails. here now with the very latest, details on all the fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge, i don't know where to start. five intelligence agencies. would we elect a president that potentially could be black mailed? >> sean, what we know tonight is that there is new evidence that the fbi investigation of the clinton foundation is not dead. fbi agents are quietly working the clinton foundation case out of four offices across the country including southern california, arkansas, washington, d.c. and new york city and multiple sources say the justice department has been tapping the brakes on this investigation by blocking access to a grand jury. as part of its ongoing
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investigation, fox news was first to report in january that the fbi e-mail probe had expanded to look at whether the intersection of clinton foundation work, state department business under secretary clinton may have violated private corruption laws while the state department e-mails and wicky lease soez evidence of coordination when hillary clinton tried to dismiss reporting of fox news as rumor. >> is that story true? >> absolutely not. it's an unsourced, responsible, you know, claim, that has no basis. and it is something that really is without merit and should not have any influence whatsoever in this nominating process. >> we also know tonight that computers belonging to clinton's
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personal attorney cheryl mills on the left and heather samuelson were not destroyed as part of an immunity deal with the justice department in the e-mail case. both lawyers are essential to the investigation because they decided which clinton e-mails were government work deleting the rest and those computers are now in evidence. and still available to clinton foundation investigators. and while the review of anthony weiner's computer is not complete fox news is told tonight that there does appear to be a lot of new stuff and strong belief among agents that classified material is in play. sean? >> catherine herridge, thank you. also tonight more proof your government is way corrupt and doing everything they can to keep hillary clinton from going to jail. wikileaks is out with even more evidence that shows collusion between the clinton machine and your justice department. now we are learning that the assistant attorney general peter kadzik, responsible for informing congress about the newly reopened investigation into hillary clinton's private server is a long time of friend
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of who? john podesta. and he has decade long ties to the clintons themselves. as a new wikileaks e-mail from 2015 reveals, kadzik is the fbi guy from a no one government account gave podesta a quote heads-up about a justice department official could face about hillary clinton at a congressional hearing. first questions to a debate, now these questions. everything is handed over to the clintons. unbelievable collusion. he also appears to have tipped off podesta about when the state department would release clinton's e-mailes. writing this quote there so house judiciary committee oversight hearing today where the head of our civil division will testify. likely to get yeses on the state department e-mails. another filing in the foia case went in last night or will go in this a.m. that indicates it will be a while, 2016, before the
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state department posts the e-mailes. shocking. telling fox news kwequote that wasn't communicating official channels because it wasn't official business. he wasn't e-mailing as assistant attorney general peter kadzik. really? how stupid do they think we are. we learned that podesta once bragged that kadzik kept him out of jail in a 1990s case involving monica lewinski. this is beyond corruption. this is collusion at its finest and is exactly why in june bill clinton thought he needed to meet with attorney general loretta lynch on the plane for over 30 minutes and before james comey made a recommendation about clinton's private server. lynch said they only discussed grand kids and golf game. for 30, 40 minutes? really? how stupid do they think we are? dr. ben carson, editor in chief of life zet, fox contributor. radio host laura ingraham.
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laura, before i go to this, i want to put up bret baier's reporting. there is so much here. i honestly believe that between that and wall street journal report tonight that the odds of hillary clinton being indicted are massive. what we now know is this is a long ongoing investigation into the things that we have been talking about and that's the pay to play practices at the clinton foundation. now if you go back, maybe less than a year ago, james comey wouldn't confirm or deny that was happening. we now have learned the clinton -- go back to the previous one. if you guys can go back previous page. we learned the clinton foundation probe has taken a very high priority. that would go into the uranium 1 deal, the morocco deal, the list made up of clinton foundation donors and friends of bill that has shot at haiti relief money. we know agent interviewed and reinterviewed people in this case about the foundation and we also have as part of it that the
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sources say there's an avalanche of new information coming in everyday. and the fbi is reviewing statements from clinton and top aides and sources say the investigations will continue no matter what the outcome of the election happens to be. agents investigating would likely continue to push and try to get an indictment. bret baier reported that tonight. bi has not destroyed the lap tops of two clinton aides, cheryl mills and another woman, and aides lap tops are now being looked into or exploited by the fbi. here is another interesting part. sources are now saying that 99% chance exists that foreign intelligence agencies did access clinton's private e-mail server which is a very danger we have been talking about from the beginning. you couple this with wikileaks and their revolutions. you know, they now show a finding of intent. meaning conspiracy to commit a crime. and officials have high confidence in what the agents have found about the foundation.
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meaning they think they've got the information for a prosecution. let's go to wall street journal. we just had it up there for a second. they have it as secret recordings talking about a clinton investigation fueled an internal battle between the fbi agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption and that goes back to what we are talking about earlier about this guy peter kadzik that's friends with john podesta and prosecutors reviewed statements as worthless hearsay. people familiar with the matters saying agent using recordinges from unrelated corruption. now you know, i can go on more but i don't want to take up the whole hour. >> yeah. i mean, sean, i'll tell you this. i was a white collar criminal defense litigator in my old dayes as a lir. i'll tell you this. when you have an investigator, federal investigator going back to reinterview witnesses, they are only doing so because of new information and new evidence
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that they've gathered. and that is indeed what's happened here. whether we are talking about cheryl mills or some of the other top officials at the state department, they gave various interviews to federal investigators, had conditional immunity. limited immunity. now if through wikileaks and other documents, that apparently are coming in to the fbi and other information that's coming in to the fbi again, we don't know who is cooperating with them now, sean. i think we have to remember that. there are people who are freaking out right now. who are connected to this thinking, oh, my god, i never signed up to do time for the clintons. i'm going to save myself. when you get into that mode of people saying, i'm going to save myself, that's when it gets really dodgy for the principal players. we are talking huma abedin and hillary clinton and other top officials. that's when the legal jeopardy for hillary is growing by the day. if this is the type of intensity
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that this investigation is gathering. >> okay. now there's, as bret reported, an avalanche of evidence on the clinton foundation investigation. obstruction in some way, investigating would likely push for an indictment. let's move over to another issue that we got revealed today. that is the fbi agents that are making their case about the clinton foundation probe. but the justice departments that are throwing up walls and obstac obstacles. then this guy kadzik, best friend of john podesta. and we've got information that the justice department as well as state department tipping on the clinton campaign. kind of like cnn giving questions ahead of time. they cheat at everything apparently. how is that that the fbi or agent are clearly leaking this information because they feel an invu injustice has been done. >> they don't trust the higher-ups of the justice department which is why they are going through this extreme at the fbi.
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they have been stonewalled along wait by doj, by loretta lynch, who you would imagine is probably consulting with someone in the white house, and this he thing is being stonewalled. they decided look, we have to keep our. this is about doing it the right way. i'm telling you when you start throwing around possibilities of five to ten years in federal prison for federal conspiracy, perhaps as newt said earlier, rico violations, false statements, perjury under oath, destruction of federal documents, people will start believing it's time to save themselves and cut ties with the clinton people. i think barack obama is in a tough place here. because if this is what's happening at doj, i mean, is
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this how he wants to end his presidency? >> oh, i'll tell you how it will end. he will pardon her. >> well, i guess. but that's -- in the end that doesn't look good for him either. special prosecutor at some point has to be called in. if there is this much turmoil, you need a special prosecutor. >> i think laura touched on an important point. dr. carson, along with the fact that now 99% chance that five intelligence agencies, foreign intelligence agencies hack need the server that means she compromised american security at a high level. one of the reasons she was trying to avoid freedom act request, and that's why she set up the server in the first place and deleting 33,000 e-mails, it wasn't about yoga, a funeral and wedding, probably with the quid
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pro quo. huma abedin signed a form and said and promised that barring jail here that she had turned over all classified materials. every single instance that there's a classified piece of material on that computer she is facing jail time. now, are those people going to stand up and lie for hillary and go to jail for her? >> you know, there is such an avalanche of corruption coming out everyday. people are almost becoming numb to it. but you know, there is a good thing here. the good thing is that these fbi agent who swear to protect this country and to uphold the law cannot sit down and put their heads down and shut up. this is what the corrupt people want to happen. they are not swamp creatures. and that means there is hope for us. i've encountered so many people who are just discouraged and say the whole thing is just a mess.
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and we're lost. but we're not lost as long as we have people like that. and i do believe that there will be people out to save their own skins. this is all going to come out because hillary knew that if she erased those e-mails and acid washed them that that would come into question and she would be criticized for that but she also knew that what was on the e-mail was even worse than any criticism she would get. >> we're only touching the surface. it'll take us the full hour tonight to break down all of the new information. my exit question for both of you, in a an hour and 46 minutes we are five days away from the election laura. what is the impact in 27 million or 28 million people voted already. what could do you do? >> i think people still voting, they have to be thinking, do we really want to do this for another four or eight years? is this the best we can do? >> it won't last four years. >> is this really what it is to
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vote for the first female president of the united states? if people want to vote for the first female president and that's all they care about, vote for jill stein. at least she wasn't in public office and trading her position for favors. the stench of corruption is overwhelming. and i think even democrats have to think about that. >> i don't think they want the first female president to be convicted and carted off to jail either. but the american people are wise. and thomas jefferson said that we would come to this point where we are about to change into something else and people would realize what they were about to lose. and a movement would start and they would correct the situation. this is the correction. it is going to happen. i predict it right now. >> i hope the people of new hampshire, colorado, new mexico, minnesota, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin are watching. >> we're better than this. we're better than this. >> they control the election. good to see you. thank you.
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coming up, more reaction to all this breaking news about the fbi investigation into clinton's private server and now the clinton foundation. monica crowly, weighs in next. and later tonight, with only five days left to election and an hour and 45 minutes from being five days, will donald trump's son, eric trump, all that and newt gingrich here on this busy, busy news night. now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey,
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there are no bad suggestions here... no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce.
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judge we will start with you, they are talking about an after ranch of evidence. the clinton foundation pay to play foundations that we have discussed at length on this pro gam. between the secretary and foundation, this has been going on, this investigation, for more than a year. we also learned the foundation investigation is now a very high priority. we have also learned that they keep interviewing a lot of people out on the foundation case. and the sources say the agents say they have collected a great deal of evidence and pressed on that one source said a lot of it. and there is an avalanche of new information coming in everyday from wikileaks, e-mails, interviewing all these people, a lot of people are saying things. wow. >> it's time for a grand jury. it's time for loretta lynch to allow comey and the fbi to get this evidence before a grand jury. and sean, this explains why all of a sudden this case was
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reopened. yeah, i get the huma abedin, the weiner part of it. but this thing has been going on for the whole year. and the fbi, there is a mutiny in the fbi. that's why all this stuff is coming out. four offices that continue to investigate although justice has tried to shut this down saying there's not enough evidence. this recording from this other person who is an informant is hearsay. this woman should have been indicted a year ago. a simpleton could figure out that she would make a deal with a particular country, the money goes into the foundation. bill makes a speech. and then they get the benefit. classic rico corruption. go to jail. >> let me stay on your argument because you're right. fbi agents were pressing and pressing and there was a rebellion building within the fbi. i know this from my special agent friends. they tell me they were embarrassed at what james comey did back if july and were tired of answering questions from
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everybody that knew that they were in the fbi. but i think the interesting part of this, why is the justice department where we now know you have, they cluded with the clinton campaign, john podesta, spokesman for the investigation is john podesta bff and said they got him out of jail. why is who loretta lynch resisting a mound of evidence. >> the rank and file who have worked so hard on this case, this is their revenge. timing is not a coincidence here. in the united states sean if you don't have an independent fair and impartial department of justice and fbi are only interested in finding the truth then have you nothing. nothing else matters. all of this conversation we've been having about the classified e-mails and classified materials, very important. but that ultimately is the shiny object distracting everybody.
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the motherlode is the clinton foundation which we just had concerns -- >> follow the money. >> one deal, this guy had $31 million then got other people to give millions of dollars. then need hillary to sign off on allowing putin to access 20% of our uranium. >> the bigger point that american people need to know before tuesday is that she leveraged her public office to enrich herself, her husband, and their foundation. >> but she did so at what cost? because bret baier's sources say this, and beyond the money, which is as horrible as it is, because she sold out her office. that's what they are claiming. that's what i think the evidence will eventually show. but we now know that as it is a 99% chance that five foreign in -- let me translate. enemies of america, that five of
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them have accessed and taken the e-mails which number one would make her a compromised president, potentially subject to blackmail. >> clearly subject to extortion, blackmail. >> edmethods of person nell jeopardy. >> she sold america's national security for money. these people are grifters. been grifters since they came on the scene. she knew when she set up the server it wasn't secure. she did it for money to enrich themselves. she didn't care about our security. and huma abedin, i don't know who she and weiner are connecting with but they don't have our interest at heart. if the american people have any common sense they will understand that this family has been corrupt since they came on the scene. >> this is a ban nao ---the clinton crime family here. >> it is worse. . they weren't seeking the presidency of the united states. when we talk about five foreign
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actors we can assume think are hostile. maybe russia, or others with the capability to do this. >> maybe ice pisiisis. >> maybe. mrs. clinton should have her top security clearance revoked to night. >> a guy in jail took six pictures on submarine serving his country. wife and child, he is in jail for a year for taking six pictures. five foreign nations hacked into her e-mail. compromised putting at risk names, methods, personnel. for what? so that they can enrich themselves and hide the fact they are enriching themselves by making deals, selling out america's national security uranium? >> they will only destroy t country. we are on a road to destruction already. they will finish it. >> will this impact the election? >> i hope so.
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and if it doesn't, slam on shamn us. >> i think it'll. people have been exposed to the clinton corruption for 30 years. >> people of wisconsin, michigan, minnesota, new mexico, colorado, they -- pennsylvania -- >> the america people put up with 30 years of clinton corruption. i think this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. >> can't take it any more. we can't take this any more. they have to be finished with it. >> constitutional crisis. you knew richard mixon personally and well. this is beyond anything that ever happened with water gate. >> so far past. >> this is corruption. >> until she is removed from office if she ever gets there. >> nobody made a red cent in water gate. >> coming up, with six days to go until you the american people head to the polls. donald trump's son, eric trump joins us next. also, larry elder, sheriff david clarke will join us later. and newt gingrich stops by. straight ahead. my business was built with passion...
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fox news alert. major breaking developments that could alter this election only six days way. sourcis tonight telling fox news and our own bret baier that fbi is aggressively pursuing allegations of pay to play at the clinton foundation. the agents say this is close an avalanche of new evidence. joining us now with reaction from the trump organization, donald trump's son, eric trump. you've got to be concerned about one thing. we are now 90 minutes away from
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being only five days from this important election. i know the polls have all tightened even before the story broke. how do you feel about the developments tonight? >> listen, sean, i'm concerned about this country. not even the election. i'm concerned about this country. the fact that we have a presidential candidate who could be under indictment while in the white house is unthinkable. we have so many problems. you and i talk about this all the time. we have so many problems as a nation, the last thing that we need is this distraction. we need to get this country back to work. we need to take care of the military. take care of our vets. take care of our educational system. obama care is failing. and to think that you know in so many other problems quite frankly but to think that a presidential candidate could be under indictment, under investigation and have to deal with this problem for years on end, i mean, this thing has -- this is serious stuff. >> you know, we know the loretta lynch and department of justice, they didn't want the fbi to do
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this. this is rank and file fbi guys taking a stand. here is the other part. we have john podesta you know, literally the ethics of podesta and this guy kadzik who works there and the tip-off, the collusion between the clinton campaign and the dnc, the clinton campaign and justice department, the clinton campaign and the state department, all captured by wikileaks. and the obama white house, because oh, we got to clean up his mess when he lied about not knowing about hillary's private server that her e-mails were on. you can't make this up. you can't write a novel like this. >> hey, sean, i'm not a fan of people stealing e-mails. i'm just an fan of people stealing e-mails. but the one good thing that came out of wikileaks is it shows how corrupt the people truly are and how corrupt our government truly is. and it is incredibly sad. i'm a civilian, you're a civilian, my father has always been a civilian. never been government. you see donna brazile giving
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hillary clinton the debate questions. see people making fun of christians and evangelicals. you see what is happening. you see the president e-mailing back and forth on private server to hillary and cover-ups and fact that hey we have to perth a murj st /* /- purge all of the e-mails and do it now. you see the corruption of the clinton campaign front and center. >> i would argue number one it showed we have no cybersecurity as a nation. none. they did us a favor if we can fix it. now we know it is compromiseed. and number two, you're right, shows the level of corruption. bret baier's report, 99% chance five foreign intelligence agencies accessed her server and probably wiped it clean. wow. >> but sean that's why you don't have a private e-mail server. everybody has a gmail spam account, right? we all use gmail or aol for
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spam. that's why you don't have a private server. that's why you use government servers. quite frankly, cybersecurity for everybody in the real world is something that plagues every single major company. you see them hit home depot, target. the first time the president talks about cyber security is when the dnc is hacked. i find that deplorable. >> your father has been making a a very strong come back. i mean, the abc washington post poll is one example. idb poll is another. polling six today which is a high number. he has to win the states and get the electoral votes. for your dad to win he has to hold every state that romney won and get iowa and ohio and florida and he's got to hold north carolina and nevada. and arizona. think about this. then he's also got to get congressional district number 2 in maine and new hampshire. by wait, a polly hear tomorrow that might show your dad up by one in new hampshire.
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just a rumor. that's actually not. and number two, he has to either get that pennsylvania, minnesota, michigan, wisconsin, it is a tough road to hoe for any republican. >> yeah. sean, i'm all over the place. i was in ohio all over today. 12 stops in ohio. i'm in minneapolis. i'll be in wisconsin tomorrow. the turn out in incredible. we will do it. no question. people are sick of this nonsense. people are sick of the corruption. people want our country back. they want the country to be vibrant again. we are doing everything wrong. our career politicians are flushing the country down the drain. we're going to win this, sean. we are absolutely going to win. >> if your dad doesn't win this country will be paralyzed, zero progress. we will continue the decline. a mitigated disaster in light of tonight's news. eric, thank you. see you soon. >> thank you, sean. >> more on tonight's breaking
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news. new details about the fbi investigations, plural, into hillary clinton's e-mail server and family foundation. newt gingrich weighs in. later, larry eld earn sheriff david clarke as we roll along. >> insult women. >> all talk. >> here we go again. >> really bad judgment. >> issues not insults. >> she should be ashamed of herself. ♪ lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all.
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is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at fox news alert just days before you the american people go out to vote. breaking news that could now
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dramatically shift this election. sources telling fox news that the fbi has given very high priority into an investigation to pay to play at clinton foundation. these sources are saying this is shocking. there is a 99% chance that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have hacked into clinton's private e-mail server. why didn't we learn this sooner in the reaction of the best seller treason, fox news contributor newt gingrich, this is not funny because people's names, methods, top secret, we're talking about the, you know, special access program classification. highest level. and five foreign governments likely enemies hacked into it. we are just finding out about it six days before election? >> well, the whole thing is a mess and is a sign of how much the obama justice department has tried to protect hillary clinton, from the american
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people. you have two parallel scandals here. a very rear national security scandal. as you just pointed out, anybody who thinks it's a small thing to have five different foreign governments now knowing a whole range of american secrets, this is really very dangerous to individuals who may get killed. very dangerous to our programs which may get blocked or undermined. so the national security size is very real. second, we are finally seeing come into focus the depth of corruption that is in the clinton foundation and by the way, which i believe is a big part of why they had the secret server. i think from day one hillary and bill clinton knew they were going to exploit the secretary of state's office to get millions and millions of dollars and they were trying to hide it. so in a very real sense, it's the corruption of the foundation which is driving the e-mail
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server which sets up the national security violation. >> there appears to be a war between the department of justice that did not want this to go public and the fbi rank and file clearly they've had enough. and they felt this information was pertinent enough to get into the hands of the american people. i think they will go down as the heros after this chapter of this book is finished. another discovery, avalanche of evidence. i'm using exact quotes here. a lot of it as it relates to the clinton foundation and barring anything that might get in the way of these that these agents are going to push to get an indictment is what they told bret baier. they push for that. >> look, the justice department bureaucrats have donated to hillary clinton 36 times more than to donald trump. now if you have all those donors sitting in the middle of this
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process, you know they are going to be protecting hillary. i think there should be a very serious question whether every person who donated to hillary shouldn't be required to step down in the justice department because we now have such a clear scandal involving corruption, illegality, national security that as somebody who is pro hillary supposedly rendering justice is an absurdity. >> but you know, now we have to add another question. how do we trust the justice department that has john podesta's best friend there, leaking him information. as wikileaks revealed and we now know through the correspondents tipping them off. already learned from wiek wikileaks that there is collusion, not only with the liberal media not doing this tonight but collusion with the justice department. the state department was tipping off hillary clinton. and collusion with the obama white house because when he was
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caught in the lie of saying oh, i learned about this private e-mail server from the press, well that was a lie because he was e-mailing her on that server. and it didn't say >> what you have is the government establishment trying to get their candidate, their hand-picked candidate, to the presidency to enable them to keep control. this is very clear that this is a collusion on the grand scale between the official government and the campaign -- >> how do we get it way from this pal of john podesta? how do we get these people the hell out of the way? >> well, i think it is very clear, if you go back and look at the water gate precedence, i think it is very clear that lynch has to recuse herself. and by the way, andy mccarthy's made the point, former prosecutor of the 1993 world trade center bombings, he made the point that manhattan office
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in charge of the corruption scandal for the clinton foundation was overwhelmingly populated by people loretta lynch hired when she was u.s. attorney in that office. so you get bill clinton made her an important person. you know, very close to the clintons. so close she would meet in secret with bill clinton just before the fbi interviewed his wife. this whole thing stinks. and i think if they were going to try to establish a sense of decency, she would recuse herself and bring in an outsider of impeccable credentials. >> the same woman who hung out in the plane with bill clinton on the tarmac for 40 minutes before rendering a decision. the story will be written that heroes are fbi special agents that knew what the law was broken and they stood up for the law and stood up against the powerful justice department protecting her. last question, i only is 10 seconds. how does this impact the
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election? >> well, drowns hillary. >> what's that? >> that was -- it drowns hillary. you wanted a ten-second answer. she is drowning. she is drowning as this stuff keeps coming in. >> if god for bid she got elected, this country is paralyzed. what happens? fz well if she gets elected she gets indicted and exactly what happened to richard nixon who lasted 18 months. after carrying 49 states. she ain't going to carry 49 states. i think she won't be elected. but the specter has to be there for every voter. if she wins we are in for a very long embattled presidency with criminal indictments. >> this country will be paralyzed. this would not be good for this country. it'll be a constitutional crisis. thank you, sir. up next, more reaction to the shocking breaking news developments tonight. larry elder, sheriff david clarke are here. they will react to that and more.
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. joining us with reaction, larry elder, milwaukee county sheriff david clark in studio. the rank and file fbi guys said they had enough. >> those guys, i'm proud of those guys. >> me, too. >> in the first round of this, before they decided not to charge her, i said the fbi at higher levels have been
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corrupted including comey. i made it clear. you heard me. i said not the suggests. and i find that refreshing. the fbi has been compromised to highest levels there. >> it's scary, right? >> justice department -- >> in the hands of the people that have more authority for them. i think it's best for prosecutors, you know, legal people, figure that out, but this whole thing, this is a mess. i'll tell you what. i think the gig is up. i think that the fbi is in hot pursuit now. >> you can't stop this train. >> no. no you cannot stop this train. >> if they try, they're just going to keep doing what they're doing. >> this thing is going to lead back to the white house. >> i agree with you. >> when the president came out today and said something about comey and the fbi and election,
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i think he's the one that is scared as well. >> i agree with you, larry? >> hillary says -- >> larry has a cold. are you okay? >> i'm okay. that there are 17 agencies including the russians that did this. the russians had the dnc e-mail, john bethesda's e-mail, and colin powell's e-mail but there was a no-fly zone over her e-mail. contrary to what bernie sanders said, this is not about your damn e-mails this, is about damn national security. i remember when dick cheney's office was falsely accused offing a cia officer. what do you think this is? the next will be finding out how many people were probably compromised or killed because
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someone was able to get this information and used to it hurt americans. >> impact of the election? >> i think it's going to have an impact on the election. i think people will recognize it's not an e-mail scandal. it's a national security scandal. >> it's also a pay to play. >> right. >> sheriff? >> voters are going to know going into tuesday now they can't put the country through four years of this and two years of this. i think donald trump surging not just because of this, but you have this on top of it, i think it bodes well for donald. >> good to see you, larry. feel better, alka-seltzer plus cold medicine is the best. up next, very important question. ♪
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do you think hillary clinton can survive legally without going to jail? go to facebook and let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left. thanks for being with us. we'll see you here tomorrow night, five days to go. >> the royale factor is on, tonight. >> something is wrong when so many parents live in fear that their child will be hurt or killed. going to the movies, sitting in a first grade classroom, attending a bible study. >> mrs. clinton is right. something is wrong, but will she ever face up to the real problem of gun violence in america? we'll have a special report. >> these people are among the most dishonest people i have ever met, spoken to, done business with. >> donald trump, again, attacking the media, even as a new poll shows americans agree with him. the fix is in. we'll debate it tonight.
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