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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 3, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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they get cost the freedoms your world. life is complete. the cubs did something. hello. see you tomorrow. hello, everyone. this is "the five." there are stunning new details about another investigation involving hillary clinton just five days before americans go to the polls. the fbi has been investigating the clinton foundation for more than a year. looking into possible pay for play deals between the former secretary of state and donors to her family's charity. according to sources of bret baier, this is a very high priority propelled by brand-new evidence. let's bring in bret now. he is the anger of "special report." if people haven't had a chance to see your show last night and what sort of follow-up you have had today. >> two sources with intimate knowledge of the investigations,
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because you have the e-mail investigation run by the national security division of the fbi and the clinton foundation investigation run by the white collar crime division, public corruption branch of the fbi. they have been going on, the clinton foundation investigation, despite reports it had stopped, it never stopped. it continued. it has been wide ranging involving four different offices of the fbi. it is being run out of the new york office, actually. they characterize the information coming in as flowing in, because they have new information coming from the wikileaks e-mails that are showing some interaction between the clinton foundation and the time at the state department, not only with secretary clinton but you have also the e-mails about huma abedin and mills who were at one time or another taking paychecks from both the
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state department and the foundation or the company that started the foundation. they don't eliminate the fact that there is a split inside the fbi not only between the fbi and the doj on how this is moving forward and the extent to which they believe it is substantial but there's also a split within the fbi about this. and it is very out in the open, as you saw in the wall street journal piece that came out today. that doesn't take away from the fact that there are people still going after it every day and believe that they have a lot of information that's flowing in. >> we're going to take it around the table. >> can you shine light on this discussion within the fbi about some of the agents and some of the higher level agents upset that the doj specifically attorney general loretta lynch, wanting to push back on some of the investigation into the clinton foundation and whether
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that was what spurred comey to actually come out and say there's more we need to reinvestigate the clintons? >> yeah. i think that that's part of it. we don't have a lot of the granular detail about the anger. but we do know that there was anger and is anger inside the fbi about how this progressed. whether that -- we don't have the ability to go into jim comey's head. whether that was part of his calculation with what he did with the letter to congress, we'll see. part of the calculation was clearly that loretta lynch met with the former president on the tarmac in arizona. and that took her, for the most part, out of that equation and gave comey the go ahead to do what he did. i do want to mention about the hacking. there is really a lot of confidence, high confidence that the private server of hillary clinton was hacked by some foreign intelligence agencies.
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one source said up to five of them. you will remember back in july that comey when he made his announcement said there was possible foreign actors possibly gained access. he went on to say that foreign hostile actors did go after and get into the personal e-mail accounts of some of the people tied to secretary clinton. he then went on to say that secretary clinton's server was less secure than the average g-mail account. these sources point back to that testimony as being probably right on and that he could have said at that time it's probable they got in and highly likely. >> juan? >> it strikes me that he didn't say that. but i just wanted to ask about you some of the reporting that we have been hearing from you recently. because today on the campaign trail, you have donald trump citing you as saying that
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there's likely an indictment coming on the basis of the fbi's work and donald trump suggesting, you know, based on innuendo that the fbi is leaking this to become involved with politics and aiming at an indictment of hillary clinton. is that right? >> first of all, on the likely indictment thing, that was an inartful way to answer a question at 7:00 which i was asked about where it was going from here. the real situation is obviously these investigators building a case. they are gathering evidence. as investigators do, they feel strongly about the evidence that they have. but they still have to present it to a prosecutor. and then that prosecutor has to go in front of a grand jury and that's the process. if not a doj prosecutor, then possibly a special prosecutor that could only be appointed by the attorney general.
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so the process -- it was inartful the way i said it. the people we talked to said they believe they have a lot of evidence and would continue that effort after the election was my point. to continue to push possibly for an indictment. the fact that donald trump uses it on the campaign trail, this has been covered. it is a fact that the foundation investigation has been going on for a year, that it is continuing and unfortunately, the way i answered that one question at 7:00, obviously, made it into a lot of headlines. >> indeed. kimberly? >> thank you for not avoiding "the five." we're big fans of yours. as a former prosecutor -- when you say and i hear from investigators that they have a lot of evidence, that's very sufficient to bring in front of a grand jury to present for an indictment. that's just the facts. it's not like you are putting a case in front of a jury trial
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yet with a different standard. to get an indictment you have to show there's a probable cause, sufficient evidence exists a crime has been combhit mitted. it's not that high. nevertheless, it sounds like this investigation is going forward, that it's got legs. what are the next steps, you can say, besides perhaps a special prosecutor? people have some concern about an attorney general land handli directly. >> i don't think you will see anything now and election day. i don't think that -- i think that this is a slow moving process, that there is anger in some quarters inside about how this has been handled and perhaps that's why, you know, some of this and other stories have come out. "the wall street journal" depicted that this morning in their story. i do think -- remember, also,
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any target would have the opportunity, if there was a grand jury, to testify. >> in their defense. >> and for evidence in the defense. i think that there may be efforts to get people to cooperate, if you get to that point. when we say a lot of evidence, we don't have a characterization of what exactly that is. but we can see the wikileaks e-mails e-mails coming out every day and we can see what has been reported already about the various elements of the interaction between different companies and the foundation. we should point out that the campaign is clear, that they don't think that there is any violation here, that they tout the success of the foundation for doing good things around the world. the foundation itself put out a statement today saying that they're not aware of an investigation. but we can tell you that one is continuing. >> so there's -- going back to the fact that there are two
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things going on, it seems to me that one side -- the clinton foundation stuff, it sounds like a quarrel between top brass and the guys on the street. it's like another institution that seems to be rattled by 2016. every organization, institution, political or otherwise, seems to be having some kind of conflict that is born out of this election because no one is happy with the choices. so they're turning on themselves. they're devouring each other because they're so dissatisfied. that's one part. the other part is the story that i think is the big one is what you mentioned, the hacking is huge. i mean, it sounds like 99% certain. how can we get to 100% on that? i want to know -- this is a big deal. that's a problem. >> if you ask any -- first of all, on your first question, these guys are about the fbi.
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they're not about the politics, honestly. i pressed a number of different sources, a number of different ways. as far as i can tell, they're not fans of anybody. they're talking about investigating. as far as where we're talking about this hacking, they have thought that for a long time. if you talk to experts in the field, they would say, that was wide open for a foreign intelligence agency to go in. the clinton campaign can tell you it never happened. there's a wikileaks this week that the i.t. guy e-mails that in two days they had ten serious attacks that he notified the u.s. secret service about. back then, in july, comey testified and announced that foreign actors had gotten access to people that hillary clinton e-mailed with. it doesn't say -- there was a "new york times" story in july that said it doesn't take a lot
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to connect one to the other and the digital bread crumbs are easy to get to the server. there's a high confidence. as far as how many foreign intelligence agencies, one source said five. who knows? but it's more than one. >> can i jump? very quickly. so our audience understands, there there are two lanes to the fbi investigations going on. whether or not she e-mailed classified material and was hacked is one lane. the other lane being whether there was corruption between the clinton foundation and various other actors. either one or both could end up in indictment of hillary clinton? >> that's true. they're both continuing. they're going through the anthony wiener laptop and all of that digging into. we have confirmed that they have the two other laptops of mills, former chief of staff and samuel s samuelson. we thought they were destroyed. they weren't. you have the e-mails that
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they're -- that they have gone through and the e-mails that they're sdwrujust learning abou. you have two tracks, the foundation and the e-mail investigation. >> thank you, bret. he will have more tonight at 6:00 p.m. you can tune in. more developments on the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton. a rare campaign address from melania trump. stay tuned. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. it's your tv, take it with you.
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with five days left, is the proverbial poop hitting the fan. you heard bret baier on the latest news. will it make a difference? what if the e-mails did come from hillary's server? what if there were new discovers that had classified info? one of his sources claims hill's server had been hacked with information stolen by at least five foreign intel agencies. if this is true, how will hillary beat this wrap?
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>> progressive freedom fighter going up against a dude who is a climate change denier. she works harder than her man did. still saw her grandkid. people have the nerve to ask her what the plan is. the plan is to win again. break it down in three words. i'm with her. >> i swear, she must be working for trump. that is so bad it could turn chelsea clinton into a never hillary. sorry, the gender card has been so played out. if you hate hillary, this isn't going to change a thing. if you hate trump, this isn't going to make you love him. battle lines are drawn. nothing sticks. it seems like the truth is the bull in hillary's china shop. nixon wcocky until he wasn't. events are dictating the news. even the edgiest celebrity in a
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sympathetic media can't help her. perhaps she's just speechless. maybe like everyone else she knows, she will simply take the fifth. or at least drink one. should she freak out? is she saying, five days to go. hang back. no one cares. >> it's time to freak out, i think. that's not going to help her. when you say the news hasn't made much movement. i disagree. more movement than chipotle in your stomach. she's got them right now. when you see in the fox decision desk moving different states on the move. you see the movement. things that were leaning dem, going back to republican. you have to be concerned. the momentum, late breaking here, is with him. not with her. that's a problem. >> nicely done.
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>> thank you. >> dana, research that says people have made up their minds. what about the undecided? there has to be undecideds that are going, this is nuts. >> very well, some slack in the line. i'm not sure what that means. >> there are pills for that. >> there are more undecideds than before. one of the thing that's in donald trump's favor is that republicans who might have been on the fence decided to come home. i know you are going to bantha phras ban that phrase. >> yes. >> we have the momentum. we have news cycle is on his side. then as you saw yesterday, he gives -- he says into the microphone, which i thought was funny and cute, he says, just stay on message. he can do that for the next five days. >> yes. listen to somebody other than himself. should she respond? >> they are in panic mode. >> should she respond? >> she has no way to respond. >> what can she do? >> here is how she has responded. release them. let us know, james comey.
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she takes shots at comey. i'm not sure you want that. all the stuff we're finding out -- we talked about the peace in the wall street journal yesterday. call her bluff. call her bluff. let us -- let the media, let the world sift through 650,000 e-mails. we will get it done by that. we will let you know by friday. they are in panic. bill clinton last night or today on the trail called all of -- worse than deplorable. all of donald trump supporters stupid. he said trump keeps these people angry. he started referencing race and geographic locations. he was off the charts, horrible and said trump likes to keep them angry because if they're not angry, they will ask questions and they will become smart. he doesn't want them smart. calling every trump supporter stup stupid. they are in panic mode. you can see this. when people are pressing or when they are in the zone -- trump is in the zone. the clinton campaign is pressing. >> juan, what do you think? are they in panic mode? >> not close.
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i'm entertained by the idea that trump supporters very much want the idea of panic and they very much want the idea that something is pending. a lot of this, i think, is sort of people who are hungry for trump to have some advantage. if you look at all the models, everything suggests, there hasn't been any big shift. >> there's a huge shift. >> it was tightening before the comey admounsmennouncement. >> how you can say -- >> can finish? things were tightening before because as dana put it republicans were coming home. you could see consolidation of republicans. now we're at the point where at least this morning when you look at the tracking polls, "new york times," all of these, what you see is a two to three point -- i think real clear politics has two to three. >> incorrect. >> what you get is a situation where -- i find this incredible. there's all this sort of equalization. donald trump and his foundation,
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forget about it. donald trump and his insults to women, forget it. donald trump and his racism, forget about it. hillary clinton and it's possible the fbi suffering a tremendous backlash -- i think that's to hillary's advantage. it has become involved to the point where people are questioning the justice department and the fbi. to me, this is a tragedy. this is a tragedy for america. >> the tracking polls today -- you want to talk about tracking po polls? real clear politics is down in front about a six point clinton lead about a week and a half ago. this is a -- with a week? seismic shift. >> it's not. i keep telling you that what is happening is republicans -- i keep quoting dana -- come home to trump. you look at all the polls. look at them. there's none that shows trump suddenly expressing a great lead
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or that clinton's wall of states, states that have given -- >> they had her up by 12 a week ago. >> it's not there. >> there are a lot of people moving some solid blue into leaning red. there are. >> it's not real. >> new hampshire for one. >> i think -- >> on fox today. >> when you give them this -- >> where is new hampshire? let's not -- it's not false. where is new hampshire, blue or red? >> i think it's close. that's what you are saying? but it's t leans towards clinton. >> all right. enough. one of the most infamous curses in sports history was finally broken last night. a world series fastest seven ahead. malo melania trump gave a speech in the swing state of pennsylvania. see that coming up.
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welcome back. time for -- the fastest six and a half minutes on television. first up, i rode my bicycle to wrigley field 1,000 times as a kid. stood outside the ballpark waiting for a home run ball. anybody, just make it a cub home run. we threw the opponent's home run balls over the wall. the drought is over. >> here is the 0-1. this is going to be a tough play. the cubs winning the world series! it's over! and the cubs have finally won it all! 8-7 in ten. >> you know what gives me the
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chills besides that? obviously, never seen it in my lifetime. 108 years that was the drought. do you know how many stitches are in a baseball? 108 stitches. >> this is helping the baseball superstition. >> are you kidding me? >> i thought it was a fantastic series. i really enjoyed it. it was what america needed. to watch this and you see the joy and the celebration. boy, what a great game seven. you could see the stress, the fans watching it. some people were biting their nails. i stayed up all night with my rally cap on watching it. >> very good. >> it was fantastic. >> great double plays. >> juan, nate silver put a headline out saying the cubs have less of a chance of winning than donald trump. >> when they were down 3-1? >> yeah. >> well, that's probably true statistically. i don't think many teams come back from 3-1. it was a miracle. i'm all for it. you know what i like about it?
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i thought this game was over early and it was like -- i think it was 6-3. then the indians come back. i was like, oh, my gosh. what is going on? the stadium is going crazy. you had all the celebrities in the stands. it goes into rain delay. how long is this going to last? a tremendous, tremendous baseball game. wonderful. >> did you hear about -- there was someone on twitter in 2014 predicted a cubs indians world series that would go into extra innings but also predicted the world would end. >> when? >> right there. >> for some cubs fans it could end tomorrow and it would be happy. it's fun to see them having that much joy. i liked watching bill murray. >> don't tell anyone, but i fell asleep before the final out. >> that's okay. it was long. it was long. i'm happy for the cubs. it's still discriminating against people who, quote, don't make the cut. i think we need to start examining baseball privilege.
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we saw 25 to win this thing. there are billions of people, because they're not athletic or they have the right skill set are not allowed to play professional sports. >> they're a university somewhere for them. >> we have to crush the professional baseball ceiling. everybody, every child, every adult, every animal should be allowed to play professional sports. >> if you can throw 104 mile an hour fastball -- >> i can't. but that should not matter. it should not matter. no standards. >> the world series was a massively watched event, for good reason. two midwest cities, 178-year absence from the winner's circle. a massive 40 million-plus viewers for the finale. the presidential candidates seizeed on the opportunity to be seen. they took out political ads. first trump. >> the american moment is here. two choices. two americas. decided by you. hillary clinton will keep us on
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the road to stagnation. fewer job jobs, rising crimes, america diminished at home and abroad. donald trump will bring the change we're waiting for, america, better, stronger, more prosperous for everyone. a plan for tomorrow. a future brighter than our past. the choice is yours. >> i'm donald trump and i approved this message. >> who likes this one? anyone like this? you want to take it? >> aren't we going to show clinton? >> that was going to be topic three. here is clinton. >> putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner is not ready, i go through the roof. i would look her in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person flat chested is hard to be a >> you treat women with respect in. >> i can't say that either. >> greg, there's both of them.
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>> it's a perfect example of how different real life is from politics. everybody goes and watches the game. it's unifying unless you don't like the other team. if you are a clinton -- pro-clinton or pro-trump, you could unify under the cubs. then you have campaign ads are the opposite of what life should be. >> so much happiness, so much exhilaration and then -- >> dark music. for both complaiampaigns, very . >> you know what struck me was the ad that -- children's ad that clinton ran. i was taken by it. the children are watching. then they had some of the trump statements. to me, you look at these ads, i thought the trump ad was more. i didn't think it was glum. i thought it was pro-america stuff. the other one is the one that sticks with me. i just wonder who made these ads. at the moment, in terms of the
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ad spending, you see a lot of ads coming this weekend. get ready. i don't care what you are watching, especially if you are in a swing state. >> i think -- >> don't they say things come in threes? >> we will see what happens. you ready -- >> trump. the last one. i know. you missed that. i think that for trump, his best ad is the one that he didn't have to pay for, no pac paid for, which is this investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail, the server, the breach of national security. that is the headline for unfit. you don't have to do much advertising beyond that in terms of this investigation is still going with news breaking on it every day. it's crippling. >> i thought you were going to say the free air time on certain cable shows. >> they're telling me to tease. who leaked the cnn debate question? jeff sduk zucker will get to th
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bottom of that. melania trump delivering an address on the trail today. we will play some of that for you ahead.
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cnn covered a huge embarrassment and was forced to sever its ties with donna brazile after it was revealed she was feeding debate questions to hillary clinton. jeff zucker express outrage. he isn't saying where those questions came from. there's all kinds of bias on full display over at the clinton news network this week alone. here is one of cnn's legal analysts expressing suspicion about the timing of the fbi's release of the files. sg >> the official statement is give me a break. i have made requests. they take years.
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it's a very different process. it can sometimes take 15 years. the idea that they were obliged to do this on top of comey's statement about hillary clinton last week, it just shows at least that they are oblivious and incompetent if not actively partisan in this presidential race. >> although "the wall street journal" reported the justice department intervened to stop the fbi's investigation of the clinton foundation, one of cnn's reporters dismissed the notion that politics was at play as a conspiracy. >> behind the scenes, there's been several investigations that were ongoing in four different offices, los angeles, little rock, and new york into allegations of impropriety in the clinton foundation. behind the scenes because some agents thought things weren't moving fast enough, they started believing conspiracies that perhaps politics were at play. a lot of what they had was based
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on this book called "clinton cash." it was published by an editor at bright bart. a lot of the allegations in there have not been substantiated. >> so, dana, you worked at justice. what do you think of the comments? >> i think i would be very -- i would be very reticent to criticize fbi agents. i don't think that's a good strategy. i think there could be a possible ig investigation into this, because it has been unusual. i think there might be a call for one. i want to point out one thing. on the file that was released about mark rich, we were e-mailing about this. i think i figured out why that happened. eric holder, that morning, had put out an op-ed in "the washington post" criticizing comey, on the same day former attorney general had done the same. it's not that was a partisan thing. eric holder was the pardon
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attorney at the justice department when the mark rich pardon got approved. the fbi people are like, really? make sure everybody is reminded of that. that's what i think happened. >> i hope you are wrong. again, what just heard from jeffrey toobin, it's a suggestion the fbi is settling grudges? >> i don't know. >> i think more of the fbi and jim comey than this. i'm disappointed that suddenly they find themselves now viewed as an arm of the gop or the trump campaign. how sad is that? for the great fbi. you see stories in the paper comparing comey to j. edgar hoov hoover. getting into the gutter politics of trying to harm a campaign. they had no business in this. you have seen this from left and right. >> you are -- >> not just liberal media but conservative media. this is wrong. that's why i say, people say, this is -- >> obviously the clintons -- >> people are saying, gosh, this
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is the fbi. if they're doing this, something really is wrong. somebody is trying to skew an american election. it's corruption on the part of the fbi? >> what about the part of cnn and the role they're playing and the commentary they have? this is not a good news day for them or for a news cycle in terms of their involvement and being complicit. they had to let one of their people go that was greatly admired. >> that's a different story. that's not good for them. this is a donna brazile story we're talking about. what is interesting is the networks, including our own, paying people who have a relationship to one campaign or another, which as a journalist, i thought that's odd. but now we -- it's common place. in the donna braz brazile case - >> i call for her to be fired -- call for her to step down from
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the dnc as well as being fired two weeks ago. she should still do that. how can you say that james comey is playing politics when he under oath with his hand raised at the hearing -- the prior hearing where he recommended -- where he was going over what they found, hillary was reckless, at the hearing he was asked, okay, mr. comey, would you, if you do find more evidence, will you. >> reggie: re-examine the case. he said yes. he is doing -- he swore -- >> what he was prevented by everyone getting immunity deals. >> review any evidence because that's would be illegal. >> that's incorrect. if evidence of a murder falls in your lap, you can't ignore it. >> it's so wrong. i don't know why you bet that from. >> clean it up. >> i like eggs. >> come on. >> regarding the way we -- whether we talk about cnn, i will quote the bible. i never quote the bible. he that is without sin among us cast the first stone.
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we'll be right back. >> throw to greg. melania trump took center stage delivering her first major campaign speech of the general election. the highlights when "the five" returns. stay with us. i'm my team's #1 fan. yay. sports. i've never been #1 in anything until i put these babies on. now we're on a winning streak and i'm never taking them off. do i know where i'm going? absolutely. we're going to the playoff. allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me.
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in five days there's going to be an election. we have you covered right here. all-day coverage on the fox news channel, american election headquarters. don't miss it. "the five" will be here. melania trump made a rare appearance. she gave her first major speech since the rnc. >> we are deeply grateful to the millions of americans who believe in my husband, because they know he believes in you. as donald travels the country, he has asked some simple but very important questions. do we want a country where every american gets a fair shot? yes. do we want a country that honors our constitution? do we want a country that honors life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? do we want a president who is a
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fighter for us and will never give up? then we want donald trump to be our president. >> dana, this is the first time she's been out since the problems at the rnc. she went to philadelphia's suburbs to appeal to women voters. what do you think? >> smart strategy, because that's where they have been done with college educated women voters in those suburbs. that's really smart. she talked about the importance of something she cares about, cyber bullying, sch which is on bullying. i think we should do more about it. >> eric, she talked about coming from slovenia and her personal path. did you like it? >> yeah. i liked mike pence's wife introducing her. it was a great strategy. as dana points out, the suburbs of philadelphia is where he needs the most help. very nice. i liked to see it. >> kimberly, what did you think
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about the way she came across? we haven in so long. why did they keep in hiding? >> i don't think they kept in hiding. i don't think so. she's an independent, she speaks her own mind. she's not a delicate flower. she looked like a beautiful flower, but she's not a delicate flower. she's out there. she's supporting her husband. she did a very good job. i'm glad she had an opportunity to do a speech that was widely covered. i think it's tough as a woman and as a first lady. and what happened at the convention. coming back here, she did a fantastic job. i'm sure the people there enjoyed it as well and those who watched at home. >> greg, what about if we had bill clinton and mrs. trump, what do you think? >> well, i don't want to know what he is thinking. she actually -- out of everybody involved in this campaign, she deserves most sympathy. because she was probably the last person who ever expected to sign up for this. when she married -- this will be
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great. go to parties and have kids. she didn't -- i don't think she saw this coming. the fact that -- i go to this. imagine if you were thrown into that situation in another country. if i were in russia as a first man or whatever, i would be hiding under -- i would be hiding under a bed. >> you gotta give her more credit than that. she's an asset to her husband. >> i gave her credit. what do you want? >> i want you to be respectful. >> what did i say? >> she may be enjoying it. >> no, no, no. i think it's been tough for her. >> the fun of being first lady, that's got to be enticing, to be in the white house. >> they want me to endorse her. okay. i endorse her. >> now you may go back to your room. >> greg is off the fence. one more thing up next. being detected was not an option. if i was recognized the whole operation was blown. the element of surprise was imperative. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself.
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and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards it's gonna be a killer honeymoon. woo! maui!! boom open to the armed forces, the dod and their families. navy federal credit union.
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it's not about a dog. this is one more thing. i don't have a dog. i have country music. last night was my world series and super bowl all in one. the country music awards and the co-hosts were carrie underwood and brad paisley. ♪ election is taking forever and every ♪ ♪ forever and ever ♪ forever and ever
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♪ make it end ♪ it's different for girls >> that was dierks bentley. that was the musical event of the year in 2016 "different for girls." you were singing along, actually. i want to note that for the record. >> making fun of me. >> kimberly's gaming news. this is about gambling. we were just in vegas. imagine if this happened. if this happened to me, i would lose it. what happened is this poor lady, she's an unemployed mother of four who grew up in foster care. thought she hit the big $43 million jackpot on the slot machine. it would change her life forever. it said, you are the winner, $43 million. sorry, malfunction. escorted from the casino and offered her a steak dinner. apparently, because they have a disclaimer that said
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malfunction, the max yimum payo is $64,000. she has a lawyer. she's really bummed out. they could have given her a room for a week or something. >> make that right. they better fix that. >> they're in hiding. we will get back to you on that. >> time for greg's secrets to happiness. you know when you get food? always try to arrive early. do not try to cut in line like this young whipper snapper did over here. that's what happens. if you showed up early -- watch that one more time. this is what happens when you don't show up early. yeah. >> but he doesn't do that again. no. because he died. >> now we will get e-mails. say something. he is alive. >> i was joking. >> we have to save time for juan. quickly, last night had a wonderful time with the women's national republican club in new
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york on 51st street. a couple of pictures. >> no wonder you missed the game. >> here where he again. next picture. these are a bunch of people from there. fantastic. great bunch of conservative women. i'm telling you they are very concerned about a hillary clinton presidency. they don't want any part of that. any part of that. >> they have a beautiful building over there. >> they do. >> juan? >> big news, it's been a long time since the cubs won the world series, 108 years. of course, things were different back then. wrigley field didn't exist back then. women couldn't vote. no black baseball players, not until jackie robinson in 1947. finally, finally, there was no sliced bread. no bread. my gosh. >> you notice it's write. >> remember "back to the future"
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predicted the cubs would win the world series last year? they got it right this year. >> that was great. set your dvr so you never miss "the five." that's it for us. "special report" is next. i'm bret baier in washington. this is a fox news alert. new details on hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server to transmit information, e-mails. many of the classified, possibly accessible to foreign governments. the allegations of the use of the family's charitable foundation as a pay for play enter enterprise. this happens as the electoral map shifts in favor of donald trump. our new 2016 score card still has clinton in the lead. but the trump momentum has moved ohio to lean republican and new hampshire from lean democrat to tossup. missri


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