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tv   Watters World  FOX News  November 5, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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thanks to chris stirewalt, katherine tim, and our lovely -- i'm greg gutfeld. reports. and stay close. >> 21ing watters' world i am your host jesse watters'. republican nominee donald trump is tied with hillary clinton according to the latest fox news poll. the l.a. times has trump up five. 48- 43. and investors has clinton and trump in a dead heat. and washington up by four and donald trump is still considered the underdog and the conventional wisdom said that
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secretary of state will win in a squeaker. but conventional wisdom seems poised to be be destroyed or maybe be that is me. here we for the home stretch, hillary clinton is trying to hang on and here she is getting rained on in south florida. >> i want to be president for everybody. and everybody who agrees with me and people who don't agree with me and people who vote for me and people who don't vote for me. >> here's donald trump who calls himself the closure and making a last-minute play in north carolina. >> when we win on november 8th. and we'll go to washington and we will drain the swamp. so true. >> so the choice is clear. the risky renegade or the corrupt liar. and pop star katy perry about to
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take the stage thumping pard in pennsylvania. hillary needs a high turn out in philadelphia to offset the trump voters in the rest of the state and why katy perry is there to four up kids and recently secretary clinton is drawing on the last-minute hip- hop events to turn out minority and young voters. demographics she can not excite by herself. >> we are about to have a first woman president. >> i want my daughter to grow up seeing a woman lead our country. >> and the other guy i have no ill will to him. but his conversation is divisive and he cannot be my president. >> and so with the race
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tightening, hollywood stars are panicking at the possibility of a trump president see. >> i have said trump can win. liberals and hillary supporters didn't believe it and everybody did an end zone dance in the middle of the summer. >> it's really clear if he wins, it will take us into this authority nightmare. and, and there are are a lot of people who appreciate a strong leader, i don't know how. >> they are called facist. >> if you are a liberal that doesn't vote you are a piece of [bleep]. >> we need a tough mother who nobody likes. >> joining me is jennifer griffin. you have a politician like hillary and relying on hip-hop pop stars and to me locks desperate and not that genuine.
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she probably can't name a katy perry song. she might be worried about her black base and millennial base at home. is that how you see her or is this the game plan and get the starses out. >> no, first of all. katy perry is a good friend of her and been on the campaign trail and performer in the democratic convention and really been with her sometime. what you are seeing. this is part of the plan all along to bring out these kinds of stars at the last-minute. they know millennial voters are if i can and he will hard to get them moving and so what they do. they hold these concerts in places where there is early voting and for instance we are in cleveland last night and there was still early voting today and they give out free
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ticket and get the information of all of the people who are standing in line and get them to the polls and this is part of the machine and it is a question of whether momentum or the machine and grouped game is going to win the election right now hillary clinton and the democrats have a better ground game. they put effort in to a lot of officeses and volunteers and that's what you are are seeing playing out now. >> i had no idea hillary and katy perry were close friends. that is news to me. >> they are. >> and now to the trump campaign. donald hitting the air waves linking hillary clinton to anthony weiner. >> hillary clinton surround fbi investigation again after her e-mails were found on pervert though thee weiner's lap top. carl cameron is in denver and
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donald trump will hold a rally in less than three hours. you have seen the crowds and last-minute ads and states that trump is zig-zagging back and forth. and what do your instincts tell you. winning campaign or like a chaotic scramble to the very end? >> oh, it is both. he has momentum in reference to what jennifer was saying they have the machine and trump recognizes his organization doesn't compare to clinton and smaller. and trump doesn't have a katy perrio jay z or beyonce. it is himself. he's dominating the news for 18 months in the cable stations and he can generate his own momentum with twitter. and he pulled in a tie nationwide. and in the electolial college upon map it is iffy.
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and strategy is obvious and made no bones. he has to flip florida back in the red and pennsylvania back in red and win ohio. he is be able to defend north carolina and win all of the romney states. he can win. but the problem be. those races are tied. he will go to minnesota instead of wisconsin. wisconsin he's down four and half and minnesota's, he's never campaigned at all this year. this is a gamble and expand the playing field and pick up a blue state. he has to win a couple. he can't do what romney did but improve on. it i did not see that coming in minnesota.
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there may be a lot of second guessing on wednesday or a landslide. and so just resist the temptation in colorado for the weed. we need you you bright and early. >> thank you very much. >> and up next. >> good advice. >> trump campaign manager kelli ann conway is here. and mike ditka joins us and why he's on the trump train. hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the... ...nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best... ...sleep with a cold, medicine.
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"just checking my free credit score at credit karma. "what the?" "don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it." "actually, checking your own credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all."
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"i guess i could just check my credit score then." "check out credit karma today." >> this election has president obama's legacy on the line. the trump presidency would a nil eight what he has done in eight years. a rappedom trump supporter rattled his cage and he lost total control. >> hey, i told you to be focused and you are not focused. listen to what i am saying, hold up. hold up. hold up. hold up. everybody sit down and be quiet for a assembled. joining me now.
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donald trump campaign manager kelli ann conway. you are getting under his skin. >> occupying real estate in his and hillary clinton's head. i watched it live on the plane with mr. trump. it was imagine. imagine if mr. trump told someone to sit down and be quiet. >> and putting those people in the rally and fight. >> paying him 1500. >> and this is catching up with him and i love your intro. the whole point of his legacy is ho on the line. it is call nothing question of the value of obama care and fairness and affordability and accessibility for many americans. that is a big message if i can point to one that makes the difference to mr. trump. and taking it in different area and said your premiums are going through the roof and access and quality is going town and people
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are just loving that he talks about repealing common core and talks about getting isis. and all of that is coming together. and i think that the president, and both p former president and president obama are having too much fun on the stump. and now they are getting serious and saying you have to get out. >> bill clinton loveses to have fun on the stump. what he does best. it is broader than that. and now is corruption. obama care was packed with bribe and lie and you add the fbi and wikileaks stuff and collusion with the press and pay for play and you see hillary clinton out there going dirty late. this right now so manies to me. she is the corrupt person and donald trump is trying to drawn the swamp. this is catching on.
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and did you see that as a primary driver. >> he's talked about that for a while. you don't have to look are far. and that is the clinton candlebra for decades and she keeps adding to it. if the undecided voers are not having a favorable opinion of her and has a casual relationship with the truth. and hard time to be be honest. is it going to be be worth rolling the do is and taking a chance. and all of the questions about donald trump. is she fit to be president or right to run given everything that we know about the cloud of corruption. >> maybe she is the risky candidate and it is not donald
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trump. hillary is up 2 or 3 and going to win florida and north carolina. >> no and no. and tell me about the millions of americans that see the battleground stateses that are so tight and trump winning in some. and people seeing the lawn sign and feeling the trump movement. is this a silent majority situation where they are going to shock the world? >> you will see it. 15000 people. and so happy to be there and media, will they vote? >> no, they have been here five hours to get to it a rally and not show up. crowd size matter and also the enthusiasm and the fact that we have them on defense. they are going back to michigan or pennsylvania p. it wasn't so long ago there was her compete nothing texas and
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georgia and indiana. where did that go? and we will win north carolina and florida. and add that to ohio and we have six different pathses that is remarkable since she started out with 248 electoral and she spent gazillion dollars and unbelievable ground game and obviously running for president in the eight years since she lost the first time and to find elusive for the 22 electorial votes. you said the map. >> who she is doing and playing with in pennsylvania and her home turf and going dirty late. and president obama doing interviews with alsharpton and bill maur. and it looks desperate and looks like there is a problem with the
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base. the base is not excited and black americans are not excited and a latch ditch effort to rely on celebritieses in the far left to drive enthusiasm and it doesn't look to me from the outside as indictive of a winning campaign that is playing to the middle. and it doesn't feel like a winning campaign. an analyst on a different network made that point. she goes to the rallies and it doesn't feel like a winning campaign and makes hillary clinton so many small. and a lot of supporters say lock her up. but i say prop her up. everybody else to make her case. who is donald trump making his case? donald trump. and melana, a surprise if north carolina and own speech in philadelphia earlier this week. and when you look at hillary clinton and the fact that she needs other people to helper,
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that tells where the momentum. we are win nothing new hampshire and tied in pennsylvania and michigan. it makes would be be voters to back a winnerment we'll win big on tuesday night. >> if is such a strong woman why are they try drag her across the finish line. >> i will give my prediction for the election. you will not believe how it breaks down. and watters' goes to west virginia to see what real americans think of the race. little dakota's nose was quivering in fear. because it knew an ordinary tissue was near. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red.
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as california's former director of finance, i assure you, proposition 64 is a smarter, safer, more fiscally sound approach to adult-use marijuana than what our state's currently doing. so, though i've never tried marijuana, and i don't advocate others doing so, i'm voting yes on 64. to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana for adults 21 and over. 64 has strict safeguards for families. and a billion dollars in new revenue for our state's greatest needs. so, vote yes on 64.
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>> as we said earlier, the race is a dead heat and hillary is a slight favorite and trump is closing strong. we'll look at the watters' world map. this is how i think it will break down. trump wins florida, ohio, north carl recall and and takes on nevada and iowa waand new hampshire. and hillary takes virginia, and colorado and michigan and loving her fire wall intact. that gets us to 269 to 2 skoin. and then the house. but there is a wild are card. donald trump wins main's second district and he spent more time and money in. he could get two electorial vote and put him to 271 to 269. of course, i could be wrong it could be a land slide. i will pat myself on the back
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for putting skin on the game. most people will not go out on a limb. i have to give people what they want. and joining us now of president of rasz mussen and senior fellow of king's college of new york. am i crazy with the map? >> of course, you are crazy but not of the map. i have known that a long time. when you talk about the election here, things people are missing, 12 percent of the voters are telling pollsters they are not committed to either party. that is more than double than four years ago. there is a lot of room for shifting. does your map make since, it might. florida, ohio and north carolina are essential for donald trump. nlook at the florida polls right now. florida real clear average has donald trump ahead by a hair.
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>> and it was down by a hair earlier. i mean, the numbers are very, very close. and polls are not going to be precise to the 10th of a point. >> what this tells us florida will be turn out and all of the things that kelli ann. ntrump is doing multiple rallies in the state of florida. >> the early voting signs are not bad for the trump team, because the democrats have not opened up an advantage. we have to find out about florida. if donald trump wins there. >> and they all fall in place. he needs north carolina and the democrats are investing. michelle obama down this and president obama down there. and they are throwing the kitchen sink at north carl recall x. and if she wins north carolina it is over. >> you have to be concerned you are losing a romney state. but remember, the riots in charlotte that raised the law
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and order issue and the young teenage girl sexted by anthony weiner is playing big. >> and a nevada, crooked state. harry reid was down by four and last-minute shening ans. and trump is neck and neck. >> john rolstop is one of the best and he said it is all over for donald trump. early voting shows he can't catch up. i think that is overstating and there are concern and nevada is a tauf state. and something happens after the polls. >> something happens in the unions in the las vegas casino. pennsylvania. >> pennsylvania, if it is going to happen in any year for the
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republicans, donald trump is the one to do it. they have been ignored for years. >> she's been in philadelphia and katy perry and the president is in philadelphia. looks like they need help. >> there is a public transit strike that could keep it down. >> trump hopes the strike goes on. >> and expands. >> and up next, watters' world in west virginia, the most emotional segment of the night. will hillary clinton go to jail or impeached or pardoned? we'll show you the scenario and have a very special report. when coughing keeps your family awake. breathe easier with vicks vaporub. soothing cough relief that starts working instantly.
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turning to the fox news alert, i'm jackie inas nez in new york. tense moments the tonight at a event in nevada. secret service agents rushing the candidate off the stage after some tense moments. he came back to finish his speech and left for his next rally in denver, colorado. one suspect was seen being taken away by a reno, police, s.w.a.t. team. police say no weapon was found. the suspect has not been identified at this point. the trump campaign issued a statement, thanking the secret service, as well as state and local authorities for their quick and professional response. trump thanked his supporters in the statement and added, quote, nothing will stop us. we will make america great again. fox news will bring his denver
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rally to you live when it happens. for now, i'm jackie ibanez and back to "water's world." for all of your headlines, logon to you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. have a great night. base. i am harris falker, now back to watters' world. welcome back, we went to north philadelphia to expose inner city pof are they and to be fair and balanced. i went to clay county. and it is devit stated by president obama's war on coal and disastrous trade policy and what you are about to see is heart breaking. tell me about this neighborhood. this used to be a booming coal town, but now people move out and houses get burned down.
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>> this area looked ravaged. yeah. no money is coming to west virginia. >> do you feel like west virginia is disrespected. >> yes. >> americans shouldn't have this. >> we like gun and big engines and like naked parties. and drinking beer and going fishing. >> what do you do for a living? >> haul junk. coal business is gone. >> are things better or worse? >> they are worse. they are closing down everything here. >> how have you seen the coal industry change? >> it disappear ped we hardly have coal mines in our area. president obama shut them down. >> because of the all regulations. >> he said it is bad for our health. >> it shut to down. >> do you think that the
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president knows the war on coal put men or women out of work. >> i don't think he care. >> anything you want to say. bloep bleep. we are struggling. and so this town is full of food stamps, hardly anybody has a job. >> is there a drug problem? >> oh. big time. it is mostly pills and pot. >> and so how long have you lived in the area? >> all of my life. >> have you seen the things change? >> yes, since obama to now. disaster. >> you blame the president for the problems here? >> yes, and hillary clinton. i worked in the coal mines 30 something years. >> hard work. >> yeah, it is hard work, but a man who wants to work he can find work and good pay and once
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it is said and done with coal we'll not be able to live. >> we work for a living. it is like we're kicked to the side. i mean, it makes you feel like a piece of dirt is what it makes me feel like. >> what is the game plan to put people back up on their feet. >> and put people in the white house to put people to work. >> are you going to vote in the election? >> i do not vote. >> why not? >> i don't believe in democracy. >> you think hillary clinton wants to help the coal business. >> i don't think hillary clinton will help anybody. i think donald trump would make a depend president and trying to get people to work. >> and hillary clinton wants to put coal miners out of business. >> yes. tell me why you like trump? >> he will not take our gun and trying to help insurance for health care.
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>> is she going to make great again. >> possible. >> who are you voting for. >> i will not say that. >> these people, you know they are rich and prospered and they don't care about poor. poor are getting poor and rich are getting rich. >> she has the experience. but i don't know if she is trustworthy. all they got money in their pocket. they don't worry about anybody else. >> i would like to ask them why. why is our people having to suffer? >> we the people of the united states, they work for us. it's time we get back to that. >> with me now to discuss is co-host of the five kimberly. and fox news contract peter. and fox new contractor julie and the executive producer of imusin
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the morning. kimber kimberly breaks your heart. the war on coal is the only war obama won. you can't help but think this is america and americans. >> the government is totally out of touch and they don't care. it is a war on american value and people. these are men who want to provide for their children and would you consider doing something else? no. this is what they love. why are we killing their job and their dreams and harming their families. it is just shameful. you hear them talk about that. this is happening in america. and why are they doing that? they are like the forgotten people in our own country and it's said. >> trump talks about america first it resonates. bring in the syrian refugee and you give them things and illegal
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imgrants and you give them things. but americans, west virginia resident have nothing. >> policies have consequences. poverty is not a race. it has to do with the way people interact with society around them. in inner city no education and common core has failed generations of kids and in rural areas, democrats sideed with the environment to shut down goal miner ares. that's this follows and that's what donald trump speaks to. i am for you and not the rich billionaire so called protect the environment. >> one worker said they are sending million to haiti, through the clinton foundation. god knows where it went. where is the money for west virginia. hillary clinton won west virginia over 20 points and then she said she wants to put coal miners out of business.
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what would hillary clinton say if she saw the piece. >> i don't know, she would say what i would say, this is tragic and i empathize with what they are going through. and the basket of deplorables and i found that statement to be unfortunate, people like this is who she alluded to. and whether or not it was intended. they are not prospering under the last president or republican president either. it will only get worse. >> smutting coal down 50 percent in the lat eight years. >> they have and the problem is, rather than sitting here saying it is not coming back. but do you train them for a different industry. >> it could come back in a trump presidents see. and get mining back upon up. >> and revitalize the industry.
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she's in the popular with the big bank and globalist and aided and abetted by the corporate media. they want to commit economic suicide by destroying coal production and natural gas and oil to the exclusion of the workers. he wants to put america first. they want to commit suicide in the name of climate change. >> it is political suicide for the democrats, if you are losing the working class men and women. that's why trump is close nothing on pennsylvania and ohio and michigan. and if they are losing those people their map is in jeopardy. >> but they have not earned the vote or deserved the right to keep it when you are stepping on the spine of american families, you should be thrown out. trump is offering a promise of
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something bigger and greater and you need someone who is not been in politic and business as usual. >> a lot of those people in northern minnesota. miners and others who used to be democrats, they were for the working man and now the inner city elitist democrats are for the environmentalist and left the working manning. republicans led by trump can bring a massive new constituent. >> and up next. donald trump. if he won, means hillary clinton would be in jail? is this a possibility? we have a special p report. and later, my man, mike ditka tell its it like it is. operator, getny nasa. i know it is in houston. this is mike ditka. get it done sweetheart.
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>> just three days out from the scomplektz fbi is hot on hillary tail. we are looking at her e-mail and lap top and clinton foundation. remember, last year, president obama said this was not a threat to national security. >> did you know about hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. no. >> you think it posed a national security problem? >> i don't think it posed a security problem but it was a mistake. >> but fox news learned that president obama is wrong. >> her server had been hacked. and that it was a 99 percent
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accrazy that it had been hacked by five foreign intelligence agencies. >> wow. that could be meaning a number of things f. she is elected she could be be the target of blackmail by foreign anxieties and not to mention the legal jeopardy of the fbi. and we have looked in the different scenario. trump is the law and order and looks like hillary is runing for the law. say hillary is elected president and a lot of people oner if she could be impeached? >> she can be impeached but here's the thing. only impeached for things that she does once she is elected and once she is sworn in as president. so all of these things with the clinton foundation or e-mails, she can not be be impeached when
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they talk about impeachment on the table, technically it is not on the table unless she does something in office while president that is impeachable offense. >> congressman don't know what they are talking about. and people are wondering if prison is rolistic for hillary clinton >> i am afraid the bearer of bad news. prison for hillary clinton is a long shot and unfortunately even the new fbi investigations into her mishandling of classified information and multiple investigations in to the clinton foundation by field office system a train to no where and this is why. unless the justice department through prosecutor and convening of a grand jury doesn't get on board, all the fbi can do is investigate. they don't have subpeona power and they don't have the ability to convene a grand jury.
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here's the evidence doj. >> there could be be a special prosecutor appointed, correct? >> that is thorough, yes, that would have to come from the department of justice. and considering that hillary clinton wants to keep loretta lynch on board as department of justice i droubt that would happen. >> what about donald trump. can his justice department appoint somebody and look into the criminal matter and possibly p charge her with a felony. >> that's where we would see progress. if donald trump were to win on tuesday, he takes up a new attorney general and says, hey, let's get a grand jury and movement here on the evident and both on classified and clinton foundation that this is more on the the table. that is a long-drawn-out process and hillary clinton's legal team
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will fight it. and best chance for hillary clinton to see accountability is by donald trump becoming president and appointing a attorney general which may be rudy guiliani. >> and we love that. and real quick, a pardon. and could this happen? and could obama pardon hillary clinton if she is indicted? >> he could pardon her and the question is will he? gerald ford pardoned richard nixons before the charges were put on the table. president obama can do that with hillary clinton. that would mean he's admiting she's guilty and it was republican ares that took down nixon. >> president obama pardons turkeys all of the time. he would have no trouble pardonning hillary clinton.
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>> i spoke to it him recently. and here's what the coach said ñ(5
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. >> we like just having coach ditka in the white house, am i right? >> donald says what he says, and he says what he thinks, you know? said pity them, and help them, it's time we cheer for doughers aachievers and those people who recognize the problem and do something about them. in other words for winners and leaders in life. do you know who said that? >> who said that? >> vince lombardi. >> probably the only coach that might have had more success than you. it reminds me of kaepernick. you know? this guy not standing for the
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anthem, he's celebrated. these guys in college can't wear halloween costumes, no one likes to get their hands dirty in this country anymore. do you think donald trump can blast through this pc nonsense and set the country back on the right course? >> a lot of political correctness is going to kill us. america is america. we had to make tough decisions throughout the history of our country. people don't want to stop and understand that. nobody likes war. nobody likes the things that come with it. sometimes, it's necessary. you've got to knock the bully on his ass. >> it's not just you that endorsed donald trump, you have iconic coaches like bobby knight and lou holtz. what do you see, as talent evaluators as looking at donald trump as potential commander in chief. >> looking at athe situation, what needs to be done, how are you going to do it?
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that is the same thing that happened with coaches, bobby and lou. they looked at the situation, they went into their indiana and notre dame, they said here is what we have to do to make this situation better. i did the same thing with the bears. it comes down to good people, i don't care who the coach is, if you don't have good players you're not going to succeed. and i think it can be a in a better place. >> one place that needs to go into a better place is the city of chicago. trump is a law and order guy. what would you like to see done in that city? it's just lawless now we have a
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lot of people who don't want laws and don't want to abide by anything. do you get a hard time for supporting donald trump from your friends or colleagues or do they let you do what you do because they're terrified of you? >> jesse, do you think i'd share what those people said about what i think? make the choice, and live witness. i'm in the telling anybody to do anything they don't want to do. you've got a choice, go do it. don't bother me about my choice. i've pretty much made up my mind. >> what is your instinct telling you? >> i think he's going to win.
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i really do. >> coach, thank you for joining watters world and congratulations on the chicago cubs. >> thank you, jesse. >> what a great guy. so, i know you guys hate to admit. make you guys choose. live television. kimberly guilfoyle. what is going to happen on tuesday? >> i think america is going to be made great again. very a feeling he's got the late breaking momentum, numbers are among. he needs a couple more days. >> i think trump and i think he's going to rewrite the map in ways pep don't expect. working class men and women are going to come out for him. >> and you? >> close one. the woman's vote is important. two things happen. melania spoke, a classy first lady, a female immigrant and i'm uncomfortable with a
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presidential candidate with a musician that calls women bitches and hoes. >> unlike everybody here i did not smoke a crack pipe before i came on here. i think that hillary clinton. >> can i not wait to play tape of that. >> i cannot wait. >> don't forget, crack is whack. >> justice with judge jeanine is next. and remember, i'm waters and this is my world. next. follow me on facebook, twitter, instagram, remember, i'm watters and this is my world. hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day.
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dads don't take sick days. dads take dayquil severe: the... ...non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy... ...head, no sick days medicine. wow. college already yeah! we gotta go ♪for all the truth that you made me see♪ ♪for all the truth that you made me see♪ i love you. ♪for all the joy you brought to my life♪ i love you too daddy. ♪you're the one who saw me through♪ ♪through it all and thanks...for, everything. ♪you were my strength when i was weak♪ ♪you were my hopes when i couldn't speak♪
8:59 pm
i've never been #1 in anything until i put these babies on. now we're on a winning streak and i'm never taking them off. do i know where i'm going? absolutely. we're going to the playoff. allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because
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of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me. right now on justice. >> how about if she's running the country? she can't run an e-mail. >> a surgeon donald trump storms through the ever tightening battleground states. >> i want to be the president for everybody. >> while hillary dances under the florida rain drops, but will it rain on her parade on tuesday? late breaking news on the changing electoral map. plus, donald trump jr. headlines an all-star line-up joining me tonight. then -- >> if he doesn't win, what are you going to do? >> crawl up a in a ball and be sad. >> the faithful


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