tv Outnumbered FOX News November 6, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PST
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sunday. hope you'll join us then with the latest buzz. we'll look back at the campaign and the coverage of the new administration. we're live all day. a special edition of "outnumbered" begins right now. fox news alert. the finish line is in sight. can you see it? we are counting down the hours to election day. hillary clinton, donald trump making their final arguments to america. this is a special edition of "outnumbered." here today sandra smith, meghan mccain, democratic strategist julie roginski and today's hash tag one lucky guy. the senior writer for the weekly standard steve hayes is here outnumbered. that's the seat he's, in but he's our friend and we're glad to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> we have a rock and roll show. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> this is the final sprint to the finish. donald trump is testing his appeal to voters outside the gop heartland by holding rallies today in iowa, minnesota,
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michigan, pennsylvania, and virginia, states won by president obama four years ago. hillary clinton is in pennsylvania, ohio, and new hampshire, traditional battleground states where some polling has shown either she is locked in a virtual tie or now trailing trump. in florida late yesterday the democratic nominee hit with a deluge of rain but kept making her case through the rain drops. >> now, my friends, you are a hearty bunch standing out here in the rain. i don't think i need to tell you all of the wrong things about donald trump, but here is what i want you to remember. i want to be the president for everybody, everybody who agrees with me, people who don't agree with me, people who vote for me, people who don't vote for me. >> i think she was laughing at the rain there. i don't know. in denver last night donald trump took a swipe at the recent changes in his opponent's travel
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plans. as clinton has now added a monday stop in a very blue michigan. watch. >> i know hillary all of a sudden she's making all of these trips. she's going all over the place. she was supposed to be home sleeping. michigan was never really in play for a republican, but you know what? it's in play for us because all of their cars are being made now in mexico. >> senior national correspondent john roberts is traveling with the trump campaign bringing us the news from sioux city, iowa, a state mr. trump hopes to flip tuesday. good to see you, john. >> reporter: hey, good to see you too. about 5,000 people should be here at the convention center in sioux city for the donald trump rally which begins in about an hour's time. some tense moments in the campaign trail yesterday in row know wh reno when for the second time secret service agents jumped on stage to protect the candidate. it happened in ohio in march
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when somebody tried to rush the stage. yesterday somebody at the front of the rally started yelling gun, gun. a senior security aide told me what seemed to happen was a protester was trying to take something out of his waistband. the people who were gathered around him were trying to figure out what he was trying to do, was it a sign or was it potentially a weapon. somebody thought it was a weapon and started shouting gun. that's when security came over the fence, put the guy on the floor, and hauled him away. austin crites said all he was trying to do was pull out a sign that said republicans again trump. he said he's a life long republican but he can't support donald trump in this campaign. in the state of nevada, donald trump has got some work to do. he needs to counter a massive surge in hispanic votes that have come out in early voting. with that rally last night appealing to voters in washo county and elko in the northern part of the state to get out on election day and put him over the top. here is what he said.
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>> reno and northern nevada can carry this state and can carry us all the way to washington and the white house. this will be our last chance, but don't let crazy, broken harry reid and his corrupt political machine decide this election for you. >> reporter: if donald trump hopes to win the white house, he needs to win all five battlegrounds that he currently leads in plus the state of florida plus the second congressional district in maine. he's also tried to expand the map at the same time going to states like minnesota. today he's also going to michigan and virginia. you know, at this point it looks like this could be a close race, so that again raises the question if it doesn't turn out in donald trump's favor, will he accept the results of the election? chris wallace put that question
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to his running mate, mike pence, earlier today on fox news sunday. let's listen to that exchange. >> can you guarantee he'll put this behind us and accept the results? >> the campaign -- yeah, the campaign has made it very clear that, you know, a clear outcome, obviously both sides will accept, but i think both campaigns have also been very clear that, you know, in the event of disputed results, they reserve all legal rights and remedies. >> reporter: and early voting ends in the state of florida today. all the counties will be wrapped up by this evening, harris, and what we're seeing now is in the overall tally between absentee mail-in votes and in-person votes, democrats have a lead of 32,000 in their registered voters coming out. that is much better forerepublicafor republicans in 2012 when they were behind by 110,000, but they still need to get a lot of people out to the polls there on tuesday, so that's why donald trump will be going back to florida again tomorrow. in total he's doing ten events
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in ten states between today and tomorrow. very busy travel schedule. harris? >> and it's interesting because what you're alluding to is the intensity of votership down in florida for donald trump versus hillary clinton when you look at how many are registered at this point. we appreciate it. thank you so much. the news continues now. let's go to hillary clinton who is starting her day in the battleground state of pennsylvania. later today she'll head to ohio and new hampshire where she'll focus on energizing voters who usually support the democratic nominee, but apparently they need an extra boost at this point. senior political correspondent mike emanuel is live from philadelphia. >> good afternoon to you. hillary clinton is expected to make a couple unannounced stops before leaving philadelphia. she's on her way to church right now and then will head onto those other key states. the clinton team is sending additional resources to michigan. i should note hillary clinton was just in michigan on friday. her husband, the former president, will campaign there today. president obama will rally support there tomorrow. michigan is typically a safe
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state for democrats, but perhaps there is something there to watch. her running mate, tim kaine, is also in the midwest today. he's in wisconsin, and he talked to supporters about finishing the job. >> if you're trying to do something for the first time that's never been done, you're trying to, you know, be a path breaker when it's never happened, you have to assume that it's going to be tough, making history is tough. doing things for the first time is tough and that's why we have to stay disciplined and battle all the way to the end. >> reporter: last night here in philadelphia hillary clinton had some more celebrity help in the form of katy perry doing a concert for supporters here in the city of brotherly love. perry told young supporters there is no excuse for sitting this election out, and clinton paid tribute to the pop star for her message of toughness. >> when you get knocked down, which everybody does, what matters is get back up.
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stand up for what you believe. know the power of your own voice. it can change the world. >> reporter: clinton is not done here in pennsylvania. she's going to make two stops here tomorrow, including a rally with the president and first lady here on election eve, and, harris, may i just jnote, i'm truly jealous of steve hayes. he is one lucky guy. >> you're so sweet. we're jealous of you because we like to be out in the field as well. maybe we'll swap sometimes. >> come on down. >> i hear the water is warm. let's start with pennsylvania. at first i was a little baffled, but i saw earlier on fox news we were talking with a member of the campaign for clinton, they're pouring all their eggs into pennsylvania because they think if they can stop trump there, what happens? >> i would say pennsylvania and michigan, right? they seem to be -- >> well, michigan is another story because of the black and poor vote there, but yeah. >> trump has targeted
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pennsylvania in particular, also michigan sort of from the beginning. his argument has been i can win this, you know, down-scale vote. people are frustrated with the economy in places like pennsylvania, in places like michigan. that's going to propel me to victory. we're seeing now the clinton campaign say this is where we're going to stop you. this is where we're going to keep you from building momentum to take you through tuesday. i think what's interesting in michigan in particular is hillary clinton has been back up on the air with these scorched earth ads going after donald trump, really taking it to him, and it suggests to me that there must be something in the polling that they are seeing, that the clinton campaign is seeing, to spend as much time as they're spending there. >> what could it be? >> i think it's fair to conclude they see the race tightening in michigan in particular. >> very interesting. the economy is really motivating a lot of people. >> that's what this election is coming down to. when you talk about the black vote and the black unemployment rate in this country is
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basically twice the national average for unemployment, that's a huge issue, and especially in some 69 midweof the midwest cit. looking down in florida speaking of the black vote and the turnout, not what it was for obama. where are you most worried if you're donald trump right now? >> i mean, i think he's been competitive in florida. the early vote suggests he's outperforming what was happening in 2012. i think the problem for donald trump, and we're seeing it reflected in his travel schedule at the end, he can't focus on just a state or two. he's got to try to get to six or seven different states whereas hillary clinton thinks she can say if i stop him here and stop him there, i block his path to 270. >> interesting. all right. well, one thing we haven't talked much about is the weather. they both have their own planes so they can skip around town basically all the way through tuesday as we look at the national map. the weather looks good for tuesday night. who do you think it benefits? >> the weather being good?
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>> yeah, because that means more people will get out to vote. it's a thing. we talk about it. >> i keep having flashbacks to the final four days of my father's campaign where we did 24 hours straight on a plane, and this for any campaign, both campaigns right now, to say this is like ultimate mode, where you're running on adrenaline. i don't think they care. i think they're just going through the motions. i know how exhausted these people are and their teams are. i always wonder what the final days of rallies does other than excite your base and try to keep up the momentum and appearances for each candidate. i kind of think the cake is baked to really a very large extent at this point. >> all right. so we do have some states where we will have game day voting, where they didn't have early in-person voting. pennsylvania is one of those counts. you ask why they would have a rally. hillary clinton was doing the concert thing because in part when you give away free tickets you're able to do what? you can get information from that person. you can mobilize that person.
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you can organize that person to go out and vote. we're still ahead of election day. so that's a thought. what do you think? >> definitely, and pennsylvania is exactly as you put it, a place where there is no early voting. they have to get them to the polls on tuesday. she has to do well in places, philly alone, but not just philly, bucks county, montgomery county. that will make or break this election. that's where, i have talked about this before, white college educated women tend to live. a demographic that's traditionally gone for republicans. it went for romney by six points last time. she's up according to "the washington post" by 27 with that demographic. that's what she's focusing on. that's why you're seeing her appeal on specifically women's issues. that's her firewall, the white college educated women that live in those -- >> you're really hung up on this. you say this on every show. >> i think that's a large part of what determines this race. something else that determines this race like you have seen in clark county and broward county,
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florida, is latinos. whether they're surging for her or surging against trump. what you see in clark county, nevada, is that nevada is essentially precluded for trump unless he has a miracle on election day. >> it's an excellent point about the latino vote. was it him to mobilize people to vote against him with some of the things he said or maybe she did something to get them on her side? but what would that have been? >> she said -- she gave a stump speech and said we're all coming out and you're voting for me, for my agenda and in reality the opposite is more likely true. people are voting against trump. >> excited to be here on a pre-election special edition sunday of "outnumbered" and on election day fox news channel is the only place to be. you know that. from dawn until the wee hours of the next morning. we will have coverage from across america and the very best analysis for you, and we want you to be part of our election night coverage, so if you voted
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or are getting ready to vote, post your picture on facebook, twitter, or instagram with the hash tag fox news 2016. you could see it on air on election night from our brand new super fancy studio, super fancy, super fancy. okay. less than 48 hours until election day. hillary clinton is holding onto a fragile lead in most of the polling. but they also show, those polls, that donald trump appears to have other advantages. what could mean at the ballot box. and donald trump appearing to show his softer side kissing babies and doting on his wife. whether that could give him a boops with the wom boost with the women voters. and we are waiting to hear from trump for the first time today. a rally in iowa as we're fewer than 48 hours from the first poll opening where you go and vote. we'll bring you that live when it happens. stay with us.
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fox news alert for you. polls showing hillary clinton is holding onto a fragile lead ahead of election day. but donald trump appears to have other advantages right now. the real clear politics average of polls has clinton ahead by two points. but when it comes to enthusiasm and interest in the election, trump has the lead. new fox polling showing more of trump's backers say they strongly support their candidate than clinton supporters. 71% to 65%. they also show trump supporters are more likely than hillary's to be extremely interested in the race, 63% to 54%. what do you make of these numbers, steven hayes? >> to go back to harris' question earlier about the weather, that suggests if hillary clinton -- she had like a good weather day. >> of course. >> get people who aren't as
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intense out to polls and potentially to support her. look, i think it's very true that donald trump has intense support among his most ardent backers. we've known that for a long time. the question is how many of them are there? polling suggests in the past couple days that she seems to be building a lead, the national polling, abc is up to five. >> is there one in particular where you say that might be -- >> the abc/"washington post" poll has bounced around quite a bit over the last few weeks. >> the last week. >> it had tightened considerably to basically a virtual tie in the aftermath of the comey letter and all of the discussion, but she seems to be now widening her very narrow lead, if that's to be believed. >> you know, the one thing i want to say about that poll because that poll has an interesting statistic. you said it's five points which is she's up by five, but also 55% of her voters support her
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and that's why they're voting. 43% of his voters support him. the rest are just voting against her. so she seems to have more affirmative support for her voters than he has affirmative support for him among his voters. whether that makes a difference in terms of enthusiasm, whether they're motivated to vote, i don't know. trump voters are motivated to vote because they just hate her. it's all about the get out the vote mechanism. she's got a good ground game. he does not. he left it to the rnc to take care of. he shunt have done that. he should have built his own organization. >> i'm glad you brought that up. the rnc in the last few days have said where they are with getting out the vote is about 12 million. they were about 11.5 last time around in 2012 but that doesn't mean that's for donald trump. whenever i see that report i'm like but that's for everybody that they're doing that to. we don't know what percentage
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that donald trump really has access to or benefits from from those door knocks. >> it's down ballot as well. >> you who was has really benefited at least my father in arizona are these obamacare premiums. a lot of voters seeing how high it's gone. a girl i perm personally know, almost as much as her mortgage. hillary is an extension of the same except as governor huckabee said on steroids. people don't necessarily know what they're going to get with donald trump but they know they don't want to continue on with obamacare premiums and everything else. >> you say the cake is already baked. with this narrow margin, who do you think it goes to? >> i do not want to read the tea leaves in this election. i have been wrong every single point all the way along. i think it's going to be a very late night. my question is to go back to i know what it feels like to be on an election night when you lose. if either of these candidates lose, i didn't even explain it properly, but it's an assault to
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your senses in a way that i cannot describe, and you have to be stoic and traditionally a statesman or a stateswoman. if i know donald trump and he ends up losing, i see him going nuclear and i see his fans and supporters going nuclear and i don't think it ends on tuesday night. >> can i say something relevant about your father's situation and i'm not speaking for him but i'll use it as an example. when you have the ramirez or john mccain, what john mccain -- i'm using him as an example. he's pulling his supporters. jaiment h john mccain has identified his supporters. if john mccain leads donald trump by significant margins in arizona so those are voters that may be voting for hillary or evan mcmullin or johnson. that's not good for trump. what trump needs to do is pull his voters. if he's relying on the rnc or senate races, they will put voters beneficial to their senate races, not necessarily --
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>> i would think so. they say they're giving him access to certain things. we just don't know the percentage of that. real quickly, money on a ground game. we know that donald trump in the last day or so has said he's going to be spending some cash on a ground game. what can you buy? >> you can't rent a ground game at this point. you have to build a ground game. you have to have the network in place and julie is exactly right. >> money does talk. >> you have to have people that are for you, not just republicans generically. there are signs pointing to erosion in hillary's blue firewall. she's adding stops to states that have voted democratic for years. what that says about her campaign's possible concerns at this point. plus, the new questions the democrat is facing after more of her e-mails were found to have contained classified information. the fox polls that show how much this issue is still hurting her.
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and four lines for just 160 with no surprise overages. all on america's best network. fox news alert as we're watching some things now. this is one of them. with fewer than 48 hours until voters head to the polls, we're awaiting remarks from hillary clinton ast a church in philadelphia. senator cory booker will introduce her. meanwhile, we are seeing growing questions about whether hillary clinton's electoral firewall is crumbling. that firewall consists of six states, colorado, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, virginia, and new hampshire. you know three of those she's trying to hit today. states that reliably vote democratic or have been solidly in clinton's camp throughout the election cycle. but polls show the race is tightening in those states in particular forcing hillary to spend the last few days
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criss-crossing them and to spend millions of dollars on ads. donald trump's campaign is pushing hard in those states as well. he says michigan is in play, but clinton's campaign chairman john podesta, says they feel confident, and it's all about voter turnout. watch. >> most people vote on election day in michigan, so our schedule has been oriented to being in the early vote states in, you know, in the earlier period of time. now we're going to michigan, to new hampshire, to pennsylvania where they do it the old-fashioned way, everybody votes on election day. we feel like we got a lead in michigan. we want to hold onto it. and we think we can do that. >> so you heard me talk about it earlier. game day voting because that's the day. they didn't have in some of these states early in-person voting. talk to me a little bit about michigan. >> yeah. i mean, like we were saying earlier, i think michigan is a place where the internal polling sku suggests that it's tightening. you're seeing it born out in the
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campaign activities. >> can i ask you a question, why isn't donald trump going there first instead of minnesota? >> i don't know. i don't understand the minnesota stuff honestly. he canceled -- he had a rally scheduled for today in wisconsin, which he canceled. he added this stop in minnesota. republicans haven't done well in minnesota. maybe they're seeing something. maybe this is a spaghetti against the wall last three-day strategy, but i don't see what good a stop in minnesota -- i will be stunned if donald trump wins minnesota. >> but it's clear that pennsylvania and michigan are sore spots potentially for hillary clinton. >> there's a lot of sore spots right now. going back to your original comments when we started off the show giving us your personal look inside the campaign schedule, how much are they altering their schedule hour by hour as they look at this polling, especially tightening in some of the midwest states? >> i mean, it can happen. again, i don't understand the minnesota thing either. i would be hammering all the swing states. i would actually be going to
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arizona if i were him. it's still in play. funnily enough, when we were talking about her campaigning with cory booker, she's bleeding the african-american vote. there's not the same enthusiasm with him. i wonder if she regrets picking tim kaine. he's been so boring. bringing in enthusiasm. looks like she may lose virginia. cory booker looking pretty good right now? just saying. >> we have the picture up moments ago, and i said cory booker was going to introduce. you love senator booker. >> democrats love him. >> why didn't she pick somebody younger, a person of color. >> he's a client. >> you like him because he pays you too. gee doesn't pay me more but i know him and i love him. >> why not pick somebody like that? >> i was supportive of cory booker but that's because i
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personally love cory booker. i think that what she's doing right now in places like pennsylvania and philly with cory booker, this is a get out the vote operation. this is not because she's nervous about philly or pennsylvania. pennsylvania, i said this before, it's like lucy with the football. the republicans fall for this every time where they pull the football away. they're like charlie brown and lucy pulls the football away at the last second and they fall for it every election cycle. haven't won pennsylvania since '88. demographically pennsylvania has become much where virginia is trending to be -- >> it's not -- >> people think it's a different election because everybody thinks every cycle is a different election. it's not. >> this one really has been different. >> it is rhetorically, but demographically how does donald trump appeal to people in inner city philly? what about donald trump would appeal to somebody in subucks county, pennsylvania. >> i don't think i have watched enough "peanuts" so understand the lucy with the football.
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>> charlie brown comes and she pulls it away. >> the state department finding two more of hillary clinton's messages contained classified information. according to redact ee eed vers released friday, it did not contain markings at the time but voters don't seem to be giving her a free pass. a new fox news poll showing 21% of independents say the renewed fbi probe into hillary's e-mails makes them less likely to vote for her. and check this out. 59% of likely voters say her use of a private server still bugs them. and a short while ago chris wallace put this to clinton's chief campaign strategist. >> do you think the fbi announcement now a week and a half old has hurt clinton? >> no, i don't. i think it only occupied a lot of air space, but i think, you know, we've been knocking on doors. we have had lines all weekend at our phone banks of people
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waiting to get in. we knocked on 2 million doors this weekend. i think where you're seeing the enthusiasm is in the early vote. >> we were all -- we all -- >> he's a smart guy, he's a good poll pollster, but come on. he doesn't think what happened over the past week hurt hillary clinton? it's the kind of spin you expect to get on the weekend before the election. clearly it's hurt her. you know, what we found is ever since bernie sanders said that he didn't care about her damn e-mails, the majority of the american public actually does care about her damn e-mails in part because we've seen her be consistently dishonest about what she did and why she did it. >> was that a reference back to bernie sanders saying he didn't want to talk about those damn e-mails? >> yes. howing people do care. latest fox news poll, how concerned are you these scandals will have a serious effect on the candidate's administration if elected, 46% said very in clinton's case to 32% in trump's
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case. not at all, 16% clinton, 26% trump. people care. >> of course they do. i care because i know what's going to happen if she gets elected. they'll have investigation after investigation. of course it's going to have an effect. you have a republican house and jason chaffetz is already saying he's going to investigate. if she wins, ultimately it's going to happen. both you and joel benenson who i also have to disclose is a friend also, but can be right about this, and the reason he can is it could have had an effect, maybe they have internal numbers, i don't know, that shows it's now stabilized -- >> that's interesting. >> i don't know the answer to that. i'm not privy to their polling but it could have had an effect and then the voters came home back to the democratic party potentially. he could be right as we sit here today. >> meghan mccain, you have been there with your dad when he has run time and time again and things come up late in the campaign and what are the discussions like behind the scenes that kind of get you to then move forward?
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>> like moving past -- >> whatever is going on. >> it was a lot of alcohol and prayer. >> the best way to live. >> that comes up for campaigns all the time. they're usually not fbi investigations. >> i think each campaign is a reflection of the candidate's personality. hillary clinton is uptight, closed off, and not very fun. donald trump seems like he's still having a great time. he's got his family out there. calling his wife baby on the campaign trail. i think it's all a reflection of the candidate's personality. it doesn't matter how many jay z, beyonce, katy perry people come out to act like they're excited about hillary clinton. millennials just aren't. i find it fascinating they're maybe opting to stay out. college educated voters, you're obsessed with them. i'm obsessed with them. single women. i'm interested to see if they end up coming home to her or if they just pull the lever and say i'm going for trump. >> there are some other people in the race though. >> did you know the sunday before the election did you know
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he was going to lose? >> no, but i was blissfully naive and you have to be. you have to only see success. >> i like that. >> did he think the sunday before -- >> there were people before him that did know but i was like ride or die. >> that's how you were supposed to use. >> you were -- >> you have to be in a vacuum. you really do. it's like being in a foxhole of some kind and your campaign becomes your extended family, and so you're together and you're like this will never end, we're going to keep going but i know for the romneys it was the same way. so much so they had hired fireworks to go off in boston at the time that they paid a lot of money for. if you believe in something the way trump clearly does, i don't know if i would say the same thing about hillary, but you're got nothing to believe that it's over. even when you get the results it's hard to believe it's over. >> donald trump appearing to show the softer side in the final days, kissing babies and doting on his wife. what he was overheard saying to
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melania and whether it could help him with female voters. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads... here... here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play.
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now that fedex has helped us we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here... no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. in the final sprint to election day, donald trump is starting to show his softer side two days after melania trump
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spoke in pennsylvania. she hit the trail again to introduce her husband at a rally in north carolina. afterwards he hugged and kissed her and listened to what was overheard on the mike. >> ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to my husband and the future president of the united states of america, donald trump. o >> oh, baby. >> did you catch that? he said oh, baby, as he thanked his wife. he gave a shout out to the rest of his family calling his son eric, my boy. >> i have my boy, eric, and his great wife laura who comes from this area, right, right alongside. >> and at a rally earlier in the day the republican nominee brought a baby up on stage and kissed him on the cheek. watch.
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>> oh, look, a future construction worker. look. look at that baby. he's so cute. oh, give me that baby. future construction worker. they did a great job. wow. that is a great beautiful baby. congratulations. >> a little halloween outfit. >> don't rain on our -- >> this is one of the things people love about politics. it's like the -- >> why did it take him so long? >> i don't know. >> where has melania been? >> she's an asset to him in some ways. i would have preferred a lot more ivanka, a lot more melania. >> where did they go? >> at the end of the campaign people get almost punch drunk, maybe in some cases actually drunk.
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>> fair point. >> at the end they get punch drunk and it's sort of like they're coming to the end -- >> i don't think that looked contrived at all. maybe he's just a lot more comfortable on the trail. but you suggested maybe it's a little too late. >> yeah. i don't think -- if you want to make -- donald trump has been sort of unconventional this whole time, and he's not scripted the way hillary clinton is. we saw in that moment in the rain, people have made a big deal about hillary clinton continuing to speak in the rain as if it's some kind of heroic thing and it's not, but it did show her as -- she looked like she was having fun and she doesn't often look like she's having fun. >> after those women started coming out and talking about allegations made against donald trump, he should have immediately done what he did -- >> sandra said the same thing. >> bring out melania, ivanka. i know ivanka is busy trying to save the brand. if she wanted her father to get elected, she should have come out. i don't know why his two strongest assets, his wife and
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his daughter who is respected universally, are not two people they immediately brought out, why he was doing this himself as opposed to softening his image. kissing babies, all politicians do it. i wasn't rolling my eyes. i thought the baby was cute. >> hard to read your facial expressio expressions. >> well, the construction worker comment. >> going back to your point, melania and ivanka could have certainly been used a little bit more. to suggest they were trying to save the brand would indicate somehow it was dying. >> the brand, if you read articles -- >> i have. >> people -- it's starting to affect -- >> but she's got brands -- >> no, it's starting to affect her brands. >> there's a protest against her clothing line to be pulled out of nordstrom's right now. >> fair enough but right now they're on the trail. could this help in the last couple days? >> probably not. people have very firm opinions about these candidates. you have a higher percentage of undecided voters according to recent polling and it will be
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interesting to see in the exiting polling how many people made their decision in the last week but i don't think you will fundamentally change perceptions. i think americans think they know the candidates and they've got their mind made up in many cases. >> that's interesting. i mean, i hear you say that, and at the same time i know how toxic it is for people to talk about their politics right now. and so i wonder if we have any idea what people are really going to do. i really do. i wondered that for at least since the conventions. the toxicity level is high. >> it is high, but polls are typically in the aggregate polls are typically right and off good sense how people are going to vote demographically. i talk about modeling, that's a good predictor of how people are going to vote. despite the fact that everybody hates everybody else right now, we've become more polarized than ever and it's become more toxic than ever, i think people have a fairly good sense of how they're going to vote. >> so what can bring us
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together? >> alcohol and prayer. >> alcohol and prayer, works for me every time. after "saturday night live" mocked donald trump while appearing to endorse hillary clinton in its opening skit, did the show cross the line? >> these e-mails are very bad for you, hillary. that's why i never, ever use e-mail. it's too risky. instead, i use a very private, very secure site where the one can write whatever they want to and no one will read it. it's called twitter. ♪ lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all.
9:48 am
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>> why not. >> we'll see donald trump in iowa in a matter of moments. we'll carry that live for you. hillary clinton makes two stops today. we'll keep an eye on her. new polling out again today. what we're seeing inn the early vote returns. 48 hours from now polls will be open and 9 minutes there now martha and i will see you on a special edition of "america's newsroom." >> what's the show called? >> special edition, election edition -- you can make it up. two days. >> and peel swe'll see sandra s. new questions about mainstream media bias after "saturday night live" broke its cold open tradition. the skit started as a back and forth between alec baldwin's trump and kate mckinnon's clinton doing a fake tv interview. watch. >> what even is the fbi? >> i'm going to go grab some coffee. >> do you want something?
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>> no, thanks, sweetie. i have never met putin. what is even a putin. >> i'm running to the store. do you need anything? >> i'm good. thanks, sweetie. >> i don't know the kkk. what even is a k? >> i'm going to go for a lunn. do you want to come? >> no, thanks. i'm good, sweetie. >> also had a large back drop of hillary's stronger together logo but nothing representing trump's campaign. near the end of the skit they turn to the audience and ask doesn't all this make you feel gross? then this happened. >> and now it's time to get out there and vote. none of this will have mattered if you don't vote. >> and we can't tell you who to vote for but on tuesday we allnd of country we want to live in.
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>> meghan mccain, not only do you know everything behind the scenes in the political world, you know behind the scenes "snl." you did work there a couple times. >> cut my teeth on live tv. >> were they putting out a clear message? >> normally during election season they're equal opportunity offenders but i think that changed with sarah palin. i think when they had the tina fey impersonation, i always thought it was a little too mean but it had a distinct impact on the american public's impression on her. i think the donald trump impression by alex baldwin is comedically fair but i would prefer had this gone after hillary clinton in the same way. i think it hurts them. when you have donald trump hosting and you're making all these ratings off him and then -- you helped build him and now you want to help take him down. i think it's interesting they're letting their political beliefs fly. >> there was clearly an effort to make fun of donald trump more than hillary clinton. >> if you watch that entire skit, which i didn't think was
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that funny, they brought up the e-mails constantly. it was a whole joke about how you have putin making out with him, the kkk making out with him -- >> you have kate mckinnon thinking hillary clinton in her emmy speech. i'm not giving they are equally azhar shall. >> they did let donald trump host when they wouldn't let -- >> that's whey just said. >> donald trump got to host and nobody else got to host, not ted cruz, not jeb bush. donald trump is a creation of the media. he is where he is in large part because the media propped him up and now they're tearing him down. it's a favorite hobby of the media. they'll prop you up and tear you down. hillary clinton suffered from it during the 2008 election when it was a joke how much the media propped up barack obama. >> harris, we were all watching that together and none of us laughed. it wasn't funny. >> when it's funny, it's funny, and when it's not, it's not. are we shocked that they are in
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hillary's camp? i don't understand the whole i'm surprised to see it. >> i'm not surprised to see it. >> because they did break tradition. they didn't have their typical cold open. >> i mean, i think this is to be expected. on the entertainment side it doesn't bother me as much as it does on the news side. the hillary clinton thing, i think you're right, they loved barack obama and they weren't as favorable to hillary clinton, but the real story here was how the mainstream media really built up donald. they loved donald trump when he was beating up conservatives. they had him on all the time. >> plus he was winning with "apprentice." they love what had he was doing with the ratings. >> he got good raidintings beat up the conservative and then he not the nomination and they savaged him. it wasn't only predictable, it was predicted. >> every network for a year and a half went to donald trump live every time he'd open his mouth when they wouldn't for other candidates because his ratings are good. >> there's no argument there.
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gee played them and he played them. >> i believe "saturday night live" changed in my father's race and has only gotten more left since. >> i hadn't really watched the linear notion of it, but i get it. >> all right. we're two days out. a lot is happening. we can continue to wait to hear from donald trump at his first rally today just two days before the polls open on tuesday. he's in sioux city, iowa, and we will bring that to you live. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. (sigh) my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got... allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands.
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10:00 am
stephen hayes, did you have a good time? >> i did. thanks for having me. >> a lot going on, lots of live events. stay here all day long with fox news channel on this fine sunday. we'll see you back tomorrow, monday, noon eastern. right now a special sunday edition of "america's newsroom." >> thank you, harris. 1:00 here in new york, and donald trump is set to hold a rally any moment now in the swing state of iowa. part of a jam-packed day for him and hillary clinton, both trying to make good news of the map and the remaining hours until election day. don't change your channel. it's sunday afternoon and we say hello to you because there's two behind us. we have finally reached the two day mark. i'm bill hemmer. how are you doing? >> i'm great. how are you? >> fantastic. >> happy sunday. 48 hours to go in this whole thing. i'm martha mccowan. we're thrilled hur with us today. donald trump about to step on the stage in his first event of the day. five states are on his college. in rest for the weary out
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