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tv   Americas Election HQ  FOX News  November 8, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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so far we're dry in columbus, thank you for joining us. >> we'll take the clear skies, in the meantime, it is an exciting night no matter where you are. america's election head quarters starts right now. >> hours from now we'll start making calls in states across the country learning who will be the next president of the united states. so the presidential presidential hopefuls did something today that several americans will also experience, stepping into a voting booth and voting for themselves. donald trump did that at a public school, and hillary clinton did so in her home state. one will celebrate in the big apple, and one will concede
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tonight. at least that is the plan. carl cameron and jennifer griffin. >> hi, martha, we're in the javits center. it is an engineering feet of steel and glass, and the clinton campaign chose it today because if she wins, and she breaks through that ultimate glass ceiling, this is the backdrop they choose for her to make her remarks tonight. he have be the only person speaking on the stage behind me. she voted early this morning. she got home very late last night from that last midnight event in raleigh, north carolina. they decided to end after having that all-star turnout shows just
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how nervous they are about north carolina. it is very, very close there. they have seen michigan in a free fall in recent weeks. that is why so much attention was bade to that state which is typically democratic in the last hours by the president, hillary clinton, and other senior democrats showing up in michigan. they think they may have been able to squeak it out, but they said they were really hurt in michigan by the comey letter. donald trump will watch the results at a hill tton holl teln midtown manhattan. so what's up with the lawsuit we just heard about in nevada? >> we heard about this on saturday and complained about
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it. said he didn't think it was appropriate, donald trump did. what they're alleging is that when the time came to close the polls, excuse me, in clark county, nevada -- las vegas, they cut the line at where ever it is and additional people are not allowed to be added. mr. trump is saying in addition to the people in line at that time, others came and were allowed to vote as well and that would be a violation of the rules that clark county and nefds have on their books and those votes would have to be somehow removed from the count. we're here on 52nd street. behind me is the hilton hotel where trump will have what he hopes will be a victory speech tonight. this is mostly for the media, we don't have a lot of logistics worked out yet. the trump campaign is
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notoriously late in the game with giving their planning, but the planning they hope will matter will be in the battleground states -- back where the polls were the narrowist, in picking up the last 270 electors. he campaigned last night past midnight, and pence and trump were able to say it's officially november 8th, go home, take a nap, and go vote if trump did that. he took his family with him the press asked if he would concede if he is defeated tonight, and he said we'll have to see which is consistent with the statement he made many weeks ago in the last debate when asked if he would concede when he said he would not make up his mind and keep people in suspense. >> carl, thank you very much. >> both donald trump and hillary clinton clo out the campaign
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pleading for every last vote out there with more than 100 million americans expected to cast ballots today. about 130 million last time around if will be interesting to see if we go north of that number tonight. the election day ground game could make all of the difference out there. mike huckabee is a former presidential candidate, governor of arkansas, supporter of donald trump. welcome to both of you, good to have you here. when you look back, and you think about what carl cameron was talking about is it possible we see a similar situation? >> i think that we're seeing significant voter turnout throughout the campaign, and i'm just like everyone else right
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now reading these early voter turn outs. i think it will be my candidate tonight. i think it is very important tomorrow that we all come together as americans, we're not republicans or democrats. we care about this country, i hope that we will not see a replay of what happened in the year 2000 and that we will all come together form as americans. >> just hold on if you would. okay, we have him. joining me now is the candidate himself, mr. donald trump, great to have you with us today, a special day all around. >> it is, it has been amazing, a whole amazing year and a half. make america great again, that's what we're looking to do, very important. >> how are you feeling today and tonight? >> i feel great. i had a marathon going for the
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last three days as you know with massive crowds and speeches and things, but i feel very good about tonight. we have very good numbers coming out, we'll see. >> we were just listening to carl cameron talk about the lawsuit you brought up in nevada, do you a comment about that? >> i have great representatives in nevada and a lot of other places. they felt it was a pretty bad situation. you have harry reid who plays pretty loose. you know probably better than i know, and they brought a lawsuit and we have to keep the system honest, we have a very, very serious situation with the whole process. i have been talking about the rigged system for a long time. in many ways it is a rigged
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system. you see that from hillary clinton getting off on 33,000 e-mails being deleted, et cetera, et cetera. >> you said in your debate with chris wallace that you would leave us in suspense, is that what you will do? will you accept that decision tonight? >> we're going to see how things play out today. hopefully they will play out well and hopefully we don't have to worry about it. we'll see how they play out. i want to see everything honest. if you look at philadelphia. if you look at st. louis, if you look at chicago, president obama eight years ago was quoted as y assaassa as saying that it is as corrupt as
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can be. i saw it on fox. we have to see thousand is, hopefully everything will be on the straight and up. >> how do you feel about the baseful transfer of power? >> i do love it. i love it, i think it is important. i think it is powerful. i also think that when you see what's going on with hillary and the fbi, the department of justice, when bill clinton goes on an airplane with the attorney general of the united states, just prior to her making a decision, this is unheard of. when the united states congress sends a subpoena to look at e-mails and other material, and they're all deleted, and nothing happens, and they put a four star general in vail.
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general petraeus's life is destroyed. you say it is a system that is broken. >>ly ask you about each scenario. if you win tonight, how will you move forward to heal the rift that many people believe exists in this country? >> i believe it. we're very divided. >> how will you bring it together? >> we have to bring our jobs back first. our jobs are being stolen like never before. the number of factories and plants closed around the united states in the last 15 years. it is unbelievable to look at it. and thousands and millions and millions of jobs that are missing. they are just missing. they were stolen.
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that is one of the reasons i made it through 17 people, i'm doing pretty well right now. and as you have all right stated, we think you're doing well as well. >> so, you know, it is clear that when you want you want to get to work on jobs. >> jobs and the border. we have many things we have to repeal and replace obama care. nobody knows how serious the disaster of obama care is. you have businesses that can't function, they're going out of business. it is hoshlg, deductibles as high as 17,000. it doesn't even work. but on top of that, people have
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to pay so much for it, you're buying something you can never use and obama care is killing our country. it is really hurting our country. >> i think it is clear that people finding out what the premiums will cost. >> before we run out of time, if you lose tonight, what's your next move? >>ly have to see. honestly, look, i want thefrg to be really, really smooth and really, really good. i understand the importance of that. i was very good at history. and i have been using the word before bernie sanders talking about, i guess they all got it from me, it is large ly a rigge system. >> are you saying you do not believe this will be over tonight? >> no, i'm not saying that, i'm saying i have to look at what is happening, at reports coming up. there are reports that when
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people vote for republicans, the entire ticket switches to democrat. you have seen that, it is happening at various places today, it is being reported. you put down republican and it registers as democrat. we have to be careful, we have to see what it is. there is something really nice about the hold paper ballot system. it takes longer, but there is something awfully nice about the old system. you don't worry about hacking, you don't worry about all of the problems that you're seeing. but it's old, time consuming, it takes a long time, but in many respects it's a lot better. >> you say if you lose it would be a tremendous waste of time and your money. what would be your message to all of the millions of people who have come out in support of you. what would you say to those who -- >> they are the forgotten men and women, and i think it would be very disappointing to those women, men, and those families.
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they're tremendous families. they built our country to a large extent. >> thank you very much, best of luck to you and hillary clinton tonight. we'll be right back after this. you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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e. always a lot of excitement on election day and today is no exception. millions of americans are going to the polls, putting their stickers on saying "i voted." it is a proud moment for all americans. the election of our 45th president. only 44 other people have gotten the chance to lead this country. number 45 is about to be elected. and thousands of new voters are brought this year into the
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g.o.p.'s tent into what does that mean going forward? sheer mike pence in michigan overnight on some of the key issues for the new g.o.p. >> the truth is, this election is about even bigger things than their smallestices. on this election day we do well to reflect on that with our neighbors and friends. the simple fact is that this election is also about our security. it is about our prosperity, and it is about the supreme court of the united states of america, don't you doubt it for one second. we have the communications director for the republican national committee, the day is finally here. how are you feeling? do you think you'll have a win tonight? >> i am, you look at the six rallies that donald trump did yet. the energy he has and the crowd
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has. people are waiting hours to be part of history. it is a phenomenal and historic last couple days here for this election cycle. >> i think you're absolutely right, and i think that is true no matter what side of the fence people are on. we have seen a tremendous outpouring of people, many of whom don't normally vote. would you say that that is true? >> we have a lot of voters who have -- and one of the things they have done is really channel that sense of people not feeling like they have been part of the process. they feel frustrated and they're channelling that. they have a vessel saying i'll go to washington, i'll change things up, and they're excited and willing to wait hours and walk miles to just be part of that movement. >> we just spoke with him a moment ago, and i asked him that, what happens if you win,
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what happens to those people, you know? what happens to those people who have been stirred to action, and who have been excited by thought of a trump presidency. how does the g.o.p. answer to them? >> i think not just trump and pence, but maintaining the senate, speaker paul ryan, enacting that change and that solution. i think they all figured out hey, if we get there, if we get this opportunity, if we're blessed and honored to earn the support of so many americans, we need to show that the government can be different and can be reupon sieve. so we need to show all of that pays off into actual results in washington. >> paul ryan has had a complicated relationship with donald trump. part of your job has been to herd the cats in the republican
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party. and if donald trump doesn't win tonight, people will say no wonder, why didn't his party get behind him? >> the party is behind him. there is a few voices out there, sometimes louder than others that drown out the others. you look at the polling results and the state. we're talking about michigan, colorado, pennsylvania, new hampshire, maine, all of this is expnding the map for republicans. we're going to have more electoral votes tonight than we have had in the last two cycles. we will bring millions of people into this process and we'll see a resounding victory in more and more states than obama carried, twice. >> thank you, shawn for your time, good to have you here today. we are starting to hear
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about some of the returns from early voting, but what can we expect when the polls finally start closing across the country? we take a look. there is the map, it will be changing by the moment.
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just a little while ago we spoke with donald trump about what each candidate needs to do to win the ground game. we heard from mr. trump and his feelings about how tight it might be tonight. governor huckabee is a former presidential candidate. thank you for staying with us. i appreciate that. we didn't know exactly when he was going to call in.
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good to hear from him today of course, let's me go to you first, governor huckabee. he does think that the system is rigged as he said many times. do you expect we'll get a clear decision tonight? >> i think we very well may. i have been wrong before. i just got pre-empted by the man himself, it wasn't the first time this year that has happened. something is going on out there this year. it is about the movement and frustrated men and women who are working class, spent a lifetime lifting heavy things, standing on concrete floors, they have nothing, nothing to show for it. there is a few people in the
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country living large. hillary is not being held accountable for the things she has done like letting her maid have access to classified information. that makes people say i don't know what kind of president he might be, but i'm willing to give him a shot because he can't lead this country anywhere but better. >> it is a real sentiment out there that people watch everything that happened, and i know she, the fbi says they didn't find anything in those e-mails, and that is something that i think everybody accepts on the face of it, that's what they found, but there is a feeling of different rules for people in the elite, people in that inner circle whether or not it is in government or on wall street. they used to be represented by democrats, but many people feel
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now that the democrats are the party of the elites and the republican is the party of the working man. >> i agree with both of you that i think there is a real frustration out there. people are tired of the political bickering and people not addressing and caring about the issues they care about, but i disagree with you that they think it is secretary clinton, i think they look at everybody. i think secretary clinton will win tonight because when they look at who will be there for the working men and women, i think she will win tonight. i'm excited -- i'm probably the only one of the three of you that predicted he would win the nomination. i saw a year ago when he was talking about trade. i was excited to hear him talk about it, but when you look at him walking his talk, he doesn't produce. the things that his companies
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produce in this country, he produces some of them in china and mexico and other countries. when he came to michigan he said he didn't like what they were paid. he has -- when he really talks about things that working men and women care about, and whether or not this billionaire can identify with the real struggles that we're seeing working men and women deal with every day, i think in the end that is why secretary clinton will win tonight. >> we'll see. you know people are voting right now. they will be voting after work when they get home. this story is very far from being written. i will be covering the exit polls and these are the things that i'm looking for. people in a lower income class,
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two thirds of the country that is not college educated, who do they vote for? which way do they lean? >> donald trump may be a billionaire, but fact is he got it the old fashioned way. people look at hillary clinton and they realize based on her connection to government, as secretary of state, shaking down governments for hundreds of millions, and we're not talking about the friendliest countries to us, we're talking about saudi arabia where women are deplorableably treated. qatar and morocco. bill clinton and hillary clinton got rich, fine. but they did it because of their connection to government and there's lots of peoples whose only connection to government is getting gut punched by premiums of obama they care afford, and the jobs they worked so hard to
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preserve have disappeared. and there are people that used to make a good living making things in this country, and they're not making them any more. >> thank you very much to you both. we will see what happens tonight, many thanks. >> so it's not just the oval office on the line today, the balance of power in the senate is one of the huge questions when it comes to supreme court nominations and whether or not they will pass. all of that is a huge question. it will be close by everything that we're looking at. we'll look at what outcome might be and what it might mean for the next president. we'll be back with more.
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it is a big night and the balance of power is up for the senate. many candidates are probably jittery right now. it will be close, one to two seats is what most problem n prognosticators say. i spoke with candidate donald trump a few moments ago about whether or not he will accept the outcome in the presidential race tonight and here is what mr. trump said.
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we're going to see how things playout today. we're going to see how they playout and i want to see everything honest. >> joined now by a republican strategist and former folks person. good to have both of you with us, so let's start with trump. you were around in the bush white house. we remember 2000. what is the marker, when does it become something contested and florida becomes a state that everyone is watching, what do you think? >> i was there in the 2000 election and al gore didn't concede right away. it took him close to a month, and i think we have to wait and see what the results are.
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this is a wait and see to the very end and we have to figure out what happens on each of these states. if it is down to 400 or 500 votes, it really gets into this very tricky territory. >> we're seeing things all over the map. but if it is that close, and it comes down to florida, we know they have some issues with what is going on in nevada as well, what do you think? >> it does make me nervous. trump has made up his own rules. he even just said this morning that every poll is wrong. i feel something in the wrong. they all must be getting it wrong. he always has made up his own facts and played by his own rules -- >> he went through the primary process and won the primary process, got the nomination, and ran for president -- >> let's look at the lawsuit ne
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filed in nevada saying they should not be v been keeping the polls open, but the law is explicit. if they're in line, you keep them open. the fact he filed that lawsuit is a precursor. >> when the republicans bring up the fact that there could be voter fraud in other states, they say no, that's not happening across the country, but it should be talked about. a democracy is is not something you can take for granted. you have to push at it all of the time and make sure that everything is honest. we all remember stories about chicago, lyndon johnson, i don't see what is wrong about keeping
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the mag ifnifying glass on it. i think we should have the goal is always zero, but we should -- we should be having equal discussion. >> and discussions in different states where people have been convicted of voter fraud. >> but let's have an equal discussion about voter intimidation. >> you stand by al gore, right? >> yeah. >> we're all good, thank you very much. see you later, so a contentious election season. we'll have more on how the country can move forward after what has been a sling fest. we'll see who will be the 45th president, tonight with more.
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we will speak with chris wallace on the challenges facing our new president, and we will check in with ed rollins, the head of the super pac supporting donald trump. he says it will take a miracle for donald trump to beat hillary clinton. that is coming up at the top of the hour, see you then. both hillary clinton and trump calling for unity in their closing arguments to voters. but how can the country tom kogt after the bruising battle we have seen. here is secretary clinton this morning. >> i hope to be remembered as someone who began to help heal our country, to overcome these
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divides. and you know, a very unfortunate feeling that a lot of people have that, you know, this election was very much filled with nastiness, negativity, and i want us to come together. welcome to my guests, it's great to have you here, thank you so much for being here. how do you heal the country? >> if i -- i would love to be a consultant for whoever wins. i feel like i have some pretty good ideas for what they could do between thanksgiving and christmas. it's not a time when either candidate should go on vacation. it's like a time to say okay, let's figure out a few wakes to start bringing people together. the other thing i would say is for the public, start to get
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yourself in the mind-set that compromise is not a traitorous act. we have a lot of thing that's have been exposed. if the other side comes to the table to make a deal, that's not a traitorous act. the practice for the last 12 years has been not productive and i don't think in the future you will lose an election just because you came to the table. >> let's listen to this from trump moments ago. >> we have many things, we have to repeal and replace balm care. no one knows how serious the disaster of obama care is. it is businesses that can't even function, they're going out of business. the health care -- first of all,
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it is horrible, it is terrible, it doesn't even work. >> this is true for a lot of people. if hillary clinton wins, do we say there are parts that need to be fixed? >> i know ideally the perfect thing to do, martha -- i'm sorry did you call on me? >> yes, i did. >> the perfect thing to do is to compromise, get together, call in the leadership. you call in the leadership and you have to will be willing to play ball on something else. what will you do about the judges? what will you do about immigration? the wars that we're barely fighting getting rid of sequester. if we could see give and take right off, i would be encourages like when bush 43s first call was to ted kennedy.
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barack obama was get eric cantor on the table and say i won, you lost, elections have consequences. that set a bad tone. >> in terms of that process, and how difficult that will be, and i keep thinking about the people we watched that came to these rallies, that feel forgotten, we know the suicide rate has risen among white men in this country. there is a forgotten man in this nation. they will feel empowered. if he loses tonight, what happens? >> i think that both parties have realized they have missed the -- helping out the white working class. the people you're talking about. and it's women, too, having additional problems. there was a big article in the denver slope about women committing suicide. there is help and heeling that needs to be done. the jobs are not coming back
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from china. those types of jobs that have been off shore, they're going south to bangladesh or vehicle nam. in terms of when it happens going forward, we know that people not working, it leads to a lot of anger, understandably so. if you look at joe biden or donald trump, they say the same thing. they're not just in the battleground states, they're all across the country and they will only get more kpas per rated because of the -- i would think you have to not only get jobs, i think you have to carry over to the inner city and give them
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some opportunity. go to the working class gob to suburbs, go to the inner city, i think the trump family has let me know, and trump said it publicly, i think he is moved by what is going on in had the inner city in the last 18 months. i think he wants to help, he sees the potential there, and you can start healing some of the lirifts between the law enforcement and american community -- >> let's hope that they don't forget. >> people also need to remember that government can't solve everything. problems in all of these communities across america, it's not something that just government can do. government can't heal a heart. >> the president has a role that can't be negated -- >> hillary clinton tried to make that case, our children are watching. what kind of example do we want to set, and trump is saying i'll
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make this country great again because our children deserve better. in all of those debates, not one question about early education >> we'll see you later. thank you so much. we're getting ready for some reports about early voting returns. what we can expect when the polls do start closing in a few hours from now. we'll give you a rundown of what to look for tonight. how do you watch all of this as a viewer when we come back?
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that's what everybody wants to know, right? how soon will we know who is the next president? it depends on five key states. vice president joe biden is keeping his eye on the sunshine
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state for one tonight. >> could be a very long night. could be very short. look at florida. when that comes in, if it comes in early, well, we'll have an idea how long we've got tonight. >> polls close at 6:00 in eastern kentucky and indiana. we could be in for a very long night tonight. joe biden didn't help us at all. could be early, could be late. could be one of the two. what do you think? >> it will be either in the 10:00 hour we'll know or after midnight. if it's clinton, we'll probably have a pretty good sense of that before 11:00. if it's trump, i think we will be waiting for votes to come in from alaska. those literally come in by snowmachine sometimes. so what i'll be looking for at 7:00 when the polls first close, i'll be looking at georgia and south carolina to see what the black turnout vote looks like. if it's good or better than it was for obama, that's a good sign for clinton.
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i'll also be looking to see if there's any sign of either campaign sort of going off the rails. everybody thinks clinton will get virginia, everybody thinks trump will get south carolina. this will be the first time we'll have real votes. that's where i'll be looking. after that, 8:00 hour gets interesting. that's when pennsylvania, florida and new hampshire close. florida, most of the state's polls close at 7:00. the panhandle closes at 8:00. by 8:00 we'll have a lot of real data in. i'll be most interested in the orlando area, orange county specifically. there's been a huge influx of puerto ricans in that area. 9:00 hour is when things down on the decision desk will get really hot because we will have
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another 17 states closing. we'll also have earlier states like pennsylvania, ohio, north carolina starting to get ripe, meaning we have enough data in that we might be able to call those. then 10:00 hour we have nevada, which is a very interesting state. we also have utah which most likely will go for trump. we have a third party candidate there that could really muck things up for him a little bit. 11:00, if clinton wins, that's probably when we'll run the whiz bang machine we'll say. hit that magic number, but not saying that's what will happen. >> 1:00 a.m. is alaska which we may be around for. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> thank you much. >> we will be right back.
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a look at the exit polls. they will tell us a lot. i will see you at 5:00 on "the five" with the first round of those. we'll be right back. now let me toss it over to shepard smith. thanks for being with us on election day 2016. here's shep. it's 3:00 on the east coast. after hundreds of days on the campaign trail, thousands of miles traveled and billions of dollars spent, it all comes down to this. by the end of this day we should know who will be our next president. either a billionaire businessman or the first woman ever to hold the office. millions of you have already voted, and before this day ends, millions more will cast your ballots. marking your hopes and your dreams for the future of our democracy. in this hour we have extensive coverage from across the country. we'll take you to some of the most important states in play, like florida, north carolina, ohio on this election day in america. finally.


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