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tv   The Real Story  FOX News  November 10, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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thank you, guys, "america's news headquarters" starts now. we're going live to washington dc to capitol hill where you can' president elect donald trump and house speaker paul ryan sitting together in the u.s. capital at the speaker's office. many thought a moment like this would never happen. that donald trump would be elected president in the first place much less sitting alongside someone he has had a tense relationship with. now it appears to be much better, let's see if we can listen in. it is just wrapping up apparently. a white house briefing is under way, so much going on
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today. josh ernest there for the questions. he also took questions on foreign ols and u.s. military commitments around the globe. all of this after the current and future president met for the very first time. they met promising to work together for an order by transition. here is a pete of that. >> my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successful. >> live for us at the white house, looks like it was a pretty friendly first introduction. >> very friendly. there has not been this much excitement about a meeting at the white house since the pope came a year ago. and this immediating was only
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scheduled for ten or 15 minutes. based on the white house schedule it was really about 30 minutes and 85 or 90 minutes in we were all saying well, they must have a lot to talk about. break the meeting down in two ways. first, the political -- remember they're opposed in keeping this in mind, it was president and president elect trump that made a referendum out of his legacy. they don't agree about obama care, climate change, foreign policy, the iran nuclear deal. and still they had 90 minutes to talk and said this afterwards. i just had the opportunity to have an excellent
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conversation with president elect trump. it was wide ranging. >> we discussed a lot of different situations. some wonderful, some difficult. >> now to the personal side, these are two men that never met before and obviously it was just a couple days ago, 72 hours ago that president obama was saying donald trump was unfit to be president, and at the very end, there was this moment of advice from president to president elect. >> it is never the last one. >> come on, guys. there will be a lot of questions for president elect and president trump in the coming days and weeks. one interesting note, the odd folks to come in and out, lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers are on the north lawn.
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>> thank you so much. gave the president elect some advice. screen left, the speaker's balcony at the capital on the the capital building. if you are driving down the street, you see it is right there, and they're taking a look at where he will be inaugurated in the month of january. what an incredible site. i imagine he must have goose bumps looking at that picture of where he will be inaugurated. we'll bring you more news out of washington when we get it. mr. trump's first busy trip to washington is not just limited to the white house, he is meeting with top republicans who will lead the next congress including house speaker paul ryan. peter deuce is standing by where the house speaker and mr. trump just wrapped up a meeting. what did they talk about this afternoon, peter? >> they were talking, we just
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heard, about the transition. a hangout here for g.o.p. lawmakers, attached to the rnc, just across the street from the capitol hill. over to the capitol building, and we're told that the speaker is showing the president elect the spot where he will be sworn in on inauguration day. we expect them to discuss obama care, building a wall, and other issues that need to be covered before trump is worn in preponderate hour highest ranking officers will have a chance to talk about where they want to start when they don't have to worry about much democratic interference. the democrats will not control any branchs of government here
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in washington. >> did mike pence meet with any democrats today during his time on capitol hill? >> no, the only democrat involved in any of the meetings that we know of is president obama. but we did hear about a phone call that pence had with the house minority leader and speaker, the democratic congresswoman congratulated mr. pence on the win and she said they agree on the need to mind common ground and they will meet in the weeks ahead. and today with these meetings, it is his first step to trying to figure out how to bring it. nancy had positive things to say about working on the new infrastructure. >> the democrats are not going away, they're just not starting
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anything. >> president elect trump has been outspoken about president obama's use of executive orders. we have talked about it a lot, showing to undo certain regulations. san nonis joining us, hello, what is the president elect walking into now. >> president obama vowed to use his pen to sign executive orders and federal sagss to english what he could not through congress it is not over yet. >> i expect in the final days there are people in the administration looking to push regulations out the door and exert every last drop of power they can.
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a letter from the department of education ordering them to adhere on transgender issues orring their federal funding. and the obama administration have broken the record for the volume of rules and regulations added to the register. >> and in the press conference going on right now, they said they would use every moment remaining to advance the president's priorities. we may see more executive orders before all of this is done. so a lot of folks are wondering what we'll use see from mr. trump. >> he wants his administration to strip through tens of thousands regulations and if it is a job killer, wasteful, or unnecessary, they want to get rid of it. >> the obama legacy depended on a hillary clinton victory and he
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didn't get that. so a lot of the things obama did are going away. obama care is going away. the keystone pipeline is coming back in. >> trump showed to "immediately cancel all illegal and overreaching executive orders." >> all right, thank you so much. president elect donald trump is putting together a transition theme much like his own campaign, considered very unconventional. he has a smaller staff, and he has not produced pages and pages of policy proposals. so what can we expect from a trump administration? north carolina congressman mark meadows is on the house oversight committee. donald trump is known for a lot of bullet points and not a lot of specific proposals.
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do you think we will see something more specific from him? or are you in congress going to dust off the old stuff and try to bring it out? >> i think it would be a mistake. you will see a lot of policy, i was on the phone last night with someone close to president elect trump in terms of tax policy and talking to them, about working hand and glove with them, but it's more about a mandate that we get to work on. i can tell you in the last 24 hours we have a number of conservative members looking at the rules and regulations saying what are the things that we could roll back? one was a overtime rule that president obama put in that is suppressing wages already.
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i think you'll see it. we'll have the most productive 100 days you have seen in modern history. >> part of what is interesting is we were reporting earlier that democrats are looking forward to working with trump in part because he supports some of the proposals they do, and that donald trump has brought on democrats and republicans working closer. >> we're reaching out to some of our colleges to say what are some of their prior sis? when we look at creating jobs and rolling back some regulations, there are things we will agree on. there is others like the waters of the usa rule that is a job kill near i think will be right in the bullseye of potential rollbacks. >> as we look at the first 100
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days, reopen nafta, withdraw consideration of the tpp, approve keystone pipeline. billions of dollars and study how to build a border wall along with some of the things you mentioned. can you get all of that done? >> i think you can least make a good started on a a lot of that. i was on the phone with the chairman and we were talking about how conservatives can come together to give president elect trump the aeighty to look at th repeal of the affordable care act on day one. there is some executive orders that would stream line and lower some drug costs. when we look at it, i think you will see on day one, an unbelievable relieve in terms of the job creators, and the
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markets will go crazy at well. >> let me ask you about the use of executive order. how do you feel about him doing it? >> it is not an enround around congress. we have used executive orders back to george washington. there is a whole lot under his per view that hopefully he will be able to get done. >> okay, congressman mark meadows. we're looking at capitol hill for the end of that meeting between mr. trump and speaker ryan. after a slew of meetings as they appear to come out now, including one set to take place with mitch mcconnell, who has been very critical of mr. trump in the past, to hammer out a
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legislative agenda. there you see mitch mcconnell, mr. pence, mr. trump. a lot going on in washington dc, you don't want to miss it, stick around. i'm terrible at golf.
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of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me. it is a whirlwind day in washington for president elect trump. he is right now with mitch mcconnell nap is a shot of him with house speaker paul ryan if they were looking out to see where president elect trump will be inaugurated in january. so let's talk about everything
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we have been talking about all day long. welcome to my guests, guy, there are a lot of divisions in the republican party. they need to you night, they want to you night, how will they do that? >> i think there will be more divisions on the left that just lost big league as someone might say. i think there is an opportunity to come together. if i was a fly in the wall and a nominee and that was a big promise for donald trump on the campaign trail. he will have a job on day one to smemt his legacy immediately and
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start to get trust and reassurance among conservatives, like me, who were skeptical of him. >> the testimonies, looking in the mirror themselves, and they're saying our party needs change and needs to turn leftward. haven't the democrats tried that with president obama and hillary clinton? >> actually, they have pretty much been center left. and the republican party, i honestly think the republicans are very much going to have a large conversation drt he has 4,000 appointments to fill, and the republicans for hillary, johnson, and evan mcmullen, they're saying they're not sure they want to work with him.
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>> everyone wants to sign on with a winner. >> about 120 legislators, national security and foreign policy that -- >> they'll be signing up. i want to ask you, guy, about the tea party movement. they resulted in so much change in washington how do republicans work to incorporate the more traditional grass roots republicans. >>. >> i think by tackling big ticket issues. that is an area we rallied around the anti-obama care flag. we tried to repeal this thing. now there is an opportunity to move the ball forward on that
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issue and others. and people have worried about trump and the republican party. he will be the plt of the united states and he needs the best people around him. >> we're up against a break. let me give you the last word, about 20 seconds. >> i think that president obama set a good foot forward. especially with hillary and her concession speech, definitely seeing what he will propose that is different from his campaign and about having that conversation and looking forward to seeing what is happening in the next few days. >> they're all can calling for unity. thank you for joining us. have a great day. isis stepping up and iraqi forces are battling for control in the city.
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welcome back, the battle for mosul in iraq rages on again today with reports of isis committing new atrocities as they try to maintain grip on the second largest city. right now troops are pauds to regroup. live in irbil, iraq. we're getting mixed cig falls.
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one iraqi official admitted today the government is holding two districts there. another commander calling the fight a nerve racking nightmare. still outside of mosul, a positive picture today, take a look. >> you're looking at the town of bashika. up until this week it was run by isis militants. now in the last few days peshmerga fighters have been forcing them out. >> they were desperate, so it is a very large, fast area, and we're happy to say that none of them could get away. >> this town has been crucial for forces here. it is on a important route in
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and out of mosul for terrorists and the last major town the kurds were responsible for. now they have the dangerous job of clearing the place. a vast network of tunnels. isis uses them for ambushes. by the way, we asked the officer what he thought about the current changes in washington dc and he was blunt. he said the obama administration did not provide enough equipment and weaponry to his fighting men and women and he hoped the future administration would. baghdad not always getting where it needed to go. mr. trump's win on tuesday here at home sparking violent protests across the country. will the president elect be able to bridge the divide and heal our country?
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we'll did bait that, fair and balanced. and democrats and their failure to retake the u.s. senate into where does the battered and bruised party g from here? first here is josh ernest on the president's meeting here today with president elect donald trump. >> i feel confident in telling you that they did not resolve all of their differences. i also feel confident in telling you they didn't try to resolve all of their differences. see me.
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protestors taking to the streets last night to the early morning hours, and there has been a lot of talk about how to move forward as a nation after this bitterly divided election. this is a break down of the electoral map with county by county voting. here are some of the scenes. some people chanting "not my president. when you look at where the protests happen, they were in the small pockets of blue in the large sea of red. so maybe the solution for the turmoil is getting to know our neighbors better. get along. president obama and president elect trump finding someone ground today. they both agreed on the need for
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a smooth transition. president obama urging the country to unite as the incoming president prepares for the challenges ahead. most of all, i want to emphasize to you mr. president elect that we now are going toment to do everything we can to help you succeed. if you succeed, our country succeeds. my guests are joining me now, welcome to you both, great to have you here onset, those are nice words coming from president obama. >> a lot nicer than if this man is elected -- that makes it especially awkward. president obama said we're going to unite, there are no red
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states, new blue states, it happened under president obama, it's a tough thing to do. >> what to the republicans and democrats need to do for a smooth transition and to heal some of the bounds? >> he is the president elect, he ran a very negative campaign. my advice to him is to -- >> hillary clinton calling trump supporters deplorable it. >> hillary clinton is not the president, donald trump is, it's now on him. i would say he needs to do the opposite of what he did. i urge him to inspire hope, not fear. i think he should offer support. >> i think a lot of people, the majority of people, did not vote for him. a lot of people are hurt and having people likely to be in his administration, going around, calling protestors cry babies is not helpful. they're calling them -- >> he needs to get -- >> they're saying this is not my
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country. some might argue that is a little -- college students are getting days and tests off because they're so upset. >> it's the job of the president and the president elect to -- >> pardon me, i want to mention to our viewers, we're looking at los angeles right there. yesterday and through the night we had a lot of protestors, some even closing down the 101 highway nap is a significant free way going through los angeles. we'll bring you more if we get more on this. the popular vote, the second time in 16 years the person coming into the white house lost the popular vote. many would say there are fences to be mended between donald trump and those that didn't vote for him. >> i think it will require more time and action. we'll talk about the people protesting, people are demanding off work, not taking tests, in order to exceed expectations,
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all donald trump really needs to do is just turn out to be not literally hitler. that's how serious -- that's how serious it is. okay? that's how much they hate him. if you hate someone that much, it takes time. >> do you agree? >> i think he has a lot of work to do. and he needs to listen to the opinions of others that he does not agree win instead of shutting them down. >> i'm saying he has a lot of work to do. him not being hitler would exceed some of their expectations. >> does he make a policy -- >> i think part of it, i think he should bring people that voted against him, groups opposed to him, muslims, hispanics, women, into the white house, saying let's try to find common ground and work together. in the opener, we need to get to know each other more and bring the country together, we're one
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united states of america. remember he went to mexico, he said we found common ground, we talked about drug interdiction and things like that. how might thing b.s. in washington with an executive running -- >> that's the same as the tone from his acceptance speech. he just can't go back to some of the more negative stuff, and four years is a long time. >> i want to ask you, president obama was not known for his great relationships on capitol hill. if he went golfing he would bring buddies or stuffers, and some staid he could have gotten more accomplished if he hung out with them more. >> donald trump has huge fence mending to do. him and paul ryan. mcmcconnell, i think he has to go to capitol hill, do something not in his dna which is humble himself.
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if he wants to be effective he needs congress bad. my last piece of advice, stay off of twitter. >> he has been doing a good job recently, certainly. bernard whitman, thank you so much. thank you so much. >> democrats facing disarray in the wake of a republican victory did pick up a few seats in the house, but not nearly as many as they expected or hoped. now house minority leader nancy pelosi is facing whispers about her future. we have more where democrats won back seats but not what they wanted. hi there. >> about 20 -- that would have been a good night for democrats in the house. as it turns out, they reclaimed only about six seats. the 20 they would have hoped for would have moved them closer to a majority. a bad night for democrats.
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they forecasted -- a bad night would have been 12 or fewer, and you can only conclude it was a bad night indeed. in a conference call yesterday they described the atmosphere as like a group sharp session. talk of restlessness in the troops. having said that it is way too early to write any political o beneficiary ware for nancy pelosi who is known as a human pm machine for her ability to raise money as a minority or majority. >> i think she will likely want to return, and i think she won't be challenges seriously. she is very good at keeping the caucus unified and that is not easy to do. she is really good at working with them, talking to different folks, saying okay, how can we get the most unity and how can we work together? >> the best thing that democrats can hope for is that donald
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trump is a clean slate. they know he has been a democrat for most of his adult life, and they know that one of the things he has been pushing for throughout the campaign until election night is a huge investment in infrastructure. that is something the democrats have been very interested in. since the early days of the obama administration. the infrastructure bill is something they could work towards. on that front, however, and he could run into republicans, very much opposed to the infrastructure bill that president obama was in favor of. they are opposed to that, it could be the first inkling of conflict. >> doug, thank you. a former illinois congressman facing new legal troubles. defense lawyers from aaron schock expect him to be
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indicted. there was scrutiny over his spending, including an elaborate remodelling of his office. president elect trump is known for writing "the art of the deal." analysts are now raising questions about how he will negotiate with congress when he takes over. plus stocks surging for a second day after donald trump's victory. is wall street warming up to him? what will it mean for our economy and just as importantly, your bottom line. ♪ . . ♪ hey, is this our turn?
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honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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. . . shepherd smith at the fox news desk. we will speak with a white house correspondent from the "wall
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street journal." she said it was awkward, but not the first time that has happened. that is at the top of the hour. >> after meeting with donald trump today, president obama wrapping up meeting with the cleveland cavaliers. they bested the golden state warriors earlier this year. people from ohio saying getting in see. ohio governor john kasich also at the white house. donald trump has been doing things differently from the get go, and he already has had some out of the box ideas into what if the businessman can't make a deal with congress? we have the founder of turning point usa, charlie, great to see
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you. what will washington look like for a president that doesn't owe anyone anything. >> donald trump got 4% of the vote in dc. he is coming into an environment where people don't like him very much and he ran against the dc political machine. he will have to build coalitions of people in both parties to get some of his agendas passed. he ran on term limits. it will be tough to find people that agree on that. but corporate tax reform, fixing obama care, i think he can build big coalitions and i think he will surprise a lot of people with his ability to bring people together. >> he called it draining the swamp, i say up ending washington. let's look at what he wants to do. he wants to start with a five-year lobbying ban for executive and legislative branch workers. for his transition team, can't
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lobby agencies they used to work for our helped hire people for. he wants a hiring freeze on federal workers except for military, public safety, health, and strike two federal regulars for every one new. it that something he can reasonably expect to get done? >> a lot of the regulations were passed without congress, it was just barack obama with executive -- >> how do you get rid of an executive order? an executive order? >> anything done can be undone. a great exam is what's happening to my business, the new overtime laws. the overtime minimum went from 28,000 a year to 48,000 a year. that is a profound difference. barack obama just said if you work more than 40 hours a week, you have to pay employees time
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and a half. mr. trump can undo that agenda. >> republicans don't have the 60 votes in the senate to overcome a filibuster, democrats will certainly make use of that. how do republicans try to get around that? how does he try to work within the system? >> let's take obama care which is passed with 59 votes, not the 60 needed. they can repeal is under the budget reconciliation act, they can fasz wipass with less than votes. and again, there are some senate democrats, they will be feeling the heat, and president trump, president elect trump is saying that and it is amazing, isn't it? president elect trump can go to the states with democrat senators, ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia, michigan, go to the people that elected them and say your senator is not coming
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on the agenda they want to do. i think they will get a lot done. >> i wonder what the dynamic will be like. trump when he doesn't like someone or something, he calls them out very, very publicly. washington usually have a more subtle style. doing things behind the scenes, how does one work with the other? >> i think there is a lot of advantages to it. i think the american people support the mandate. they want stuch to get done, you can throw a lot of criticisms at trump, one thing they have said is he is done things in his life that are truly remarkable. the american people are just tired of the talk from politicians. i think the dynamic will be interesting. he has a bully pulpit and he can call out senate democrats if he wants to. he has a mandate right now. >> some folks say you have to be careful about assuming too much of a mandate.
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charlie kirk, thank you so much, great to see you. >> a man hunt is under way at this hour for an pennsylvaniaed cop killer in pennsylvania -- ul for an alleged cop killer in pennsylvania. actually, that is now over, we're glad to tell you. officials say that the male suspect in the shooting died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound according to police. a woman's body has also been found. police have not identified the man or the woman. this after two police officers were shot overnight while responding to a domestic dispute. it happened about 3:00 a.m. in a suburb about 20 miles outside of pittsburgh. both officers ambushed as soon as they alirrived on the scene. one officer was wounded. the other has been identified as scott bashiome and he has died. another example of the difficult work our first responders do each and every day. a true hero here just on the b job. how is wall street reacting
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to the election? that's coming up next. our cust. who's with me? i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. ♪ ♪ one, two, - wait, wait. wait - where's tina? doing the hand thing? yep! we are all in for our customers. ally. do it right. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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welcome back. stock markets around the world taking a nose dive on election night when it became clear that donald trump was going to win the presidency. on the days since wall street has been on a real winning streak. it is currently trading at an all-time high. lori rothman is live on the floor of the new york stock exchange. some are now saying that trump and the republican majority could be a boost for the economy. explain. >> well, that's sure what wall street thinks. look at these gains. we're at just about the best levels ever on the dow jones industrial average. we close here, you're looking at the tenth record close for the dow this year. it is remarkable.
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so yeah after that scary drop-off on election night, stocks have come roaring back. it was worth a note the nasdaq is down. it was pretty tough on silicon valley. that's all the technology names out there. keep an eye on that. but really, if you look at the broader economy, which is what the dow jones looks at, which is what you're looking at on your screen, investors are very, very optimistic about a trump administration and his impact on very specific industries outside of technology. let's look at the defense industry. he has said time and time again look for increased defense spending both here and abroad. the banking industry, for what it's worth, financial companies, banks, big and small are the best performers in the last two days. with many of the big names hitting lifetime highs. you've also got an overall corporate tax reform proposal by trump proposing a 15% corporate tax rate. so that unleashes all kinds of growth because they're not going to be saddled with regulation
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and higher taxes. again, this is the whole trump proposal. then the drug industry. this is also pharmaceuticals, biotech names, among some of the best performing industries in the last couple of days because of the expectations that some of these government inquiries into pricing may kind of come back and may not be a factor after all. that's where we're at right now. >> great to see you. and keep those markets up, will you? we like that. a guy goes on a dive looking for sea cucumbers and instead he finds a nuclear bomb that had been missing for decades. oh, my. how did he mistake a sea cucumber for this? we'll tell you about that when we come back. the element of surprise was imperative. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself. and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards it's gonna be a killer honeymoon.
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well, a guy who was diving in the pacific ocean off the coast of canada is now making an explosive claim. he says he found a nuclear bomb on the floor of the sea. he told canadian officials it
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looked a lot like the one pictured here. the canadian navy is now heading there to investigate. the diver may have inadvertently solved one of the biggest mysteries of the cold war. it may be the same one jettisoned from a u.s. aircraft in 1950 just before it crashed. have a great day. here's shep. >> it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 in washington, d.c., where it has been a fascinating day of american symbolism. the president and president-elect met for the first time to talk about the peaceful transfer of power. seemed to go mighty well. this meeting comes after the two men insulted each other really for months on the campaign trail. the trump transition website is up and running with thousands of jobs to fill. look at some of the potential candidates for the top spots in the new administration, some familiar faces there. where do democrats go from here? there's word of chaos and a possible power struggle inside the party as republicans take control of congress and the white house.


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