tv The Kelly File FOX News November 11, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight, it's been less than three days since donald trump became president length trump and for his third straight night since massive protests unfolding across the u.s. some demonstrators suggesting today that they have been saving their energy for this. welcome t to "the kelly file," everyone, i'm sandra smith in for megyn kelly tonight. we have a live look at you miami, fort worth and. festivities being put on hold hundreds take to the streets protesting president-elect donald trump. while things may be tense right now. it was a different story in portland, oregon last night. peaceful protest involving
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some 4,000 people wound up descending into what police designated a full-on riot. [explosions. [. >> police chalk up the chaos to anarchists. tries to stop more destructive forces among them. officers were forced to use tear gas. rubber bullets and flash grenades as demonstrators smashed car windows set dumpsters on fire and began smashing the windows of local businesses. the word capitalism kills reportedly spray painted on one convenience store as other businesses were seemingly targeted at random. that's got some of the folks who work in those vandalized businesses wondering what exactly is the point of all of this? >> how are you making what you're voice being heard by smashing local businesses? when you are literally, knocking windows out of
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small businesses that are struggling as it is it's not acceptable. >> and while organizers and police are asking protesters to remain peaceful tonight, we all know how well that work out 24 hours ago. sheriff david clarke and julie join us in moments on the unrest we are seeing tonight. first, we go to reporter kelsey watts in portland for a live report. kelsey, what are you seeing there? >> >> sandra, a much different feeling here this evening as we begin our fourth straight night of protests here in the city of portland where hundreds of people are gathered at this hour here in front of portland city hall. can you see this crowd here behind me gathering once again before heading out tonight. as you mentioned i think what happened here in the city last nights is really in a category by itself. that's when that protest became a 4,000 people in the streets taking over bridges. even interrupting freeway
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traffic. but, city leaders say it is important to note there is only a small per ebsen damage of people causing damage in the city. broken windows at car dealerships and businesses. walks being then at police. one of my colleagues seeing glass bottles being thrown off of parking structures. by the end of the tonight 25 arrests were made. here in port alan it's been about portland police and city lit gators say they do support peaceful protests but what happened here last night is unacceptable. in fact, the chief of staff came out today to ask peaceful protesters to stay home tonight, to taketh night off in order to stop that ballot i have lent group bent on causes more damage tonight. >> for those the a home who don't believe there should be any protests. one man told them i cast my
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vote and so do you. these need to stop. >> live for us from portland, oregon ont. safe clark, a fox news contributor and impossible arm list clark clark. what do you make of what is happening in u.s. cities tonight as these protests continue news just three nights after donald trump was elected president? >> these are full fledged anarchists. they don't support the constitution. this isn't constitutionally protected behavior. they also advocate for the overthrow of the rule of law here in the united states of america. this is designed to intimidate the trump administration right out of the gate and continue to tim date trump supporters so they uncle big and bold once they take office in january. they cannot be per swazzed on this. one of the themes of law and order. i'm tired of these police executives.
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tired of them tip at thing and itunder lines government can't get their arm around this thing. businesses are destroyed. cars are vandalized and set on fire. people are injured. this has to be scheduled -- to d immediately. you will see more property destruction. people injured and possibly people killed. this must be quelled immediately. >> there are calls, julia, for donald trump to say something and step in here. he really did he took to twitter today and says he loves the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. he says we will all come together and be proud that was nine hours before that he said these are unfair. did the president need to step up and condemn this hour. >> this is constitutionally protected speech in
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protested should they do anything at this point recommendation it's constitutionalfully protest. when they it's rioting. it's not constitutionally acceptable behavior. i'm disappointed about the outcome of this election as well. there is no excuse to destroy private property tore to riot or protest an election that frankly donald trump won. he won the electoral college. he is our president-elect. these people have to come to terms with that. they can protest all they want but there is no excuse to be violent or start rioting or hurt people that had nothing to do with donald trump becomes president and hurt their business. >> i'm sure it would be very helpful to release joiment statement calling on people they want to priftd to protest peacefully and stop rioting. no reason why this behavior needs to happen. i thoif it was very helpful to show that we have a
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transition from one administration to the next. >> look at the crowds right now. prefers in l.a. said they were taking their break and energy forever the week. what needs to be doing at this point? riots and violence we saw in portland last night. what can be done now to stop these? >> well, first of all, president-elect donald trump has to be a little careful here because this is the job of the president of the united states and the constitution calls for only one and jl january 20th that's barack obama. look, these are his supporters. these are people that supported him. mrs. bill clinton. people supported bernie sanders as well. it is their responsibility to reach out and to remind these individuals of the time-honored peaceful transition of power here in the united states. so at least to draw the line. that would at least draw the line and then law enforcement must use all reasonable forces. in milwaukee i have given my
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officers signed off on allowing them to use the rubber bullets, beanbags, put out from projectile and they hurt when they hit you and flash bangs and up to and including tear gas to quell these disturbances. what happens is -- >> --they wear masks. >> you can't let it momentum build. two late after an hour or so when momentum is on their side. earlily on is when they have to disturb these crowds. >> sheriff clarke before you go your name is being floated around as homeland security chief under the trump presidency. a lot of speculation out. >> there well, woe are a long ways from that. i supported donald trump because i thought think country needed leadership. if a president asked me to step up and serve i would serve but i don't think we are there yet. sheriff clarke and julia
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thank you. >> thank you. >> we will bring you any breaking developments if they come. up next we will be speaking to rich lowry about the one great irony of many in the wake of this week's election. david wolfe and matt bennett are here on reactions to the left results is the exact reason why donald trump won the first place. plus, breaking news tonight with regard to trump's white house transition team. with the president-elect tonight, extending an olive branch to a very surprising name. chris stirewalt and mark mckinnon are here on that. >> what's your -- expect me to be? >> i have no expectation. all i do is give advice.
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breaking tonight, for the third straight night, protesters are taking to the streets to voice their opposition to president-elect donald trump. remarkably, it was just a few weeks ago that some in the media were warning that trump supporters would be the ones out protesting and rioting if he lost. watch. >> one "boston globe" headline going viral trump supporters talk rebellion assassination at his rallies. you saw the sound bite we ran earlier. you have been to these rallies. how dangerous is this? >> he is fueling a toxic
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movement of rebellion and insurgency. so donald trump will lose and he will then destroy the republic can party. the frightening question question is what will he doing to the country in the process? >> if there is violence and unrest after election day, i think we now know why based on the hatred that was dripping out of that man's mouth. >> that happened. rich lowry is editor of national review and fox news contributor. they all warned things are going to get messy and violent should donald trump lose and then look what happened. >> yeah, we heard for weeks how important it was, one, to accept the results of the election. and, two, how there was this horrible risk that would be republican mobs roaming the streets and engaging in random acts of violence and now you have thousands of people on the streets smashing things, vandalizing things, not accepting the results of the election. and you don't hear really any media outrage about it whatsoever. >> so what do we know about
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these protesters? we know that many of them, they are young people for the large part if you actually even look at the video can tell you a lot of that some we're hearing aren't even of voting age. what do we know about them and what in fact are they protesting? >> well, i think a lot of them are genuinely shocked that donald trump was elected president of the united states. i think this will be concerted effort that will go on for a very long time. i think it will get worse before it gets better. there will be attempt to disrupt the inaugural the way left wing did with nixon and george w. bush in 2000. this actually helps trump provided he doesn't show that they are getting under his skin. arrest night's tweet saying very unfair not so united states. this morning's tweet rise above it let the people on the outside hit back at these folks. >> when your national review piece when have we seen republican mobs breaking
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windows and burning things down. what are we talking about there. >> never. have we ever seen? we had all these dire warnings that you just showed that republicans are going to go out and riot. i can't remember that ever happening there was a huge tea party rally at the inception of the movement on the mall and one of the most famous things about that rally they all went out afterwards and made sure their trash was thrown away. if you are out there smashing things and throwing things at police because you think donald trump is a threat to the rule of law, you lack all self-awareness, not to mention common sense. >> what do you see knew donald trump is elected. >> not a big supporter clearly. we all established that he got it done. we all have to hope he succeeds. i think there is a real chance that the first year. in terms of the domestic agenda could be a tremendous accomplishment. provided that he gets together with congress. they keep it together and they come up with a consensus agenda.
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>> you are suggesting that these riots and these protests could be a good thing for donald trump if he doesn't let it get under his skin? >> right. >> is there something he should do. julia just suggested that he should put out a joint statement with the sitting president president obama. >> i think president obama should be denouncing this. but i think he should strike the kind of note he did this morning. otherwise, just basically ignore it and let the discussion happen among surrogates. among commentators. but he is the president of the united states. and what he has to do is elevate. and part of my misgiving about trump was about his temperament. and what we have to hope happens now is that kind of the weight of this office. incredible responsibility that about to be bestowed on him forces him to elevate his game. we have seen signs of that over the last week and hopefully continues. >> rich lowry, thanks for joining us on such a night. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> disappointment over trump's rain has ranged from
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protests to props. we told you how protest in oregon turned into full blown riot. last night university cry. in wear safety pins to indicate that they are a safe person to talk to. finally, there is the distraught celebrity reaction from folks like miley sirus. >> donald trump, i accept you. this is hard to say but i even accept you as the president of the united states. but, please, please just treat people with love and treat people with compassion and treat people with respect. and i will do the same to you. >> today the daily wire ben shapiro ben won for precisely these reasons. david wool is an attorney and trump supporter. matt bennett is the co-founder of the third way. he served as deputy assistant to president
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clinton. david, where do we start? the reaction that we are seeing. now three nights after the election took place. it's unbelievable. what do you make of all of this? >> well, you know, democracy is wonderful unless your candidate loses. and then it's awful. if these people had actually spent the last year and a half listening to mr. trump, reading his website. attending his rallies like me and my kids have they would probably be wearing a hat like this and applauding his candidacy's election instead of acting like childish little retrobaits. i have never seen anything quite like this diaper pin wearing and the cry-in. i mean, really, seriously? come on. man up, woman up. if you think you want to change the way that the america is going, then you gear up, find a new candidate four years from now. support that candidate. build a political coalition. but engaging in this kind of nonsensical behavior accomplishes nothing other
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than embarrassing yourselves and your school. >> matt, i mean, you're far from being a trump supporter. you have made that very clear. you are writing the less ridiculous response to trump's election is why he was elected. what are you saying? >> well, look people have very, very upset. we have never seen anything like this in this country. we have never had anyone elected president. this manifestly unqualified for office. this willing to engage in the kind of speech and behavior he engaged in on the trail. i was watching a very different campaign apparently. what i saw was a lot of bullying. a lot of incredibly nasty talk. a lot of misogyny, racism. a lot of hatred directed at muslims and immigrants. people have a right to be scared. i'm not saying that the celebrity stuff makes sense, but i will tell you that there is a lot of people out there very scared about what this country is becoming. >> they weren't scared by
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the fact that an alternative hillary clinton who would have been indicted on 50 different felonies who had a corrupt history. >> are we going to >> and that didn't disqualify her? the fbi investigation, the depending. >> loretta lynch had been replaced there would have ban legitimate prosecutor who would have prosecuted her. i know democrats. prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, who voted for trump for that very reason. he wasn't their favorite. >> good for you but the alternative was a disaster. >> the election. >> but, wait. i want to get back to this and by the way daily ben shapiro is who i was quoting. matt, i want to get back to you. i want you to tell me somewhat current state of the democratic party at this point. as these protests continue what does this say; look, keep in mind, that the violent protest, those people are thugs and criminals and i agree with everything that's gotten said about them. they should be in jail peaceful protesters are
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seeing that they are berust. feeling terrible that this man has been elected president. the state of the democratic party is very, very grim right now. we have not been, in this bad shape in terms of elected officials at every level, state, local, and federal since reconstruction in the 1800s. we have a lot of work to do to put our party back together again. there is no question about that. >> this kind of behavior makes it worse. >> david, back to you. >> this kind of behavior makes it worse. this isn't the way to deal with outcome you don't like. organize, get a candidate and move forward. these children, if you will, engaging in not just rioting, not just protesting but rioting, criminal behavior, looting, asiewlding people, trespass and a until other felonies are doing very a very bad making a very bad statement to their cause and cause more difficulties going forward for that party, for the democrat party. >> all right. thanks to both of you for joining us tonight. >> thank you, sandra. >> thank you. >> coming up. we will speak to a man
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writing a lot of i'm a muslim. a woman and immigrant, i voted for trump. new reports on the white house transition team and the president-elect trump's new cabinet. chris stirewalt and mark mckinnon on who mr. trump will surround himself with in the oval office. that's next. >> hillary called you. tell us about that phone call. >> so hillary called and it was a lovely call. and it was a tough call for her. i mean, i can imagine. tougher for her than it would have been for me and for me it would have been very difficult. she couldn't have been nicer. she just said congratulations, donald. well done.
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you foundi'm a robot! rawr yeti and found a place to service it, too. ♪ jingle bells now when you're ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we're there for every turn. breaking tonight. new controversy swirling around who president-elect trump will put on his national security team with one name from the past. in particular, making waves. chris stirewalt and mark mckinnon are here to break down who president-elect trump will surround himself with in the oval office. first we go to chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge on the defense and security transition team. catherine? >> after auto of the nation's most senior republican national security professionals said in august they could not support a
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trump presidency, his team pulled together a group of lesser known but still highly qualified candidates. a widely circulated document reports that retired keith kellogg is heading up the defense transition team. a former director of the defense intelligence agency ron burgess is handling intelligence. former house republican mike rogers is overseeing national security. rogers, who chaired the house intelligence committee for four years, abruptly announced he would not seek re-election in march 2014 after allegations of a conflict surfaced with his senior staff and clinton's closest aide. at the time rogers said he was leaving congress to host a national radio talk show. the congressman whose credentials include army service as well as four years with the fbi, was also openly criticized for his committee's report on the 2012 bengals terrorist attack that killed ambassador chris stevens, foreign service officer sean smith, and former navy seals glen daugherty and ty woods. >> are you saying his report
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was not good and people shouldn't take him seriously? >> yes. well, they can take him seriously if they want to. two of his intel committee members were on our benghazi committee. they didn't sign his report. they signed ours. you don't issue a final definitive report without interviewing eyewitnesses. he didn't interview the eyewitnesses. >> a spokesman for congressman rogers says he stands by his committee's benghazi report. the witness interviews never changed the facts about secretary of state's clinton's failures and former staff had nothing to do with roger's decision to leave congress. two trump campaign contacts cautioned drawing conclusions about the transition family sizing it will be the president-elect who makes the final call on all appointments. sandra? >> all right. catherine, thank you. new developments on the leadership of trump's transition team with today's announcement that mike pence may be taking over demoting new jersey governor chris christie. reports object makeup of the more permanent cabinet are
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turning heads when it toms to chief of staff recommendation'. trump campaign ceo steve man none top the list. trump campaign manager corey lewandowski left his job at cnn adding more intrigue to the equation. joining me now host of i'll tell you what and fox news digital politics editor chris stirewalt and co-host of the circus mark mckinnon. he also searched as the chief media advisor to george w. bush. all right, chris stirewalt. your crystal ball. trump team has suggested this will be a mix of outsiders and more traditional choices. do you expect any big surprises here? >> look, i think that some of it has shock value. some of it will be worth firing up his base. letting them know he is going to keep faith with them and some of it is designed to reassure americans of all parties and the folks in washington that is he interested in an orderly fashion. i think by the way news this evening that he has reached
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out to mitt romney and that he has looking for detente with one of his harshest critics and somebody he obviously did not like. these are further signs that trump is trying to heal the republican party and trying to reassure people across the spectrum. >> well, there is certainly signs that he is shaking things up, mark. when we got word today that chris christie was sort of demoted, i guess is the word we are using, and mike pence was put in charge of the team. what do you make of what you are seeing happen here? >> positive developments. i agee with chris. there is a lot of signs of president-elect trump reaching steady hands that have been around washington. i don't necessarily read the christie situation. i think we read too much into these things. i think it's rather a promotion for mike pence because mike pence is the guy who has been around washington. he has relationships in congress. knows all those people very well. much more so than chris christie. i think that's a logical sort of evolution for mike pence to step into that job at this point.
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i think christie did what he needed to do. i'm sure chris christie will land a plumb spot somewhere. >> he is suggesting he will have to reach across the aisle. how do you see him working with democrats here. >> i think he will do well with democrats, in fact. one of the things that trump's critics on the left are missing out on is this is a guy who comes out of new york. he comes out of the world of developers. he has been friends with chuck shiewmer who is the presumed successor of harry reid who is the minority leader. he has worked with democrats and been a democrat in his life. i think what you will see from donald trump much more likely is not the kind of austere conservatism that you might have seen with a ted cruz or something like that. but rather much more of a deal maker and somebody much more comfortable working across the aisle? mark, have you gotten inside look at what has gone on behind the scenes with your show. i mean, what kind of people does donald trump like to keep around him? what -- give us an idea of who he is going to be
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picking there. >> well, i think that the corey lewandowski announcement today is very telling. i think he very much likes to have a core group of loyalists around him. he also disandz that he needs to expand that he wants a circle of people like lewandowski around him that he can trust completely that he can have as loyal soldiers around the palace guard of roilings. he fits that billing. but i think there is also signs that he will go well -- he needs to. he doesn't have a deep bench that was a tight small group on the pain. there wasn't many of them. you will see almost all those people right aroundth palace guard. >> is that true? because, chris, is he going to have to fill thousands of decisions when he built his team here. we heard the report from catherine herridge, mike rogers. possibly homeland security commission. do you think there is going to be any controversial
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picks by donald trump here. >> yes. but he doesn't know which ones will be controversial. >> that is the thing about filling out your cabinet. this are tens of thousands of jobs that fall under the pleasure of the chief executive out there in that mix, it's not the ones that he thinks is going to be controversial. it will be when he picks like newt gingrich or somebody in the top spot. the people you think are going to be boring picks turned out that they have scandals or problems or statements or things that they did and all of a sudden that storm blows up out of nowhere and you have got to be ready to handle it. >> all right. mark, this sunday marks the series finale of mark's show "the circus." you have seen a lot of it on this show. kelly file has been lucky enough to be along for the ride. it took us behind the scenes of one of the craziest in history.
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cameras are rolling donald trump's final appearance as a mere civilian. watch. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the mayor of the city of new york, america's mayor, rudy giuliani. >> we're down to the last couple of hours. by tomorrow, the clintons will just be one of those bad -- [cheers and applause]
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[chanting] >> now, the first -- i want to thank everybody in the room. thank you. also, my family -- my children were here. i had my family. best surrogates. [cheers and applause] >> mark, that camera really gives you a sense of the intensity of those crowds and sort of some of those tender moments behind the scene of donald trump with his family members before he walked on stage. >> that's what we wanted to capture that authentic intimacy that you see behind
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the scenes back stage and highly emotional moment of the campaign right as election day was opening before them and all the team the loilts, the family together there back stage and donald trump is largely a one man band. you don't see a lot of these people publicly a lot. steve bannon. rarely get to see shots of steve bap none. people like rudy giuliani and the family and reince priebus who i think should get mvp for this election for the number of plates that he kept spinning. to see that intimacy of that group interactorring behind the scene at that critical of emotional moment. that's what we would call a very circusy kind of moment. show people a different side of the campaign that they don't normally see. >> voyeur real moment, chris stirewalt. >> stheas what i have loved to much about your show; it let's us cease thee moments understand something. stees are all human beings.
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we turned them to in to villain and gods. this is just these people who film out. >> chris stirewalt thanks for your time on this friday evening after one of those easy weeks. thank you to both of you. >> you bet. >> all right. we wanted to bring you the story tonight of a muslim immigrant who cast her vote for donald trump this past tuesday. but unfortunately our skype connection with her is not going to work out. so we do hope to have her back and let her voice be heard. well, we will instead go live to the streets of new york city however where protests over president-elect's trump's tuesday victory continue for a third straight night. i could hear them from the 17th floor in this building. ♪
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and reaction to the election of donald trump. protesters have been routinely staking out his building right here in new york city and his home. trump tower on new york's fifth avenue. that's where we find rob schmidt live for us tonight. if you can hear me, what are you seeing there, rob? >> sandra, i can certainly hear you tonight because the crowd has dropped significantly here on the third night of protest that we have seen. look behind me about 50 people tonight. and you know, you are seeing the same thing. a lot of different motives for being here. climate change. a lot of people want change in government. a lot of people tonight were just chanting about blaming the dnc for donald trump's election. you get all sorts of things. but, as i said, this is night three. the first night you remember we had thousands of people out here. last night we had maybe a couple hundred. tonight 50. not just motivation is any less. in new york. it's much easier to control a protest and much easier for the nypd to manage a protest than los angeles and
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oakland. in new york if you want to be outside trump tower only some ways to get here. the nypd has figured out who cordon this area off. the area around the trump power is starting to look like the area around the white house. they have concrete barriers everywhere. and you can still drive down fifth avenue. see over you can see cars coming by and still move down fifth avenue. walking here has been a real hassle. tough to get in and out of here on foot. whereas can you drive down fifth avenue security has been much tighter. christmas time created a major headache of traffic here in midtown, new york. donald trump we are not sure if he is home tonight or not. he may have been home last night. we know his homelanded in laguardia. he is certainly aware that people are protesting outside of his building. tonight 56 between 56th and 57th. actually pushed them down a block. >> rob, as the camera pans around there and i know it's probably hard to hear me over the crowd. first of all, what are they chanting and what's the age
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demographic of the people you are seeing out there? >> well, that's a great question. chanting right now chanting love trumps hate. chant ago variety of things. a lot of them i can't say on tv. a lot of them have curse words in them. age range older and older. first night everyone was very young. tonight they are a little bit more mature and little bit more on message. send it back to you, sandra. >> rob smith, thanks for joining us. up next, a hollywood legend joins the kelly file. actress, singer, comedian and carol burnett. we had mr. bennett on earlier. carol burnett on 60 year career making america laugh and some of her most memorable moments.
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>> what brings to you terror? >> you, you fixen you. scarlet, i love you. that gown is gorgeous. >> thank you. i saw it in the window and i just couldn't resist it. >> last night, megyn kelly got a chance to talk to the singer, actress and comedian and new book in such good company. 11 years of laughter, mayhem and fun in the sandbox. >> you decided to share some of these behind the scene stories with all of us in the book. >> right. >> when you think back on your career, what moments stand out to you? >> well, mostly, i have had a lovely career and i'm still working but mostly my show. the 11 years that we had of laughs and fun. >> and what was your favorite character? do you have one? >> well, not -- well, i have a few. i love doing eunice with the family. >> all right, all right, all
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right. now just stop it i know what it was. it was a seven. >> are you sure? >> it was a seven! >> and i loved doing all the movie takeoffs because i was raised going to the movies with my grandmother right here in hollywood. >> now, were you always funny? >> i don't know. i think i had a sense of humor as a kid but i was quiet and a good student and i didn't really start doing what i wound up doing until i went to college. >> wow. talking about the favorite characters. how about mrs. wickens. which was one of my favorite. >> how about the -- now? [ laughter ] >> >> kim conway came up with those characters and he originally wrote mrs. wiggins to be kind of a day terring old lady but then i went-to-into costume
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fitting on wednesday and bob mackey said you know, he is our costume designer. you have done a lot of old ladies lately. let's make her into a bimbo. so he put me in the blonde wig and pushup bra and tight black skirt and the black skirt bagged in the behind, and i'm flat back there so i said, bob, you're going to have to that i can that in. he said no, no. stick your behind into it. and i did. and that gave me that funny walk. that was part of it that's how that character. >> and the best moments were when, you know, a comedy show. so when you would break -- you would break, right you? would be trying to hold it together but we as an audience could see you couldn't. was there one actor who made you get there more often than not? >> hello, tim conway. [ laughter ]
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because he would -- we would do two shows on a friday. and an early show and we would tape it and we would show that the way we had rehearsed it. and then tim would go to our director and say did you get all the shots from the first show? yeah. and then he went crazy on the second show. stuff we never knew -- we never seen it. you know. he just would come up with this. >> you know, people like me know you as imarn and somebody who made us laugh which was such a gift for the audience, especially these days. but you were a trailblazer in a lot of ways and a lot of present day stars. i mean, comedians who are very well known talk about watching you and how you inspired them. and there weren't a lot of women with their own shows doing comedy back when you launched the carol burnett show. >> we were the first to do a comedy variety show. diana shore had a musical
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variety show before i had my show. i remember when i wanted to do this show, the network didn't want me to do it. they said carol, comedy variety is a man's game. >> how did you convince them that a woman could do it? >> i had a contract that some very clever agent came up with. when i kind with cbs for 10 years. they put a clause in the contract that said if in the first five years of the 10-year contract if i want to push a button, they would have to put it on the air 31-hour pay or play shows. >> wow. >> so i pushed that button. >> and then we all pushed the button, the tv on button and then the button to your channel to watch you. let me ask you about you personally. so often we see with people who are funny, who are comedians or who choose life in the entertainment business that they're funny publicly but then behind the
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scenes you mentioned you're shy. maybe they are shy. maybe they're dark. you know, that sometimes happens. they be funny publicly but dark in private. do you have that split at all? >> no. [ laughter ] >> no. i'm pretty optimistic. and i always have been. >> the book is called "in such good company" that's how i feel right now. good luck with it all the best to you. >> thank you. >> remember how she used to say hi to her family shaking the ear. carol burnett. thank you for that we'll be right back.
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folks coming together in this country are the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom. thank you to my father and thanks for watching, i'm sandra smith. this is the kelly file. ♪ ♪ [chanting] >> not my president. >> tonight, antileft wing agitators and hollywood liberals are absolutely losing their mind because donald trump has elected next president. >> in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president. >> will this lunancy ever end? >> we need great people, negotiating our deals for us. >> then president-elect trump moves ahead with his transition plans. so what will the trump administration look like? kellyanne conway is here to react. >> real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known
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