tv Cavuto on Business FOX News November 12, 2016 7:30am-8:01am PST
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jibe with the businessman over the many, many years because i think businessmen and women tend to be about getting stuff out of their inbox and getting stuff done. so that's the part that might tick some people off. already conservatives this morning are saying, wait a minute, is he backtracking on getting rid of obamacare? no, it seemed from the "60 minutes" interview i want to keep features i like pre-existing conditions, et cetera, but that's the kind of presser you face, right? as you start implementing what you want to do, you're going to tick some people off, right? >> but he'll be pragmatic. and if he staunch change a little bit on obamacare, provided he brings the price of it down, it doesn't really matter. >> you know, that's genius. i wish i had more pizza for you. all right, nigel farage, not a very big pizza eater, but you'll consider it when you're here, right? >> i'll consider it and i'm pleased to be here. and i look forward to the usa and the uk getting back to the
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kind of relationship -- >> yeah, yeah. >> trump understands and recognizes what our two great nations have done together between us and thank goodness we're coming toward the end of an american president -- >> but are you kind of like that ambassador link to your prime minister tr minister theresa may and donald trump they're apart on big, big issues. >> there are some fences to be mended. >> if i were him i wouldn't meet with her. no, you can't do that. >> well, i think he's got to meet with her. >> you do? >> yeah. i think -- come on, one of the things we can do is we can have between us a sensible trade relationship. >> let bygones be bygones. >> we're massive investors in each other's countries. bright future. >> this is a guy who started a revolution, and now it is worldwide. more after this.
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all right. going on here with my appearance today on this fine network, i have now made up for all the days i missed in the summer, maybe one or two of them. i don't know. but we were thinking what a journey this has been. from the very, very beginning when we hosted the first debate and then another debate and then all the states we went to. and then that little disruption in the summer, and i got my chest and it was really painful. and now here we are. appellate court tru president-elect trump. a lot more we're going to take you back it's going to be like -- that's just a little reference. i want to see if you're up on culturally. you're probably up on the reference to this campaign this week. and a lot of folks who are not very happy with the results, grubhub's ceo coming on saying essentially that if any of his workers are embracing this new stuff of donald trump, just
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write your resignation letter. well, the stock began tanking because people said who is this ass? all of a sudden he kind of dials it back and says, no, no, you're free to speak your mind, just still where that letter. it was confusing, it bothered a lot of people, the grubhub dude didn't realize there are other places you can order food and now he's scared out of his you know what. but, again, this is something we see a lot of presidents getting, fortune magazine, fox business network's kennedy short of chew on all of that on national pizza day. did you know it was national pizza day, kennedy? >> i found out the hard way, neil, looking at food i can't eat. thank you for twisting some of those -- >> apparently they have the appetite of king kong because i have three slices left and it's very old and cold. >> horrific. what do you make of this -- we
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have to respect the will of the people. >> for most of these people lightning struck for them once and they became instant billionaires. they've got generational money, they'll never have to worry again. therefore they'll never have to be in touch with the common dirty simple filthy coach flying man. so they can be completely dismissive of anyone else's personal philosophies or background or their personal history and just assume that everyone else wants to glom onto a crony democratic system that companies like apple, box and grubhub. >> you have to move into the love stage now. it's over. >> clearly. >> adam, i don't see that coming. she's a sore winner it sounds like to me. >> yeah. it appears that way. well, i don't think that corporate ceos need to be sore winners or sore losers.
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>> they need to shut up. they need to shut up. >> i'm sorry? >> they need to shut up. >> well, look, from a shareholder, you know, responsibility perspective i completely agree with you. what they need to do is they need to fake it the way the president-elect and the president faked it last week. i mean, these are two men who for very good reasons detest each other. what did they do? they faked it in front of the cameras and in front of each other for the good of the country. and the ceos have to do that for their companies. it's stupid to be insulting their own customers. >> did the grubhub guy know that some of the people who order food off of his site are republicans as well? >> maybe not. >> maybe not. all right. well, he makes me vomit. >> he knows now. >> gary -- exactly. gary, i kid a little say we all have our own political impressions and opinions. i think if you're, you know, tim cook, i think if, you know, are zuckerber
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zuckerberg, you've got to be aware you have a lot of users and people who see you as a pace setter. so you don't want to get in the way of that or alienate or risk alienating people, right? >> exactly. i think for a lot of these ceos they had a kind of momentum into, hey, i'm pro hillary, i'm a lefty, this is all good. i can hang with my hollywood friends. and then they woke up on election day and they go, oh, my god, i just realized the real president is my income statement, or at least my share price. and, wow, i better pay attention to that because it's a new world out there. and what do we have? you know, probably on facebook i'm guessing there's at least 50% of their users voted for donald trump. and listen, zuckerberg's a zillionaire now. >> well, to be fair, didn't go crazy beforehand, adam. i'll give you that. the grubhub guy was a unique ass, i don't want to put all these others in that company. we know we have certain friends
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in the white house i think it's fair to say if you're in the oil industry, you like republicans. if you're high-tech, you generally like democrats. but i think it sends a message that's bad. and, kennedy, that's what bothered me. >> yeah, absolutely. and i appreciate what mark zuckerberg was saying which is we really have to focus on our own individual lives. and a lot of people feel that way. >> right. >> when you get mired in this emotional and verbal violence and animosity, it really halts progress. and, you know, i understand with immigration there are a lot of tech ceos that have questions about, you know, some of those higher end visas bringing more skilled workers into their companies. >> they say they can't fiepd them here. >> well, you know, that may be true. and that's what the marketplace does. >> that's something they found more sympathy, adam, from a democrat than they did a republican, what do you make of that? >> on the immigration issue, neil? >> yeah. >> i mean, in the tech industry anyway they're looking for, you
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know, the top 1% of the 1% in terms of people with technical skills. i mean, that's the reality world that they're dealing in as far as where they're looking for top technical talent. >> gary, what do you think? the top 1% of the top 1%, sounds like they're applying for a fox business position. >> exactly. listen, i think they're going to have to adapt. i mean, what we've seen from trump so far is that he is more already kind of maybe moving a little to the middle. and i think the smart ceo -- >> i just think he's moving. he wants to get stuff done. and, i could be wrong, but i think he's about pragmatism. >> that's the nice thing about having a non-politician is perhaps he will set a completely different set of eyeballs and he'll listen to smart people who will say, wait, this is the best way to get this part of the economy going. and even if these people are here from different countries, they're still paying taxes, they're paying property taxes and sales taxes and the like. >> yeah. guys, i want to thank all of you. we'll see what happens here. in the meantime, if you got it
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wrong and say you're a big newspaper and you go by the term great lady and let's say you're "new york times" and let's say you've gotten everything wrong every step of the way and the guy you hate and loathe from the moment he steps in the race becomes president of the united states, what are you going to do today? today, the great lady blinked. h. who are you? i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you. get organized at
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consequential election in human history, where's my pizza? this is what i got, folks. this is what i got. the same three slices. furthermore, my friend joe is here. joe and i would appreciate a little pizza, right? >> what is the difference between an ashton kutcher movie and a pizza? >> what is the difference? >> pizzas are good. >> oh, touche. >> those are like hockey pucks though. you need to heat those up. hoboken pizza is the way you want to go. >> it's so offensive, but i'm carrying on. i'm not going to protest. i'm not going to riot about it. >> that's probably a smart idea. >> see how i veered? >> that's called a pivot in this business. >> you know, "new york times" pivoted. "new york times" pivoted today. this is the closest you will ever see to the great lady blinking. we aim to dedicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of times
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journalism that is to report america and the world honestly without fear or favor acknowledging that they might have maybe screwed up a few things like when it came to donald trump, everything. but look, you have to crawl before you can walk. but they've got a lot of company, right? >> isn't that interesting that they're doing a mea culpa now, neil, when their editor in chief who runs the show, he said a month and a half ago he was willing to go to jail for five years, even that meant illegally obtaining donald trump's tax documents. this is a paper of record. and you're saying i want to take down a candidate even if it means giving up my personal freedom. so that tells you how phony that is. >> made a big deal of the e-mails, you know, that all of a sudden the russians were the ones, you know, making this happen. >> trivia. when was the last time the "new york times" endorsed a republican candidate for president? >> it wasn't reagan. >> no. 1956, which meant they had to
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have endorsed walter mondale who didn't even take new york. >> hiezennthat long. that's fine. that's fine. >> you like that. >> what do you make of this media? because people are getting outraged just based on coverage. >> well, in terms of the protests? >> right. >> well, i think -- i have props here, neil, if you don't mind. i will show this up here. this is the week magazine about ten days before the election. and if clinton won, this was supposed to be the way that trump supporters are going to react, which includes ar-15s in there and pitch forks and whatnot. and now we're seeing it quite the other way. and no one ever anticipated if trump won how would clinton supporters react. constitution amendments, let's talk that. practicing their first amendment rights these protesters in the streets, but they didn't practice probably their 15th
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amendment right which is the right to vote. if you look back at data, years and years of millennials voting, it's decidedly less than half. >> and that was the problem, you were showing people magazine cover, people are upset about this? >> yes. >> do they realize he's just been elected president of the united states and they didn't like him on the cover? >> do you think this is newsworthy, everybody at home, neil cavuto? this is probably the biggest political story of our lifetime. you said in human history, right? >> yes. >> and therefore it's newsworthy. and to put the guy who won who is at the center of it probably will, a -- >> who's that upset, hollywood types? >> jed hasn't made a good movie since "super bad." they're saying boycott the magazine, what a joke, right? >> oh, for sakes. so you think will keep to this type of attitude now? >> i shared this poll with you where usa today asked 1,000
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likely voters, who do you think the media's rooting for, hillary clinton or donald trump? and by a 10 to 1 margin they said hillary clinton and clinton supporters even said donald trump was getting a raw deal in terms of media coverage because they all thought in the end they were rooting for this. madame secretary. >> still protesting national pizza day, but we move on. >> i'm irish and spanish. >> i'm angry. people are going to pay. ♪ we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges.
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trump tower. there's a lot of talk back and forth about who he is packing in the administration, what he wants to do. right now sam brownback is kansas governor, want a read of what he would make or want to make of that possible trump administration. the talk is he wants to populate with outside the box type folks. that doesn't necessarily mean outside washington but not your obvious folks. what do you make of that? >> i think that's a good thing, neil. he ran on an outsider platform. he ran on we're going to change washington. you don't change washington if you put the same old players in, so i think he has to do that. and then i'm just excited about the prospects that he brings to get this economy going again. there's simple moves that can be made to get these things to happen. i think he has the wherewithal, paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have the desire this time to make these things happen.
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>> one of the things i heard, despite who he might pick, he wants to hit the ground running and they've given him a lot of recommendations, including get those tax cuts going fast, get them in there quickly. are you in that camp that that should be a top item in the agenda? >> absolutely, absolutely. this economy has been so lethargic for so long. then the left calls it the new normal. and then they try to do everything through the federal reserve which hadn't worked. what we've got to do is get tax cuts in. neil, there's one they can do that we've done before, lower the tax rate of repatriot agency on foreign dollars into the united states. >> donald trump said he would consider something like that and use a lot of that money for infrastructure work. what do you think of that? >> i think that's a fantastic idea and generate more tax dollars for the u.s. government because money is sitting
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overseas and can't come home. once money comes home, it starts to work in the private sector. this is one we've done before, it has worked, it will work now. they need to do it and do it fast. >> obviously donald trump will be picked apart on what he prioritizes and doesn't. some interpret him dialing back on the health care law, that there's some things he wants to keep. i don't think that's a change from what he said in the campaign but he likes parts of it, coverage pre-existing conditions, et cetera. do you think that's a retreat or just stating what he's already said? >> i don't think that's a retreat. i think that's very pragmatic, too. you need to get rid of the obamacare. it has driven rates up on insurance, it's harmed the system. but you have a couple things in there that are good. having kids be able to stay on parents' accounts for longer time, pre-existing conditions, those are popular. keep those pieces in the repeal and replace but then get rid of a bunch of mandates and things like that. >> well put, governor.
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good to see you again. thanks very much. >> good to see you, neil. all the best. >> same to you. in the middle of that we have protests. are these meant to hurt donald trump's agenda? what does he do in response? should he do anything in response? hour two after this. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. yeah. well, we gotta hand it thto fedex. glasses. they've helped make our e-commerce so easy, and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst.
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allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me. are you kidding me? hey, everybody. do you know it is national pizza day, week, day? and i'm down to two pieces. the "fox and friends" folks when i came in early this morning had box after box after box. 20 different flavors. you name it, whatever we can do for them. not a single one of them italian american. not a single one. lovely people, lovely people. but on this day we are joined together to
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