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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  November 12, 2016 8:30am-9:01am PST

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it begins from the the second we're because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. president-elect trump has a
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transition team. trying to make sure the president-elect's priorities are there and the stuff they want to do as well. there's a lot you can't get into, mayor, and i try to put you in a compromising spot, that's just what you do, i'm not doing that here. certainly there are priorities, how you want to come out of the gate. how do you want to come out the gate? >> no pizza, no talk! >> sleep with the anchovies. i got you. >> look, donald trump is going to have a very aggressive domestic agenda, put americans back to work again. he is in fact going to, like we talked before, unchain the economy. you've had steve moore on, moore laid out one, what he wants to do with the tax system and to encourage capital investment, not only in our country in general but in our central cities, and what we're trying to do is make sure as i told you
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before personnel is policy. we're trying to make sure the personnel that's coming together is consistent with what it would take to implement his agenda. it's a very aggressive agenda. you have folks on talking obamacare and the reality is, neil, pre-existing conditions, folks being able to stay home until 26, breaking down, this is one of the major changes, breaking down these false walls of competition where folks can go outside their states. >> a lot of people think he pivoted. he talked about those features. but 20 million get health insurance now who would lose it under a get rid of it thing. is there a proviso or special thing to keep up or keep going so they still have health insurance and move into whatever you guys come up with?
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>> at the end of the day, again, told you before, this is going to be donald trump's agenda. he just had a major merger of his political leadership with the existing transition team and now we're going to get to fine typi tune the strategies. >> will there be a short time people will be without insurance? are tax cuts front and center in that or no? >> freeing up capital, yes. he in fact is going to effect tax relief for the great middle class and those folks who have capital to infuse into the economy. >> i regret i couldn't have embarrassed you. i will try next time. a pizza is on the way now. ken blackwell, thank you very much. it is not just protesters getting hot and bothered about the prospect of president trump.
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celebrities, they're out of control. and can you explain to me why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food"? is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right the one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. . . . what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways
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thank goodness. joe piscopo, fellow italian american. both appreciate it is national pizza day. are they both -- >> one slice guy. you know what's my favorite food aside from my mother's lasagna, that's the best. >> it is cold. >> you can't please this guy. >> i want to go to more serious issues than national pizza day. you're seeing the celebrities going nuts, going nuts. >> yes. >> still. >> yes. >> why? >> well, we're not gloating, those of us that knew what was going to happen. >> didn't cher want to go to the
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moon. ♪ fly me to the moon. >> one of the moons of jupiter. >> we're not gloating. it is okay we said we forgive them if they want to stay, we would love to have them. we on the radio had a good time. the material is writing itself, have to build a shrine to mr. trump, numbers are through the roof for everybody. >> but the protests around the country, you can ease the tension with a good sense of hum humor. >> such a great time, we have to embrace it. you saw the tone of mr. trump with barack obama. and barack obama for that matter was very gracious. >> you thought bubbles, right? >> i can't wait for the ride to the capitol. barack and donald. you have to think about all of the celebrities saying that, you
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know, and they're making -- poking fun, if i go out and campaign or scott baio, then they bring the guns out. >> none of the guns worked. >> they think the american people are stupid, they are not, they have risen up, we're taking it back. it is the people. when i went on the campaign trail, the fbi shenanigans with hillary, said it is my responsibility, if i talk about donald trump, better put my money where my mouth is. >> a lot of them are coming back. bill maher looks forward to having him on the show, even though he worries about the signals it sends, they're bitter, i understand that, quite another thing to not recognize him. he is going to be sworn in january 20th. >> it is going to be great. and we knew it, you knew it, we knew it. because you know donald. >> how do you calm people down. that's the big thrust? >> donald trump is going to do it, once the protests settle down. >> why should he do it, have to
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pay -- >> that's the question. why doesn't hillary say something. >> she did, she did a good job, but barack obama. need to come out and say grow up. >> once it settles down, and it will, i went by trump plaza on the way here, it is very quiet. and everything will be -- >> saint patrick's? >> saying a prayer. >> does the building shake when you go by? >> i go to church and stop and give thanks. bless me father for i have sinned. okay. fair enough. >> you are the man. hit show. he could have anything he wants in his future. i'll leave it at that. thank you very much. meantime, it has been a crazy year of the campaign, right? we go back, our gift to you up close. oons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪
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now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges.
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i can't believe the history that was made and it actually kind of started with fox business when we had the first debate a little over a year of craziness. let's go back, shall we? >> i am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. >> i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans and this is so important to me. >> welcome to the republican presidential debate here on the fox business network. >> you did a really elegant job,
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the three of you, great job. >> we have been getting a ton of e-mails on the debate. one was this joe that e-mailed you did a great job on the debate, but maria bartiromo is so much prettier than you are. >> tonight, the road leads to south carolina. >> welcome to the sixth republican presidential debate. >> how do you attack a network that does not respect national borders? >> i'm very happy to get a question this early on, was going to ask you to wake me up when the time came. >> only natural born citizens are eligible for office of the president of the united states. i think you heard this before. >> my friend donald said he had his lawyers look at this from every which way, there was no issue there. since september the constitution hasn't changed but the poll numbers have. >> i hate to interrupt this episode of court tv but the real -- >> i am trish regan and from
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wall street, jerry sigh. >> put up or shut up time in iowa. >> i am having a problem with adele. she has this song that mike huckabee parodied. her people got back to him quickly, said stop it, can't use it. >> hello, it's me. >> richard dreyfuss with us, he is going to announce that he is backing donald trump. >> backing him in traffic. >> strongest candidate for vice president, neil cavuto. >> live from manchester, new hampshire, your world with neil cavuto. >> we had our call on this, could have been inside where it is warm and cozy or the staff said why don't we go outside, it is only 20 degrees. what the hey. >> extremely handsome, great
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posture. >> on the phone with us now, marco rubio. >> no matter how offensive you may find donald trump, you do not have right to disrupt him from speaking. >> the wife of bernie sanders here with us now. jane, good to have you back. do you worry that maybe, you saw debbie wasserman schultz tipped her bias that she is not some sort of distant observer of this race, her candidate is hillary clinton. >> i know you want to start a fight in the democratic party, but i'm not going to play, neil. >> i would never do that. >> no, neil. >> gop convention is on. neil is out recovering from heart surgery. he is doing well. we want trump. i think that's what i'm hearing from delegates there. >> it is political theater.
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this is what people used to look at conventions for. >> i talked to donald trump and i said to him talk about hillary clinton, how you're different than her. >> cleveland is buzzing over last night's fireworks. >> vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom. >> we will make america proud again. and we will make america great again! >> you are looking live at the dnc in philadelphia where the gavel is about to slam down. but it will not be outgoing dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz doing it to a nevada delegate and bernie sanders supporter angie more elly. are you prepared to support hillary clinton? >> no, sir, i'm not. >> we're going to work hard for angie's vote. >> let's build a better tomorrow for our beloved children and our beloved country, and when we do, america will be greater than
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ever. >> i said in an interview with neil cavuto to whom i offer my best wishes for speedy recovery. >> i am neil cavuto, this is your world, i am very happy to be back. >> neil cavuto welcome back, my >> i've had a lot of democrats over the years who said, you know, that neil cavuto, he doesn't even have a heart. after this surgery, i've got proof now. >> gary johnson is here. he's here to answer for this. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? >> about aleppo? and what is aleppo? >> it's an interesting chance for a good-bye. i've always been served really well by telling the truth. >> you didn't hear it from me, but apparently there's a presidential debate tonight. set that up. and then we'll go -- >> he made his way around the geometric scrum. we were penned off like veal. >> he showed up very good understanding in-depth of all the issues.
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i think donald trump crushed this debate. >> okay. >> with prior republican nominees for president, i disagree with them. but i never questioned their fitness to serve. donald trump is different. >> donald trump today, on how we handle it -- >> msnbc said it was a draw, we won by a knockout. >> jeff is here to announce he is supporting donald trump. i've got to get my notes up to speed. else's all eyes on vegas, baby. ♪ we love neil cavuto >> do you like circumstanque du? they have about 15 different shows here. is that by design? >> this is the one city that there is room for everybody. >> i want to go right now to steve nguyen. he's overseen construction of our operations for golden nugget, the mirage, treasure island, the bellagio. i could go on and on.
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>> go on and on. that's fine, neil. >> right, keep it going. >> no idea whether it's russia, china or anybody else. >> i'm not -- >> no idea. >> i am quoting -- >> you have no idea. >> that went well. >> governor rick perry with me now, just returning from "dancing with the stars." you survived it. >> my knee survived it, my ankle survived it. >> good to see you in the flesh. if only for a moment. >> it's nice to touch you. >> i get that all the time. donald trump will be the next president. >> i could lobby for her. >> people saw the kind of strength in donald trump's leadership that i think will continue to drive the momentum in this campaign. >> i think he gave a measured answer that he gave in saying i'll agree to the election. >> that's a very good donald trump impression. >> could -- >> all the debates are over. now in the next 19 days, it's up to you to decide.
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it is anyone's guess how this will turn out. i think it is safe to say it is not unfolding like most people thought it would. >> whatever he's pulling off tonight, he's doing largely on his own. >> you have to give him credit for that. he's really done fighting with the world. >> whatever happens in the election tonight, whether trump wins or loses, the republican party is very different party. >> dr. carson has been so patient. he's a doctor, they're very patient. >> no doctors with no patience. >> he seems to have a better path to 70 right now. ironically than she does. if that surprises you, i want to go out here looking at the markets. it really surprises them. they're panicking. >> i think you're going to see the cheering of the nikkei as well as the -- >> that does seem like a crazy -- >> lou, at first it was usa. but it was nikkei.
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>> donald trump has won the state of florida. >> the people here, neil, obviously very excited. they think we're in the moment of history. >> we really love that. >> maybe hillary clinton is worried. she just tweeted out, this team has so much to be proud of. whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything. >> they cannot fathom what they are witnessing. the prohibitive front-runner for the presidency is on potentially the verge of losing it. donald trump is shocking the world right now. >> he's making inroads into changing what we consider the normal run of the mill pol fix. >> back in new hampshire, we'll wait for this map to reset for us. i'll have to do it manually. the map is getting tired, too, because it didn't anticipate staying up this late. >> they say he staggered and cursed his way to the republican nomination over much more qualified candidates. and through it all, donald trump was his own man. she had all the surrogates, the president of the united states, she had michelle obama, she had everyone going for her.
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>> how the media has portrayed this, they had a cover-up. "new york magazine" said loser right across the front of it. >> just obnoxious. >> it is incredible, folks. you're watching history on fox business network. but on the short right now, the rival business channels have you covered in reports that podesta might address the troops after all. >> she's done an amazing job and she's not done yet! >> donald trump has won pennsylvania. it is a moot point. donald trump is the next president of the united states. >> the president-elect of the united states of america, donald trump! >> thank you. i say it is time for us to come >> donald trump does have to unite the country. >> yeah. >> he does have that on his plate. >> you'll be happy to know, lou, that you have to give
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president-elect trump a chance. no one is bigger than us all. >> you cannot question american democracy. >> mark cuban loves everyone. >> hug, hug. you're a hugger. >> here's one thing. it's now time for mark to grow up a little. >> ooh! >> i do hope i never cross you. >> oh! >> no, i'm always speaking to the reality. >> we told you we would be here every step of the way. we told you that if it's consequential, we'll be here. i don't know what the other guys are doing. we meant it. >> just incredible. hard to believe, really, a little over a year, but that is america. and that is us. and that is the intersection between wall street and main street. i think it was illustrated in that. and a great team that took it all the way. with esaid from the about eging with ewould be tracking this. now we'll be tracking be be
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something historic after victory. what donald trump does right now, how he can allay some people's concerns, the protests that continue from the very folks who thought it could never happen, but it did. he's the president-elect trump. , and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst. ah, false alarm. hey! you guys are gonna scare away the deer! idiots... providing global access for small business. fedex.
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president-elect donald trump building his white house dream team after meeting with the current occupant of the white house this week. we'll talk to one of the men help him take his key players. say hello to republican congressman chris collins of new york. >> another night of violence in portland as demonstrators angry at the outcome of the election clashed with police. other parts of the country have more peaceful protests. we're going to tell you where coming up. >> that and so much more on america's news headquarters from quite literally both ends of pennsylvania avenue.


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