tv Americas Election HQ FOX News November 12, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PST
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>> and that's it for us. thanks for joining us. i'm arthel neville. >> and we'll be back in one hour live here on the fox news channel. >> i'll tell you what, is up next. welcome to perino and stirewalt. and here what we'll tell you. they -- or some of us, said it couldn't be done. and he did it. how did donald trump breakthrough. plus mr. sunday reflects. fox news sunday host chris wallace joins us to help put the race in perspective. rough run, hillary clinton's overconfident and underperforming campaign. change agents how clinton and trump remade the political map. and some of the very behest moments from the craziest
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campaign. >> man, i tell you what. >> i'm like stunned. >> still. >> this is what i want to ask. when we did the pod cast tv show last sunday. we talked about how it was 596 days since the first candidate said he was going to run and that was ted cruz. and because i have a british husband. campaigns around are world aren't necessarily as long as our. and some wonder why do you do it this way, where you have a campaign for almost two years for the president of the united statess. i know you're tired, i'm tired. the nation is tired of it. do you think it is the right amount of time. >> i think you could probably execute a campaign in a much shorter period of time. because in about six weeks or eight weeks. most -- when we look at the exit polls, most of the people decide, long long long long before. >> they get locked in. >> so you could call an election for six weeks from now and 80% of the vote is already spoken before without candidates.
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a republican versus a democrat. and the question is for the other 25% whether where do they fall? could they figure it it out in six weeks probably? but who cares. because you know what, free speech is a thing. and what the supreme court has ruled and what we've ruled in our hearts is that we should not ever consider the idea of limiting people's opportunities to speak out. somebody has probably already decided that he's going to run for president. somebody has already probably declared. >> probably that same person. in 2020. >> exactly. and there is nothing wrong with it. let him go. >> no. and you are auditioning or -- you want the biggest job in the world. the leader of the free world. you want date of birth tto be t united states of america. >> but there is something to be said for -- and i do believe this is true. as we move forward, celebrity name recognition. basically the way it works in politician. used to work in politics. is you get a record, and then you get famous. the way you get famous, you are
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famous this your own state or you are famous where you have been governing or working and then -- it costs a lot of money. you have to raise a lot of money to become famous in the whole country. and you have to become famous in the way that celebrities are famous. barack obama, as a very good example. a guy who had a high profile but outside of isle probably not known that much. but by the time. >> but when he gained the convention speech for the democrats in 2004 everyone was like wow who is this? i remember i got to meet him in february 2005. we went to the gridiron dinner. but we were sat at the same table across from each other. usa today and first time going there and i was like wow i get to sit across from the junior senator from illinois. and when i got home that night my husband asked how was i. and i said i got to tell you, i met barack obama and he could be
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president in like 24 years. and four years later. >> but when you knew him and -- not even close. he probably a national name identification of 20%. nobody knew him. so there were three people when question started running. and by the way this is the final installment of us. >> it is. we've enjoyed it. being with you. >> we've enjoyed it immensely. but as we look back over the course of this election. there were three people that started with essentially a 100% name identification. which is where everybody ends up. when you finish running for president. but the three people were jeb bush, hillary clinton and donald trump. and the question about the future and the question going forward is, is there going to be time in our media culture in what we're doing, is there going to be time for people to get to a 100%? or does the future belong to people who are already famous? >> interesting. i wanted to ask you about obviously the end result. we've had a dispute on the pod cast and on the show.
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because you have made fun of me for a while. last may i said that i could see a scenario because donald trump was so popular that he could win the popular vote but lose to hillary clinton in electoral college in. >> but i mocked you. >> you mocked me. it ends up the reverse was true. hillary clinton won the popular vote, but she loses in the electoral college. >> right. so four times in american history now have republicans won the presidency through the electoral college but not won the popular vote. democrats are reminds of this and then stuff like march down 6th avenue in new york. >> and philly and los angeles and chicago. >> and they are angry. >> what's this electoral college you speak of? >> this is so bad. and for republicans it just works better because they -- they are the country mice and the democrats are the city mice. republicans live out and democrats live in, the closer you are to a center of population more likely you are
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to be a democrat. that works --. >> so growing up in wyoming, i remember my grandfather would say, you know, there they go, carting off all our energy resources to the coast so they could benefit. but he would always say we have a voice. and the voice is we have two senators. the representation from wyoming i think has always been superb. >> was wyoming the most republican state this cycle. >> yes. at 70%. >> the second was. >> west virginia. >> and the third for our producer of the five and john hannity, oklahoma was 68%. >> good at being republican but not maybe the best. sorry oklahoma. >> it's been great. and this is our last show. chris wallace joins us. it's been a real pleasure to be part of the fox coverage and to watch it unfold was really
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amazing. your thoughts in the days after? >> this was ab aextraordinary story i think it is fir to say. and historians as well. it's biggest political shocker in american history. the idea that donald j. trump a man who's never been a politician, who never served as a general of the army is the next president of the united states. >> and -- and that last debate when you were the debate moderator, did you have a sense for how the country was feeling when you were asking those question questions because i thought especially when you started out and talking about the issues that people thought hadn't gotten enough attention, that you really hit the nail on the head. >> well i wasn't worried about what the country was thinking. i was trying to get flu the ninth minutes but you are right and in a sense it was a advantage to be the moderator of the third debate because the supreme court had never been
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discussed. gun, abortion. immigration, which it was one of trump's fundamental issues had never been discussed let alone debts and entitlements. so there were an awful lot of issues there and not that i was favoring one or the other but i thought let's hear what both have to say about it. and there was a real contrast on all of those issues. >> so it is an amazing story what donald trump was able to do in a very unconventional way. a new way of campaigning. he'll be a new president. but what about the democrats in the aftermath? what do you think is going through their minds? >> utter shock. and one of the things that is frankly mused me in the days after is the to see the bizarreo world. everybody said will republicans accept the results of the election. it is the democrats who are crying foul. people talked about with the republicans with a trump supporters going to be taking to the streets. we've had demonstrations in cities all over the country. the late night comedian, the
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hosts on the morning talk shows are acting like their puppy died. and then there is this. this is the headline on thursday in the "new york times." the banner headline, the day after. the basically the first day because the news of trump's victory broke so late. it isn't trump wins, new man in power. it is democrat, students and foreign allies face the reality of a trump presidency. so much for fairness and obje objectivity on the fairness of the america's front page of record. it is almost a parity of itself. >> this is going to be another presidential transition you witness. what do you expect coming up? because i think that both president obama and president elect trump and even secretary clinton were very gracious. do you expect to see that continue through? >> absolutely. and i think it was your old boss george w. bush who really set the marker there. because there were all kinds of
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stories about when he came in in 2000 and some of the clinton people had taken the ws off all the computers and you can tell me. but as i understand it bush just lady down the law. we're going to make this business like. we don't fesly like the guy replacing us but this is bigger than us. it is about america and i expect the obama team and trump team to act in the same fashion. >> we had a mandate in the president to be the most professional transition in the history of the country and we try to follow that through and i hope that set a good example. thank you chris. we appreciate it. >> thank you dana. >> we'll be back with our panel and the amazing history of the 2016 race. it is one for the record books. >> last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. i hope that he will be a successful president for all americans. ad a lot to think about.
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chapter yet in the amazing story of america. >> the presidency should not be passed on from one liberal to the next. >> america is tired of hand wringing and indecisiveness and weakness in the oval office. >> i am here to ask you for you prayers. >> i am officially running. >> and then there was one. welcome back. this week's panel of guests. welcome everybody and thanks for coming in. >> i think, you know, charles is only a contributor because he was appeared on our short run of shows. i think these eight weeks are what put you over the top. >> yeah i'll be living off that forever. >> it has been really fun. wow. so saw -- we only showed you five of the candidates if you think back to how many.
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>> 16. >> and it started with ted cruz, josh. >> ted cruz, boy, no one fell further in the republican party than ted cruz. and that decision at the convention to not endorse donald trump and then later backtrack. >> we have a sound bite of that. let's look back at the convention in july in cleveland. >> -- stand and speak and vote your conscience. vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. i appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation, and god bless the united states of america. >> so josh, that was quite a moment. you were there, right? >> yeah. i was standing next to the trump family actually at that time. and that was the moment you saw that the republican base was fully aligned with donald trump. i was watching the texas
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delegation. the pro cruise delegation. it wasn't new york. it was the texas delegation starting to boo ted cruz's speech. and that moment was crystallized for me that the republican party was squarely behind donald trump and any of the republicans trying to defect was not acceptable going forward. >> we ended up with 9 out of ten republicans backing trump exit polls told us. because the approach of playing hardball, at the time i thought it might been vert for trump to be indulgent of trump but in fact the beat down approach was a good one. >> the gamble for trump was ultimately hillary clinton just wouldn't be acceptable to most republicans and he turned out to be right. 90% of them came home. it was hard to imagine during the election getting less than 90% would have got to a victory. he got to a number and i think hillary got a little less than that on the democratic party. his base came home and hers did not in either numbers or raw turnout and that is what led to the victory. >> and not only was that the
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dumbest decision of the entire election, it was also the most calculated one. the guy spent -- put so much effort and thought into how to bank shot that and it it completely blew up in his face. >> do you think now that donald trump has won the republicans have the house and the senate, a sweep, a historical political upset, that donald trump might look to ted cruz as somebody who would put on the supreme court? >> i think it is -- when you look at ted cruz -- when conservatives looked at ted cruz and if it was just checking all the boxes he was right on everything for conservatives. he was just a terrible candidate and a terrible -- >> do you remember about four years ago, maybe five years ago, right before he ran for senate, there was a cover story about ted cruz in weekly standard. the i think it was weekly standard. maybe national review but of course one of those. i still get the hard copy at home. but i remember seeing this cover story about ted cruz and it was like the greatest hope for the
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republican future. and i read it. and when he was the solicitor general of texas, he had an amazing record. >> he did. but josh, we found out this time that ideology -- no. it was reaffirmed to this us this time that ideology is a lot less important in the primaries than people think. that it really is attitudinal and other stuff. and what trump was able to do was he was able to not brick new republicans in but take people who were usually only general election republican voters and get them to come into the primary to vote. and he changed the primary electorate. >> being likable matters. being able to communicate a more important asset for trump. cruz, he was banking on the conservative base showing up and maybe picking off another suburban and college educated voters to win the election if he was the nominee. trump reoriented the math and map map.
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pennsylvania, michigan, ohio. and the swing from romney to trump. >> 20, 25 point zwls amazing turnaround. >> and not only that but those voters also left the democrats. so now do you have a new base for the republican party? >> i think without a doubt, as long as they don't lose it. but the other thing with ted cruz is, and i think that you get a lot of this from the mainstream i.e. liberal media, they encouraged cruise. >> understood he would lose. >> how unlikable he is. even if you agree with everything -- >> and he's been such an agitator against president obama. we didn't plan to talk about ted cruz this whole time. but i do think it is pivotal. if you look at what's possible now if the congress. from a policy perspective, as a total nerd when it comes to what could happen. you actually could see a lot of stuff get done from the conservative perspective in the next two years. >> not only was ted cruz an
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agitator against barack obama but he was an agitators against mitch mcconnell and whose the hero of the conservative movement today for holding occupy the supreme court seat? mitch mcconnell a republican -- >> -- hold on guys. we got to go. >> -- on the decline. >> charlie and i agree, because mitch mcconnell is the hero. it is not just a kentucky thing. we've got to take a quick break. when we come back we'll sort through the rubble of hillary clinton's campaign. what went wrong and why. way. i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. painter: you want this color over the whole house? seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected
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speaking to reporters outside trump tower this afternoon saying the appointment of a white house chief of staff is immeai imminent. a deadly attack on u.s. forces in afghanistan, military leaders saying a suicide coming at a u.s. airfield killed four americans, including two service members and two contractors. the taliban claiming responsibility for the attack at bagram airfield. i'm arthel neville, i'll be back at the top of the hour at 6:00 eastern. >> -- a protest or was it because of guys out for a a walk one night who decided they would go kill some miles per hours. what difference at this point does it make in. >> did you wipe the server. >> what like a cloth or something? >> i don't know. >> looking back it would have been better if i had simply used a second e-mail account and carried a second phone but at
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the time this didn't seem like an issue. >> we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. >> james comey the fbi director sending this to congress. that criminal investigation of the hillary clinton the former secretary of state is back on. >> we don't know the facts, which is why we are calling on the fbi to release all of the information that it has. >> so that was long way to fall. she loses the presidential election. charlie, i have a theory. going back, i think that most people would say that the e-mail story sunk hillary clinton. but there was a root cause of that and that was benghazi and it wasn't just what happened in benghazi but the congressional hearings that trey gowdy held in the house uncovered the fact that there was a private e-mail server. without the benghazi hearing you never would have known about it. >> and like with anything in politics where you have people who have been around for decades, the most important devastating things are things that tell us what we already
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sort of know about a candidate. and so at the end of the day, i guess it was about a week before the election, dave chapelle early voted, comedian, hilarious guy. but he -- i mean he unleashed a beatdown on how plastic she is. what a liar she is. how nobody likes her. when she's talking you don't believe a word she says. and at that moment it was like wow. people -- even her supporters, they don't want to vote for her. and. >> and i think i'm correct she didn't meet any of her margins. not many. but in iowa in particular. the trump campaign thought it was really close but her people didn't turn out. >> based on the exit polls trump won a larger percentage of republicans by one point more than clinton won democrats. and one of the interesting things about the comey effect. i don't think it had a lot huge effect but the suburban voters who didn't like trump but came home in the final weeks. college educated voters voted
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trump by four points. in the polls before the election he was tied or losing. i think he got about a five point jump in the last week or two and the comey news and e-mail and that made a difference in the big western states. >> and if all it did was keep the focus off him. this is the election cycle where the last thing you wanted was for people to talk about you. you wanted people to talk about the other guy. and hillary clinton has a remarkable pension. we'd say in football that you can't handle a lead. and hillary clinton was one of these people. she would get out ahead and you would say whoa here show goes and she's rolling now. and you would see the suburban voters shift right over. say she's got it. she was up to 50% in some polls and then she would just find a way either through bad luck or bad judgment to swan right into some trouble. >> her campaign was always played on the fact she didn't have a real message or reason for running. her core issues were competence
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and judgment and they were alms undermined by e-mail and benghazi and then decisions she made on the campaign trail. so when you have no reason for being in a race and you are only running on competence and judgment and either things you are have done currently doing is undermining the issues and never created a connection. and the map is read from coast to coast. >> and i think obviously any time a party loses you do a look back or postmortem and say gosh what happened. seems the finger point has already started in saying clinton didn't run a good campaign. and no i you have a situation where the democrats have no natural. they are in disarray. the civil war is going to begin in ernest. >> 25 years of being under threat of a clinton running for white house. anybody talked about chelsea clinton running? >> probably. >> give it time. give it time. >> but it is -- no. it is really, really -- and you talk to democrats.
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like, you know -- you know. >> words. >> -- not. [ laughter ] -- not non delusional democrats. >> he's rying to find a way to. >> -- and they will tell you they are terrified. because what, elizabeth warren? she's awful. >> oh now. >> she is. >> you watch. >> but do they go for -- do they try to go more populist or do they try to recreate the obama coalition? it will be fascinating to watch. >> well this is the consequence when you pla i to that obama coalition but you don't win any. you lose the house in 2010 and the senate in 2014. the bench of talented candidates, talented politician that could have been built up are totally non existent. >> i'll tell you people something, which is don't listen to any stuff about people say about who the next salesperson because after the 2004 election the democrats said it is st going to be mark warner or which
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moderate. >> that was me at the gridiron dinner. >> mark warner. the democrats have to move to the center. and then after 2012 they said, boy, they are -- they need maybe a hispanic or they need somebody who can outreach and -- or trump. so i would say chill on that. we've got much more as "i'll tell you what" continues. while we take this short break. here is what you ed that do. fox and listen and subscribe. assign up for the fox news halftime report. that sounds interesting. that's right, i write it. it's free so it's worth every penny we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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so what we want to talk now is how basically donald trump won. and that is with substantial changes in two key demographic groups in the upper mid west. these what we call the old northwest states. here are white voters without college degrees in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan and wisconsin. three of those starts were part of the blue wall that hadn't been republican in a very long time. and then ohio, the swingy swing state. but if you look here at white voters without college degrees going for the republican candidate by 63% compared to 55% the previous time. so this is donald trump's coalition. and these are individuals who in substantial numbers voted for barack obama at least once and then voted for donald trump. and we saw it in individual counties, especially in michigan and especially in pennsylvania where you had 20 and 25 point turnarounds from democrat to republican. so think about that. now the other thing that happens in these states of course is
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that they are urban centers with large african american populations surrounded by states that are overwhelmingly white. a state without the major city centers you are talking about states that are 90% white. and then you put in the big city like detroit for example and things change. look how big that change can be. if when you look at michigan and trump's performance there you can attribute a lot to the 95% of the black vote that went for obama there compared to the 92% for hillary clinton. it wasn't that the republican in 2016 did a lot better with black voters. it was just that they failed to either -- >> show up. >> or voted for jill stein. >> i want to ask about that. there is some talk about the twitters about jill stein and some feelings by liberals or democrats that jill stein actually took so many votes from clinton in some of the close races that she was the difference make zplr? >> she was a difference maker for hillary clinton. i don't know if it actually
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effected the outcome of the election. i don't want to pre suppose. he was the candidate of the harambe. she was anti-vaccine. she repeated the pernicious and damaging lie about vaccines. >> somebody else in the race who thought that. >> but he changed his do you know tune on that. i guess my point is she captured some of the trump energy. >> of the left. >> yeah. exactly. >> i think it is important to note and i think this is true, i don't think anyone has anyone see harambe and stirewalt in the same place at the same time. >> true. i don't like bananas but -- >> how do you not like bananas? there's no meat in a banana? you can't kill a banana. >> a banana is fine in and to itself as a mrjsz food but the problem with banana you put banana with anything else everything tastes like banana. >> what got to you josh in terms
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of the breakthrough? because it is such a different map that what we've seen in the last three election squls. >> i think really underestimated how historic obama's measurements were with african americans. and trump did better than romney. only by a little bit. some precincts in philadelphia and other areas romney got zero votes. even at the margins it makes a difference like a close race like pennsylvania and michigan. and it is a real worry for the democratic party going forward. you may see going forward if trump was particular mr. popular or able to get able to get the favorability up as president, the african american vote could tip a bit more. >> joe biden, he's been agitating for the democrats for years to pay attention to the white working class and they missed it. >> they did miss it. and if you look at the map and see all the red in the states you can see the democrats just lost any connectivity, the base
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democrats in those states lost any connectivity to their national party leaders in washington d.c. this is after eight years of barack obama who maintains pretty good ratings. is and they like him personally. but the policies out of the obama administration really alienated a lot of registered democrats in the middle of the country. they feel like they just don't have anything in common with the values of democrats in washington as they knew the values growing up. >> buddy of mine from kentucky, most conservative person i said. and you said you were so conservative why aren't you registered democrat. and the he said the only people i knew growing up were republicans were mr. peanut and the monopoly man. and we talked about this about the merging democratic majority. democrats made a decision that rising number of the hispanic voters and tradition of the
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electorate from the north t south was their future. seems almost as if they intentionally chose against blue collar voters and not just disagreeing with them but rejecting them on global warm and coal and gun control and all these issues. >> and this election is a great come uppance for all the people. and the media does it and politicians. to professional politicians do it where they try to slice and dice the races into the race. i've always found it disgusting. i think it is the most deplorable thing out there. and what we learned out there is donald trump had a message. you may not have liked it. i might have been dplifrd a coarse way. but he had a message. and hispanic voters and black voters actually it appealed to some of them. >> can i ask you josh into the future. two years from now when you have 25 red state democrats who will be up for reelection.
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how do the democrats get themselves together to be able to withstand a popular donald trump, assuming he's popular two years from now. we could be looking at a very different congress even. >> this really limits the influence of the progressives like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. because chuck schumer is going to be look at a liberal caucus but these five or six democrats in red states that trump won by double digits and he can't move too far to the left or else republicans will be stairing at the 54, 55 seat majority in a couple years if trump plays his cards right and schumer has to worry about that very angry liberal base that it wants to get some o of their policy preferences enacted. it is not going happen but it is really going to be a very ugly divide within a democratic party. we thought it was republican side -- >> scott, in the blue wall states, there were no big senate races. no big governor's races. there wasn't a lot of reason for hillary clinton to go and visit
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those states. she spent a ton of time in new hampshire and north carolina and florida trying to help those guys. and i think in some of the post medical report rms are thinking why didn't she go up there a little more often. >> they just misjudged how in danger the states were and never really understood they didn't have much connectivity with the base democrats they needed in places like wisconsin and michigan and ohio. they were campaigning in ohio even at the very end of the race thinking it was in play and it was a wide margin they lost that night. >> humiliation. not giet but a bunch. >> stay tuned because the much anticipated i'll tell you what news queen elizabeth. databa -- quiz picture you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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welcome back. we're going to lighten it up for a couple of minutes, chris. >> our patented, never been approved perino and stirewalt's queen elizabeth. republicans fought to hold control of the senate in 2016 and to give the party control of both house of congress and the white house. the gop did is same thing in 2000 but it didn't last. what was the name of the senator
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who switched parties to give the democrats back control. >> that would be a, jim jeffods. >> second question goes to scott. this year we saw the largest gender gap in exit polling history. what year saw the second largest chasm between the sexes? >> oh gosh. >> you should know this. >> i should know this. >> 2000. >> you -- >> you helped me thank you. >> in 20'004 he came back to wi women by --. >> okay. in our final news quiz question goes to charles. carlos. how many governors ran in the republican primary in 2016,
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rivals, yes. >> josh, if you were to comment on any of these four races because i have graphics for any of them, the senate races in florida, north carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, what would you choose? >> pat toomey hung on because of donald trump. if you told me before election night it would be donald trump's coat tail that would get pat toomey to victory in pennsylvania, i would have been stunned. he was trying to run as a more moderate republican, but he was struggling to win over those trump voters. >> in the end, both can be true. >> you have to play the trump side of the party and the paul ryan side of the party. toomey did a very good job of that. if it wasn't f-- >> do you like florida, north carolina, pennsylvania, or new hampshire? >> new hampshire.
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it wound up being decided by a few hundred votes. trump came up just short as well. this is a state where if you told me that ron johnson would be going back to the united states but not kelly ayotte. no one would have taken that bet. >> i would make a recommendation to the trump team. kelly ayotte would be a really good public servant. >> that's a great point. >> you heard it here first. florida or north carolina? >> nevada. >> you can't pick that. >> this is a very serious question and i don't know the answer to it. both had a tough relationship with president-elect trump. did that hurt them? i don't know. >> last answer here.
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>> nevada. you don't vote for anyone. there's an option to do none of the above. >> there were a lot of no votes. >> a lot of people did that? oh. i don't like that option. stay with us because next i will try to stump the stirewalt. how long he's going to do? >> poorly. i wanted to know who i am and where i came from. i did my ancestrydna and i couldn't wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it's opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try?
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welcome back to "perino and stirewalt." it is time to stump the stirewalt. two questions. before this year, the state of michigan has been solid blue since 1992 before presidential elections. before bill clinton, when was the last time a democrat carried ma michigan? >> i don't know. >> hubert humphrey. >> it's either nixon or clinton. i have to go with nixon. 68. >> it was kennedy. in 1960, he only carried 22 states and the next closest was jimmy carter. >> you always get me on the 1960 election because the democrats
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stole it. >> obviously, you have a lot of studying to do. >> because the democrats stole it. that's why the map looks like a republican win. >> in four years if we come back here to do this. >> okay. >> this is our last go around. thank you. have you had fun? >> yeah. >> great fun. >> you guys have been great. >> that's all we have to do for today and this season. throughout the run of this show, we have asked you to help us find america. where do you find america? you've shown us your hearts and we're very grateful. today we wanted to tell you we found america where? >> in now. we wanted to make it fun and informative, but you turned it into something more. you taught us a lot about how viewers saw the election and we're thankful for that. >> it's been a great 18 months and a really fun eight weeks. we're definitely keeping our podcast going. don't forget to listen and to
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subscribe, "perino and stirewalt, i'll tell you what." hello. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> protests right across the country over the results of the presidential election nearly turning deadly. after months of infighting in the republican branch, the old guard and the new guard will have to reconcile. we we we'll take a look at that. >> then donald trump's vow to repeal obamacare. now that may not be the case.
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>> he has more than two months before he's sworn in as president of the united states. on yet another day of demonstrations across the country, thousands marched up fifth avenue here in new york city from union square to trump tower on 57th street and fifth avenue chanting he's not my president and we reject the president-elect. one demonstration turned violent last night in portland, oregon. that's where people were throwing what police called burning projectiles at police officers who then responded with tear gas. we're following all this from our new york city newsroom. are there any signs the protests could be ending? >> not at all. the crowd at least as big as the one on wednesday night here in new york. protesters remain outside trump tower as we speak right now behind police barricades that
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wall off the entire block. no violence, but there are hot tempers. much more violence in portland, oregon, where 26 people were arrested at least. police used tear gas to disperse crowds throwing projectiles. one man shot there. protests have been erupting in los angeles, dallas, philadelphia, kansas city, chicago and elsewhere. here in new york just as disruptive are the street closures around trump tower just as the holiday season is gearing up. they're to remain in effect until january 21st the day after inauguration day and are sure to test new yorkers patience. >> including this new yorker. i got caught in some of the traffic. thankfully made it here. meanwhile, kellyanne conway was at trump tower. she said the announcement of chief of staff was imminent. >> that's right. the second most important job in
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the white house, chief of staff has all but been decided upon. they're still not revealing his or her name. >> there are several being considered. it's mr. trump's decision ultimately. >> conway discussed a pace of hectic meetings, phone calls, and interviews. trump met with a british populist who fomented the movement with the brexit vote. he hears something very different on the streets. it suggested the brexit is here to stay. >> when i go out around the united kingdom and i meet ordinary people, they are absolutely thrilled at what's happened. they say to me, nigel, if this government doesn't deliver the brexit we voted for, we're
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taking to the streets. there's no way ultimately they can stop brexit from happening because those 17.5 million people really believe it. >> back to kellyanne conway, that chief of staff announcement, she said, will not come today. perhaps tomorrow, perhaps monday. >> whatever one's definition of imminent is we'll just have to see. thank you so much. >> thank you. president-elect trump preparing to take office as both houses of congress are controlled by his own party. but some of the gop leaders didn't support him during his campaign. mr. trump now circling the wagons trying to get everyone to agree to work together over the next four years. we are live in washington with more. molly, let's find out who are the power players now on the gop side on capitol hill. >> hi. the senate majority leader who is expected to remain, mitch o'connell, and republican house
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speaker also expected to remain paul ryan. in some ways the bridge between president-elect trump and capitol hill will be vice president-elect mike pence. he's likely to play a big role in helping to guide mr. trump's legislation through congress. trump met with speaker ryan on thursday despite some back and forth between the two during the election. ryan said he ultimately did vote for trump and the two men said they're ready to work together on legislation. trump also met with senator mcconnell on thursday. mcconnell said republicans have a, quote, temporary lease on power, but warned it would be a mistake to, quote, misread your mandate, meaning overreach with legislation. mcconnell also said he would be, quote, shocked if congress did not move forward to repeal obamacare. >> molly, who were the big shots for the democrats now? >> when president-elect trump takes office, he'll be working across the aisle with democratic
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senator chuck schumer. schumer is expected to become the new senate minority leader. trump and schumer go back decades, but that friendship may be tested as schumer becomes the top democrat in washington. a top senate republican says he can work with senator schumer. >> i get to determine what we're going to talk about. but after that, you need democratic cooperation to do most things in the senate. there are a couple of exceptions to that, but most things require some level of cooperation. i anticipate it. this is not just post-election sweet talk here. >> the current senate minority leader democrat harry reid is retiring after this term. >> thanks a lot for that report there in d.c. perhaps speaking of post-election sweet talk, we're
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told president-elect trump has spoken on the phone with bush. he has talked with former republican presidential nominee mitt romney. romney had been a harsh critic of mr. trump, warning his economic policies would cause a recession, saying some of his policies were, quote, ridiculous and dangerous. now in the aftermath of mr. trump's win, romney posted this on twitter. quote, best wishes for our duly elected president. >> the publisher of "the new york times" promising readers the times will rededicate itself to honest reporting. the publisher says it will approach the incoming administration, quote, without bias.
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president-elect trump was clear about his plans for dismantling obamacare. after that meeting with president obama in the oval office this week, he says now he's open to letting some parts of the law remain in place. we're live from our west coast newsroom with more details on the potential plans for obamacare. >> well, it's no secret that obamacare has been under fire across the country, especially with rate increases continuing to go up for more than 40 states. but there still are some very popular parts of obamacare, including being able to get insurance with a preexisting condition and parents being able to keep their children on their policies until they're 26. president-elect trump says his potential shift in mind-set comes after meeting with president obama. he says, quote, i told him i will look at his suggestions. out of respect, i will do that. either obamacare will be amended or repealed and replaced.
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either way, he says it's his top priority to make sure there's no gap in coverage down the line. >> and there's going to be a period if you repeal it and before you replace it where millions of people could lose -- >> we're going to do it simultaneously. it'll be just fine. i know how to do this stuff. we're going to repeal it and replace it. we're not going to have a two-day period or a two-year period where there's nothing. it will be repealed and replaced and we'll know. it will be great health care for much less money. >> to repeal and replace, he'll need congress. >> it's easy now to repeal obamacare. the problem is to pass a new bill because we have control of the house and senate, but senate rules say you need 60 votes to pass a bill, which you need
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roughly eight democrat senators to yojoin us to get a new healt care package. it's going to be a little bit challenging. >> with obamacare rates going up, many republicans say it's a challenge they're looking forward to. >> thanks so much. the democrats now trying to reorganize their party under new leadership after their painful loss in the general election. senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren now appear to be the most high profile figures left standing as the party looks to bounce back. we are live in our new york city newsroom with the details. >> right now there is serious soul searching under way inside the democratic party as the party and its supporters still reel from the utter shock of a president-elect donald trump. first, democrats are digesting what went wrong. new reports to fox news we can confirm from a source that hillary clinton is blaming fbi director james comey for her defeat. clinton holding a conference
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call today with top campaign funders saying comey's second letter 11 days before the election proved to be a turning point stopping her campaign's momentum. others in the party are blaming clinton's campaign for failing to motivate and connect with what was their party's base, white blue collar workers in places like wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan. many of whom voted for trump. now progressives within the party are looking to senators bernie sanders and elizabethe r warren as leaders. some democrats are bitter and believe sanders could have won this election if it were not for the establishment focused on clinton. both sanders and warren say they'll fight to protect marginalized groups from bigotry, but are willing to work
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with trump to help workers. >> people in this country are worried and they are right to be worried. today as president-elect donald trump has an opportunity to chart a different course, to govern for all americans, and to respect our institutions. >> meanwhile minnesota representative a muslim american and martin o'malley are early favorites to be the new democratic committee national chair. there's little time to regroup. 25 democrat seats are up for grabs in 2018. have of those seats are in states trump narrowly won or lost. the state department closed the u.s. embassy in kabul tomorrow as a precaution. that after that deadly suicide bombing this morning at airfield in afghanistan.
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the taliban claimed responsibility for that attack. it killed two of our service members and two american contractors. we have the very latest from a middle east bureau in jerusalem. >> reporter: of the four americans killed, two were u.s. service members, two u.s. contractors working in afghanistan. 16 other americans were injured. all part of a larger group of people that were getting ready for a post-veterans day run. the attack happened around 5:30 this morning inside the air base when officials say a man apparently posing as an afghan laborer detonated his suicide vest. the taliban has claimed responsibility saying the attack had been planned for four months. where the explosives came from is they were smuggled into the base if they were already there. why this attacker wasn't flagged before getting in is under investigation. it is the largest u.s. military base in afghanistan.
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it is where top u.s. officials including the defense secretary and the president fly into because of its heavy security. this is clearly a major security breach. secretary of defense ash carter released a statement saying, quote, for those who carried out this attack, my message is simple. we will not be deterred in our mission to protect our homeland and help afghanistan secure its own future. secretary carter also expressed his condolences to the family members of those that were killed in this morning's attack. at this point, we have no more information about their identities. >> thank you so much. secretary of state john kerry talking about climate change during a visit to one of the coldest continents in the world. mr. kerry becoming the highest ranking american official to visit antarctica. he's been hearing from scientists worried about the impact of climate change on the continent. the secretary of state stressing the need for a global movement,
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saying the risk was great for much of antarctica's ice to eventually flow into the ocean raising sea levels around the world. meanwhile back here at home a police officer in anchorage, alaska, has been shot multiple times by a gunman. the officer was responding to a report of a theft in a downtown area when he was ambushed this morning. there's no word yet on that officer's name. a second officer responded to the scene. he shot and killed the gunman. thankfully the wounded officer underwent emergency surgery and is expected to survive. this happened to be the second shooting involving an alaska police officer just in the past month. protesters gathering outside an ohio courthouse after a judge declared a mistrial in the case of former cincinnati police officer ray tensing who was charged in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man.
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this after the jury emerged deadlocked. he shot 43-year-old debose last year after pulling him over for a missing front license plate. the officer was afraid debose would drive off in his car dragging him along with it. prosecutors must decide whether to seek a retrial. the republican party looking to close ranks after the bitter campaign. the big question right now, can president-elect donald trump and house speaker paul ryan -- remember they both criticized each other during the race? >> uh-huh. >> can they let bygones be bygones? we're getting an update on the fight in mosul. what iraqi forces are saying now as they advance further into the isis stronghold. ♪
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ambitious plans. >> what i got out of donald trump today is this is a man of action. he wants to get it done for the country. it's really, really exciting. >> but some political experts predict the president-elect is expected to clash with some members of his party. after all, he won't be carrying some traditional republican philosophies into office. david, during the campaign, man oh, man, what a difference a day makes. remember when donald trump branded paul ryan as disloyal? politics can make for some strange bedfellows, right? >> some strange bedfellows and fast turnarounds on their parts. speaker ryan was quite forceful in the very end of the campaign and the days after the campaign with donald trump. moved very, very quickly.
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this works for him. up until the eve of the election, it looked like paul ryan was going to face a challenge to the future of his leadership from the so-called freedom caucus. now that's gone away thanks to his moving so close to donald trump. trump for his part wants to get things done. the only way to get them down is to move legislation through congress and he needs paul ryan. the two of them go into this needing each other. what we don't know yet is just how long that reproachment will last before each of them realizes -- i'm sure they realize it already, but until it becomes clear that paul ryan's view of government and donald trump's view of government have at least if not as many differences and similarities, plenty of differences. >> on tuesday there's the election for speaker. obviously paul ryan you would think would get it. once they get to legislation, you're talking about different political philosophies.
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the $1 trillion infrastructure proposal is double what hillary clinton wanted. no cuts in social security, for example. how will that go down with some of the more conservative republicans? >> it doesn't go down with some of the more conservative republicans and it doesn't go down with paul ryan. the infrastructure package that you just mentioned is example a of this. paul ryan was asked a couple weeks before the election about donald trump's proposal to spend up to trillion dollars on public works, rebuilding hospitals, airports, highways, tunnels, railroad systems. paul ryan said that's not part of my plan. we just did a big highway bill. $3 billion. there's not the money to do another one. >> does he block it and does he sit down with president trump in the oval office or up on capitol hill and says this is what we're going to accept and do or does it work the other way around?
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>> the president is the president-elect and is the driver of the agenda more than paul ryan is. paul ryan spent much of the last year coming up with a very detailed agenda that he wants republicans to pursue. on the case of the infrastructure thing, democrats like public works. they like spending money. they like putting the federal government to work on infrastructure as a way to create jobs. donald trump could reach to the democrats and some republicans to get it done. >> he could get a coalition together and get it through. >> he could. he could. if he does that the first thing out of the box, he'll annoy some of the republicans. that having been said, many republicans know that part of the coalition hthat elected donald trump was a view that the country was broken, deadlocked, gridlocked.
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these republicans now they have to produce. the republicans in congress, many of them who have took power, railed against the system. donald trump railed against the system. the way i put it is they admit they broke it. now it's up to them to own it. >> now they may actually get something done in washington as had been the promises. we thought we were going to have breaks of news tonight with the announcement of a chief of staff for the trump administration. kellyanne conway told reporters said it was imminent. now it may not be tonight, tomorrow, or monday. any guess? >> reince priebus. mitch mcconnell and paul ryan are both urging mr. trump this week to pick reince priebus as the chief of staff.
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we have mike pence, the vice president-elect, an old hand in washington as running the transition now. these are good signs to the republican leadership that donald trump, who we should pause and remember is the first president in american history who has never worked in government at any level, would be surrounding himself with two players who both now how washington works and how the inside game works. even though he's run as an outsider, he's the ultimate insider now, the president-elect. he needs friends and allies who know how to do that. >> he had warm words for reince priebus and pointed him out specifically. that could be sign. always good to have your analysis. thank you for joining us. >> of course. the future of obamacare remains uncertain, but there are signs that part of the president's plan may survive a new administration. what stays? what goes?
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iraq reporting new gains in the battle to liberate mosul. officials say special forces are advancing further into isis territory taking control of more neighborhoods and killing dozens of terrorists in the process. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg has more from irbill iraq. >> reporter: we're hearing about fierce resistance. the latest word coming in tonight. iraqi forces are clashing with militants in ten different neighborhoods of that city. ten terror car bombs claim to have been destroyed when they were heading to the soldiers. 30 militants were killed.
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the people we have been speaking to say iraqi soldiers are good. isis is crazy. the terrorists aren't flanked by any rules. isis has killed 70 civilians this week for so-called treachery. more mass graves have been found. civilians used as human shields is growing. large tanks are being used by at least one iraqi division in one neighborhood. the soldiers basically on their own against the jihadis. this as we have witnessed the flow of refugees increasing, leaving the fighting. another massive camp built near here in irbill. 15,000 of the people have come out of the city so far. officials expect as many as 800,000 refugees could flee. one hope early on that isis
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would simply flee the city. four weeks into this massive anti-isis mosul operation that's not happening at all. on the wake of hillary clinton's defeat, there's going to be a college course about mrs. clinton. it's happening at kent state university. the course will examine mrs. clinton's life. it will be taught by the director of the women's studies program and will reach all the way back to her beginning at the children's defense fund through her life as the first lady of arkansas to secretary of state to this campaign and her defeat and what perhaps she could be doing next. president-elect donald trump is preparing for his first weeks in office and high on his agenda will be tackling president obama's health care laws. mr. trump had suggested he wanted to scrap obamacare in its entirety and place it with something else, but that plan maybe changing. in fact, during an interview on
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cbs, the president-elect said that he's considering keeping two components in place. >> when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes, because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. also children living with their parents. we're going to very much try to keep that. it adds cost, but it's something very much we're going to try and keep. >> you heard president-elect trump saying pretty adamantly saying he's going to keep obamacare, the part that covers people with preexisting conditions and will enable the participan parents to keep children on their policies until 26. can he do that and dismantle the rest of the affordable care act? >> obviously, this caught a lot of people by surprise, but it shouldn't have. the idea he was going to
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completely dismantle obamacare and throw 20 million into the street is a nonstarter. i don't think it's a nonstarter for trump. i don't think it's for paul ryan and the gop or democrats. in fact, the gop proposal included both of these provisions. they're very popular with people. they would not be thrown out i believe in any circumstances. >> what would a trump insurance look like in terms of cost to americans, to the carriers, as well as to small businesses? >> well, look, the reality is as promised obamacare has not worked out. the key is can they just dismantle it, get rid of it? the truth is they have to fix it. i don't know what they call it, but they have to fix it. we really need to look at what the gop is proposing because i think at the end of the day the outline of the gop is what trump is going to use to try to fix this thing. >> there is the component where people are concerned about whether or not they're going to have health care, the cost of it. so when you look at it from a
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perspective of protecting the american portfolio, we talk about how one of the problems and criticisms of obamacare is that it cost so much. if you look at it from that standpoint of protecting the american portfolio as well as providing the humanitarian need to our citizens, is there a good business plan for a nationwide insurance policy? >> look, i wish i had a magic wand. believe me, the democrats and the republicans wish they had it. you could wave it and we would all be taken care of. it just doesn't work that way. it's not that simple. the gop has to reallythis thing try to contain cost. we've seen things like we're going to allow insurance companies to in any state without dealing with local insurance jurisdictions. i guess conceptually that's a good idea. but the reality is if you don't
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fix the core problem, you're not going to fix the big problem. think about things like life insurance or homeowners insurance or auto insurance. these things are risk adjusted. if you have a dwi, your auto insurance is going to cost more than if you have a clean driving record for the last 20 years. we're asking these insurance companies to cover everybody under a blanket and therefore when you have somebody with preexisting conditions or prestructured costs that are required to be covered, the cost has to be spread across the entire spectrum. you have to attack this thing really at the core. >> do you think that's going to happen? >> they don't really have a choice because the current system which basically allows everybody to be covered under one blanket system simply is not working. they're looking at things like maybe we need an age-based pricing structure. we're not discriminating on someone who has a preexisting
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condition, but younger people should be allowed to enter at a lower price than maybe somebody who is over 60 years old and collecting medicare. that would encourage younger people to come on board. maybe we should have pooled structures like we do for auto insurers for riskier people and the government can subsidize some of that cost. there's lots of ideas, but we have to have an open mind and bring some of these ideas into the process because the current system simply isn't working. >> quickly, because i have about 20 more seconds with you for your answer, how soon can this get fixed? meanwhile you have people who have those obamacare premiums that keep going up, up, up, up. >> we know president trump doesn't get into office until next year. you have to give congress time to come up and implement -- i assume it's going to be an outline of the current gop plan. you're looking into next year,
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2017, when this thing might take effect. no relief soon. as a small business owner, my premiums have gone up 100% since obamacare took over. we cannot keep going the way we're going. we have to try something new. >> we'll see how quickly congress can work with president-elect trump on getting something new. thank you so much. >> thank you. the president-elect is facing some major foreign policy challenges when he takes office. >> yeah, coming up, ambassador john bolton on mr. trump's plans and what we can expect. can i give it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee?
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variety of issues. how does he now prepare for those issues as commander and chief? john bolton joins us. he is the former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and fox news contributor who has been mentioned on the short list as a possible trump secretary of state. you know the criticism. they say mr. trump will weaken nato. he's praised putin that russia interfered to influence our elections and some of our allies are nervous. what should mr. trump do first? >> i think in many respects he's already doing it. the press reports he's received calls from a number of foreign leaders, theresa may from the united kingdom, for example. he's began to talk with these foreign leaders. he's been receiving briefing by the intelligence community during the campaign and i think coming up to speed on a lot of
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these issues. this is the kind of criticism from barack obama that you mentioned. really is sad that not everybody in the country knows as much as barack obama does or is as smart as barack obama is. frankly, i won't miss being lectured to when his term in office expires. there's a lot of work to do, and america transition is a phen phenomenal enterprise. that process is under way. >> we have an inkling of one change in policy. mr. trump gave an interview to the wall street journal. it's on the front page. he says potentially he may not continue the arming of the rebels in syria. quote, i've had an opposite view of many people regarding in syria. you're fighting syria. syria is fighting isis. you have to get rid of isis. russia is now totally aligned
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with syria. if you don't arm the rebels, ambassador, are you then just bolstering assad and helping putin at the same time? >> well, i'm not sure which rebels we could trust by giving them arms at this point to begin with. my view on this as been the same for a long time. i think syria is a strategic sideshow. i think the campaign against isis is absolutely central, but i think it has to be waged in a way very different from the obama administration. this is a multi-sided conflict. whenever you take out one combatant, you're going to be advantaging others. the way we eliminate isis should be done in a fashion that minimizes the benefit to iran and to assad. the obama administration's strategy has been to go after isis in a slow motion fashion that advantages iran more than anybody else. i think that's backwards.
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let's be clear. if it were not for iranian support for the assad regime, i think he would have fallen long ago. but he hzbollah and other assistance has kept him in power. the russian nexus here is to support assad, not isis. >> do you think there's going to be a ramping up of the military action, for example? >> i think we'll have to see how it plays out during the remainder of obama's tenure. as we just heard a few minutes ago, the iraqi government's offensive along can the kurds is taking longer than predicted. the predictions for a quick victory were just before our election. reality now beginning to set in. this is a very dangerous situation, but obviously it's less dangerous i think for the united states than iran's continued march toward nuclear
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weapons. >> you mentioned iran of course. how about the iranian nuclear deal? there's already a report from the u.n. that they're cheating. >> there's no doubt in my mind. they haven't complied with this deal since before the ink was dry and they never had any intention of doing it. they wanted relief from sanctions. they got almost all the benefits from the deal at the front end with their compliance not being monitored effectively. that's why i thought it was such a strategic disaster for the united states and why we need to aggregate the deal, not that anybody other than the united states and the west is complying with it as soon as possible in the new administration. >> ambassador, thank you. finally, i know you're tired of being asked this. you probably walk down the street and people come up to you and someone says something to you about the speculation of a potential secretary of state position. any reaction or comment?
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>> well, i need a line that i can use on this until there's a decision from the president-elect. i think i'll simply say it is premature to speculate about it. that will be true right up until it is not premature anymore. >> ambassador, just say you're doing to take the call. whenever it comes, you're going to take the call. >> he'll be back with us tomorrow at noon. i hope you're back with us tomorrow at noon, ambassador. >> i'll be there one way or the other. >> ambassador, thank you. see you tomorrow. 12:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox news channel. >> we want to make a correction in the story about a judge declaring a mistrial in the case of a former ohio police officer rey tensing who was charged in a fatal shooting of an unarmed black man. ray tensing is a former officer with the cincinnati college police department.
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here's more on why this community voted for mr. trump. >> reporter: donald trump can credit his victory as president of the united states in part of the turn out for religious conservatives, particularly white evangelicals who make up a huge swath of the republican party. they went for donald trump besting george bush's number. >> from those to the reagan era. they believe he is their friend. >> reporter: faith leaders unleashed a massive ground game even from mike pence. >> reporter: trump's recent vulgarity and three was part of the problem. but trump had a evangelical and
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catholic panel to bring in the swing vote. a grassroots movement started. >> they did psas in 110 households and that is over a thousand radio staugzs and 20 events attended live and on line by millions of people. it was an anti- establishment that went all the way down in the spiritual heart of the country. >> reporter: they considered the choice to be a matter of the lesser of the two evils and the issues at stake, like shaping the supreme court as a sermon that went viral made clear. >> you were one vote from the loss of your personal freedom. >> reporter: in the end. they were electing noft a pastor in chief but a protector in
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chief. >> thank you, lauren. we'll be right back. ht steps, 80% of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. vo: introducing the new motoz droid with moto mods - exclusively on verizon. boom! vo: transform your phone in a snap. with the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it, because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy a motoz droid and get another one free and $300 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon?
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>> last year's winner, maginous carlsson and the matches will continue in new york city. >> julie banderas is up next with the fox report. >> we'll be back here tomorrow at noon, 4 and 6 eastern. >> the clock is ticking toward inauguration day and president-elect donald trump is working on appointmentes and shaking things up. three dozen people are on the president-elect transition team headed by mike pence. it will have top tier white house advisors and fox news learning that mr. trump spoke on the phone with jeb bush and john kasich and 2012 nominee mitt romney and the president-elects former are campaign manager kelli ann
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