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tv   Fox Report Saturday  FOX News  November 13, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PST

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for being on this incredible journey with me, as we elected america's 45th president. "the greg gutfeld show" is next. see you tomorrow >> we'll be back here tomorrow at noon, 4 and 6 eastern. >> the clock is ticking toward inauguration day and president-elect donald trump is working on appointmentes and shaking things up. three dozen people are on the president-elect transition team headed by mike pence. it will have top tier white house advisors and fox news learning that mr. trump spoke on the phone with jeb bush and john kasich and 2012 nominee mitt romney and the president-elects former are campaign manager kelli ann conway said they are close to naming the chief of
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staff and they are busier than ever. >> we need someone. and that is what we felt pretty busy. it is a transition for the people up there and working really hard. ndoug mcelway has more on the transfer of power. and what else did we hear from conway? >> the chief of staff position is all but decided. this is key. the chief of staff position is the second most important job in the white house next to the president. they are the true gatekeeper and decide who gets to see the president and many vital roles, but conway would not say who it is. >> it will be in a minute. and there is several people
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being considered. and mr. trump will make the decision ultimately. >> speculation is reince priebus is the pick. he may be too valuable of an asset to pass up. other key picks. senator jeff sessions, one of the first to jump on the trump bandwagon. he will have any choice he wants. and steve bannon and corey lewandowski and kelli nan conway. and rudy guiliani. trump is considering to coping some provisions of the affordable care act what is that about? >> reporter: yes, he is considering keeping the provision of denying people with preexisting conditions and
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provision to allow adult children to be covered up to age 26. that may not be quite as a big of a deal. each of the repeal and replace have those. repealing obama care may be the easy part but replacing it much harder. >> the problem is to pass a new bill. we have house control. you need 60 votes to pass the bill. you will need eight democratic senators to join us to get a new health care package through the desk. >> it is it hardly likely they will be go for this unless trump offers something in exchange. >> protestors are taking to the streets like here in new york.
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[chanting] >> protestors marching up to fifth avenue to trauchl tower. among those demonstrators, film maker michael moore. in portland, more than a dozen people have been arrested since election day. police arrested four. one man is injured but told he is expected to be okay. top democrats are discussing what direction the democrat should state. donna brazile was in damage control after leaked e-mails suggested that she colluded with the clinton camp in the primary. the previous head suffers a similar fate. debbie waszser man shultz.
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and brian is here with more. there is a lot of finger pointing going in the democratic party and the election is over. >> it was a stunning te foot and now a source tells fox news, hillary clinton is putting the blunt of the blame on james comey. clinton pinned the blame on comey's letter to congress about the e-mail investigation. it was released 11 days toward election day and raised groundless and basement doubts and stopped her campaign momentum. others e blaming clinton's camp for failing to get to the party base. progressives are looking to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren who can shift from the party's establishment to
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a progressive shift is. bernie sanders said the democratic party has to be focused on gross're -- grassroots. waren and bernie sanders will work with trump. but protect the voter base. >> latino and muslim children are worried about what will happen to their families. lgbt couples are worried their marriages will be be dissolveded by a trump/pence supreme court. we will stand up to bigotry. >> reporter: 20 seats are up for grab and there is little tomb to regroup. >> who is in line to lead the democratic committee. there is a search for new fresh
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faces and they will send a message to the direction they are looking to go. many democrats blame the dnc for colluding to ensure that hillary clinton was the nom no. minnesota representative keith ellison who is a muslim american is favoredit to be dnc chair. and the new party leaders in the future, look for camilla harris. she's getting the buzz of the next female candidate for president. >> we are talking that already? >> i sure did. did you not hear it? >> thank you, julie. turning to the war on terror and a top agenda for president trump. four people were killed inap
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attack in afghanistan. and a polish soldier were wounded. the second of defense said a suisicide bomber set off a bomb in a air fold. the taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack. here's more from john. >> reporter: julie, of the fr americans killed, two were u.s. service member and two u.s. contractors working in afghanistan and 16 other americans were injured in the attack, all of them part of a larger group of people getting ready for a post veteran's day run. the attack happened inside of the air base, when a man posing as an afghan later. detonated his suicide vest. where the explosives came from
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and smuggled in to the base and why the attacker was not flagged in the security screens is under investigation. and top people, incrudding the defense secretary and the president fly into. this is major security breach. >> okaycant are. we will not be detern the in the and ooh so far we don't have more information about their identities and name and ages and where they were from. >> john, thank you very much. >> republicans holding the white
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house and senate. it may not be smooth sailing for the gon. what we can to in a theater. 90 poechl it will honor the victims. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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the brutal attack. on stage a musical icop. sting playing the tonight's concert in front of a thousand fans. the show sold out with minutes with ticket prosoweds going to those who survived the devastating attack a year ago this weekend. >> isis claimed responsibility for the responsiblity for the o hundreds were wounded and it was the first serious serious rers rers upon. >> and come next. robber with a republican majority in the house and senate. but many 51 gop lawyer make are ares didn't report and it be molly, we have seen plenty of
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p>> reporter: that's right, julie on capitol we are not seeing it tblly at this point. president-elects in its trump met with house speaker paul ryan. ryan had voted for trump but had not campaigned or voiced support for trump in the weeks leading up in the election. he met with senate mierjity leader mitch mcconnell. he said the republicans have a temporary less power. and a big role in and will pence, a bot columbuses --
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julie. molly, one of trump's new york friends may turn out to be one of his dc rivals. >> new york democratic senator chuck schummer is expected to be the most powerful democrat in washington and likely will be the senate minority leader after harry reid retires at the end of this term. the continue republican is ready for level of cooperation between both sides. >> senator schummer and i have begun to talk. he's a smart, transactional person. andy think we'll get along just fine. schummer has been friends with president-elect for years. and trump called schummer on wednesday and schummer said after that call, it is time for
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the country to come together and heal the bitter wounds from the election. thousands of people hitting the streets in cincinnati after a judge's decision. [crowd noise] >> a former white police officer charged in the killing of an unarmed black man. hear what the judge determined sparked the outrage. and president-elect trump getting ready to take the helm for four years. and we'll have preview of first 100 days. >> real change begins with repealing and replacing
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>> nearly a this happened protestors taking to the streets in cincinnati after a judge declares a mistrial in the case of a white police officer chargeded with the murder of an unarmed black man. the jury deliberated for 24 hour and dead locked and unable to agree. stop coast was shot in the head after a missing license plate in july. the mistrial sparked outrage city wide. protesting chanting hands up and don't shoot. back to politics now. candidate donald trump promised to have tax cut and new trade deals and more jobs. now president-elect trump is getting ready to take the oath of office and choose the white house advisors.
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what can we expect as president? >> drain the swamp. we are going to washington and drain the swamp. >> donald trump run his campaign promising to tear washington it pieces. the president-elect has to figure out how to build washington up. >> outreach and inclusion. there has to be be a lot of outreach and come both ways. >> reporter: former majority leader tom dashel said it is 50/50. diplomacy is not his strong suit. >> can he bury the hatchet with paul ryan and offered no endorsement of the trump campaign. >> a unified republican government can fix the country's
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problem. >> real change starts with immediately repealing and replacing obama care. we will build a great wall. >> but other parts of trump's contract may poke the eyes of republicans. >> impose term limits on all members of congress. >> his first day can feature big guns. rudy guiliani running homeland security or justice department and retired general michael flynn. >> tom dashel thinks that trump is in a strong position. expectations are so low, if trump can work with congress a little, he am get a lot of credit. >> secretary of state john kerry as far away from the presidential election.
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he's innantarctica. he landed in the mur doe station and visited a station in the south poll. in the last three months. he's been to all seven coninents and he is the first six sex and isis and the battle continues for the co city. we'll have the latest from iraq coming up. and part of president obama's legacy on the clopping that's next. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways
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>> i am julie banderas. it is the fox report. it is the bottom of the hour. the president-elect may be close to naming a chief of staff. former campaign manager kelli ann conway said it is imminent and confirmed reince priebus is a candidate and there is also a
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lot to do. >> it is what you you expect in a normal transition. we felt pretty busy with the underdog in the election. we felt busy. and they are working hard. >> some voters who are upset about the election outcome are petitioning members of the electorial college to change their vote. the biggest effort at, trump opponents said that hillary clinton won the popular vote. and they are up to 3 million signatures. and turkey issuing a travel warning for are citizens that are coming here. warning referenced violent protest after the election and increased attacks of anti- immigrant and racist nature.
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president obama in the meantime preparing to depart the white house in two months from now. and with donald trump's victory many of the president's endeavors could be in jeopardy. what is at stake and what does it mean for president obama's legacy. >> so much of what he did was through executive orders and just as easy they they can be shredded which is what president-elect trump campaigned on. under the president obama administration, millions of undocumented immigrants have received work permits. climate change has been a priority for president obama. and he created energy prukdz and the environment which are expected to be tossed out.
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>> the oa he said there are several ats pects of the law he would hike to keep. >> when you replace it, will you make sure people with preconditions and i will have coverage. >> yes. >> you will keep that? >> also for the children living with their parents. very much try to keep that. that is costs. but something to keep. >> reporter: republican law makers said the gop supported those provisions and promossals in replacing obama care. and the nuclear cloel with rieshgs ran and transpacific partnership. trump said he plans to renegotiate. and changes to obama care.
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some aspects of the affordable care act may stay and the president-elect is getting support from republicans on capitol hill who say they were planning to keep parts of obama care that worked. >> we've said from day one. keeping kids under 26 on the parent's policies and making sure we take care of those in one way or another. and folks with preexisting conditions and make sure you don't have limits on lifetime coverage. those are part of our replacement plan. >> will car deteriorate r live in los angeles. what else does he want upon to change in >> reporter: you heard what he wants to keep. and there is a big list of things to change. it is on great protect individual conscience and protecting workers from
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performing services against religious bloefs. he wants to protect innocent life including rates increasing for 40 states and subsidies do help but consumers are not haup. republicans at a they are ready for a system to be put in problem. ? i would be shocked if we didn't move forward. it is the single bad piece of legislation passed in the obama presidency. >> reporter: after meeting with president obama, president-elect trump said i told him i will look at suggestions. obama care will be a mended or
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repealed and repoliced. he is softening his language than on the trail. >> trump still needs congress to pass a new law, right. >> absolutely. he has to have congress. and take a look at representative shaun devy. he weighed it is easy now to repeal obama care. but the problem is passing a newble. we have senate rules that you need 60 voteses to pass the bill. you will need roughly eight it is going to be charging. >> that is not spoking the ga upons to go big and bet.
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>> rescue crews spot a baby being pulled from a burning vehicle. >> and opposition activity said the syrian government has been launching attacks on several villages in the north where insurgent groups are incarc rated. and in iraq. progress has been slow in mosul because of car bombs and snipe ares and we are learning about new horrors against innocent civilians. public executions of the people who describe them as traitors. >> we are hearing about pierce resistant in the efforts to get isis out of the city of mosul. the latest word coming in tonight.
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iraqi forces are clashing with mill toontss in ten defrnt neighborhoods. ten car have been bombed. and isis is crazy. the terrorist don't play by the rules. >> there was more claims than found. and the fight gets air strikes are also in. and a lot of large tanks are use the. one evacuate the soddiers are on theiro they are leaving the fighting in a massive nthift
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thousand dpk finally one hope early on. and atd juvenile can they are also foufrior back to, jelly. >> kress, thank you. to workman's compensation being a bomb went awe to hundreds of people were inside of the iowa sis is claiming responsibility for the explosion. first responders had trouble getting to the scone. it comes as the president obama plans to visit the province on monday. we thank military
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familys who sack foesed see much for the reamom we will with and a wounded warrior
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overnight >> and in a land slide margin. they went for 80- 17 >> the many, many, per there are new ones today that believe that donald trump is not only a supporter but their friend. >> reporter: faith leader ares unloeshed a massive ground game and from this from pence. >> reporter: that was issues that challenged the collective faith conscience. but there was a movement in the leadership. he needed's evangelical advisory panel and catholic panel to bring in the swing vote. the grassroots went undetected. >> they did psa's and six daily
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psa's in a thousand radio stations and 20 events that was tweeted on line by millions of people. it was an under current and antitrump establishment and in the heart of the country as well. they consider it to be a matter of a lesser of two evilsment it is like the big one shaping the courts court as the sermon that went viral made clear. >> you were one vote in the loss of your personal freedom. >> in the end, they said we are electing a commander in chief and not a pastor in chief. >> as we pause this weekend, it is an opportunity to thank their families. they sacrificed so much to
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support loved one and care for our wounded barrior and they shuft never be forgotten. >> elizabeth pran had a chance to. >> there is no typical day in the life of pat and 58y. >> pat survived a near fatal bullet to his brain. >> i was knots supposed to life of the >> he was able to because of patty. >> she tended on to her gravely injured house. doctors removed 40 percent of the skull and left temp oral lob. it is used for righting and speaking. it would be two years before he uttered a word.
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>> a >> andy felt so inedindicated and i did two to tirn return. and i had to make huge decisions on the wag they launched a campaign to raise awareness. that is more than five and half mellion toning to and if these ded beated people received an's joe. while and that is a they am 0ing >> sometimes days i think it is overwhelming and i think having
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more tunes for special and when its he had no sense of smell or awareness taste or teach. hecan deputy thanks to patty, his care dpoef >> my wife did so much of that nine years. snrngs i know she needed's balth wanted >> an injured veteran gets's new home thanks to the gary sneeze. >> and he saw the custom home in maryland ofrt on veteran's day and his wife was overcome with emotion. and tried to >> thank you for this amazing
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blessing. you all are family for the ones that have troubles. for the many hours to be be here. incredible. and that home includes an elevator so he can get up and down between the house floor. he was wounded while serving in afghanistan. his foundation built more than 50 smart homes for are wounded veteran and their families. and a group of angels in white and celebrate an extraordinary birthday and a day that may not be possible without tender loving care after this toddler dmam the world weighing under two pounds. and special four- legged friends helping our veterans recover from the horror of battle. >> it is just like watching
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a blossom. you can see them come out of the their shell. you can see them smile again and laugh again. and tell jokes again. and like they did before the war. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. why do protein drinks taste then get worse? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts. so great that if you don't get up to fifteen percent more reps,
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>> a very special birthday inside of a florida hospital. a toddler turned one-year-old. the intensive nurses who kept them alive for long months celebrated with the family. ryan weighed one pound seven ounce and had a brainging tube and his mother who is also a nurse celebrated in the
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hospital a chance it survive. >> he's doing so well. >> it is important to see when they have bad days, what they do does matter. >> it makes all of the long night and days of stress worthwhile. four months after he was born he was able to go home and his mother said he is tloifing. >> and thanks to man's best friend. canine for warriors is for veterans struggling for psd. a nitta sat down with one are partees pant. >> and many like to start a relaxing time with a dog.
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spending time with dogs has a therapeutic affect on veterans suffering from psd. >> i said basically, i will end it if you don't help me do something. >> after tours in iraq and afghanistan. symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder were killing him. >> diagnosed with depression. he heard are about canines for warriors. they are specially trained service dogs with vets with psd. vets spend three weeks learning to work with the dogs. the results? is >> like watching a blossom. you can see them come out of their shell and smile again and
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laugh again and tell jokes again like they did before war. >> medical experts say it is proven that animals can reduce stress. >> that companionship is fundmental to the benefit of people suffering from psd. >> christopher leblank cut down medications to just two. >> it makes you feel not so alone. and as much as you rescued him he helps you, too. >> his suicidal thoughts all but disa pored and he upon want upons to let all veterans to know it is not a weakness to ask for help. in fact it saved his life. look them up at canines for
2:55 am a tone is trying to interview as many world war ii veterans as he can. he said their stories worth being told. >> i was one of the first in my neighborhood to enlist. they hung out a flag. my neighbor work withes in the government and had a big flag outside of the window and i have it here. >> there is a go fund me page to raise money for the efforts. >> a puppy found itself stuck in a drainpipe. >> i hooked for a minute and it hit me to look inside of the pipe. >> not a place to be. and how it all went down and what happens next.
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>> a pup now free after finding itself in a rough situation. >> it is so sweet. you are a good boy. >> the 14-year-old sheltie named
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max managed to crawl inside of a train pipe. the owner found him stuck and had to call the fire department. they worked there three hour and took the entire pipe out of the ground to free him. >> once they pulled max out, obviously i was so happy and i just kissed him and put him in the car and rushed him to the hospital. >> despite the ordeal, max was given a clean bill of health. that's how fox reports this saturday. november 12th. i am julie banderas. thank you for watching the o'rielly factor right now.
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good morning to you. it is sunday, november 13th, 2016. i'm abby huntsman. president trump's cabinet is beginning to take shape and now we know one of the most important decisions is imminent. we're live in washington with those details. >> and post -election wrapping p overnight. we now know these folks have big plans for inauguration day and you'll never believe where they're getting all the cash to hold these events. and do you remember


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