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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  November 14, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST

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starts stealing thousands of dollars in cash. he looks around before taking the money and running. the machine accidentally dispensed more than $2,000. what would you do? >> does he get to keep it? >> no. he's going to get arrested "fox and friends" starts right now. bye. have a good one. good morning to you and your family. it's monday, november 14th. i'm ainsley earhardt. president-elect donald trump's administration starting to take shape now as he names the man right there on right as his chief of staff. that's rnc chairman reince priebus and steve bannon, you see there. as his chief strategist. how are they going to work together going forward? we're going to ask mr. reince priebus. he'll be here live. mr. trump has a message for the american people. >> don't be afraid. we are going to bring our country back. but certainly don't be afraid. i'm going to bring this country together. >> okay. he's going to bring the country
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together. how much will he make as president? this morning, we have the answer. >> lot of money. a lot of money. plus, obamacare is imploding. skyrocketing rates. doctors are dropping out. doing other things. like gardening. the president-elect has promised to fix it. what does the man who wrote the plan think about all that? we're privileged to have with us ezekiel emanuel. he will be here live. let me remind you, even though it's a monday, your mornings are better because you chose to be with friends. please put something on, anything. ♪ ♪ >> we're going big on the morning after it was announced that reince priebus is the new chief of staff for the president-elect. we have reince priebus on the show. somebody on for a very long time from home state of wisconsin governor scott walker. >> we have the funny guy. willie robertson. he has a new book out.
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>> there's rumors of willie joining the cabinet as secretary of state. i'm sorry. that might be newt gingrich. i'm sorry. my notes are mixed up. >> willie would be secretary of steak. >> right. how special is this moon? >> there's the thing about the supermoon. if you go out now, you will see the supermoon. this is the biggest and brightest in 70 years. it's about 30% brighter. >> the question is, did you see any images in the moon? do you see a baby or a skull? >> no. i see my future summer home. i would like to go back. >> really? >> it's still there, right? >> the flag is still there. >> no one would knock it over. >> that's if you believe we went there. there's some people who think we didn't do it and it was a sound stage in burbank. >> besides rosie o'donnell. anybody else? >> is rosie o'donnell a theorist
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on that? >> she's got conspiracy theories about other stuff. >> okay. >> we got an idea of what the trump administration is going to look like because he named reince priebus the rnc head as his chief of staff. screen right and he's a rightie guy, steve bannon who was running breitbart. he's going to be mr. trump's chief. >> totally different. jason miller who works with trump's campaign. he said both guys come from different background, reince establishment, very good friends with scott walker and the guys in wisconsin. paul ryan and he could maybe connect the two of them can connect. because steve bannon is anti-establishment. made that very clear. >> the one thing i do is flip around after a major announcementme announcement. there was major negativity to bannon. he's the general of donald trump's staff who led to the probable victory on election day. he was the one who say hey,
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donald go over to mexico, meet with leader. it's a good move. it was a brilliant move. he was the one who could get to donald trump and say stop tweeting about this. he was the strength, one of the few people to stand up and really give advice to donald trump that he listened to maybe more than anybody else. together, him and reince priebus with were extremely effective in -- along with kellyanne conway in putting together this run. which makes me wonder why is everybody labeling him an all right candidate. >> because he worked for breitbart. it's mainstream media. what do you expect? >> i did expect more. for four months he proved what he could do. >> right. surely. but the mainstream media is going to say what they're going to do. this is a brilliant pairing. it's a preview of what the administration is going to look like. you got an insider and an outsider. exactly what donald trump had promised. then you got senator lindsey graham who hated donald trump
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during the campaign but this morning, look at this. here's a tweet. congratulations to donald trump for the choice of reince priebus to be chief of staff. this shows me he's serious about governing. >> this was the guy they did not like each other. running against each other down in south carolina, that's where donald trump gave out his cell phone number. remember, he came back smashing his cell phone. >> you know, for a while he tried to jump back and forth. it didn't work. the enemy's list for donald trump is shrinking every day. reince priebus on -- he'll be on here in an hour and ten minutes. 60 minutes got huge ratings. why? because they spent an hour with donald trump and the future first family. they talked about donald trump and his priorities. listen. >> you've met with the republican leadership. what was the one thing that you all agreed you want to get done right away? >> well, i would say there was
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more than one thing. there were three things. health care, there was immigration and there was a major tax bill lowering taxes in this country. we're going to substantially simplify and lower the taxes. >> you've got both houses. >> both houses and the presidency. >> you're going to do things -- >> been a long time since that happened. >> what about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants. >> what we are going to do is get the people that are criminal records, getting members, drug dealers, we have a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be 3 million, we're getting them out of our country or going to incarcerate. but we're getting them out of our country that are here illegally. >> leslie asked about the kids and the company. listen to what he said. >> let me ask whether any of you think that the campaign has hurt the trump brand. >> who cares? who cares?
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this is big league stuff. this is our country. our country is going bad. we're going to save our country. i don't care about hotel occupancy. it's peanuts compared to what we're doing. hoik health care, making people better. it's unfair what's happened to the people of our country. and we're going to change it as simple as that. >> it's as simple as that. >> most surprising answer. >> i thought the next we're about to show you is the most surprising answer. >> he said don't be afraid. he's here to try to make things better. as to how much he's going to make. listen to this. >> we have so much work. there's so much work to be done. i don't think we'll be very big on vacations. >> are you going to take the salary, the president's salary? >> i've never commented on this. the answer is no. i have to take one dollar a year. i don't know what it is. do you know what the salary is. >> $400,000. >> i'm not taking it. >> i love it.
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he's so wealthy. he doesn't even know what the salary is. if you're about to get a new job and getting a bonus and more money. >> just the $400,000. you would know the salary. he's so wealthy, he doesn't need the money. i think the american people appreciate that. >> we're going to see over the next few days, more and more people will fill out a staff, take shape. one thing i love to see the diminishing of the riots. they said he's got to g he hasn't gotten there yet. what are they chanting? >> they're chanting he's not my president. extraordinarily, the guy who is the mayor in new york city, bill de blasio, donald trump is talking about deporting these millions of people. they're going to have a big fight if they try to deport anybody from new york city and reelection and how much can you give me for my reelection campaign? essentially what he's making is making new york city a criminal alien magnet when you think about it. out on streets of new york city, nobody is going to get deported.
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>> don't worry, chicago is asking for it too, mayor emanuel has said we're going to be a sanctuary city if that makes you feel good. meanwhile -- >> nothing better than heather telling us the news. heather nauert, good morning. >> this first story won't make you feel good. i'm going to tell you anyway. it's a fox news alert. we have a chilling new terror threat to tell you about today. isis calling for attacks on americans here on thanksgiving day. the terror group urging followers to "leave a trail of carnage" by using trucks to plow through people at the macy's thanksgiving day parade the one televised across the country. the call to action eerily similar to the bastille day attack in france where 86 people died after being mowed down by a truck. u.s. officials are on alert but there's no specific threat. we'll follow the story. hundreds gathering to honor a northern california deputy who
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was killed in an execution-style shooting. deputy dennis wallace, a 20-year veteran was shot twice point-blank in the head east of san francisco after he pulled over a suspect in a stolen car. that suspect, david ma cato, a known criminal was caught hours later. the deputy is the fifth officer killed in california in the past two months. outgoing senate minority leader harry reid his pick for the dnc chair. he wants keith ellison. reid saying the first muslim elected for congress is a terrific leader and strong progressive who knows how to get things done. it's time for new thinking and fresh start at the dnc. reid's show of support comes after incoming leader chuck schumer friday endorsement of ellison. it hasn't happened in 70 years. if you didn't get to see it outside last night, the supermoon, you'll have to wait until 2034 to see it again.
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the spectacular sight captured the breathtaking photos and it wasn't just the professional photographers. "fox and friends" viewers sending in some of these amazing shots. we love to see yours as well. i was in annapolis, maryland and saw it in chesapeake. it was gorgeous. >> were you visiting your brother? >> i sure was. >> it was the navy game over the weekend. >> he's in the academy. so proud of him. >> had a great time. >> thank you very much, heather. coming up on this monday, now that reince priebus is in the cabinet, the chief of staff, how will the transition go? brad blakeman was in a president's administration, two of them, 41 and 43. he's going to take us inside the oval office and show us how it all works. the nebraska republican senator is taking voters for a ride literally. the lawmaker's second job that has everyone talking. mr. uber? what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. president-elect trump appointing what might be the most important job in his white house as rnc chairman reince priebus is officially named as the new chief of staff. what exactly does this choice say about mr. trump's future
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administration? mr. brad blakeman joins us, a former assistant to president bush and served on his transition team and worked for bush 41. good to see you. >> good morning. >> what do you think about him choosing reince priebus. is that a good choice and why? >> i think uts a good choice. reince priebus knows how washington works. he's a lawyer. he's a professional. he ran the rnc with great management skills. he actually reincarnated the rnc after our losses and made us stronger. he brought us to a fantastic historic victory with president-elect trump. he has all the qualities that you'd want in a chief of staff, a good manager, somebody who is trusted by the president-elect and somebody who can implement those policies and bring together a diverse staff in order to hit the ground running on january 20th. >> we know how important loyalty is to donald trump. what are the duties of the chief of staff? >> you got to keep all the
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planes and trains running, you got to manage the staff. you've got to be the person in charge of the care and feeding of the president, making sure that he's comfortable in this position. it's a 24/7, seven day a week job. you've got to keep all the balls in the air, not let one drop. it's something that is really for a person who is steeped in managerial skills and ability, which is exactly what we have in reince priebus. >> brad, take us inside the administration now or the transition team now. what's going on behind the scenes? >> they're casting a wide net in order to get the best and brightest attracted to government. you have a diverse group of people to hire, national security staff, you have a press office to fill. legislative affairs, publicly a son. what we need to do is that they are getting and attracting the best and brightest that are good at what they do and loyal to the president and they have the ability to enact his legislation
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and his policies. >> after spending the last 17 months campaigning, as soon as the president wins the office, you have to hit the ground running. i was reading on website on his transition team's website, they have to hire 4,000 people. how do you begin to do that? >> you start by having a priority. the priority is getting the white house first and foremost up and running. get the cabinet selection, sub cabinet and let them fill in as they go. it's probably going to be a six-month process by the time you're able to staff up your government. remember, a lot of those people have to be confirmed by the senate. >> what happens next? do they get together the cabinet and if so, who will be on the cabinet in your opinion? >> i think it's going to be a diverse cabinet. look at the choice between reince priebus, the chief of staff and steve bannon who is going to be the senior adviser. it's a diverse group of thought. it's a group of people with tension and come to agreement and then once decisions are
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made, lock step in getting it done. the key is, get people of diverse talent who can add something and not just people who are group think or like think. >> brad, do you want to do it again? are you going to work for him? >> it would be an honor to serve this president. no doubt. there's so much to do. we need to make america great again. >> thank you so much for being with us, brad. >> thank you. >> fascinating to have an insider tell us what's happening behind the scenes. thank you. the numbers don't lie. obamacare premiums rising in some states and all states, actually. as much as 116% in a few. can president-elect donald trump turn that trend around? obama care -- we're we're going to talk about where we go from here. senator ben staff is taking you for a ride. the lawmaker's second job has everyone talking. first, another look at this morning's supermoon. there it is. ♪
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donald trump is open to keeping some aspects of obamacare. it happens to be one of the strongest assets. >> you're going to keep that. >> also with the children living with parents for an extended period. >> you're going to keep that. >> very much try to keep that. adds cost but it's very much something we're going to try and
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keep. >> wow. what do those who help craft the president's signature bill think about that? the fact that those aspects will be still in place? obamacare architect himself and health policy chair, dr. ezekiel emanuel joins us now. dr. emanuel, i'm suhr you saw 60 minutes, you heard about the two things, the soon to be president, president-elect trump would like to keep. is that okay with you? >> oh, i mean, we put them in the bill, we like those parts. the fact that kids can stay on their parents' plan until age 26. a lot of upper middle class parents and their children have benefited from that. it's very popular. and not excluding people who have a preexisting condition like cancer and heart disease from health insurance and getting a reasonable rate is important. one of the things the republicans have to realize and have a come to jesus moment about is you cannot have people with preexisting conditions getting insurance and getting a reasonable rate without a
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mandate and getting everyone in the system. it just doesn't work. they're going to have to choose how to do that. if you're really going to be serious about the preexisting conditions and the polling shows that 75, 80% of americans support that requirement. remember, the affordable care act is many more things. closing the doughnut hole for seniors so that they get their drug coverage when they're sick. that's going out if the republicans are going to repeal it. that's extremely popular with seniors. there are lots of things you have to take seriously. >> that's a great point. everyone says get rid of this, add this. who is paying for it. majority leader kevin mccarthy weighed in on this. let's hear what he has to say to that question. >> this one size fits all. you've got to empower the states. you've got to have more options repeal that tax on medical device, on individual, business, employer mandates. >> he went on to say go across
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state lines and let the insurance companies compete with each other. your reaction? >> yes. look three states already have that insurance companies from out of states can come in and they actually not one insurance company has come across state lines. it's hard to establish that across state lines for a lot of reasons. you don't have a lot of doctors and hospitals. they get high rates. you don't get people because your premiums have to be higher there. i mean, that is not a solution to providing universal coverage to everyone with preexisting conditions. i think it's a little unrealistic. we also did give -- let's remember, we did give states a lot of authority. states could establish the exchanges. states have the possibility of opening up medicaid and having expanding medicaid and also doing it in a unique way. arkansas did it and michiganit .
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states have had that power under the affordable care act. i don't think mr. mccarthy realizes how much power they have been given. the fact that most of them didn't do the exchange shows you how hard it is to do health care reform at the state level. >> so when you feel the premiums that have increased and how many major companies, look at that chart there, i don't know if you have a monitor dr. emanuel -- >> no they don't. >> it shows an arc going up. it also shows, too, that a lot of major companies say we can't exist on the exchanges so we have to drop out. having said that, the republicans still need 60 votes to total repeal. they have 51, 52 votes in the senate. what would you like -- what would you say to them being that both sides agree it's not working like it was supposed to work with obamacare. sn what's your message to republicans knowing the political reality that we got on tuesday? what's your message to them? >> well, first of all, let's
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emphasize the political reality. mrs. clinton won more votes than mr. trump. >> forget that. >> i understand. but that means -- >> most stats in baseball. if they cared about majority votes, they would have went into california. >> she got the most runs and that means he doesn't have a huge mandate. that's an important fact. >> he's got the house and senate. but go ahead. let's talk about some -- >> one of the things i would say, there are a number of things you can do to make the exchanges work better. there are some things we could end in the affordable care act without threatening it like taking away the independent payment advisory board which republicans have not liked and analogized to a death panel. those things can go away. i think you've got to fix the exchanges and make them work. by the way, let me remind your viewers, the exchanges are a republican idea. if we get rid of the exchanges,
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okay, it's going to be very hard to see how you get universal coverage. people with preexisting condition coverage at a reasonable rate without the private market. then you're pushing people towards a government solution like medicare for all. that's usually not what the republicans want. republicans have to rethink their opposition to it. >> i think you're -- >> it's a very republican idea developed by the heritage foundation. >> i think you're 100% right. like they say the 26-year-old staying on your plan is a republican idea and say the p preexisting conditions was a republican idea. i'd love to get past you said and what's going to work. being that something is going to change. even the president admits that. lastly, the -- there's about five plans to repeal and replace. you can look at them. paul ryan for the civilian like me, i don't live in the health care industry. he talked about being more
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patient-centered where the patients have more of a say. would you agree with that concept? >> i totally agree with the concept. one of the interesting things, i'm in the midst of writing a book about places that have transformed their care to be more patient centric as a result of obamacare. one of the big changes that we've had over the last six years is that both the government and many private insurers are paying doctors differently to take care of patients, improve the quality and lower the cost with bundled payments and accountable care organizations. that's pushing us in the right direction. but you can't change the whole ship in a short amount of time. $3 trillion operation and people are moving to be more patient centric. that's a good thing. >> so everybody knows, nothing is hoopg until 2018. it's not going to be tomorrow. >> i wouldn't bet your last nickel on 2018 that they make a major move either to repeal the
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affordable care act. >> we should no longer take anything about the obamacare act on its surface. doctor, thanks so much. >> thank you. straight ahead, major cities refusing president-elect donald trump's plan to end sanctuary cities. brand new member joining the "fox and friends" team. you'll meet them next. it's an exclusive "fox and friends" story. want a feast fit for the season? at red lobster's holiday seafood celebration nothing says "treat yourself" like any of these indulgent new dishes. so try the new grand seafood feast with tender shrimp, a decadent crab cake, and a lobster tail topped with white wine butter. or the new wild-caught lobster & shrimp trio crispy and garlic grilled red shrimp, and a lobster tail with creamy lobster mac-and-cheese? you wanted a feast, you got it. feasts like these make the holidays the holidays, so come try one before it ends.
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(woman) because dad made us promise we'd keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. i got to thank everyone who came out, who came out on friday night to the bookstore. donald trump dollars. this from the villages on saturday. it was a amazing how pumped up so many people were. special thanks to orlando. >> do they have a curvy couch?
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>> yes. but it's cloth. >> this girl got me my first ever brian kilmeade card. she's fantastic. >> construction paper she made it with a bunch of pictures with you on it. >> thank you for coming to the villages florida she said. >> so great to meet the people and what they think. everybody loves ainsley, steve, as you know. >> everybody imt. >> they love steve, too. >> they always love steve. they just got to meet you full-time. >> this friday in dayton at books and company. saturday, december 9th at the ritz theater and museum. >> that's great. >> special thanks to everybody who comes out. >> so sweet of her. >> her grandparents at the villages. >> grandparents at the villages and a lot of people in their 50s and 60s there. >> i hear it's a lot of fun. >> i was down in florida this weekend. the number one thing people were talking about, you in florida. it was in all the papers. number two, everybody was talking about the election.
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everybody was talking about it. >> everyone has a story. >> everyone is surprised about the result. >> most people are happy. by the way, heather, i don't know if you know this or not. you know how i say please get dressed, everybody was saying to me, do you know how many times i'm half dressed and you're telling me to get dressed. sometimes people oversleep and say oh, my gosh. >> before i worked on this show, i was getting dressed and watching "fox and friends." >> there was a guy with a tv in his bathroom and he said, i shower with you every morning. >> well -- >> no place better than fox. good morning, good morning it to all of you. hope you had a great morning. i know all of you did. a serious story. a yoga teacher back behind bars in connection with her twin sister's death. a grand jury indicted alexandria duvall on second degree murder charges last month after
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uncovering new evidence. police have not been able to find her until now. she's accused of intentionally driving her suv off a cliff in hawaii killing her twin. she said it was an accident. witnesses say that the two were arguing moments before she sped up and plunged 200 feet down that cliff. she was arrested in new york after she tried to run. a state of emergency declared in tennessee as wildfires rage out of control throughout several states in the southeast. police making two arrests for arson. this man, johnny mullins arrested in kentucky. he set fire for facebook likes. he's an aspiring weatherman. he confessed to wanting to live stream this weather report. meanwhile, flames spewing smoke so thick that people near the state line are urged to wear masks if they go out. nebraska senator ben staff
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spotted behind the wheel of an uber. the senator confirmed it on tweets of his own saying. fact check. #real. he says it's part of his initiative to work alongside nebraska residents performing a number of different jobs across the state. he's donating any profits to charity. those are your headlines. we have exciting news today, don't we? >> we do. >> we have uber news right now. it's a great day on "fox and friends." we have a big announcement. we're officially welcoming a new member to the "fox and friends" team. >> wait a second. is it janice dean? >> is it true she's now part of the family? >> oh, my gosh. i'm so excited. once in a supermoon you get your dream come true. >> every 70 years. >> i've been with you guys for 13 years. >> what do you mean a new member? she's been here. >> monday through friday and i'll be here.
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we'll have fun weather and a a little bit of kooky. >> it's funny you put it that way. we have a report to show you folks. not so much about the weather. it's about the kooky. watch. >> this is "fox and friends." >> i'm janice dean. >> the weather machine. >> the christmas machine. >> the climbing machine. >> janice, what's the weather looking like? >> what's your news? >> i'm engaged. >> for those that don't know, you do have a bun in the oven? >> he's seven months this week. he's cooking. >> new mother, janice dean. the birthing machine. he's joining us with the world debut of your son. >> this is matthew, our weather intern.
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>> motherhood is the best thing since sliced bread. >> this time last year i was blocking most of the screen. >> you were a warm front. >> during the day you can go to the beach. >> still going to see a lot of rain and wind. >> call me for your local forecast. >> we've got our storm system across the upper midwest. >> what is your voice right now? >> it's my weather walk voice. that would be steven tyler. no, i didn't date him. >> love in an elevator. >> i can do a little dance. >> janice dean is down in florida. mike, one, two, check. >> one, two, one two. >> why did the meteorologist
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cross the road? to get to the chick-fil-a on the other side. >> meteorological -- >> didn't you wear ice cream on your shirt? >> last year at this time heather nauert was in. i was wearing the ice cream. that's okay. that's a small price to pay. buckle up honey. i'm going to take you for a little ride. >> out of control. >> she woke up early and taking on the world. >> it's close to me because i was diagnosed back in 2005. i came on "fox and friends." i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. i'm here to tell people there's hope. you can do well. i think we need more of that. >> janice dean and her firefighter husband shawn make a firehouse favorite. >> thanks, honey. thank you for cooking. >> she's janice dean our weather machine. she's also a writing machine. >> with no school.
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freddie also had time to fend at the frog news network. >> sounds like fox except with -- >> swinging is better with friends. >> what's your favorite channel? >> fox news. janice dean, the montage machine. because you've been with us for so long, this became your life. we saw your husband, your baby, your challenges. >> if you're just tuning in, she's staying, she's not going. it's like a finale. >> i got nothing. i mean, i'm speechless. thank you so much for putting that together. i feel so blessed. i mean, this is a dream come true. you guys are my family. i'm so happy to be with you.
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>> she's going to be here every day. >> this is a treem come true. you worked so many weekends and now you get to spend time on the weekends with the boys. >> we had our first weekend at home together. my son said i'm so glad you're here with us on the weekend. i'm very thankful. i'm thankful for the fox family and you guys have embraced me. you have been through challenges. i gotten ghajed here. you saw my ring, you saw me have two babies. i feel like this is my family. i'm so blessed. i really feel like 13 years of being at fox has led to this moment. thank you for welcoming me. >> janice, do you want us to tell your family you're going to bed at 8:00 tonight? you want us to break the news? >> thank you so much. i'm so excited. >> janice dean, the weather machine officially part of "fox and friends." >> yea! >> all right. now you have to do the weather. shortly. >> still ahead, major cities
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refusing president-elect's plan to end sanctuary cities. border patrol agents are firing back. that story coming up. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest. beautyrest black. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car.
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mayors in sanctuary cities across the country are brushing off president-elect trump's threat to cut off federal funding. >> you're not going to sacrifice a half million people who live amongst us who are part of our community whose family members and loved ones happen to be people in many cases are permanent residents or citizens. we're not going to tear families apart. >> what are the new administration's options going forward? joining us shawn moran, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. good to be here. >> we want you to educate us on the sanctuary cities. there are 300 of them. should president obama cut off the federal funding to the cities and why?
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>> president-elect trump. >> that's what i meant. sorry. >> we believe you need to make the risk versus the reward much greater. because right now you have these cities that are putting the safety and security of illegal aliens noncitizens higher than american citizens. sanctuary cities are a clear and present danger to the safety of americans. >> so if we want to have stricter laws but the mayors don't do it, crackdown on the sanctuary cities they're presiding over, this is all for naught, correct? >> that's correct. that same balance is the risk versus reward needs to go for the mayors as well as the illegal aliens. you need to make sure they're complying. they took an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states and obviously in these cases they're not doing that. >> how can president-elect donald trump make it riskier for people to try to cross over for the aliens to cross over the border and come here to the u.s.? >> well, obviously, the president-elect and the congress
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has a lot of power that they can use, they can pull strings, whether through funding. that seems to be the easiest way that people are talking about, hold back funding to these cities in case they're not complying with laws like the sanctuary cities. >> you're less concerned about people that are here already and more concerned about people coming here because they know there's a sanctuary in the u.s.? >> sanctuary cities create an incentive for people to continue to break our laws if they're either living in those cities. i'm concerned about both. people crossing the border illegally and the millions of people already in our cities that are committing crimes and killing american sits zens, whether it be through domestic violence, drunk driving, things like that. many americans, thousands of them have been killed by illegal aliens. >> like kate steinle. >> absolutely. >> thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> thanks, shawn. still ahead, she's a liberal
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muslim immigrant who voted donald trump. she has a powerful message for all of america when she joins us live. plus, the next white house chief of staff reince priebus is going to join us live in the next hour. us live in the next hour. test test test. test test.
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some muslim leaders are expressing concern over the election results but one muslim woman is defying that notion. her "washington post" essay called i'm a muslim, a woman, and an immigrant, i voted for trump has gone viral. the author of standing alone and american woman struggle for the soul of is lawm joins us right now. you are a liberal. why didn't you vote for hillary
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clinton? >> well, i was unfortunately disappointed by the two terms that we've had of barack obama's administration. i'm a single mother. i'm an immigrant. i'm a woman of color. i'm a muslim, and yet i feel like we have betrayed liberal ideals by putting forward this political correctness and identity politics that makes it so that we don't start about the islam and the islamic state and the trickle down of boem's policies related to health care, mortgage refinancing, they didn't help me. >> you are a single mother who can't afford to pay for insurance and all sorts of things. why trump now? why tuesday night did you go to forest hill elementary school where i used to vote as well and pull the lever for donald trump? >> well, i thought deeply about this. i thought over all of these months about which way my vote should go, and i'll tell you
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that as a muslim, one of my greatest concerns is the issues of islamic extremism. it really broke my heart when i saw that hillary clinton knew that qatar and saudi arabia and others are financing the islamic state and others revealed in the wikileaks documents, but yet they took that money and other donations for the clinton foundation. i appreciate that donald trump has a pragmatic approach to the issue of islamic extremism. i do not believe he's a racist. i do not believe he's an islamphobe. i think he engage in hyperbole to get his point across. over the last couple of days since donald trump has been elected, so many people have said hey, he's not my president, i'm afraid. he said in the 60 minute
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interview he said don't be afraid. what about being a muslim in donald trump's america? are you afraid? >> i told this story yesterday where i was at a fencing tournament this weekend with my son and he felt fear. he was on the side of the strip and i said to my son, i said breathe deep, overcome your fear, and then, you know what, it wasn't a great weekend for him. he didn't end up on the win side but what did he learn? he learned to be a good sport, right? he learned to shake the hand of his opponent and he learned to come back home and just keep working hard, and that's what i want to tell my fellow liberals. you know what, you lost this election. if you voted for hillary clinton, and we have to go into the business now of healing. we cannot continue this polarization and so my message is for those on the right to come to the middle in strength and for those on the left to come to the middle in strength and on this middle path we can find healing. >> great advice.
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we thank you very much for joining us from our nation's capital. >> thank you. i'll try to hold the fort down in your old neighborhood. >> that's right. drive by my old house. coming up, we've got reince priebus, the new chief of staff for the president and newt beginnigingrich coming up. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate
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good morning to you and your family. it is monday, november 14th. president-elect donald trump's administration is starting to take shape as he names rnc chair rieeince priebus as chief of stf and steve bannon as his chief strategist. now a message from your president-elect. >> don't be afraid. we are going to bring our country back, but certainly don't be afraid. >> mr. trump opens up about some people who are protesting the election results where he won. and a veterans rant on those
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anti trump protesters has gone viral. >> see, that's the problem with this country. you can't always get your way. everybody wants to be politically correct. quit being cry babies. >> let me remind you, it is monday, please get dressed, because your mornings are better because you chose to be with friends. ♪ ♪ >> i recognize him. >> you do? >> that's the soon-to-be chief of staff for president-elect trump. that's reince priebus. >> that we recognize him as well is tucker carlson. >> his big show tonight. >> it's going to be at least a 25-year run. >> the governor of the great state of wisconsin, scott walker, is going to be here, along with newt gingrich. many people think he will wind up in the new president's cabinet. very shortly, we will have
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reince priebus. to find out what he thinks of his new position. he ran the rnc. he supported donald trump for the last 17 months, through the ups and the downs. donald trump is loyal. he's giving him this great honor. >> he hit the groundwork for this republican surge. whether it's the state houses, the governorships. of course, the house and the senate went back and he kept the senate, and he helped donald trump become the next president of the united states. he does not need the spotlight. he likes working behind the scenes, and, guys, in my estimation, he's the perfect one to look at the republican agenda and merge it with the trump agenda and see where they both meet. >> reince priebus has been getting things done in washington, d.c. for the republican party. now, he's going to be getting things done for donald trump. he's going to be the chief of staff but his chief strategist is steve bannon. one of the reasons that he won
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is people all across the country are sick of washington. that pretty much is steve bannon. he's anti establishment. he is a guy from breitbart. he made a lot of money when he wound up with an equity stake in seinfeld. he works at goldman sachs. you've got rieeince priebus getting things done and you've got steve bannon saying this is what needs to be done. >> he's not afraid to speak to donald trump. i learned that he was student body president in college and all the student body presidents that i knew growing up, those were always like the good guys. >> right. they were. he's also a military guy and a goldman sachs partner. let's talk about what's happening in major cities from philadelphia to portland,
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oregon, to los angeles and here in new york city. there's been a lot of protests, because people have taken what donald trump said and made a cartoon of it. remember, hundreds of millions of dollar spent in attack ads. when he won election despite all of that. people are horrified that this man would become president. he gave a message to all those protesters yesterday. >> do you want to say anything to those people? >> i would say don't do it, that's terrible. because i'm going to bring this country together. >> they are harassing latinos, muslims. >> i am so saddened to hear that and i say stop it. if it helps, i will say this, and i'll say it right to the cameras, stop it. >> there's a problem. lesley stahl never brought up the fact that they are being brutal to trump supporters. people are ripped out of cars and beat up because it is assumed because they are white, they are trump supporters.
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whoa don't -- why don't they feel the need to balance out that question is beyond me? >> i talked to a muslim woman in northern virginia. she's got no problem with donald trump. it's interesting when it comes to the protesters, before the election, hillary clinton and barack obama kept insisting on a peaceful transition. but as soon as these protests, which in many cases turn violent started erupting, they went silent. we really haven't heard from them, but we have heard from donald trump. >> well, this was the headline on "the post" this morning. don't be afraid and that is addressing lesley stahl's other question in the interview when she said a lot of people are afraid. a lot of people are fearful about the future of this country with you being the president. he had this to say. >> but there are people, americans who are scared, and some of them are demonstrating right now, demonstrating against you, against your rhetoric. >> that's only because they don't know me. >> when they demonstrate against you and there are signs out
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there, i mean, don't you say to yourself, i guess you don't, you know, do i have to worry about this? do i have to go out and assuage them? do i have to tell them not to be afraid? >> don't be afraid. we're going to bring our country back but certainly don't be afraid. >> when you hear things like the muslim ban or you see things like a deportation squad, that was july. he has since went out as a rookie politician. he got people's attention. he went out and honed his message. he says when it looks to muslims, i'm going to look at the terror countries and give them extra scrutiny.
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