tv Happening Now FOX News November 14, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PST
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martha: busy day. the president will be speaking in a news conference. first time since sit-town with donald trump. that should be interesting. >> about four hours. >> it's bill's birth?lling in. >> yeah. >> happy birth, bill. martha: have a great day. jon: fallout from president elect's trump first major appointments tapping people who plaid key roles in campaign to very powerful positions in his administration. good morning, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, i'm jenna lee. breitbart and peter burns is
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live from trump towers with more, peter. peter: that's right, reince priebus and mr. bannon, executive chairman at breitbart both taking key roles and interesting to see how it works out. they both worked well together in the campaign. preuibu appeared this morning. >> the relationships in congress are essential in order to get anything done. you're not going to get tax reform done or obamacare replacement done in the capitol unless you have the relationships to get it done and you have to keep the base and everyone happy at the same time. >> renice priebus is from wisconsin and this appointment should help to get things tone
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and make things work between the white house and at least the speakers' office. steve bannon has called for paul ryan to be removed as speaker. we will be watching. jenna: diverse set of opinions. [laughter] jenna: that's so say the at least, peter, thank you very much. jon: more from the fallout on president elect trump's appointment let's bring in bret baier the anchor of special report. reince priebus is mr. inside washington even though he hails from wisconsin, right? >> exactly, the chairman of the rnc, he is the inside of inside. he manage today deal with donald trump very well. they had a long-standing relationship. priebus was in the fox hole from the beginning and stuck with him throughout even the toughest times.
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steve bannon is someone from the outside wants to -- wanted to take down the republican and make no bones about saying that. so you have the guy that embodies the republican party and the guy that wants to take down the republican party inside the white house. i will make the point, jon. in one sense, trump wanted to, i think, mimic the campaign structure that worked so well for him and felt comfortable. that's that. also to keep bannon on the inside because some of these republicans were worried that he was actually going to ride the movement to take them out of office in '18. jon: chief strategist, he has been a navy officer, he was as we mentioned head of breitbart news but called for ryan's --
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you know, stepping down, the ouster of paul ryan. it's an odd combination sort of like president lincoln's team of rivals. >> well, that's right. i think that the structure in the campaign seemed to work for the trump campaign and that's why you put bannon in there to cover from trump polks that he was automatically being absorbed inside washington. however, priebus is right, you need relationships on capitol hill to get stuff across finish line. there's an excitement on the republican side that they are going to get a lot done quickly and it's going to take down and in order to do that orderly, you have to have some relationship on the inside and up on capitol hill. jon: so if you've got a republican-led house and senate, nobody will be able to help you get legislation passed more
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quickly than the guy who up till now has headed the republican national committee. >> exactly. he's going to be able to say which trains come on the tracks, you know, get into the oval office, that's the chief job of the chief of staff is who gets in to see the president. but eteve bannon much like david axelrod in a strategist role inside the white house, not only puts your close to the president but also prevents, perhaps, him from running this movement from the outside to take town the republican party, whether that was a serious thought of why he was chosen, i don't know. he does come with a lot of controversy, a lot of things that online has come out of breitbart and stoked real concerns specially on the left and they'll have to deal with that as they get ready to take office january 20th. jon: what about other people in the new president's cabinet,
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what are you hearing there in washington? >> well, loyalty is a huge thing for donald trump. so expect some of those names that were around the campaign to find a place, where exactly that is, we don't know yet. there are all kinds of names flying around for big positions and until we nail some down that really are being considered, i think we are just throwing out names. jon: obviously the -- one of the earliest pieces of business this new administration can take on is supreme court appointment, scalia's seat vacant, is that going to be job one for new congress? >> one of them. it will be from the list of 12 as donald trump pledged. he was going not going to go off the list and mirror image of scalia. there are a few of those on that list that fit that bill, so expect that to move forward and
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the real test will be if chuck schumer as minority leader will organize an effort to block whichever nominee it is and then you have a decision by mitch mcconnell and the new president whether to push for a nuclear option, 51 votes to get a supreme court justice through. jon: fascinating times. thanks for walking us through it. bret baier, thanks, bret. >> all right, jon. jenna: items for the next president elect is what's happening in iraq. iraqi forces are pushing deeper into mosul and operations to take city from islamic militants, fights is under way but several surrounding towns were liberated in the last 24 hours. greg is live with more. greg. >> exactly four weeks since the fight against isis in mosul and guess what, it is not getting easier. report that is we are getting
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right now from inside mosul is clashes between iraqi, security forces and militants are happening in at least two areas of eastern mosul. they took one area back yesterday. u.s. air strikes are said to be in the mix happening and around mosul but they aren't a great help in the increasingly urban fight. the word today that 90% of the residents of the city are going to be staying put in the thick of things. another dangerous problem for security is holding and clearing what -- areas that they have taken back from militants. the officers there told us they thought they cleared the place of isis, over the weekend few fighters popped up and they are clearing the bombs and tunnels, hard to believe they are going to get residents as they promised by the end of this week. this as the refugee totals do
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mount 54,000 now fled a new big camp opened up where we are now as well as clinics ramping up, mounting injuries from the residents. if they do run, if they do flee, the resident refugee outflow could number as high as 700,000 according to officials, jenna and tactics of isis continuing too after 23 killed in terror attacks in baghdad yesterday. today in the southern iraqi city of more suicide bombers, more casualties. the fighting goes on. jenna: thank you. jon: a woman behind bars in new york state charged with killing her twin sister in hawaii, why it's the second time she's been accused of murder? a decision expected soon on the dakota access pipeline, what the white house is saying about the controversial project? we will have a live report
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jon: for crime stories we are following. the woman accused of killing her twin sister by driving suv off a cliff in hawaii is now jailed in new york and charged with murder again. maui police issued a warrant last month after a grand jury ib dieted the 38-year-old. duval charged with murder charges but freed when a judge ruled there was no possible cause to support the charge. a manhunt is in idaho run. officials say there's a nationwide arrest warrant for jeremy white, authorities believe he false the area and following with another woman who may be in danger. her body discovered on friday.
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thomas charged with killing cox, they heard shout, britain first. jenna: there's new information on the controversial dakota access pipeline, the army corpse will announce whether they will finish the project. protestors are trying to block the protest. they say it thereatness water supply and sacred land. william. >> we are north with the pipeline is supposed to be under the missouri river. basically the project is about 83% complete and all left to get permission from the army corps
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of engineers. eight other pipelines already do. the obama administration could approve the easement. recommend a different route or continue the president's words to let it play out. that's what protestors want. however, it may not matter in the end. this is a project that is about infrastructure, about 8,000 jobs in american energy dependents all supported by candidate trump who is expected to improve the project. the pipeline carries oil from the most productive field in the u.s., then to south dakota, then to iowa and illinois where it connects to other pipelines and refineries. the pipeline itself is about 1200 miles long, 30-inches in diameter, the size of a car tire and 170,000-barrels a day that is half the daily production from the oil currently moved by rail and by trucks which is
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arguably more dangerous and it is 99% on private land, representing about 370 gallons of gasoline a day. protestors say it does threaten water quality if it were to leak and the right away during reservation threatens cultural artifacts although it is not on tribal land. >> not only tribal people but people from all over the world and understand what these people are trying to protect and it's important to protect. >> now, protestors have blocked roads, they have vandalized pipeline equipment, burned cars and local says, however, that the administration is interfering politically on behalf of the environmental activists since the corps of engineer defended it twice in federal court. >> while the president says we should let play out ranch
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families are being impacted and, again, creating dangerous and very disruptive situation for people living in this area and across the state. >> the tribe also claims it has not been consulted properly. the corps of engineers and local officials have tried to set up 12 meetings with the tribe of which they have not cooperated and when they did go to two of them, they refuse today negotiate, jenna. there is a plan protest around the country tomorrow against this pipeline. back to you. jenna: big story. william, thank you. jon: well the volkswagen corporation faces more problems after a scandal over software in millions of its vehicle that is dye started results of emission ls test. what the new investigation is all about. paris marks one year sinister ror attacks that left 130 people dead with the fight against isis far from over. we will discuss the foreign policy challenges facing president elect trump
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jon: just in volkswagen confirm ed investigation in carbon monoxide, the german auto maker says that while it hasn't violated any european laws, that's not clear in the united states. they are in talks with u.s. and european regulators. this comes on the heels of another scandal involving software to cheat on emission's test. jenna: president elect will have to deal with serious threats to our nation. yesterday a moment of silence was held to mark the one year mark since deadly terrorist attacks in paris. while u.s. and allies are making
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progress against isis, it will be the next president's job to finish the fight. we certainly empathized with what happened in paris and when that took place last year, the big question for all of us is is that going to happen here. on the top of the list for the next president, how do you keep our country safe? >> well, two ways, one is having the best defense we can possibly that. intelligence and law enforcement people that we have much connected tissue that we can have with communities with terrorists mostly come out of is important for us and the people in those communities to be eyes and ears and have great federal bureau of investigation, good defense, we have a good defense, could it be better, always. but you also have to have a good offense. we've got to be over there chasing these guys down and we
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don't have the kind of offense we should have. radical islam is morphed into a jihad and spreading around the world. we have no strategy to cope with the scale of that. it is the the generational challenge that we have facing the american people. jenna: president elect trump was asked a little bit about that last night, here is what he had to say in 60 minutes. >> i don't want to say anything. i want to do my job. we are going to have great generals, we have great generals. >> you said you knew more than generals about isis. >> well, i will be honest i probably do because look at the job that they've done. jenna: what's your reaction to that? >> well, listen, the generals under barack obama made level recommendation in iraq and afghanistan, i'm telling you for a fact he has never accepted a single one of those force-level recommendations, that's why we pulled out of iraq in 2011 and
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that's why we have serious problems in afghanistan and he has never permitted our generals to put together a campaign plan to defeat isis. jenna: what we are seeing is to what the generals are advising president obama to do? >> absolutely. we've ham-strung the use of military power to defeat isis and as i said, we have no strategy or plan to deal with the much large e global jihad. jenna: do you think donald trump will have it? >> i think he will. he understands we have a problem. he knows it's not right. he may not know what it is to do and i don't think he needs to know that. most presidents who come into office do not have a lot of foreign policy xerps. a president we would give a lot of credit to, ronald reagan, but surrounded himself by people who did and it's his judgment that we are looking for, the ability to make tough decisions an he has a background of being a leader, i'm talking to president elect, he has a background in having convictions and background of being decisive.
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they can serve him well and get people to help them make a decision. jenna: the world continues to turn while we are focused on the election. there's been a lot happening in afghanistan that we haven't been paying a lot of attention to. what is it and why is it important and why do you think that might be the biggest story of 2017? >> that will be a headline in 2011. the security situation is worsening and it's off the radar, the tension on the election to be certain, i can understand that. isis is another thing but what is happening there is they have reemerged and new commitment and resolve and they also believe that the united states is no longer fully committed, as a result of that, jenna, they are now in control of more territory than they have ever been since they ran the country in 2001. that is staggering given the fact that we have been there for 15 years trying to help the began security forces. the began security forces due to
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policy decisions made by our president, we were never able to give resources to assist them to the degree that we wanted and we pulled our forces out much too early, combat forces. we have ten thousand there but it's not enough. the second thing is and this is horrific, there are two taliban sanctuaries in pakistan, the pakistan military protects those sanctuary, not only that, they give them information on our operations and pakistanis are an ally, there has never been insurgency who has been defeated that enjoyed sanctuary that was outside of the combat area. >> what's the risk of that at home because of that? >> isis is growing in afghanistan. taliban have no interest in being out of region organization, but if you turn afghanistan into a radical islamic state, it will be a breeding ground for people who are going to not only conduct terrorist operations in the region but will conduct in europe and also in the united states.
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we cannot let it happen. jenna: interesting, we are so focused on syria become islamic state but perhaps it's afghanistan, and that's something we will be watching. thank you very much, jon. jon: president elect trump's victory surprised almost all of the political analysts, how did journalists and pundits get it so wrong and what can we learn from the coverage of 2016 election? our media panel weighs in. we are awaiting president obama's news conference, what he's expected to say more on that just ahead when it comes to healthcare,
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jon: new information on the media's role on the presidential election. >> the culmination of one of the biggest media failures in many years. most journalists heading to tuesday night believing hillary clinton would be elected president. this was a collective failure, a failure of imagination and in some ways a mass illusion and the med icon tributed to it. so now it's time for some serious soul searching. jon: we we we wanted to share that clip for you. columnist and comment air writer for the washington times, also with us jock tory, columbus dispatch and dayton daily news. welcome to both of you, kelly how or why did the media get it so wrong? >> well, because more ideologically in line with hillary clinton and barack obama
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and with the left's agenda. this didn't fool the american public out there. a week before the election there was a survey that was done by usa today where nearly 10 to 1 ratio americans out there thought that the press was favoring hillary clinton. we saw this was a near blackout of wikileaks, we saw with the press reluctant to say that there was actually fbi investigation going on into the clinton foundation and then we have outlets like huffington post to put a disclaimer that donald trump was racist, mace -- donald trump flipped nearly a third of them. that means that there's a lot of, you know, that the digging needs to go a little deeper before you maintain that narrative. jon: jack, the polling all seem to say, not all, there were a few polls that had donald trump in the lead. the polling the day before the
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election said this is a going to be a hillary clinton run. >> well, you're sitting a sore spot for me. for years i have said to minimize polling and put more effort into reporting on what the candidates want to do, their positions, platforms, et cetera, polling to me is very limited help and difficult in this day in age to get it right. clearly, they didn't get the turnout right. it's not a service to readers or people watching us on tv. they need to know what two candidates need to do. jon: it's really useless to the american people to know who has 37% and who has 42%? >> i think it's utterly useless. the only value to me with polling is if you poll some individual states you find out why the candidates are going to those states as opposed to elsewhere because it'll tell you that the race is close. but over all, it doesn't matter
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to the view e or the reader who is ahead and behind. i don't know what hillary clinton do. and i think it was failed. jon: an e-mail that i got to my viewer, we don't care that donald trump doesn't speak in, he tells it like it is and that's what we like about him and even though he has his flaws, we support this guy. >> yeah, the american people specially out there in working-class america who lost their jobs, they took donald trump's message seriously. the press corps in washington, d.c. and new york city thought he was a clown. they did crazy fact-checks that donald trump, "the new york times" did this actual fact-check that donald trump said that hillary clinton was copying his tarmac rallies and they made, fact-check donald
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trump, tarmac rallies has been happening a long time in politics. is this type of snark that the american public recognizes from the elitist media institutions and they fall back on during this contest and we see that plainly with the results. >> he did rely on those big rallies and a lot of the pundits were saying, that's so 14964. -- 1964. you can't have a rally and get 30,000 people show up and win the presidency, look what happened. >> if you look in the past, i remember 1988, michael had great crowds, it didn't matter. i have to remind people this, if this was a changed election, the status quo still won because she will win a majority of the votes as opposed to him. this was more of a repudiation and referendum on mrs. clinton than anything else. for example, in ohio which she lost decisively, she had 500,000
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fewer votes than barack obama did in 2012. she did not get the democratic base out despite having excellent organization. this is not a very complicated election to figure out. if you're a bad candidate, i'm sorry to say she was not a good candidate, you're probably going to lose. jon: both of the candidates, kelly, were considered by good cross-section of the electorate. >> the democratic party lost touch with the middle american and the white-would recollecting class voter, best will say that, the supporters will say i told you so basically gave hillary clinton a coronation. they didn't want her to run challenge and they thought she was a good candidate. she wasn't and that wasferenceda problem that this was a changed election and wanted to drain the swamp and wanted to tell the media elites, we are out here and the voices matter and that's what you saw with the results
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and, of course, the washington elite media and those in new york city just can't get their heads around this. they don't understand it. they are now sending reporters out to middle america to tell the stories, i'm sorry, that should have happened 18 months ago. jon: kelly, washington times and jack, columbus dispatch, fascinating, thank you. >> i have nice tenants. >> he was able to step out of the company to run for commander in chief and i think he's going to rely on this more than ever. >> you will stay up here? >> we will be in new york and we will take care of the business. jenna: president elect donald trump and son eric speaking a moment ago. they are talking about business empire and what happens to it while trump is serving as commander in chief.
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i'm so curious about this, what is required of donald trump as president with his businesses, what must he do with them. >> you would assume that he's required like put financial interest in a blind trust but that's not the case, that's only people who work for him who work for the executive branch. i mean, there are ethical guidelines that he's supposed to make sure he doesn't benefit financially, significant from things in front of him, but there aren't a lot of rules about it. i would say -- i would imagine him trying to construct some sort of a chinese wall, you know, some sort of putting up no information going back and forth between the company and himself, you know very well that's something we referred to in business as chinese wall. i don't know how effective that would be. it's an interesting questions. jenna: legally, he doesn't have to say i'm out, i don't have to be the ceo, he maintain according to laws? >> he doesn't have to wall up
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finances. it said that he specifically does not have to create a blind trust or anything like that. but when you look at the business it's hard for me coming from a business background to understand how he's going to separate his family out. he says he will leave his kids in charge and that's fair enough. it's all legitimate career and they worked hard at it, at the same time, you know, he has his family and his fortune in a company that's international. take, for example, things like golf course in scottland, things that he does that impacts the currency and the trade between scatland and the u.s. would be meaningful to his bottom line. at the same time if he did something like all my kids are going to leave the company, they are most of the management. it's also not fair to say they must leave, so that's why i say, i think, it's a hard problem to solve but you can bet that the media will be following it very closely and judging very closely every step of the way how he may or may not benefit financially
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or his children may or may not benefit financially. jenna: so there are rules or lack of rules for the president but strict rules for advisers and what sort of business connections they can have and because children are some of his advisers, walk us through that, melissa. melissa: they would have to be officially recognized as adviser and i thought the response was interesting because you had heard eric trump's name as somebody who might work in the white house and you heard ivanka as well. it was interesting to say, no, we are all going to stay in new york. remains to to be seen if that is really the case. i want to put the shoe on the other foot. if hillary clinton had won and she had in fact, transferred the foundation for chelsea clinton, i for one i would have said, wait, that's not good enough. we saw when she was in the government and bill was at the foundation u i believe, there were still great conflicts of interest and all those wikileaks emails and own tax returns seemed to point out that there were conflicts there.
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so we wouldn't be satisfied if hell sea was -- chelsea was left in charge of the foundation but, again, the media is going to be watching closely his finances as he's president, so we will know and i for one will be interested to see how he resolves it so that people are satisfied by the conflict of interest. jenna: really interesting questions. thank you so much. melissa: thank you. jon: well, thousands stranded and towns cut off after a powerful deadly earthquake rocks new zealand, how crews are trying to reach people in one coastal town. president elect donald trump vow ing to
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bangers, we are getting them out of the country or we are going to incarcerate but we are getting them out of our country. after the border is secured and after everything gets normalized we are going to make a determination on the people that you're talking about, who are terrific, they're terrific people, but we are going to make a determination. but before we make a determination, it's very important we want to secure our border. jenna: immigration as you know one that president elect donald trump signature issues, mr. trump pledging to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, many thought positions would damage with minority voters, as turned out, that wasn't the case. a president trump would be a lot more likely to steer compromise reform through a republican-controlled house of representatives than president hillary clinton even if she were inclined to do so. donald trump is not the perfect candidate but he does have a
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record in business, bringing people together and being flexible enough to get things done. joining us now immigration attorney and gop activists. it's great to have you on the program. you said that in that piece that donald trump wasn't your first choice, we are not going to ask you which one it was because we are now moving forward. you see with him opportunity, what is the opportunity that you see for president elect trump and immigration? >> well, number one secure the border and thanks to donald trump we started talking about the pourest border and this is the greatest country on earth and we need to vet those that want to be here. we will see more border security and i'm very happy to see that donald trump is also talking about after the border secure, finding a way to help those noncriminals that are here, but the border has to be secured as you said and the bad folks have to go back. they're a threat to immigrants, they're a threat to u.s. citizens, we need some law and
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order and i think donald trump is the one that can actually get it done. >> you know, the stereotypes are flying all around during election season, if you're a latino you won't like the border wall, that's not something latino voters would like, why do you think that's not the case or why do you think it's a crucial part of his plan in. >> well, i've always in favor of the border wall and most, i think, latinos are. we do think that there should be immigration reform, but, look, the border is not secure, there are folks coming across that we know nothing about and there are 11 million or more folks, many of which have not been vetted, they haven't been fingerprinted. it's not a matter of racism, it's a matter of national security. i'm hopeful that donald trump can get it done. had hillary clinton won, she would have never we wanted to resolve this issue because it's such a good vote-getter for democrats. i'm very hopeful that
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immigration reform will finally happen under a gop president. jenna: i'm curious, if you could tell our viewers about your background. you work with companies and you work with individuals on this issue of immigration. what have you learned from your work that you think the president elect should know about the way to get through immigration reform and what should be on the top of that list? >> well, number one, after the border is secured, we need to make sure businesses have workers that they need. there are many business that is don't have enough u.s. workers to do jobs in the meat and poultry entry, ag industry and construction industry, jobs not being done by u.s. workers because there aren't enough. we need to have a guest-worker program that addresses our economic needs, but i agree, there needs to be border security. the rhetoric of the campaign is gone and we really have an
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opportunity for real border security and immigration reform. jenna: opportunity is something we want to focus on the show and i'm curious about what you think about the pathway to citizenship or perhaps not having one. the gang of 8, marco rubio, john mccain, they put together a plan, years ago, 2013 and created a pathway to citizenship that would take years for those that are in this country, but conservatives like jeff sessions said no way, there's no way we are going to get a compromise on this. i'm just curious your thoughts on that. what do you think is the right way forward? >> interestingly most immigrants that are here aren't advocating for a pathway to citizenship. that was democratic talking points that they insisted on. most immigrants want permission to work here. they have long standing ties to the u.s. but they are not looking for immediate citizenship or citizenship, you know, in the near future. that was something that the
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democrats were pushing. you know, again, i don't see it as a big deal for most immigrants that are here, most immigrants are not criminals and they have long standing ties to the u.s. and they want to figure out a way they can stay here but not necessarily as citizens or even as permanent residents. jenna: that's so interesting. that launches into a whole other conversation. i hope you can come back to talk about that. >> happy to be here and viva trump. jon: prosecutors are questioning the founder of wikileaks, what they are trying to find out? we are live with an update on that. plus president obama gearing up for first news conference since donald trump won the election to succeed him. what we expect the president to say next why not give you some say? or let your driving do the talking. liberty mutual righttrack® finally puts you in control.
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jon: coming up on the top of the hour let's check out what's ahead on outnumbered, sandra and harris, what do you have? sandra: seem to go offer alive branches to both dc establishment and outsider base, is this a sign of how he'll govern? harris: hillary clinton is blaming loss on fbi director james comey, but a senior adviser says look in the mirror, who is right? sandra: mr. trump tweeting helping win the white house but as president he will be more restrained about it. but should he tweet at all? a lot of people have opinions about that. this is obviously now that he has everybody's attention. harris: he has 28 million followers. he can reach a whole lot of people quickly. anyway, all that plus our #oneluckyguy.
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big announcement. i mean, big, big. jon: that sounds exciting. jenna: i like big and happy. that's good. right now new legal action involving wikileaks founder julian assange with swedish prosecutors questioning him about sex crimes. the interview in ecuadorian embassy. benjamin. >> hi, jenna, julian assange is being hold up in ecuadorian embassy for four years, four years of avoiding justice and refusing to answer any questions, four years of hiding in plain sight from the authorities over here in london. finally, today six years after the sexual allegations brought against him and after years of trying just to take a statement from him, sweden's chief prosecutor was allowed into the embassy in london forcing her way through journalists.
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assange faces two assault counts with two separate women in sweden. the reality, the aim to get him to the u.s. where he might face charges related to website wikileaks. it was on the wikileaks website that assange released half a million documents relating to afghan and iraq wars. he intended to sabotage american's foreign policy and he endangered lives by revealing the identity of u.s. informants. to avoid possible extradition he has claimed asylum saying he would face death penalty if returned to the u.s. also on top of that, he just lost access to the internet. that's because ecuadorians are upset about the los angeles that wikileaks put out about the hillary clinton emails during the election. he's in there, he's got no access to the internet. so it's a one room, small apartment he's in probably realizing that soon he will have
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>> big and happy. see you here in an hour. >> good hashtag. "outnumbered" started right now. ♪ sandra: this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, radio talk show host meghan mccain, fox news brand new contributor rachel campos duffy is here as well. congratulations to her. today's #oneluckyguy, iraq and afghanistan veteran and fox news contributor, always happy to have you, pete hegseth is here. you sir, are "outnumbered." >> great to be here. sandra: great to have you. wonderful day. >> it is big day. harris: go. sandra: before we get started we have this huge big and happy announcement for you right here on the "outnumbered" couch, our friend and colleague meghan mcca
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