tv The Five FOX News November 15, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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developer to washington two admire the marble but to shake the place to its core. they have given him a shot. i sure hope donald trump takes it. hello. i'm kimberly guilfoyle. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." it's been one week since the election and the trump team is forming quickly to form a new administration. the president-elect spent the day ahead of the transition team. vice president-elect mike pence at trump tower narrowing down the list of candidates for the cabinet and senior white house positions. reince priebus and steve bannon have been named. could one of these three be next? >> first of all, i won't be attorney general. >> you won't be? >> good. i don't have to decide that,
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thank god. >> the choice of secretary of state in a trump administration is down to rudy giuliani and john bolton. >> john would be a good choice. >> is there anybody better? >> maybe me. i don't know. >> i want to be the general planner looking over the next eight years trying to decide how we reshape the government. that's a broad job. >> this might be the time laura ingram is named press secretary to the future president. >> you never know. it's wonderful to be considered. i have known donald for a long time. i know most of the guys who are going to be in the white house with him. >> well, you want to know, right? do you know who might know? campaign carl. he always has the inside scoop. he joins us now in studio today. we'll keep him here until we get the answers. welcome. you're captive now. we want to know everything. there is a lot of speculation. laura ingram was on. kellyanne conway is making the rounds. rudy giuliani. give us the facts and
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predictions. >> at the end of the 70 days or whatever is left. there will be a foundation for a government. with the 3700 to 4500 jobs that have to be filled there will be hundreds that won't be filled. it's common for a year or two to pass before the federal posts get filled and sometimes they don't. sometimes they don't. it's been described as a knife fight. someone called it a game of thrones. >> fun. >> this is like people who have never been in transition before. you might think about a show that the president-elect once hosted called "the apprentice." he encouraged people to fight. he encouraged them to compete for jobs. there are a lot of people who want a few number of top white house positions. they are jockeying. this is a transition. they are struggling to put together a government. they have a limited amount of time, a limited amount of people. and an unlimited amount.
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>> i think the knife fight illusion stems from the fact that chris christie was pushed out. pence put in place. that's part of the delay. chris christie had agreements with various departments of the government to share information. he's gone because the agreement is now void. it's interesting that for instance mike rogers, former head of intelligence in the house. a republican. good republican from michigan. he's no longer part of the deal. he was a chris christie guy. that's why people say knife fight. >> when rogers was in charge of the benghazi administration he wasn't as aggressive. his successor trey goudy has been critical of him. so, yes. there is that component of it. the aspect of chris christie having signed for the transition campaign to share information back and forth with the obama administration. the signature was on it. christie is no longer on the transition.
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they have to put the new signature on it. pence will meet with congressional leaders. that will go forward. >> what's the back story with chris christie? the president-elect thought he was perhaps abandoned by him. i heard some of that. >> there were a number of reasons. the bridgegate issue is troubling to folks intower. not all of them. it's an obstacle. there was concern that the transition committee was way too isolated from the rest of the campaign when it was under way. two and a half weeks before to take my 250 member staff of the transition plan, cut it in half and send people back to the campaign trail. what good is it if you lose and he did. he won. >> it seems like trump is a good hirer and firer. if you look at the campaign he
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needed somebody scrappy. went to manafort when he had to do the rnc and switched to ke y kellyanne who was fantastic. he put pence in on the day he needs someone serious who will do all the work. isn't there a positive thing to read into this as well? >> sure. what donald trump the president-elect is trying to do is get the best possible government completed in 70 days. nobody in their right mind would like to try to put together the u.s. government in 70 days, but that's our system. >> the press likes to say knife fight because it is trying to make the trump team seem like barbarians and immature rubes. >> some of that's coming in and out of trump tower. oh, it was a knife fight. so and so is going after so and so. interesting choice of words. actually this is a transition. knife fights, people get hurt.
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you're not getting stuck in the neck with a blade. >> let's get down to it. stop beating around the bush. there is a person not at the table. did you see him? what's he up for? is he being vetted now? >> didn't see him. wouldn't be surprised. they do sneak in around us. we are stuck across the street. >> all the money. >> i want to put rumors to rest. i will not be the press secretary for the trump administration. i cannot take the pay cut. >> yeah. i have heard two names about it. i heard kellyanne conway. she's deft. she can pivot. she's graceful and beautiful. that's one approach. laura ingram would be out there laying siege to the media on a daily basis. it would be like must see tv. that's probably the continuing strategy of trump's war against the media. it could mobilize the base and keep the media on defense. >> if trump were to pick
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somebody who would be well acquainted with those of us in the fourth estate that will blow up in his face. as soon as whoever is behind the podium in the trump white house starts agreeing with the tone of the questions of the press, that person needs to be pushed out and somebody who can pick a fight will come in. >> there are a bunch of names out there. one thing they are not talking about aggressively is who will be the political director, the white house spokesman, the white house press secretary. there are a lot of candidates. >> any names that stand out? >> they have donald trump. >> what about the choice between -- you've got rudy giuliani and john bolton. that's a choice between a porsche and another porsche. an embarrassment of riches. can you have them both? >> john bolton has been a u.n. ambassador. he hasn't been on the security council. there are other positions in national security he could get involved in.
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rudy giuliani clearly has the short track on this. for him to be joking about maybe i'm better than bolton is saying donald has given him a wink. >> when kimberly did the lead-in to the segment some seem to have removed themselves. newt gingrich wants to be the big picture guy. i thought he was up for a major position. the second one is ben carson, the neurosurgeon. >> you have news on that? >> excuse me? >> you have news on that. >> my son raffi williams broke that story today. i thought carson was positioned to either do hhs and the repeal of the affordable care act or, b, education. he, too, pulled himself out. >> there are differing versions of who pushed and who pulled. one version is ben carson, a brilliant neurosurgeon who spent his life dealing with human tissues and cells would have a difficult time dealing with the biggest bureaucracy in the u.s.
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government which is in itself the biggest bureaucracy. never mind it would be for the repeal, reform, revision or whatever to the affordable care act, obamacare. ben carson is a great, great mind. >> mm-hmm. >> being an intekt isn't what you want at health & human services. you want someone with a sledge hammer. he's a scalpel guy. >> there were times he was good with the sledge hammer. or was it a knife? >> i don't remember. >> let me ask you. those are the days. >> you have to bring up things. >> he doesn't strike me as someone who is diplomatic. is that the idea? he has a gruff way about him? is it the idea of reforming the state department? that could be an angle as well. >> his international company after having been the mayor has
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taken him around the world. he's been deeply involved in anti-terrorism work in the public and private sector. not just as the mayor of new york. he ran for president in 2008. that's not the only thing he's doing. he knows a lot of foreign leaders by name. he understands the terrorism threat. he understands islamic terrorism. reform of the state department is something every secretary does. it's going to be reformed from hillary clinton and the democrats just by virtue of the republican. >> he won't use a private server. he'll stick with dot-gov. >> he knows the law and will follow it. he's a fantastic choice. you need serious reform. this is in the climate. one of the most important positions and selections president-elect trump can do. >> all the names involved whether newt is involved or not. rudy giuliani. they are all adults. it seems like this cabinet has a
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different theme. >> there is no van jones. >> the obama administration was childlike. we can change the world. if we just feel good we can do it. we don't need adults for people who go, it's terrorism. >> having promised hope and change the obama administration put people like tim geithner there. we should watch carefully as to whether or not that's the practice of the trump administration. >> what about rick grinell for u.n. ambassador? very smart. >> that would be history-making and sends a message that the trump campaign and family want to have heard they will be friendly to the lgbt community. >> there he is. >> they will be thrilled over that. >> one last thing, carl. >> he's pro gun second amendment. >> a lot of crimp of bannen no.
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>> i have known steve for a long time. back in the early days he's a bright guy. >> yep. >> he does his homework. he communicates it personally, quietly. he doesn't need to be out front. >> brilliant tactician. >> having your hands on the levers of power requires you to keep your mouth shut sometimes. some of what he's criticized for are the breitbart web page isn't necessarily where he comes from. >> it's unfair to paint him in this light. >> he needs to address the criticism and point it out. i was running an operation. some people wrote things i may not agree with. breitbart news was controversial, is still. he's not controversial as the senior council to the president at this point. we have not heard from him. >> i offered perspective on this as someone who wrote at breitbart. lena dunham is offended by the choice and anything that offends her has to be right.
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>> isn't she in canada? >> she promised. >> she left a voicemail with paul ryan basically saying how upset she was. it must be like an oral wedgy. i can't imagine that voicemail. >> that's just -- >> exactly. >> not good. thank you. all right. next to greg again. on the showdown brewing between the president-elect and mayors of sanctuary cities vowing to defy orders on illegal immigration. stay tuned.
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despite what donald trump thinks rahm emanuel says his city will remain a sanctuary. >> to be clear about what chicago is, it always will be a sanctuary city. to all those who are after tuesday's election very nervous, filled with anxiety. you are safe in chicago. you are secure in chicago and you are supported in chicago. >> chicago will always be a sanctuary city. but to whom, you moron?
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your city has roughly 600 murders a year and you're bragging that it is a sanctua city? your citizens are gunned down more than soldiers in war zones and that's a sanctuary? what else is a sanctuary? aleppo? mosul? the basin of an active volcano? charlie sheen's hot tub? how can you use the word sanctuary in a place where so many people die. chicago is slightly safer than a mine field but at least with a mine field it's not advertised as a sanctuary. if you can have sanctuary cities for one illegal behavior why not for others? like nudists, tax cheats or nudist tax cheats with a fondness for inflatable unicorns or people escaping horrible cities run by incompetent liberals like rahm emanuel. there could be sanctuary cities in mexico for people fleeing chicago. the worst part is he sees no link between his symbolic
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gesture and the horror it causes. for that i have two words. kate steinly. there was no sanctuary for her. >> how can you talk about a sanctuary city when you have bloodshed, 600 dead in your streets? it's a moral blind spot. >> it is. public enemy number one for public safety. you're allowing blood to spill on the streets because you are not enforcing the laws on the books. to me it's unconscionable. i lived and worked in a sanctuary city. became far worse after i left and you see what's happened here. it's why bill o'reilly put forward kate's law. i believe president-elect trump will put it forward and i hope he does. the problem is you will have an enforcement issue. maybe congress can do something about it in terms of the finances, cutting funding, but
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it is difficult to go out and arrest the sheriff if they are not complying with the law. other than directly harboring an illegal alien it's tough to get after them. >> the mayors are conflating two things. they understand the compassion with families but when you want to get rid of the criminals you want to destroy people's lives and everything. this seems like a symbolic gesture. like a romantic gesture that, no, i don't feel that way. i'm not like trump. >> first of all, you're right when you talk about the symbolism of it. it has some reality to it. the premise is if you have local police informing the federal government about the immigration status of people who are undocumented, illegal immigrants and the rest, then people might stop cooperating with the local
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police in terms of busting people. >> not true. >> i don't know if it's true or not. >> not true. police don't report if you come in with a hot tip on a crime. they won't report you. not true. >> hold on. if you get arrested -- and i don't care what for -- and the police release you and they discover you are an illegal immigrant in san francisco, chicago, elsewhere they don't have an obligation to inform immigration and customs. that's what they are fighting against. >> why do you think that's outrageous? if they arrest someone and find out they are illegal. >> they don't want the immigrant community to say, gee -- >> avoid crimes they might be arrested for? >> if they say i'm going to cooperate with the police on this crime. >> juan! >> that's not cooperating though. >> down the block if there is a house with guns being trafficked and drugs and she goes to the
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local law enforcement to say, check this house out, cops aren't going to turn around and say, hey, by the way, you're out of here. south of the border. >> it's not maria. >> that's the case you're talking about. >> there is so much more to crime than something so dramatic as whatever you call that house. >> you calling me dramatic, juan? >> oh, no. if you have a domestic abuse situation for instance or child abuse and you call in the cops and they say, we discovered one of these people -- >> they're going to deport the victim? that doesn't make sense. riding in new york city i'm watching an ad in the and it's mayor de blasio bragging that he will not cooperate with i.c.e. and he will not turn over names. i'm thinking, i'm paying for this ad. this is taxpayer dollars in the back of the taxi. can i decide which laws i will and will not cooperate with? i'm not paying my taxes anymore. i don't want to. let's do that together. >> i'm a tax cheating nudist.
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>> i want to keep my clothes on but i would like to not pay taxes please. >> there is panic on the south side of chicago. people are being gunned down. the mayor said he cares more about the safety of criminal illegal aliens. >> that's ridiculous. do you know why? >> over here, camera. >> he's going to be in trouble. >> talk to me. >> not illegal immigrants. >> germany launched a massive crackdown today on islamic groups with suspected ties to terror. will america do the same? that's next. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette.
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and her new business: i do, to go. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant.
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germany's most well known muslim organizations called true religion. could president-elect trump do something similar here? he addressed the isis threat in his first tv interview following the election. >> you have said you're going to destroy isis. now, how are you going to do that? >> i don't tell you that. i don't tell you that. not like the people going in now, fighting mosul and announced it four months before they went in and now it's a tough fight because, number one, the people from the leaders of isis have left. why do i have to tell you that? >> troops on the ground? i'm not saying anything. we have great generals. >> you said you knew more than the generals about isis. >> well, i'll be honest with you. i probably do. look at the job they have done. now, maybe it's leadership. maybe something else. who knows? all i can tell you is we're going to get rid of isis. >> as we see the germans involved they had no detentions. no one was arrested.
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i don't understand that. when you watch president-elect trump on 60 minutes, did you think in fact as rudy giuliani says, job number one, get rid of isis. everything els in the background. job number one, isis. what do you think? >> they have to start building the wall first. i thought that was a top priority. i gesds go after isis is second. i don't think we'll see mosque raids in america. i think islamic terrorism has a bigger foothold than germany. it's a bigger problem. the "new york times" and you would probably love the headlines -- trump raids mosques across america. it's not going to happen. i don't see it happening. i wouldn't worry about it. he has a strategy against isis. tactical air strikes, special operators on the ground. take the oil. we all know what it is. you used leverage against the saudis to make them pay up. make them pony up for safe zones. there are ways to do it. >> cyber warfare. >> we have done it in the wars except president obama's war.
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you embed video guys with the fighters. we broadcast images of us destroying strong holds and taking prisoners and securing the territory. right now we are doing everything in the dark. everything is drone strikes. not taking prisoners and isis is winning the war against the narrative. >> i'm interested in what you said. i will follow up and say isn't that obama's policy? >> which is what? >> putting in special intelligence. >> obama's policy is draw a red line and don't do anything about it. >> i'm sorry. >> that's like global warming. >> i don't see it as that distinct 57bd what you are doing. >> we have to use leverage over the saudis. not have lawyers call in air strikes. >> the president-elect had said he was going to give the generals a month to come to them with a plan. i was talking to an expert in the last hour who said there are a bunch of plans out there already they haven't been unleashed to do them. they are ready. it won't take a month. more like a day.
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they can go out and execute on them. this idea that he knows more than the generals. i think he was baited into saying that again. they weren't unleashed to do what they wanted to do. i think they can get out and execute on this quickly. it would be a different plan from what the president said. i don't think we know what it is yet. >> we are not going to tackle assad. we'll prop him up with the russians. we don't want regime change. it creates a vacuum. >> kimberly, what do you see? do you think it is job number one? >> absolutely. every day if i could i would talk about it. this is job one. we'll deal with the wall. don't worry. you have to go over there and get them. get the job done. they have the resources. they know exactly what they need to do. trust me. they need the authorization to go in there and use whatever means necessary not to half heartedly tackle isis.
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canc the big plans. that's what they need to do. i agree with him. you have to have people on the ground to commit resources for realtime intelligence. cut off the pathways. >> choke them to death. >> unless you are talking about it. >> greg, i come to you because i'm driving up your alley in terms of social media. >> right. >> what happened in germany today was they went after the group because they said they were radicalizing young people. about 140 of them had gone then to syria to fight with isis from germany. >> this marries two issues. the marriage of technology to terror which is something very important. and the race against time. what civilization has to do is create an extremist free islam before that extremism applies
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technology to terror. meaning when an extremist gets a dirty bomb it destroys a city. i don't think it's possible to beat them. associated with the doctrine. they will always be here. the only thing to do is we have to protect ourselves and we have to kill them when we can. when isis goes away, there is going to be a new radical islamic faction. we have to kill that as well. >> don't let him get to this point. do you want germany? this is the point. you have an exact example of what we are looking at if we don't get it together. if you don't kill them, crush them and extinguish them. put them in permanent extinction you have the problem. how do i know? we have already. >> next, bill o'reilly has a message for liberals like me who fear trump's policies won't be inclusive like obama's.
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otezla. show more of you. today probe gave himself a pat on the back 57b8d dismissed suggestions that he's to blame for the party's huge losses on tuesday. krauthammer respectfully disagrees. >> historians will see him as a textbook definition of a guy who won on hope and change, who won with a wave of goodwill and completely destroyed his presidency with liberal overreach. beginning with obamacare. this is a rejection of ideology. >> bill o'reilly has this wake up call for democrats. >> the anti-trump people believe that eight years of the obama administration have brought about an american unification that we are basically harmonious in this country. you are living in a fantasy
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world if you think the liberal administration of the past eight years has encouraged inclusion. it has not. the millions of americans who were excluded by the oma administration have now put an end to the inclusion delusion. >> let's start with the electoral college map. just the basics of it . if you look at the after effects of the race you have the rust belt now in wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. do you think the democrats understand the magnitude of what happened and the possibility that these three or four states could almost be four years, eight years, 12 down the line in the republican column and what the democratic party is going to need to do to address the their failure in the states? >> unless they are color blind. when you look at that you look across the country.
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there is fringe blue counties on the edges. but the map is red. it's really unbelievable. you can't feel good about it. if you are president obama they weren't listening. the democratic party wasn't listening to people. they stood up and the whole movement that president-elect trump started. he was listening. he kept talking when giving speeches about we. we will do this. we have to win. we have no choice. that's because of the failed policies unfortunately of the man who was in the white house for the past eight years and the democratic party. look, he worked hard to campaign and was elected. president obama. he did. he worked hard. he won places like iowa. he went to different he did. i don't know if they have made a difference. there is no comparison to her 10% throttle and trump's 90%.
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>> do you know why people don't vote for her? it's settling arguments we have had all along which is this idea that the people weren't better off after eight years. they looked in their wallets. it doesn't come down to race but money. they believed in him and hoped for the economy to get better. the economy was in a disastrous place but over the past eight years it got marginally better and for some people not at all. we saw income fall and the divide between rich and poor get worse over the past eight years. there are lots of people last time around that voted for him. this time voted for trump. he doesn't see -- like i don't get it. the people are better off. he doesn't get it. they're not better off. that's why they voted for somebody else. >> the forgotten men and women. >> he said in an interview in greece he definitely knew of the frustration, the anger felt by people. he said if you look at the
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reality, the numbers. he's a popular president. he's above 55%. >> people like him personally. >> 57%. the second thing is the argument you and i said. you look atwal street. after the deep recession we were in. >> i wouldn't say wow. it's the most significant initiatives. the iranian nuke deal about to be left in tatters. people haven't gotten a raise. the country is racially polarized. >> wages are going up. >> no way you can see this is a successful presidency. >> i do. are you kidding? mitt romney said if he could get unemployment to six this is 4.9. >> people are working now more than they were. >> the income has fallen. the jobs aren't paying anything. people are looking at their bank account saying give me whatever gdp stat you want, i have less
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money. >> the reason why juan thinks that way and you think that way is because obama's success has been the party's failure. he was the most persuasive progressive sales man that ever existed. he's a great sales man selling bad meat at high prices. so now the democratic party is in trouble. they still have bad ideas. what's missing is the greatest sales man they ever had. he just walked into the sun set leaving them with the world's crappiest product. >> the democratic party has been shut out worse than in a hundred years. governorshi governorships, house, senate, state. >> that's a tough argument. >> 1928 is the last time you were in that position. >> they had enough of the clintons. the country had enough. she was not a good candidate. she was corrupt, crooked, put lives in danger. people lost their lives under her watch. i'm telling the truth. it was a repudiation of her and the liberal policies.
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>> we'll let kimberly pile it on. we have to go to the break. you don't get to pile on anymore. ahead, more buzz on who president-elect trump will select for the cabinet. who he just found out was spotted at trump towers today. now that karen's taking osteo bi-flex, she's noticing a real difference in her joint comfort... "she's single." ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. osteo bi-flex. made to move.
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back more on the big meeting between president-elect and the head of his transition team, vice president-elect mike pence. they huddle together in manhattan to figure out key appointments in the administration. kimberly, we are learning that ted cruz was seen coming from trump tower. in fact, he confirmed it with a statement saying he was pleased with the opportunity to meet with the president-elect. what do you think they were speaking about? >> i think we should have gotten an alert for that. one of the most important things and some of the single issue voters were very passionate about the united states supreme court and putting in a justice that would definitely be in the -- you know, design of scalia, conservative, a constitutionalist who will uphold the second amendment and be strong on the conservative issues that the evangelicals and
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conservative right wanted. feast your eyes on senator cruz. i think he would do it. >> juan, what do you think? you had another idea as to what ted cruz could be doing there. >> obviously attorney general ted cruz was both in the white house counsel's office and over at the justice department. it's possible. you know, it's odd to me. obviously donald trump had some things to say about ted cruz. did he call him lying ted? >> lying ted. >> i don't think he would be the a.g. jeff sessions. >> if he's a.g., guess what. this is -- tell him what you were thinking. >> i was saying in the early commercial break he could investigate if his dad really killed jfk. >> another episode of "that's incredible". >> i think he'll probably clear right through senate confirmation hearings. a lot of senators aren't fond of ted cruz.
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they might like to see him go quickly to the supreme court. i would like to see if the main stream media is impressed with a hispanic man -- >> oh, god. >> -- in contention to be as they were with all of the wise latinas under president obama's tutela tutelage. >> oh, my goodness. sharpie man, what are you writing? >> oh, my god. >> melissa is very affected by it. >> the mike pence is killing me. that's all you're going to get from me today. i don't care where ted cruz goes. i just know the confirmation process will be hilarious. >> it will be delightful. >> there you go. "one more thing" up next. ♪ (woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words.
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buy a pixel and get up to $400 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon? it's time now for "one more thing." yesterday i told you i would be atten attending the society -- i was fortunate to serve as the master of ceremonies last night. it was truly amazing. the beautiful event took place at the metropolitan club right down the street and the amount of love and support on behalf of children was incredible. we raised over $600,000 which they sorely need and i just want to say thank you so everyone who came and supported me. my colleague, melissa francis, who's here at the table, sheryl, heather childers, dr. steve o'brien, russ cagniglio, gigi
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stone. i'm very appreciative. kyle nolan, thank you for all your help for producing that, helping with all of that, and my friend who designed by dress which was absolutely -- >> we need the music ae iic at oscars. >> you can't wrap me. i'm in charge of this. most importantly, "today is a day" we're immensely proud of her here at fox news channel. god bless arinsley and her daughter who was the inspiration. again, ainsley, wonderful job, super proud of you. >> yay. >> i'll go next. thomas jefferson, known as dec independence, words "all men created equal" although he was a slave owner is father of the library of congress and also father of the university of virginia. so get this, some uva students now want to forget about thomas
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jefferson due to tension on campus following the election results, uva president teresa sullivan sent an e-mail out with a quote from jefferson meant to encourage students tooin hands, to unify, and act together in a spirit of harmony. apparently, 469 students and faculty found the mention, though, of thomas jefferson's name divisive. even offensive. get that. and penned a letter of complaint to president sullivan. now, look, i understand the complicated relationship that uva has with jefferson. as i said, a known slave owner. how can the university erase any mention of its founder's name in good spirit? to me, this is like historical whitewash lying. thomas jefferson was not a bad guy and certainly isn't evidence of a divisive culture. go, president sullivan. stand. take a stand on this one. >> good job, juan. if the students don't like it,
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go to a different school that's not based on thomas jefferson's stuff. okay. >> i got -- real quick, i got to call them up on the election at go there. my little column. it's cute. you'll like it. i'm on howard stern tomorrow, calling in around 7:30 eastern time. that's very early for me. it's -- the topic is very interesti ing interesting. i'm sure you'll enjoy it. now it's time for this. greg's political animals. a lot of people have been talking about the election and how people think about the election. no one has asked the animals. so let's go to the animals. here we have some lovely pugs. the moment they found out that trump won, look at them. they went crazy. it's going to make america drool again. that's what they said. >> oh, cute. >> they're so excited. of course, we went over to china where we found this lovely polar bear. very, very sad because he's afraid donald trump will melt all the icebergs because he's been listening to the horrible propaganda from leo dicraprio
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and al snore. boo. sad, polar bear. finally, let's go to my favorite bear, besides bret, the panda. this panda was so inspired by the donald trump election that he learned to walk, or he's trying to learn to walk. don't give up, little fella. you got four to eight years to grow. >> you're stealing shep's bear alert. >> i know. bears are for everyone, kimberly. >> i love bears. >> i want to move on to animals. college students aren't the only ones using puppies to get over the election. george w. bush and laura bush are. look at this adorable puppy they just adopted, a rescue puppy. an australian shepherd pressure because i'm sitting in dana's seat. that's adorable. that's freddy bush. >> people's imaginations are running wild for what president-elect donald trump would do in the white house, so
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jimmy kimmel took advantage of that and went out o streets and said trump was doing jut rage thing and people bought it hook, line and sinker. >> that is shocking. >> what have people been saying about donald trump's plans to put a waterbed in and a mirror on the ceiling of the bedroom? >> some people said it's cool, some people say it's going too far. if he likes to get down and get a little freaky, you want to look at yourself, you want to bounce around on the waterbed, so be it. >> not that big of a stretch, no? >> that is a -- >> i have to say, that might be one of the greatest beards i've ever seen in my life. takes a lot of power to grow that beard. >> yeah. >> that was watters' world. >> perfect for watters' world. >> speaking of which, i'll be with you for this weekend on that. going to be great. >> in the house. >> real quick, i wanted to say, you know how much i love my charity, its the nation's largest child abuse charity. they do such good work. the executive director and
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deborah norville, my friend, is a bresabrina martin. thank you, adam, from "bon appetit" magazine. "special report," baier alert next. president-elect donald trump's fantasy draft. the intense search for just the right foot, assembling a team to try to deliver on his campaign promises. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. winning the election may have been the easy part. president-elect donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence who is also now his transition manager went over more names today as they seek to staff some of the crucial jobs in their upcoming administration. tonight, we know one person who is not interested and we're hearing names both familiar and new. as the
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