tv Hannity FOX News November 15, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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york's union square tomorrow nuth at 6:00 p.m. and then after the thanksgiving holiday we're taking the tour, going all over the country. i'll announce the full schedule tomorrow night but i can't wait to see you. thank thanks. welcome to "hannity." the biassed mainstream media that got the election completely wrong, that is out of touch with you, the american people. now they're trying to discredit president-elect trump's picks for key white house posts. now they're losing their mind trying to discredit steve bannon. the mainstream media is now suffering what i call a massive credibility crisis. guess what, they're the ones who wrote off, laughed at, mocked the idea of donald trump ever becoming president. here's my advice to president-elect donald trump tonight. when it comes to the media, do
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not listen to those people that want you to fail. ignore the haters. these are some of the same people who has wikileaks exposed, they were openly colluding the hillary rodham clinton's campaign vie . we also found out that the mainstream media is a tool of what i call the alt radical left and what they use to advance their agenda. another cog in the wheel for the occupy movement, the black lives matter, all of the other fringe groups and the media was wrong at every turn of the election, a about the trump movement and about the policies that a trump administration would put in place. the media is trying to force president-elect drurp, they want him immediately to move to the center. you've got to listen to us now. okay. they wanted him to fail and lose now he's supposed to listen to you guys? he's got to ignore these people. the same goes for the washington
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political establishment. they're going to try to push donald trump hard in different directions because they don't want the real change that donald trump is standing for and donald trump at this moment, if you listen to me, he's got to stick to his promises to you, the american people. just like the media establishment, they said he would never win and didn't support his campaign. the only thing i would say is this to president-elect trump. listen to the will of the american people. those people that went to the polls in record numbers. and it's simple, just honor your campaign promises. repeal and replace obamacare, lower taxes, corporate rate 15%, repay tree yat corporation profits at 15%, bringing trillions into the country, build the wall you said you would build, appoint originalist justices, fix inner cities, especially on education, energy and independence will create millions of jobs and the added
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bonus that we don't get the life blood of our from the countries who hate it was and then of course drain the swamp, extreme vetting of refugees and immigrants, stick to the promise. education back to the states. that might help more american kids that any single thing you do. negotiating free and fair trade. and remember, i say this election is about the forgotten men and women, out of work, in poverty, on food stamps that can't buy a house, found that the rungs to the ladder are gone. by the way one quick thing about all of these protesters. this is important tonight. i look at all of these people and they're crying and protesting all around the country and i think of my grandparents. they came to america, all four of them from ireland, all four of them. they came here with the most $20 in their pocket. they worked for little money at
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a time where there was discrimination against irish catholics. used to be signs in boston and new york, irish catholic need not apply. they worked their 16, 18 hours a day and felt blessed that they lived in this country. my father grew up dirt boor in brook lip, my mother grew up in the south bronx and it was a big deal that they bought a house in long island, three older sisters, one bathroom. that's basically living hell on earth but they were proud of their accomplishments. they built on the dream of their parents. and i stand on their shoulders today as my children now stand on mine. for all of you people whining and complaining -- there's a school in new york offering pet therapy because the kids are so upset at the election results. really? pet therapy? counseling? all of you people need to grow up. you need to go to work. one of the best thing i did was
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wash dishes, cook, bus tables, wait tables, tend bar, hang wall papers, paint houses, frame houses, lay tile and do real work. maybe you people protesting, it's time to get a job. joining us now, former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani. they need pet therapy? >> that was a beautiful speech. and my grandfather came with $20 in his wallet and i have the manife manifest. he had exactly $20 and i'm thinking to myself, you come all the way from italy, can't speak the language and you have $20 in our wallet. >> my dwrand parents spoke the language but in a funny way. >> in ways that got them no jobs. >> these spoiled brats on college campuses, these kids in elite new york schools, they're bringing in pets and counselors because they're so upset? i can't believe it. >> i've been on a couple of planes, i went out to los
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angeles, i was in washington and i talked to a few people that were anti-trump and you know, they're so worried about him. so i was sitting with one and i said what are you worry about? we're just worried. i didn't want to give them things to worry about, is he going to start a nuclear war? i'm just kind of worried about it. i think i talked them off of the ledge. i'm not sure i made them into a trump supporter. >> i had a call on my radio station saying you helped get a racist get elected. and i played jeopardy music and he couldn't answer. >> if there was an unfair criticism of trump and there were many, but if there was the most unfair, that's the inning is l most unfair criticism. i've known the man for 28 years. there isn't a single prejudicial bone in his body. he evaluates people from the point of view of work and friendship, on the merits.
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>> you were probably his strongest best toughest advocate. now you're being considered for important jobs, the one i here most often is secretary of state. have you had any conversations with him? >> i have. >> and what was the about? >> that was between him and me. >> you're not going to tell me? >> i can't, i wouldn't. i would be very honored to serve. questions, there are always a lot of questions and a lot of issues, a lot of good people around him. i think he's handled himself really well since the day he got elected. and i think that he's going to put together an extraordinary administration of really, really talented people. >> do you agree with me that for him to ignore the mcconnells, they didn't win the election as much as he did. his agenda i think brought in wisconsin, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania.
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>> maybe it's having addressed the reagan foundation on saturday night where we had an inaugural celebration. i was thinking what it might be like to address them if we had lost. it would have been a funeral. you do what ronald reagan did. you put your flag in the ground. this is what -- he's the president. they're the congress. he's the leader of the party. he has to tell them, this is what we want and i want you to get it for me. and they should work with him on it. and if we have to, at the edges, compromise certain things, we should be willing to talk a little. but the main program has got to happen. what did ronald reagan say? i'm going to confront the soviet union. >> cut taxes. >> i'm going to cut taxes. then he had to make a choice because he said he was going to reduce the deficit. the choice i made was strong national defense instead of the
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deficit because i think that's more important for our future. >> your friendship goes back a long ways when you were the mayor of the city, cleaning up the city. you did a phenomenal job. i wachds it up close and personal. if you become secretary of state, how many countries have you been to. >> i left the country four times as mayor so i was kind of like trip deprived. since i left as mayor, this is a rough estimate. i've been in 80 countries, 150 different foreign trips. >> wow. >> and a lot of it for different reasons, speeches, security consulting where i helped bring down crime -- >> a lot of people sought your expertise. >> call the president of colombia and he will tell you my group reduced crime by 42%. we reduced crime in mention so city until the mayor of mention
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so city got fired because she was doing too good of a job. but that was 12 years ago. so i've been all over the world. i know you're honorary knight hood from great britain. president nettanyahu has been m personal friend. and i know the world. i mean, i've been -- most of my last 15 years -- >> you know what i think the world would remember more than anything else? when you were given $10 million and you found out what the person said about israel and you said take your money back. >> also about the united states. >> that was a big big moment. >> he blamed it on the u.s. foreign policy and -- >> israel. >> i was supporting israel. i said, take your money back. >> i called up five widows before i did it, it wasn't their
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money, and they told me we're with you. we don't want the blood money. we don't want the blood money. >> good luck. i expect an announcement soon. we'll see. i know you will serve your country well. good to see you. >> it's a great honor to serve my country and it was a great honor to serve donald trump and get him elected. we saved the country from going over the abyss. >> good to see you. coming up, reports say that laura ingraham is in the running to be the next white house press secretary. she'll be here with reaction. later tonight -- a trump administration will end this nightmare of violence. we will protect american lies, we will cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities. >> president-elect donald trump campaigning on ending sanctuary cities but the alt radical left say they're going to fight him. we'll check in tonight with
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nigel bra raj and our own ainsley earhardt is here with a huge announcement straight ahead. got this cold. hashtag "stuffy nose." hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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good evening. live in america's news head quarter, house speaker paul ryan getting a continued vote of confidence from his fellow republicans. they unanimously nominated him to continue in his capacity but the house democrats didn't get behind nancy pelosi. the full house will vote for speaker in swran. a u.s. warship has been diverted to help evacuate new deland's earthquake victims. a powerful tremor yesterday stranded hundreds of tourists and residents.
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it also triggered a small tsunami. president-elect donald trump called the prime minister to pansz on his sympathies. the prime minister said the conversation was warm and cordial. now back to "hannity." for all of your headlines, log on to he certainly is taking the counsel of many people, each of the positions have several different contenders at the very least that we're vetting and talking about very seriously. i think the criteria is simple. yes, there with people who are loyal but not just to him but to his vision, his 100-day plan. >> all right. that was trump senior adviser kellyanne conway earlier today talking about staffing the new incoming trump administration. now today president-elect trump met with vice president elect mice pence to talk about filling key cabinet positions.
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fox news can confirm that laura ingrah ingraham's name is being floated as a press secretary. joining us now fox news contributor and nationally syndicated radio host. listen, i think you would be great at it. that's my honest answer. i think -- i would never in a million years have the patience to deal with those idiots every single day. good luck if you take it. >> oh, come on. >> i would not have the patience. >> why don't you do it. >> no thank you. >> can't we do something where like i'll go one day, you go the next, i'll go one day, you go the next. >> maybe we can cohost from there. how about this, if you become press secretary, let me co-host press secretary a day with you, sort of bring your bff to work day. >> bring hi old friend to work day. i would love that. i can tell you, sean, the narrative is so far ahead of
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where things really are. but it's cool to be mentioned. i love what i do. you know, you and i are so privileged and blessed to be doing what we do. >> we are. >> i just love talking to the american people every day. it doesn't mean that everyday radio is easy, it's not. but it is such a -- it's a blessing, a privilege. i love my life, what i do. there are so many great people that they're considering for this position, a a lot of positions, a lot of people are my friends and i'm like, you know, we'll see what happens. but i like what i do right now to tell you the truth. >> you said you're honored to be under consideration. >> yeah. >> if i had to press you a little bit, and i'm not pressing you, if you had to make a decision right now and you were offered the opportunity, would you do it? >> obviously i would want to talk to steve bannon and kelly anne and president-elect trump, talk it through. i'm not going to negotiate on
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the air here. i want to talk it through and see exactly what it would entail. it's different for every administration. th press secretary position in the reagan administration, i worked in the reagan administration in the second term was different than it is now. the communications position is interesting in a lot of different ways as well. i used to be a speech writer. that oversees the speech writing operation. and the press is really dealing with the press and the press messaging. it changes. there are different parameters on the jobs depending on the -- >> i think you do a great job. >> thank you. >> certainly with your background of doing what you do here and your background on talk radio. you've got to be on your feet three hours a day every day. it's more difficult than the average person knows but it would be a perfect -- i would perfectly prepare you for that kind of task. the problem is that we learned that jumpism isn't dead, it's
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dead and buried and it's jond not giving information to the american people, there's outright colluding that we discovered between the media, "the new york times," cnn, msnbc, cnbc, all of these media outlets were colluding with hillary clinton's campaign, feeding questions before debates, asking for questions from the dnc to ask donald trump and ted cruz and carly fiorina. i have a very hard time being in the room with those people every day knowing that they have that institutional bias. and there might be some good journalists in there but very few. >> there's a lot to be answered for in this election cycle. i think the press has to answer for, you know, getting a lot of it wrong and without a doubt every survey -- it's not a conservative survey but every survey indicates an overwhelming
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majority of americans believe it's slantded and it was slanted toward hillary. to build back your credibility, if you're interested in doing that at all with the people who pay the bills, which are the people who buy the products advertised on your news program, i think they have to give donald trump a fair shot. they're supposed to act as a check on the administration too, for sure. but you have to be fair about it. that's what most people are asking for and what most people should expect from the press. it's a difficult line sometimes for them to walk. but if they're going to be in that business, then do that job. if you want to be in a commentator job, then you can do what we do. but if you're going to be a journalist, be a journalist. you can be tough but fair. and people like tim russert, you know -- >> he was a special -- he was really special. he's in a category of his own
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and we could use more people like him in journalism. i bet he would be pretty disgusted. i knew him fairly well, you knew him well. >> i did. >> i don't think he would like what has been discovered this election season. >> yeah. and i think of people like brit hume, remember when he was the white house correspondent over at abc. >> he was tough. sam donaldson. >> even tom brokaw, he was on the "today" show years ago, he's a democrat, pretty liberal but he played it pretty straight. you look at the old election coverage from 1980 as i do because i'm a political geek. i watched the entire 1980 election coverage and i was nbc's election coverage. it is fascinating to watch how straight they really played it and just calling states. and that's changed. there's a lot more commentary injected. that's to the detriment of the good work that the press could
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do. >> if they would delineate what they do. don't tell us you're being a journalist and you're a talk show host like we are. don't pretend to be something that you're not. and the very people who are critical of the fact that we do have opinions but we're honest with our audience are the people that were bigger advocates than anybody ever really knew. i think that's where the corruption of media comes in. >> there are a lot of websites that will try to come off as news organizations when they're not. they're platforms for more commentary and analysis. that's find if that's what you are but don't pretend that you're the modern day reporter on the beat and you're just trying to get at the truth. what you're trying to do is you're trying to confirm your predisposed opinion to think that, you know, whether it's trump is terrible or steve bannon is this or kellyanne is that, it's transparent. what we learned from this
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election more than anything is that the american people are on to all of this and they want better from all of us and it's up to all of us, i think, whether in government or yournlism, do the best that you can and be straight about it. >> whatever your decision is i know you'll do a good job. coming up next tonight on the busy "hannity" -- >> a trump administration will end this nightmare of violence. we will protect american lives, we'll cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities. >> donald trump promising you the american people that he will end sanctuary cities in this country but you've got mayors from america's most liberal cities, they say they'll stand in his way. can they do that? we'll explain. also tonight, nike l farage and our own ansly earhart here with a very big important announcement straight ahead.
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sanctuary cities, i can tell you that. the nice part is you don't have to worry too much about sanctuary cities in spencer. it's almost like a free zone. you kill people and you're fine. it's so insane what's happening to our country. a trump administration will end this nightmare of violence. we will protect american lives, we will cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities. >> that was donald trump promising on the campaign trail to end sanctuary cities if elected. now president-elect trump hasn't been sworn in yet but already some on the left are worried that he'll keep his promise. how refreshing would that be. cities that openly okay knowledge that will no comply with federal immigration laws
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are now vowing to keep doing that which they've been doing illegally including chicago rahm emanuel. take a look at what he had to say. >> chicago has in the past been a sanctuary city, took that executive order to make it an ordinance. to be clear about what chicago is, it always be a sanctuary city to all those who are, after tuesday's election, very nervous, filled with anxiety has been spoken to. you are safe in chicago. you are secure in chicago and you are supported in chicago. >> joining us now with reaction, nationally syndicated radio show host terry elder, sean more ran. larry, let me ask you to put on your legal hat.
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some may not know you are a lawyer in your former life. this to me, why do i believe if i bridge to break the law the way dead fish and de blasio are doing, why would i think i would go to jail if i violated the law. >> you knew this was coming. you remember when the house passed the immigration bill, the mayors say they're going to defy the law. there's going to be a day of reckons and the way that drurch has leverage is to try to withhold the federal funding. i live in l.a. the former police chief signed something in 1940 to make sure that the cops did not target people-for-immigration violation and the second thing is if you're an illegal ail yeel and a
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victim of a crime, you shouldn't be afraid of coming forward and telling. you have a violent criminal urn arrest and they're not being turned over to the feds sometimes when there's a request to do so. the whole special order 40 has been corrupted away from its originally intention. >> what is your take on that, mr. moran. >> i agree with mr. eld. these chiefs of police enforcing the law, they're not worth the metal that their badge is made from. they took an oath to uphold the plaus of the united states. our view is sanctuary cities have an illegal order if they're enacted into an ordinance like chicago. >> i know they can take funding back. but if you set out to violate the law of the land, is there any legal consequences for this?
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>> when you're in the country illegally you've already committed a crime. >> i'm talking about the mayors. the mayors say come to our cities. we don't enforce the law here. first of all, wouldn't federal agents have the right to go in there and enforce the law that the mayor says he's not going to enforce? >> believe me, there ar going to be lawsuits filing all over the place. i think you're right, that you can mandate that the mayors follow the law. they've not abided by direct court reporter orders in some cases issued by i.c.e. to holtd peop hold people. the hammer has to be withholding federal funds. that's one thing that they do understand. >> and rahm gets often saying violate the law, come to my city. he gets off saying that? >> right. >> unbelievable. >> i remember the mayor of l.a. saying there are no illegal people here.
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democrats want porous borders for vote, they know there's pressure for a path way for citizenship and 9d 0% are going to vote for the political par pi. coming up next on "hannity." >> all vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting. we'll be very careful. >> for months donald trump called for extreme vetting of refuge refuge refugees for good reason. today, germany just announced a major operation to come bath radical. later tonight, fox and friends cohost ainsley earhardt is here to talk about her brand-new back and much more, and our father joins us straight ahead. world.
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we're going to suspend imgags from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. radical islam uk tic terror is around the corner. we have to be so tough, so smart, so vinl lent. we can't allow that to happen. we have enough problems. all vetting 0 people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting. >> that was president-elect donald trump promising extreme vetting to keep you the american people safe. there's good reason to worry. police in germany staged anti-terror raids in 60 cities targeting an ultraconservative mission tear group accuse of trying to recruit for isis. germany may have another problem on their hands. from january to june over 370,000 asylum seekers were registered in that country.
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isis will try to infill -- infiltrate the population here. nigel farage, and dr. sebastian corker who i would argue is a good can date for a trump administration. i want to talk about what happened in germany because we have james comey, we have michael stein beck, the assistant fbi director, cia director brennon, committee chair mccall and then the special envoy to defeat siisis have said that isis will infiltrate the refugee. what can we learn from you? >> angela merkel said, please, all come. we can take as many people as
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you can send. what have we seen? not just a rise of radical groups the likes of which the german police are trying to hunt down. but remember on new year's eve at the train station, the mass open sexual violation of women going on in a western german city. now, i'm not saying that because i want to demonize anybody. but i am saying this. what's happened for the countries is the spread of isis. i feel that we ourselves might be partly responsible for causing it by toppling so dam and getting rid of gaddafi. but the fact is that it's there. and remember in these countries women are at the very best second class citizens. so at best we're bringing in a problem, a culture problem that is going to be very difficult to assimilate and maintain our
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values a and at worst we're bringing in people who actually want to kill us. >> and that's what our top intelligence and security officials have been warning. dr. gorka great to see you again. donald trump supports safe zones, victims of a civil war, food, med sun, clothing, supplies, safety, baby formula, whatever is needed, cots. there is this class of cultures that nigel farage is talking about and that is if you grow up believing you can tell women who to wear and gays and lesbians can be killed and marital rape in some f these countries is legal and the persecution of christians and jews are institutionazed, how do you bring in people who have been born into that, that is their culture and expect them to become americans with, in other words to assimilate immediately.
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it's a stretch to me. >> let's start with the fact that we are a christian nation. so we help people when they can help them. but that is not a contract for national suicide. that doesn't mean, as hillary clinton said in her private speech to the bankers, we don't need any borders. pull down the borders. >> the whole western hemisphere. >> one big happy party. it didn't mean you quinn tup l the number of refugees. if she had won, what nigel is talking about, europe is what america would have been like in five years' time if hillary had become the president. >> probably 100%. nigel, did you see that coming in america? i know you love america. you're one of our closest allies. under obama the relations have become strained. but did you see that for america? is that one of the reasons you were so vocal for donald trump? >> yes, it was. i mean the big picture is i
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believe in nation state democracy. i believe that the people should be in charge of the decisions that affect their lives. what i saw with my country with the european union was increasingly the decisions being taken somewhere else and crucially borders being completely removed. and the build behind he, the european headquarters, she viewed it as a prototype of something she wanted america to be part of. that's why i backed trump, and because i thought the man had guts and integrity and boy he has. >> you have been talking to the trump administration. you would accept a role in national security. >> i think every american if offered one it would be their duty. this man is going the make america great again. >> you wrote a book "defeating isis." we can defeat them. >> absolutely. the obama administration made et
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part of the u.s. national security policy to lead from behind. now look those words up in a webster's dictionary. leading from behind means following. we haven't led. we haven't led. >> nigel, what was your discussion on saturday night. what did y'all talk about? and you kid tell me one story that i hope you'll share about winston churchill. >> yes. >> by the way, i'm not far behind you. i'm close up there. >> no, no. i tell you what, sean, you're in the running mate. don't worry about that. no. it's an extraordinary thing. the liberal elite, the establishment, those who have had it all their own way for the last couple of days brand us as being extremists, brand us as become racist. all we're seeing is we believe in democracy.
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and i think after brexit and now trump winning -- and i was talking to him on saturday. i hope it's going to spread like an infectious disease across the whole western world. i found the president-elect to be reflective, thoughtful, full of great ideas and i tell you what, having -- and i was very honored to be given that time with him. but i really generally believe he's got the makings of being a great president. >> i would love to see you get the position. >> thank you. coming up, fox and friends cohost ainsley earhardt been with the program for 10 years, here to talk about her brand-new book which is now number two on amazon of all books. we'll explain that and more tonight on "hannity." simulation initiated. ♪
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earhardt. and her dad. aren't you proud of her? the back of the look how beautiful that is. that is one part. >> thank you. i drew the pictures myself. i'm the co-author of the book. >> it's such a great book. take heart, my child, every mother's dream if they're about to have a baby, right? >> i wrote the book when i was
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pregnant with my little girl. so all of the ladies are amazing. i knew nothing about writing a book. and you're the master at this, sean, how many bestsellers have you had? his books are bestsellers. >> three. three. so i had no clue what i was doing and met with ladies. they were amazing. and my agents at caa amazing and hooked me up. we sat down and they said tell me about your life. that is hayden. she's a year old now. when i was a little girl, like this age, hayden's age, my dad left sayings and scriptures next to our cereal bowls. my mother was a schoolteacher so dad was in charge of breakfast. he was leaving notes. >> he didn't make healthy stuff
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you eat now. you're into healthy food, right? >> yes. i am. i am. >> pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage. >> mickey mouse pancakes. >> and real maple syrup. >> have to get that sugar content up there. >> where did you get the idea of leaving notes? >> i was a coach and coach is not real smart sometimes. >> dad is very smart. masters and a straight a student, put himself through college. the hardest worker i met. he was college basketball coach. dad beat georgia tech. >> this is the best illustrated book i've seen. >> i want to get to purple. this is awesome. that is so beautiful. >> thank you. >> so well done. >> the content is a biblical
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scripture, too. >> the quotations, the guy i admired so much, coach at north carolina. i'd go to his coaching practices. he came out with a practice schedule which will be something he'll want his players to do. he had a quote of the day, a life lesson. and decided that -- >> you saved these things? >> i did. >> i saved a lot of them here. never be afraid. i hope i'll never be afraid to fail, which is walt disney's line. abe lincoln, i lost a lot of students elections. second grade, fifth grade. the secretary. all the way through. dad said abraham lincoln lost 17 times. >> yes. great city. >> i've done the research. we don't know if that is true, though.
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>> the he failed a lot. >> suffered loot yes. >> amazing. if you have a child or grandchild this is a book. now is the perfect time to buy it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> go to your website. >> yes. you can get a signed copy. 10% goes to charity. >> my dad taught me, 10%. you give 10% away. >> you've been a big help for ten years. we're happy all that happened and well deserved. >> sir, nice to see you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. >> coming up we have a very important question of the day, straight ahead. the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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go to and that is all the time we have left. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here, hopefully, it won't be a year, tomorrow night. wild. good night from washington. o'reilly is next. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> by continuing to be a sanctuary city, we are doing the most american thing that we could possibly do. >> big showdown looming. the new president against some defiant mayors over sanctuary cities. we will have a special report. >> this search right here is a muslim mecca of the hate that lives inside of dallas. >> pastor robert jeffress and his church under fire from anti-trump protesters. the pastor will be here. >> it's open season, let's whack the fox news channel. i have had enough of it. it's a great place to work. >> i defend the fox news channel on cbs this morning. >> i'm not interested in
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