tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News November 16, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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bacon. and brian said give up my absolute power because that's not how it's supposed to work. i want to hear from you, what's the most pompous thing you've heard today. that's it for us. bill is next. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> people think i did a pretty good job. the country is better off. >> president obama saying he kicked some butt as the nation ears leader. is that really true? talking points. we'll deal with it. >> some college students walking out of class today protesting something. we'll try to figure out what it is. >> she hasn't been on the show for quite some time. >> bernie sanders will not appear on the factor to watters goes to him and his fans. >> bernie sanders is the person
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with the right answers. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. what president obama failed to do. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. one thing about barack obama, he's a confident guy. he makes me look shy. yesterday in greece he told the world that he did a heck of a job as president. >> people seem to think i did a pretty good job. so there is this mismatch between frustration and anger, perhaps the view of the american people is that just need to shake things up. i think i can make a pretty strong argument that the politics we put forward were the right ones, that we've grown
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faster than any advanced economy, and the country is indisputably better off. >> now mr. obama really believes what he says. in his mind he kicked serious butt as president and he has backup. the latest gallop poll has his approval rating at 57%. strong number. however some of his support is based on personal likeability. wu to be fair, he does deserve some credit for stabilizing and helping with americans with preexisting conditions and for conducting himself with class in the white house as a recent meeting with donald trump. first, targeted tax cut for businesses. while at the same time seizing out deductions. mr. trump is an expert that that
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and he understands that to rebuild the military and roads, you need cash. persuading the companies to bring the profits they're hoarding overseas back to invest in america would be a huge economic stimulator that would expand the economy and create well. paying jobs. if corporations would commit billions to expansion, the u.s. would take on tremendous momentum. president obama does not understand macro economics and sees private business as an opponent of social justice. on the individual tax front surely a fair percentage can be worked out with the goal being to allow american consumers to have more net income, more money in their pockets, another major economic stimulator. barack obama's philosophy is to give folks stuff rather than setting up a robust private
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marketplace so they can earn their stuff. overseas the obama doctrine of containment through diplomacy has not worked and the pain has been immense. millions of refugees are flooded into europe. the suffering of poor people in syria and iraq is cruel, cruel, all because barack obama does not act aggressively against the jihad. talking points has put forth a solution. nato could declare war on islamic terrorists, set up safe zones for the refugees in the middle east and punish isis in any way it can. barack obama would never ever think of doing that. way too confrontational. president-elect trump should accept the paris treaty on climate to buy om good will overseas. it doesn't amount to much anyway, let it go. mr. trump would learn from mr. obama's mistakes. most americans want a robust economy and a vibrant national
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defense including border protection. donald trump can make those two things happen, he will succeed in the toughest job in the world. new to the top story, reaction. monica, why do you think president obama's job approval rating is 57%. that's on par with ronald reagan at the same time he was leaving. >> generally if presidents are leaving and they're not consumed in a cloud of scandal or an unpopular war or something like richard nixon or george w. bush you get nos tam tall jik feela feeling of the outgoing president. this was a direct rebuke because -- >> they rebuked him in the vote but they like hum on paper. >> because, look, he was a charismatic guy, the first black president and i think people feel the emotional pull of that.
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but something barack obama has every understood is that while people had a favorable view toward him, they completely rejected his policies. that was a disconnect that heve >> why do you, ebony, think that barack obama despite the democrats getting crushed not only in a presidential election but i learned today that there are only five states in the union that now have a democratic mayor and a democratic state legislature. only five. >> right. >> this was like get rid of these people but we like this guy to the tune of 57%. can you explain it? >> obviously americans are separating the man from his politics clearly. 18 democratic governors right now as well. but you could say that the democratic party has been completely rejected but somehow, some way barack obama -- >> how is that ebony? what is it? >> many people do like him. you said in the memo he's a likable guy and many people still have favorable opinions. >> it's a personality thing. >> people like barack obama the
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man. >> now i'm laying out a vision for the country, not for president trump. and i believe if trump can get two things done, quickly, not meandering around here, you say look, here's the economic stimulus -- they'll pass that. the tax cut for the business. but then you have to persuade the business to bring the money back and you're going to have to use a hammer there. >> no. not if you give them the incentive of a 15% corporate tax rate. >> i might go lower. if you do it in two months you can walk on in here and -- >> that's fine. >> promise in writing to invest here -- trchlts first 100 days have to be a totally pro-growth program to get the economy going again, we building the military, filling the supreme court vacancy and repealing and replacing obamacare. >> we assume that's going to happen. but the national security component is huge. i don't think president trump is going to do the nato thing but to me that's the quickest way --
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and if some country, ebony, if i'm secretary of the state, frightening, and i go over -- it wouldn't be denmark. they're a little feisty, that country. but it might be somebody like, you nope, some eastern block country says we're not going to help you fight isis. you're fired. you're out of nato. out, out. and the ones who didn't help immediately, they have to pay their debt that day. okay, you pay up. and then we could protect the refugees. >> this is where president-elect trump does have a good position. he's someone that can come in with a high level of aggression on this. >> i like that word aggression. >> well the chief criticism i have for president obama is someone who did support him, lack of aggression on isis. that was a big no-no and a big mays take. you politely said the president doesn't understand macro
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economic. >> he does. >> i disagree. i think this is the case. >> wait. stop, stop. if you say politely epny that he understands macroeconomics, give me one thing that he did economically that stimulated the economy. one. >> in 2010 at the state of the union -- >> i don't care what he said. what did he do? >> he fell short. he said he wanted to have 2 million jobs come back to america -- >> ebony, i can say i'm a member and it's not true. you couldn't give me one. i'm going to give you another chance next week. the man does not understand macro economics. >> he left the points on the board. >> i got to go. >> okay. he does understand macro economics, he just -- >> sabotaged on person. next, a showdown between new
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is a free upgrade. getting a full-size and paying for a mid-size? ♪ whoa, oh, whoa, whoa, lovin' every minute of it... ♪ as the boys from loverboy so eloquently noted... i'm lovin' every minute of it. go national. go like a pro. impact segment tonight, trump very us the uber liberal mayor here in new york city. as you know the nation's largest town falling apart literally with construction projects clogging every road in manhattan, beggars all over the place and a defiant mayor who says he will not cooperate with the federal government on immigration. something she told mr. trump today. >> this city and so many other cities around the country will do all we can to protect our residents and to make sure that
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families are not torn apart. >> what really happened in the closed door meeting. joining us right now, fox news correspondent doug mikhail way. what's the up side story on this meeting, mr. king? >> reporter: we should be clear. the mayor was not surprised when he walked out of this meeting to see a dozen tv cameras and 25 reporters. this was a news conference he called and wanted everyone to come to seemingly for the purpose of telling all of us what he told trump which were his concerns for the next four years. we have not heard anything from trump so we don't really know trump's side of the story, what might have gone on in there. we do know these two have a history of saying nasty things about each other. trump has called de blasio the post worst mayor. de blasio has encouraged people to continue to protest trump's election. in his news comp de blasio
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acknowledged that they were different people with different beliefs and philosophies and governing. so it can't have been totally civil but he did say de blasio did, that it was productive and he hopes that it continues because the ball is in trump's court. >> i think the ball is going to bauns off of the mayor's head. i know that trump is not going to allow a guy like bill de blasio to defy him. he's just not. doug, are you hearing anything about what might have come out of the trump camp? we've tried all day to get something. they're really tight about this. not making any comments at all. >> reporter: they are tight as a tick about this. no word is escaping from the inner circle. i wish i could have been a fly on the wall. here's a fact you should take into consideration. i harken back to the wikileaks release from the late stages of the campaign, the john podesta e-mails. this guy is considered insufferable even in his own party by many members of his own
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party. >> you're talking about the mayor y mayor? >> talk about mayor de blasio, e-mail reading i find him to be a bit insufferable. sorry if i let my exawe treem ann -- extreme annoyance show. i equate it in some respect to the whole system of microaggressions on college campuses today and the need to seek safe spaces. to bill de blasio, donald trump is one macro aggression and bill de blasio is the college counselor providing safe space to all of the progressives. >> but he's going to pay a price, mayor de blasio is. i do not believe the trump administration is going to allow these mayors wi, not only in ne york but chicago, seattle, san francisco.
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i don't believe that's going to happen. >> reporter: one other consideration if you've got time. the fact is that the city is incurring lots and los of cost from the security, whether it be protecting this building here or following marchers through town to make sure they don't turn into rioters. i suspect he may be seeking federal help. directly ahead, some college students walk out of class today protesting something. we're not exactly sure what. but it does have to do with president-elect trump. later, lebron james accusing phil jackson of a racist comment. wait until you hear this upcoming.
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anti-trump demonstrations across the country. one of them is this movement which fights for quote permanent protection, dignity and respect for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states. unquote. today a bunch of college students walked out of classes to demand sanctuary for illegal immigrants on the campus. joining us now from washington, ellie smith, editor and chief of one of george washington university papers and from boston, liam knox. mr. knox, begin with you because people at your school did walk out of class today. what was the point? what's the point they're trying to get across? >> right. well thanks for having me, bill. first of all i want to say, referring to these students, these immigrants as illegal immigrants is i think a little inaccurate. people can't be illegal, their actions can be illegal. >> let me stop you there. >> to answer your question now. >> let me stop you there. >> sure.
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>> you have a journalist. you're the editor of the newspaper. >> i'm one of the news editors. >> whatever it is, you're practicing journalism at tufts university. there's a federal law that prohibits people from crossing into this country without proper certification. >> i don't think you totally understood what i said. i was saying that people can't be illegal. >> there they are branded illegal aliens. >> but that branding is a little dehumanizing. >> that's not for you to say. as a reporter that is not for you to say. if you're writing an editorial -- >> i think it is the job for all reporters to say. >> it is not. go back to journalism class. you are supposed to report the facts. why are the kids doing it? >> i'll tell you what the facts are. i can tell you that and i stand by my previous comments too. this isn't just about protesting donald trump. at tufts and a lot of universities a lot of the
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movements are about pressuring institutions -- a lot of them have issued statements post-election about their unwavering values, a lot of rhetoric has come out about sort of sticking to the liberal value, sort of sticking to undocumented students, specifically at tufts students were asking tufts to designate the campus a sanctuary campus which would mean actual practical implications -- >> people from foreign countries would then take up residence in some of the dorms and not pay the $60,000 tuition that you guys -- that is a ridiculous way -- that's not it at all. >> they're going to come in and they're going to have to live, right? >> it's not for anyone. it's for students, for faculty working on campus, janitorial staff, for members of the tufts community. >> everybody gets some of the sanctuary pie. all right. ms. smith whattant you at george washington. why did the students walk out there. >> gw students were part of the
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national movement like you said and they took 15 demantds to dsr university asking them to support marginalized student populations -- >> what does that mean specifically? they want scholarships, free tuition for whom? >> they were asking the financial aid office undocumented immigrant students and that the services center gets increased funding, general things like that. >> at george washington, like tufts, expensive place to go to school, they want free tuition for illegal alien students, students that don't have proper documentation to be here? >> there was nothing as specific as that. it with as general call for the university to be a sanctuary as mr. knox from tufts said. >> i don't understand what the sanctuary entails? what does it entail? >> i have details if you would
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like them, bill. >> okay. go. >> some of the things that the sanctuary entails is that the university would do everything in its pow tore protect the safety of the students and worke workers, refusing to cooperate with immigration officials who want to conduct deportations. >> like a sanctuary city. >> exactly but on a campus. because it's a proift understiv institution, they can do that without state law. a lot of it is about the rhetoric that came out of the trump campaign. and a lot of it, you know, i think the media and politicians on both sides of the issue tend to politicize undocumented immigrants and their issues. i think for a lot of the students that i spoke to, it's a human issue. i have friends who are undocumented, they have friends that are undocumented. they're scared they're going to be deported from the country. >> do you believe in open borders, that anyone should be aloud to come in here at any time. >> here's the thing -- >> yes or no. >> i have not done my research on open borders.
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>> ms. smith, do you believe in open borders, anybody come in here at any time? >> i'm not commenting on that. >> plenty ahead. does miller hold any semp thy for those demonstrating against president-elect trump. lebron james, the story will stun you. hope you stay tuned for those reports. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here.
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racial controversy in the national basketball association. speaking to espn, the president of the new york knicks, phil jackson said this about basketball superstar lebron james who years ago asked for special treatment while a member of the miami heat. jackson said riley who has iron fist rules answer, you are on a plane within you're with the team, you cannot hold up the kwhoel team because you and your mom and your posse want to spend an extra night in cleveland, unquote. after hearing that mr. james said this. >> i don't believe that phil jackson would have used that same term if he was doing business with someone else, you know. and you know working with another team or he was working with anybody in sports that was owning the team that wasn't african-american. they had a group of guys around him that didn't agree with what he said, i don't think he would have called them a posse. >> carmelo anthony agree with
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mr. james. according to the urban dictionary, posse is defined as your crews, set, team or group of friends. i was confused. i know phil jackson a little bit, a very liberal man. i myself have used the word posse and did not realize it was considered racist. so you don't think jackson used the term posse to denigrate mr. james, do you? >> he tries to tweak everybody from time to time. certainly the word racist shouldn't be associated with phil jacqueson. he's as liberal as they come. no one needs to go that far. but at the same time when he articulates the word posse, he's looking at a guy like lebron james and his crew of young men and he's look at them in a different light as far as they're concerned, not
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respecting who they are as businessm businessmen, along with j.r. smith, tristen thompson and others. maverick carter, another right-hand man of lebron james, big-time marketing guy, does out lot more lebron james on the marketing side. the you take all of those things into consideration -- >> you know, elvis, you remember elvis presley? >> of course. >> i remember doing a report on the memphis mafia and i remember reporting on that referring to it as elvis' posse. job objected to it. now posse is a racial overtone? i don't understand what it is. >> it's not about the fact that it has a racial overtone. it's about the fact that in certain cases it comes across that way to an african-american like lebron james who goes out
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of his way to be recognized as an elite businessman. >> he saw the name posse as running down husband business associates. >> because of his friends who are business partners and have -- >> i don't know. isn't that a bit overly sensitive? >> i'm sorry, what did you say? >> don't you think that's overly sensitive? >> no. in the case of phil jackson who coa has been around a plethora of african-americans and friends with these guys, he knows better than to do that which is why lebron james took it that way. >> if i use the word posse in the context of an african-american, am i saying something racist? >> not at all. phil jackson is coaching these guys, knows these guys, knows what they're sensitive to, knows
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what they're not, knows what challenges they face. you're doing your television show. >> i'm trying to be very cool and hip, though. i'm listening to jay-z trying to get all of the jargon down. >> show that coming for you? >> coming slow. last week we had a conversation about koln kaepernick and what i would do and we didn't get to finish it. we learned today that colin kaepernick has never registered to vote in his entire life and you criticized him rightly for that. if you're going to be a civil rights demonstrator or whatever, you really should participate in the process. he disagrees, kaepernick. he says i hate the process so i'm not participating. that's his right. but if i'm the owner of the san francisco 49ers, currently one win and eight losses, i'm saying to mr. kaepernick that you're damaging my business because the customers believe you're being disrespectful to your country.
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i'm going to give you a private forum on tuesday to vent anything you want to vent. and if a reporter wants to come in and interview, you can. an before the game you don't have to come out of the locker room until after the national anthem. when you come out and kneel down, you're offending my customers, the team's customers and i don't want you to do that. i think that's eminently reasonable. go. >> it's eminently reasonable coming from you and i understand that, and me too. i certainly can relate. you're wrong on a couple of fronts. number one, it's not just about his right to do it. it's about his right to do it in the nfl. because unlike the nba which has a stance where you can't do that commissioner davis, former commissioner davis had that issue back in the '90s. told him to stay in the locker room, don't come outside. in the case of the nfl they encourage you to stand for the national anthem but they don't
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mandate it. so he was in violation of no legal -- >> i agree with you. you're not in violation of anything. but if i'm the owner of the team, if it's my business. >> okay. >> and i'm writing the check to a salaried employee, i have the right to tell him, don't offend our customers. that's capitalism. last word. >> hold it. wait a minute. you're right as it pertains to some customers. but other customers right not find it -- >> my judgment. it's my judgment as the owner of the company. >> it's judgment. okay you do have the right to do that. he has the right to capitulate or not. but then you might suffer consequences as well because you've offended customers by not allowing him to exercise his right as an american citizen. >> it's my business and i'll take that chance. the 49ers are 1 and and they're not going with this whole crazy thing. >> i understand that. >> always a pleasure to talk to you. is dennis miller sympathetic
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i'm bill o'reilly and the miller time segment tonight, the political fallout from the election of donald trump. joining us now, dennis miller. were you online when i was talking to the two college students from tufts and george washington. did you hear that at all? >> no, billy. i messed that. i'm sorry. were they illuminating, the youngsters? >> they articulated why the kids walked out of class because they want a sanctuary campus but then it got a little fuzzy about what that would be and whether they want open borders. go ahead. >> you know, bill, it's a good thing. the silver lining is our education system is so much crap in this country. the kids can walk out and they're not actually missing anything. that's the way i choose to look at it. >> you and i cut classes for entirely different reasons. >> kids have become olds souls
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already. they've turned into cranky old whiney people with goiters. the 16-year-olds of the country. i conversely spent the entire day bask in the glow of crude nationalism. just to watch juan williams melt down and make all of those i don't understand faces. i thought it would be delish. every day as i watched him unfold, it's like a home run ten times a day for me. it's beautiful g you're gloating, miller, about the election. you're actuallyng. >> for god's sake, bill, yeah, okay, if you want to call it that. they're not doing themselves any good. upper case democrats are now being asked to be lower case democratic and they're not answering the call. and if you don't think they would have gloated on their side, are you kidding me? >> of course. >> if you think they hate trump
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now, wait until his policies start working. what is going to happen then. >> it's just the idea of his policies. now when i was in school, wit us the vietnam air rar, very intense demonstrations but there was really something to demonstrate about. there was a vicious war in vietnam. it wasn't being fought to the benefit of america, particularly the military that were thrown into the jungles over there, weren't protecting them the way we should. that's not why the kids were demonstrating. they just didn't like war. however there was a big issue and that's why college kids were demonstrating and that's what happened then. now, as you pointed out, there isn't an issue yet. it's just a matter of we don't like him and we're not going to accept the election or we're going to be disruptive even before the fact. i mean it's kind of crazy. >> they're missing the point. but here, you know what side i'm on. i would tell the kids and the democrats in general to keep on doing what you're doing.
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i think you're on to something mer here. and i think putting keith ellison in charge of the dnc would be the best thank you could do. grab the opportunity and run with it, run way out to the left because you're starting to look like lena lamont in "singing in the rain" who didn't get how over her career was the moment the jazz singer came on. that's where the left is at right now. they're going further to the left. good for them. i've got a lot of advice for them. they should run de blasio or podesta. he looks so charismatic. he would make sense to an arc welder in erie. hang in on the left. it's coming for you. you the see it's coming around for you and one day there will be a female president. now granted it will be a transition man who is the fist female president but it's coming your way again.
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>> gene who in singing with the rain? >> i think her name was jean hagen. remember the blond lady with the weird voice? >> i just watched it last night, miller. you're right on it. i guess what you're saying is you belief all of the protests and all of this stuff is going to hurt the crazy left in the long run. >> oh no. it's good for them. really. keep doing it. the more you do it the better. it will have you back in power in a second. america wants this. they need this. break store windows in. do all of this. it's going to be good for your brand. >> you know, i'm going to really float the idea of barack obama -- >> more celebrities, too. you need for celebrities. by the way, billy, which celebrity endorsement of hillary do you think put trump over the top? >> miley cyrus, i think she did it. >> there you go. that might have been the moment. >> dennis miller everybody. if you would like the best christmas and hanukkah gifts on
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the planet please check out ticket to the spin stops here live show starring miller, jesse watters and me, seeing everything in tulsa oklahoma, omaha-in-nebraska, tacoma, washington, west bury long island. tacoma almost sold out. info on o' watters on deck. they went to a bernie sanders' book signing. they were not happy to see him. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. every day starts better with a healthy smile. start yours with philips sonicare,
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factor but since being a presidential candidate he is a big buff. he will not come on. >> why would ywould /* mix thos into a blender. you get a trump win. >> that is blended just the way you like it. >> why did trump win? >> trump because those who made bernie impossible made trump inevitable. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> are you a supporter of trump.
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>> i don't care for him. >> thank you for poisoning the mind of america. i don't watch you. i see you on the internet with all the other [ bleep ]. get a real angle. you're a hack. >> why are you yelling at me? >> i hope you got your segment. i hope you got your awesome segment. >> what are lieuing for, trouble? >> jesse watters, with two ts. this guy knows. >> oh, everything wrong with those people. >> get out of here. >> why do you think trump won? >> he spoke to people who felt ignoreed. >> you ever feel ignored? >> yes, that's why i'm talking to you. >> he's a nice man. >> i think if bernie was running, i think this would a been a landslide victory for bernie. >> bernie should have run. he would have beat him. >> sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. >> do you know any trump voters? >> i do. i think they are antiestablishment so they saw hillary as the establishment candidate. >> this is the epd nd of the establishment and right now we have evil trolls coming out and
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jumping around. >> that is so insane it kind of makes sense. >> how much was the bernie book? >> 29 and change. >> wow. >> worth it. >> worth it? >> sir, sir -- >> senator. senator. >> sir. >> sir, back in line. >> i'm from "the o'reilly factor." you haven't been on the show for quite some time. >> no. >> put the camera away. put the camera away. >> don't touch it. >> put your camera down, sir. sir either you will be -- >> you're out. get out. go on. let's go. >> are you getting any girls with these pa jjamas? >> no comment on that. >> no. >> watters, and this is my world. >> awesome. >> this is so scary. >> all right. explain what happened now. so you go to bernie and he is
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signing books, right? >> yes. >> they don't want you to talk to him? >> you're not allowed to film the confrontation. you have to have an official photographer take the picture. >> so you didn't have one some. >> no, i add guy wihad a guy wie phone to shoot this thing. >> he looks happy to see you. do you think he had any idea who you are? >> i think he remembered me but i don't think he knew there was a huge commotion behind him. >> once you said, you want to come on to "the o'reilly factor," what did he say? >> he just kept saying be with you want a picture? you want a head signing? >> you know the woman with the head band, cnn just hired her. >> she upset me by saying one thing, i wasn't good looking. that really bothered me. >> she is looking at you pretty intent there, watters. you have your make-up on. >> yeah, heavy make-up. >> how would you like to have her at thanksgiving dinner? >> yeah. >> all right, jesse watters,
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loss of appetite, and bruising. (man) dad and i shared a lot of moments. now we're making the most of each one. (avo) ask about namzaric today. tip of the day, good advice that will help you physically and mentally, in a moment. but first a quick preview of gifts that we now have in the christmas store. first of all, premium membership gift certificates for everyone you buy and you get one of my books free. if you buy five memberships to give away as presents, you get five books. what a deal. we have, we say merry christmas door mats. and patriots welcome door mats. they're nifty. also snappy ties, including the american patriot tie. and let's see. there they are, pens, ties, hats, you name it. copies of killing the rising sun
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and children's book give please a chance available on and all of the money i get from the website is donated to charity. now, i voted for trump. what is the appropriate time to gloat? a more constructive strategy would be to explain your vote to folks who feel differently than you, larry. the hearts and minds, thing. gloating doesn't get you anywhere. i'm a millennial but i always vote. i'm not surprised many of my peers did not. millennials are americans ages 18 to 34. only 34% of them voted. you say most migrants are law-abiding but they broke u.s. law by coming here legally. true, mike. violating u.s. coat 1325 but sometimes desperation is a reason for that. i wouldn't call a person a criminal for illegal entry. i would say they must be held accountable by paying fines. bill, if city officials do not obey federal immigration law,
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does that mean they can violate all laws they don't like? in theory, yes, alp anarchy a is what these people are promoting. real communities, a new mexico. preordered give please a chance. can't wait to give it to our 5-year-old. let me know how that goes down, john. let me know how your 5-year-old responds to the book. james paterson and i would like to thank everybody for making "give please a chance" number one on amazon. deborah manning greeneville south carolina. o'reilly, my husband and i are reupping our preemup membership but are refusing to take the free book. will buy it as a show of support. that's not necessary. your membership fee covers the book and you get a free constitution and i want you to have them. in fact i will send you a signed copy so you can pick another book. that's very nice. bill, as a historian, you are
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pore forming a great service to a new generation of great americans. that's very nice, counsellor. and right back at you. your new book, "dancers on a dark street" is a fun reed. i will be taking time off tomorrow. necessary because i'm a little bit weary. but working hard. i think we had excellent coverage of the campaign. very proud of that. i told that you in another tip. very proud of my staff and very proud we were fair and accurate in our campaign coverage. well, in my absence, the factor will roll along. why don't you watch every night if you can. love folks filling in. i think you will enjoy seeing different faces in the claire. here's a tip. whenever you start to feel tired, rest. sounds obvious. but many people push themselves far too hard. when you're tired, you make mistakes. sometimes those mistakes are major. everybody deservees a break. take one when you need it.
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factor tip of the day. check out fox news factor website, also please spout off about the factor. name the town if you wish. the word of today, miscreant. please remember the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, media versus donald trump has become the media versus the president-elect. and it's on. after more than a dozen news groups join forces to challenge our next president on the issue of working with the press. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. the fight between the media and new administration as it's being assembled, ramped up sharply today with trump and his team pushing back on reports that his transition is veering off course. with just 64 dntil he becomes president. then the media fired back with a warning from journalists after mr. trump ditched the reporters and slipped away for a
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