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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  November 17, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST

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now". >> this is a jam-packed day for the trump transition team. we are both here. >> we are out of the running. >> he's meeting with the japan prime minister. i am jon scott. >> the japanese prime minister will be the first foreign leader to sit down with president-elect trump. mike pence is meeting with congressional leaders on capitol hill and paul ryan and nancy pelosi and schumer. and mike has more from capitol hill. >> reporter: jenna, good afternoon. a bit of a homecoming for vice-president elect mike pence. with a meeting with house
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speaker paul ryan. pence started meeting with ryan and house republican and he served 12 years as a member of congress. and pence thanked his former colleagues for the hospitality he received. >> it is very humbling to be back with my colleagues. we are excited to move the trump agenda forward in congress and i am grateful. >> reporter: he left to go to the transition headquarters. he met with the senate of the foreign relations meeting and i asked senator corker if he was there. >> secretary of state corker have a nice ring to it. >> the president-elect will have all kinds of choices in that regard and for anyone to have the privilege of pursuing national interest around the world would be a great honor. i have to believe that there
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would be a lot of people that would like that ring of that. >> reporter: chuck schumer is the minority leader in congress. and he will sit down with nancy pelosi whom he served with 12 years. we are in the second floor of the united states capitol building and waiting to see if we get a shot of the vice-president elect going from meeting to meeting. >> we wondered who these guys were behind you. thank you, mike. >> as we get a chlorrer picture of a trump administration. there is a growing speculation about trump's son-in-law jared kushner is one of his trusted advisors. there are some who thought jared
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kushner would be chief of staff. he put reince priebus. what about the relationship between these two men? what does kushner be in the white house? >> i don't know if he will be in the white house. but he brings a level of advice and counsel that donald trump valueded in the campaign. he was a close adviser to trump throughout the campaign. and you get an impression in the transition and he will be a top advisor to him as president. in terms of giving him a job, they run up against the nepotism law that was put in effect after jack kennedy put bobby kennedy. now can you limit the chief executive choice of who he wants to surround him.
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whether it is a formal or informal role. jared kushner will play a role in the coming years. >> we heard he held a great deal of power, but he keep its close to the vest. >> yes, it was behind the scenes and in a lot of key decision he was like a campaign manager. he was not going out like kelli conway was and talking to the media. but he was one of the last and most important voices that donald trump would seek before making a key decision now that he was involved in the organization and strategy of the campaign and that is exactily the role he is playing in the transition. curb meris one of the key figures in ousting chris christie. christie and kushner's family
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don't get along well. christie prosecuted and put kushner's father in jail several years ago and apparently the grudge remained. 18 felony counts. a lot of people were mystified why christie was taken off of the transition time; is that the reason? >> that was one of the reasons. bridge gate and the fact in the week before the election two of chris christie top advisories were convicted of conspiracy and fraud and even though charges were brought against christie, to have that cloud hanging over him was not likely and to the degrees of going public and discussing what was going on in the transition. that's not what donald trump would have wanted in the transition.
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>> what else are you hearing? >> i am not anything anybody else. >> you have all of the secret sources in dc. >> this is more from experience than any great knowledge. one of the favorite sayings in the reagan white house, those who know aren't talking and those who don't talk. sometimes when a name is locked, it could be the president's time wanting to put that name as a trial balloon to see the fire it takes and see the vetting that goes on. take for instance rudy guiliani as secretary of state, we saw critical articles about the business he done with foreign governments. trump wanted to find out about it before he makes decision. sometimes opponents put it out. just because a name is leaked as a potential attorney general or
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secretary of state whatever, doesn't necessarily moan they will get the job. it could be done to help or vet them or try to sink them. >> donald trump tweeted out that he is the only one who knows who will be in his cabinet and so pay attention to his twitter account. chris wallace, thank you. and chris christie is expected to it speak to the league of municipalities in new jersey and we'll monitor that kind of conversation. on fox news sunday with chris wallace, he will sit down with reince priebus and the democrat senate leader elect chuck schumer. 2 and 10:00 p.m. on the fox news channel and runs on the big fox network. >> i will have to donald trump's twitter account. >> and as the president-elect
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works on choosing his cabinet he is meeting with the japan prime freedom. he will sit down with mr. trump in the trump tower. the prime minister wants a relationship of trust emphasizing the a liiance. japan holds more than 1 trillion of u.s. debt and there are more than than 38000 active u.s. military personnel in japan. conner are has more. >> reporter: i think it is an important day with the president-elect when he has his first face-to-face meeting with the foreign leader. it is the prime minister of japan. we can see it is a big deal outside of trump tower today. on the issues, you are right to identify trade and military protection as big one. on trade, the japanese officials
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are concerned with the campaign rhetoric with donald trump and back to the final campaign rally he held right before the election in grand rapids, michigan. he talked about a subject and stop the job killing transpacific partnership which hillary clinton called the gold standard. you know that trade deal tpp is all but dead. hillary clinton opposed it herself. but the larger point remains. how will he handle trade and what will jose about trade today. and the issue of military is important. we talk about the number of american troops on the ground. the pentagon has five and half million for those bases. the japanese bases push for 2 million more. and trump's pushed for that to go higher. this is in their view a get to
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know you type of a meeting, as opposed to the specifics. the two have spoken on the phone and point out the second meeting he's had with the meeting. but this is first face-to-face late this afternoon and even nothing trump tower. >> watch out for the headlines. changes for democrats, senator schumer is elected leaderb in the senate and bernie sanders playing a key role. we'll take you there, next. [vo] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on
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>> the earliest known inscription of the ten commandments sold at auction for 850,000. it was early heplow script and sold yesterday in beverly hills.
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we sold to the ones that held the auction. >> the israel authority allowed it out of the country and it is a national treasure of israel. they allowed this piece to go but it has to it be displayed in a public space. >> we don't know who the buyer s. they will have to put the tab let on display. it was uncovered in an excavation back in 1913. nwow, the real action to transform america is not taking place in capitol hill. it will take place in grassroots, america. it will take place among millions of people that are struggling. young people. and people concerned about the environment. and i initially understand my role to be to bring those people
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into the political process to demand that the united states congress and united states government, the new president represent the needs of all of the people and not just people on top. >> that's former president willial candidate bernie sanders on his new role in the expanded democratic leadership team. chuck schumer said sanders will handle outreach to key party constituents. and look at the other members. they are on your screen. joining us is brad blakeman. and joule yen epistein. and former director of the house government reform committee. and welcome to both of you. julian, outreach to key party constitiencies. translate that for us.
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>> getting more people involved in the process, particularly millennials who are not interested in the election for either candidate and turning out the base. if the base had turned out, hillary clinton would have won the election. that is an important part. outroach is only part of what the democrats have to do. and they need a central message. one- third of the americans are doing well in the economy. and they voted for hillary clinton by 75 percent. two-thirds of the americans feel stagnant and they went for donald trump 60 percent. democrats should is have a message and they didn't and they lost. >> bernie sanders had a lot of appeal to the segment of the american popullist. and he didn't win the presidential nomination, but what should democrats learn from
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his playbook to get him far in the process. >> the democrats put the fix in for hillary and didn't listen to the base. and they got caught you up in the coronation instead of listening to where their party is. they may need to do their own autopsy and figure out what does the democratic party stand for. and elections do have consequences, quoting president obama and now it is donald trump's turn to lead. they can either help him lead or be obstructionist. the american people voted tuesday november 8th for change in america and i believe that donald trump will deliver this change. >> well, julian. i am sorry about that, jon. >> democrats talk about income redistribution and not fair that the rich are so rich and the
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middle-class and poor are squeezed. is it time to change that argument? >> that is an interesting question. i think that bernie bernie sanders wing representses a redistributionist policy with the democrats. that is another part of the discussion that says the middle-class workers who are making 60 or 70000 a year don't want to hear about redistribution. they want to hear about wages distribution and i think democrats will have a message that deals with hardships of millennials that can't pay for college and minimum wage increase. but they will have to have an economic message and how do you you increase wage and how do you get economic growth.
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wages are increasing more rapidly and economic growth that was vibrapt, the democrats would be a shoe in. and keep in mind every election since 2004 and 12 was the only exception was an anti- incumbency election. that is rotted in middle income people feel that today. >> brad, donald trump ran a most unusual campaign and funded it himself and. doesn't get a lot support from the republicans, especially at first. so when it comes to governing, are there areas that he can work with democrats and if so, where should he pick from first? >> he can work with democrats if they are willing to come to the table and be fair dealers on the repeal and replace obama care.
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he's willing to include provegzs that democrats like and likely to be included in the revamping of obama care and trade is another issue where republican can work with democrats. in this town everyone likes a winner and it is hard to find those who don't like donald trump right now on the republican side. he is appealing to the very people that julian is talking about. he has a short honeymoon and an opportunity to step on the gas and work with democrat and bring compromise back to washington that was here before a bad word. >> we'll see what is happening. thank you both p. >> president-elect trump promised cap and trade. the member of the transition team talks about the tax policy
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and vow of wall street. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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>> this is one of the things that will depend on your situation and how big the child tax credit will get and differences on how the standard te duction and the tax rates. and most of the benefit and the size of the tax cuts are going to the people in the top end. and mr. trump as he last outlined, half of the tax goes to the top one percent of the and republicans are going to it have to grapple with putting all of the details together is where the benefits go. >> richard ruben covering the
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u.s. tax possibly. and what we upon so far. the dow in the past election and before taking a breather. and this is where the dow is today. things are all calm that front. janelleielen said the economy is improving. that makes a stronger case for an interest rate. and member of president-elect's transition time and founder of sky bridge capital. you were called to do other things? >> hopefully will be back and keep a chair warm for me, jen. >> i am curious but. how long have you known him? >> i worked in goldman sachs and
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there was a gentlemen named motorcycle that run the role estate and i got close to him in 2012 and his staff working on the rom no campaign. and i had a meeting on him where he was saying he was running for president and i didn't believe him. i was in running with scott walker. >> you have known him 20 years or so. >> probably 21 years. >> that is one of the early votes that bet on him being president. why did you see that? >> i was with governor walker and then jeb bush. that was primarily with personal relationships. president trump recognized the loyalties. i expect your support and i said i would back him. in march after the south carolina primary we met and put the campaign finance team together shortly thereafter.
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>> you are part of the transition. >> it is an honor to do that. >> how is that going? >> it is terrific. people leak stories that don't know what is going on. and maybe it is bitterness because of being outside of the at the present time. we are organized and we have all of the information that he needs to make the cabinet choices and his biggest thing is serving the american people and being a common sense problem solver of the american people. >> i am curious of the philosophy of the trump team when it comes to at this time economy. in order to know which names are picked. we have to understand the perspective of the time. talk about debt. you have 2 trillion in debt. what is the if i los foe trying to solve that issue? >> number one thing to grow the economy.
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four percent. you can double the gd, and you solve the debt problems. and what mr. trump understands, is very good growth can help youy defuse the debt and it would be more management and put the right tax policy and regulatory policy to get the economy growing and your viewers and maybe will be less worried about the doubt burden. >> elizabeth warren is critical of that and took to twitter. this is what she had to say, anthony. >> if donald trump thinks we will roll over while wall street buddies crash our economy. why is wall street celebrating role donald trump because his administration looks like an investment banker's dream. >> i met professor warren and i
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met her a few times through the dean of the school. and i will not attack her personally. but she has to spend more time with people on wall street. the demonization needs to end. the economy and the people of the united states are much better served if there is a harmony between wall street and main street. >> let me ask you this though. you have a great suit on and you know about wall street. it is a good sought. and the american flag pin. what does a guy like donald trump really know about helping the middle-class. i want you to answer that question. and we'll take a quick commercial break. we'll be back with more "happening now".
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>> moments ago, you recognized the white mane of vice-president elect motorcycle pence. he's been meeting with house speaker paul ryan and meet with nancy polarmo and chuck schumer. trying to put heads together to get things done in washington. >> back again with a member of president-elect trump's transition time. and we'll talk about that. interested in the the beginning of your answer, what do wall street guys like donald trump help the middle-class?
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>> i grew up in the middle-class and my dad was a laborer and in the aspirerational middle class. go to school and do your home work and you can rise. i have a empathy for the situation. and my friends who may or may not have grown up in the middle-class may or may not understand the policies. if we widen out the worker opportunity and retrain people in the society, we can create wage growth and a sustainable living standard. i am focused on a working wage for people and that is a message that mr. trump gave behind the blue wall in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. >> as vice chair of the inaugural committee. it costs millions and i wondered
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if it is considered to change the inauguration that costs less than the american people. >> we'll take private donations and they are given to the committee to set it up for the presidency and we are giving thought to newed ideas. we just announced the committee names yesterday. this is what i said to people, mr. trump is a clef examiner innovative person. it will be peck tackullar. and fun things for the american people and his inclusion of them in the administration. >> we look forward to the breaking details on our she next time. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> jon. >> director of national intelligence announcing the resignation. james clapper appearing for the time time on capitol hill. he is loving in a time when our
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country faces a diverse threat. catherine herridge has more from dc bureau. >> reporter: thank you. james clapper discussed the plans to love the government at the end of the administration. and on one of the important policy initiatives, he said no evidence that the deal modified teheran's activities. >> i can't say that iran's behavior changed. it has continued aggressive missile development and fielding. >> what appears to be first appearance of the fbi director and since he opened and closed the case.
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he said there is no reason to question his judgment. >> i have no reason to question director comey. and i think extremely highly of him. and so whatever actions he took, he did so sowhat he felt was best and i have no basis for questioning that. >> he tooket on the ark sessionive himself. and there were 2500 emaims identified on the server. it is roared by ha and by regones, >> a little bit of a change of topic. and important to families everywhere. there is alarming news about
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traffic fatalities. the deaths rose by ten percent. and according to the national traffic state of administration that amounts to 17000 fatalities. and up take may be technology and distracted drivers. dr. karen. is a licensed family therapist. and olive mcco is a engineering professor are in texas tech? >> and tech noblg policy. and it great to have you all. >> there is an uptake in fatalities. and gas prices are lower and americans are driving more. is it all about texnology or because there are more americans on the road. >> traffic fatalities ebb and flow. more miles are driven when it did is good.
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but the real etis we are teaing ten percent perrior and in 2017 more it be being. >> it is more than the mills. he this is has to it the mthe kros apaps and show the list of crashes. >> you have a hooked on crisis. >> technology is a heart in which being a vessel to have an opportunity to enter the vessel and be be distracted.
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>> it is up toor upon split attention there is eye need to we must say the >> i want to ask you about how to do that? oliver how can technology be a part of the solution and something that actually upon helps. >> the trump transition am go to the competitive of the americaning. we are to brpg and what we areoing is we we are going to look at vehicles all over the in the air and sky and on the
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ground and rail and we'll look at black boxes in the closest in a whole new way. when we look at representative bill shufter in the house committee and transportation infrastructure and senator thume. we'll look at trillion dollar investment over ten years. that's the largest transportation. >> i have to take a quick commercial. we can state the problem and in our lives, distracted drivering is easier to do. we'll be back with all of you and hov to her your thoughts
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. . . been. .
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>> we are seeing fatalities rise
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and this is one of the reasons. we have our phones out all of the time. what do you you propose to our v viewers to solve the problem. >> technology got us in to this. and technology can get us out. it is a responsibility for all of us. each driver can make the choice not to be distracted in the phone. put it in the glove compartment. and beyond that the national safety counsel is leading a coalition with public and private agencies dedicated to eliminating traffic deaths within 30 yearsing. >> and that sounds so foreign and i guess that is the direction we are going. >> you talked about compulsion. i can put it in my first.
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but at a stoplight. i double check. what about that compulsion and how do you stop that? >> that compulsion is there. and difficult when you hear the noise or vibration. and you are at the same light and you want to see what is going on. it is were thes that we nooz have be taking ownership. and i help my clients to understand we can't control what is happening around us and the change in technologies. what we can control adapt and readjust. >> what do you do personally and handle this? >> the way i work in my car. my bag is dipped. and no, you can't sit your hands
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in the back. i went to ought to my they are struggling with this. and you must meet with your driving team to cocaine up with ground wels so they can create i am always all about setting up rheums for my canned >> oliver, what is this oning week for you. >> well, this is about smart car and smart highs and the trump administration is calling for private/public partner willship. i want the cell kwan bo then the car is moving.
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and in pvrp >> it and so you are it is eye combinaegz of that is the reshgs- prospect you will see the get about we'll need have it speak to detroit and put the types of technologies to remember. >> black boxes on the train and and thank you to the panel and we look forward to having you back. >> thank you. rand i will give it back. >> it iserate there and also
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there it is. it is very raging across seven southern states, there is an all-out effort in the air and on the ground. but a major tourist attraction is making that tougher.
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hi, everyone, i'm sandra smith. mike pence, who is meeting with almost everyone on the hill right now including nancy pelosi. and a democrat coming to the defense of the trump transition
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team efforts. and how to handle obama care. the world repeal is still being used, but it is followed by another word. what is it? we'll tell you on america's news headquarters. >> a foxx ne news alert in the firefighter effort in the northeast. in the thick smoke is also a big problem affecting air quality in many places. jonathan is live at the helicopter landing sight near tiger, georgia. >> hi, they set up this makeshift tehelicopter landing base. they have been seeing helicopters going in and out, they scoop up a bit of water and then they fly over the fire dumping that water on the flames from the sky. on the ground, roughly 5,000
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firefighters and support personnel are also helping with the effort. many have experience battling wildfires out west. they say there is a big difference here and that is the fall believes creating fuel for the fires and residents need to keep that in mind as they prepare their homes. >> 100 foot clearance, anything combustible. take pride in your property, clean it up, it will help firefighters if fire moves through to your area. a cold front is expected to come in to bring dry air and wind. in many places firefighters expect to be out here still battling flames through mid december.
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they're banning campfires along a long stretch of the southern appalachian trail. john? >> wow, jonathan, thank you. house republicans sending out a tweet with this word "unified." the photographer is the president elect.
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have it. it looks very cute by the way. i wonder if the democrats will do the same with mike pence, that would be very symbolic. >> not to be outdone, well put it on tv if they do. a busy day in washington. mike pence makes the rounds in his own stomping grounds. we're waiting for the president elect to hold a meeting with with nancy pelosi in her office. they started with house republicans and paul ryan. mr. pence is set to meet with new york senator chuck schumer. mike emanuel is live on capitol hill and this is all about to go down. you're there keeping track of all of this


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