tv The Five FOX News November 17, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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developments. what does it say about donald trump and who he is considering to surround himself with? to hear the media tell it, yes men and women. lately indications are anything but. how will they spin that? tomorrow. >> hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." a huge day for president-elect trump as the next commander in chief holds a series of high profile meetings as he continues to form a new administration. transition team officials say mr. trump is meeting with big names at trump tower including former secretary of state henry kissinger, rick scott, admiral mike rogers and nikki haley. the president-elect is scheduled to sit down with japanese prime minister shinzo abe at this moment. and he will meet with mitt
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romney. joining us is megyn kelly.autho. first, let's discuss the latest. mitt romney will meet and the word is maybe he is looking at secretary of state. >> that's huge. else th that's big news. a credit to donald trump. because mitt romney saf avaged in the primary. one of the main questions here -- one of the main questions as soon as trump got elected was, what is he going to change his stripes, is he going to do anything to reach out to people in the republican party with whom he hasn't gotten along or certain groups? this i think says yes, yes, he is. as far as i know, they didn't have a makeup session that they still don't like each other. one of his first moves is to bring in an establishment republican who doesn't like donald trump.
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if he winds up offering him a position like this, it would say a lot. >> mitt romney on several occasions, actually, questioned whether donald trump was hiding something in his taxes. how do you sit down and break bread with that type of -- someone who was that against you for so long and then do you go head and put him in your administration? >> it's tough. but you saw there's a beginning of a peace accord when asked -- there was a tweet out that mitt romney congratulated him. very nice, just like we saw with the bush family. people are trying to build and mend fences. i think it's tough stuff to swallow it. when people make these comments or things about you, you take them personally. because it's tough. it's hard to hear. then he was very adamant against him about his taxes, about the fact that he was concealing something and that he should not be allowed or be chosen to be president. he shouldn't be elected. >> he was a con man. >> basically. now let's see. do you think he's going to give him a position of that importance? i would be surprised.
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you never know. >> dana, reince priebus i thought was a brilliant pick as chief of staff. do you think reince had something do with, donald, we need to reach across and say to the establishment republican group, you are part of us? >> i don't know. i think this is coming from the top, especially with nikki haley. she's not that different from romney. she endorsed marco rubio. i think maybe what republicans should think about if it's a -- follow trump's lead. if this is what saying, let's try to work together and -- maybe he is trying to recreate abraham lincoln's team of rivals, because that was a good way to govern. i think not only if this is all true, because i take that with a grain of salt, a lot of leaks. kudos to trump but also to them that would be willing to leave positions they have as governor or romney in his private life and agree to serve. >> rudy giuliani has said i want
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secretary of state. he has said, i would be better. how do you have someone who is going to bat for you and put -- is this as maybe possibly just an olive branch to the establishment? he doesn't mean to appoint him? >> it's hard to say. i think it's brave of them continue to invite ted cruz over being his father assassinated jfk. i think it's a good really good sign. to are these people come over. cruz was insulted by trump and then romney went after trump. it's getting all of these people together. it's a positive sign. my favorite part is nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi told pence to reconsider appointing bannon. if you want -- if anybody wants bannon, have pelosi ask to reconsider it. that basically made sure he will be nominated.
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are people going to say, nancy, who would you like? i think a memo to nancy, you basically got bannon in by opening your big fat mouth. i hope he didn't bow to the japanese prime minister. >> i can guarantee he did not. >> i'm tired of bowing. >> you saw the fighting going on for a year and a half. is this the gop getting back together? >> i think it's more pragmatic than that. these people need to be confirmed. what we have seen is if you look at the state department, john bolton, he was the guy for a little bit. people said, i don't know if he can get confirmed. rand paul said, i would block him. rand paul in the senate foreign relations. then you look at rudy giuliani, again, he has taken money from foreign governments, from could corporations doing business around the world. could be complicated. could make things difficult for president-elect trump. so then you start hearing about names like nikki haley.
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you heard about ted cruz, lying ted for either supreme court or -- you think, gee, maybe he is making up. now you hear this talk coming about -- i'm stunned. mitt romney, not only was mitt romney opposed, think about what happened in utah. i mean, he tried to stop -- >> he pushed -- >> that's what i'm saying. >> you know, could trump be tooling them? exercising dominant by having them come over and making them kiss a ring and going, get out of here. >> maybe not get out of here. never was going to really appoint them. that would be difficult to burn rudy giuliani -- >> i mean nikki haley and cruz and romney. >> i don't have personal knowledge of this but i will say this. i have also been disliked by donald trump for some portion of his campaign. when i went to see him at trump tower after a brutal nine
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months, he let it go. he really was able to let it go. once we sat down together face to face, we had always had a good relationship, it was behind us. i let it go. he let it go. we were fine. i feel like i very much believe he has the ability to do that. for what it's worth, i believe it's sincere. i bet mitt romney walks away with something. >> he said so the night that he won on election night or the morning. it was 3:15 in the morning when he gave the speech. one of the lines was, for those of you who didn't support me, that's fine. i get it. no problem. but now i'm going to reach out to you and asking you to help me be the best president i can be. maybe let's take him at his word. maybe he meant it. >> mike flynn is pretty controversial in washington right now. but mike flynn apparently is going to be the national security adviser. the key point here is, mike flynn, who normally would look at for a job in the pentagon,
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mike flynn can't get confirmed. that's a problem. he decides, i will give you a position doesn't require confirmation. i think if -- i have so much respect for reince priebus. reince is thinking, how can we make this as smooth as possible? >> if giuliani doesn't get secretary of state, where does he go? >> doesn't want ag. >> it's a great job. >> white house counsel? >> there are few people who may want that job as well. >> that's a tough job. >> are you looking at me? >> no, no, no. >> ambassador to the uk. >> i'm happy to hear -- >> i would take that in a second. giuliani could head the department of awesomeness. >> i want to go to national parks. i'm not asking for anything. >> i'm thrilled to hear that you met and it's behind you. i think that's fantastic. i love that idea. it's great to hear you say it. >> there was a special.
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>> the other stuff is a fiction of some of -- some people on the left and right who would like to see that feud continue. >> you know what? a feud gets healed and another one starts. >> but it hasn't in our case. >> let's look at ted cruz. he revealed what it was like to meet his formal rival from the campaign trail earlier this week. listen. >> it was very productive. i spent several hours in trump tower, had the chance to meet with the president-elect, with the vice-president-elect, with senior members of the transition team. i think we had very good and productive conversations about how we can work together to really deliver on the promises made to the american people. this election was a powerful mandate for change. i think the american people overwhelmingly said, we want to change the path we're on. and i am eager and committed to working with president-elect trump to working with the new administration to get it done, to actually delivering what we told the voters we would do.
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>> your thoughts on that. would ted cruz take an appointment or would he want to run in 2020? >> i think he would take anything donald trump would give him. of the proper stature. he has shown a willingness to serve. it was a brutal primary by any standards. ted cruz has serious disagreements with donald trump. donald trump gave it to ted cruz. he is willing to let bygones be bygones. some of the stuff, you have to say, all right, now he is our president. you have to support him and root for his success. for the country you may disagree with his policies but you have to root for his success as a matter of him being our leader. i bet you ted cruz would serve and be effective. >> ag? >> it's got to be. >> or even supreme court justice. he is bright, talented, he is a smart lawyer, he has plenty of time in front of the supreme
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court. he will know his way around the ropes. for him, it's almost -- >> around the ropes. >> get him off the radar for good. he can't run against you. >> can he be confirmed? >> this is -- >> they want him -- >> everyone will raise their hand. >> do you remember when he couldn't get a vote on the senate floor when some of the bills he was proposing because the republican senators wouldn't volt for it as well. >> this is an exit path. >> take care. we will miss you. >> that's a good point. >> someone like nikki haley, i think -- you talk about mitt romney being big news. i think nikki haley is big news. it would introduce a woman into the picture in a prominent position. she would bring in some of the minority support, the people would say, this is a different look for the trump team. i think that's good news. when you stop and look at it, i was also impressed to hear he was looking at eva moscowicz.
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she's a strong school choice. >> right before he closes down the department? >> he has to name somebody. >> nikki haley could get through. >> i think it was news today that henry kissinger was over there. >> the ultimate outsider. >> right. part of this argument is, no lobbyists. that was an announcement today. five year ban on lobbying if you come to serve with him. >> five years is a long time. >> it is. for someone like ted cruz, that could hit you in the pocket. >> anyone? >> i think ted cruz would be a redemption for him. it would elevate him in the different stature because if he decided or wanted to one again, then he also has the robes or kind of the a-- >> everyone is saying why isn't he announcing? he is really on schedule. let him take his time. he promised to make massive
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change, drain the swamp. it's going to take longer if you are draining the swamp. you are choosing from a completely different puddle. >> excuse me. a different puddle? >> my point is if you don't have the same swamp -- let's say you go from hillary clinton to jeb bush. so there's a lot of infrastructure -- >> a different swamp. john bolton, mitt romney, this is a new swamp. i never heard of these republicans. these are radical outsiders. >> would you call him part of the d.c. establishment? >> rudy giuliani, he was mayor of new york. i believe he was a prosecutor. >> the definition of d.c. outsider. >> one interesting thing about the whole mike flynn thing is that it is signaling a different about priorities. it's no longer about old rivalries between russia. we're replacing the iron curtain with the islamic shroud. the number one threat for us in
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our lifetime and beyond our lifetime will be islamic extremist. that's a signal that perhaps even though there are problems with russia and the problems are real, we have probably more in common with them existentially in this war against this bizarre extremist demon that wants to destroy earth is a bigger deal. >> remember what mitt romney said? he said russia was the number one enemy. i don't know how he and mike -- >> we have to go. when we come back, megyn kelly is with us to give us a look at her book "settle for more." that's coming up more on "the five." [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette.
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throughout. i thought i would want to ask you, when you were writing it, how -- viewers have come to know you over the years in a way. but not in this personal a way. i wondered what you thought about when you were writing the part about when your dad died. because i don't think a lot of viewers had known that about you. >> first of all, thank you, because you were one of the only people i let see it in advance. i gave me such great feedback. there's a fair amount about you in there. >> pick it up in bookstores. >> not one mention of me like i don't exist. >> you have to look through the lines. with my dad, you know, it's like -- the heart of the book is that adversity is an opportunity. it's a gift to you that it will allow you to become stronger as you get through it. i've seen that as most of us have. i know you guys. everybody here at the table has had adversity and considerable.
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i know all of you have, too. so i included the story so people could understand that i did suffer a tragedy in my life at a very young age. >> you were 15. >> that's right. my dad died suddenly of a heart attack ten days before christmas, 1985. i was 15. he was 45. he never had heart problems or anything before. the night he died, we had had a stupid argument about my class ring. i wanted a nicer one than he wanted -- than we could afford. i wouldn't let it drop. i was being a brat. and he turned and walked out of the kitchen. and i walked out and walked up stairs to my room. i will never forget the site of my dad on the couch looking at the lights on the christmas tree. as i write in the book, a good man alone. and the next thing i knew my sister woke me up saying, wake up, daddy had a heart attack.
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he never was revived. you know, it was such a dark time. it was ten days before christmas. my mom was so strong. she's my role model. such a doll. she's my role model. i will never forget standing outside of the hospital -- you are making me cry. and saying to her, i said to her, will you ever be happen my again? she said, of course i will, and you will be, too. for my mom to have the presence to get to that place within hours of losing her 45-year-old husband suddenly was an example for me and that kind of resilience and ability to understand that there's goodness in life that will always follow the darkness was a gift to me. >> there's a lot in the book that takes you into moments like that. there's joyous moments. i love the story about when you meet doug and you go on a date and it doesn't go as well as you thought. i can do better than that. that's fun.
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we don't have enough time. i knew that bringing that up about your dad would touch somebody like kimberly. she also -- a lot of people in the audience, people that will buy your book, lost a parent when they were a young child. reading about other people's experience can help people in their own grief and to overcome adversity and become strong and successful. we will save kimberly for a minute. >> i paged through the book. great pictures. >> thank you. >> one theme, your family. your children. how has that changed your life and your career? >> it dwarfed everything. you think this is important and to some extent it is. what we do is important. we have a connection with our viewers and we report important matters. but then you have children and they just change your definition of what happiness is. i know i could lose everything that we have here. i can't -- i'm crying now. >> men are often like that. >> that's true.
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>> i can never have her break down. >> that wasn't my motivation. i look at them and i know, as long as i have them, i'm good. i'm good. i write in the book about you can handle anything if you know what defines you. ask yourself, who am i and just remember who you are and who defines you. who defines me as a person, as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, as a sister, as a daughter? those are the people who can affect my happiness, my core. it's not bs, nonsense you see on twitter. you can get up in that. it can -- if you let it steal your mojo it can change your perception and how you should behave. it's wrong. you have to try to tune that stuff out. it's bus exhaust. inhale all the goodness of those that matter. >> we only have a couple of minutes left. we will try to get through as many as we can. juan, you are next. >> i was going to say, all that
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you have been through in your career, it's interesting that bullying and what we were talking about in terms of twitter has come really like a wave over you. i wonder how you deal with it. one of the things mrs. trump did when she went out was talk about bullying. >> if i could jump in -- you remember, you wrote your own book. what i remember was that all of -- everybody watching as well has been bullied at some point in their life. that happened early on in your life. when you were 12? >> i was in seventh grade. i feel like i'm on the coach on "oprah." i was very badly bullied for a year. terrible mean girls who ganged up against me. it was awful. it culminated in an incident where the head bully called me up at my house and said, you know where all the people are from my party. you have to picture heavy acne ridden space between the tooth version of me. the hair was -- >> boy, am i turned on.
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>> you are sick. did i mention i was 12? >> don't say it. >> the mean bully -- head bully called up and said do you know where all the people are from my party? i said no. they yelled into the phone, we're here. >> now people do that on facebook. >> now i can ignore them better. having been through it, you have to build up the core so you can take a gut punch. >> you know, didn't you deserve it after you were shoplifting? >> my life of crime, did you read through that? it's possible i stole something when i was 12. >> talk about that and the poor message you send to teenagers by being a thief. >> i brought it all back to kmart. i had to do the walk of shame. >> last point. >> i know about everything that you have been through in your life, your losses and recently you lost your nana which affected you. she was proud of you and you had such a great relationship that you let the viewers see and enjoy. i think one of the best parts of
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your book is the chapter about paying it forward. i think -- believe that's some of the influence of family, the people close to you in your life like your mother and grandma. >> my nana was the best. she died in october at 101 years old. we were blessed to have her. that was a different generation. you know? they were not the cupcake nation. that was the thing that made me want to write the book. i feel like we're going soft as a country. we cover these stories all the time. i wanted to send a message that you need to toughen up, buttercup. life does throw things at you, including disappointment. i talk about when i was in law school, i wanted to be in the law review. i worked my tail off. i didn't get an offer at a great firm. i tried extra hard and i got into one. the point of the book is that hard work can get you to where you want to go. that's how my nana saw it. that's how my mom saw it. whining doesn't do you go. you find out no one is coming to save you. it's up to you. >> that's true.
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there's so much in this book beyond what you have read about. you want to be inspired? you want to laugh? you want to hear when she comes back to work if you are a working mom? >> i do. >> that's dana's favorite story. >> sweetest story. >> about our friend of the family named betty. check it out. >> we call it a tease. catch her tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. coming up, the debate over fighting ic terrorism. is the vetting plan about to become a reality? that's next.
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great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at scalpel. i have no idea what i'm doing. i'm just a tv doctor. i never went to college. (scream) i don't do blood. but now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. is that a foot? we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. cigntogether, all the way. as a candidate now president-elect donald trump highlighted his plan to enforce extreme vetting of immigrants coming to the u.s. from countries compromised by
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terrorism. now we are hearing reports that it might indeed happen. the kansas secretary of state and one of president-elect trump's advice seed advisers is trump team will screen people coming to america from muslim countries. eric, how about this development? this is one of the things he talked about. >> he did. there are several different iterations of what this means. is it -- is there a registry? is it every muslim that enters the country? is it only muslims that come from countries that are state sponsors of terror? that's another level. they're working out the details. some of the people are -- i saw steve king say maybe yes. maybe we need a registry. who know ss? it depends who gets the job and how they work with the president however he wants to administer it. i think it's constitutional, whatever they decide, any of those options. >> dana, how do you see it? what do you think about this
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development? and this information coming out. >> i feel it's premature to speculate on it. because it's still vague, understandably so because people aren't in place and they haven't had briefings and they are getting their feet on the ground, it might be -- it might be irresponsible to speculate but it's irresponsible not to fully -- more fully explain what's happening because it is fuelling fears amongst some people in the population. it might give some people comfort. people are vetted when they come into the country if they're coming from overseas. what are they vetted for? what would keep them from being allowed to come into the country? there's a lot of p.eople who hae family members and business. at this point, i think that it would be better if everyone said let's wait. we're not going to have more announcement for a couple of months. >> before we stop and frisk. and deny. >> the one point you have to make clear because before the media destroys this, islamism
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has changed immigration, not the reverse. it's not immigration acting on a toxic doctrine. the toxic doctrine is causing us to rethink immigration. it's a modern threat from old ideas. they have made clear their goal of what they want to do. we would be foolish not to address it. there are two threats, the immediate threat, the marriage of terror to technology. it will be a drone and anthrax combined. the long-term threat, which is people are talking about, what is the long-term affect of an intolerant system when it blends in a republic or democracy over time, over decades? how does it change the culture? things that you normally accept, what happens to those things? that's the long-term apocalyptic look. it's scary either way. i don't think you have much time. i think this is a race against
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time. takes one agent to ruin a city. sorry. >> true. sobering. >> they're probably not coming through immigration. >> would you be in favor of a registry? >> you have to be extreme vetting people. surveillance, i'm for surveillance. i'm for spying. >> you are for getting the job done. you are for effective intelligence. >> i'm an intelligence tool. >> juan? >> i look at -- >> you are a tool. >> we had something like this in the country after 9/11. we had something like this. so we have a way to look at it and say, did this work for us? did this keep us safer? i looked up the numbers. we had 80,000 muslim men in the registry. none of them ever prosecuted with relation for terrorism. 13,000 of them were thrown out, deported because they had
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oversta oversta overstaid. >> it worked. >> let me finish. they have a sense of fear and anxiety. you heard some jewish leaders say if they start a registry of muslims, they will sign up. who comes after the muslims? suddenly, hey, i don't want to do this because i know i might be next. >> if you ar religion is connecd to extreme violence, you should be next. >> demand you kill an infidel in what you don't believe. >> we have never seen that. >> i'm agreeing. you have to act. >> is this ridiculous or what? >> it's life. >> it's on the prompter. it's not me. >> i thought you were addressing me. >> i dlefsh edelivered it in su as to cause confusion. parents can help their kids cope with president-elect trump winning the election.
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the american academy of pediatrics just sent an e-mail to 60,000 doctors encouraging them to tell parents to talk to their brats about the recent election. why? to avoid long-term psychological trauma from all the disturbing rhetoric. boo hoo. of course, i doubt such requests would have been made if hillary had won or if sanders had won or if we dug up the corpse. the only scary monsters are republicans, even one that used to vote democrat. this is a common theme. groups saying we need to deal with fear post election. who causes such fear? the very same media seeking groups who gin up the fear then
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pretend to sooth it. they are emotional arsonists setting fires so they themselves can put them out. not much different from the media who recast violence as legitimate protest and speak hopefully of unrest to come. like clockwork, unrest certainly comes. surprise, from activists, students a s and agitators. if the doctors really cared about kids, they would stop generating dopey e-mails that treat an election like an act of terror and focus on real stuff that harms kids, like playing hide and seek. i still can't find my brother. >> we reached out to the organization. they stressed that they are nonpartisan, non-political. they're just concerned. you think they would have been concerned if hillary won? >> no. no. everyone would have been like lollipops, unicorn, sunshine and smiles. it's sad to me. we didn't include one --
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>> the woman yelling at the kid. >> it's upsetting to me. it rises to the level of emotional abuse to sit there and deliberately terrify and upset your child when parents see something like that but educators to create this hysteria instead of saying give someone a chance, talk to them about the facts, explain the presidency, show them the electoral map. >> have them read a book. >> anything like that. >> get off the couch. go outside and climb a tree. dana, isn't this an dacademy organization trying to get free press. >> i'm an expert in psychiatric stuff. i was on this book tour the past few days. i was in colorado, wyoming, michigan and california. >> what was the book about? >> a dog. i met tons of kids along the way. they're all super excited that donald trump won the election. >> fyi. >> that's one thing. the other thing is i met these people last night in line when i was at the nixon library. they said their son and
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daughter-in-law have refused to have thanksgiving dinner with them. that's a great role model for kids. >> "the five" has been talking about the thanksgiving dinner, about what do you do? this is going to be a great thanksgiving. >> yeah. the kids table. i will go quickly. the american academy of pediatrics, our children have to be involved in the political process? i get the american academy of mo moronic kids i get. they're kids. >> i don't get you. i think it's for real. what if hillary had been elected? was hillary talking about grabbing women by the blank? no. was hillary talking about bans on muslims? i don't think so. >> who is talking -- >> was hillary talking about racism -- >> hillary often was incredibly divisive. she played identity politics to the hilt.
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>> i don't think it's as extreme as what comes out of donald trump who is a provocative guy. we live in a country, 13% of the country's population is immigrant, if you include their kids, 26%. for all those people to hear about let's have a deportation force, let's get these people out, it's unsettling. >> the media gins it up. come on. that was a good point. i still won. >> just go. >> i love juan. has the media been fair to president-elect trump on the process of his transition? details next. >> no.
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it's been just over a week since president-elect trump won the election. yet many getting impatient about when mr. trump will pick his cabinet. as you can see in this chart, it took president obama nearly three weeks before he announced his first cabinet secretary. president reagan took him six weeks. greg, what do you think? >> that's an ugly chart. they could have come up with some color full charts or a pie. that's the boringest chart i have seen. that's not a good chart. >> is this evidence that there is not disarray in the trump transition team?
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>> possibly, yes. obviously, the timing of it -- they're going to be fine. kellyanne conway said they expect to make some announcements about appointments right before thanksgiving or right after. that would be in line with what other presidents have done. one of the reasons this story line got started was because christie was doing the transition and then he was demoted. mike rogers was there but he wasn't. now mike rogers is talking about a position within the administration. it's slightly chaotic for a reason. it's a transition. >> wait a second. if it's -- is it chaotic or not? >> i'm happy to report, there's no disarray in the transition process. i would also like to report that kellyanne conway will be on the o'reilly factor tonight. i will ask her the most important one you want to know that you haven't heard. i will ask her. >> can i be the national park service? >> i want to hear all of them. kimberly, go right ahead. >> i want to know -- i want to
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know. i'm excited to find out. for sure, defense secretary, secretary of state. let's start right there, right? >> you know what, i just think lots of people are interested in the internal -- what they call the knife fight. what happened to christie? what happened with carson? newt said he is not doing anything. what happened with all the -- >> they didn't want to. they wanted him to get elected. they were supporting him. maybe they have other things to do. >> that's why some people say -- >> what i'm telling you is,eyin position. >> we have news on "the five." one more thing up next. attention: are you eligible for medicare?
2:54 pm
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and we do it at no cost. make sure you have what you need to get the care that's right for you. if you miss the deadline, you may have to wait another year before enrolling. call this number now! time for one more thing. >> i have pictures from the road trip for the book tour. here is my high school debate coach. then i got to go to the reagan library. great crowd there. i got to go to the nixon library. i highly recommend a visit. then, at the reagan librarlibra caitlyn jenner came to the event. he showed her the pictures. she thought it was hilarious. >> that's a smooth transition.
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>> she liked "the five" and all we did. she has a book coming out next april. >> all right. transition team. take a look at this dramatic surveillance video. this captures a moment that a 9-year-old boy saved his baby brother after he fell off a changing table. the mom had just placed her 11-month-old son on the table. the little brother ran at just the right time. had his arms outstretched. >> shouldn't keep him in the red circle. >> my gosh. the mom said, you have to be vigilant. >> i love when the cameramen laugh. >> that kid could be a wide receiver. >> that kid deserves an award. the parents would be in big trouble otherwise.
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president obama announced the final recipients of his presidential medal of freedom award. one familiar face or to me familiar voice is among the winners, vin scully. >> every year the president gives out something called the presidential medal of freedom. this year, he is going to give it to you. >> oh, my gosh. no? >> yes. >> are you sure? i'm just an old baseball announcer. i'm rather overwhelmed and humbled. thank you so much. >> also congratulations to the 20 other recipients, including michael jordan, kareem abdul-jabbar and robert redford. >> robert redford? >> scully, what a voice. >> robert redford? >> yes. >> i'm sorry.
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i'm plugging something that is probably the geekiest thing ever. i did an hour interview with an evolutionary behavioral scientist from quebec. hiis gad saad. he has a youtube channel called the saad truth. for an hour, you can stare at that while we talk about -- he is probably the only professor in canada who is pro trump. he talks about what that was like for him on campus. we talked about all sorts of weird biological differences male and female. very interesting things. >> wow. >> for one hour. >> you way you -- >> go on youtube and put in gad saad and gutfeld. >> tonight, 8:00, check out kellyanne conway.
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she will join me on the o'reilly factor. we will go through some of the things you wanted to hear about. >> national park service. >> what position is she going to be? >> that's the question. >> shouldn't she be the spokesperson? >> well, that's still to be determined. she has four young kids. you have to move to d.c. >> that's a great excuse. i gotta go, i got four kids. if they ask questions, i have to pick up the kids. >> it works the other way. i gotta go. the president. >> everybody uses their kids for that stuff. my kids. >> when they get fired, spend more time -- >> would you leave to go to dc? >> that's the thing. if you have young children and they're in school here. >> everybody can move for a while. they have schools there. >> i don't want to live in d.c. >> yes, you do. >> i lived there once. it was enough. i had to run home every night because i was going to get mugged. i lived southeast. >> as quick as your little legs could take it. >> leave it there.
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"special report" is next. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. we will have the latest news on the trump transition process in a moment. first, there's some news on the democratic side of the house. there might be changes, some signals for house democrats, a change perhaps coming. the headline here, minority leader nancy pelosi is being challenged by a relatively little known ohio congressman. what does that mean? let's get the latest from mike emanuel on capitol hill. >> reporter: tim ryan is challenging nancy pelosi saying democrats will never be the majority party
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