tv The Kelly File FOX News November 19, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST
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that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. decision day for donald trump. the president-elect makes his first major national security picks, delighting conservatives and enraging democrats. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to walk. i'm bret baier. the man who shocked the world last week with an upset victory to win the presidency is not disappointing those who voted for him based on his views about foreign policy and immigration. president-elect trump picked retired it army lieutenant michael flynn as his national security advisor and jeff sessions as attorney general. we have team coverage tonight.
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catherine herridge and we start off with mike emanuel with a big reward for one of trump's most loyal supporters. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. jeff sessions has served in the senate for 20 years. if confirmed by his colleagues to be the next attorney general, there is no doubt sessions will enforce the nation's immigration laws. >> americans can't continue to bring in labor to do work and subsidize people not working by the millions. >> reporter: sessions was one of the toughest conservative critics of bipartisan immigration immigration reform, concerned it would lead to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants in this country. that made him a natural as the first senator to back donald trump in the 2016 campaign after trump spoke about building a wall to protect our southern border. >> we will build a wall. mexico will pay for the wall. >> reporter: sessions defended
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trump's call for extreme vetting for those seeking to come to the u.s. >> if you have two people and one that wants to -- believes in the democratic republic like we have, one that has an ideology that wants to impose a narrow view of how the government should be run, then why would you not choose the one most harmonious to our values? >> reporter: his loyalty is being rewarded. >> jeff sessions is a good friend and i think he will make an excellent attorney general. he is a strong principled conservative. and we are going to need a strong attorney general to restore uning at the rintegrity. >> reporter: he was nominated to
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be a judge in balabama. he called the only black county commissioner in mobile the n word. in an interview, the next senate democratic leader said, sessions won't get special treatment. >> will he have trouble getting through? >> he will need a thorough vetting. many of those statements, they're old but still troubling. the idea that jeff sessions is -- just because he's a senator he should get through without a series of tough questions, particularly given the early things, no way. >> mitch mcconnell has announced he supports the sessions nomination. calling him principled, forthright and hard working. leadership aides say the senate will consider nominations in a thorough and timely manner to ensure a smooth transition between administrations. >> mike, thank you. graduating first in his class at the u.s. military academy, grad atding from harvard law school
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and editing the harvard review. catherine herridge. >> reporter: the selection of kansas republican pompeo was welcomed by a former cia director. >> i think this is a serious man who takes these questions seriously and who studied these questions. >> reporter: iran, along with republican senator tom cotton, he exposed side deals in the agreement. the congressman investigated the 2014 intelligence on isis that painted a rosie picture of progress when the terror group was expanding in iraq and syria. at a hearing thursday, he expressed outrage that no one has lost their job for putting lives at risk. >> i have to tell you the american people deserve not to wait two years to hold accountable folks who put bad information in the field. >> reporter: pompeo sat on the
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benghazi investigation committee. he chastised hillary clinton for ignoring the terror threat in libya because it did not fit the political narrative. on the failure to launch a rescue during the attack -- >> i find it reprehensible. if it was your son or daughter, one of your family members or friends on the ground that night, you watch the actions in washington, d.c., you would have every right to be discussed. >> reporter: they praised him as smart and open minded but voiced reservation. >> mike will have to set aside that very partisan role that he can play, has placed at times in the congress and certainly did play on the benghazi committee. i'm confident he can do that. we will rely on him to do that. the job of cia director has to be strictly non-partisan. >> reporter: pompeo favors leaving guantanamo open, getting back into interrogating terror
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suspects. he suspects nsa collection programs. the aclu said his positions also raise serious civil liberties concerns about privacy and due process. if confirmed, he will lead an agency of 21,000 employees spread across the globe with a budget of $15 billion. former cia officers say the priority for the next director is rebuilding the human spying capabilities. >> thank you. lieutenant general michael flynn elicits strong feelings frommed afrom admirers and detractors. some see someone who crossed a line. others see a maverick with the guts to speak out and call out radical islam. here is james rosen. >> reporter: visits to trump tower by michael flynn, former director of the defense intelligence agency, attracted special interest as word of his appointment as white house
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national security advied advis to come forward. in his 33-year military career, flynn rose to become the top intelligence officer for the joint special operations command where he served under general stanley mccrystal and guided the elite delta force and seal team 6 units. he directed intelligence at u.s. central command. and is credited with revolution a revolutionizing the speed of which information is delivered. he testified to congress alongside the directors of the fbi and cia but never once did he receive an audience with the commander in chief. in his book "the field of fight" he said he was fired because his assessment of the threat from isis and other islamic jihadists conflicted with the more optimistic view the president and his aides wanted to present. he spoke to these tensions, including at the gop convention. >> i am infuriated when our
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president bans criticism of our enemies. i am certain -- i am deadly certain that we cannot win this war unless we are free to call our enemies by name, radical islamists and failed tyrants. >> this isn't just an individual who is intimately familiar with the highest level of intelligence gathering and analysis in the united states federal government. he also is a big picture thinker. if you are looking for a man who already has established a reputation of talking truth to power, you could do very, very well by simply choosing a man who has demonstrated it and that's general flynn. >> reporter: critics have flagged his attendance at an ave event alongside vladimir putin. flynn's tweets including one in which he called fear of muslims rational have drawn criticism.
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as have his business dealings in turkey, a critical country in the war on isis. st his statements about muslims are unamerican said a democratic senator, a member of the intelligence committee who added his financial entanglement with russia and other foreign governments are cause for concern. he earned the confidence of president-elect trump through demonstrations mr. trump is said to prize, loyalty. >> he has been a close adviser to president-elect trump. >> reporter: as national security advisor, he will not require confirmation by the senate nor will he be subject to demands for testimony by congressional committees. >> james, thank you. let's bring in our panel early for some analysis of the first trump picks. steve haze, maura liason, and tom rogan. the president-elect tweeting out today, will be working all
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weekend in choosing the great men and women who will be helping to make america great again. he is in bedminister, new jersey, for meetings among them, mitt romney tomorrow. let's start about the picks today. sessions, pompeo and flynn. pompeo first. we talked about it yesterday. he brings a long resume to the job. >> nunes is on the executive committee of the transition team. mike pompeo is one of the bratest members of congress. he has been true in my experience in talking to him and interviewing him and looking at the way that he studies issues. a lot of times you have members of congress who will read questions or talking points presented to them by their staff and then can't go beyond those. that's not a problem with pompeo. he knows the issues. he knows them well. he asks relevant questions as you saw in the package. he is respected by members of both sides of the aisle.
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i think that's an incredibly solid choice. i would expect he will have virtually no difficulty getting through. >> perhaps somebody who would be concerned is iran. he has a pretty aggressive iran view about the president -- current president's policies. >> these choices are competent. they are at least with flynn and sessions really loyal to donald trump. he chose mostly from the inner circle. i do think the orientation to russia is something i heard from democrats and republicans are giving people pause. this is trump's vision that russia isn't our number one enemy. we should consider them an ally. he expressed lots of positive feelings about vladimir putin. certainly general flynn agrees with him on that. but otherwise, i think they are tough on iran. they want to make isis a top priority. but they definitely reflect this new orientation that's shaking up a lot of our traditional
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allies. >> he was on fox and friends november 9, lieutenant general flynn. >> what should iran, russia and maybe even syrian president assad know about a donald trump foreign policy? >> i tell you what. it's going to be one that leads from the front. you cannot have a complex, uncertain world that we have and have a depleted military. >> he didn't get into the details. >> those are the big questions. assad sees donald trump's election as a positive thing. so does putin. at least in syria, the united states will be on the side of iran if they side with assad and russia. >> well, one of the interesting things about syria at the moment is you have seen the russians continue this aggressive campaign against aleppo which suggests they are not sure about trump. if they thought confidently he was in their back pocket as it were, they would wait simply and build consensus.
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we're conceding and then go at that point. one of the things that's interesting about general flynn, i spoke to someone who used to serve with flynn. joint special operations command he served at and said flynn's nickname was the fire hose. not in a good way. he had a reputation for going off the rails, being a bully to subordinates. if was tempered to a task, there would be difficulties. i think you sigh that ee that. >> the most important thing in that job is the trust in between the president and the national security -- >> the process. >> any red flags here for obviously flynn does not need to be confirmed. you mentioned pompeo, sessions. >> i think as we saw in the clip from the chris wallace interview, democrats would like to make an issue with jeff sessions, despite the fact he is
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a colleague, a senator. >> that does give you additional points when you have a senate confirmation, if they're coming from your group, the senators. >> it usually does. i expect it will. the democrats will prepare for a big fight because they think they can exact some political price for having chosen jeff sessions given what he said in the past. just a comment on mike flynn. i think maura is right to raise questions about russia. it also shouldn't be -- it should be more than an asterisk he was right about al qaeda. he was one of the only voices in the intelligence community sounding the alarm in 2012, 2013, 2014 about the rise of al qaeda, the continued proliferation of al qaeda, the growth of al qaeda offshoots including isis. it turns out the guy was right. "the new york times" wrote a profile on him and had that as a
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parent th pa parenthetical. >> pushing against the administration. >> i think he has that reputation. he earned it. i think it does show that there is controversy surrounding him from the right. yes, russia is the big motivator on that. these other issues, if those -- if it was purely about that record of predicting and assessing and pushing the administration, i think he would be a shoo-in. >> doesn't have to be. >> there's no confirmation. i want to go forward. a couple of the big picks coming. secretary of state. rudy giuliani in the mix here, even though there are stories whether his chances were dimini diminished. bob corker. john bolton. david petraeus and mitt romney on the list who donald trump meets with tomorrow. >> tomorrow. the most interesting thing there is the giuliani versus romney.
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giuliani was the most loyal, loyal soldier to donald trump. after the access hollywood tape he was out there, even mike pence went to ground at that point. we heard earlier he could have whatever he wanted. he wants state. mitt romney has a different world view. mitt romney remember said russia was the number one threat. >> geopolitical threat. >> and he has a very different world view than donald trump and the kind of soft on russia, whatever we want to call them guys around him, that would be an interesting pick if he went with mitt romney. that would send a big message that he wants to have different views, reaching out to the establishment who shunned him. donald trump has a long memory. he doesn't like to forgive. mitt romney was one of his most prominent detractors. >> if not the most prominent. defense secretary. we mentioned tom cotton from arkansas. senator kelly ayotte's name had come out. she lost that senate re-election
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bid in new hampshire. jock keane and james mattis has popped up and david petraeus today has come up as well. steve, that list. >> that's a heck of a list. i would be surprised if james mattis -- he is writing books and big thinking, would come back. certainly, that would be greeted with cheers and applause from the rank and file military, particularly the marine corps because of who he is and the reputation he has. jack keane speaks for himself. i think tom cotton is getting serious consideration here. he is young but talk about a resume. tom cotton has -- he served. he has studied these things. he distinguished himself early as a member of the house and then the senate as an outspoken proponent of american power. somebody who understands the use of american power well beyond his years. >> i will say that the pentagon,
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having covered it for six and a half years, is a massive bureaucracy. you wonder whether you need to have someone who has run something before, whether this be a company or something big. >> right. i think one of the interesting things is with mattis that he does have the -- the warrior scholar is his reputation. so he would be very popular. he was the -- he has managerial experience within dod. how much does he want to embrace that bureaucracy? bob gates, former defense secretary said you couldn't drag me back to washington to deal with it. it's the hardest thing. the question is, one of the interesting things for secretary of state, even if we talk about giuliani and romney as different, both of them are very popular abroad. that would be another example. i could imagine the foreign allies would be very, very happy with either of them, because it would suggest that this is --
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they have experience and engagement. >> we will see you in a bit. there are 19 1/2 miles of corridor in the pentagon. i walked them. what's your reaction to this selections of president-elect trump? up next, it turns out donald trump's yidea to build a border wall, not really that new. here is what some affiliates are covering tonight. alaska, president obama blocks oil and gas drilling north of alaska. they say industry activities in the icy waters can harm wildlife and contribute to global warming. energy industry representatives are calling the decision political and not supported by the facts. republicans have threatened to immediately turn that decision around in the new year. fox 2 in san francisco, a mysterious foam fills the streets in santa clara. it appears to be some kind of
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fire retardant. the crew on the scene is being told a building's fire system malfunctioned. it's blocking several businesses and has completely covered some cars in the area up to about waist deep. a live look at new york. one of the big stories there tonight, daily fantasy sports rivals draft kings and fan dual announce plans to merge. the move requires federal approval. full disclosure of the parent company of fox news is an investor in draft kings. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back.
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north carolina governor pat mccorey is offering a $10,000 reward for information about who is setting fires in the western part of his state. more than 46,000 acres of land have been burned by wildfires. many of the fires are believed to be man made. we should mention, the 2016 governor's race in north carolina has yet to be called. a complete count of votes there that could affect the outcome will not be finished on time to meet today's deadline. a state board of elections spokesman blames pending ballot challenges and compliance with a court order. the democrat has a lead over the republican incumbent. one of donald trump's first and most talked about proposals is the construction of a wall with mexico. the idea of a barrier between nations is nothing new. we look at walls around the world. >> we will build a great wall
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along the southern border. >> reporter: whether you call it a wall or a fence, border barriers are booming. not just in the u.s. >> at the end of world war ii, there were less than five border walls anywhere in the world. as late as 1989 when the berlin wall came down, there were 15 border walls. today, there are almost 70. >> reporter: greece, hungary, israel, countries are building walls. >> what the walls are meant to be a deterrent, to make it harder to cross a border with the idea that that will discourage people from trying to cross. >> we have a lot better idea of what's coming across the border and we're more likely to apprehend it. >> reporter: agents rely on 350 miles of existing fence. >> we might only have 30 seconds to a minute before we lose sight of the people. the point of the fence is to slow down the traffic in areas where they are able to quickly move into the u.s. >> reporter: it's not enough to achieve a so-called secure
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border. so last year, house republicans proposed erecting 570 miles of double fencing, like this one, with an access road in between. which help reduce arrests by some 90%. >> by having a fence in conjunction with cameras and a road, usually, we're able to see people coming as they approach the fence, we're able to see them as they are starting to come over the fence and we're able to move resources into position so that when they come over the fence, we can quickly go in and make that apprehension. >> reporter: as for president-elect trump's plan, most agents believe his wall is a metaphor more a barrier that works. while fencing the entire border is neither practical nor economical, sources expect trump to propose something similar to the secure fence act of 2008, which calls for an additional 700 miles of double layered, 14-foot high fencing. >> thank you. president obama is on his way to peru.
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he will participate in an asian pacific economic summit. protesters are demonstrating against his visit there. the president of the host country is warning against what he considers growing hostility to free trade. that threatens the global economy. rich edson has the the story tonight from lima, peru. >> reporter: in nine weeks, these men will lead the united states government. >> the transpacific partnership is another disaster. done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country just a continuing rape of our country. >> they have to fix it. they haven't done that. >> certainly not brought up this year. >> reporter: this man is still president. and his administration continues pushing the transpacific partnership. the 12 nation free trade agreement the obama administration negotiated and without congressional approval is void. >> strengthened workers' rights and environmental rights, levelled the playing field and would be good for america
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workers and american businesses. >> reporter: this weekend as he has in the past, the current president attending the asia pacific economic cooperation summit in lima, peru. the summit is his final stop of his final foreign trip in office. 21 pacific nations make up apec, representing more than 40% of global trade. more than half of the nations agreed to the partnership. saturday, president obama meets with those world leaders to discuss that trade deal. yet another issue this president must address and can offer little assurance to his international counterparts on what exactly the world's largest economy will do under the next administration. >> i suspect the incoming administration has not thought about it very hard and doesn't know itself what it's going to do. so all of that suggests we do have a holding pat ttern for a while. >> reporter: failure to ratify the deal means the nations will turn to a competing arrangement. china's president is attending the summit. he and president obama will meet
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saturday. not on the president's schedule, a meeting with japanese prime minister shinzo abe. abe met with president-elect trump, the first foreign leader to do so. looking to the future of his country's relationship with the united states. another potential meeting for president obama, vladimir putin. the white house is acknowledging a statement from the kremlin they may meet at this summit. plenty to discuss if they do. there's the war in syria, the election of donald trump and claims by the obama administration russia tried to interfere in the u.s. election by hacking computers and releasing the information. >> rich edson, a lot tonight in lima. thank you. the zika virus is here to stay in the u.s. that's the message tonight from the world health organization. it says it is preparing for a long-term response to the
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mosquito born virus that can result in severe neurological defects in newborns whose mothers were affected. poor visibility is slowing down iraqi forces as they continue to retake parts of mosul. we look at what's becoming a long and dangerous slog. >> reporter: the crackling the gunfire and echo of explosions continued as iraqi forces advanced into eastern mosul they regained control of a district in northeastern mosul after a blistering fight. iraqi xhacommanders say they ar proceeding slowly and cautiously because of the thousands of people that remain trapped in the eastern mosul neighborhoods where the fighting has been heaviest. >> translator: isis tried to take us to use as human shield. >> reporter: this presents one of the biggest challenges for iraqi and kurdish forces, protecting innocent civilians
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caught in the cross fire and being used as human shields. iraqi military commanders say isis militants have also been trying to blend into the civilian population as they try to escape, hide or work as spotters. still, there are those who will not leave their homes like this man whose children waved white flags as troops swept the neighborhood for any remaining isis fighters. >> translator: no, no. i won't leave. where are we going to go? >> reporter: as an iraqi military sniper lay in wait, boys took advantage to play outside before the crackling of gunfire resumed. while commanders say the battle is nowhere near being over, there has been talk about post-isis control of this city. the white house says this was discussed today in germany where president obama met with foreign leaders agreeing on the need for if
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recapping our top story now. president-elect trump made some big hires today. selecting kansas congressman mike pompeo to lead the cia, general michael flynn as his national security advisor and alabama senator jeff sessions as attorney general. good evening, doug. >> reporter: good evening. right up until donald trump departure to new jersey this afternoon, trump tower was again the scene of a frenetic pace of comings and goings. >> great progress.
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great working with the president-elect. he is a man of action. we have a great number of men and women, great qualifications come forward to serve this new administration. >> reporter: also making news today, mr. trump agreeing to pay a $25 million to settle lawsuits over trump university real estate seminars. he had been accused by the new york attorney general of swindling thousands of innocent americans out of millions of dollars through a scheme known as trump university. as part of the settlement, he admits no wrongdoing. the case is not over. it has to be reviewed by a court perhaps as early as next year. the plaintiffs' attorneys did this work pro bono and will not be compensated. among these meets with president-elect trump today, former arkansas governor mike huckabee. speculations swirling he may be a choice for any number of cabinet positions. after his meeting, huckabee refused to feed the speculation. >> it's his job to make the
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decisions. and whatever decisions those are, it's going to be good. again, that's not for me to disclose. the only person giving out jobs in this building is president-elect trump, not me. >> reporter: also spotted in the lobby today, another arkansan, mr. cotton. jack keane withdrew his name and mattis may face obstacles not having spent the required seven years away from the military. trump is at the trump national golf club in bedminister, new jersey, in advance of his meeting with mitt romney. ai aides trying to tamp down speculation that romney is the chief candidate for the secretary of state job. >> it's an opportunity to hear his ideas and thoughts.
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>> reporter: late today, reuters reported that general petraeus who resigned his cia director job in the aftermath of an extramarital affair, his name has been included in potential secretaries of defense. back to you. >> a lot of names out there. doug, thank you. an update on the last week's president election. michigan still has not been called officially. donald trump has a lead of 13,000 votes. a spokesman for the secretary of state in michigan says there's no reason to think that lead will be reversed. let's look now at president-elect trump's pick to run the cia. for our special on the u.s. military, how we fight, i spoke with kansas congressman mike pompeo, a member of the house select committee on intelligence. i started with asking him his thoughts on president obama's iran nuclear deal. >> we're a year out from the agreement.
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and every single action the iranians have taken has been bolder and starker than the ones they took before the agreement. you can see it in their continued development of their missile program. they have now received air defense equipment from the russians. they continue to wreak havoc in gaza and in beirut and iraq. they are not slowing down. >> has the support for hezbollah and hamas dropped off? >> not at all. >> modified? >> none. if anything, greater. >> support for assad changed? >> none. >> military alliance with putin's russia moderated? >> stronger. >> harassment, other actions, has that changed dramatically? >> increased. more resources applied to the antagonism. >> then there's the seizure of americans, has that changed at all since the iran nuclear deal? >> it has not. we paid $1.7 billion in ransom.
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they have taken three americans since that time. >> since that time? >> that's correct. >> is there anything that is good out of this deal? >> i can't think of a thing. >> not one? >> i can't think of a thing that has put america in a better position as a result of this deal. >> you are not just saying that from a political ideology standpoint? >> no. if you have something you are thinking of or something that's been proffered by the administration, i would be happy to consider it. as i look at the middle east and world today that has resulted in -- from the time that the negotiations began until the time the deal was done and until today, i think iran is more powerful, puts the world in more risk and i can't think of a single benefit that has been derived from this. >> do some of the gulf nations have a decision to make between siding with the u.s. or siding with iran? >> it's a little more complicated than that. what they're really hoping is that the next leader of the united states will frankly return to the traditional
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understanding that what we're shooting for in the middle east is to ensure israel can continue to exist and that we can create a stable mechanism so that opportunity for really bad things to come out of the middle east and harm us here in the united states will be decreased. they're hoping that they will find a different partner come january of next year. >> what do you make of donald trump's assertion that the iran nuclear deal is disastrous and one of the first things he would do if elected would be renegotiate it? >> that deal is a disaster. i don't think there's any renegotiation of that deal that makes any sense. what america ought to do -- with a new president, ought to talk to the iranians and explain to them, those agreements are off. there's a new sheriff in town. we will handle this differently. you are not going to have the capacity to do the thing u.s yo have done and convince our european allies that's the right approach. >> when president obama took office, the u.s. military was seen as an unchallenged power in
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the middle east. eight years later now, how do you think the u.s. military is viewed in the middle east? >> the american power is viewed as diminished. it's not that our sailors aren't as good and our military capacity to inflict battlefield success just as good as it was. our willingness is what's being challenged, our commit ment to the middle east is being questioned. >> after the last eight years, what will the next president inherit with the u.s. military? >> he or she is going to inherit the finest military in the world. make no mistake about that. there's an incredible amount of rebuilding that's got to take place. we have deferred maintenance to equipment. we have a lot of places where we have to go reassure our allies that our military is prepared to support them, not fight in their place, but support them all around the world. >> do you trust what could be a president trump to do the right things when it comes to the u.s.
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military? >> i do trust mr. trump to do the right things for the united states military. i'm connevinced he will bring around him real leaders and how to create an effective fighting force and we will be better off in a trump administration. >> a couple weeks before the election, but pending senate confirmation, you are looking there at the next cia director. stocks were down today. the dow lost 36. the s&p was off five. the dow gained a tenth of a percentage point. the nasdaq was up one and two-thirds. let's talk about another big names. treasury secretary. good evening. what are you hearing? >> a lot. there's rampant chatter swirling around multiple names for the spot.
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it's loudest regarding three in particular. namely the man talked about as the front runner, steven mneuchen. mr. trump was actually back then trailing significantly behind hillary clinton in fund-raising. as national finance chairman, he worked his extensive connections with both banking. he spent 17 years at goldman sachs and hollywood where he produce order financed big hits over the past few years. interestingly, he had donated over the years to hillary clinton's previous campaigns. that didn't seem to bother donald trump then and it does not seem to bother him now. don't count out another banker, jamie diamond, the ceo of jp morgan chase. donald trump likes him. the chatter is loud around diamond but more questionable. our reporting is indicating diamond is happy to help but he would need convincing to take the job.
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remember, donald trump criticized wall street heavily during the campaign. word is he would love to have jamie, he is weighing other names like jeb henserling. he has been clear he wants to focus on revamping or rolling back regulations imposed on the banks after the financial crisis. donald trump has said he would want do that. he is closely aligned with mike pence. he interviewed at trump tower yesterday. he is on the short list. >> quickly, any dark horses? >> yeah. a bunch of them. two particular that we have been hearing about. henry kravitz. he was mentioned back in may. says he is flattered but loves his job. can't imagine leaving it. there are whispers about jack welch, who was an early supporter. whoever gets it, has to be someone who can handle the headache of the debt ceiling. it stands at $20 trillion. the president, congress and
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treasury face the decision of whether to lift it as soon as march of next year. the debt ceiling is the limit at which the government can borrow. these are huge fights we see every couple of years. >> thank you. coming up sunday, fox news reporting the trump revolution. we will take a look at the improbable story of how a real estate mogul and tv celebrity who never held office turned the political world upside down. one of trump's signature issues, of course, immigration. >> as i travel, people say i'm for trump. we get talking about issues. do you think he will build a wall and milwaukake mexico pay ? no, no. he will secure our borders. >> he will see defiance when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. mayors of major american cities vow they will remain sanctuary cities. he may find resistance in his own party. you are not on the same page. >> i don't agree with that. we are on the same page on securing the border.
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>> join me for fox news reporting the trump revolution, sunday night, 5:00 p.m. eastern. it runs again 9:00 p.m. eastern time. set the dvr. the panel comes back for the friday lightning round. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. why do protein drinks taste then get worse? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts.
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we're back with our panel. steve hayes, senior writer for "the weekly standard." mara liasson of "national public radio" and tom rogan, columnist for national review and opportunity lives. okay. first we had this settlement $25 million according to the new york attorney general eric sneiderman issuing the following statement. today's 25-million-dollar settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by donald trump and a major victory for the 6,000 victims of his
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fraudulent university. this is about trump university case goes on to say the victims of trump university have waited years for today's result and i am pleased that their patience and persistence will be rewarded by this 25-million-dollar settlement. >> we have not heard any reaction from the trump team. tom? >> the first question why didn't we do this in the campaign and the settlement makes it go away to some degree. clearly it represents on the part of the president-elect that once he is, you know, since the election, it is all about him. everything comes down to him. he has other things that clearly absorb his attention. he was shocked to win. now i think he is trying to grapple with that. this is another thing can he get out of the way because, again, the presidential daily brief. you have all that all the world now rests on his shoulders. >> he did say on the campaign, mara, that he doesn't settle. >> he said he would never settle but he did. of course these settlements always involve you don't have to make an admission of
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wrongdoing. >> which he doesn't. >> he doesn't and i'm sure we will be hearing about that from him. just something he had to get off his plate. $25 million is a lot of money. >> steve? >> i think it was rather unprofessional of the attorney general to celebrate the fact that trump reversed himself. i mean, who cares? if you are a professional make your case on the merits. i think he had a good case on the merits. i think it was a scam university. i think donald trump victimized some of the very people who needed a break most. took their money. some of them paying as much as $35,000. he did reverse himself but that's not the story here. i think the story is what tom pointed to. this goes away. if he had done it earlier, he could have potentially avoided the bigoted comments he made about the judge which was the judge in this case. >> obviously his supporters didn't have a problem with any of this and he got the victory. president obama on a foreign trip talking to -- >> probably millions of voters who voted for me and supported me and this time also voted for donald trump.
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and it just indicates some ideological and more just an impulse towards some sort of change. i do think that all politicians today have to be more attentive to people wanting to be heard, wanting to have more control over their lives. >> this is the fourth time i have heard him answer questions about this election. none of them have with his policies and his administration. >> it has been to follow his comments on this trip. some sort of change as if the past 8 years hadn't happened. he hadn't been president of the united states. clear kind of training. and as you talked about before if you look at the direction, the gains that republicans hav the state. it's a clear direction one kind of change. >> across the nation. >> this is -- since 2000, every single election, except for 2012 has been a change election.
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one house of congress or both of the white houses change party control. voters keep on voting for change. on that one he is right. certainly a repudiation of him. no president in the united states history has lost more seats for his party while he was in office than barack obama. that's also true. but, there were people who gave him high approval ratings who voted for donald trump under the circumstances know, because he had 54% approval rating. people who voted him in 2008 and in 2000 -- he worked his heart out for hillary clinton. >> and said his legacy was on the line. >> yes. >> turn to winners and losers. lightning round, winners and losers. winner first? >> i'm going to go with pat buchanan. the change now on the election night he emailed me it didn't look good. but now that this narrative, you look back, the similarities on every level. you essentially have a sort of buchanan administration rendered in trump. i thought i should give him a shout out for that. >> loser. >> the coach of the men's national soccer team the united states we can do
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better than this. >> winner and loser? >> winner vladimir putin gets the friendliest u.s. administration that he has ever had or could ever imagine. >> loser? >> loser chris christie very loyal to trump and got totally cut out. i think the winner is reince priebus took on steady campaign and added professionalism and knowledge, studied that campaign and produced unified government despite the fact that people thought he wasn't going to be able to do it. the loser is nancy pelosi. dopily divided democratic party she has got now a rival for her position as minority leader. it's going to be a couple ugly years for nancy pelosi. >> although reince priebus is tougher to get ahold of these days. >> just going to say. he doesn't return calls as much. maybe next week he will be the loser. >> oh man. that's it for the panel. take another look at nationwide challenge when we return.
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social media and everyone from politicians to hollywood stars. to nfl teams, to police forces all joining in. completely still as the cameras pan threw the scene. have you guys seen this? yeah. ♪ >> it's not a still photo. ♪ >> they're doing it across the nation. we don't really know why. but, hook, everybody. so we decided to give it a shot. oh, there is the dog. we decided to give it a shot. what do you think? i think carson is very impressive. panel. that was very good. i think we compete on that high level. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid.
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i'm leaving tonight with my family for thanksgiving week. it's been a long election cycle. so make it a great weekend and happy thanksgiving early. see you on the 28th. "tucker carlson tonight" starts right now. we will see you then. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." a big day for president-elect trump as some major appointments for top appointments in his administration are announced. jeff sessions for attorney general. retired lieutenant general michael flynn for national security advisor. and kansas republican congressman mike pompeio for cia director. they have critics of the national security policies of
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