tv Media Buzz FOX News November 21, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST
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donald trump's transition is a chaotic mess, kellyanne conway's weighs in and why the journalists she deals with totally misjudged the election. >> unequivocally and unprovable. if you quantify the analyses that were performed before the election, you will quickly see story after story, the path is narrow, the path is over, there is no 270. >> the media meanwhile ratcheting up their criticism of the president-elect. >> sources tell cnn there's infighting and chaos and the trump insiders didn't care about the transition because nobody
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thought they were going to win. >> week two, the media is talking about disarray, everything is going to hell. it's not even a month. >> the start of the trump administration is wobblier and weirder than i think anyone expected or imagined. >> and outrage that trump ditched his press pool to take his wife to dinner. with new appointments now for attorney general and national security advisor, are news organizations giving trump and his team a fair shot? megyn kelly on tough personal and professional challenges, including her long and bitter battle with donald trump. >> he told me i was a disgrace and that i ought to be ashamed of myself and then he told me i almost unleashed my beautiful twitter account against you, and i still may. plus, how on earth did fake news get so popular? i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz". kellyanne conway has become
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the face of the trump transition. i sat down with donald trump's former campaign manager in new york. >> kellyanne conway, welcome. >> thank you, howie. >> three columns in the "new york times" the other day, firing put trump transition team in a state of disarray. what do you make of all the negative coverage? >> it's disappointing because it's inaccurate. i'm in the transition meetings every day with president-elect trump and vice-president elect pence. themselves are goi things are going well. how is the transition fairing in terms of having these landing teams on each of the issue sets and within each of the departments and agencies and are we prepared -- >> wait. the press wants to know why he hasn't picked the cabinet yesterday. >> the answer is it's a very serious task. and we're right on time for
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what's been done in the past. 16 years ago we didn't know who the president was until december 12th let alone who his cabinet would be formed of. i think everybody should just relax. for me it's been an extension with the media, extension of all the negativity and inaccuracies and the conclusion and search of evidence that truly defined the campaign season. >> since you brought that up, do you feel that, especially in the general election now continuing in this transition period, that the press, much of the press i should say, has held donald trump to a more negative, harsher, different standard than other presidential candidates? >> inco veritably, unequivocally and improvable. if you quantified the analyses that were performed before the election, you will quickly see story after story the path is narrow, the path is over, there is no 270, donald trump will destroy the entire republican party, take all the down ballot
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candidates with him. >> when you went on all those shows in the closing weeks and said he has a path, he could win this election, you were kind of dismissed as offering a lame kind of spin. >> it was a combination of we love kellyanne but she's full of it, or she works really hard but the path is over, the race is over. and howie, the open question is, what will come of that? will many people in the media stop listening to each other and start listening to americans because in my view, the cues and the clues of this election result were in front of everyone the whole time. they were hiding in plain sight. >> why couldn't journalists hear them? you're saying the bubble is an echo chamber? >> fundamentally speaking one would think on paper that hillary clinton would have the best chance of being elected president and for a while i think that's true if you looked at the fundamental, who has raised the most money, hired the most staff, who's best known in the country, who has that, quote, d.c. resume that would
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qualify her. i think the "new york times" put it best and the "washington post" and other places where these journalists literally admitted that donald trump compelled them to suspend objective standards of basic journalism, that their mandate was stop him at all costs. so you see people orienting their polling, orienting their polling questions that way. >> some of these journalists would say we weren't trying to stop him, we were trying to fully vet him and investigate him. donald trump has fired back and tweeted several times at the quote failing "new york times" this week saying the paper looks foolish, but he told leslie stall he was going to be restrained on twitter so is this going to remain a weapon of his against the media? >> it's a tool of communication for him that's very effective. he has $20 million plus followers on facebook and twitter combined it's such a powerful exit, a mode of communicating, but for him posting an event or rally he was
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going to have or an article that talked about the strength he may have in western pennsylvania for example or the rural vote, but for him posting there, maybe 25 million people had not been exposed to that. i still think it's a powerful tool for communications but who can blame him if he's frustrated with not getting a fair shake. the irony for me is because the media did not equip america for president-elect donald trump, you have many people who can't accept the election results. i think that's the greatest irony of the last few weeks. everybody ask people like me or donald trump himself, will you accept the results of the election. >> right. >> it was the right question, asked of the wrong candidate. >> let me move to this. there was a huge flap over trump ditching his press pool and going out to dinner at the 21 club with his wife, overblown in my view, but there's an important issue here. does donald trump understand the importance of having a protective press pool follow the
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president-elect? >> yes, and yes, it was overblown. he has a right to go out to dinner with his family. secondly, yes, it is important to have a protective pool. our communications director, jason miller, did say after the 21 dinner that they'll do a better job of informing the press. >> he's committing to allowing a pool to be there just in case something unfortunate happens? >> well, he's committing to -- we're working out everything in transition but he's committing to having the press do what it needs to do and be where it needs to be to cover him properly. let me make very clear something that's important. when barack obama and michelle obama slipped out once 0 or twice for a date night, it literally was heralded as he's in touch with the common man, look how great they are going to date night. again, it shows you the disper at coverage of two different men trying to do the same thing. >> you're seeing a double standard here. in the closing weeks in the campaign you were interviewed by
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msnbc news anchor stephanie rule and she said to how do you face your children working for donald trump. what did you think at the time? >> i was offended to be honest with you. it wasn't the first time i heard that question and i usually get it a lot by twitter, usually by people who have cats as their picture. >> but for a journalist to say who by the way is the president-elect -- >> that's exactly right. first of all, i live with myself by setting a great example for my children that if you work hard and one day get your opportunity, great things could happen. if you don't whine, complain, if you focus and become im per vee yus to the nay sayers and critics, you can accomplish the task at hand. i thought stephanie's question was symptomatic of the following which is the media insisted to the american people here's what's important to you as you go into the ballot box and they became of one mind in that it was going to be exactly what hillary clinton was saying on the stump, what anchors -- what
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mainstream journalists were saying on print and in tv and what hillary clinton's paid advertisement was about. she ended up talking about donald trump and women to the very last moment or what he had said about someone 25 years earlier, and america rebelled. they said you are not going to tell me what's important to me. so i always find the thought police and those who pretend they're for freedom of thought and personal liberty are full of it when it comes to here's how you should raise your children, here's what you should discuss with them. nobody is going to come between me and the way i decide to raise my children and what i discuss with them, but i can tell you they're very proud and like other people, particularly women in politics children, they've made enormous sacrifices for their mother to do this. >> there's a lot of resentment from the press. thank you kellyanne conway. >> thank you. joining us to analyze the coverage of the presidential transition, aaron mcpike, a
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former reporter for real clear politics, kelly ra dell from the washington times and joe trippy, a fox news contributor. when you heard kellyanne conway say that in her view she contends the coverage of the trump transition has been negative but has it been fair? >> at the beginning of michael smerconish's show on cnn he said that my glass is now half empty which i thought was unfortunate because we're just a week and a half into the transition and the people voted for change. it's important for even the press to keep an open mind. >> the transition has been a bit messy, kelly, with mike pence replacing chris christie, former congressman mike rogers was fired but all transitions are somewhat messy. do you see a different press standard here? >> yes, i definitely do. i think the press seeks out stories to confirm their own bias and that is that trump's presidency is going to be messy. the truth of the matter is president obama didn't name a cabinet must be for the first 14
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days of his presidency, and david axelrod even tweeted out this week that i don't remember anyone giving us grief for not naming our cabinet members this quickly. >> axelrod said he thought it was an unfair shot. >> exactly. i think it's been totally unfair. >> when trump attacks the "new york times" on twitter and says things are going smoothly, well, not that smoothly. >> i agree with kelly and david axelrod and a lot of the other people. i think there are -- look, the coverage has been negative. i think the unfair part is transition in disarray. >> there was a three column headline in the "new york times." >> this is like seven or eight days after he's become the president-elect that people are complaining. >> what explains that media mind-set that it's too slow, too chaotic, he barely knows what he's doing? >> i think that's driven by the narrative that was created by the campaign and the american people by all polling buying into this argument that he was
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unfit, he wasn't ready, he's not qualified. what i'm saying is so now you carry that narrative forward, what i think the trump campaign didn't understand was that anything they did like changing transition was going to play into that narrative. i do think it was unfair. i think the legitimate questions about who's he talking to -- >> sure will you tell let me come back to erin. it feels like the election is still going on and that many elements of the press are still sort of on a war footing perhaps even in opposition to donald trump. >> i think you're seeing a lot of editorializing going on by the mainstream media in terms of who he picks. for every name that gets floated that's a far right conservative choice, that's also an establishment choice and i think that could be politically shrewd but that's not how the press is covering it. >> donald trump is talking to people like mitt romney who trashed him during the campaign.
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kellyanne conway said that many people can't seem to accept the election results. do you, kelly, think that that includes some news organizations? >> absolutely. that's why you see on the front page of the "new york times" today a story about a school in iowa they profiled and how in disarray it is because of this election or people can't go home on thanksgiving and have a civil discord with each other. on the front page it's fueling that narrative. >> there's this whole sort of what do we tell the children. kellyanne conway becoming so famous that she popped up -- or someone portraying her popped up on "saturday night live". take a look. >> i want to thank you for all you've done. i wouldn't be president without you. >> i think about that every day. >> kate mckinnon switching from her hillary role. let us know what you think. when we come back, donald trump slips out for dinner and sparks a huge controversy by ditching his press pool.
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donald trump took his wife melania out to eat at the 21 club the other night and the media went into a full blown frenzy. >> trump apparently had other plans. he decided to go out to dinner without alerting some of his key staffers as well as the press. >> look, it's a pain for every president to have the press following him around, but that's part of it. they have to serve a function on behalf of the american people. >> kelly rid dell, was president-elect trump slipping off to 21, was the coverage just a tad mellow dramatic? >> just a tad. this is from the pool report from barack obama first
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slipped -- when he was president-elect, it was december and christmas in december in honolulu. they wrote the obama's left the park at 1:40 after the dolphin show. based on his dry clothes it did not appear that the president-elect swam with the dolphins. isn't that cute? >> no national cat clichl. but they say new presidents don't like it but they have to become accustomed to it. it dates back to 1963. >> true but he's not president yet. he's president-elect. i think from being in that bubble, that security bubble, it is -- you want to try to stay out of it as long as you can. >> you would cut him some slack until he takes the oath of office? >> part of the problem here is the mistrust between the trump campaign and the press, and so i think -- which didn't exist that much between obama and the press. they were all gaga about him. >> people tweeting us now saying
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distrust and exist. with obama it was a lovefest after he got elected. but there is a larger point here and that is the media fear that this is the beginning of substantial restrictions on press access. there were no photographers allowed for example when president-elect trump met with the japanese prime minister. you heard kellyanne conway say he would commit to allowing the press to cover him properly. >> right, the press is always going to fight this. my own view has always been that a lot of these press fights in the negotiation should go on without bringing the public into it because it's a waste of the public's time. we do need a protective pool -- >> you're saying no one out there cares about our little problem. >> let's get that protective pool for sure. we always give the same ghoulish example but there could be other examples of why they need the protective pool. this might sound hypothetical but the president could do something heroic for a civilian or encounter another world leader. these things do need to be documented but we don't need to
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have these fights out in the public view. >> i think sometimes people react by saying, oh you whiney journalists, who cares whether you get to go to the golf course or not. it's actually pretty dull most of the time when you're sitting around but we are the eyes and ears of the public. anyone want to disagree with that? >> no. it's true. >> but i think it's more important once he becomes president. i think the negotiation is going on right now and there is a lot of mistrust there. the other thing i think trump's not doing, he shows no urge at all to assure anybody that's got doubts. so the press is all worried that they're going to get shut out. >> the fact that he listed the credentials of news organizations, didn't allow reporters to fly on the plane. but it will be different when he becomes president. that leaves a little bit of time to discuss "hamilton". it's on the front page of the "new york times" and the "washington post" today that vice-president elect mike pence went to see the famous play in new york. some audience members booed and then one of the cast members did this.
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>> we, sir, we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents. >> brief comment from each of you. >> there's a line in the show where somebody says immigrants, we get the job done. and the audience usually erupts to that comment in the show. it's no question what the point of view of that cast is. >> elite liberals lecturing america. >> go. >> exactly right. and trump plays right into that and the elite liberals play right in with their response. >> as a semiliberal you agree that this was -- as trump put it in his tweet, very rude. >> he takes the bait, then we take the bait. it's just the way it is and i think unless -- i mean, one thing is the press then gets caught into it too. they have to report this. >> everyone blows it up. i'm going to take the radical
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fake news has become increasingly, maddoningly disturbingly popular, especially on facebook. i'm talking about websites that deliberately post phony stories. a buzzfeed study found the 20 most popular bogus election stories from fake sites drew more comments and more engagement than the 20 most popular stories from legitimate newspapers, networks and websites. hundreds of thousands of people click on such phony junk as pope francis endorse donald trump.
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one bozo bragged that the "washington post" that he helped with the election which is ludicrous. even president obama got into the act at a news conference in berlin. >> if we are not serious about facts and what's true and what's not, and particularly in an age of social media where so many people are getting their information and sound bites and snippets off their phones, if we can't discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems. >> mark zuker berg said the social network would crack down by kicking fake websites off. zuckerberg has admitted that trending topics discriminated against top stories and fired
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the staff but can he hire people objective enough? zuckerberg denies it but he now runs a very powerful media economy and that means he needs to impose some minimal standards. coming up, my conversation with megyn kelly about her long battle and eventual truce with the next president and whether she still has the scars.
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show, he was ticked off about an earlier segment and he called you. what did he say? >> i wrote about this in "settle for more". you are in this scene. the opening chapter is a real page turner. there's a scene in which howie kurtz comes over to me and says what's going on. i said if only i could tell you, you would realize it's the biggest story in the country. >> i like that you worked me in. >> i remember that moment sdinkly because the republican front-runner threatened to unleash his twitter account against me. little did i know how that would pail in comparison to what ultimately happened. mr. trump was upset with a segment i had done on the kelly file and that monday he insisted that i call him, the monday before the thursday debate. so i did. he expressed his displeasure about the segment i had done. i said he should have been thanking me because the segment i thought was very good for him.
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he didn't see it that way. he told me i was a disgrace and that i should be ashamed of myself and told me i almost unleashed my beautiful twitter account against you and i still may. >> so when you asked the question about his demeaning comments about women, you write that you had the impression that he knew this was coming. what gave you that impression? >> no. what i write was that the day before the debate he had called one of our fox news executives and that he had heard my first question for him was going to be a very pointed question, but he did not know what the question was. >> certain tv hosts were in the tank for donald trump, you say, and to the point where you say that they would arrange with trump in advance to ask him critical questions or do certain hits on him so they would appear to have some credibility. so are you suggesting they were play acting? >> yes. it was acting. >> this was more than one network you say. >> yes. >> but you can't tell us who? >> no because these were off the
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record kofrgconversations that not at liberty to reveal. while i would love to tell you who it was, i have this information and i'm not allowed to name names. trust me, it did happen and it's been confirmed by more than one television executive. >> during the many months that donald trump was going after you following the debate on twitter, public comments, all kinds of language, lightweight bimbo, and it went on and seems relentless at the time. at the same time many of his fans were attacking you in very crude language on twitter, sexual language, violent language, death threats. you had security. do you still bear the scars from that? >> no. i'm fine and i think donald trump and i are fine. the vast majority of donald trump supporters have been lovely to me and watch the kelly file and we're all good. they get it. they understand what a journalist is supposed to do. >> how do you go through something like that and just leave it behind? >> i think i'm pretty resilient.
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i write about this in the book. pun of the purposes of writing "settle for more" was to take issue with this so-called can you be cake generation, that's what i've dubbed them, who believe they're entitled to safe spaces, they're entitled to never be offended. they're all about p.c. culture. having grown up in a different era, i have a problem with this because i think we are wust fewing our children and that does not comport with real life. we're not letting them build the muscles they're going to need to function in real life where there is upset, there is a fence, there are people who behave badly at times. so i lived a life in which i had plenty of adversity as detailed in my book from bullying a couple of times in my life to a divorce, to the loss of my father, to issues when i practiced law, and all of that served me well in the end because it helped me deal with the people who are very unhappy with my questioning of donald trump and it helped me sort of categorize it correctly which is
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it didn't change who i was, it was just an irritant that needed to be dealt with. >> although the press called this a feud, you did not fight back because you didn't want to become the ongoing story with the republican front-runner. at the same time you say there were debates between you and your producers about the show and whether you were being too easy on trump, too hard on trump. that must have been difficult in light of the fact that you were so much in the news. >> it was odd because my team is amazing and my executive producer, tom lowell is amazing, as you know. and we just held steady. we were steady at the helm trying not to veer off course from doing fair and balanced coverage. we didn't want to be too hard on trump, to tall yat against him for what he was doing to me, we didn't want to be too soft to curry favor with the man who's coming after me and i think we did a great job and i credit my team for that. but the nights where my relationship with donald trump was national news were bizarre. i mean, everyone in the country
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was talking about me and donald trump and we were talking about policy or something else having nothing to do with that because we didn't want to shine a light on that story and it would have been too weird and too meta. >> you eventually sought the trump tower meeting with him. you got a hug and got to interview him for your broadcast special and you moved on. are there things you admire about donald trump? >> plenty of things. i think what donald trump's detractors don't know about him in addition to the fact that they now know he can connect with millions of americans in a way that many might not be able to. i think he's got a lot of charm. if he wants to charm you, you're going to be charmed. i always had a very nice relationship with him and i think actually we're back on good terms now. it was just that weirdness of the campaign where things went south. but i think he's magnanimous. i think he's a very good father. i love how his children reflect on him. i think he's got a great
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relationship with melania. my own experience with donald trump is he is funny, quick, he's smart, he's a straight and direct communicator and, trust me, i think a lot of people would be surprised at how much they would like him if they spent one-on-one time with him. >> but isn't it a little weird for you to now be covering president trump and do you think there's any sort of warning in the press in the way he went after news organizations but the way he went after you? >> no, it's not weird for me to be covering him at all. i'm looking forward to it. i think it's going to be riveting. i think we're going to have to steel our spines in covering president trump because if he decides to go after another journalist like he did me while he's in the oval office, it's going to be real first amendment concerns and journalists are going to have to stand strong in the face of that pressure. after the break, megyn kelly on dealing with her emotions and the turmoil at fox. . at godaddy, our goal is to make you look awesome online.
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>> oh gosh, honestly, i cry all the time. not on the air because that would be weird. but i actually don't mind crying. i feel like it's a release of the pain that you may be feeling in a given situation. i mean, the truth is i know people see me as this sort of tough news woman who is some people said fearless, but i am not fearless. i have plenty of fears, and the book talks about mustering the courage to get through them. listen, there are many nights over this past year where i cried. there have been many nights over my life where i've been really sad. i've dealt with a lot of tough times. but i do believe it's self-defeating to wallow in one's perceived victimhood. >> during the months of battles with trump, roger ailes defended you you say, but he also had to balance the presidential candidate. was it hard for you in writing this book to acknowledge that a
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decade ago you were sexualinly harassed by roger ailes and you say in the book he still denies it and that you volunteered this summer when ailes left the company that you wanted to tell your story. is it hard to relive that? >> well, it wasn't pleasant, but honestly i talked a lot about it with the murdochs, about whether i should write about what happened this past summer at fox news and what had happened to me ten years earlier. and i am proud to tell you that they believed as i did that it ought to be written about, and that sunlight is the best disineffect tant. for too long women have kept quiet about this kind of thing as i did, out of fear of being labeled a whiner or complainer or someone who couldn't get along with the boys. and i wrote about it because i know that there are other women out there, howie, who are wrestling with this. >> at all kinds of companies. >> everywhere, everywhere, news
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organizations and beyond, and they don't know what to do about it. my own experience in speaking with women about it here to whom this happened, they all felt that they were the only one. they all felt that they had done something, they were self-blaming, you know, like i must have invited it somehow. i want women to know it can happen even to somebody who had practiced law for nine years. i was new to this company but i had practiced law for nine years when this happened to me. so it can happen to anybody. look, when it happened to me, i made a record of it. i retained a lawyer. i did tell a supervisor. and that person advised me to just try to avoid him for the next -- for the foreseeable future, and i did, and that worked. and roger and i went on to have a healthy professional working relationship. >> and he did a lot for your career? >> a lot for my career. and when i wrote the book i thought do i go back and take that out of there now that this has come out that we did have
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this other chapter of our lives, and i felt it was important to leave the good stuff in there so they could see it's complicated. >> people look back at the last year and a half and it's been a tense year and a half for you and they say well, you had these battles with trump, you became famous, you're on national magazine covers, all of that, and they say, wow, it's pretty good for her, but at the time it must not have felt as good as it might looking back in retrospect you weren't trying to use it as a brand building exercise. >> i'll say this, i feel fortunate to have the job i have and to have the life i have, incredibly fortunate. but it's not all luck and the book details the value of hard work. i busted my tail to get to where i am and i didn't come from any money or any circles of power. i had none of those advantages, but i had parents who loved me and helped me believe in myself. >> and on that note, megyn kelly, thanks for sitting down with us. >> thanks, howie. great to see you. >> megyn kelly, "settle for
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the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. plenty of contentious coverage of two of president-elect trump's high level picks. retired general michael flynn as national security advisor. we're back with the panel. of course the media are going to raise questions about michael flynn. but here's from the "new york times" talking about trump and flynn. they both post on twitter about their own successes and both at times cross the line between outright islam phobia and exhibit a loose relationship with the facts.
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>> wow, that's pretty outrageous so i'm going to read something back to you from paul krugman at the "new york times". he's a liberal columnist. trump has selected a white supremacist as a strategist, a racist a.g. and a crazy islam phobia for national security but we can work with them. >> i want to get to that in a minute. joe trippi, you know, it's one thing for liberal commentators to go off. the news coverage seems to me to be unusually aggressive toward general flynn to start with, and i wonder where you think it falls on the fairness scale. >> first of all, i think the hearings are going to matter and the reporting on that matters. again, the reporting is getting ahead of things.
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some of the quotes that are being reported noef >> before we have an argument on that. this is weird for me. senator jeff sessions before he was a senator i covered the senate hearings in 1986 in which he was denied a federal judgeship. ronald reagan nominated him. he mostly admitted to these. he called the aclu and naacp being unamerican.
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he thought kkk was okay until he learned they smoked pot. some is in dispute. the question for the media is this was 30 years ago and how important should that loom? >> what i think is important in both of these cases for flynn and sessions, these stories are opening with conflict rather than credentials and he's had 30 years of credentials since then. with flynn specifically i have a little bit of whiplash over that kind of coverage because when he was up for vp earlier in the summer the press was interested in this outsider pick with strong credentials that would help donald trump with his national security policy. but now there's a lot of questioning about it. >> the contrast, kelly, to the coverage of jeff sessions and it's fair to bring up the old stuff but he's had a 20 year senate record since then. there's a buzz from the past. "new york times" when eric holder was named attorney general at the end of 2008, high achiever poised to scale new
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heights. now he's very liberal compared to say where the republicans are and yet that was about his achievements. >> jeff sessions was one of the few gop senators that voted to confirm eric holder as ag. he signed an extension to the civil rights act. he marched on selma's 50th anniversary. he's since 1986, has done some great things in the u.s. senate and is looked at as an equaltarian between democrats and republicans. >> it is 30-year-old stuff. i believe people do change, can change. there's things in his record that he might. >> politico has a headline session session parked as ag could spark civil rights. isn't that why we have elections. >> yeah. but both of the facts are real. this guy's background, what he
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did, i read your articles from back then. so i'm saying both things are real. the senator, i think his advantages that the senators know him from all this time and we'll see what happens. >> he's part of the senate club. jared curb near donald trump's son-in-law playing an influential role. huge "new york times" profile of him today. seemed fair to me. somewhat sympathic but no comment from jared cukushner. >> the press is obviously very skeptical of jared kushner. it makes sense for the trump team to put him out for interviews so we have some clear views of jared kushner. >> "times" headline inlaw with outlaw in power. he's a steady hand.
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great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. bilplante just retired. he covered the civil rights movement. the war in vietnam. covering presidents going back to ronald reagan. he's a fixture at the white house every time guy the white house. i see him looking there. you see him age over the years. he had that remarkable voice. he was a straight arrow. remarkably nice guy. a though back to old-fashioned journalism. sad loss for the news business this week with the death of gwen ifill. moderator fort worth two vice presidential debates. >> she was a super nova in a profession loaded with smart and talented people. >> they have to find a way
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network with this president for the next two years. >> nbc's gwen ifill on capitol hill. >> welcome to the first and only 2008 vice presidential debate. >> we have a dedicated committed audience who want to kmor. who want us to dig a little deeper on their behalf. >> ifill started out as a reporter, print person for "the washington post". while she's occasionally generated controversy in the past, barack obama was featured in a book she wrote on black politicians before she moderated the debate involving his running mate joe biden the bottom line gwen wasn't flashy and didn't make the news about herself. gwen ifill was 61. that's it for this edition of "mediabuzz". miami howard kurtz. thank you for watching. we hope you like our president bush a page. ask a question, make a comment about the media. "mediabuzz"
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continue the conversation at howard kurtz. also tweet us. we're back here next sunday like every sunday. 11:00 eastern wit live out a very happy life. when that with, a very happy thanksgiving. i'm wlchris wallace. all eyes are on trump tower as the transition goes full speed ahead. >> a lot of activity going on upstairs. >> the president-elect is an open door. >> we'll talk with vice president-elect mike pence about trump's picks so far and what his role will be in the trump white house. >> he's a man of action. i'm humbled to be a part of it. >> mike pence live, only on "fox news sunday." plus, we'll hear from our sunday group, including laura ingraham, who's being considered for white house press secretary. then, how will democrats work with president trump? >> we challenge him.
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