tv Hannity FOX News November 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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you were such an inspiration to young girls. you are showing them they can be strong, empowered and respected and be what they put their mind to. amen to that. thank you all for listening and reading. have a wonderful thanksgiving. ♪ and have a wonderful thanksgiving. and welcome welcome to "hannity." tonight president-elect donald trump beats down the abusively biassed alt radical left mainstream media. kellyanne conway will join us in a few minutes. first, the president-elect is fighting back against the press that openly colluded with the clinton campaign and tried to undermine his candidacy every single step of the way. earlier today he met with the "new york times." we will have more on that in a second. first, yesterday at trump tower, network executives and anchors from cnn, msnbc, abc, nbc and fox news attended a meeting meant to reset relations with the president-elect. now, fox news executives were in
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attendance but they wouldn't comment since it was an off-the-record briefing. however, according to the "new york post" donald trump used the opportunity to call out many members of this dishonest press. now, trump reportedly told them all, quote, we're in a room full of liars. the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wroj. trump even took direct aim at cnn president jeff zucker, saying that everyone at the network were liars and that zucker should be ashamed of himself. now, the president-elect didn't stop there. he reportedly hit nbc news for their coverage of his campaign, and trump slammed abc new's martha radditz who was at the meeting for almost crying during election night coverage. you may remember this. >> tim kaine has a son in the marine corps. he asked by john diggerson, so if donald trump is democratically elected and your son is serving as a marine, you wouldn't trust his life under that commander-in-chief? kaine said, i wouldn't. that's a pretty extraordinary
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thing to say. if you have a son in the marine corps and that you don't trust the commander-in-chief, people in the military defend the constitution. now i'm sure some of the room had a little feelings hurt, but really who cares? didn't they deserve every bit of what trump said to them? keep in mind, some of the so-called unbiassed journalists, they laughed off donald trump and said he never stood a chance. years before he even decided to run for president. and they each had to eat their words. watch this. >> donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican, which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke. >> do it! do it. look at me. do it. i will personally write you a campaign check now on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run. >> this man has got some momentum, and we better be ready for the fact he might be leading
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the republican ticket. >> i know you don't believe that, but i want to go on. >> which republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election? >> of the declared ones right now, donald trump. [ laughter ] >> mr. trump, to answer your call for political honesty, i want to say, you're not going to be president, all right. [ laughter ] >> it's been fun. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states, exclamation point, @realdonaldtrump. well, @realdonaldtrump, at least i will go down as a president. >> i think this is going to be really the beginning of the end of donald trump. >> it is likely to be the beginning of the end of donald trump sitting atop the gop. you wrote this is the beginning of the end for donald trump.
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>> there's just no way to win if you -- over half the population doesn't support you. >> talk about the biggest loser, isn't that a show on nbc? he could end up being the biggest loser. >> there's a possibility, nancy, that he could -- he could win? >> no, he's not going to win. >> it is impossible? >> he is not going to win. don't worry about that. >> hillary clinton only two away from 270 electoral votes. let's say the clinton campaign is feeling fantastic about nevada, let's give that to her for a moment. you heard them say they're feeling good about florida. >> this is where we stood coming into the night, 268 to 204, so clearly an advantage for secretary clinton. >> donald trump won the state of arkansas. fox can project donald trump will win the states of kansas, north dakota, south dakota, texas and wyoming, and we are about to make a major call. fox news decision desk is now projecting donald trump has won the state of north carolina, projecting that donald trump will win the state of utah. >> a victory for donald trump in
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ohio condition called by the fox news decision desk at this point. iowa will go to donald trump. >> donald trump has won the state of wisconsin. >> donald trump will win the state of florida. >> the fox news decision desk has called pennsylvania for donald trump. this means that donald trump will be the 45th president of the united states. amazing how wrong so many were. also, earlier today president-elect trump met with the "new york times." now, i'm sure they were trying to smooth things over with mr. trump. of course, after their unrelenting negative coverage of his campaign, now, mr. trump should keep in mind a few days before this meeting that paper praised former obama adviser, now a cnn contributor, van jones as, quote, a star of the 2016 campaign. by the way, the same van jones who was a member of the alt radical left and who viciously attacked donald trump on a consistent basis.
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those are just some of the things that were said about the president-elect on cnn with van jones. >> it is a white lash. this was a white lash against a changing country. it was a white lash against a black president in part. that's the part where the pain comes, and donald trump has a responsibility tonight to come out and reassure people that he is going to be the president of all of the people who he insulted and offended and brushed aside. >> if there's one thing that donald trump could do now that might calm some people, we're on track for a tragedy. >> oh, this is a really sad night, i'm just going the say it. this is a very sad night for the country. you can't polish this turd. >> he doesn't talk about george washington, he doesn't talk about ronald reagan the way he talks about putin and assad. this man has demonstrated an appalling lack of patriotism. >> he was describing some mad
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max america. i work in some of the toughest communities and neighborhoods in this country and i don't know what he's talking about. i have never felt this way in my life. i have read in history, being in moments where there's a big authoritarian movement at a leader that's rising up, and i felt that way tonight. now, all of this gets to my larger point tonight. now, in 2008 if you remember i said journalism was dead, and this election now shows it was far worse than any of us ever thought. wikileaks exposed rampant collusion between the media and of course hillary clinton's presidential campaign. we know that interim dnc chair donna brazile from the clinton campaign gave them multiple debate questions. it is called cheating. cnn was soliciting the dnc for questions they should ask donald trump, ted cruz and carly fiorina during interviews. they asked for approval before publishing their stories. so-called journalists allowed the clinton campaign to edit quotes. over as cnbc john horwood was
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offering the campaign advice and bragged about going after donald trump in a debate he was moderating. wikileaks exposed how journalists from every news organization except fox were invited to wine and dine at john podesta's house. they had the chance to cover donald trump fairly and honestly and blew it. maybe it is time to change the traditional relationship the press will have with the white house. in this day and age of twitter and facebook and instagram, does trump really need to be granting access to biassed journalists that openly oppose him? just look at the video the president-elect released yesterday. it was detailing actions that he will take on key issues during his first 100 days in office. now, trump can do this and speak directly to you, the american people, without having his words
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twisted and taken out of context. why not did that? so until members of the media come clean about colluding with the clinton campaign and admit that they knowingly broke every ethical standard that they're supposed to stand and uphold, they should not have the privilege, they should not have the responsibility of covering the president on behalf of you, the american people. here with reaction to all of this is trump senior adviser kellyanne conway. how are you, kellyanne? >> hi, sean. >> you know, i know your name has been mentioned for press secretary and i know the media got all upset donald trump took his family out to dinner three seconds away from trump tower one night and they didn't have the press pool notified. is it time that maybe we reconsider the conventional way presidents deal with the press in light of all of the bias and collusion we've discovered? >> well, apart from the protective press pool questions structurally, i think you're going to have a very unconventional presidency in donald trump because he's
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unconventional. he starts out as an outsider, non-politician who is accustomed to buildings things, fixings things, delivering, producing. he is a guy who produces results and that's what people want. now, i think many in the press, sean, are still in campaign mode. they're scratching their heads, figuring out how to stop this guy from becoming president or from forming a cabinet in his likeness or from actually doing things, a flurry of activities in the first 100 days, which may in fact undo some of the legacy of their favorite president, president obama. they need to get over that. you and i have talked about the snow flakes on campus, but i think for some in the media, the questions i get, very hostile. the presumptive negativity about him under the guys of fair coverage or balanced coverage is not true. >> you know, they -- >> they never prepared themselves for this possibility. they never prepared themselves or their readers this guy could actually win. >> i mean even up until late
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election night they were all convinced they knew the outcome, and they were all wrong. i'm a little bit tired though. this is outright collusion, giving questions, seeking questions from the dnc, allowing editing opportunities. the "new york times" ever allow the trump campaign to edit a story, look at a story before it was published? because they've interviewed me a lot over the years and they never gave me that opportunity. >> no, the "new york times" this year wrote a scathing editorial the day before the first debate out of the university. i guess maybe september 25th or so they wrote an editorial endorsing hillary clinton, basically saying why donald trump could not, should no and would not be president. had a separate article about all of the miss truths he has told, even though hillary clinton had been under a cloud of corruption for i don't know how long because of the mistruths she has told. so we don't expect -- you know, we don't expect them to fall in love with him or to fall in
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line, but they do have a responsibility to get it right. >> yeah. >> the one thing that happened with donald trump, sean, that's different from what happened with the bushes or reagan or other republican presidents is that in his case you had journalists going on cable tv, network tv and in print saying the following. i have to suspend all standards of objective journalism because of this guy. i can't even cover him the way i would cover a regular person because he's not a regular person. i mean think about that for a moment. >> it is unbelievable. journalism is dead, kellyanne. it doesn't exist. >> i sat next to him in both meetings, the one today at the "new york times" when is on the record and the one yesterday here in trump tower with the network executives. >> i heard it was a classic. >> it included five people from fox news. >> you did. >> and, you know, i think they're -- >> i wish i was there. >> pardon? >> i wish i was there for that beat-down i heard happened. >> well, a little bit of that,
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but mostly it was meant to be in the spirit of, okay, let's try to find a little bit of accord here so we get some kind of fair-handed coverage during the transition and of course after he is sworn in as president. but mr. trump did take the opportunity to tell them essentially that he -- i mean my words now, but he's the one that understood america, attracted america. >> 100%. >> and will now govern america. >> well, look already post election. they were wrong on steve bannon, theye wrong on jeff sessions, wrong on lieutenant general flynn. i have one question. my e-mail has been blowing up over the speculation that governor mitt romney who met with donald trump might get the secretary of state position, and a lot of people are beyond mystified considering all of the horrible things and the effort that heelped lead to smear and hurt donald trump. also, a lots of people are asking me, what are you going to do? can you comment on both of those things? a lot of people think you
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deserve a big position, like me. >> well, thank you. that's very kind. i have been offered a big position, but, sean, the fact is that i'm here to support the president-elect and the vice president-elect, both men who i know and admire greatly, however they need me in the transition. i told them as recently as an hour ago don't worry about me, that will all come together. in terms of governor romney, i think the secretary of state position is such that -- and all of the cabinet positions, you have to be qualified and capable, number one. number two, you have to be loyal to what president-elect trump said his investigation of the world and the agenda is for the first 100 days. >> you call him a fraud and huckster, whatever else, remember the speech he gave. it was just horrible and awful. >> i want to say, i just want to say generally apart from governor romney there were a lot of never-trumpers who were never trump until the last moment. read their twitter feeds, read what they were saying in different places.
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they didn't think he would win and instead of helping the nominee, they piled on. i'm all for diverse by, but i think one never-trumper is never but let's not get two, three or five in there. that would be my polite suggestion. but at the same time i think time donald trump is somebody who commands loyalty and shows loyalty to those around him, but he is mostly loyal to the american people and the ideas that he ran on. >> my e-mail is running -- >> looking to fill the cabinet -- pardon? >> about 100 to one against. and people are mad about if he is considering it, if i really is. i don't know if he is. >> that position has not been filled. i want to tell you frankly there are a number of candidates if line for that position, secretary of state. the job description from secretary of state is different from what you have seen from clinton and kerry. you don't need to fly around the world to be secretary of state. kissinger and schultz stuck closer to home. that would be my model. >> i want to know your position is next time you're on, because
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you obviously played a big role for the president-elect. >> you will be first to know. >> good to see you. thank you. coming up, president-elect trump lays out his agenda for first 100 days. we will tell you what he is promising you, the american people. we will get reaction from sean spicer. and monica crowley later tonight, sheriff clarke and how some are plotting to block his plans. that and more straight ahead. ♪
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president-elect. he has formally offered him position of secretary of the department of housing and urban development. carson said he's not interested in serving in the trump administration, but said he will consider the offering over thanksgiving. mr. trump calls him a talented person who loves people. the dow closes above the 19,000 mark for the first time as a post-election rally continues to push the market to a new record. it rose 67 points monday to finish at 19,023. it gained four points to a new high on the s&p. nasdaq has a high level gain of 17. now back to "hannity." ♪ welcome back to "hannity." so president-elect trump put out a video last night detailing what he's going to do in his first 100 days in office. here are a few of the policy plans. take a look. on trade, i'm going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the trans-pacific partnership, a potential disaster for our country.
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i will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of american energy, including shale energy and clean coal, creating many million also of high-paying jobs. on regulation, i will formulate a rule that says for every one new regulation two old regulations must be eliminated. on immigration, i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the american worker. >> here now with reaction, rnc chief strategist and communications director, sean spicer, and fox news contributor monica crowley. what i like the most about it is, okay, trade, energy, regulation, national security, immigration, ethics reform, draining the swamp. it was every campaign promise. following up on a promise to me is really important. >> that's right. i think what the president-elect understands is that the first 100 days are crucial. he's got to move with all deliberate speed because he will have a honeymoon period but it will be relatively short, maybe
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shorter than most presidents. >> the left is already there, salivating on attacking him. >> right, but he has control of the senate and house, so in the first 100 days he has to do a couple of things he just laid out, primarily laying out a pro growth economic agenda, cutting marginal tax rates, the corporate tax rate, getting money repatriated back. rolling back the executive orders president obama put into place, and on the national security side. if he can get the two cornerstones in place in the first 100 days as well as fill the supreme court vak answery, rolling back obamacare, repealing and replacing that, he will be well on his way to getting the economy roaring again. once he does that, sean, he shuts up his critics. >> it took reagan two-and-a-half years until we saw the benefits. >> these are executive actions. you haven't seen anything yet. in is not the legislative agenda. this is day one executive office. >> how often will hen si be sig
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his name getting rid of obama's bad work. >> this is stuff he can do on all of those fronts right away, but it remind people to your point that what he campaigned on he's going to deliver on. i think that's important because he talked about change, and if you didn't hear it out of that, the lobbying ban is huge. it is so forward thinking. it says if you want to serve in a trump administration, you need to serve this country, not yourself, for five years you can't be a lobbyist. for the rest of your life, you can't serve -- >> why were some republicans trying to bring back earmarks last week? >> i think the tone is going to change and the actions will back it up. we will see a government that works for the american people, that's focused on jobs. finally, to your point, somebody goes in in and says, i'm going to show you what happens when you do exactly what you say you're going to do, and the country will be rewarded for it. >> that's where republicans have gone wrong with the american people. in fairness to republicans, they promised to repeal, replace
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obamacare. a lot of show votes. but when it came to putting teeth in it, their constitutional enumerated power, they didn't use it. >> this is why donald trump is now president-elect of the united states. he became the republican nominee for that reason, because republicans, independents, disaffected democrats, they looked at the bipartisan ruling class and said, you are all corrupt, we are sick of all of y'all because you never have delivered on what you have promised us, on both sides. we are now going to try something completely different. >> you're filling in for me tomorrow. >> tomorrow night, yes. >> you're the best. >> thank you, sean. >> i know our audience loves you. sean, you deserve a congratulations. i know how harold you work. >> thank you. >> i will go one-on-one with "buzzfeed" reporter rosy gray about the alt-left and alt-right that she talks about, but first tonight -- a trump administration will end this nightmare of violence. we will stop illegal immigration. >> president-elect donald trump promised voters he would deport
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all criminal illegal immigrants, but liberals are trying to stand in their way and are now soliciting the help of president obama. we will check in with sheriff david clarke. mercedes schlapp and much more tonight here on "hannity." on "hannity." i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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a trump administration will end this nightmare of violence. we will stop illegal immigration, deport all criminal aliens, and dismantle every last criminal gang and cartel threatening our citizens. >> that was donald trump on the campaign trail, promising to deport criminal illegal immigrants as president. now, according to bloomberg in response to trump's victory, multiple immigration advocates have been encouraging president obama to release thousands of foreign central americans who have been detained after crossing our border illegally. meanwhile, the inspector general of the dhs just released a
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report warning that thousands of green cards have disappeared and that, quote, in the wrong hands green cards may enable terrorists, criminals, and undocumented aliens to remain in the united states. here now with us milwaukee county sheriff david clarke, fox news contributor mercedes schlapp. you know, sheriff, on my radio show today i had two parents, both cases their kids were killed by illegal criminal aliens, people that were in the justice system that were released back out to the public, including one guy lost his son. he was working overnight at a convenience store, and the guy responsible had kidnapped and raped a woman and still got released and then killed this guy's son. i mean when are we ever going to learn? >> well, donald trump has made it very clear things are going to be different in his administration. he's going to seal the border, and first place to start in terms of deportation are criminal aliens. this revolving door has to stop. the people you interviewed
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today, look at the family of kate steinly and others who i met, who have been victimized, american citizens victimized by people illegally in the country and come in and violate our nation's laws. the department of homeland security handled this in a sloppy manner. they have the casualness of handling these green cards, these documents like you lose your car keys. well, they will turn up somewhere i guess. this is serious because in the hands of, as you said, document forgers from terrorist organizations, they could cause catastrophic consequences on allowing terrorists into the united states with these forged documents with the help of these green cards. there's been no investigation, no sense of urgency by jay johnson or anybody at the department of homeland security, but things are going to be different under president-elect donald trump. >> sheriff, have you -- your name has been mentioned a lot. have you been approached for a possible position in the administration? >> sean, i'm not going to go
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there at this point in time. look, they're well aware of what they're doing there. donald trump will decide in the end who he wants to assist him in making america great again. >> i didn't see you on the camera in the lobby of trump tower going in and out. did you sneak in the side door like i did or what? >> look, when the president asks you to serve you step up and fulfill that duty. i think it would be an honor to serve in the trump administration. we'll leave it at that for now. >> mercedes let me ask you because this is really important. politically you see what i call the alt radical left. they're going insane. these poor college kids need their professors to give them playdoh, hot cocoa, aromatherapy and cry rooms and coloring books. what happens when donald trump follows up as we talked about in the last segment on the agenda, including deporting criminal aliens? >> well, i think that we can all agree deporting criminal aliens should be a priority for our nation. at the end of the day these
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individuals should never have been here in the first place. guess what, when they try to deport them to their homeland, those countries don't even want them. but the mere fact here is that what we have seen, sean, is an era of dysfunctional immigration system in america. that needs to just end. we need to move into the law and order in this country. the problem is that there's this perception in many of these countries in central america, in mexico, that you can simply come into america illegally and stay here. in fact, they're having these cases in which individuals are coming in, they pose with children not even their children, so they bypass the smugglers and are simply coming in because they believe the border patrol agents will be more sympathetic towards them. that has to end. >> do you think this president would be bold enough to actually offer pardons to illegal immigrants? we know the power of the pardon is pretty absolute. do you think he could do that for hundreds of thousands or
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millions of illegals? >> that's a good question. i think that president obama, there was mention that the immigration advocates were pushing president obama to pardon the dreamers, you know. if he does take that step, i think there will be -- you know, i think you will find that americans will be upset because this is a process that should not go -- immigration should not be handled through executive orders. this is why we have congress, to act and legislate on these laws. i think it is why you have president-elect trump who will be working with congress to push forward an immigration reform that makes sense, where it is about securing the border first and then dealing with the issue of what are you going to do with the illegal immigrants who have been here for an extended period of time. >> that's always been my idea. i agree assheriff, last word? >> sean, president obama, it is my biggest fear of the scorched earth policy. he is like a tenant evicted from a property and will trash the place on the way out of the door just out of spite. nothing would surprise me from obama in these waning days.
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>> thank you both for being with us. when we come back, a hannity shootout. i go one-on-one with "buzzfeed's" rosie gray. i'm going to ask her about the alt-left movement. you don't want to miss that. that debate straight ahead. later tonight. that i'll answer for the president-elect. >> rudy giuliani today after his meeting with president-elect trump. the transition team is working hard to fill key points. reaction from rick grenell and michael mukasey later tonight on "hannity." 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed
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"buzzfeed." i asked him, when will you use the term alt radical left to describe the occupy movement, moveoff and black lives matters, the group that said what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, right now? here to contribute and continue the debate is "buzzfeed" reporter rosie gray. have you to say you are left of center, fair? >> you don't know anything about my politics, sean. >> all right. you have written a lot about alt-right. >> that's right. >> okay. you asked me do idea plor racism, anti-semitism. 1,000%. >> i'm glad to hear it. >> so do all conservatives. why do i believe this is an attempt by the left to alter the lexicon so alt-right will mean conservatives like every four years conservatives are told they're racest, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic. >> the alt-right is not an attempt by the so-called liberal
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media to smear conservatives. i've been clear they're not part of the conservative part. part of the project is to dismantle the conservative movement. this is something that is really happening right now. >> you have this one guy, spencer, whoever he is, and apparently there's a tick purchase of him doing a nazi salute. >> there's a video this past weekend that shows people giving nazi salutes. >> donald trump was asked or someone from the "new york times" tweeted about the media and he said trump alt-right supporters is not a group i want to energize. if they're energized, i will find out why. he doesn't want any part of these people. >> i think it is great he finally disavowed them. >> no, he disavowed david duke numerous times. >> he was slow to do it. >> i don't think he heard or understood him. we should have asked him if he knew who david duke was. most people have no idea. >> i'm sure donald trump probably knows who david duke was. >> you know what?
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he doesn't support david duke. there's nothing in his history that shows racism or anti-semitism. if it did, conservatives me wouldn't support somebody like that. you understand that, mainstream conservatives. >> sure. >> here is my question. would you say -- like i have a tape of a group, believe it or not, there's a white lives matter group, and they were in austin, texas. i want you to watch this tape where they're shouting, f the police, et cetera. then counting down. what do we want? dead cop, one. after we have one, we want two, and they keep counting more and more dead cops. watch this. >> [ bleep ], fing pigs [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. all right. i was asked you on twitter if it was appropriate -- that's a white lives matter group.
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i would never want them in a trump white house, ever. i never even heard of this group, but they showed up in austin, texas. i played this many times on my program. let's go to black lives matter. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket. fry 'em like bacon. >> what do we want? dead cops. when do we want it? now. >> what do we want? dead cops. >> when do we want it? now. >> so if the people in texas -- i'll concede, they're alt-right. aren't those people that were chanting that alt-left, alt radical left? why would you accept they can go to the obama white house? >> look, i don't think it is those specific people that went to the obama white house.
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you are doing a remember torical -- >> wait a minute, if donald trump invited a klan member to white house -- >> are you comparing black lives matter to the kkk? >> i'm saying black lives matter is so incindiary and outrageous every american can be outrageous. >> i think the statements in the videos we just watched are incendiary, absolutely. >> you don't think it is appropriate to invite people from that group to the obama white house? >> you're taking a couple of incidents to extrapolate the entire group. i don't think the leaders who obama invited to the white house were involved in the specific incident. >> have those leaders decried, condemned those statements? >> i'm not actually sure about that. >> here is my question though, because i think you are a nice person. do you think if you're gonna say alt-right that we can say those groups are alt-left, alt radical
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left? >> i think you can say whatever you want to say. i haven't really heard you take a firm position on the alt-right, which is a real movement. do you condemn the actual alt-right? >> you asked me the other day on twitter. i said i don't even know these people. i have never heard of most of these people. anybody that puts up a nazi salute, anybody that is racist, anybody that's anti-semitic has zero place in the conservative movement. i condemn them, i condemn their views, i condemn everything about them. >> i'm glad to hear that, sean, because you're obviously a very influential person, you have a huge reach, this fox news show and a radio show with millions of listeners. >> and you are a reporter from "buzzfeed." >> i have no influence compared to you, sean. what i'm saying is you saying you condemn the alt-right movement would be a powerful thing. >> i'm saying anybody that does a nazi salute, anybody that believes in those values, anybody that is racist in any way, shape, manner or form, anti-semitic in any way, shape,
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manner or form, has absolutely no place in the modern conservative movement or being near donald trump. so i'll turn it on you. do you say that anybody that chants pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon, or what do we want, dead cops, they have no business being in the obama white house, do you agree with that? >> again, i don't think those specific people were in the white house. >> stop. should members of that group be in the white house. >> i'm not like you, i'm a reporter. >> you have a lot of influence. if you are going to press me to give you an answer, i answered honestly. why won't you say something that is so obvious, they have no buttsness in t business in the white house. >> i think you are trying to equate black lives matter with the alt-right. the alt-right -- >> you heard them chanting they want dead policeman. >> the alt-right is a group hose leaderships is -- >> they're shouting it and there's large numbers of them. >> look, sean, we agree those statements are not acceptable
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statements to make. >> so anybody associated with that group should not be in the white house. >> i agree people who make that sort of statements shouldn't be in the white house, sure. >> was i fair? >> you were fair. >> thank you, rosy. >> thank you. >> rg met with president-elect trump and they spoke about the transition process and some key posts that need to be filled. coming up next, we'll check in with rick grenell and michael mukasey straight ahead. mike mukasey straight ahead. ♪ p is for privileges. o is for ordinarily i wouldn't. l is for layers of luxury. a is for alll the way back. r is for read my mind. and i... can't see a thing. s... see you in the morning.
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♪ i'm not going to discuss what i'm interested in nor what the president-elect is thinking and mulling over. that's not fair. it is not the right way to do it. this all has to be done very privately. i don't mean just with regard to me, i mean with regard to everyone else. that i'll answer for the president-elect. >> all right. that was former new york city mayor rudy giuliani at trump tower earlier today. the former mayor is reportedly being considered for a role in the trump administration. here now to talk about it is former spokesman for the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., fox news contributor rick grenell and former u.s. attorney general michael mukasey. look, we all know rudy really
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well. mr. attorney general, i will ask you, i thought mitt romney who i supported would have been a great president. i have been very disappointed with him and how he has handled and the comments he made about donald trump. i for the life of me cannot understand -- you know, here was rudy out on the campaign trail, out campaigning, you know, on the plane with him all over the country, and apparently he and romney are being considered. i don't get that. >> me neither. and romney, remember, is a guy who shh ririveled under questio by candy crowley. if you can standard up to that, how are you going to stand up to vladimir putin? >> the one speech in particular, it was brute ool, eviscerating donald trump. why would anybody think about bringing this guy in and how would you ever expect him to be loyal in light of how he acted?
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>> well, look, i think those are good questions. i mean certainly mitt romney is extremely qualified from a lot of different positions. people have talked about him for veterans affairs, to maybe clean that up. i think that makes more sense. >> how about the treasury department? >> or the treasury department. those make more sense. i think donald trump has a tough problem on his hands because he's got so many people that are qualified for secretary of state. looking at romney, i think the troublesome kind of way to go down this road for president-elect trump is to look at policy decisions. i think they disagree on a lot of policy decisions. i think it would be very difficult to try to get mitt romney back into the fold of what trump's world view is on many of these policies. >> i think somebody -- yeah, rick, i also think somebody has to ask mitt romney, why do you want to work for a guy you called all of these horrible names. >> well, i think the answer to that is that mitt romney is a great american and would serve
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his country, and the reality is donald trump has won the presidency. i think that there are other cabinet posts that would make more sense to utilize his expertise. >> attorney general mukasey, i think rudy's the right guy. >> so do i. >> but does he have any vetting issues, any problems? >> he has no vetting issues, no problems. >> i would even think chuck schumer would support him. >> i would think he would. rudy has done work overseas from a company that he founded. it's been in business since 2002, never a breath of cannedal about it, and he has done real work. he has never represented a foreign country, or lobbied for a foreign country. he has extensive foreign relations beginning with deputy og. he negotiated with italians to set up a joint task force that resulted in convictions of numerous mafia people, both here and there. negotiated with haiti to set up a process for screening refugees
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so they could be screened on coast guard cutters. negotiated with puerto rico, which of course is part of the united states. >> yeah. >> to screen refugees there so they didn't come to the main land united states. he has substantial experience. >> sean, can i add a point? >> real quick. i have to break. >> all r heads of states and diplomats around the world know rudy giuliani, they respect him and know him. he would be a fantastic point. >> good point. good to see you. when we come back, we need your help. an important question of the day straight ahead. ♪
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mcfadden. thank you for being here. we will see you back here tomorrow night. left. we'll see you tomorrow night. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pom possty, smugness and group think. we've got news tonight about a new appointment the associated press is reporting on within the trump administration. we'll get to that in just a minute. first, dozens of colleges and universities are making plans to become sanctuary campuses. one of the first schools to take this step is
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