tv Americas News HQ FOX News November 26, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm PST
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needs help or a pothole. i dare you. president trump i trust will be far more effective with your tax dollars. i'm counting on it. have a great weekend, everybody. we are seeing joy on some of the streets of miami, as generations of cuban exiles create the passing of communist dictator fidel castro, nearly 60 years after seizing power on an island just 90 miles from america. >> president-elect donald trump calling castro a brutal dictator, while spending the weekend on more cabinet announcements in florida. >> plus, new details emerging about russia's connections. the news story here in the u.s., and the impact those stories have on the election and the future of our country.
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thank you for spending your saturday with us. i'm elizabeth prann. >> hope you had a good thanksgiving at home. busy nis weekend. i'm leland vittert. hello from washington. fidel castro, the cuban revolutionary turned communist dictator that ruled cuba with an iron fist for decades, has died. as you probably know, at the age of 90. the news of castro's death prompted massive celebrations among cuban exiled cubans in miami. they fled the communism island nation decades ago in search of freedom. the mood is more somber in cuba. residents there are under a mandatory nine-day mourning period. bret bair takes a look back. >> in the end his speeches had grown shorter. his appearances more rare.
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but fidel castro's tone remained defiant as ever. socialism or death. fidel castro loved to hate america at every political turn. his own political stock, albeit small, soared during the international custody fight for elian gonzalez. when the u.s. returned his little prince, castro called the moment a moral victory over imperialist america. the man born fidel alejandro castro in cuba, came to power leading a ragtag band of bearded rebels to overthrow a dictator. he ended up becoming one himself. castro stood defiantly against ten u.s. presidents. around the world, leftists who hated america's influence and power, called castro a hero.
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but for the u.s., he was the all too close face of the bitter cold war. and while the world could never completely dismiss castro politically, over time to some critics he seemed more like a caricature with his wiry beard, faded fatigues and six-inch cigars. the man who would lead the small island to come you nism earned his law degree at the university of havana. castro launched his first and failed revolution in 1953, where 30 of his followers were killed. castro was imprisoned, then deported. but made his way back on an overloaded power boat. after nearly a decade of coups, riots and political rebellion, the people despaired of the government of batista. he stepped down, left the country and castro seized power on january 1st, 1959. he held on for nearly 50 years. the most significant u.s.
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response to castro's communist regime came in 1961, when president john f. kennedy backed the failed bay of pigs in beijing, where exiled fighters were captured and sent to prison or killed. the next year, american spy planes discovered secret soviet missiles inside cuba. after a 13-day u.s. naval block aid, the soviet union backed down and removed the missiles. castro was enraged. as the world watched, two super powers walk away from a nuclear nightmare. in 1980, castro unleashed an unprecedented human wave of more than 125,000 cubans on america, mixed in with political prisoners were criminals, murderers, rapists and the insane. the mario boat lift forever changed south florida's landscape. as cuba's economy collapsed
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further, castro unleashed another wave of human cargo. 30,000 cubans were coming to her shores, again. in 1998, cuba opened its island doors to pope john paul ii. the holy father and the man who chained down cuba's churches shared words before the world. critics would later call the historic meeting little more than a public relations campaign. in the summer of 2006, castro under went surgery for intestinal bleeding and quietly ceded power to his younger brother raul. castro announced he would no longer serve as cuba's president and commander in chief. a surprising move few thought they would live to see. by the end of the month, the country formally elected raul to succeed his brother, fidel. after resigning as the head of cuba's communist party in april 2011, castro remained largely out of the public eye.
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with one notable exception. in march of 2012, he would welcome a second pontiff, pope benedict xvi, the two met privately at the end of the visit to cuba, despite the pope's vocal opposition to cuba's government. the two spoke for roughly 30 minutes with castro asking the holy father what does a pope do? still, castro's conspicuous absence in later years fueled constant rumors about his health. when president obama announced the softening of u.s. sanctions against cuba in december 2014, president raul castro spoke with the american president by telephone welcoming the announcement. but the man who brought communism to cuba, fidel, made no appearances. and had no public comment on the ending of the cold war freeze he'd ushered in more than a half century earlier. though often referred to as a tyrannical dictator, many on the
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impoverished island consider castro the charismatic leader who brought education and medicine to the masses. but to the cuban exiles, he was forever hated for cuba's economic ruin. >> and many of cuban's exiles in miami, a little area known as little havana, are celebrating the death of fidel castro. many saying they never thought they would finally see this day, where the man who killed and tortured so many is now gone. phil keating, live in little havana, as the celebrations continue. they've been going on, what, phil, for more than 12 hours? >> reporter: oh, yeah, this is a celebration. a celebration of the death of a reviled communist dictator and revolutionary fidel castro, dead at age 90. from little leaguers coming here to celebrate, to old exiles, thousands of people have descended into the little havana section of miami.
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kaiocho, and the cafe versailles. many of these people came down here many earlyiers on just rumors that fidel castro was dead. of course, all leaving disappointed today. they're not disappointed whatsoever today. you left cuba when you were a little lad of 3 years old. >> i was 3 years old. the stories are told, retold, very hard to -- i don't remember any of them. my folks did. one regret i have is my father is not alive here to see this moment. it's an amazing moment. not far apart from the berlin wall. he's been involved in military operations in africa and vietnam. and central america. so a moment in history that maybe things will get better. >> a lot of people are applying that reach out of hope that maybe raul castro and the other
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hard-liners, even though fidel has been out of power for five or seven years, will maybe soften things up. >> the generation that has a lot of blood on their hands, the executions, the political prisoners, that generation has faded out. the generation now will not be the same. very few people have the charisma that castro had, or are able to mount enough effort to just start oppressing people to that level. >> everyone had seen his deteriorating health in the most recent years. everyone knew he was in his late 80s, now 90. now he's dead. so -- i mean, you knew it was coming, but still there's a sense that people just can't believe it. >> i think, you know, he has from 2006 on, he's shifted power to his procedure. you could tell by the policies that they had, that it hasn't changed very much. but it's one step closer to people being able to live like people. you don't have to be worried about being spied on by your neighbors, or indoctrinated in
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schools to speak a certain way. >> thank you very much. enjoy your celebration. thank you so much. meanwhile, in cuba, the brother of fidel castro, raul, has issued a nine-day national period of mourning. and then on wednesday, castro's ashes, he requested to be cremated before he died, they will then be marched all the way across the island in a reverse of the revolutionary march of 1958 and '59, which started in santiago on the east and ended up in havana. where, remember, at the time, fidel castro was greeted as a liberator over the previous dictator batista. but in two or three yes, everybody quickly realized this man was a communist and not necessarily one for human rights. here's the scene in little havana, as a joyous celebration is here today. back to you, leland, in d.c. >> so much to be thankful for on the streets of little havana.
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in havana, cuba, 90 miles south, the flag is flying at half staff there. let's bring in nester, a cuban-american author writing about the castro regime, and the bay of pigs invasion. appreciate you being here, sir. your thoughts? this has to be a remarkable day for you. >> well, i'm certainly pleased that the main tyrant is gone. but the tyranny has not gone. so my thoughts are to the victims of the castro tyranny, and also of encouragement for those that continue the struggle for freedom. >> give me an idea of that struggle right now in cuba. it's easy to think sort of in these moments, and to see this celebration, that castro's dead, therefore, everything changes. he hasn't been in power in five or so years. from your contact in cuba, are
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things as bad as they were under him in terms of torture of dissidents and those kind of things? >> those things cannot be erased or forgotten. he was the author of thousands of deaths, people executed, or people drowned trying to leave cuba. then you have the exodus of refugees, the largest refugee wave in the americas, close to 2 million including descendents. and then, of course, you have the destruction of cuba. improve rished completely. this is a country where the average state salary is $20 to $25 a month.
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in other words, less than $1 a day. >> i'm interested, sir, as a man who risked his life to head back to the bay of pigs, and obviously try to bring about the demise of fidel castro, much sooner, 50 years ago, when that invasion happened. i'm interested by your thoughts on the two competing statements. we'll get more on them later, but we've got one from president obama, one from president-elect trump, and they're you might say diametrically opposed, where president obama takes a softer line, president-elect trump taking a harder line. which side of this do you come down on? >> well, i don't agree, first, with the -- not only the statement, but with the policy of president obama. it has been a one-sided policy. meaning of unilateral concessions to castro, without anything in return. >> well, so --
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>> yeah. >> more on that, sir. both with our political panel and then obviously with our reporters throughout the day as the continued reaction comes in here in washington. appreciate your time, sir. and also, your commitment to freedom so many years ago. you wade waited off the showers of cuba waiting to go back. all the best. >> thank you. >> thank you. liz? >> to elaborate on that political side of the story on the death of fidel castro. president-elect donald trump spoke of prosperity and liberty for the cuban people. meanwhile, he's piecing together his own leadership team and intrigue over who is in and who is out is intensifying. hi, peter. >> hi, elizabeth. the next american president who's staying at the mar-a-lago, staying here in palm beach right behind us, has said that he
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would undo the executive actions president obama used to normalize relations of cuba. so his pre-dawn celebratory tweet today is consistent with what he's been saying over the last few months during the campaign. he wrote this, quote, fidel castro is dead, with an exclamation mark. with that said, a longer statement just released by the transition team strikes two tones. it is very heavy with reminders of the awful way castro abused cubans for decades. but then it does hit a slightly more optimistic note. here's trump, quote, fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, thefts, unimaginable suffering, pof ti, and the denial of fundamental human rights. while cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that it marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long and toward a future in which the wonderful cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve. if things do start changing in cuba right away, it will be very interesting to see how the
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attitude 90 miles south of miami could affect mr. trump's search for secretary of state. the transition team has been busy booking job interviews for prospective members of the administration, but still no word who is going to be the top diplomat. the secretary of state is going to be the one responsible for having many of the friendly or unfriendly conversations with post-castro cuban counterparts. john kerry put out a statement a few minutes ago, saying the united states reaffirms its commitment to normalize relations and deepen ties with cuba. but that's only something that he's going to have control over for the next few weeks. elizabeth? >> peter, thank you so much. donald trump has made no secret of his fondness for tough no-nonsense generals. here's a taste of what he said on the campaign trail. >> do you think general george patton -- they don't like him because he was a foul-mouthed, vicious, horrible, brilliant guy. we need patton. we need a genius like macarthur.
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we have those people. we have those people. i'll find that person. >> retired marine corps general james mattis seems to fit that mold. so will he get the top job at the pentagon? former navy s.e.a.l. ryan zinke joins us here today. >> great to be here. >> first and foremost, there's some things i want to discuss with you. general mattis retired in 2013. there's a u.s. code that says you need seven years between the time you served our country and can serve in an administration. that law needs to be changed, or at least a waiver in place. is congress going to do that, first and foremost? >> using a navy term, it will sail through. i think both sides of the aisle. i followed him in fallujah. i can tell you, he is the very best as an operational commander. and to saddle yourself with the
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department of defense, which the bureaucracy has grown too much, i think we need a general who is a warrior to get back at the corps. which is the sergeant, the petty officer, the front line, we need to make sure those individuals that we send to war have the right rules of engagement, first and foremost, the right equipment and right training. and we need a warrior to make sure that happens. >> you have worked very closely with him. i'm curious as to his strengths and his weaknesses. obviously he's human. so what is he bringing to this particular position? >> well, the warrior ethic -- he's not politically correct. which -- >> that doesn't surprise us, right? >> that does not surprise us. but in this time and era, we don't need a politician, with eneed a warrior. we face enormous challenges. we face the rise of iran. we face a rudderless policy in the middle east. an aggressive russia. and with the respect of a warri warrior, a man who has committed troops to combat and understands
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what it means to put our sons and daughters in harm's way. >> he does understand that, but how does he work with the bureaucracy saying it's too big? >> look, we have 1.2 million civilians, 800,000 dod employees, our bureaucracy of not being able to get things done. we need to empower the front line. when we send our troops in harm's way, we need to make sure they have the right equipment, the right rules of engagement to win decisively in the field of battle. the bureaucracy in the department of defense has grown too much. we need to streamline it and make sure we focus on what's important. and that's the front line. >> i want to shift gears a little bit. you talked a little bit about getting things done. i want to know how you and other law maergs are going to be working with president-elect donald trump in the first 100 days. what do you expect? >> well, i think this election was about not a mandate on conservativism, but a mandate on
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americanism. we need to move as americans to get things done. that was the message that resonat resonated. that's the message i heard from america. the first 100 days will be important. i think we'll have a tax bill that's going to be simplified. we need to bring the billions of dollars that are offshore home for investment. i think we need an infrastructure package. our national parks 10 blds in arears. i think we need to make sure we look at having good paying jobs. in the first hundred days, i see a simplification of tax, infrastructure bill, immigration. we're not going to build a wall on the rio grand. but we're going to have to shore it up to make sure our borders are secure. and we should know who's here in this country. and that's going to be a big lift. but i think if we move as a country together, i don't think there's any chance of failure. >> i wish we had more time. obviously we can learn from the '90s, that there is going to be a lot of long hours to get all
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no doubt about this, president-elect donald trump won pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, by winning over blue collar reagan democrats. happened in ohio as well with a promise of job growth. now, the pressure's on trump to deliver on promises, like rebuilding u.s. infrastructure, and the jobs that come with it. however, mr. trump may run into some hurdles from his own party. here to discuss those economic policies, fox news contributor and one of mr. trump's economic advisers, steve. so long, my friend, 24 hours ago, we had to do it again. what's realistic here? it would create jobs from, quote unquote, shovel-ready projects. >> donald trump said he'll spend somewhere between half a trillion and $1 trillion in infrastructure. but people aren't exactly reading through the lines. a lot of that infrastructure can be built privately. it doesn't have to increase the debt. i'll give you an example.
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the keystone pipeline, and other pipelines that need to be built. the private sector will build that. and we're talking about potentially hundreds of billions of dollars of spending. all they need to do is permit it. whether it comes to things like rebuilding our roads and highways. >> privatizing toll roads, privatizing airports, those type of things. >> here in d.c., 20 miles from here there's a virginia toll road that is paid totally for privately. we'll look at public/private partnerships so it will not cost the government half trillion. >> so it's a combination of government spending, and then private spending as well. >> absolutely. >> one of the things that's happened in the last month is people realized about all this money is the dow has exploded. >> sure it has. >> we've had three weeks of -- >> one of the biggest -- >> donald dow? >> it was down 700, then it went way up. that's an amazing run-up. now, look, the dow is always like a roller coaster ride. you never know what's going to happen next week.
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but i think there's a sense of optimism out there among consumers and vefs. look, if we do the tax cut, if we do the pro-america energy policy, if we get some of these regulations off the backs of businesses, this will be a good time to invest in america. >> what i've heard very little about when you talk about the tax cuts, and infrastructure spending, and rebuilding america's military, is how are you going to pay for it? it's something at the heritage foundation you were big on. >> donald trump said at the outset of his campaign he's very concerned about the deficit and not only wants to balance the budget, but bring the debt down. >> how do you -- entitlements he said he's not going to touch defense spending. >> first of all, there's so much waste in the federal budget. i'll give you one example. there was a report that just came out a couple of months ago by the government accountability office -- >> no, no, because -- you really think that you can all of a
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sudden save on toilet seats and that's going to fix national debt? >> no, what i'm talking about is, more than 150 blds a year in food stamps, medicare, immediate i indicate and social security, in fraudulent payments. there's so much waste in these programs. we can cut these without cutting people's benefits. you know, there's thousands of people that are over the age of 105 that are getting social security benefits. how many of those people do you think are still alive? the fraudulent and -- you've got people who are driving their porsches up to the food stamp office to get food stamps. we've got to make sure that people are getting the benefits who people are qualified for them. the other thing is, obama care. obama care is a $1 trillion entitlement. we can cut that significantly. >> we may be talking about real money. >> penny saving out of -- next time i'll bring -- >> bring me my penny. good to see you.
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liz? >> interview after the break, generations of cuban exiles have waited decades for this day. miami's little havana celebrates the death of a despised cuban dictator. >> generations of cubans are celebrating the death of a dictator. not the death of a human being, but the death of a dictator. a dictator that has hurt the lives of at least four generations of people. inside and outside the island.
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that goes beyond assuming beingredients are safe...ood to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. fox news alert as we continue to follow reaction in the breaking news in the death of fidel castro. it is considered unseemingly, of course, to speak ill of the dead, but not when that person is a despise dictator. big names here in washington are competing to find the nastiest words possible to say about that
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former cuban dictator, fidel castro. our kristen fisher joins us here with reaction that, shall we say, unusual to hear in the death of a foreign leader and controversy over president obama's olive branch. >> as you might have guessed, we're seeing two different reactions from our current president and next president, donald trump. the president-elect is sparing no words calling him a brutal dictator while president obama is striking a much more diplomatic tone by saying history will be the judge of the enormous impact of this singular figure. today we offer condolences to fidel castro's family. they will recall the past and look to the future, as they do the cuban people must know they have a friend and partner in the united states of america. that statement is not sitting well with many republicans, including florida senator marco rubio whose family is from cuba. he says, president obama issued a pathetic statement on the death of dictator fidel castro with no mention of the thousands he killed and imprisoned.
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but senator rubio was quick to point out that while the dictator has died, the dictatorship has not. >> in the end, when it's all said and done, you'll have the same system of government in place since before fidel castro's event. i don't think it really changes anything. >> the changes are well under way in the united states. during the campaign, trump pledged to reverse president obama's executive order to normalize relations between the two countries. today he said this, quote, today marks the passing of a world dictator who oppressed his own people for more than six decades. our administration will do all it can to ensure the cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty. so what that means exactly remains to be seen. many republicans are now urging him to keep his campaign promise and roll back those regulations. and because a lot of it was
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accomplished through executive order, mr. trump could do it, or at least do significant portions of it. >> certainly undo a lot of it. transparent so much a purview of the president, fully within the purview of the president come january 20th. thank you. >> thank you. now to a story making headlines. big headlines. they impact an already wounded clinton campaign. now there's evidence the stories originated in russia. political propaganda, real or imagined, is nothing new in hotly contested elebs years. but when it's aimed at undermining democracy itself, it is alarming. the foreign policy research institute has been studying this trend for several years. sir, thank you so much for joining us. i was reading some of your research. you've been monitoring more than 7,000 media accounts over 30 months. can you tell us what you learned? what i found compelling was the range of influence. not just when we talk about dnc
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e-mail hackings, about you also election machine hacking as well as information and articles speculating about paul manaforte. can you tell us what you learned in that research? >> yes. what we find is that it's a broad based campaign to influence any sort of element or issue in the united states that might undermine democracy, number one, and then also rogue confidence in public institutions and public leaders that run them. so the stories will shift as they might push false propaganda. but the dominant theme has been around the u.s. election. what they want you to believe is the election is corrupt, that it's rigged, that your vote doesn't count, that you can't trust your officials. a lot of that is powered by the hackings we've seen. they will hack into government officials, media personalities even, and take the e-mails and strategically leak them through data dump websites. the prop dpand a, by the way, is 70% true, 20% manipulated
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information. the last 10% is very strategically placed false information, which is designed to cause anger and harm amongst the american populous. >> i want to bring up one example in particular. it's a sound byte from the campaign trail, then candidate donald trump brought up a wikileaks e-mail exchange. i want to play that exchange and then get your reaction. >> the attack was almost certainly preventible, benghazi. clinton was in charge of the state department. and it failed to protect the united states' personnel at an american consulate in libya. he meant benghazi. if the gop wrants to raise that raise that as a talking point against her, it is legitimate. in other words, he's now admitting they could have done something about benghazi. this just came out a little while ago. >> this is a perfect example of information being circulated where you would say, 70% true, 20% manipulated. what i want to ask you here is, a, what is the end game, and cyber warfare may not be anything new, but what was the
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most alarming about the election to you? >> it was how they were able to place false stories or manipulated stories in a way that the trump campaign in particular would pick up and mobilize on those. they could also do what we would call target audience analysis. which is just good marketing. with social media, russia can sit overseas, identify pockets of people these issues and they can place those fake stories directly into their content feeds. so you can have a population maybe that has great angst about the clinton campaign, or the obama administration, and you can erode that trust in the government by placing those stories directly into those social media feeds. they do these in both covert ando vert ways. so the state-owned operations news outlets also create covert personas, but they're actually operated from ore seas. and they're going peer to peer
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between you and i trying to put that information in the landscape. >> we only have about 30 seconds left. you talk about eroding trust. how would in theory russians benefit from this? >> whenever the trust is eroded, one, they can essentially use the force of politics to erode the u.s. from the inside out. if people don't have faith in their institutions, they won't participate in the democracy. they'll also counter the positions put forth by government officials. if you want to be strong against russia but don't have the popular support at home, it keeps our leaders here in america from stopping the march of russia. >> all right. clint, i wish we had more time. it's really fascinating. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next, donald trump's tweets are often, well, not so sweet. is the president-elect media dodging? and emotions running high in miami's little havana, celebrations under way.
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. . . can i give it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet?
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then candidate barack obama started the trend in 2008, but donald trump perfected the use of social media in the 2016 campaign. now the president-elect uses twitter daily to call out news organizations, or as we saw this week, talking about policy as it relates to american companies. susan is here from the great city of boston. susan, nice to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> pretty interesting this morning. you know, typically you get
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these long statements coming out from the white house, and it takes time to craft them. 8:00 this morning, less than 12 hours after fidel castro's death, president-elect trump tweets the following. fidel castro is dead, exclamation point, which says a lot. in very, what is that, four words, and one punctuation mark. >> that's exactly right. he has really harnessed this technology, to be able to speak directly with his supporters. and circumvent the mainstream media. it's done very well for him. i don't see him take -- i'm taking off my white house press cap here. i don't see any reason for him to stop doing this. every ppt since fdr with his fireside chats have harnessed the power of the current technology, jfk with television, ronald reagan with television. you had president barack obama starting with the social media. now we have trump perfecting it,
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and going around the media. now, i don't really think he should be doing it at 3:00 a.m. anymore, talking about fights with the pageant winner that he's having. he needs to rein it in a bit and get it under control and become more presidential. >> how does this change things, though, susan, the idea of the president of the united states sitting up in the residence, at whatever time he feels like, i don't think anyone's going to take his phone away from him, and sending out whatever tweet he wants. you go back to the fdr fireside chats, they were practiced, he crafted them, he had advisers. for this matter, donald trump at any moment picks up his phone and says whatever he wants. it could be something like fidel castro is dead, but it could also move markets and have big effects on companies, when he tweeted about carrier air conditioning systems on thanksgiving morning. >> i think it will be frustrating for his communications team. i don't envy their role in this.
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obviously they tried to get him to rein it in in the days leading up to the presidential election itself. you know, this can be -- it could backfire. but you've seen him do it in a very strategic way. the $25 million settlement in the trump university lawsuit, that news just drastically changed when he started tweeting about vice president pence. all of a sudden, the social media changed to that, and that was the news story of the day. >> all of a sudden -- you claim the news cycle, i only have about 30 seconds left here. appreciate you being here. put on your white house press corps hat that you took off earlier in the segment. how does this change things for the press who now has to cover not only what comes out of the white house briefing room, but the twitter account that all of a sudden to your point changes things in a minute?
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>> well, obviously the white house press corps, president obama tried to do this by going straight to the local media. the local media asked very softball questions. president-elect trump is going directly to the people. he is circumventing all media entirely. i think the white house press corps needs to continue to push for access, push for real questions and accountability, and he also needs to be accommodating to their requests to be part of the pool. this is history. we do not need to have a trump provda in this country. this is essential to have access to the president. >> he hasn't had a press conference since being elected. susan crabtree in boston. check out neptune oyster while you're there. thank you, ma'am. coming up after the break, the effort to recount presidential election votes in key states has begun. who requested that second look. tonight's big lottery
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one lucky winner could get a prize of more than $400 million. the powerball jackpot has grown to the ninth largest in history. tickets are $2 each and available in 44 states, the district of columbia and puerto rico. the odds of winning are nearly, as always, 1 in 300 million. good luck. despite the white house saying presidential results are accurate, there have been calls for a recount in three key states. garrett penny has been watching and has the details if the recalls ended up changing the results, hillary clinton could win the white house. the chances of that happening are pretty slim to nun, but that has not stopped green party candidate jill stein from launching this effort. she's now targeting three states where donald trump narrowly beat hillary clinton, wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. those surprising victories
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prompted a handful of computer experts to complain that a hacker could have potentially influenced the election. there's been no evidence to support that claim. stein herself admits that there's no indication hacking or vote tampering took place in those states. stein says a full recount is needed to reassure those who are questioning the results. >> standing up for a voting system that we deserve, that we can have confidence in, that has integrity and security and that we now is not subject to tampering, malfeasance, hacking and so on. >> over the last few days, stein's campaign has raised more than $5 million to fund the recount effort, well on its way to the goal of $7 million. following the election, the clinton campaign said it also looked into every report of hacking or voting irregularities and it found nothing. late yesterday when the wisconsin election commission
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received stein's request and agreed to move forward with the recount, the clinton team jumped on board. in a post, clinton attorney mark elias wrote now that a recount is under way, we believe we have an obligation to the more than 64 million americans who cast bol lots for hillary clinton to ensure and accurate vote count will be reported. the official recount effort in wisconsin is expected to get under way late next week. the filing deadline for pennsylvania is monday and in michigan on wednesday. >> we'll be following it. thank you, garrett. we appreciate it. still to come, the death of fidel castro causing a big split between the president and the president-elect as they celebrate in miami's little havana. i'm home! of course no one said it had to be cooked. campbell's one dish recipes, designed around one pan and your schedule. made for real, real life.
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remembering a revolutionary and the countless victims of the communist regime. cube an exiles rejoice fidel castro is dead. >> 45 days left before trump takes the oath of office. we'll talk about who tops the list to feel the rest of donald trump's cabinet. >> pulling the plug on the clinton investigation. why one end of pennsylvania avenue may not follow the next president's lead. >> thank you for spending your
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saturday with us. hour two starts now. i'm elizabeth prann. >> hour two, and there's a bonus hour three coming up. i'm leland vittert. hundreds took to the streets in little havana, florida. that's where we find phil keating. >> reporter: there were a lot of people out here at 4:00 in the morning. it dwindled a little bit. people got some sleep. as everyone is waking up the cuban americans in miami and south florida descended here to celebrate the death of the reviled communist dictator and revolutionary fidel castro. joining me is manuel, parents are cuban, cuban blood. >> 100%, brother. >> reporter: what's the purpose
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for bringing out your cute little kid on this particular day to see this spectacle. >> you have to give thanks for freedom, liberty and the ability to express yourself. that's what i'm trying to show them, even though they were born here, they still have cuban blood just like i do, and thank god that man -- he's not a man, he's a monster, died. americans don't understand. he was our hitler. the jewish people will. thank god he's dead. we have one more to go. when that other man dies, hopefully that island will go in the path of democracy and freedom and liberty so the people over there can do the same thing we're doing here. >> reporter: a lot of people told me today they always wanted fidel castro to die and come out here and celebrate his death even though in the last several years he was hardly seen on tv, wasn't giving big long speeches anymore. it looks like his demise wasimm. can you still believe you're
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actually experiencing this today? >> it's happened a couple times when they've done this, not as big. he died, he died. no. when his brother comes out on tv and says it, i think it's like 99.999, they probably want to cremate him so people can't see him dead, they fear that maybe in the mysterious part of the world he'd still exist. no, he's dead, man. him and chavez are trying to get into hell's door and they won't let him in. he's not even that good. >> reporter: thank you very much, manuel. i hope the kids remember this day as well. speaking of fidel castro's ashes, he will be cremated. on wednesday the cuban government will do a slow march in a reversal of the revolution martha started in santiago, made it to havana back in '59, '58,
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it will go reverse. so his ashes will be placed in santiago at the end of that long march, nine days of national mourning currently in effect. here it's a very big celebration. >> he killed so many. we are here celebrating. >> you get a sense of the emotion down there on the streets. that people who have waited so long and experienced so much brutality, both themselves as they escaped cuba and also so many folks here who still have family back in cuba, whether they be political dissidents who have been locked up or trying to being -- trying to get money down to them, who haven't talked to them in years. it's telling, the emotion that is coming. it's not often you see a celebration with someone's death. that's certainly what's happening here. >> you see really the tale of two reactions there. in cuba there's the nine days of
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mourning. fidel castro's reign spanned decades. january 1st, 1959 castro gapd control over cuba when his rebels ousted fulgencio batista. four months later nearly all other u.s. businesses were seized. in april of 1961, a day after castro declared cuba a socialist state, cuban exiles staged a failed invasion known as the pay of pigs. hundreds of cuban exiled fighters were captured or killed. he allowed an unprecedented human wave of more than 125,000 cubans opt american soil. it would forever change the south florida landscape. in december of 1991, the cuban economy devastated that relied heavily on soviet subsidies.
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17 years later an ailing castro announced he would not accept another term, ending 49 years in power, replaced by his brother raul. joining us fox news contributor mercedes whose father was under castro's regime. tell us about your father. it appears that we do not have mercedes at this time. of course, as we will try to get her back and we continue our coverage about the passing of fidel castro. now back to political headlines. >> this is becoming a huge political story in terms of foreign policy issue just a couple weeks after the election. president-elect donald trump issued a blistering statement on the death of fidel castro calling him a brutal dictator. castro's death is the first major foreign policy flare-up
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since the election. we're getting an early indication of how president-elect trump will deal with it. peter doocy, we're seeing mr. trump's national security team take shape. do we have any idea where they stand on cuba? >> wo have more of an idea that maybe in the past just because the new deputy national security advisor has spoken about many different topics on fox news channel. we know the new deputy national security adviser, casey mcfarland has warped in the last several years about letting cuba, because it's geographically so close, become a pawn for either the chinese military or the russian military, and on her website two years ago, mcfarland advocated for the u.s. taking a greater role in economically developing
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cuba for strategic reasons. this is a 2014 post on her website. she said, quote, whichever major power helps cuba enter the mod derp world will have enormous power there for a generation. that major power needs to be us. mcfarland's selection as deputy national security adviser has been applauded by many on the right and by the lawmaker who served as al gore's running make, former connecticut senator joe lieberman said in a statement released by the transition team, quote, in asking casey mcfarland to become deputy national security adviser, president-elect trump has brought to the top ranks one of the country's most experienced, informed and wise foreign policy experts. mcfarland's appointment alongside michael flen who will be the national security adviser will put in the next white house two main critics, two of the most prominent critics of the obama administration's national security strategy, just steps
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away from if oval office. leland? >> we saw mr. trump on the campaign trail be very critical of the obama administration's policy towards cuba and the reengagement, saying president obama negotiated a horrible deal. is the transition team echoing that today now on the word of castro's death? >> reporter: it's interesting to watch the way this all unfolded, that this is the first foreign policy eshoo since the election. mr. trump, the president-elect, has long been planning a major change to the existing cuba policy, the new existing cuban policy. trump for a long time said he was going the use his own executive actions to undo the ones president obama used to open up relations with cuba, but the second half of a statement he put out today suggests that the president-elect doesn't harbor any ill will toward the people in charge if they start treating cubans better. he said, quote, fidel castro's
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legacy is one of firing squad steps, uni'm manageable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. while cuba remains a totalitarian island, this marks a future so where the cuban people live in the freedom they deserve. the pre dawn tweet he explained fidel castro is dead, and that was it. leland. >> with an exclamation point no less. peter doocy live in palm beach. peter, thanks so much. >> we have reestablished our connection with fox news contributor mercedes flapp whose father wassism prisoned under castro's regime. i want to learn more about your father and your reaction to today's news and your entire
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family's reaction. >> it's a true blessing. i am here with my father, with my parents. i was able to pass along the news of fidel castro's death. you can imagine he was very emotional and at the same time gave me a smile of a sense of relief that we have one less dictator in the world today, and i think for my father who lost so many of his friends, self of them executed by the castro regime, by a firing squad, and my father who was tortured in the cuban jails, it was a difficult moment in your life, where his properties were stolen by this government where, what people saw as a vision of this revolution has turned out to be a nightmare for so many families. so i think that at this point while you're seeing all these celebrations go on today in miami and my father being able to take a moment and reflect,
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there's so much work to be done in cuba. we know the brother raul castro has a stronghold. the cuban people continue to lack the basic rights and many of them live in poverty. >> this brings me to my next question. you wrote a piece back in march and seemed infuriated that the u.s. didn't require more drastic reforms at the time, not only with the structure of government, but also the military, a number of issues disappointed with. is there an opportunity now that you see is there? >> well, i think what's so interesting was to put side by side president-elect trump's statement next to president obama's statement. obviously president obama was trying to be politically correct with the castro family, and i think donald trump pretty much used the right words which is we need -- we know there is a
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chance to move towards -- move away from this communism that has oppressed a whole cuban nation. and i think that with donald trump what is going to be different is obama came across with a very weak deal with the castro regime where they didn't have to do much to change. they had to release about 50 political prisoners. as we know, following the months of president obama's agreement, many more, hundreds were put into jail in the cuban prisons. here donald trump is saying, no, we're going to toughen up. they're going to need to meet certain points, certain approval here from the cuban government before we move forward on additional regulatory changes. i think you'll find this sense of strong leadership coming from cuba where at the end, first of all, it has to benefit america but secondly the fact that you can't move forward with a deal
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with cuba until they make significant changes. this is a country that does not allow for free elections, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. it continues to violate basic human rights for many cubans. i think that's what donald trump and his administration is going to keep in mind. i this i they will put pressure on the cuban regime to make some changes. >> mercedes, thank you for joining us today. we appreciate your perspective. >> thank you very much, elizabeth. bringing in congressman darrell issa of california as we watch the celebrations in little havana, member of the foreign relations committee in the house. congressmen, appreciate you being with us. earlier we had an older gentleman on who was a young man back in 1961, a veteran of the pay of pigs. he said the tyrant may be gone, meaning fidel castro, but the tyranny in cuba remains on. i'm wondering what can be done
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going forward to try and change the conditions that so many in cuba are living under right now. >> i think the trump administration has the right idea which is return to a policy that this totalitarian dictatorship, that oppresses its people, doesn't have rule of law or human rights, needs to be on the outs with our country. so i see the trump administration coming in and making the appropriate reversal back to a 60-year process that was based on the fact that you might not be able to displace the castro brothers, but in time you can change the government. it's something that it's very clear, president obama went in the wrong direction, not gog in his deal. and president-elect trump intends on getting something if there's going to be any relationship between your two countries. >> there's a lot of stark differences between president obama and president-elect trump, reading from president obama's
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statement. in the days ahead they will recall the past and also look to the future. compare that to president-elect trump on the campaign trail back in september. >> we're also going to stand with the cuban people in their fight against communist oppression. we're on the right side. the president's one-sided deal for cuba and with cuba benefits only the castro regime. >> there's the rhetoric of the president, but there's also the policy. president went around you and congress with executive actions when it came to this drastic change in cuban policy. how much can president-elect trump dial that back and how much help does he need from congress to do it?
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>> you mentioned older people. i'll take an example that many young people wouldn't know. jimmy carter went a long way toward appeasing the soviet union including forgiving war debt and giving them free wheat. ronald reagan came in and said, no, there's good and evil, and that evil empire cannot stand. his work in those eight years led to the fall of the largest and most powerful communist country. you still have china. you still have vietnam and obviously you still have cuba. so those policies, just as going from jimmy carter to ronald reagan, we can go from barack obama to president trump. what we're going to see is we're going to see cuba have to come to grips with the fact that america can stand against them. >> congressman, the pushback to that would be we tried this with cuba for 60 years and it didn't work until president obama giving and changing everything.
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what would be the reasoning of why all of a sudden it would work now? >> first of all, evil is evil. 60 years or 50 years or 100 years of evil doesn't change that. there has to be good and evil, and theres has to be behavior by our country based on that. so 1917, the soviet union was born. it didn't fall until 1990, and it didn't fall until a president was willing to take them on and drive them to compete against us. it's different with cuba. it's not going to be a war of weapons. but there has to be something on behalf of both those who still live there and are being oppressed and the many americans who had to flee cuba as their families were being shot and imprisoned. >> congressman, forgive me for interrupting you. i want to get you on the record of one question that you came to talk about in the beginning. donald trump made a lot of headlines this week, as did one of his chief advisers by saying
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he didn't think it was right to go after hillary clinton, he didn't want to cause the clintons any harm, alluding to the idea that there would be no prosecution. congress has the right to continue its investigation. would you sort of defy the president-elect of your own party and continue the investigation into hillary clinton? or is it fair to say we're going to let things lie and move forward with governing america and doing the people's work? >> we absolutely have to be independent and will be. the house representatives and the senate have an obligation to find waste, fraud, abuse, corruption in government. the allegations are still clear that hillary clinton and bill clinton essentially received money from foreign nations while policies were being distorted. i do believe congress has a role. also there's an independent justice department that has been thwarted during the obama administration. i know president-elect trump made a decision on jeff sessions because he's and independent, very independent historic
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prosecutor, and he will do his job and he'll do it in the right way, not against people, but also not leaving a stone unturned if there's real corruption as i believe there is. >> great answer, congressman. appreciate you being here, sir. thank you very much. we'll have you back when things continue and you come back in town. >> thank you. speaking of tomorrow, right here on fox starting at 11:00 a.m. eastern, "media buzz" with howard kurtz starts at 11:00 a.m. our own tucker carlson there to discuss the death of fidel castro. 2:00 p.m. chris wallace sits down with incoming white house chief of staff reince priebus and ohio congressman tim ryan running for the minority leader's spot. liz? >> still ahead, donald trump's secretary of education pick has democrats and republicans taking sides. our fair and ibalanced panel
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confirmation vote. here is jesse byrnes, associate editor at "the hill." jesse, i think when we initially hear that there is a republican majority, we maybe assume the picks will get rubber stamped. that's not necessarily the case. >> absolutely not. i think a lot of these cabinet picks were souping they'd get confirmed easily. the peculiars only have a slim majority. like 52 republicans and 48 democrats. trump and his administration can only afford to see one or two republicans really defect if democrats stay united. that's something they're going to have to push to see republicans confirming these picks. >> what do you think will be the most hotly contested, if you will. when we talk about secretary of sta state, we don't know who that's going to be. it still could be a sticking point. >> it depends on who trump picks. somebody like rudy giuliani would be a very contentious
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confirmation process. we've seen senator rand paul if bolton, for example, he would be opposed to that. even raised concerns about giuliani. >> why has he been so voc snl. >> for different reasons. i think for both of them, the iraq war was sticking point for rand paul and ambassador bolton. giuliani voicing support for that was something he didn't like. rand paul plays an into gral role in confirming the supreme court pick. that kind of approval coming out of committee is going to be a big part of actually giving the support needed when it comes to the senate floor. >> any surprise? let's take secretary of education. do you think that's a position that would normally glide through, especially when you think they have the majority, albeit very slim? >> a situation where because she has been more in favor of charter programs, maybe not in favor am mopping democrats of
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public schools, a structure in place, there could be alarm bells democrats raise. democrats are within the minority and can make a lot of noise. at the end of the day, can they block it? it's unlikely, she's widely respected by republicans. >> what does the landscape look like? as we look at a number of names coming up that need to get approval from the senate, how does that work? take us through the next -- i guess started in january, the first hundred days? >> there will be a big process through the white house, vetting all the candidates, going through their backgrounds, filling out detailed questionnaires. it will have to go through committees that have jurisdiction over the different cabinet positions will vet them even more and have the ability to raise objections if they do. from that point it goes to the full senate. typically when it comes to the full senate, they will have a role call and actually vote. if they want to register the objection, depending on the pick, if it's a less
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controversial person, maybe we'll have them get confirmed by unanimous consent. >> i know you don't have a crystal ball, but my last question is do you foresee any surprises for us. i know i ask that question knowing that we do not know who the president-elect is picking for his secretary of state. >> he's definitely kind of weaving. he's picking allies for certain positions. he picked mike flynn for national security. that doesn't require confirmation, a more controversial pick. but picking governor nikki haley for u.n. ambassador and will require it. he's trying to balance, steve bannon, reince priebus, both in the gop circles. we'll see. some of these picks for secretary of state, top cabinet positions he's going to want to consult republicans, make sure they can have a rm chance of getting them through. >> you'll certainly have no shortage of things to talk about. thank you for joining us, jesse.
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very interesting. thank you. just ahead, a thanksgiving tragedy as we now know the name and a little bit more about the brave sailor, the first u.s. service member to die in syria. also outreach and outrage. why are so many conservatives concerned about mitt romney and one-time trump critic possibly serving in the new administration. ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ why can't we be friends whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna try it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. shhh! dog, dog, dog.
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he's the first combat death since u.s. forces deployed in syria in october of 2015. >> back to our continuing coverage of the death of fidel castro. president obama and president-elect donald trump have issued starkly different statements on castro's death. mr. obama towed the diplomatic mind saying history will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him. trump said, fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. let's bring in fair and balanced panel, brian hook, a moderate that served on the clinton financial team. gentlemen, nice to see you. al, for as much as democrats might hope that mr. trump might moderate his views or his own now that he is the
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president-elect, first major foreign policy issue since the election. he's proving just as fiery. >> that's true, but i think, leland, his comment is perhaps more appropriate in light of who he's talking about. here we have someone who led communist cuba for so many years, was an ap press sive regime. there's appropriate anger about what happened in cuba. >> are you disappointed that didn't come through in president obama's statement? >> i actually think both of their statements reflect their personalities, the president is trying to be subtle and nuanced and appeal to both castro supporters and opponents. he has a policy in place he's trying to effectuate and move forward, whereas trump's statement, more bombastic, yes, trying to make his mark as the president-elect. >> ryan, this -- president-elect trump and for that matter when the president or the president-elect of the united states speaks, they're not just speaking about the issue they're speaking about. they're speaking about the world. whether it be moscow or number
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10 downing street or the south koreans or north koreans, all just read what we're reading from president-elect trump. what's their reaction? how does this change things? >> i think people are going to read obama's statement and wonder why he whitewashed 60 years of history and didn't hold castro accountable. he was a mass murderer responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people. he was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear hole cast was the cuban missile crisis. >> then they read trump's statement and think the new sheriff is in town? >> i think so. trump's statement is factual, an accurate statement of the castro dictatorship. that's going to resonate not only with cuban exiles but also the cuban people because it's much closer to reality than obama's statement is. >> if we run this out a little bit, we're playing the name game in terms of who is going to read t read the trump administration, probably the topic will be
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secretary of state, certainly as it relates to something like this. brian, i know you worked for mitt romney, someone in contention for that. now we see this very public feud playing out, if you will, a game of thrones, tweet from kellyanne conway, receiving deluge of social media and private comms re romney, some trump loyalists warn against romney as secretary of state. you still think mr. romney would make a good secretary of state? >> i think he would make a good secretary of state. when he ran in 2012, he made predictions that came true, he was right on iraq, right on syria, right on russia, right on the growing threat of terrorism in west africa. i think any president would be well served to have somebody who has made the correct calls on foreign policy even when they disagree. i think it's important for a president -- i've worked for a president and a secretary of state. they need to have diverse
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viewpoints. >> i'm guessing based on the other possible options to mr. romney for secretary of state, he'd probably be acceptable, if you will, to democrats. >> i think that's right. you have the good trump and the bad trump. the good trump thinks there's some elements of obamacare that are worth keeping. bad trump, maybe he picks giuliani who in my opinion jumped the shark with his over-the-top attacks. >> perhaps he's the only one who knows. al, brian, great discussion, thanks so much. >> good to have you. >> still ahead, going door-to-door to weed out the threat in an isis stronghold. we'll talk about where the most intense fighting is taking place. and who among this group of leaders will emerge as the nation's top diplomat. we just talked about this
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earlier. we're going to size up the competition and what they're going to be dealing with as secretary of state. (vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entrées, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes purely fancy feast.
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for millions in mosul, they're caught in the crossfire as the fight against isis continu continues. islamic state was report firing mortar rounds into government-held neighborhoods. scores of civilians continue fleeing the eastern sector of that city, complicating the military offensive by the iraqi coalition and the u.s. air power above to clear out this isis stronghold in what is iraq's second largest city. >> there have been 11 u.s. presidents in the 58 years since fidel castro seized power in a
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military quecoupe. we could find out as early as next week whom donald trump has chosen has his top diplomat. dan dresner from tufts university joins us today. i want to tuck about the news of the day. we talk about the complexities of the today. this is potentially what the next secretary of state could be facing. i want to ask you, what challenges does that person see or will face in the next administration? today being a good example of that. >> certainly. obviously the secretary of state isn't someone who leads spokesmen for the united states and the rest of the world. particularly given this transition, there's a lot of questions that the rest of the world will have about the continuity of american foreign policy from the obama administration to the trump administration. in some corners this is causing
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anxiety, in other corners causing glee. there's a lot of known and unknowns. no one is sure what a trump foreign policy will look like. whoever he points as secretary of state will send a powerful signal of which way he's leaning, or degree to which he might want to reverse course which he did say with respect to cuba during the campaign. >> you have written extensively about tricky political optics, if you will. i want to put a full screen up of some of the names tossed around. obviously this isn't necessarily a predictor. you can see governor mitt romney, rudy giuliani, david petraeus, and rohrabacher. how do these particular candidates go forward when you have mentioned and you have written about the fact that donald trump is a self-described
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outsider and perhaps he has changed his mind on a couple of issues. how do these men potentially handle that? >> it's gong to be tricky. one of the additional elements of trickiness is almost the reality show nature of the degree to which they're trying to cast the secretary of state. it's kind of unprecedented to have a chief staffer publicly tweet about the fact that there's potential political blowback from ap pointing mitt romney. that said, it depends on who we're talking about. in the case of mitt romney it's hardly unheard of to have a president ap point a former political rival as the secretary of state. barack obama did the same with hillary clinton when he appointed her as secretary of state. it's worth noting, by the way, one of the dirty little secrets of the obama administration is an awful lot of form policy was run out of the white house as opposed to the state department. even if trump appoints romney as secretary of state, it's entirely possible you could see a lot of foreign policy being
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run from the white house. >> do you perceive that with this upcoming administration? we heard donald trump say i put the right people in the right place. like you're saying, the obama administration, almost all the decisions did go through the white house. >> that's correct. >> you think that will happen with this next administration as well. >> i think there's a decent chance of it. if nothing else, we'll see a lot more bureaucratic infighting than we saw with both of obama's two terms, which is not to say there aren't bureaucratic politics. it was largely kept under wraps. to repeat myself, we're in a situation where we have kellyanne conway tweeting it would be controversial to appoint mitt romney as secretary of state which would poison the well if he does take that position. even if he doesn't, you've got a situation where mike flynn is probably going to want to exercise significant amounts of authority. mike pence also has real tefly strong views on foreign policy. the real question is the degree to which donald trump himself
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will be engaged in these questions. in his first week after he was elected, he made it clear most of his policy priorities were domestic in nature. when presidents first come to office, the first thing they want to focus on is their domestic agenda. the question is, given that vacuum, which of the policy leaders, secretary of state, national security adviser, office of the vice president will exercise final say so on foreign policy issues. >> thank you for joining us. we talk about all these different names and they need to be confirmed by the senate. we have to get through that step as well. thank you for joining us. so much to talk about. appreciate it. after the break, what fidel castro's death means for u.s. and cuban relations and what president-elect trump has to say about it.
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start of normalizing relations with the castro regime in cuba. obama restored diplomatic ties, opened up travel, commerce and telecommunications, but on the campaign trail, president-elect trump promised to reverse all of that. >> but all of the concessions that barack obama has granted the castro regime were done through executive order which means the next president can reverse them. that i will do unless the castro regime meets our demands. >> trump won florida and the cube man american vote promising he would cancel obama's orders until the castro regime granted political freedom to cubans and freed political prisoners. cuban exiled leaders say they don't want to cancel obama's deal altogether, but renegotiate it. they like the idea of travel of
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cuban americans to the island, but urge the suspension of trade and investment deals that only serve to enrich the regime. >> any concessions that are going to be given to the castro regime must come with a demand, and the demand must be to respect the rights of the cuban people inside the island. >> cuban dissent guillermo has held dozen of hunger strikes and believes obama's biggest era was not consulting the disdepth community before negotiating with the castros. just last week he met with republican senators marco rubio and bob menendez, imploring them to alter or halt obama's deal until more democratic reforms are passed. >> things are worse economically, politically and socially. there has been increased repression, incarceration,
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assaults and torture because the government felt the deal legitimized their actions. >> fidel castro's death puts the relations in the spotlight in the first days of the president-elect's new administration. the question now is how far will mr. trump go in his promise to cuban americans to bring about real change? >> we will see. bryan llenas reporting live, thank you so much. still ahead, as we look live at the harbor in havana, the flag at half staff and the celebrations aren't stopping any time soon as we look live to little havana. more on what fidel castro's death means for tens of thousands of cuban americans. they're certainly happy about it there. remembering the u.s. marshal who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. how friends and family are remembering him.
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this artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. come on artoo! ♪ artoo! welcome to the rebellion. ♪ this is for you. duracell and children's miracle network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. we're back. so much news today, a bonus third hour this saturday. nice to be with you. i'm leland vittert. >> i'm elizabeth prann. here is what's making news right now. the flag at the cuban embassy in washington, d.c. flying at half staff as people remember fidel castro with cards and flowers.
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we're going to take you live to miami's vibrant cuban community for their reaction. plus, as you might imagine, stark differences between how president-elect trump and president obama are reacting to the news of castro's death. >> the controversy surrounding mr. trump's pick to head the department of education, we're going to debate it coming up. a fox news alert. as those who escaped the brutality of castro's regime are taking to the streets of miami to celebrate his death, some saying that while the tyrant is dead, the tyranny in that island nation continues. phil keating live in miami's little havana. hi, phil. >> reporter: hi, leland. the celebration here in miami such a contrast to what's happening more than a hundred miles to the south on the island of cuba where they're officially in a nine-day mourning period. castro's ashes will be marched
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basically from havana on wednesday heading east to santiago, the birthplace of his communist revolution back in 1958 and '59. that's where they'll stay. let's talk a walk to show you what's happening on the streets of little havana. it has been this way since about 2:00 in the morning, maybe an hour earlier. it's been non-stop, cuban americans coming out -- here we are in the heart of the exile community in south florida, and everyone always comes to cafe versailles if they want to celebrate or mourn anything cuba related. there are pots and pans and cow bells. there's an overwhelming sense of happiness and celebration. joining me is florida international's brian vonn
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sacko. you were saying it does seem odd to celebrate his death, but you think it's deeper and profound. >> i'm not sure it's celebration of a death rather than the celebration of the closing of a chapter. remember fidel castro was president part of the revolution, he was the revolution. many of the people behind me celebrating, they're celebrating for the departure and closure of the architect of the revolution, the perp who caused so much pain and suffering to the people of this community. >> certainly a lot of people on the island, massive pain and suffering. here in miami there is absolutely a festive atmosphere today. everybody wants change. they've wanted change for five decades plus. and raul castro is still in charge along with a lot of other communist hard liners in the government. how soon do you think the cuban american dream of freedom and
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change, how long away is it going to be? >> i don't think fidel's death necessarily represents a change. perhaps it lifts some of the barrier to change. as long as fidel was alive, there were a lot of apprehensions on the island to effect serious policy changes. this was a fluid political evolution. you have been in a position of transition for many years. when fidel handed the torch over to his brother raul, that was part of change. that was the fact that you had transition going on. i'm not sure that the expectation that fidel's death will signal immediate translation. but it's part of a long political evolution. >> this is the party, absolutely a party. >> thank you for telling the
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truth. >> reporter: you live in miami? >> yes. my name is kevin simon. fox news is the greatest network in the world. >> reporter: thanks for watching. what's your take on what you're seeing today? >> spontaneous freedom outbreak, just like at the end of world war ii, any time freedom braerks out you have a celebration. this is a testimony to the life of castro. >> thank you very much. enjoy the rest of your day. the temperature is surprisingly hot, but people are still standing in the street having a very big celebration now that 90-year-old fidel castro is no more. >> so many agreeing for decades about this day. phil keating live in little havana, thantion, phil. liz? >> we see those celebrations in miami. the mood is more somber in cuba over the death of fidel castro. res depts there under a mapped tore nine-day mourning period.
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bret baier takes a look at the life of fidel castro. >> reporter: his speeches grew shorter, appearances more rare. but fidel castro's tone remapd defiept as ever. socialism or death. fidel castro loved to hate america at every political turn. his own political stock, albeit small, soared during the international custody fit for elian gonzalez. when the u.s. returned his little prince, castro called the moment a moral victory over imperialist america. the man born fidel alejandro castro in cuba, led a rag-tag band of bearded rebels to overthrow a dictator. he ended up becoming one hymn self. castro stood defieptly against
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ten u.s. presidents. around the world, leftists called castro a hero. but for the u.s. he was the all-too-close face of the bitter cold war. while the world could never completely dismiss castro politically, over time to some critics he seemed more like a caricature with his wiry beard, faded fatigues and six-inch cigars. the man who would lead the small caribbean island to communism was educated by jesuit priests and earned his law degree at the university of havana. he launched his first and failed revolution in 1953 where 30 of his followers were killed while attacking the barracks. castro wassism prisoned, then deported, but made his way back on an overloaded power boat. after nearly a decade of coups, riots and political rebellion, the people despared over the government of full generals yeah
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batista and castro seized power on january 1st, 1959. he held on for nearly 50 years. the most significant response to castro's communist regime came in 1961 when president john f. kennedy backed the failed bay of pigs invasion where hundreds of cuban exile fighters were captured and september to prison or killed. the next year american spy planes discovered secret soviet missiles inside cuba. after a 13-day u.s. naval blockade, the soviet union backed down and removed the missiles. castro was enraged as the world watched two superpowers walk away from a nuclear it in mary. in 190, he unlooeshed 125,000 cubans on america, mixed in with political prisoners were criminals, murderers, rape i69s and the insane. the mariel boat lift forever
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changed south florida's landscape. 14 years later at cuba's economy collapsed further, castro unleashed a second wave of human cargo, this time whether america wanted them or not, 30,000 cubans were coming to her shores against. in 1998 cuba opened its island doors to pope john paul ii, the holy father and the man who chaened down cuban churches shared words before the world. critics would call the meeting little more than a public relations campaign. in the summer of 2006 castro underwent surgery for intestinal bleeding and quietly seeded power to his younger brother raul. in 2008 he announced he would no longer serve as president and commander-in-chief, a surprising move few thought they would live to see. by the end of the month, the country's national assembly formally elected raul to secede
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his brother fidel. in april 2011 castro remained largely out of the public eye. with one notable exception. in march of 2012 he would welcome a second pontiff, pope benedict xvi, the two met privately at the end of benedict's three-day visit to cuba, deaf spite the pope's vocal opposition. castro asking the holy father what does a pope do. still castro's conspicuous absence fueled rumors about his health. president raul castro spoke with the american president by telephone welcoming the announcement of lifting sanctions. the man who brought communism to cuba, fidel made no appearances and had no public comment on the ending of the cold war freeze he'd urnered in more than a half century earlier.
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often referred to as a tyrannical dictator, millions on the impoverished island considered castro the leader to bring -- he was forever hated, responsible for cuba's economic growth. in washington, bret baier, fox news. this first major foreign policy event since the election is the difference between president obama and the man who would soon occupy the white house. mr. obama released a statement entirely consist accident with diplomatic niceties. mr. trump's statement struck a different tone. peter doocy is traveling with mr. trump this poll day week end in palm beach. hi, peter. >> reporter: hi, leland. the president-elect is cheering dictator fidel castro's death. before the sun came up, he tweeted this, quote, fidel castro is dead, exclamation
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mark. that was it for a few hours. the transition team did later release a more comprehensive statement that condemned castro. did express optimism for what may be next for our neighbor 90 miles south of miami. the longer statement says, quote, fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. it is my hope today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long and toward a future in which the wonderful cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve. the a last part of the statement, vice president elect mike pence tweeted, the tyrant castro is dead. new hope dawns. we will stand with the oppressed cuban people for a free and democratic cuba. viva cuba libre.
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there's been talk about who trump's secretary of state will be in january. the krecht one, john kerry just said the u.s. reaffirms its commitment to deepening ties with cuba over the next several years. that could be a hard promise to keep. secretary kerry exits the state department in a couple weeksment incoming president donald trump has talked about how he plans to use executive actions of his own to undo executive actions that president obama used to make things nice with obama. >> new sheriff comes to down, peter doocy, palm beach, florida. bringing in christopher bedford, you have to think not only in havana which is where this tweet for mike pence and this statement from donald trump is aimed, but in capitals friendly and unfriendly to the united states around the world, they're taking notes. >> we've seen these spontaneous
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celebrations erupting in miami where the streets are full of people who are happy because this is a dead dictator. it's kind of wild to see a democratic president, barack obama, say we're going to leave it to history to judge fidel castro. we don't need to leave it to history. we have 90 years of his history. he was a murdering, had firing squads, imprisoned people, still imprisoning people there now. he should take a card out of president kennedy's book and take a hard line on cuba. i think they're going to be in trouble. i think donald trump probably won't roll back everything. when he comes in -- >> what do we see when he was forming his national security team. you have to think as it exists now, mike flynn, mcfar lapd, had a part in the statement he put out today. >> the statement he put out today was really suck sipgt. it was incredible. it showed he had been paying attention or his advisers had been paying attention.
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he's willing to listen to advisers, general mattis who he's considering for secretary of defense, come in and say i didn't find waterboarding works. i'll listen to this general, you have a good bat record. it will be interesting to see who he pulls for secretary of state. he's pulled in such hawkish people like flynn and mattis to advise him on whose butts we'll kick. will it be rudy giuliani or mitt romney? it will be -- >> john bolton, bob corker, somebody like that. help me understand, as you see the foreign policy landscape, you have to think in tehran, number ten downing street, they all woke up this morning to fidel castro's news. we got statements including the one from the canadian prime minister who called fidel castro a remarkable leader. now all of a sudden after eight years of being used to barack obama and his statements, they get this from the incoming
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president. >> it's going to be a shot off the bow. it will be interesting to see what trudeau, canada's prime minister who called him a remarkable person was flattering in his eulogy for fidel castro. he's going to have to become the left wing leader, setting himself to bring in liberals from around the world to meet with him in canada. once barack obama is gone, they're going to have to go back to him. we're going to be watching enemies like tehran, north korea. i think they'll take close notice of everything he does. >> agree or disagree. the last time we saw this paradigm shift between administrations and foreign policy and foreign policy perspective, jimmy carter to romd reagan in 1980. >> that's probably true. even when barack obama came in af, after campaigning against him, he kept everything going. we have more wars going on right now and we also have gauantanam bay still in existence.
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donald trump is going to tear down what john kerry and barack obama have built. >> it seems mr. trump and vice president pence have a lot to say about what his promise was. appreciate your insight. liz, what's coming up? a fox news alert. u.s. marshal who gave his life in service to his country is being remembered at this hour in a memorial service. patrick carothers was shot to death while executing a warrant on a dangerous fugitive. you can see there attorney general loretta lynch. the service held at suburban atlanta at the same school where his children attended. she will be delivering remarks later in this hour. his family, close friends, colleagues are all in attendance. deputy commander carothers was 53 years old, he leaves be hype his wife and five children.
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still to come, president-elect trump's choice for education secretary is causing some controversy. we're going to have a fair and balanced debate over betsy devos and her education stance coming up next. plus, why france's euro disney theme park is under high alert this holiday season. we'll tell you what's up, and the celebrations continue in the streets of miami as the death of fidel castro sinks in, what does it mean going forward for the island nation. >> i'm just sorry that he's gone before he's able to see a free cuba. cuba is going to be free. i think that would have been the ultimate slap in the face for him to have been alive with a free cuba.
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five suspected terrorists arrested for plotting, quote, imminent attacks in france. the officials say they foiled attacks planned for december 1st against government offices, also on the target list, euro disney theme park, french official worn the threat of future terror attacks remains high a year
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after the paris attacks at the bataclan. back to politics, president-elect donald trump's education secretary pick, betsy devoss has some democrats wild, particularly her firm stance against common core and less government control in the education system. let's bring in fox news panel. thank you for joining us on this thanksgiving weekend. i want to start with you, ang a angela. her own children went to charter schools and she does support that. that doesn't necessarily mean that she's anti public education, correct? >> correct. here is the bottom line. i've been told not to use the bottom line, basically it takes a village to raise a child. yes, i used a hillary clinton quote. this is not democratic, this is not republican. we need to stop failing our
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children. donald trump said we should have the civil right to have access to a good education and live in safe neighborhoods. i would suggest the new secretary of education actually reaches across the aisle and go back to the clinton administration, spiel to the administrators during that time, go back to the bush administration and speak to rod page. no child left behind unfortunately, elizabeth, did leave children behind. >> antoine, do you see this candidate a divisive figure. she as well as a number of other people we've talked about need senate confirmation. do you find her divisive? >> i think this is another example of someone who will literally put the screws to public education in america. you have to realize 90% of children in this country attend public schools. you have someone who has never attended a public school, is not
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for public education, has no experience in public education. that's concerning for me. >> what's that got to do with the price in arkansas? what does that have to do with the price of rice in arkansas? we should be able to have a choice. >> it has a lot to do with it. >> i'm down right here, borderline to mississippi. >> most kids in rule south carolina have no choice. the only school they can attend is the public school. if you're from where i'm from, there is no private school option. for most people in america -- >> elizabeth, elizabeth -- >> let me just ask antoine, what would you like to see from her? you're saying she can't help the children in rural alabama. why is that? why do you say that? >> you have to realize, in the south, in most places in america, parents are trying to put two ends together, forget about trying to make them meet. so a $5,000 voucher will make no dechbt in a $30,000 bill for
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their kids to get an education. >> yes, it does. >> something they pay taxes for, something we deserve. >> angela, can you respond. >> news corporation partnered with 100 black men, and this is what i want to secretary of education to do. david banks and news corporation partnered to create the school of law government and justice, a charter school and the eagle academy, a school for all males -- >> what does that have to do with rural schools in america and access. >> sir, sir, sir, you were saying a $5,000 voucher -- >> ma'am, ma'am. >> i'm not finished. you respect me. >> i want to make sure -- >> you said a $5,000 voucher would not help a child. >> i'm going to stage the next question. angela, i'll have you answer it and then antoine i want you to respond. this particular candidate says she's been a vocal advocate for charter schools, but she can have both, am i correct?
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she can do that. >> she can have both. she can have both. if she reaches out. right here in tennessee, they were the second state to rise to the top because of dr. carolyn harvey, she worked with the public school system, but she did innovative curriculums. this is what we need to do, sir, because it impacts our community. stop democrat, stop republican. we need to partner. >> antoine, i'll give you the last word. >> i agree with your partnership. but here is the bottom line, here is the reality. if you are a cheaper in america, i don't care whether you're in the northeast, southeast, you have to have credentials, some type of experience in order to get a teaching job. she doesn't have that for starters. she has been an advocate, someone who will literally put the screws to public education in this country. 90% of chirp in this country attend public schools. you can't have someone who doesn't -- >> i attended public schools. >> and washt them to attend public schools. >> people need to have a choice.
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i know black mothers working two or three jobs to send their black kids to baptist or catholic schools. >> why does it have to be about black kids? >> because i'm black. and i want to talk about the black situation. you have black lives matter, i wanted to talk about our situation here. >> okay. >> what about white kids in this country? >> i'm getting the wrap in my ear. i do love the passion and obviously when it comes to our children we are all very passionate about their education. thank you both for joining us today. we very much appreciate it. >> thank you so much. live pictures of little havana in miami, the cuban american community abuzz and celebrating, that's right, celebrating fidel castro's death. coming up, speak to a prominent member of congress and a long-time critic of the castro regime, pointed words from illiana ross lathe them, and
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as tens of how sands of cuban americans take to the streets in miami to celebrate fidel castro's death, u.s. lawmakers are also weighing in on his legacy. one u.s. lawmaker lived under that legacy. ileana ros-lehtinen immigrated with her family when she was 7 years old. i can't help but get your reaction to news we have been following during the show on twitter. we had seen a statement from the prime minister of canada, justin trudeau. he writes in part, among other things, that fidel castro was legendary revolutionary and orator making significant improvements to the education
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and health care of his island nation. it's listed a response from florida senator marco rubio who said it was not only shameful but embarrassing and asked if it was a parody. i want to get your reaction to statements such as this that we're seeing today. >> i think justin was totally out of his element. i wish he would spend one month living under castro's dictatorship to see if he would feel that way about his education system, about his medical care. it is so bogus, this line that these foreign leaders are spouting. they just keep repeating the same talking points. it would seem the education system in castro's cuba is nothing more than indoctrination and spoon-feeding false propaganda to students no matter at what level. as far as their health care, they have phenomenal health care if you're a foreign tourist visiting cuba or if you're a wealthy person visiting cuba. but the health care for the
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cuban citizens, they have to bring their own sheets, they own medicines. the only ones who seem to get better are the ones that have well-to-do or middle class american relatives living in the united states. even that basic truth is a complete fallacy. it's called fidel castro's legacy, one of a tyrant who has executed people, has called for the execution of others, who exiled jesuit priests, forced them out of the island, forced families like mine off the island. to say he is a great orator or a great statesman is sickening. that's nothing you would say about someone who brought cuba down to its knees. the people can't even feed themselves, let alone they're so business si scrounging for food
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and basic necessities that castro wants to keep them busy doing that so they don't pay attention to the lack of human rights. i find it unconscionable that world leaders of great countries, like the prime minister of canada, would speak such gibberish about a tyrant and a dictator like fidel castro. incredible, but he's not alone. so many others have bought in, including our own state department and president obama extending condolences to the family of fidel castro. what about condolences to the people that he killed? what about cob dole lenses to the family members of hundreds and thousands who have died in the florida straits trying to flee from communist tyranny and make it to the freedom of the united states? what about condolences for them. >> you have talked about especially on our air that concessions made by president obama have hurt the cuban people over the past year. >> absolutely.
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>> looking forward, what opportunities do you see to change that statement? >> there is no doubt that the concessions, the sweetheart deals that president obama bestowed upon the castro dictatorship have hurt the cuban people. why do i say that? he talks about doing commerce with the people of cuba. what commerce? the only business that you can do in that enslaved island is business with the dictatorship. so all of those businesses are owned by the castro regime. you can lease them as a foreigner, but you can't own them and they just line the pockets of an already rich decrepit communist dictatorship. what we've seen as a result of that, the real effect of these concessions by president obama on the cuban people has been an increase of repression, an increase in political dissidents being jailed and an increase in the number of cubans fleeing the island after president obama
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made those concessions to dictator raul castro cubans have fled the island in record numbers. why? they have seen ha the leaders of the greatest country in the world, the greatest democracy, the strongest country, has leapt a helping hand to their oppressor. s that why we have seen a record number of cubans fleeing the island. they didn't get the memo from president obama that that's a workers paradise. >> congresswoman illiaeana ros-lehtin ros-lehtinen, we thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you so much. may one day freedom come to that enslaved land i call home. thank you. >> thank you. as we continue to follow this, suffice it to say donald trump's foreign policy is shaping up to be quite different than what we have seen for the past eight years from president obama. here to weigh in on the challenges the trump team will
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face, blaze mishtal national security project director at the bipartisan policy center. pretty incredible that just a couple of weeks after the election we're seeing an incredibly stark difference between president obama, president-elect trump as evidenced by their statements today. >> i think we can have no better summary of the differences between the two and their world views. on the one happened, president obama refusing to take a stand on cuba. >> he says history will judge fidel castro. >> exactly. it's not for the united states to judge, not for us to dictate anything to the world which we've seen throughout the eight years is his approach. with president-elect trump fidel castro is dead, is really a statement that anybody can read what they want. >> he says fidel castro's legacy is of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty, denial of human rights. you have to imagine around the
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world, tehran, pyongyang, perhaps even moscow, they're looking at this statement and thinking there's a new sheriff in town. >> i think so. i think they're trying to figure out what this foreign policy will be. we've had conflicting messages. we've had messages of maybe we can do business with them. now we need to back it off. >> back in september he said, hey, if things don't change, i'm prepared to walk back. >> now we have a stronger message. i think governments will start calibrating themselves to this new image of a stronger trump. >> we'll talk about the appointments now. in terms of a national security team, jeff sessions as security general, not quite in the national security realm in terms of foreign policy. you have lieutenant general michael flynn as the national security adviser. k.t. mcfarland, deputy national security adviser mike pompeo at the cia. the world knows vladimir putin,
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what can we get, the one who really deserves the nobel peace prize. turns out leading from behind left a big opening and obama still hasn't figured it out. what can we learn from that? >> i think definitely the idea of strong leadership being required from the united states on the world stage is something we've seen communicated through all the choices thus far. i think there's two threats that run through them, stronger on isis, stronger on iran, specifically the nuclear deal. what that means going forward, what that means on russia, whether it's cooperation with russia or whether it's taking a stronger line against putin, what that means on china and north korea will be flushed out. having someone like mcfarland who worked nixon, a long strategic view of things will give this administration a more comprehensive national security strategy. >> also obviously the two big posts that require senate confirmation, secretary of defense, secretary of state,
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will tell us where this goes vis-a-vis iran and russia. blaise, good to see you. more time next time. elizabeth? >> after the break, real-liech models rjs helping their loved ones recover from battlefield wounds. i'll speak with two special ladies who are home front heroes. he may be out of the broadcast business, but vin scully's voice is safely enshrined in our memories. s it. give ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can reveal their ethnic origins. order now at and save 30%. offer ends monday. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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vin scully's smooth voice and ability to weave a story on the airwaves of radio guided nearly seven decades of baseball fans through some remarkable moments. this week, president obama honored him with the presidential medal of freedom. our jim grey was there. >> vin, congratulations. what's this honor mean to you?
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>> it's overwhelming, as you know, jim. first of all, you feel inadequate because it's such an incredible award. there are no words for you to use. in our business in sports, you're aware of the various awards, and if you're a player, you would strive for it. even as a broadcaster there are awards. this award is something that you never, ever think about and suddenly to have thement of the united states put it around your neck and you're in the white house, i don't know how anyone could get poetic. it just about draws a blank in your mind. >> when he was talking about the honorees and he brought up your name, what went through you in a when he was talking about your? >> in all honesty, what am i doing here? you talk about great scientists, an architect like frank geary. and i'm sitting here thinking,
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i'm a sports announcer. it was a very humbling experience. believe me when i say that. >> you'll be 89 in a few days. >> that's right. >> how would you describe your career and recent retirement? >> i can sum it up by saying the grace of god. he has helped me every step of the way. i didn't accomplish 69 years of doing sports. he's the one who gave me the path to follow. so i'm so grateful. i gave thanks to him every day because really i feel that it's been a gift, and because it's a gift, i don't feel like i should take a bow for it. it was something that he decided in his grace, and i just followed directions. it's great, but it makes me realize how much i owe. >> to be loved by the public and to be the only sportscaster in history to get the medal of freedom, to have that honor, vin, and have it yours, how will
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you handle that? >> i can't believe, as you just said, loved by everybody. i can't believe that. i have the award. they can't take it away. i knew a few days ago i was worried about a recount, but they allowed me to get it anyway. so i would say i think i have it in the proper perspective as far as my life. it's wonderful, but i'm going to put it away and that basically will be the end of it, and its relationship with me. >> how did this happen? tell us about the call and how this whole process happened. >> if anyone should write a book about it, you should begin, you should write the preface and opening paragraph, because it was your efforts to get the ball started, and then bob costas wrote a beautiful letter. the next thing i know i get a call from josh earnest out of the blue, and my first reaction was, are you sure? i could not believe that he was calling to tell me that i'm
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getting the award. i'm happy, and you should be happy, and i'm grateful to you forgetting the ball started. >> how did you manage to withstand the test of time in a world where things change so instantaneously? >> i don't know. i do believe very much in god. my faith is very strong. whatever happens, i figure it's in his hands. i've never let it go to high, nor too low. somehow or other that's kept me pretty much on a steady path. >> after the break, a model of love and sacrifice that will touch your hearts. these calendar girls are going to be here after the break. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette.
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>> well, it is often the strength of a loved one that wounded warriors finds the strength to push through the very long years of treatment and recovery. many can last a lifetime, one group of care givers came together to raise funds while having a little fun with the care giver calendar. we have two of the very popular calendar models here with us today.
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monica and cassandra barbie, i want to bring attention to this wonderful calendar we are bringing light to today. i want to start with you, monica, you have been taking care of your husband for over two decades now. i want to ask you, why is it so important that we talk about the role of a care giver? >> i think for care givers, it is a 24 hours, you know, all day long, every day. and it never end. it is just constant care and so this calendar is the way for people to donate to help organizations that come on besides care givers and helped provide things that we need to help us for self care, whether it's taking us out to a dinner or just people that can come together and walk along beside us that have been there before and encourage us so we can make it so we can do it. >> cassandra, i want to ask you, there is a lot of attention, we do focus on the wounded warriors, but they have to go home at the end of the day,
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that's where you come in. you have been taking care of your family and husband. you have a family as well. what relief have you gotten from organizations such as all the once listed in this particular calendar and has that given you the reprieve that you need? >> it has, we have gotten a lot of self care stuff. we have goth gone to, i have a two-year-old daughter, we've gone to the shows and that, it's given us the time to feel like we have a family as well, that we're not just medical appointments and we're not just patients, we're actually a family, we're living our lives. we're not putting that on hold for meld cal appointment, if he's not doing well, we can do other things a. lot of these organization versus given us a chance to take a deep breath and feel like we have to take care of ourselves, too, it's really amusing. >> monica, i mentioned, you have been taking care of your husband for 25 years now, do you feel you are taking better care of people because of organizations such as this? >> i would say this, all the
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organizations in the calendar are really great at providing care they provide funds, hotel rooms if we need them for family. they are coming from out of town. sometimes your soldier is sick and you need somebody to come. family wants to come, but a lot of times we're here, we're not local. so we don't have homes, families, that they can stay with. so they will easily just say, give us the information we'll help you find rooms or food or whatever, cars, rental cars, transportation, airline tickets. really hands on. >> this is a great way to directly impact care givers. >> right. >> for people in america. >> we will put more information up on our website. thank you, ladies, for joining us. thank you at home, that's all in washington.
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welcome to "the journal editorial report" this week, we're looking ahead at the first days of the trump presidency, the challenges facing his administration at home and abroad and the policies that are likely to top his agenda. we begin with the supreme kuehrt where the president-elect is set to make his mark almost immediately when he chooses the successor to late justice anthony scalia. senate minority leader chuck schumer telling chris wallace democrats will oppose any nominee that i
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