tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News November 28, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern. marco rubio, laura ingraham among our many guests. that is all the time we have tonight. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. address @ tucker carlson. o'reilly is next. >> >> girls and i in the bathroom were shaken up we are like did this actually really happen. media instinct is kind of that it's not real. >> chaos at ohio state today. looks like some terrorists put some students? real danger. we'll have an update. >> i would die for this flag. i fought for this flag. i live for it. you all live for it. >> another higher education controversy in massachusetts as the american flag has been banned from a campus there. we will tell you all about it. ♪ speaking foreign language] >> fidel castro not of this earth anymore, but the left still loves him.
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we will tell you what a terrible tyrant he was. >> hail trump. hail our people. tail victory. >> also ahead, talking about tyrants. what is the truth about the white power movement in the u.s.a.? caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. we have three talking points memos one on donald trump saying millions of illegal aliens voted in the last second election. second white power and third why the left loves deceased dictator fidel castro. first two stories on college campuses lead the factor this evening. today at ohio state 11 people were hurt. one critically when they were attacked by a
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somali-born man who was then shot to death by a police officer. terrorism very possible. joining us now from washington with the latest. fox news national security correspondent jennifer griffin. all right. who was the guy, jennifer, and what do they think the motive was? >> well, bill, what we have learned is his name abdul allali artan. video of him driving into campus and plowing into students as he left the hall there. then he got out of his vehicle wielding a knife. if it hadn't been for a police officer who had been called nearby to a gas leak, he is the one who shot and killed the 18-year-old somali and he would have done a lot more damage if he hadn't done so. >> is he an ohio state police officer? i know a lot of police he is an ohio state guy. >> is he an ohio state police officer, yes. >> he is the big hero tonight.
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>> absolutely. >> this plays into a number of things politically. so here you have an 18-year-old somali. somalia, obviously a terror haven, al qaeda and isis. here, as you pointed out legally, got legal status, i understand it's a refugee situation, all right. and donald trump, one of his main campaign themes was no more of this. we're stopping this. >> absolutely. >> so this story, i suspect, is going to get very big in the next 48 hours. >> absolutely. d in.ct, we know that the we know that they are looking at possible terrorism ties overseas. and we have learned from our own sources here in washington that there was a facebook post basically a declaration of some sorts in which he was complaining about the treatment of muslims and how muslims had been attacked in the past. we also know that isis had put out on saturday a video in french calling for attacks on westerners. and that had been translated into english and just last month isis put out a
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newspaper calling for knife attacks on westerners. >> all right. so i think it will be more for this story to come. just real quick. 11 students, i guess they are all students hurt. one critically. is that the status right now? >> that's the status right now. we understand most of them are expected to survive, bill. >> all right. jennifer. thank you very much. now let's turn to another higher education situation. this one in massachusetts. hampshire college says it will no longer fly the american flag. >> this stands for all the veterans around the whole nation, everybody who fought for this flag. it's more than just a symbol. >> the symbol was raising the temperature of the controversy that disagreement in getting us away from the underlying values that we wanted to discuss. >> joining us now from boston, adrianna connie -- cohe. it seems almost impossible to believe. let's start with the college.
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hampshire college is, what, a small liberal arts school? >> that's right. in western massachusetts. >> and the student body, is it a radicalized school? is it something that has been known in the past to do these kinds of anti-american things? >> well, you know, we haven't really seen that lately. but what has happened is political correctness has run amuck on college campuses all across the united states, bill. and in massachusetts now, these students took -- prout the flag down to half mast right before veterans day. and then someone burned the american flag. we presume it was students. the day before veterans day. and then the school replaced the flag on veterans day and flew it high. and then they cowardly decided the school president and officials decided to take the flag down and burn the american flag on campus. complete disgrace and outrage. >> does this have anything to do with the election of trump? >> i think it does because the flag was first lowered
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in response to the presidential election. some were unhappy with the results. >> jonathan lash comes across as a weasel, this is disruptive. somehow an american flag on college campus is disruptive. to me just cut the college's throat. alumni donations in which these colleges depend, particularly a small place like hampshire, they are going to dry up. this is not going to go over well. radical students not goings to give any students anyway. students well off are going to say i'm not going to support that has lash been challenged at all? >> yes. absolutely. so just yesterday, thousands of people from all over protested are the banning of the american flag. there was a rally on campus. a peaceful -- many, many veterans came and they expressed their this is disgraceful. totally dishonoring our veterans and what the flag stands for there has been a
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petition filed on people are saying less funding to the school because if they don't like our flag then they shouldn't like our tax dollars and i agree with them. >> i don't know how much money that school gets in state and federal funding it it's got to be looked at. >> we apologize for the audio. the satellite sometimes that happens. next on the rundown, donald trump tweeting he believes millions of illegal aliens may have voted in the presidential election. can that possibly be true? and then fidel castro no more but the left still loves him. we will tell you the truth about the cuban lowered up ahead. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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(vo) where will you find that perfect holiday gift? x marks the box! helzberg diamonds will give you this xbox one s with your purchase of $999 more. helzberg diamonds. here's to love. >> impact segment tonight. donald trump tweeted on sunday that he believes millions of illegal aliens voted in the presidential election. immediately mr. trump was mocked and scorned by those who don't like him. now, the factor can't k. not possibly verify whether
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mr. trump's statement contains any truth at all. what we can tell you with certainty, however, is that there is an amazing amount of confusion over illegal aliens voting. and that is the subject of the first talking points memo me. as you may know, california, along with 11 other states now gives illegal aliens license to drive. and once you have a valid drivers license in california, connecticut, oregon, vermont, and west virginia. you're automatically registered to vote. if you use some slight of hand. you must provide a valid social security number to prove you are here legally, but that can be done via computer. and as we all know, phony social security numbers are legion. now, in california, if you are undocumented you get a stamp on your license that federal limits apply. and the law in all of 12 states says illegal aliens are not allowed to vote.
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however, who is checking? the answer, no one. as far as we can tell. and as talking points stated it's not hard to game the system. so it's not inconceivable that millions of illegal aliens did vote on november 8th. the it's not a fact either at least at this point. joining us from washington is charles krauthammer. so in california alone, more than 800,000 illegal aliens applied for driver drivers licee drnses. trump tweeting millions voted. not sure is he going to be able to back that up. what's your feeling? >> well, of course is he not going to be able to back it up. and, you know, it's like jill stein saying in wisconsin and michigan there could have been fraud, there could have been systematic cyber attack there could have been some kind of russia than begans in this election and therefore let's do a recount. there could be a lot of things. that doesn't make them true. i mean, it could be that
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there are aliens circling the earth and on election day they and they are invincible, of course they train their ray guns on the ballot boxes on several states. as a result. 3 million g.o.p. votes disappeared. anything could be. >> the alien ray gun thick we are not going to buy. >> tell me why he? they are invincible. >> i give information that's accurate. i took a hard look at this california thing today and my staff. if you wanted to, you can get a license if you are not in this license legally and you can game that system in both. not that hard to do it. there is nobody checking it. i assume it's the same in the other 11 states and washington, d.c. if you have a scenario that easy. and it is easy. okay. then by saying well, i'm
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extrapolating information from that that millions might have voted possibly have voted. that's what trump should have said. >> well, yes. and that's a big difference. there is a difference between saying x might have happened. and saying x did happen and as a result i won the popular vote. and that's the issue here. i agree with you. there should be laws where it is impossible. >> impossible. >> for a noncitizen to vote. >> because if you. >> candid only for the citizenry. but to extrapolate as you're doing, i think is simply illogical and unbelievable leap. >> that donald trump made. not me. i'm just saying that the system is rife for corruption. i believe the california authorities in san francisco want illegal aliens to vote. they want that. they have made it so with a wink, wink, wink, if you do it this way you will be able to. you mentioned jill stein. she is trying to raise money to get a recount. i ignored the story because
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i don't think anything's going to come of it and i don't even want to give this woman attention. i think she should go on pbs. take over the miss rogers show. called miss instead of mr. and have a nice career. what do you say? >> look, this is a joke. this is a fundraising scam for her party. she could have raised the money. look, if she really cared about the outcome of wisconsin and michigan, she wouldn't have campaigned there. siphoned away. the vote that would have obviously gone to hillary and given her the state. she caused hillary to lose wisconsin and lose michigan. if 1/15th of the people who supported her in the election had gone to hillary in michigan, she would have -- hillary would have won the state. >> that's very interesting. >> in one quarter of those had gone to her in wisconsin, had gone to hillary, she would have won -- this is the ralph narrowed of 2016 now cashing
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in on her sabotage is no other word. >> it's not going to have any effect on anything. >> zero. no effect. >> okay. finally, we have the debate about electoral college and popular vote. we reported before the thanksgiving break that in california alone hillary clinton won the popular vote by more than 3 million. okay? and nationwide she won by about 2 million. so, california basically is so far out there you don't even have republican party running anymore. it's two democrats running against each other that if you were to throw it over to the popular vote, you would only have a 1 party system in the united states. there would only be a one party system. because you could go in to california, new york, florida, illinois, and put together any of and you would win. >> well, that assumes that the patterns of the vote are never going to change. they always do. reagan carried california.
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you know, things change over time. there will be a different world. >> i don't think california is ever coming back, charles. >> well, look, it may or may not. there are other states in the country. look, i'm a conservative. i believe in stuff that works. if stuff works you stick with it. we have been a quarter of a millennium with the electoral college. it gives prominence to the fly over states, the swing states that would otherwise be ignored and that serves the country well. so you don't get these heavy population centers determining the elections almost in advance. >> isn't it amazing though that jefferson and franklin and john adams was so perspicacious to figure that out. they knew that philadelphia, new york and boston was overwhelming the rest of the country. that's why they designed it. >> and i'm not so sure they designed it for that reason. i think they designed it to put a filter between the people and the presidency.
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the filter would be the electors who they imagined would be people of high character and who would choose. they were very suspicious of the rule of the masses. >> of the mob. >> and that's why they did this crazy bicameral congress and all the separation of powers. it was a way to put the ultimate decision outside the hands of the people. but none the less, it found the new purpose to empower the smaller, thely no over states and that works. stay with it. >> all right, charles. thank you very much as always. directly ahead fidel castro. why are some liberals and world leaders saying good things about the man? then later, white power. the media would have us believe it's sweeping across the nation. bolder dash. we will tell you the
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personal story segment tonight. fidel castro. [speaking spanish] >> that is the subject of the second talking points memo. vicious dictator being praised all over the world. i object credible. justin trudeau said quote. while the controversy figure both mr. castro's supporters and detractors recognized history dedication and love for the cuban people who had a deep and loving affection for he will commandante. that does not include the 7,000 executed by castro. i'm not sure if their families have a deep and lasting affection tore el commandante. prime minister trudeau needs to up his game a bit. it's getting embarrassing. here in the u.s.a. here is what jesse jackson said quote. while he denied many political freedoms he at the same time did establish many
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economic freedoms, e.g., education and healthcare. many economic freedoms, reverend jackson? the average wage in cuba is $20 a month. a month. mos of the population lives in duquesne shacks without air conditions and modern conveniences. economic freedom? what a joke. you want to look for sanity on the issue you have got to go to bernie sanders of all people. >> you are right it is a dictatorship. they do have a decent healthcare system. and the decent educational system. a lot of people have left cuba for better the cuban economy a disaster? no, i do not praise fidel castro. >> now, i visited cuba last spring. it's a mess 1959 when he replaced the vial dictator battista, it's always been a mess. cuban people have no
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freedom. estimated 1.5 million of them have fled the island. and the population is only 11 million to begin with. up from 7 million when the dictator seized power. but still the left loves fidel. they love him because he provided his people free medical care. one problem. there are few doctors left in cuba. most of them have departed so they can earn a decent living. they are out of there. if did you go to the hospital. forget about even having sheets on the beds. so why then are some lion lion izing fidel castro. where am i going wrong here, mr. maxwell. >> i don't think you are. i think one of the frustrations for myself as a cuban american in miami was the way that people either on the right or left romanticized or overestimated the role of fidel castro. it's one of the reasons miami some braced ronald
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reagan when he came here in the 1980s and kind of spoke our frustrations with the castro regime. >> so you and your family, you had to get out of there, right? you and your family had to get out of there. what high school did did you go to in miami, by the way? >> i went to columbus high. >> i taught high school at pace, which is right up palmetto from christopher columbus where you went. and you know what my cuban students about 60% of the school was cuban taught me? do you know what they taught me? because i met their families and parents, of course. those are some the hardest working people on earth. okay? who turned dade county into an unbelievable economic success. and then you go 90 miles and you see deck ka decay and people sitting around and nothing works. so why then do you hear in your these left wingers primarily although sanders
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was honest say he was such a great guy? >> i think there is public consumption. a lot of countries respect fidel castro. i think people in latin america and europe have domestic constituencies that are kind of left wing and liberal and admire fidel. >> why would a guy like justin trudeau the prime minister of canada who i don't believe knows anything. all right and i could be wrong. this guy looks like a camp counselor to me anyway. getting my cheap shot in. why would this guy say oh, el commandante. everybody loves him. why would he do it? >> i have no idea. i have no idea. >> so you never thought about because i -- jesse jackson it's always all about race with jackson. he somehows believes that was astro was a good race guy, which is, again, just totally insane. castro was stalin light.
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hitler light. frank ler light. i'm going to rule this place. you get out of line you are going to the dungeon or i'm going to shoot you and that was. it was there anything more to him? >> i think he did capture a sense of nationalism and pride in many parts of cuba. in you had an election in cuba, you might be surprised in how much support he had from other parts of the island. of course, we never had that experiment go forward. >> he did have support. you cannot deny that even when i went in april, there were people who viva fidel. do you know how much he stole from the rich and middle class? $9 billion worth of property. people who didn't have any property, they said good, good. you stole $9 billion from these people and we like that. >> yeah. i think there was certainly part of that that was part of the revolution. i mean, you were looking back at a history that occurred 50 or 60 years ago.
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it's interesting. i met a lot of cubans on the island where i brought in all the complaints that my family and i had with respect to the revolution. and they pointed out that the revolution was like a volcano. it was like a force of nature. it created a lot of chaos and pain. and i was lucky because i got out. and they were left behind. and so one of the interesting things that i thing we face today is acknowledging our history. acknowledging our feelings about cass have to and thinking clear eyed as americans what do we want the future of cuba to look like. >> capitalistic country friendly to us. beautiful beaches there. no reason people can't prosper. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening with white power. the media's you to believe it's growing fast in the u.s. later, watters talking to the folks about christmas. >> if you were to give hillary clinton a christmas gift what would it be. >> i think trump already
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gave her that by not sending her to prison. >> why hope you stay tuned to those reports. whatcha' doin? just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit." sorry about that.
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the top one is that somehow the white power movement is gaining momentum in the u.s.a. because of trump. you may remember that on november 19th about 275 hapless nuts showed up for a white nationalist conference in washington, d.c. 50 reporters were there to greet them. 275 morons covered by 50 journalists. that meeting got more press than a louis farrakhan rally ever has. and the minister routinely draws thousands of people to hear him say things like this. >> everywhere the white man has gone his nature drove him to kill. kill the brown. kill the red. kill the yellow. kill my own white brother. and kill the blacks and make
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sure that the black never rise again. and hell followed. everywhere he went hell followed. >> now, talking points is not suggesting the media cover farrakhan. that sound bite is to simply illustrate the extreme rhetoric is not unusual in a country of more than 330 million people. it happens all the time. now for some stats. according to the fbi, in 2015, there were about 1,200,000 violent crimes committed here in the u.s.a. the same year, there were less than 6,000 hate crimes reported. i mean, come on. that sound like an epidemic of hate driven violence to you? does it? and then there are the folks who voted for trump and whom the media are trying to make into some kind of fascist cadre. bret baier had a very fine
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special trump revolution where every day americans got their say. >> if we let everybody go to mexico, we're north going to have any jobs for our grandchildren. >> i think everybody is just mad they got up with the government letting things like this happen. >> i appreciate any candidate that's going to do more to keep jobs in america. >> that doesn't sound like a nuremberg rally, does it? yet, folks like those are routinely demonized by left-wing media as racist or whatever truth is there is no substantial white power movement in this country. donald trump won the election because of economics. the press will never tell you the correct news. they continue to brook rub busch. >> there was a time when people would at least keep these thoughts to themself and the thing that is so absolutely frightening since the election of now president-elect donald trump is that we are seeing
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americans all over the country, and people all over the world normalizing hatred, bigotry, racism and antisemitism, religious freedom, people are completely against it. and we don't bat an eye. >> and that statement is completely insane. and irresponsible. and no serious news agency should foster something like that. summing up, the press is trumping up, pardon the pun, a white power movement story lion that simply doesn't exist. it's vile to suggest that it does. individual nuts are everywhere. assigning them status is grossly dishonest. i am so tired of this i can't tell you. and that's the memo. when we come right back, we have reaction to that talking points. and then watters ginning up christmas. >> what would you give trump for christmas? >> probably nothing. because it looks like he has
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it all. do you know what i mean? he has everything. maybe he should give me something for christmas. [ laughter ] >> the factor will be right back. ♪ share the wonder of christmas at bass pro shops - with a free picture with santa and big savings. like savings of $50 on this sportsman's elite 30" digital electric smoker. plus, visit for daily cyber week specials and free shipping. i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. this where you typically shop? you should be getting double miles on every purchase! the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases.
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