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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 29, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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before dinner. we don't know whether they are having an early-bird special, an early dinner. it could be resolved and they could make their decision after that. i'm going to check on the way out to make sure. we'll see you tomorrow. hello, everyone. i'm eric bolling along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan will generals and dana perino and this is "the five." another very busy day for the president-elect. mr. trump meeting with more potential nominees for his cabinet, including three contenders for secretary of state. developments on that just ahead. first, to the two major appointments today. president-elect has chosen elaine chow from the labor secretary to head the transportation department but the bigger news is a selection for health and human services secretary. he picked georgia congressman, dr. tom price, who has confirmed
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will likely help him dismantle the health care law. here's some reaction from the white house. >> the president-elect has chosen to nominate someone to be his secretary of health and human services who is an ardent opponent of the affordable care act and somebody who says he is committed to appealing it. and to the extent they put forward any ideas, and there have not been many, and when they have, they have been ideas to undermine the law, not change it. >> k.g., why is this coming as a surprise to democrats? they knew that donald trump said if he won he would take and
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repeal and replace obamacare. dr. price, an opponent of obamacare has even floated his own alternative to obamacare. >> well, it sounds like somebody really prepared, shovel ready, to go in there and head the department and get things done. just one of the things that president-elect promised that he would do to his supporters as he campaigned across the country, that he was going to do something to repeal and replace obamacare. then we saw that he met with president obama who is, by all accounts, quite charming, and talk to him and they thought maybe he would walk it back, not do it. he agreed about two things that he was going to do in the republican plan as well. so we're going to have to see what his specific ideas are and if that comports with what president-elect trump wants to do. >> what do you think, what surprised them on the left? >> well, i think they are surprised that this is not someone who has any interest in sort of maintaining health insurance program, not only for people -- the poor covered in
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large part by obamacare but goes beyond that to things like medicare and medicaid and programs that benefit our soldiers. so it allows people to opt out. his basic idea, eric, is that you should go away from a basic entitlement and -- >> a tax credit. >> so it's a tax credit or a tax deduction. you said a tax credit but you have to earn enough to qualify for -- you have to earn enough -- >> a deduction you have to earn enough. a tax credit -- >> you still have to earn enough. >> well, the core would not be -- >> of course you do. that's the different between a tax cut or tax deduction and a tax credit. if you don't pay taxes and you get a tax credit, you actually get government subsidy. >> i agree it's going to be difficult because president obama baked the law so far into the system that it will be
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difficult to dismantle it but it's not impossible. dr. price, one of the things he's done, is introduce a bill solely focused on patients. the empowering patients first act. and i think that approach would be very welcome for people who supported donald trump and beyond. because what it is saying is that we know -- remember that study out of oregon that showed people on medicaid had worse health outcomes than people who did not than those on medicaid. what it's saying is that you -- it's sort of like school choice, you, citizen of the united states, maybe you don't make enough to get a tax deduction but we can give you a tax credit and if you want to shop around, you can shop around for different places where you can get better care for your family, it's a radically different approach and i know, juan, i agree -- you're shaking your head. it's going to be difficult. but it's not impossible. >> so i'm very sensitive to you on this point because you've
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told me this has created a tremendous headache for you. >> which one? >> obamacare. >> right. >> so i always think, what is it -- what's the difference here and my sense of it is, even something that eric says, the tax credit would benefit because it's a subsidy. you know the way i think of it is, what you're saying to people in many cases, that the tax credit wouldn't even be enough to cover your deductible. >> can i jump in here? >> yeah. >> all right. cool. >> who are you? >> my name is greg. i usually sit here in the corner. here's the problem. when you're taking out the trash, people still see you as taking something away. >> correct. >> that's the problem with a government program that is horrible. people say, but it's already there, how dare you take it away. the problem is, health spending, 17% of our gdp. it's a difference in philosophy. you have a guy named price who believes in growth rather than fake growth.
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when a program gets bigger, it gets bigger and costlier. if you put something in private enterprise, like when you're talking about medical savings accounts, which he's for, then if the program grows, so does the economy. everybody gets wealthier. people get more jobs. that doesn't happen with something like obamacare. it's nothing more than a program that survives on its own self getting bigger. the economy itself doesn't get bigger. that's why you hired -- or he's putting forth price dealing with medicare and a health industry expert to understand this transition, to know for a fact that liberals and democrats are going to say, you're an awful person for getting rid of this program. you have two people there that are saying, no, here's the transition. here's what we're going to do. >> i'm all for it. >> when he said i've had problems with obamacare, the problems i've had are not about having access to care. obviously, i'm in a position where i can be able to afford
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it. our problem has been that you have a changing system, like every six months you find out that the insurer that you have is no longer going to be covered in manhattan so you've got to find another one and then you find out the doctor you wanted doesn't take that insurance anymore, et cetera. what i'm talking about in terms of these tax credits are for people that might want to have a different or better system and not be under the government program. >> and the beauty of it -- i'm sorry, juan, but the beauty of it is it removes the mandate. that's the part of -- >> this is so frustrating to me. >> why would that frustrate you? this allows someone with a low income to no income to take a tax credit and go shop and get good health care and -- >> and it's not large enough to cover even the deductible, which was my earlier point. but here's the thing. let me give you what i think is tom price's heart and soul. and it comes back to something greg was talking about. tom price says, government should not be involved with health care. >> right. >> we should get them out and
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health care should be up to you, individual citizen, dana perino. >> empowering patients. >> but his proposal is give it to a block grant as the states and they can determine eligibility and in some cases he doesn't even consider anything like income. so i -- today one guy said bill gates under tom price's plan would get the maximum benefit but a kid under 18 would be limited and he may have greater needs than the billionaire bill gates. that's his proposal. >> nonetheless, he's going to have to put together a plan that the president-elect would also agree with. yes, he's somebody that didn't just complain about obamacare, he came forward with his own ideas and solution. that's positive to begin with. and now what you do is go back in and learn from what we saw about the pitfalls of obamacare and make some positive changes so that it's comprehensive reform that actually works.
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>> we're all going to end up in the middle. we all know this. it's not going to be a private, free market solutions with no government involvement. it's going to be somewhere in the middle but the first thing you've got to do is fix or get rid of obamacare. >> a lot of alternatives. you focus on lawsuit abuse, medical savings account. >> you add it all up. >> this has to go through congress as well if you eliminate obamacare and bring something else. so he has to work with congress to come up with an alternative that is acceptable to senate and congress. >> i agree with that. >> you're taking something that he floated seven years ago as an alternative. >> it's not perfect but it's better than -- >> you say there's nothing wrong with i am had. why is josh earnest lamenting? why is chuck schumer voicing his disapproval of the price pick for hss.
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listen. >> i was just so disappointed to see the president-elect nominate congressman price to serve as secretary of health and human services this morning. when it comes to issues like the affordable care act and planned parenthood, they couldn't be further apart. there are a whole number of republicans who are not going to be for privatizing medicare and there ought to be bipartisan support against a secretary who is going to privatize medicare and not fund plan parenthood. >> so i was going to say, why is he saying that? why is nancy pelosi saying families are going to get left out in the coal? >> seniors. >> i think seniors will be scared legitimately because people like medicare in this country. people like social security. this is greg's point. it exists and it's hard to say i'm going to take this away from you. >> but that's not what trump has
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said. >> go ahead. >> i think president-elect trump has said he would not do anything to take money away from the current social security system which people on the far right say we can't really afford that. dr. price is not going to go to hss and not be connected to donald trump's poll tea. >> no, but remember, paul ryan, the speaker, has said that he would like to privatize medicare. >> parts of it, yes. >> yes. >> why are you smiling? >> because this is what the democrats -- i don't think that there is anyone that donald trump would put forward for hss secretary that assume mer and pelosi would not say that about. they've been dining out on the health care issue for so long but they have to keep in mind, after president obama went forward with a partisan plan on obamacare, he lost congressional seats in 2012, 2014 and 2016. there is a pattern here and they have a chance to fix it. 80% polled at the election said they thought obamacare needed to be fixed.
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if donald trump is willing to come to the table with tom price, why not take a chance and see if there's a way to make it more affordable? >> he took over paul ryan -- this is looking good. i'm looking forward to it. >> this guy is a darling of the insurance industry. that's what he is. >> oh, juan. all right. don't forget, vice president-elect mike pence is on hannity. what a great guy. this is a must-see interview. you're going to love that one. next, new developments on the highly coveted secretary of state position when "the five" returns. ♪
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more developments now in the trump transition. no word on the secretary state transition but president-elect trump may be getting closer to making a decision. he met earlier with bob corker and later he'll hold a second
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meeting with mitt romney. this one over dinner. and former new york mayor rudy giuliani reportedly also has a meeting scheduled with the president-elect today. yesterday, he met with general petraeus. pence spoke to sean hannity about the position. that will air tonight but we at "the five" have a sneak peek. >> he met with senator bob corker and met often with rudy giuliani. and talked to john bolton, communicated with him today and the dinner that is happening tonight. i think what you're witnessing here is a leader in president-elect trump who wants to take in all the options but i'm absolutely confident that he's going to choose the right person in every single one of these cases. >> all right, greg. it's the state of intrigue that continues. what do you make of it all?
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>> president-elect trump is meeting with romney for dinner. you know what's missing? alcohol. how do you lubricate this meeting? there's going to be a lot of tension. they are going to be drinking diet coke or iced tea. alcohol was invented for precisely this reason. i'm getting tired of the tower watch. today, mika was there. it's like a red carpet for people who never get on the red carpet, like the playboy mansion for nerds. >> i would fit in there perfectly there. >> do you think they are getting closer to a decision, kimberly? >> you know, i think it's interesting, like the saga, the intrigue continues. what i like is it's showing that he's not just being an ideologue. he's trying to be pragmatic and choose people he thinks would actually perform best in the position. but i think it's also important
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that you have somebody who shares your world view, your ideas to be able to work together in unison, like we saw president obama work so well with eric holder and loretta lynch as well. we already know he has it with somebody like rudy giuliani because they work so extensively together during this campaign. >> and interesting to me, eric, it's one thing to have an interview with somebody and another to share a meal and that being dinner. do you think that signifies anything? >> there's a lot of speculation because they are having dinner and it goes well, mitt romney will get the nod. i love rudy. i think he deserves it. he was there from day one. i love general petraeus. he's probably the most qualified. for some reason, i'm not feeling the romney pick. >> what about corker? >> no, i -- no.
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elaine chow, last night, i heard he picked -- >> leaked out last night? >> a little bit. think about what this is. elaine chao, a very capable transportation secretary but also the wife of mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader. that is fantastic. >> you want to get that infrastructure built through? >> can i point something out? a lot of females are being put in very, very important and influential positions, pushing back against the left and democrat accusations that donald trump can't win the female vote or win the hearts of white women. >> elaine chao was the longest serving -- >> she was under bush for eight years and the elder bush. that's not draining the swamp. that's filling the swamp up. >> sometimes you have to put somebody who is the best in there.
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>> oh. >> you get to define what the swamp is. >> i wouldn't call it swamp anymore. i would call it a glorious aquarium. >> sometimes it doesn't totally drain. >> tom price gets to stay, right, because he's a six-term congressman. >> elected in 2004. >> yeah. so tom price stays, elaine chao stays. i'm fascinated by the secretary of state issue because i saw on cbs, oh, this is giuliani that has it in the bag. >> i hope so. >> and i thought this was genuine, that they were really going about something. the question is, what are they doing? are they embarrassing mitt romney? >> are they trolling mitt? >> he doesn't have to show up. >> he shows up because i think for mitt romney this would be the cool, the top thing in his career. >> he's showing off in middle november when the last 18 months
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he was completely -- >> so is this all a hoax. he kellyanne conway -- >> i don't know. >> i'm going to tell you this, i don't understand giuliani at all. you say you're comfortable. >> i do. i think he will have a respect of -- not just being loyal. i think you need to be awarded for your loyalty. this is a big job. i understand that, too. the guy has been around the world a hundred times. >> yes. >> he commands respect everywhere with the exception of the liberal left. >> and high energy. >> let me say something. mr. vesta is going to have a tough time at confirmation. >> that sounds like a song. >> that sounds like sesame
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street. we're learning more about the muslim refugee blamed for the attack yesterday. that's ahead. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. (both) yes! (vo) with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't use. and right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only $40 per line. and, just for the holidays, buy the new pixel phone by google and get $400 back. i love you in that, no, i love you in that. no, i love yin that! (vo) get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon.
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so after a sheriff shot dead a man who tried to kill people with his car, tim kaine tweeted this. deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at ohio state this morning. so let me get this straight, the villain is a gun that is used to shoot and kill the guy who was using the car and the knife to
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kill people. for kaine, i say it's the thought that counts but what he said was thoughtless. there's nothing senseless about this gun violence. hell, it may be the most sensible thing ever. kaine since corrected the tweet but others actually used this attack, foiled by a gun, to demand more gun control. fyi, the sheriff actually said, "i am willing to use a billion infidels. this mentality destroyed the and recap, after isis called for attacks using cars and knives, a young muslim terrorist follows the orders and gets shot for it and kaine, among others, just saw the gun. kaine could have been vp. i guess you could say we dodged a bullet, unlike that terrorist.
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so dana, exciting news, i think the fbi found evidence that the attacker wasn't inspired by isis. we saw that coming. >> a couple hours ago the bbc tweeted a news story that so-called isis -- it's driving me crazy. they call them the islamic state so we should take them at their word. >> right. >> that's what they want to create, is an islamic state, and they will try to inspire anyone, including 18-year-old men who could have been full of promise, had a chance to go to osu, live in the united states of america and gave it up. apparently it only took 15 to 30 seconds for him to be stopped by the gun. >> i think the officer was there for a different reason. luckily, for everybody, kimberly, he was there. kaine has back-pedalled on this because he realized the gun wasn't being used -- >> by the hero. it was like, oops, change the story. >> unbelievable. so that's really being well-prepared. thank god he's not going to be the vp.
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we already knew this because if we would take the terrorists for their word instead of finding excuses that it's not terrorist, it's gun violence, he posted saying he was inspired by anwar al awlaki and then isis took credit for it so now they've determined rather quickly for them that, in fact, this was terrorism committed, again, on u.s. soil. >> eric, do you think they'll ever get over that desire to blame guns whenever anything happens? >> i guess not. here's what we're missing. the real headline of this story is that a somali refugee caused terror and something like 65,000 refugees and hillary clinton said she wanted to go further into the hundreds of thousands. now, we allegedly vet these
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people but if you have a small pie and were vetting them and they are still terrorists, they still end up producing terrorists, what happens when you have a massively large pie? what happens when you have 40 different pies from 40 different countries that may send them over to the refugee program like isis has promised. thank god we have that or you'd see more incidents like this. >> wow. because i think -- i am shocked. i think america is a land of immigrants and i said, you know what, you see more mass murders and more use of guns by people who are american citizens than i do by immigrants, even illegal immigrants. so that's why i'm shocked by -- >> this was turned into something about guns when it's about -- >> what i'm telling you, i want to respond to you, which is to say, i'm glad he didn't have a gun because then he would have been able to kill somebody who
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didn't have a gun because apparently -- >> it wasn't available to him? >> i don't know. all i know is he didn't have a gun, thank god. >> but he had a car, which is a really big gun. you can kill a lot of people with a car. >> he tried to hurt somebody without a doubt but what i'm saying is that there's a practical use. guns are used to hurt people or animals or whatever. >> you can defend yourself without a gun. >> guns are necessary. >> please explain this to me. >> you don't have a police department in your neighborhood? >> the whole reason why people have guns to begin with is because the police are too far away. it's not in their neighborhoods. farms and ranches had guns. >> one last point on this because yesterday we went around on whether or not to say if this
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guy was a muslim and it's so interesting to me, he's not mad at the united states but at berma. >> because their intent doesn't generally matter. it's the origin of the declaration of the doctrine and take out as many people as possible. it doesn't matter that the united states is happening israel or -- >> they kill in the name of jihad. there you go. >> can i add one other thing? these radical islamists have shown that they care so little for their young men. they are willing to sacrifice them and the promises that they could bring to reforming the middle east and send them to their death. >> they will go even younger. >> they have. >> they will use mentally disabled children. >> they are investigating this guy to make sure he's even as
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young as he says he is because that's another thing, it's easier to get in if you're younger, a student, the whole deal. are california and the incoming president-elect ready for a showdown over illegal immigration? that's when "the five" returns.
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president-elect trump has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration in america and many sanctuary cities are already gearing up for a fight. mr. trump has vowed to strip federal funding from cities like san francisco, which seals the undocumented and about to propose spending $5 million to provide legal representation for illegals facing deportation. meanwhile, today, leaders of california's three public
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university systems sent a joint letter to them, the president-elect, urging him to allow students in the country illegally to continue their education without fear of deportation. this is unbelievable. okay. so i used to work in san francisco and lived there and all of the above. and when i worked at the district attorney's office, it was obvious. san francisco was a sanctuary city, they would shield anybody who was illegal to prevent deportation. they are taking a step further now and saying we're going to provide you with an attorney and we're going to fight for you to be able to get your education here. >> you know what i think what really needs to happen pretty quickly is president-elect should make his supreme court nomination as quickly as he can because the best thing for the country to get this settled is
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for san francisco to do that, a lawsuit to be filed against san francisco and for it to get to the supreme court for a decision so that we can actually have some certainty on this issue going forward because they are not the only city. it's going to be chicago, los angeles -- chicago's rahm emanuel says he will do similar. i think it's essential we know what we're dealing with. >> bolling, what do you think? >> california is now asking for support to not deport as opposed to some people saying don't cut off our support because we're a s sanctuary city. the state dropped it down to municipalities and they send you money to enforce your borders. we are already paying for them to enforce the law. they say cities like san francisco, chicago are saying not only that, we want more money to make sure we don't deport these people.
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it's absolutely insane. donald trump has vowed to deport those that are criminals. and you can go over there and it's proven that you're not in trouble for five years and you say i'm going to apply to stay, not for a citizenship but to be able to stay. it doesn't help with the influx of people to say now all you have to do is get there and stay but if you're there five years or under five years, you open yourself up to deportation. >> i see eric's back peddling. that's very interesting. you and trump no longer want to throw him out? >> no. i think he said -- >> oh. you know what, just to correct a point, they are saying that out of their own money, they
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wouldn't supply in the case of san francisco -- they would supply money so there would be lawyers in the courtroom for people who are being deported. so they would have proper representation. i don't see that's so unamerican. >> what legal case do you have? you came here illegally. >> that's the point, and that's what you said earlier. people who are criminal, throw them out. nobody has an argument. the argument is about people who have been here for a long time, people who are law-abiding citizens, who want to work hard and simply desire to have some stability. by the way, let's not forget the rationale for sanctuary cities, which allows for a safer and less criminal environment because people part of that community would no longer feel, oh, i can't say anything to the police because this guy is going to get deported. no. we want them talking about the courses of crime because it affects us all. >> the rational obviously gets
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abused. in sanctuary cities, they are popular among politicians and activists in general. they are not putting anything on the line. it's easy to support something like this if you yourself are not taking in an illegal immigrant. so i would respect the sanctuary cities immensely if the proponent would take in one illegal immigrant in their own home and not just one -- the ones you bring up and the ones i believe exist which are good, hard-working people but they are criminals. if you are a proponent of a sanctuary city and there is an illegal immigrant and a criminal in your city, it's up to you to house that -- >> i think the idea is to get rid of the criminals. >> no. the person that -- remember miss steinle. >> that guy was a criminal. he should have been gone. >> but he wasn't. and it's because he wasn't found, he was let back in to reoffend and everyone is protecting him under an
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umbrella. >> i think everybody agrees, get the criminals out. >> and guess what, the president-elect can debunk some of these federal programs and hold back funding -- >> i don't know about that. >> let's talk to the supreme court. >> yes, let's. our president-elect thinks burning the u.s. flag should be banned. that's when "the five" returns. to do the best for your pet, you should know more about the food you choose. with beyond, you have a natural pet food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. beyond assuming the source is safe... to knowing it is. beyond asking for trust... to earning it. because, honestly, our pets deserve it.
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now, in 1989 the supreme court ruled flag burning is protected by the 10st amendment and in 1958 practiced -- something to
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note here, hillary clinton once pushed for a law to criminalize flag burning and that law, or effort of the law, that legislation, included a punishment of jail time for offenders. so greg, i'll let you kick us off here, what do you think? i know you have libertarian instincts. >> well, okay, it's a problem with our culture that we celebrate actions against america, whether it's burning a flag or lionizing fidel castro, because we're the evil glut. however, as is probably more pessimistic view of things, withdrew can afford to have a debate over flag burning when you don't have any problems at all, but we shouldn't be having this debate. we have the rise of islamic terror which is focusing on, you know, an existential destruction of the earth, a rise in automation that is responsible for what, 85% of loss of jobs. we have artificial intelligence, once it surpasses human intelligence, we are screwed if we don't know what to do. these are the kinds of debates we have when the world crumbles. when the world ends, we'll be
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like thank god we had that debate over flag burning that we have every four years. we seem to have the same thing and it just shows you the power of "fox & friends." >> yeah, shows you the power of "fox & friends." >> i was going to talk to dana about just that question. here he is tweeting again and while he's tweeting earlier in the week, he's tweeting about people should be punished for the flag. . is this a good way for the president-elect to communicate? >> effective enough for him to win the presidency. he knows how to drive news. . and i was reading about whether every time he tweets they should cover it, should they have a path to cover it or not. it doesn't matter. i think our constitution is strong and sacred, even more so than the symbol of our country,
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the flag . >> do you think they should be punished? >> no. and i'll say that hillary clinton wasn't in favor of punishing people and i come from an immigrant background so to me i would never, ever want to see that and probably wouldn't react too well to see that or wouldn't react too well to seeing somebody do that, put it that way.
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i agree, but as a lawyer, i understand it's constitutionally protected under the 1st amendment and the supreme court as recently as 1990, you know, upheld the right to burn a flag. but if you really hate this country that much -- >> get out. there's also other punishments. you know? you of tstracize people, if somebody is burning a flag, that person's an a-hole, you know he's an a-hole and it's actually helpful because it's an a-hole identifier. >> they know who they are out there, greg. >> they're telling everybody who they are. it's actually helpful to know who they are. >> you side with me in this segment because you guys were so rational. i don't get it. "one more thing" coming right up.
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cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it.
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we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die. time for one more thing. dana. >>? okay. today is called giving tuesday and i have a new video on facebook, you can watch the whole thing. it's based on dave sharp's experience, dave sharp is the founder of companions for heroes and founded the organization after his experience when he returned from fighting in the war on terror, and proceeds, let me tell you about jasper, are going to help fund companions for heroes. matches up rescue dogs with wounded heroes. here's a very quick look. >> i had a purpose in this world. god gave me my angel and always
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say that you know the lord gives us angels in so many shapes, sizes and forms, and this, to me, it was -- it was my little typical rescue -- >> cheyenne, that was his dog there. she, unfortunately, passed away a couple years ago. dave went on not only to found the organization but become a loving father of two. so congratulations to him. and i'm also going to be in texas this weekend, six stops, two days. >> wow. >> that's high energy. >> that's beast mode. >> hope you can meet us. >> let's get greg in there. >> all right, everybody. very depressing news here. >> oh, my god. >> all right. the world is over. google's artificial intelligence company called deep mind are giving robots the ability to dream. what they're going to do is teach robotses s tto play old games and educate them on newer video games by creating sophisticated memories and dreams. why is this bad? all our life we had to deal with
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co-workers and spouses telling us about their dreams, hnow you automated washing machine is going to be saying, i had a crazy dream with i made out with a toaster. >> i told you this was going to happen one day. it's happening quicker than we thought. all right. okay. now, on a very serious note, recently had the great honor of participating in culture city's love without words. a national campaign that encourages acceptance and support for people awith autism. take a look. >> i'm kimberly guilfoyle and i show love without words by showing everyone they are special. join me, showing how you show love without words. >> very nice. and i want to say a special thank you to my friends, t.k. barber, wife, tracy, including me in this inspirational cause. i love being part of it.
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find out more on my facebook page. >> congratulations. very nice. some very, very -- i got to do this one, juan, hope it doesn't eat into your time. sad, sad news. last night in colombia, the team carrying the soccer team crashed, 71 people parierisperi. six fox sports brazil colleagues were on the plane as well. we want to send out a heartfelt sorry and prayer for everyone involved in that crash. again, six of our colleagues died, perished in that plane crash last night. >> fox sports, god with them and their families. >> as dana mentioned today is #givingtuesday. it's an idea that started right here in new york city five years ago at the 9 the 92nd street why. craziness of black friday and cyber monday. giving tuesday is always held tuesday after thanksgiving. the idea is for all of make charitable contributions,
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regular part of the holiday season. last year, $117 million raised for charities. more than 70 countries around the globe. if you go online, please do it, #givingtuesday. >> "special report" next. this is a fox news alert. president-elect donald trump has had a busy day. just moments ago, we learned he has selected a treasury secretary nominee. according to two sources. he is steve mnuchin, banker, fund raiser, movie producer. this comes on top of couple other major hires today. the biggest, of course, coming out with word of this treasure are ry secretary nominee. correspondent peter doocy is live outside trump tower in new york. busy day, peter. >> reporter: very busy day here in rainy midtown, manhattan, bret,


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