tv The Five FOX News November 30, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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build on. in the house he served six terms before indiana governor and vice-president elect. see you tomorrow. hi. "the five." president obama figured out by the democrats last the election. it was fox news. he blamed his own party initially. then he added, quote, part of it is fox news in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country. yeah, that's it, fox news is in every bar and restaurant. you will find us next to the live pandas riding giant flaming unicorns made of leather. but he is kind of right. chunks of america do watch fox. the idea that businesses blair
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the network tells you how detached captain sul beik is. most persons don't blast it from their tv while serving you pickled. the country is divided. it's not right and left. it's left and not left. for liberals, politics is personal and therefore extremely loud. for the rest of us, we prefer community over calamity. case in point, who did mr. obama give this interview to? an interview where he blamed the media for lying and dividing. "rolling stone." that lefty is not rag that pedalled the uva rape host and sank p sank sanctified the bomber with a cover. mr. obama will go down as one of our most persuasive leaders. he couldn't persuade himself to
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get beyond his own safe space. as he watches president-elect trump cheerfully road trip from one city to the next talking to thousands of americans, mr. obama has got to wonder, why the hell didn't i think of that. kimberly, we're the bad guys in every story. >> and we're the good guys. it's a complicated duality. >> nice. >> thank you. >> very freudian. >> obviously. i think it's interesting. he does give us a lot of time and attention and props. he is talking about us. he is saying that fox news is this powerful. the ratings back up that we're the most watched in cable news and beating networks across the board and entertainment and sports as well. the empirical evidence is there. the president is talking about it. then you look and you see, do you want to give us credit for it? no. give credit to the american people that got involved and all the people that came out and
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voted and supported their candidate. >> is he seeking scapegoats? is fnc a proxy for people who he doesn't want to mention? is he just say, these are people that -- >> deplorables? >> you know what we're talking about. >> really? i don't think so. i once had a conversation with the president. he was -- we were talking about do whites support president obama. and he was saying, you gotta draw a line. because guess what? whites in the south did not vote for owe be a obama but a lot ofn the north did. you get into michigan, wisconsin, go across into ohio, they were all obama supporters. >> you fact checked? >> i did. >> but here he is saying in this interview, guess what, a lot of those people who voted for me before no longer are hearing the democratic message. part of that he said -- i just want to emphasize, he said democrats are doing a lousy job
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of getting on the ground, of communicating that message that things like what he sees as beneficial -- you don't. but the affordable care act, minimum wage, family leave. these are things that he thinks are beneficial to that group. he is saying, fox news is out there and fox news sells this message that i disrespect all democrats want to do is take away your guns. not yours. you get to keep yours. therefore, somehow you can never vote for a democrat. i think you are right, he is a little bit in the -- he said it doesn't help to get in the fetal position. this come across as whining about fox news. i know, they can't stand fox news. >> eric -- >> you fact checked that? >> i don't have to fact check that one. >> what bars are you hanging out in giant pandas, leather and flaming nuget? >> captain harry's. it's downtown. lou goes there. >> poor lou. >> president obama says stop
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watching fox news. donald trump to his credit went on all the other networks. hillary clinton came on this network i think three times in 2016. prior to that, it averaged maybe one to one and a half per year. the democrats don't come over here. high level ranking democratless t don't come over here. donald trump spend time on msnbc and cnn. i wonder how many voters he turned to vote for him. we know in refuting some of juan's numbers here, whites increased by 1% from mitt romney to donald trump. african-americans were up by 6% -- i'm sorry 4% and hispanics 6%. >> in terms of voter turnout? >> donald trump's people who voted for donald trump. the smallest increase of racial groups was whites. >> no, no. whites went up for trump.
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>> by 1%. >> it's not that -- >> by 1% only. 4% for blacks and 6% for hispanics. >> for a republican -- >> my point is this, if you are willing to go on other networks, to spread the field you might win an election. a democrat might consider the next democrat that wants to run for president, maybe you could -- >> you were saying through the primary, going after sanders supporters. harder than hillary was, i think. dana, his point about divisiveness is not news. we have been trying to point that out to him for years. there's some culpability in his party, because they're the party of identity. >> yeah. you see that right now. there's fights on the democratic side in the house when they had the leadership meeting today to re-elect pelosi to be the minority leader. there's fights with the congressional -- within the congressional black caucus and leadership positions in the hispanic caucus. they are caught up in identity politics. it trips them up.
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the other thing is that conservatives are right leaning, republicans, all that big group, they have become better at social media than they were in 2008. president obama knew that digital space very well. wasn't afraid of it. had everything going for him. that's one of the reasons the youth vote was captured by him, because he was talking directly to them. they had cat people for obama. they would micro-target all the way down. when he is talking about this being a communications problem for them, i sort of -- like a cat when you rub it the wrong way, because it's not a communications problem. they have a fact problem. it's not the pr people's fault. they were out foxed by fox. the fact that he gave it to "rolling stone" really does bother me. i think that that is a discredited magazine. and it was only a place many it would be comfortable. >> that was surprising. >> do you go to any -- i know one restaurant in new york, at
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least that plays fox, it's west side steak avenue. the only place i have been where they had fox news on at an airport bar was in wyoming where you might expect it. other than that, it's always sports or cnn. >> new yorka agthletic club hass on. >> fox isn't even on at jiffy lube. >> demand it. >> you brought up nancy. nancy held on to her job, nancy pelosi. here is her discussing this wonderful day. >> i have a special spring in my step today because this opportunity is a special one to lead the house democrats, bring everyone together as we go forward. this does afford an opportunity so that the congressional democrats can go forward and remove all doubt, that never again will we have an election where there is anyone's mind where the democrats are when it
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comes to america's working families. >> kimberly, she has a spring in her step. don't most robots do? >> not in her words. i don't know what was going on there. that wasn't particularly inspirational. i have known her a long time. i don't think it's one of her best speeches. i don't know. this is probably her last hurrah. put it that way. >> shouldn't the last hurrah have been the last hurray? >> right. i don't know what to tell you. >> we talked about hope and change. democrats were hoping for change. they're getting more of nancy. >> the thing is, it's so interesting to me, tim ryan the congressman from ohio said he won his district but guess what, hillary clinton lost that district in ohio. he said, you know what? a lot of the democrats at ing p know how do it. >> do you think this was a mistake? >> i don't think it was a mistake. this is about money. pelosi raises a lot of money. >> that's all it is about. >> i don't think it's all about.
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i think the women -- democratic women were strongly behind nancy pelosi, including some women who were critical of her leadership. i think for democrats, it's like, okay, nancy pelosi is there. she can bring in the bucks. democrats are definitely struggling right now. the question is, can you hold her feet to the fire in terms of getting some real change? getting away from the identity politics, which is a huge argument inside the party. >> i come from two worlds. the sports world first and i came from the trading world, wall street world. where if you produce, you stay, you promote, you play, you get bigger, you get better. for some reason, politics and maybe even media are the two places where it falls apart. nancy pelosi, under her reign, has lost 69 house seats. the democrats lost 69 house seats during the time she's been minority speaker, majority speaker, whatever. that doesn't -- if you were losing like that in a football team, game, you would be -- >> you are fired.
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>> try something new. >> they're being tone deaf. >> i think it's about money. i think it's only about money. there are a lot of bright, young, up and coming democrats that could do a better job in my opinion uniting the democrats as a group. >> tim ryan would not have pleased you. his politics are almost identical to pelosi. >> they're afraid do it. >> they're afraid to take her on. she raises all the money. that's it. >> that's what i say. >> reinforce a loss in 2020. >> good. pretty much what she got was a participation trophy. what you have with eighth grade graduation, which i cannot stand. it's like that. the other thing that she might be able to do -- if you look around at the democratic leadership, they're all 66 and above. can she find a way to bring some of the younger members to more prominence so they actually get a chance to be known throughout the country? she might. >> maybe. >> they gotta do something.
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>> put them on fox news. >> they need to wake up. if that wasn't a big sign with what happened with bernie sanders and elizabeth warren that the people who vote democrat want change, hillary clinton losing again, they're never going to learn their lesson. >> they were looking to pick up 30 house seats. they would have been okay with 12. they got six. that's blatant failure. wait until the next election cycle. it will get worse. >> next, president-elect trump warns about the refugee threat to america after theism islami refugee attack at ohio state. stay tuned.
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vetting is spot on. >> this was a major campaign issue between clinton and trump over muslim immigration. the democratic party angry that the republican party wants to limit immigration from terrorist states lie s like somalia. donald trump was branded a bigot. step back. while most refugees who come to the u.s. are good people, a significant number are not. when you have radicalized countries like somalia where isis and al qaeda are widely accepted, shouldn't there be extreme vetting as mr. trump has proposed? >> extreme vetting. this is part of the mandate that he feels that was put forward by the campaign by the movement that he created, greg. now we have another example of terrorism here on our soil. >> i want to know how he was vetted. that's important. the problem with self-radicalization, that happens after you are vetted. i think that extreme vetting
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isn't enough when your country's culture feeds this. this is a guy who came here supposedly, allegedly happy who immediately or in time saw himself as a victim of islamaphobia. that's a grievance identity structure that is created by the culture. they profile them in a paper. they fed a victim narrative. this guy felt he was wounded. you go to campus now and the campus hands you your wound. you are a victim. that causes you to say, i'm going to lash out. jake tapper retweeted this last night. it explains this. we are elevating victimology and turning people into terrorists. >> they hand you essentially your victim card when you walk into college campuses these days. >> then you can find your safe space or not. i do wonder about that
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transparency, how much can the government tell us about his vetting process? that would help. if you want to move to more extreme vetting, what does that mean? we need a baseline. >> how old is he? >> 18. >> but they're investigating whether he lied about his age to try to get in. >> how do you vet someone who has no history? they are showing up. you don't know what their past is about. >> i'm good. >> can i throw in here, look, donald trump said we need to limit immigration -- muslim immigration or immigration from certain places. you can't say by religion, muslim, by race, but you can say by country of origin. it happens all the time. it happened in a prior republican administration as well where you can see these countries have high incidents of terror, whether it's somalia, yemen, syria. if you go by geographic location, you can do this and we should be doing this. to let someone in and say you
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have extreme vetted them without knowing a darn thing about their past, where they come from, what their history is, have they ever killed anyone, what is their school history. you can't do it. you have to take a minute and say, no, we need to stop this for now. hire a lot of people to figure it out. >> by the way, what's wrong with actually enforcing the immigration rules and laws that are on the books now? you have to call it extreme vetting to just do the job to represent and follow the laws that are on the books. that's really what this is about. >> i don't think so. >> he's not saying shut down the refugee program. >> no. by the way, bill o'reilly, i heard him saying, the family's record was clean when they came here in 2007. there was nothing that would have said, stop this family. of course, the young man back then i guess he was nine years old. what we're talking about is -- >> we're talking about america. >> about self-radicalization. according to the fbi, there's no indication he was in contact with any terror group. this is something that was
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going -- what you are talking about, greg, the kind of vict victim -- taking on the victim identity and the injury and he was upset about something going on in burma, that's true. i wanted to just go back on you, eric and say, they are 100,000 sew maul somalis that have come here. because of this one kid who was self-radicalized -- it's not like we don't vet people coming into the country. >> many u.s. government administrations have done -- they have halted immigration from certain countries where there's a high incident of terror going on. >> we already do that. you don't want to acknowledge it. >> some of the somali communities are defecting to isis. >> over 40 somali-american -- juan -- >> we got plenty -- >> we can make exaggeration and you can operate and use the facts. give me a second.
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never mind. >> it's ridiculous what he said. >> did i ever insinuate we should kick off -- >> you said don't allow people to come into the country because they are coming from a country with -- >> will you let me talk and finish what i have to say, either one of you? over 40 somali-americans are fighting for isis. it's a serious problem. it's not limited to one individual. not only that, this runaway open border system with uncontrolled illegal immigration is also crippling our school public education system as well. there are far reaching ramifications for the economy, for the borders, for immigration, education, all across the border, national security. terror is happening here. >> can i add -- >> go. >> as long as the country refuses to counter the anti-west narrative with a pro-west narrative, we don't do that. we don't talk about why our country is exceptional. >> maybe we will.
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make america great again. again, that was the point about -- behind the again part that people were freaking out about on the left. >> dana, anything? >> i would say the country as it re-examines the vetting process, it needs to think about how do you solve this problem at its source? that's the only way to stop the refugee problem. they don't want to leave the countries. if we don't want to participate and help them figure out a way to have a place where they can safely live, then the western world will have this problem. solving it at its source is actually the solution. >> it comes to our shores, syria is the perfect example of that. we need to do something there to fix the problem. ahead, the art of the deal. president-elect trump convinces air conditioning company carrier to keep their jobs in america. a huge victory for our incoming leader. details when "the five" returns.
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principal. he believes american jobs should stay in america and delivered that message loud and clear to air conditioning company carrier after it said it would shutter its plant in indianapolis and move its manufacturing south of the border. >> i would say, if you leave, there are consequences, carrier. here is what's going to happen. you are going to leave indiana, you are going to leave indianapolis. i wish you a lot of luck in mexico. enjoy the heat. enjoy the heat. and i hope you build a really beautiful factory. but here is what's going to happen. every single air conditioning unit that you make we will be cha charging you a 35% tax. >> just yesterday, carrier announced they would be keeping that ac plant in indiana which is in the middle of america. this carrier employee who speaks for thousands is extremely grateful. >> i would like to tell him thank you for going out of your
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way and taking your holiday away from your family and working on the carrier and employees deal and sticking to your word and going to bat for all of us at carrier and keeping our jobs here. i would like to thank him and mike pence for doing it so quickly. >> the republican wason why i l businessman as president is this situation and that employee. think about it. we have a president-elect who picks up a phone and starts d s dialing a ceo and things get done. the president-elect even before being sworn in is already delivers on a major campaign promise, keeping jobs here in america. that's something you haven't been able to say in forever. juan, you have to admit this is good. this is what he promised and before even being sworn in jobs are sticking around. >> i think this is a suck are's deal here. i can't believe it. not only is carrier -- which is part of united technologies --
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sacrificing i think it's $65 million in savings by not moving, you gotta realize things that greg talks about, globalization, automation and then guess what, united technologies which would have lost some of its pentagon contracts is saying, we are part of carrier, we did a good thing, they get tax breaks. it's not a free market, which i know you love. but this is not a free market deal. what does it say to the average american worker? donald trump will come rescue you when we know that's not the case. >> i will say it's more of a free market deal. the deal carrier got is they will have some tax incentives to stay. they said, it's a good deal. i will throw it at you. there are other companies that said they are going to move to mexico who are putting it on the table. >> that's because we don't know what the stick is. i want to know what's going on. the end result is -- of the deal
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is not the deal itself. it's what happens after. we don't know what happens after. remember, president obama made questionable deals. we knew what happened. it was a disaster. this does illustrate a difference between president obama and president-elect trump. president obama, would he have talked to these folks? probably not. he would have had a beer with professor gates. that didn't work out too well for the ensuing four years. it created a narrative we've been trying to escape from. in this case, you have a president-elect who will get on a plane, fly somewhere and save 1,000 jobs. that's the difference. however, i want to know, if you threatening tariffs, that's bad news. that ain't capitalism. that's worse than anything i can think of. >> he added tax incentives. >> which is good. >> there's probably a lot that we don't know. brilliant pr move. works really well. imagine the obama white house is pulling its hair out. >> what's left. >> what the president of the
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united states can do is set the conditions for economic growth as they see fit. i think that what you have seen since the election is -- there's nothing tangible yet. but already you can see american companies thinking, okay, wait, let's take a pause. maybe this is a place we will be able to stay and do business. that's not a bad thing. that's an intangible thing. it's a feeling. you can bet the companies are going to be saying to the tra transition team and who ends up in the administration, we will need something on corporate tax reform. all the things to set the conditions for economic growth. >> donald trump during the early part of the campaign had said, n nabisco, they're on the table. the auto industry, nine of the last 11 auto plants in north america were built in mexico. 2 million vehicles out of mexico next year. that could be an incentive to bring production here. >> i would love to see manufacturing here whether it's cars, goods, textiles, anything
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to get things back here, create american jobs. we have an ever increasing population and immigrant population, documented or not coming in. everybody needs jobs. that's one way to get the economy going. i think this is a step in the right direction. i'm glad he followed through on it. didn't wait until he took office. he delivered on a promise that he said that he was going to do. this is a perfect example. hopefully, other companies take the lead and say, we will try to do something that we're all in on this. >> could companies pretend that they are leaving in order to get the meeting and -- >> get good will? >> why don't we offer the incentive to all american companies and make it an even field. >> am i going to have to pay more for an oreo? >> probably not. since donald trump is elected president, the stock market has
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risen maybe because companies will keep money they have earned. the first item on president-elect trump's post inauguration agenda, vice-president-elect pence reveals it next. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz.
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pink so she's a princess. you got a problem with that? oorah oorah open to the armed forces, the dod and their families. navy federal credit union. president-elect trump has vowed to repeal and replace obamacare and he plans to get the process started as soon as he takes office, according to vice-president-elect mike pence. >> it will be the first thing out of the gate. the president-elect made it clear he wants the congress when they convene in early january to take up the task of repealing and replacing obamacare first. the appointment of dr. tom price as the head of health and human services, someone who literally for last half a dozen years has been in the forefront of efforts not only to repeal obamacare but to put forward common sense free market solutions that will lower the cost of health insurance
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without growing the size of government is very exciting and should be a source of great encouragement to millions of americans. >> this is something that america has been waiting for. right? there's going to be changes to obamacare. what's it going to be? i'm watching with fascination, because i don't think it's going to be as easy as some people think. i think they might repeal and then wait to replace. >> so we had the discussion yesterday on how is this going to work. juan pointed out accurately that price's -- this was price's idea in 2009 that we were looking at. paul ryan came out with a statement i believe yesterday or this morning say, this is great news. congressman pence -- price's plan. they will put together something that will work for everybody. it was a starting point, not a finishing point. i think you are right, it's going to be tough if they do it that way where they say
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good-bye, let's start all over. one of the issues you had was a tax credit doesn't cover this. people may be in a better position. >> i think obamacare covers much of the -- for 85% plus of people on obamacare, it covers the deductible. here is my thing. right now when they say right out of the box, i come back to what dana was talking about. exactly how do you replace it? let's say you do away with it. this is such a -- it's an abomination. >> obama-nation. >> what about the 20 million people who got coverage? what about the people who say i like keeping my kid on? what about people are pre-existing conditions? you can't take care of them because we have no mandate. we don't have a plan. even president-elect trump once said, you can't just put these people out on the street. >> they're not on the street. you have medicare and medicaid. that's going to be there. you have emergency rooms which we had before. >> drive up my -- every time you and i get sick, we will pay
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more. the insurance companies will get richer. >> that remains to be seen. i think that patience is warranted. it only has been about three weeks since the election. nobody is going to have this solved in -- within the next 30 days. >> very clever. >> it's true. we are seeing things happen. the transition is going very well. he has made good appointments including in this area where he made a promise to the country that he -- and to his supporters that he will do something and really large magnitude of change with respect to repealing and replacing obamacare, putting something in that is going to be great that puts patients first, that's affordable, where there are options so people actually get quality of care for a good cost-effective price. that's what anybody wants, to take care of family members, the elderly, those that are most vulnerable on the bookends of society, to get quality care. i'm excited about it. i think it's great. i like the appointment.
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>> you know what would be an interesting job is the head of white house legislative affairs. you have to go up and -- that person has to work with the republicans and the democrats to try to bring everybody together. would you want that job? >> no. i think this is going to be fun. republicans get to pretend to be liberals. they get to construct a government program. what happens if republicans are better at it -- >> do a good job. >> they are democrats with a business degree and a better calculator. i'm curious, where is aarp now? the folks that were the apostles for obamacare, where is the ama? we should check our -- >> pharmaceuticals. >> they are on milk cartons they are so missing. >> do you have your card? >> yes. i got the magazine. i tore it up because it's aarp. >> can i point something out? you make a good point. you end up with a system that's government run but not mandated, which is my big problem. when you do that, you create competition instead of killing
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competition. that's how you drive down prices, create a government option like do you in the post office. you can put a letter in the mail or you can pay extra and go get -- could be better service to be fedex or u.p.s. that's how you keep prices down. that's why a stamp is whatever -- >> by the way, ama, big supporters of tom price. they like him. what you are going to see now is things like states put in control of -- this is the idea of block grants. that will drive down -- drive down quality of care in some cases. eligibility will be set by states. you get a state that says, you know, you are not eligible. you are not eligible. >> i don't know. i think -- >> i hope what you said is right. i hope republicans do a better job. >> you are not mandated to buy that, a single payer, then you are creating more competition. that drives prices down. >> i think local control could be better. as a governor, you understand your state even better. >> you understand the needs. >> i think so. >> i think it's more tailer
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made. >> we will see. >> i don't know. >> we're not going to solve this in the next five minutes. one-time trump critic mitt romney had nice words to say about the president-elect after they dined in new york. you will hear from the secretary of state contender when "the five" returns. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car.
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president-elect trump and mitt romney letting bygones be bygones. they met for a second time yesterday as mr. trump considers picking romney for secretary of state. mitt romney addressed reporters after the dinner and shared these nice words about the president-elect. >> i have been impressed by what i have seen in the transition efforts. i happen to think america's best days are ahead of us. i think you are going to see america continue to lead the world in this century and what i have seen through these discussions i've had with president-elect trump as well as what we have seen in his speech at the night of his victory, all of those things combined give me increasing hope that president-elect trump is the very man who can lead us to that better future.
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>> kimberly, one of the things he said is, donald trump achieved something i never could. he won the general election. this is the same mitt romney who said that trump was a fraud, he was hitting on married women, that he condoned vile assault that demeaned our wives and daughters. what should we think when he now says trump is the best thing since sliced bread? >> it seems like he had a change of opinion as evidence by the statement in terms of what he believes are the qualities that president-elect trump has to govern and lead the country. that's based on one on one time and sit downs with him and going over not only foreign, international affairs. i'm certain they talked about different things with the economy as well. let's see what comes out of this. his name certainly has not been removed from the list of contenders, serious contenders for secretary of state. nobody doubts romney's qualifications to be able to take that position. there are many that feel that others would be better suited
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like rudy giuliani that sees and has always seen eye to eye with president-elect trump and been supportive of him. ultimately, he has to make the decision. >> by the way, eric, nice restaurant. have you been there? >> i have not. >> i have. >> i lived in the building. >> rather than speculate on who the next secretary of state is going to be, can i point out the transition is goi ining smoothl? you have attorney general sessions, commerce ross. >> draining the swamp. >> the three big ones that are left in my opinion, state, defense and energy. good for him for taking his time. it looks like it's a -- >> is this -- is he playing with this guy like a mouse? >> no idea. i don't know. >> what if romney is? >> tell me what you mean. >> i'm kidding. if at the end. donald trump were to offer it to romney, never mind, i don't want
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do it. i'm not suggesting that's what's happening. >> now also ambassador bolton is scheduled -- >> had a meeting with -- >> will meet with president-elect trump trump at 1:30 on friday according to -- >> can i say one thing? i do believe that forgiveness is the most important trait of a leader, be it donald trump or romney or whoever. i remember watching when the five presidents got together in the oval office after president-elect obama was elected. they were there together. how much forgiveness it takes in that room for all the things they said about each other and their ability to let it go is m impressi impressive. >> what i'm hearing is petraeus not really a candidate. it comes down to giuliani and romney. maybe john bolton. >> it's a lot of speculation. mitt looked as comfortable as a
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hemorrhoid with a migraine. reince was like the kid at thanksgiving. he is hoping the eyes lock and they get back together. they have been separated. can't i get these people to get along? >> "parent trap." >> there's no such thing as hypocrisy in politics. to the original thing you said to kimberly, mitt said this three years ago and you could say something else in politics. we're like fish. we have short attention spans. we move on. >> any other grooming or wardrobe adjustment? >> my tie is crooked. we will get to that later.
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i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance time for one more thing. >> here is an important one. there's a fund called staff sergeant joseph deaugustine fund. it's set up to surprise returning vets when they come back with holiday gifts. there's a website, secret santas for vets. in honor of staff sergeant deaugustine who was killed in 2012 during his second tour of duty in afghanistan. if you want to help out, get involved or you know a vet who needs to be surprised at holiday time, go to >> very cool.
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>> juan? >> it's that time of year again. people all around the world getting set for winter and fridge i h frigid temperatures. check this out, dominos japan trying to train reindeer to deliver pizza. if you live in hin japan, your delivery man could be a deer. the company is working with a japanese research center to ensure that the delivery deer stay safe. they will be monitored and they will be careful how much weight they have to carry. >> robots would be easier. >> yeah. >> delivery costs 12 bucks. >> oh, my god. they better not be doing that 30 minute or less thing. they will lose a lot of money. >> if you are snowed in, you can wait. i like podcasts. there's a new one that was new to me. i can't say the word.
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it's kick-a-s-s. apparently i'm not allowed to say it and show it. ben mathis is the host. if you go to i tunes and subscribe, your commute will improve. i did an interview with him, all of us should do interviews with him. he wants to talk about artificial intelligence. >> he is terrific. >> you got food. >> what else is new? time for kimberly's food court. it sounds like, say it -- do it now. whatever. napoleon dynamite. >> lovely movie. >> a smash hit in 2004. thanks to scenes like this. >> are you going to eat your tots? >> no. >> can i have them?
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>> i love this. i put pigs in a blanket in my pockets, my coat pockets at good parties that have a lot. burger king has reunited with those two characters. for this new commercial promoting the return of the cheesy tots. they are only for a limited time. i think that means if they are good, they will stay on there. >> good idea. >> tasty. >> you want a better idea? >> what? >> greg's nickelback news. in canada, a canadian police force threatened to play nickelback to any drunk drivers when they are arrested. they will arrest you and put you in the back seat of a car and force to you listen to nickelback. that will keep anybody from
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driving drunk. >> that picture looks like you are in the band. >> i am. >> set your dvr. that's it for us. "special report" up next. ambassador john bolton is officially back in the running for secretary of state as jockeying for the prized cabinet post entered apprentice-like intrigue. this as the president-elect gets ready to hit the road and is getting things done. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. the man known for the art of the deal is preparing to announce a big deal when it comes to his company. another deal that fulfills a promise. president-elect trump says he will separate himself in total from his vast business interests in order to concentrate on running the country. the specifics of
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