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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 1, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PST

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we are in bars and restaurants. that was said to me a moment ago . i think it's in texas at the casino in texas and many other people also sending us tweets to say that they have watched us in barbecue restaurants as well, louisville, tennessee. bill: see you later. martha: have a good day. jenna: hostage situation unfolding right now in a bank in jacksonville, florida. it happened apparently during a robbery and the initial 911 call indicated that someone may have been shot. as our understanding, hostage, fbi joins on the phone, danny,
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you know the situations better than anybody else. what's your read of what we know so far? >> well, we don't know what his motive for going there. it's likely to rob the bank, to take hostages and what you have to do is contain it and the most important thing is calm this thing down. this guy is high on adrenaline, he's excitable, he or she or whatever they, a negotiated situation. he doesn't want to guy. you have to kind of get from the end tail from the negotiator to find out what you get from the individual and if it comes to it, two in and get him. jenna: we are seeing what we can of the scene right now. again, what police are telling the public and i'm just getting
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this in my ear, they want the public to stay away from the scene. >> absolutely. jenna: they want everybody away. we just want to pass it along with viewers. we are seeing video tape of the situation. you get this call, what's the first thing that you do? >> first thing you do is is establish a perimeter. you don't want too guy to get out, i say guy, subjects to get out. either by phone or whatever or a phone in there and likely call the bank. you know, we have done these things a million times.
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they are perfectly capable of handling but the best thing to talk him out and not having to go in and neutralize him. jenna: we are getting information, what our understanding is from jacksonville police that hostages that were held are released and the suspect is contained inside the bank. can you -- >> perfect. jenna: what does that mean contain? >> they've got him isolated. he can't roam around. he's not going to go building to building. i'm not sure what the make-up of the bank is if it's in a shopping center, those are the mall and you want to be sure you isolate them there and keep him right in the spot and that way you can talk to him and that way if you have to resolve, you know exactly where he is and expedite the rescue. apprehension. jenna: wow, we are looking at the scene. information from jacksonville police is that 141 hostages are out of this bank, the community first credit union and the
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suspect is contained inside the bank. that's the information we have so far. danny, these are not the best stories to cover but you're the best person to talk about it. danny, thank you very much. more from jacksonville. jon: president-elect donald trump hitting the road today kicking off a thank you tour of sorts in the rust belts. good morning to you, welcome to happening now. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. mike pence begin in stop in factory in indianapolis where they plan to salute in some sort of the word as this deal that will keep about a thousand jobs in indiana. attendance for that event is expected to be huge. peter. peter: jenna, the president elect is saying carrier made the right move because he thinks
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they are going make a lot of money with products produced at this factory that will be stopped in indiana by a thousand american workers who get to keep their jobs because of a deal that was just struck. we know this because mr. trump tweeted, quote, look forward being with indiana with the great workers of carrier, they will sell many air-conditioners. i spoke this morning to president of union that represents workers and he says he was shocked a deal got done because he says in his experience it's hard to convince the company that wants to close a factory to reverse course but that since carrier is going to stay put, schools and small businesses that would have otherwise been hurting if everybody in the community was looking for work are going to be be able to stay afloat. we are all hearing from some of the workers who don't have to worry about finding new jobs and even the life-long democrats are extremely grateful. >> just thank you for taking the time. i mean, you're not even the actual president of the united
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states yet, you are president elect, but you've done in your first three weeks of being elected than the last, you know, the current administration has done in the last nine months for us. for anybody. peter: carrier is explaining that a deal made sense to them because this, quote, the incoming trump-pence administration commitment to support business community and create improved more competitive u.s. business climate. incentives by the state were important consideration. so there was a business benefit for carrier to stay put, there's obviously a huge political benefit for trump in delivering on a major campaign promise and we do expect to get more details about how all of this came to be three hours from now when president elect and vice president elect hit that factory in indianapolis, jenna. jenna: peter, thank you. jon: the name president-elect
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trump has chosen for his cabin combined richest in american history and come under fire for appointing two wealthy insiders with senator elizabeth warren calling those appointments betrayal of those who voted for mr. trump. joining us josh, politics editor for the national journal and jamie sen ire writer for the daily caller, jamie, you could expect that elizabeth warren would probably not be happy with just about anybody that donald trump would pick for his cabinet. what about this idea, betrayal, is it? >> well, the american people just elected a guy who lives 60 stories above manhattan what appears to be a replica of what is saddam hussein's palaces.
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if donald trump appointed billionaires, i'm not sure they would be so upset by the fact that they were all wealthy. at the end of the day, the results that they produced, if not money in bank accounts. i'm not sure this is going to be seen as betrayal. what might be seen as betrayal is if they don't perform. jon: josh, i'm reminded of the old saying, when was the last time you took a job from a poor man? you generally have to be wealthy to know how to run complicated organizations or those two qualities often go hand and hand, what do you make of the selection so far and the criticism that's being leveled toward the incoming administration? >> well, look, it's pretty clear that donald trump's governing instinct and his incoming administrations benefit. you have a lot of wall street experience when you look at steve mnuchin and elanie chao.
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keep in mind trump is looking to pass infrastructure bill in first 100 days. so politically it's a little bit dicey, but, look, candidate campaigns. joan jon jamie with the win with a thousand jobs that would have gone overseas or méxico had he not, you know, strong-armed the company a little bit. he obviously campaigned and mentioned carrier quite a bit. is he going to call every company that's thinking about moving overseas and try to negotiate with them. does that mean he may be in support of bailouts,
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conservatives criticize president obama in engaging, the auto bailout that saved millions of jobs. would donald trump do that to save jobs? i don't know what the policy implications of this, could it be also that it's a decoy, pr decoy to satisfy part of his base to show something high-profile even if low impact on a mass scale, a thousand jobs for those thousand part-time, not huge for the entire people so he can move in a different direction and other policy areas, we are going to have to see how this actually plays out in terms of how he actually governs as president of the united states because it's hard to see he can do this on a case-by-case basis like he did with carrier. jon: josh, as you know, most republicans kept donald trump at arm's length during campaign season. now that he's picked some of the people he has to be in his cabinet, are minds being changed? >> well, look, republicans are
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pretty unified right now which is a big difference from what we have seen over the last six years. people to watch are the senate democrats from the mid western conservative minded state that is are up for reelection in 2018, one of them is indiana senator joe who is going to be interesting to watch reaction to the carrier deal and she's meeting with the trump transition team this week. you might see some of the red state democrats a lot more willing to work with donald trump than we would have expected before he was elected. jon: we just got the word this morning. josh, jamie, thank you both. >> thanks, jon. >> thank you. jon: president elect and vice president elect kick off thank you tour. at 10:00sean hannity sits with
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president elect right here. jenna: we are taking you back to jacksonville, florida where we have update that we have been covering on fox news, there was a hostage situation at community first credit union where apparently 11 people were being held inside by an armed robber. a lot coming by reports, we now have some reports indicating that the suspect has surrendered to police. we heard earlier from the sheriff's office that the 11 hostages were taken out of the bank. we are not entirely sure what this shot is showing us now but because the reports have just -- the suspect has surrendered. this is only the live shot that we have. so you're seeing it. i'm sorry, this is video from earlier. so just coming to news room. this is what we have, 11 hostages released in jacksonville and according to police, suspect has been
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arrested. now some key evidence has been thrown out. a new sign of a potential terror connection in this week's attack at ohio state university with acting on behalf of isis, we will get more into that next
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>> five years after his death he still inspires people with that message of hate and it looks like that was also the case here unfortunately at ohio state. jenna: that's our own katherine harris. you also have isis now claiming responsibility for the attack in columbus on monday, law enforcement is not going so far to say this is a terrorist attack but our next guest says the connection to isis is important and have details on that. in your mind, it's very clear
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what this is? >> it's obvious it's a terror attack. whether it's islamic state, these are classic references that we have seen after these type of attacks. i-- the question is if he had digital ties to any other terrorist groups? jenna: what have we found? >> we don't know that yet. a claim came yesterday, that doesn't prove that he actually had tide to islamic state. however, if you look at the numbers, increases the probability that he may have had ties online. just the same week in north carolina, a young guy was 19 at the time and arrested last year, a guy communicating online with judain hussein, one of the key digital operatives online.
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this is remote control terror. they provide guidance to individuals in the u.s., europe, elsewhere to commit terror attacks. we don't know if the guy in ohio state had that sort of connection. but the rush that he wasn't terrorism or ties is foolish. once he comes out with that claim, you have to take seriously the possibility that he was communicating with somebody. jenna: at the end of the day does it matter whether there was direct communication or inspired by proxy to do this? >> it doesn't matter the victims, whether or not he was inspired or directed. it does matter from a law enforcement intelligence perspective. if there's some sort of organization here. if he did have any kind of digital ties or remote control in any way, that becomes important. in fact, a big part of the u.s. military campaign in iraq and syria, i don't think it's really appreciated by most americans is we have been systemically targeting the guys in external
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operations in the islamic state. these are known to be digital operatives. we are reaching out. we are talking about this before in europe. there were several attacks where they were quickly described as lone-wolf attacks. that needs to be found out here when it comes to ohio state. jenna: i would like to talk about alaki. you have isis claiming responsibility although it's my understanding that sometimes they do claim responsibility when they realize no one else is going to claim responsibility. talk too us about alaki. why does he continue to be so effective, pervasive when you look at the patterns that have acted in the united states? >> so we are sitting here today just about one year ago, san bernardino had a terrorist attack. that's a pattern to compare it to.
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he was the first sort of jihadi that they started experimenting with and studying with and at the end they sworn to the islamic state. the guy in new jersey, rahami, if you look at the dairy, he ends up becoming drawn into the islamic state as well. it's very eery -- eary jenna: what is it when there are those seeking out inspiration and they turn to him and go down the path that they're describing. >> he's fluent in english. he's fluent in the idea only and explaining why this is consistent with the ideological system and provide rationale reasons to create terrorist attacks. he was also very prolific. he had material that was put out
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and that starts the process for all this. what the islamic state has done is taken the alaki message and put it on steroids. jenna: in 2002 we had ilaki in custody and was let go. we are very grateful for her and you, tom, for the analysis that you bring together for us. thank you very much. i encourage the viewers to check out the journal. jon: two dozen tornadoes, an update next. investigators in california details about his wife's kidnapping, they weren't going to make public and he might have compromised the probe, our legal panel weighs in
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jenna: right now recovery efforts are underway in alabama and tennessee after tornadoes were through the south. dozens more have been injured including at least three children. alabama's governor declaring a state of emergency in the wake of deadly storms. two people were also killed in southeast tennessee but efe tornado as well. one of at least five twisters that touched down there. jon: police investigating the apparent abduction of california mother says her husband may have compromised their investigation. sherry papini disappeared while jogging and found before thanksgiving day.
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police say some of the details he provided might have negatively affected their investigation. >> she was bound, she had a metal -- sorry, a chain around and her left hand in the vehicle chained to something. joining us emily, tom is also with us, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutors, bring your prosecutor's hat to this, people might not understand why it is that police wouldn't want some of those details out there, why did what he say potentially compromise the investigation he said? >> any time you're investigating a crime the more that it is made public, the more that the potential culprits can react to, try to cover up, can be -- and
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police generally prefer the least information possible to be out in the public domain in a situation like this moreover when it comes from the victim's husband. jon: we work in the media and we want all those details, we want to subject somebody to a cross-examination, if you will, and when he came out on one of the morning shows with all of that information, can you blame him for putting it out there and giving all the speculation? >> you probably can. but at the same time the public is demanding an answer and say we want those details specially when there was question of the authenticity of charges in this case. he's going on air, look, this is my defense, this did happen, this is what happened to her. it really unfortunately might impede the investigation as well
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who whether or not this actually happen. jon: can you plaim him for wanting to get details out there or trying to believe his wife's story? >> natural emotion and reaction but you also have to keep in mind, jon, he would have been instructed by the police probably numerous times, this is an ongoing investigation, it's very important if we are going to solve crime -- jon: you think the police told him not to say that? >> i would certainly think if the police did their job, they would have told him not to reveal details to the public. it's textbook. particularly in a case like this that's shrouded in so much mystery. jon: we will let viewers know what happened and hopefully they pick up somebody. in the meantime jury selection starts today of a retrial of a
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florida woman accused of hire of murder plot, charged in 24011 -- 2011, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison, appeals court overturned the verdict. retrial is expected to be much different now that certain pieces of evidence have been dropped. that's interesting to me, emily. generally criminal defendants don't take the stand in their own defense but she's already been through a trial. she knows what the prosecution has. why take the stand now? >> this might be part of her strategy to have this overturned again. so frankly pro se happens more than we think. it's a growing trend with the fact that legal representation is often times either a in the defendant's eye not adequate,
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the public defender, public pretenders, i don't want that representation, i can do it by myself or it's expensive. it's interesting, however, a textbook illustration of what evidence is being introduced is just as crucial as what doesn't get introduced here. so what the prosecution sees a slam dunk, the judge might rule as actually partial. jon: the police conducted any lab rate sting when she went with this alleged hitman. he alerted police and the police actually set up a crime scene and told her that her new husband was dead, tv show cops was there rolling when this piece of video was shot just after police told her that he had been killed, watch. >> if you want too help your husband -- >> no. >> tell us everything you know. jon: now that piece of video, tom, is one that the jury will not see. one of the pieces of evidence we were told that has been tossed
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out. why toss it out and, ewe know, how was it georgia to affect the case not to have that in there? >> this is a great fallback when lawyers run out of objection, look, the prejudice outweighs the value. the idea that the jury seeing this and seeing this over what she knows or what the prosecution knows was a fake crime scene will prejudice her to a fair trial and it's not relevant or not probative enough as to whether or not -- jon: if they have her on video saying i want him dead and the jury sees her in what is alleged to be an act, doesn't that say something. >> i agree. i think the judge urged in favor of the defendant in the case. he's keeping out the issue of the fact that -- this was why the first case was reversed that she tried to poison the guy. it shows motive and should come in this case.
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jon: thank you. jenna: could the president elect find solution in syria? we will talk with an expert that met with syrian president next
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jenna: russian president vladimir putin calling for better ties in the united states in annual event to parliament. putin says he's hopeful for a stronger relationship under president elect trump.
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many analysts are wonder if these two can come up to a solution on syria. this is the washington reporting that putin and president elect are discussing what to do about this crisis. joining us now research fellow at the new america foundation who recently spoke with syrian president bashar al-assad. great to have you back on the program. we talked to you a few times over the years and you've been to syria back and forth, about a dozen times but this is the first time you were able to sit across from assad. what was that like? it's very surreal, here you are sitting with the man who is considered parai by the west and he's warm, charming, very engaging and very informal meeting, it seems like this crisis does not weigh on him at all, jenna. jenna: what do you learn from him? >> we do not agree with many things we see in syrian conflict. he believes the united states is supporting isis, we are funding
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fighters from mosul and iraq to war in syria. things that are simply not true, jenna. jenna: why does he believe those things? >> it's very hard to tell. he might be insulated and not getting the information or he might live in an alternative universe where he does not see the truth as we do. jenna: it's tough to know. do you know if there's any communication that's happening between assad and the united states government at this point? >> well do know that some people affiliated with the government do meet with some american representatives. there are several back channels going on at this time. jenna: it's important to know that you could have vision of what we are looking. one of the -- you wrote a recent piece about your travels. i want to underscore it is so rare for these days to talk to anyone who has traveled inside syria because it has become so dangerous for journalists, we simply do not have people on the ground. it's of great value that we are talking to you, one of the things that you wrote about is that the syrian government isn't -- isn't battling isis.
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that's not their priority. but that's what we hear, so tell us about that. what should we know? >> no, not at all. isis -- excuse me, the government ask focused on fighting the moderate rebels and islamist rebel that is control pockets of the country in the west, populated centers but isis is far away from the government forces. it's based in raqqah which is far away, there's only isolating fighting between the government and isis in the city of iraqi border in the home states where the gas fields are important to power electrical plans but those are the only places that there's any type of fighting. it's in the government interest to have isis on the ground to be foiled, that they can say we are fighting the terrorists and they are threatening us and preventing terrorists from overflowing into europe and the united states and carrying out attacks. jenna: that's a powerful narrative. we hear president-elect trump that the priority in syria is
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isis. based on your time inside the country, what do you see as the way forward potentially for the united states when it comes to syria, when it comes to battling isis, when it cooms to resolving the conflict, these are big questions? >> i'm sure the president-elect trump will come to office and have a strategy how to take on isis. he might put troops on the ground but he'll be much more forceful than president obama. he might reach out to president putin of russia but i'm not sure that they'll be able to find common headway of things to agree upon because putin is support assad who is fighting the rebels and not isis, i'm sure that president trump will ask generals to come with a plan that's robust and hardy and take the fight to isis. jenna: one of the things you wrote about is the assad regime military is not strong, but there is a strong country that's very involved in syria. what country is that and why does that matter? >> well, that's iran basically because iran needs syria because
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it's the long-through which hezbollah breezes and it sits on israeli border and can threaten israel any time it wants. that's why syria is important to iran. there really is no syrian military. when east aleppo is by shiite militias. we are seeing russian forces because the syrian military is so weak. jenna: you see things that most americans will never see because you've been back and forth to syria. do you see anything that you need to correct, what do you think every american should know about the situation in syria and why it matters to us? >> well, we need to understand that there are moderate rebels
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that are left in syria, they are an endangered species, it's very hard to rehabilitate them and put them on their feet but if president-elect trump wants to do that, there may be some ways to do that, more robust weapons, different weapons, platforms, more training, being more responsive to needs. i meet with a lot of people in turkey, whenever they speak to cia counterparts they are not getting anything they want because the cia people are getting introductions from the administration not to be cooperative. that's one of the things that's important. a second thing is that syria will never be whole again even if assad is able to roll up the rebels, he still has isis and still has the kurds. syria is going to be a problem for presidents for a long time to come, jenna. jenna: as we continue to watch the news. thank you so much for your time. >> thanks for having me. jon: in this country mega watt entertainer dolly parton pledges
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to help, her heartfelt message to those who lost and everything the fire disaster. stand-off that left police officer dead, what we are learning from the suspects and hostages held in harm's way? you didn't read your
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the recount is not expected to change the results. now, this comes as overseas a new term is being used in england to describe the struggling to middle class. a group of voters familiar with president-elect trump that helped him win the election. in the uk they are called jams, people that are just about managing. they've been ignored for a long time in europe and in the u.s. but now they seem to be having their political moment. joining us with more emerging block tony, republican political analyst and jessica, former democratic congressional candidate and democratic strategist as well. tony, do you see the u.s. equivalence of the jam, have they become a political force in this country? >> absolutely. they've always existed. the potential certainly has for them to make a meaningful impact
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in the electorate. this year they have gotten inspired much more and they have gotten organized. i will take the blame for the consultant class and those in the media and those who analyze politics very traditionally. we have focused so much if you think about it, jon, in the last 240 years on outreach rightfully so by the way to hispanic americans, the asian americans, african-american community, we kind of by -- the large working class in the rust belt and the middle of the country has struggled. incomes are basically the same, their costs are more, they are not moving forward, the mobility for them isn't there and a lot of these are union members, for example, and they've not gotten results, so here you have donald trump winning 209 counties that barack obama won twice. 179 counties barack obama won once, most of them are in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan,
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wisconsin. these are the voters who finally this time took the country back for themselves in a way that they made the statements that they are going to be heard and are going to feel that at least donald trump will make the system fairer for them, won that they feel they have been left out for the last 240 years. jon: jessica, you're a democrat. are you concerned that the party has lost touch with the voting block? >> i think actually almost 100% which doesn't necessarily happen before. but it's very true. i think we've specially with consultants in the party, we looked so much to the future in terms of what the voting blocks are that we've sort of lost touch with and i think this is what democrats have done, we keep looking forward on how are we growing, the big ten, bringing more people where we lost touch with core constituents which are the folks who are the traditional,
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blue-collar middle-class workers in the rust belt as tony just very well described, yes, the message is still accurate, what donald trump was really wonderful of doing was taking parts of the democratic message like the -- getting rid of free trade deals and how they're affecting the worker and how there's been such a difference that we have seen between, you know, the folks who made money and continued to make money and the middle class that's just been lost in all of what has happened in the recession we had and the recovery and he capitalized on that by taking bits of the republican message and bits of the democratic message and speaking directly to the people and democrats we had a message and fail today deliver it to the right people, thought they should show up and they got inspired as tony said by a different messenger. jon: the brexit vote, trump said
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it was a sign of what he was going to do in the united states. he caught the same fire that propelled britain out of the european union. at the same time, you see democrats in the house reelect nancy pelosi. she's one of the richest members of congress and she's been in that position since 2002. do you see any signs the democrats have taken any lessons from the latest elections? >> i'm encouraged when i hear colleagues like jessica who are the future of democratic party make the comments that she has made and that there's been a disconnect as far as nancy pelosi's reelection. clearly she has lost four successive congressional cycles for the democrats. she's also relegated state level democrats to worst numbers in, i think, historically, 900 losses in state legislative seats for democrats. the reality is barack obama won because he made people feel he
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cared about him and very similar of why donald trump won. jon: tony, jessica, thank you both. >> thank you. >> thanks. jon: back with more in just a mt nothing says "treat yourself" like red lobster's holiday seafood celebration. so try new dishes like the new grand seafood feast, and the new wild-caught lobster & shrimp trio, with a lobster mac-and-cheese topped lobster tail. come treat yourself to feast fit for the season before it ends.
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jon: let's take a peak on what's ahead at outnumbered. >> we are awaiting donald trump's first speech since big win after he toured the carrier plan where he negotiated a deal to save a thousand jobs. what this says about how he will govern? >> flag-burning challenge after mr. trump said people who set u.s. flags on fire should be punished. is this the right way to get message across? sandra: toop of the hour, you
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never know who will be. jon scott. jon: we will be guessing. jenna: suspect who fatally shot a police officer is now dead. a squat team member shot and killed the gunman following a near 142-hour stand off. the suspect was hiding in a home after he killed an officer that was respond to go domestic violence call. dan, live with the latest u dan. >> the suspected cop killer's body was removed from the corner a short time ago. it was a long tensed standoff that involved gunman and two young hostages and several officers all in the same house. domestic call came about 5:00 o'clock yesterday. two officers responded within minutes of getting inside the home, one of the officers were shot several times. the suspect's wife and another woman fled the house but the gunman took a boy and a girl hostage and used them as human shields in a bedroom upstairs, after 11 hours of negotiation
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and shots at the cops downstairs a squat team outside took out the suspect. >> before he was able to get back to the second kid, one of our guys fired one round which the round struck him and that round killed him here at the scene. >> the tacoma officer died during surgery. killing after four nearby lakewood officers were ambushed and gunned down by an exc. >> speaker4: n in a coffee shot. that's 15 more than the yearly average over the last decade. this killing was not connected to the current tension between cops and the communities they serve. >> this was a domestic situation i. has nothing to do with race, it has nothing to do with anything other than we had police officers doing their job when somebody decided that he was going to use weapon to solve his jobs.
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>> authorities are not naming the police officer, pending notification of next akin. jenna. jenna: dan, thank you very much. more in a moment don't put it off 'til later. now's the time to get on a path that could be right for you... with unitedhealthcare medicare solutions. call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. these medicare advantage plans can combine parts a and b, your hospital and doctor coverage... with part d prescription drug coverage, and extra benefits... all in one complete plan... for a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. unitedhealthcare doesn't stop there. you'll have $0 copays for preventive services... like an annual physical and most immunizations.
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you can also get routine vision and hearing coverage and a fitness membership. for prescriptions, you'll pay the plan's lowest price, whether it's your co-pay or the pharmacy price. plan members saved an average of over $4,500 last year. so call or go online today to enroll, and enjoy these benefits and more, like renew by unitedhealthcare, where you can learn about healthy living and earn rewards, too. your healthcare needs are unique. that's why, with over 30 years of medicare experience, we'll be there for you -- we can even help schedule your appointments. open enrollment ends december 7th. so don't wait another day. if you're medicare eligible, call now and talk to unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. let's get you on the right path.
8:59 am
call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll.
9:00 am
jon: see you back here in one hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert, we are awaiting president-elect donald trump's very first public speech since his victory. this is outnumbered, i'm meghan mccain, here today sandra smith, co-host of after the bell on fox business, melissa francis, democratic strategist julie roginsky, and today's #oneluckyguy, bernard mcgurk and, sir, you are outnumbered. >> i'm honored to be outnumbered, and by the way, happy friday eve. the holiday season is in full swing. the christmas tree got lit last night, i'm a happy guy to be sitting here with you ladies.


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