tv Outnumbered FOX News December 1, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PST
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jon: see you back here in one hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert, we are awaiting president-elect donald trump's very first public speech since his victory. this is outnumbered, i'm meghan mccain, here today sandra smith, co-host of after the bell on fox business, melissa francis, democratic strategist julie roginsky, and today's #oneluckyguy, bernard mcgurk and, sir, you are outnumbered. >> i'm honored to be outnumbered, and by the way, happy friday eve. the holiday season is in full swing. the christmas tree got lit last night, i'm a happy guy to be sitting here with you ladies.
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sandra: wow, you're pumped up. julie: loving that, very christmas-y. >> and with the news that's following, this is fantastic. i love the whole thing. meghan: let's get this thing started. melissa: what is he drinking? [laughter] melissa: president-elect donald trump on his way to indianapolis, both men heading out to visit carrier's factory and announce a deal to keep a thousand jobs in indiana. it's an agreement that allows mr. trump to deliver on one of his biggest campaign promises before even taking office. after his speech he'll head to cincinnati, ohio, to kick off his thank you tour, it's all to honor his supporters in states that helped him win. bernie, i'm going to go to you first. there's a little bit of controversy about in this thank you tour. i actually thought a lot about it, i thought about howard stern thanking his market. >> i think it's fantastic. it show he wants to give back. it's unprecedented, first of all. if hillary had won, sheathed be
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on a yacht -- she'd be on a yacht somewhere in the caribbean with beyonce and jay d or whatever. -- jay-z or whatever. a week ago it was in disarray, there were people by a bunch of nazis, everybody was talking tag about that stuff, and now he's putting people back to work, he's thank the people. i think it's a great time. and all these naysayers talking about, you know, let's wait and read the fine print and all that stuff, just relax. real people are actually getting jobs back. we should be happy at least for a day. meghan: melissa, i want to go to you on this carrier deal. he saved a thousand jobs out of 2100 jobs that were originally going to go to mexico. what do you think of this deal? melissa: i do think it's genius. of course he used a combination of carrots and sticks, they put pressure on the parent company, united technologies, who makes jet general engines, they said,
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wait a second,we do a lot of business you, we do not want you taking these jobs to mexico. at the same time, i don't like inefficiency in the economy, so they have to make it work economically. he can lower the tax burden, lower the regulation. transportation, they spend less on that because they're closer to where the goods will finally go. you've got to make it make economic sense because if it doesn't, then the products are just more expensive. that doesn't help anyone. but he's smart enough to go through and make the deals work, and he can replicate it. i think the obama administration was too stupid and lazy -- yes, i said it -- ouch. sandra: on that note, in steve mnuchin's words, he said the president-elect and vice president-elect picked up the phone and called the ceo of united technologies and told them we want to keep jobs here. can't remember the last time a president did that. this is part of his thank you tour. he said jobs, jobs, jobs. this is what he campaigned on. he's picking up the phone and calling american businesses, the
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ceo of major corporations in this country and asking what do we need to do to keep those jobs there? listen, he's following through. he said he was going to put killers in place. he just put wilbur ross as commerce secretary. as a compliment, he meant killers -- as we always remind everybody -- to do this, to keep these jobs here. amazing to see him already doing this in week four as president-elect trump. meghan: the question i want to ask both of you, they get $7 million in tax breaks, carrier systems. is that, is that normal? i, you know, is that -- melissa: i have no problem, i have no problem with tax incentives, because you're letting a company keeping -- keep the money that it's making. i don't like revenue going to the government. they were going to take away those incentives if they moved the job away, so to me, i don't have a problem with it, but i know there's a lot of criticism out there. meghan: julie, this is obviously
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mike pence's home state, i'm sure it was a factor. julie: sure. mike pence happens to be the golf of indiana. but, look, it's seven million in tax breaks, 800 jobs stay which is wonderful for those 800 jobs. 1300 are still moving to mexico, so it's not that he's keeping all the jobs here. to me, what's fascinating about this is i'm not sure that there is a commitment from carrier after they get these incentives to actually stay. and i've seen this happen a lot on the state level where you get tax incentives at the state level to stay, the company accepts the incentive and then moves. to me, the follow-up is in the devil -- sandra: julie, only if it's not economically beneficial to them to not stay here. julie: but my point is, it's always going to be cheaper to move to mexico. that's what the ceo of carrier said. they're still moving 1300 jobs to mexico, so they obviously believe it's still in their economic interests to move a great chunk of these jobs to mexico.
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these 800 jobs could also go to mexico after they collect the tax incentives. to me, what do you do to keep the jobs here, and i'm sorry, i know there's a huge split between the populists and old-fashioned conservatives, you are picking winn if you're a company now, you're going to say, hey, i'm going to threaten to move offshore tomorrow -- melissa: but we kind of agree in a way, because you're saying over time it has to make economic sense. they can't just strongarm them into keeping them here. it has to be economically beneficial, and trump achieves that by making the regulatory burden lower -- sandra: and improving the overall economy in america. julie: but you're telling me -- melissa: a worker here is worth more than a mexican worker with less training? in order for them to keep the promise and really stay -- you're right, in the long run, it does have to make economic sense. we have to make this economy stronger and receptive to companies. julie: the part i hope i'm wrong about is it will be cheaper, ultimately, to use foreign
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labor. it just is. you have to pay them less -- sandra: you don't know that, julie. meghan: all right, we've got to -- julie: to me, i'm not so sure it does make economic sense, and i hope people understand that when he talks about bringing back -- meghan: the conversation is not going to end, we're going to keep on talking about this throughout the week and as it keeps happening. we will take you live to indianapolis after the president-elect tours the carrier plant. he will speak publicly for the first time since the election. and tonight at seven eastern we will bring you the first round of his thank you tour. he joins sean hannity at 10 eastern all here on fnc. sandra: all right. and as we wait for donald trump to board that plane you're look at right there heading to the carrier factory, the jockeying for the secretary of state position if in the trump administration is ramping up.
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a source tells us the finalists are mitt romney, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, former cia director david petraeus, and senator bob corker. but now that same source says former u.n. ambassador john bolton may be added to the list. he met with vice president-elect mike pence yesterday, he meets with trump tomorrow. another source telling fox news ambassador bolton is also being looked at for the number two position at state. congressman chris collins, who is on the transition team, weighed in earlier today. >> if you walk the halls of congress, you would think every republican here was a strong trump supporters or from day one. -- supporter from day one. they are certainly on the trump train now. they have seen these picks for some of the key cabinet posts and others. they are thrilled to see the direction the team, as i had said from day one. you're going to see a cabinet
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the likes of which we've never seen before, because donald trump isn't coming in with the entourage that you might normally see. sandra: all right. and by the way, we are keeping an eye on donald trump's plane to be departing to indianapolis. we will hear from him for the first time publicly since his election, since his victory, i should say, and there you see it moving, on his way to indianapolis where he will also be announcing that new deal at carrier, what has taken place and how many jobs he says he has saved. all right, so let's fist talk about secretary of state as trump's plane departs -- >> bon voyage, mr. trump. [laughter] who will it be? look, loyalty matters. but the fact that trump met with mitt romney just shows she's not the thin-skinned person everybody said he was, and he's going to put party unity first, etc., etc. and all that's very good. i also think substance matters. trump campaigned on -- we learned the lesson of the iraq
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or war. that should be the litmus test for each of -- have you learned the lesson of the iraq war. do you think it was a mistake. if you say no, you're disqualified. the whole regime change thing, you leave the dictators in place. bashar assad if he's helping us kill isis, keep him there. those types of questions should be asked and answered as opposed to -- in addition to this loyalty stuff and who did what for trump during the campaign. sandra: there has been some criticism and, meag hand, you've been one of the people saying, it's time. he's drawing this out too long. to say now that there's four finalists, possibly five, possibly more, possibly less, it's time. meghan: i'm a terribly impatient person, as well. i actually think the new inclusion of ambassador bolton is fantastic. i'm very well aligned with him when it comes to foreign policy. that being said, he's very hawkish. he's advocated for bombing iran. i think the question is especially for people like julie
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and i who have a great skepticism of vladimir putin is what the role the secretary of state will play in donald trump's relationship with rush. >> and his sort of semi-cozy relationship with vladimir putin and all these people on the list fall into people more hawkish like me. sandra: what about general petraeus? julie: he would have been great, but he has to get permission from his parole officer to leave the state of north carolina -- >> come on. julie: that's the problem be general petraeus, you can't fly around -- >> we almost had a president like that. julie: well, okay. [laughter] we didn't. and i see -- otherwise i think he'd be great, but that is a problem, and i think that probably prevents you -- unless he gets a pardon from this president. he could potentially get a pardon from the president of the united states -- sandra: and there was two. we were looking at the giuliani, mitt romney matchup. julie: if you don't want regime
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change, then you don't want rudy giuliani. >> definitely don't want john bolton. julie: to me -- and i said in the other day, you know, i've reached the state of grief where i'm star starting to bargain, so i'm bargaining for giuliani for the same reason that meghan just pointed out. i have a tremendous amount of skepticism towards vladimir putin, and i think the smartest thing mitt romney said four years ago was he thought russia was the largest geopolitical threat facing our country. and to me, rudy giuliani, who's cozy cozy with the russians, the trump family, that is a huge red flag to me. at least mitt romney would hopefully keep them in check. people like john mccain, lindsey graham, i'm counting on them to keep it real about the threat -- heag meag the choices are so hawkic though. it is not what i would have expected given what he ran on. i wouldn't call him an isolationists, but certainly not at the level --
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>> what about bob corker? melissa: i don't know that we know what his policies really are. i think we've gone one too many commercial breaks in this reality show without coming to a conclusion. like, i'm so over it at this point. but i think mitt romney makes a perfect good cop/bad cop with donald trump where he can go in and say, to do, i know, he's crazy, but he will bomb you. they could definitely play off each other in an interesting way. sandra: all right. we are watching the movement at laguardia as the president-elect heads off to indianapolis. the so-called trump bump, it continues as a new survey finds americans' confidence in the economy soaring since the election. does the president-elect deserve all the credit for this, and how long will the on the to mitt romney actually -- optimism actually last? plus, first amendment activists launching a challenge. is this the right way to get the message across? and don't forget after the
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show you can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab at or join us on facebook, and, of course, tweet us all throughout the show and after. we'll hook at it. join us -- we'll look at it. join us. ♪ ♪ you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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♪ melissa: in the wake of donald trump's big election win, a new survey shows americans are expressing the most confidence in the u.s. economy since the 2008 recession. take a look at the dow which has been on a tear, it is up another 72 points today. gallup finding a remarkable 17-point turn around since just before the election rising from -11 points, that's your sentiment, to a +6, higher than at any point during pram -- president obama's eight years. financial advisers are also excited about the prospects of the economy and the stock market with 58% saying that they think that 2017 will be a very strong year. sandra, i would add one more thing to that. goldman sachs, who is one of the groups saying, oh, no, the sky is going to fall if donald trump is elected, now they're saying that they think the s&p 500 will
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up9% in the first quarter -- will jump 9%. sandra: but this is going to set him up for he needs to follow through bigtime, because the market is pricing this in. this is expectations the market is pricing in, not actuality. he's not even the president yet. that being said, he has certainly led to an on optimismn the market that we haven't seen. melissa: animal spirit. sandra: not to get wonky, but people are are coming out of the bond market like we haven't seen in decades and going into the u.s. stock market. it is a sign of confidence from the average american investor. post-election they want to own u.s. stocks, okay? they're confident in the u.s. economy, they're confident jobs are going to come back. i mean, you -- it's really tough to find an economic indicator right now that isn't showing that the average american thinks things could get better for the economy. >> and just like with brexit, they said that the economy -- stock markets around the world would tank after brexit. same thing with donald trump's election --
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melissa: they all got it wrong. >> look, he exudes confidence. the symbolism of not only what he did at carrier, but in kentucky with that ford plant, that production line. he saved a lot of jobs there. the fact that he's going to have a pro-america energy policy, he's going to lift the burdens off of businesses here. people see that, they know it's going to be a successful place, they want the get in on it. sandra: if i could get one more thing in too, melissa, the u.s. housing market. for most people, this is the largest asset you own or will ever own. we are looking at housing prices in the u.s. that are back up to record highs. we haven't seen these prices in over ten years. melissa: yeah. sandra: so that, to me, says a lot about where people are. meghan: given that he obviously isn't president yet, so he hasn't enacted any policies, is this just enthusiasm at such change that we have ushered in an entirely new president with an entirely new ideology? is this just hope orful for the -- hopeful for the future?
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melissa: it's this idea that there's somebody in charge that many that can get the gears rolling again. but it can be dangerous in terms of expectations. julie: that and also, look, if you're in the market, i think most people are in the form of pensions, 401(k)s, this is great news for you because, obviously, wall street is thrilled. he's got steve mnuchin, a goldman sachs guy, in charge of the -- sandra: i don't know if wall street is -- julie: he's getting rid of dodd-frank and all of the regulations wall street hated -- sandra: then why was wall street so for hillary clinton? julie: he made lloyd blankfein the antichrist during the campaign and flips and changes what he said. i will say this, i don't know how much the market doing so well -- and it has done well over the last eight years as well because don't forget where
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we were in 2009 versus with where the market is today -- whether that trickles down to the average person in maces like ohio and indiana -- in places like ohio and indiana. what happens on wall street and at the stock market is not necessarily a leading indicator of what happens with jobs. melissa: totally. and that's why we were talking about consumer confidence as well, you see more people out there spending this holiday season, getting the gears going. you mentioned housing prices, so we are so far seeing the average pocketbook go up as well. but you're right, time tell, as always. we now know the ohio state attacker praised radical cleric anwar al-awlaki on facebook, and isis has claimed him as one of its soldiers. but the fbi says it's still too soon to say whether the attack that left 11 people wounded was terrorism or not. how much more do we need to know about this one? and house minority leader nancy pelosi has her work cut out for her after facing the toughest challenge yet to her leadership position.
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sandra: we are awaiting the president-elect's arrival in indianapolis. his plane just went wheels up from laguardia airport moments ago. when he arrives, he will tour the carrier plant. he, of course, negotiated a deal with the firm's parent company that will likely save some 1,000 jobs that were headed to mexico. he will then make his first public remarks since the election. we are expecting sometime in the 2:00 eastern time hour. of course, the timing is fluid, and we will bring those remarks to you live when they begin. the fbi says it's till too son -- still too soon to know if the ohio state university act today was -- attack was
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terrorism, even though abdul artan was likely inspired by isis and referred to a radical islamic cleric as a hero on facebook. eleven people were injured on osu's campus monday when artan plowed his car into a crowd and started stabbing people with a knife. but the fbi is still investigating the motive and can't draw conclusions yet. one house lawmaker slamming the delay. watch. >> to me, it makes absolutely no sense. if in this isn't terrorism, i don't know what is. he doesn't have to have a direct link to isis. isis is reaching out to the people who are disaffected and unstable, and clearly this is the situation here. sandra: i don't know what about this isn't easy to look at and decide -- i'm sure julie will tell me otherwise -- that it's terrorism. >> it's not funny. what it is, i believe, is another manifestation of the politically correct policies of this administration, the department of justice. remember, the fbi terrorism
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guidebook, they purged a bunch of things from it. you weren't allowed to use certain words, sharia, you can't mention it still. failed to prevent boston, orlando, san bernardino. and similarly, that's why they're slow here. they were hoping it would be just gun violence or manager like that. this is -- something like that. this is what got, in no small part, donald trump elected president. a clear case of terrorism and not coming down hard on it with two feet immediately and calling it what it is, calling it out for what it is. sandra: i just wonder, julie, why would they hesitate to name this what it is? julie: it sounds to me very much like it is terrorism, so i don't know what the delay is. i'm not sure of their protocol and, again, i'm hypothesizing, if it's to do a complete investigation before labeling something or whether they can label it while they continue their investigation. until i have the answer, i don't know the protocol for it. i believe we all agree that it almost certainly is terrorism.
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again, i don't know if that's an internal thing for them not to be able to label -- meghan: nothing makes me angrier than this 100%. i was interviewing yesterday a counterterrorism expert, mine morrow, and he was acing -- ryan morrow, and he was saying the facebook photo was enough to have warranted calling the authorities. the problem, like you said, bernie, is we're living in this heightened p.c. culture where authorities won't even label terrorism when we have a person who has allegiance to isis and is saying he thinks the head of isis is a hero. if that's not radicalization, i understand why we're losing the war on terror. because if we're not defining it, how can we defeat it? i agree with you, this p.c. culture, it's going to kill us unless we start facing up -- it's really dangerous. melissa: it is dangerous. i think one thing that we really need to focus on and figure out here is when was he radicalized, because if it was before he came over here -- so many people have
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raised the question, was he really 18 years old? >> he's bald like i am. he's no hair. meghan: my biggest problem is why aren't we flagging people who are going back and forth to pakistan and back here in the united states? if i'm going back and forth to a country that hoards terrorists, why aren't we flagging these people? i know kennedy is one of people say we'll infringe on personal rights. i don't care. everyone needs to grow a pair, because these people are going to continue doing this in this country unless we start protecting -- melissa: too many similarities to the san bernardino case. there are a lot of different things out there we need to catch -- >> trump was smeared as a bigot when he warden about somali refugees, now he looks like a visionary. meghan: if you see something, if i have a friend who is starting to say the types of things this sigh owe said on facebook, you need to start alerting people.
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and people are so scared of being called anti-muslim that they won't alert authorities. makes me insane! thank you. all right, house minority leader nancy pelosi is working to bring the democratic party together after she faced her toughest challenge yet. ohio congressman tim ryan got 63 votes in the election yesterday, about a third of the caucus. but democrats ultimately chose to the woman who has led the party to its strongest congress-- smallest congressional minority since 1929. >> we have a responsibility, and we embrace the opportunity that is presented. we know how i to win elections -- how to win elections, we've done it in the past, we will do it again. meghan: congressman ryan had warned if democratics couldn't figure out how to reconnect with the working palace, they would never win back the seats they have lost. the rnc: despite nancy pelosi keeping her caucus firmly in the minority for six years,
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democrats rewarded her. voters -- get out of touch congressional democrats who have chosen to side with the washington insiders to pursue more of the same. meantime, democratic congressmen kurt schrader of oregon, said he felt like he was signing his party's death certificate and this. >> it's not a popularity contest. we got cruise tied -- crucified in 2010. huge majority republicans. that's not going to change the next couple years unless our message and our electoral strategy changes. we had a pure social/cultural agenda for this election cycle coming out of our house, out of the presidential candidate. it has to include economics. people vote their pocketbook. meghan: julie, the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over again and expecting different results. i'm thrilled. keep only talking to liberals on the east coast, i love it. we'll keep winning elections forever. julie: all right.
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i'm going to oncen again eat some crow as i have been and say something -- melissa: you've been a very good sport about it. julie: no, no, i'm going to say something i think my fellow democrats, especially those in the house who just voted for pelosi, need to think about. for a year and a half, two years i've been talking about the vaunt model, and i think i lost sight of the fact that we looked at segmentation, too much math as i keep talking about, that we looked at what would appeal to melissa francis' demographic versus bernie mcgurk's but not what would appeal to this entire couch. and the whole bass tet of -- basket of everybody who's in this country. nancy pelosi's been part of that problem. i personally have been part of that problem as well. but i have now recanted and analyzed what needs to be done. i think problem with renominating nancy pelosi and making her minority leader once
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again is that democrats have not done that kind of an us. they are, as you said, doing the same thing over and over and over again. i don't know much about the people running against her, but i do believe we need change, we need to talk about a more unifying message, i think we need to stop segmenting our voters -- sandra: but what is that? julie: people, remember bill clinton and the economy, stupid. i thought about what people have in common who won elections. 1984, morning in america, right? bill clinton, '92, it's the economy, stupid. barack obama in 2008, hope and change. donald trump this time around, make america great again. it was a unifying message that everybody could -- sandra: sign up for. julie: regardless of what your demography was. and that's something that democrats in the house failed to see. we need a leader who's able to do that. it needs to be somebody like that. melissa: i think it's simpler than that in the case of nancy pelosi, i think that particular vote is about money, money, money. julie: no question. melissa: nancy pelosi controls
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so much money, and she is so good at sending it downstream that there was a terror of dooring yourself at this time -- divorcing yourself at this time. the last thing you want to do is get off the money train, and that's what was one of the main motivators -- julie: absolutely. you're so right. meghan: that's the only train they've got. you're talking about tim ryan, he is a rust belt ohio state congressman. why not take a chance on somebody new? >> good question, excellent question. look, this would be like if all of a sudden cuba had democracy and they voted raul castro back into office. sandra: that ship's sailed already. >> yes. nancy pelosi's sense of nobility, she should have fallen on her own sword or, get out of the way just for the sake of the party. it just doesn't make it -- a guy like that ryan would have been perfect. so now you have the head of the senate democrats, a new york city liberal, chuck schumer, and a san francisco be liberal, head of the house democrats. same mess they're in, and they're just repeating --
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sandra: as congressman ryan said, we got wiped out in the midwest and we're toxic in rural america, and yet even now that this is already done, pelosi's there, what is the strategy? i know it's going to be focus on the economy, but how do democrats suggest they do that? what is the first step they're even going to try to take -- julie: i have no idea, and it's probably for a much longer segment than we have time for. meghan: democrats have no idea. a big controversy over a college's decision to stop flying the american flag due to an alleged flag-burning incident. donald trump taking to twitter saying anyone who burns a flag should be punished. now a back dash to that, a -- backlash to that, a social media challenge to burn the american flag. we debate next. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop
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punished is igniting an angry response from hard-left activists who set the stars and stripes ablaze on the street in new york city on tuesday night. a video of the incident was posted on social media with the hashtag flag burning challenge. what a great idea. it wasn't long before others across the country followed suit, sharing their own footage with the same hashtag. the original tweet from the president-elect came in response to an incident at hampshire college, you'll remember, where students allegedly burned the american flag to protest the presidential election results. you know, this country you're free to be awful, that's what the freedom -- >> the hatred out there never ceases to amaz. these people are flat out bums, is what they are -- melissa: tell us how you really feel. >> imagine an ex-marine in a veterans hospital watching this nonsense on tv. i'd love to see the hells angels
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roll up fifth avenue at some point just to walk up and say, hi, how you doing. [laughter] sandra: trump's tweet about it is even more offensive to these people than the flag burning itself. >> right. and by the way, the same sentiment expressed by hillary clinton when she was senator, she to proposed a bill calling for the criminalization of flag burning. same sentiment, but it's okay to have that sentiment. i understand it's protected by the supreme court, first amendment, all that stuff. it's still disgusting, and they're bums. julie: all right, so my fellow liberals or anti-trumpers who are doing this, i will defend their right to the death their ability to do this, they are legally entitled to do it, it is an expression of speech and first amendment, protected. however, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something. and you're a complete dope for doing this. if you think you're somehow currying -- sandra: do you think there
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should be any consequence to their action? julie: the burning of a flag? if they're doing it in a public space and it becomes a safety thing, of course. meghan: i do, no, i said if you burn an american flag, you have to go visit a wounded veteran at walt every reed, you have to go to a -- walter reed, you have to go to a military funeral because this flag is a symbol of patriotism, for what our veterans fight and die for, men, women, all races since the beginning of this country. i have a huge vintage american flag, it's very meaningful to me, and the idea that you would desecrate a flag, it symbolizes so much more. and i agree, it's beyond bums. it's -- and i agree with you, julie, because liberals need to understand it's every ugly stereotype about liberals. it's everything conservatives hate about liberals, and it's
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only making it worse. melissa: so they're out there burning this flag while he's getting the wheels of the economy rolling again for everyone. it's interesting that they would sort of take the time to stand there and set the flag on fire and this is what you're going to do with your busy day, and he's out there, you know, making deals and getting people into action in order to get the rust off the wheels of our economy and raise the fortunes of every single person in this whole, entire country. julie: why was he even tweeting on in the though? this was settled in the late '80s -- >> i'll tell you why, he was expressing our outrage, that's why. and he's perfectly free to do that. julie: that's his first amendment right to do that, he has to understand they have a right to do the reprehensible things they're doing. my family sacrificed a lot to be here, so i feel very strongly about the flag, meghan, as certainly have you and your family sacrificed over generations. but i will say this, people died for the freedom that these people enjoy to be able to do what they're doing, and that's
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the reality. sandra: unfortunately, they enjoy it. melissa: all right. critics say it is definitely not g-r-reat after kelloggs disses a conservative magazine. we're going to talk about that coming up. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in
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a. meghan: more outnumbered in just a moment, but first to jenna lee with what's coming up in the second hour of "happening now." jenna: listen to this. breaking news in the space world, the russians lost contact with a rocket carrying cargo for the international space station. what happens now? plus, an update on a breaking story out of florida where a bank robber had taken 11 people hostage, and the u.s. government is set to forgive more than $100 billion in student loan debt s. that a good idea? top of the hour. sandra: the makers of frosted flakes and fruit loops sparking controversy, the cereal maker
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explaining in a statement, quote: we regularly work with our media-buying partners to insure our ads do not appear on sites that aren't aligned with our values as a company. but breitbart's ceo calling the decision un-american saying, quote, what you're seeing kelloggs and others buying into a false, left-wing narrative that our 45 million readers are deplorables and, by the way, we're also seeing this from some other companies. allstate, nest, earth link, warby parker and so-fi just to name a few. >> unbelievable. it's similar to the ceo of grub huck when he said to his employees, if you voted for trump or agree with him or any of that stuff, we have to fire you. the ideology of tolerance, they seem to be the most intolerant of other people's views. if tony the tiger ends up like cecil the lion, so be it. fine with me. [laughter] melissa: this is about spending
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your advertising dollars where you're going to convince people to buy your product and using it to change people's image in their mind of your product. if they don't want to be associated with breitbart because they seem to be associated, fairly or unfairly, with a segmented part of the population, it makes sense to pull their ads from that. and, look, we're talking about it right now, so people out there who don't feel good about breitbart think, ooh, kelloggs. it's all about the psychology of the situation. they're not trying to be good or right people -- >> i mean, it's a slippery slope. melissa: but that's like controlling their speech. this is about, like, i don't want to accidentally damage my brand by associating with something some people don't like. sandra: but does it damage their brand? julie: it's free market, right? if you don't want to buy it, don't buy ooh it. buy it. i will say i didn't hear conservatives complaining when
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people said not to listen to the dixie chicks because they criticized george bush back in 2001, i don't remember when people started getting up in arms because american muslims had advertisements pulled because people didn't agree with their world view. so ultimately, look, to me if you don't want to be associated with something, don't advertise on their web site. i wouldn't advertise on breitbart, i think they're reprehensible, but other people disagree. i'm sure you might not want to advertise on the daily coast, i don't know if they even have advertising. as a private company, you can advertise or not advertise as you want. that's the beauty of the free market. meghan: it affected the bottom line at grubhub, like you said. and it'll be interesting if this happens to kelloggs as well, conservatives that are breitbart fans with their huge audience will stop buying frosted flakes and whatever else they sell. i'm not allowed to eat sugary cereals anymore because i get the sugar high and crash. [laughter]
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>> fruit loops, love those. melissa: frosted flakes is more like a dessert. you can't sincerely have that for breakfast. julie: and you have to eat it out of the box straight. sandra: sorry, you were going to say something. >> it's an honest web site, first amendment web site expressing their opinions. would they do this to "the new york times"? i mean, all of a sudden if somebody made a stink about the new york times, everybody is entitled to their opinion to put out different viewpoints, so when you start going down this road of certain companies are not going to advertise with certain publications or how about abc news? i mean, they're totally in the tank. george stephanopoulos for hillary clinton. julie: isn't kelloggs entitled not to advertise somewhere? >> of course they are. meghan: i still to this day won't buy dixie chicks anything. to this day. the consumer has a lot of power in this.
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if you don't like it, don't buy kelloggs anymore. again, dixie chicks won't get a dime from me before i die. they did it overseas, commenting -- trust me, it's bad. that's why country music doesn't like them anymore. sandra: donald trump with wheels up on his way to indianapolis, he is set to speak publicly, make remarks for the first time since his stunning victory. how we are awaiting those remarks and for his arrival in indianapolis. we will bring those to you live when they happen that. otherwise, i think we'll be right back.
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meghan: we are glad you are here because this is the only place to be on this very busy news day. in the 2 p.m. eastern hour, we are bring you the president-elect easter first public remarks after touring the carrier plant in indianapolis, then at a rally in cincinnati. that's not all, he joins sean hannity at 10 p.m. eastern. it's all right here on fnc. our thanks to bernie mcgurk, thank you so much. >> a pleasure on this wonderful day. meghan: awesome. >> you know, i was sitting on this couch the day donald trump announced that, in 2015. and now he's on his thank you tour. i feel like i've completed the circle. julie: i can't listen to any more of this. i gotta go. meghan: we're staying right here
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for outnumbered overtime on the web. we're back on tv tomorrow at noon eastern. "happening now" starts right now. a russian spacecraft appears to be missing loaded with splois for the international space station. >> the russian space agency lost contact and it could be heading back to earth. >> that's not good. >> vice-president elect pence and prospect elect trump will go on a tour in a carrier plant. [inaudible] >> could this be just the beginning? and uncle sam plans to forgive 100 billion in student debt. is this helping out or bailing out? and fda approved
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