tv Hannity FOX News December 1, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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the complete opposite of the internet. this guy says, i'm from michigan's second district, and i am grateful for the support of the book as well. tomorrow we are off to the villages and then back home on monday. thanks for watching. here is sean who has trump. ♪ and welcome to "hannity," and we are in cincinnati, ohio where president-elect donald trump, vice president-elect mike pence are here in what they're calling their thank you tour, the second stop of the day. they were at carrier air conditioner in indianapolis earlier today and the president-elect, his first cable interview. mr. president-elect, this is first time you have been on since -- >> sure, it is appropriate it is with you. >> has it hit you, the magnitude of all of this? >> well, it does hit me, but there's so much work to be done and, as you said, we worked out a deal with carrier where they're going to keep over 1100 people in the united states, in this case in indiana, and it's been a great day. they're a great company. they were moving to mexico,
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lock, stock and barrel, and now they've changed their mind and they're staying in this country where they should be and we're very happy about it. >> you seem to have not taken a day off. i've been watching monday through friday and then saturday and sunday, and a lot of people have been coming in and out visiting you, and you actually said in the ""60 minutes" interview you want to roll up your sleeves and get to work and you don't want a vacation. >> that's true. you take a vacation once in a while, but it's been a great experience for me. i love what i do. i want to help people, and we do help people like with the carrier folks. they're going to have a good christmas instead of a miserable christmas. and so i enjoy doing it. it is really not work. you know, if it is work you can't do it. if it is not work, it is fun. i mean you hear the crowd outside, we're in ohio and we're doing a thank you ohio and then thank you high waugiowa, we're do a thank you tour throughout all of the states that were so good to us. we're going around. i guess we're going to make about ten stops and do thank you tours. >> the process, you have already
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made a all right of selections, a couple more to go. >> we have a few more to go but we've made great selections, actually more than a few, but it's been a well-oiled machine. we are doing well, getting fantastic people and getting very good reviews. people are respecting, you know, the process and what we've done. >> you know, i think you've been more gracious and maybe more magnanimous than i would be, especially you now met with governor mitt romney twice. how was that? >> it was good. we got along very well. he was very, very nice, nice in terms of his remarks afterwards, and i think it was very good. we have some terrific people, and terrific people to come. >> yeah. and i assume those decisions will be made. you had told me throughout the campaign, i would go through a list of issues, supreme court justice, vetting refugees, building the wall. if anything that you say like on "60 minutes," well, part of it might be an offense, and you haven't changed your mind because you told me that during the election. >> we're going to build the wall. i heard every once in a while, maybe it is not going to be
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totally. there are certain places you don't need a wall balls you have mountains, you have other things, you have large and rather vicious rivers, but, no, we're building a wall. it is going to be a real wall because we're going to stop the drugs from coming in. we're going to have people come in, but they're going to come in legally. we're going to have a great wall. we're going to have a real wall and we're going to stop what is happening, because what is happening in our country is very sad in so many different ways. but we are going to stop the drugs from coming in. >> yeah. one of the things that you have an opportunity is you have a republican house and a republican senate. >> first time in a long time. >> first time in a long time, ee even people like paul ryan, mitch mcconnell, you have been talking to these people regularly. how has that been going. >> going very great. paul and i have become very close i think. we agree on a lot of things. we're going to put in a healthcare bill, a strong healthcare bill. i think it is going to be terrific because the obamacare is just -- i tell you, you look at what is happening. you see the report on it all the time, when you see 116%
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increases in arizona and you see the kind of numbers you are talking about and the tremendously high deductibles where you don't get to use it. we will do something great for the people and less expensive, better and less expensive. >> i look at four things that i think would lead to great economic success. 15% tax rate. i think obamacare will be a tax cut for some people. >> a big tax cut. >> and energy independence is huge. >> yes. >> how much do you think you will be able to do through rescinding executive orders? >> i think we're going to do a lot of it. i don't think we have to rescind -- we're going to rescind executive orders but i don't think we have to use very many executive orders because we have a congress that will go along with things, and i think a lot of democrats will join the train if you want to know the truth. >> have you talked to many. >> yes, i have. i have known many people in politics. people said, he has never been in politics, i have been very active, mostly from the other
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side. but we're going to have a lot of democrats joining us on a lot of these things, maybe even healthcare. so many of the things we will be pushing, they're common sense and we will get a lot of support, and i think that's going to start happening very soon. >> one of the things that i went through, you're still solid on supreme court justices, originalists. >> yes, we have one to appoint very soon. we have to come up to a name. i'm looking, down to probably three or four. >> are they from your list? >> from the list. they are terrific people, highly respected, brilliant people, and we'll be announcing that pretty soon, too. >> and you will have extreme vetting. >> right, very extreme. >> corporate -- your corporate tax rate. >> right. >> and you're going to have -- >> remember, we're also cutting taxes for the middle class. we're cutting taxes for virtually everybody, not just corporate. corporate is almost the most important because it is going to create jobs like you've never seen, but we're cutting taxes for everyone. we are simplifying the system. it will be a tremendous tax cut for the middle class ee peshlly. >> energy independence, how long after you studied and looked at
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it because i see millions of potential good paying career jobs for people. >> right. >> how big is that in the agenda? >> well, it is a big thing. we have so much energy we never knew about. you know, modern technology starting about six years ago, the technology has been so incredible. we are sitting on vast wealth, we never knew we had it. we have more than saudi arabia, more than countries that you would never even believe it is possible. now we're going to start using it. we're going to put the miners back to work, the steelworkers back to work. we're going to make steel for ourselves when we build buildings instead of bringing it from other countries. and we're going to have a great time doing it. >> my last question, since you've been elected some people have had a hard time dealing with it and poor kids on college campuses have their professors giving them cocoa and aromatherapy and pet therapy and coloring books and playdoh. they're apparently very upset, they couldn't deal with it. anything you would like to say to them to reassure their sensitive feelings that it will be okay? >> i think they're going to be very happy. i think we're going to have a
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very safe country, a very prosperous country. we are going to do things that will create jobs for their parents in many cases where their parents will be able to do a lot better, although most of their parents voted for me so i think they don't have the problem. but we're going to have a very prosperous and a very safe country, and i hope they realize that very soon. >> well, 1100 families don't have to sell their house, their car, worry about sending their kids to college and they'll have a good christmas. mr. president-elect, thank you for spending time with us and congratulations on your win. >> thank you. appreciate it very much. >> we'll continue with cincinnati and when we come back we'll check in with vice president-elect mike pence and reince priebus who is now chief of staff for donald trump and much more. we'll continue. >> i'm here today for one main reason, to say thank you to ohio. thank you. we won the state by almost 10 points, which they say is totally unheard of. in fact, i don't know if you
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know it but it is the beginning. they say you have to win ohio, you must win ohio. right, you heard it? over and over and over, and we started off sort of even and then we were one up and two up. we didn't have much help at the top levels, you know that, right? we seek peace and harmony with the nations of the world, but that means recognizing the right of every country, including our own, to look after its citizens. we would put other countries first. we had people running our country that truly didn't know what they were doing, okay. didn't know what they were doing. we're going to defend the american worker. look what's happened right here. they forgot about the american worker. they forgot that it was the american worker who truly built
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you can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1.
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♪ i know that if we set aside our differences, and we do have differences. we are a very divided nation, but we're not going to be divided for long. i've always brought people together. i know you find that very hard to believe, although this group probably doesn't find it hard to believe. but we are going to bring our country together, all of our country. we are going to find common ground, and we will get the job done properly. >> welcome back to "hannity" as we continue. we're in cincinnati, ohio where president-elect donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence are on their thank you tour, and
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the vice president-elect joins us now. should i call your governor, vice president, vice president-elect? >> just call me mike. great to be in cincinnati. a lot of excitement. the president-elect and i are here to say thank, thanks to the people of ohio, kentucky, indiana and across america for giving us the opportunity to serve. >> you told me a big part of your speech is thank you forgiving us the chance to. explain that. >> well, i'm going to say to people tonight, thanks to you we're going to have a president who will unleash the boundless potential of the american economy by cutting taxes, rolling back regulations. thanks to you we actually have a president-elect who is already savings jobs in america. we just had a rally earlier today in indianapolis where because of president-elect donald trump 1100 hoosiers will have jobs at a factory that was going to close and move all of those jobs to mexico.
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so my message tonight is just to make sure that people know that the president-elect and i are working every single day to build a team, to layout an agenda, to make america great again and to keep the promises that he made, and it all will be thanks to them. >> that's not insignificant, because otherwise it would have been 1100 families going into christmas -- >> that's right. >> -- not knowing their future, worried about their mortgages, their cars, their kids going to college, that's a big deal. on top of it, i was interested that the ceo actually said they're investing 16 million more dollars in the plant there. >> right. >> and maybe 35 million more total in the state? >> yeah, i have to tell you, it really was remarkable to watch the president-elect exercise leadership in this case. you know, indiana is a prosperous state. we have job announcements all the time really in spite of what's been coming out of washington d.c., we've been holding our own. but this last february we learned here is a company that had been around in indiana since the 1950s that was going to
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close its factories and move all of those jobs to mexico. when i knocked on their door and said, is there something we can do, they said it is a made decision. a week after the election, president-elect donald trump picked up the phone, called the chairman of the parent company, united technologies and said, look, we're going to cut taxes, we're going to roll back regulation, we're going to have trade deals that put the american worker and american jobs first, and we would like you to rethink this. and they said, we will. and we started those conversations, but i think what people see in that effort, in president-elect donald trump is a man who keeps his word, a man of action and a man who is not going to rest until we get this economy moving again for every american. >> you know what president obama said about this, i was playing it on my radio show today, what is donald trump going to do, wave his magic wand? and i thought about it and i said, you know, what he's going to do is what you didn't do. he's going to pick up the phone and call. >> right. >> were you there for that call? i'm interested. >> i was there. >> when he did it?
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>> yeah. he picked up the phone and he spoke really one american to another, and he just said, i'm just calling to tell you we're going to do exactly what we said we're going to do. we're going to cut taxes on job creators, businesses large and small. we're going to roll back the after avalanche of regulation. back in march the leadership of carrier told me what was driving them out of the country more than anything else was an avalanche of red tape coming out of washington d.c. what the president-elect told the leader of that company was we're going to do exactly what the american people elected us to do, and he asked them very -- you know, very graciously and in his own way to -- if they would reconsider that, and i got to tell you how inspiring it was for me. >> and your home state, which by the way has been doing well as you pointed out. >> that's right. >> but 1950s is a long time. >> it was inspiring for me to see the way that our president-elect just leaned into that effort, kept his word. >> his son called -- >> he's made a difference in the
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lives of 1100 hoosiers. >> i went out in the crowd and talked to a lot of people, and the issue came up, what was the most important thing i kept asking. he's going to keep his promises, and they said this was one of them. you think about the agenda, you break it down, and i talked a lot about it in my closing argument you said you saw the night before the closing election. >> i did. >> supreme court justices, originalist, repatriation, 15% corporate tax, obamacare replaced, healthcare savings account, then you have building the wall, education back to the states, energy independence. what am i missing? >> not a whole lot, although there is a little biltmore. >> the military, getting rid of the iranian deal. >> we're going to support the military at every level with the resources they need to restore law and order in our communities. the list goes on. you're right, i have to tell you in addition to being vice president-elect, i've been asked
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to chair the transition, and to see the caliber of men and women around this country who he is drawing to this effort, the cabinet appointments he has made so far, and there will be more appointments next week, stay tuned. >> you're not going to give us a sneak preview? all right. >> i just have to tell you it's been exciting to see the energy, the vision and the leadership that donald trump talked about on the campaign now being implemented by president-elect donald trump. >> i don't see a lot of days off and i know you're in a lot of these meetings and he included you a lot you told me the other night. this is what people want to know, that the promises he made are going to be kept. i think this is where republicans, and i speak as a conservative, where they lost me a little bit. they promised to repeal and replace obamacare. you know what a phoney show vote is. they never put the teeth into it. >> right. >> or stop executive unconstitutional amnesty, give us the senate. they got the senate, they didn't do it and they funded it.
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things like that annoyed a lot of people. it is important to keep your word. >> it is important to keep your word, and president-elect donald trump is a man of his word. he dispatched me to capitol hill, we both went together sitting down with the leadership of the house and senate and playing out a plan not just for the first 100 days but the first 200 days to implement that agenda. you have known him longer than i have. this man is the 'em bodiment of optimism, energy and creativity. >> he controls the room. >> he's going to bring it all to capitol hill and we're going to drive the trump agenda forward and make america great again. >> how did it go yesterday because i know you were there yesterday speaking with the leaders, how were the meetings? >> great discussions. brought our legislative teams together. met with the speaker, met with leader mcconnell in the senate and, you know, our effort is to be ready literally on day one, to be able to walk our new president into the oval office to take action on day one on a number of executive orders so
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that the obama administration has put into effect. but, literally, in that very moment to initiate efforts to repeal and replace obamacare, to end illegal immigration once and for all and to get this economy moving again. >> so less taxes, less regulation, and it is exactly the agenda that he ran on and i keep telling members of congress, buckle up, it is going to be a busy year. >> listen, that's a big agenda. if he got all of those things done, i would say it is a prescription -- the conservative solutions i've wanted for a long time. how has your life changed? i understand you guys don't fly on the same plane anymore, true for the most part? >> well, that's right. that's part of the new changes, but -- >> how else has your life changed to the extent you can share it? >> well, in many ways it really hasn't. you know, this was just about a 24/7 campaign for us before. my family and i poured our hearts and souls into this. the greatest privilege of my life, but as you said there wasn't any vacation after election day. we were first thing in the
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morning after the election we were all rolling our sleeves up, standing by our president-elect and helping to build a government that can begin to implement the trump agenda on day one. and, frankly, the energy, the enthusiasm, the optimism that just emanates out of our president-elect is contagious, and it is going to carry us all the way to january 20th, and i think carry us to a great, great term. >> i didn't have enough time to ask him a little about foreign policy. is the iranian deal done? will that be eliminated? do you think as he does that it was a horrible deal? i think it was a horrible deal, but a lot of the money has already been transferred. >> right. >> i don't believe that any place any time inspections will ever take place, and i don't trust the iranians. while that deal was being negotiated, believe it or not, they were chanting death to america, burning the american flag and burning the israeli flag. >> well, the idea of transferring $150 billion back to the iranian -- >> ransom payments. >> well, nearly $2 billion in
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what was unquestionably ransom is deeply offensive. it was a bad deal. we have already begun internal discussions. i know the president-elect is going to give very careful consideration to the right way forward, but it all begins by recognizing how deeply flawed the iran deal is and laying before him all of the best options that will put the interests of the united states and the interests of our most cherished ally first. >> do you know if any countries like iran, china, russia, have they reached out, or you can't say? >> well, i can tell you the leadership in china and russia have reached out. for my part, i have spoken to foreign ministers and some heads of state around the country, but, frankly, from the day after the election leaders from around the world were reaching out to our president-elect. i mean i really do believe that people across the globe, leaders across the globe recognize --
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recognize the kind of leadership that president-elect donald trump is going to bring to the white house, and they've been reaching out with graciousness, engaging directly with him, and he's been engaging with them, with the kind of -- the kind of considerate straight talk i know will always characterize the way he deals with the world. >> will we repair our -- what i would say somewhat broken relationship with israel? i have known prime minister n netanyahu for many years. he put a blurb on my first book. will that relationship be repaired quickly? >> if the world knows nothing else, it will know this, that america under president donald trump stands with israel. he's had great discussions as i've had the privilege of having with prime minister netanyahu since the election. >> all of the time you have
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spent in trump tower, that the role of this administration is going to be an active and busy one? it looks like it. >> i will leave it to the one person that will define it. >> the guy that's been sending you around all the time? >> you have to understand i'm a small town guy from southern indiana not far from where we're standing right now. the idea of having a chance to stand next to our president-elect at such a moment us time in the life of our nation is very humbling for me, and i'm just prepared to serve in any way that i can help him move that agenda that we both know will make america great again. >> mr. vice president-elect, good to see you as always. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sean. >> we have to take a quick break. we will come back and rice priebus, now of course the chief of staff to president-elect donald trump as we continue from cincinnati tonight straight ahead. >> you hear a lot of talk about how we're becoming a globalized world, but the relationships
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people value in this country are local, family, city, state, country, they're local. we'll compete in the world, we want to compete in the world, but we're going to compete in the world where it is a two-way road, not a one-way road. the advantages are going to come back to our country, and they haven't for many, many years. there is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. we pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the american flag. pickin
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so i will not tell you, i refuse to tell -- and don't let it outside of this room. do you promise? raise your hand. promise? so i will not tell you that one of our great, great generals -- don't let it outside, right? and of course the press is very honest, they'll never let this go. even though it is all live, they've got about seven stations live. we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense. >> and welcome back to "hannity." we are in cincinnati where president-elect donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence are on what they're calling their thank you tour. by the way, we're heading out to
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the crowd. we will talk to a people, why they in ohio in such overwhelming numbers voted for donald trump and mike pence. first, he is former chair of the rnc, now the chief of staff. i don't know, you went from the frying pan into the fire. >> maybe so. >> reince priebus is with us. good to see you. >> thank you, sean. >> these are two of the hardest jobs you have because if donald trump doesn't win people will come down on you. >> that's right. >> if things don't go well in the white house they're going to come down on you. >> yeah. >> you had a balancing acts all year with the never trumpers and all of the people with agendas, not an easy year in your life, right? >> no. you know, i started to figure out how to be a decent rnc chairman. i figured it out, but now it is a different challenge. but it is a great one, it is an honor. it is an honor that president-elect trump asked me to do this. i think he's going to be a great president. i mean you look at the choices he is making right now, and i can just tell you, you know, his view of the enormity of the job and the way he's viewing and the
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way he wants to build this country for the american people, no matter who you are, what party, what's your background, ethnicity, anything. i mean his attitude right now is just something i think to behold and i am just so grateful for it. >> help our audience to be a little built of a fly on the wall. >> sure. >> you're there for all of these meetings. you were at the dinner for example -- i would love to have been there, because i'm still -- look, i thought mitt romney would have been a great president, but i was so disappointed at the things he said about donald trump. >> right. >> you were at the dinner. >> yeah. >> you were the only one at the dinner with the two of them. what was it like? what happened? >> well, you know, they talked a lot about sports. they both love tom brady. >> oh, great. >> being a packer fan, you know -- >> did they address -- >> of course they talked about global affairs, about syria -- >> no, i mean did they address the things romney had said. >> we talked a little built about that. >> how did it go over? >> we talked about it. look, they didn't know each other. they did hit each other pretty hard. >> a huckster, a fraud. >> right. >> a racist.
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those are hard words. >> i think sometimes like all of us -- and i try not to be this way, but sometimes i think, you know, you can judge people without knowing them, without really kind of getting how they tick or what they're thinking. i think there was some of that. but i would tell you that it was genuine, it was heartfelt. they really got along, and at some point -- and i would say this, president-elect trump is extremely funny, and when he can get on a roll -- >> he was on a roll that night? >> he is an incredible story teller, and he's very, very funny. and he had mitt romney in tears through one of the runs that he had on a couple of stories, but they got along. they talked about serious things, they talked about not serious things, but it was a good night. nevertheless, it is good to have and build relationships. >> whether he gets selected. >> right. >> so i was out for the first time in a long time, i had a few extra days off around thanksgiving and itches out and about a lot and met a lot of people. people say two things to me right out of the box. please tell him don't pick mitt romney, please, please. the second thing they would say
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is tell him, don't let her off the hook. >> right. >> in other words because -- >> right. >> all of those people were chanting and they even were chanting earlier today out here in cincinnati lock her up and drain the swamp. it won't be his decision on that though, that's up to the justice department, that's up to law enforcement and the attorney general? >> i think what president-elect was trying to say is he's not going into this office with the mindset of i'm going to find a way to persecute secretary clinton. that's not where his head is, definitely not where his heart is at. >> right. >> i would say if indeed there's evidence that's presented that goes to attorney general jeff sessions and gets presented, then certainly it is going to be his call, but i would suspect if it is something serious that needs to be dealt with the president will support it. as far as the whole where are you at on mitt romney and all of this stuff, my job is to clear out all of the junk from everyone coming at the president-elect and give him an opportunity to make the decision as far as what's best for this country. it is not to over exert my
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opinion on anything. i think he's got great choices. i think the mayor is a wonderful man. i think david petraeus, senator corker, governor romney, but -- >> rudy giuliani still in there? >> sure, yeah, absolutely. but that's his decision, but providing, you know, the opportunity for him to make a clear decision is part of being the chief of staff. >> general petraeus, how did it go? >> it went well. i mean he is a very, very smart person that really understands every -- i mean he will tell you what river in syria and then this mountain over here. i mean it is an unbelievable mind that he has, and, you know, someone like that you need to listen to and talk to. >> are you prepared like never to sleep? the times i most often got to talk to donald trump, the candidate, was at midnight. >> right. i'm the same way. you and i are the same way. >> we're all up late. >> as long as i get a few hours of sleep i'm good to go. i do like to feel like i slept,
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even if it is for a few hours, but i can keep going. this is important stuff. i've got a great family, good kids. >> and you're all in washington. >> yeah. >> let me -- >> it is a little tougher now because most of the transition is in new york. >> right. >> eventually things are going to move back down -- >> pretty quickly. it happens fast. >> it will normalize. >> walk us through. i think the most important thing, and i think where the biggest disappointment where the republicans had come from, and you and i had discussion when you were the chairman. >> sure. >> people were telling me promises aren't being kept. donald trump has laid out a very firm agenda to get that past. he doesn't have 60 votes in the senate but harry reid set a precedent in terms of the nuclear option. is that something republicans in your opinion should consider following up on? >> we're definitely going to use -- except for the supreme court we can get all of the cabinet through, and i would suspect that's going to happen pretty smoothly. and, look, i think that we've got a president that has a
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mandate. i mean there's an electoral landslide across the country, one of the most significant historical political wins of maybe the entirety of the united states history of politics, but certainly for the last 100 years. we've never seen a donald trump phenomenon sweep the country. the people in congress understand it. the members of our own party should understand it. our meetings yesterday, vice president-elect pence and i had with speaker ryan were incredibly -- >> they were productive? >> -- smooth. and things are -- no offense to our senators but things are naturally easier through the house, but we have a speaker and leadership that they want to work with us and, hey, what do you guys want, how do we get it done. senate is a little tougher because of their rules, but i suspect we have a president-elect that's going to call people out if they don't want to get on board. >> or go directly to the american people. >> people may wake up to a couple of tweets and not like it one morning, but he's not going to sit around and play business as usual. >> i have to give you credit. i think being the rnc chair in a
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year where there was a lot of division and 17 people wanting the job and threading the needle of those people that wouldn't keep their promises and then running a white house -- >> quite a fiasco at times, huh? >> i talked to you throughout the process. >> you remember those days. >> i tried to cheer you up a little. >> no, it was good. i loved the job, i really did. >> this is a tough one too. >> in is tough, but when i first started the rnc it was 24/7. after a few months you get the hang of it and figure it out, but i think people see we're moving at lightning pace, doing well. >> thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> he is now the official chief of staff for the president-elect donald trump. thank you so much. reince priebus, for being with us. when we come back, we're in cincinnati. it is what they're calling the thank you tour with president-elect donald trump, vice president-elect mike pence. we're going out to talk to the crowd. what motivated them to go out and vote this year, and we'll check in with the most popular radio figure in the whole city of cincinnati, bill cunningham. great american, and more, as we continue, "hannity" on the road
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in cincinnati. >> in a true sense history called and the people of this great state answered, and you're going to be very happy. we're going to say right now, what are we going to do? we're going to make america great again. you watch. you went out and you pounded the pavement, organize willed your fellow citizens, and propelled to victory a grassroots movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. this is what they say. today on one of the networks they said, maybe andrew jackson. i said when was that? that was in like the 1838? and then somebody else said, well, that was great, but nothing like what happened here. okay. so it really has been fun. and, more importantly, i heard mike saying about what happened today in indiana, we're going to
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♪ we can reverse the stagnation and usher in a period of true opportunity and growth. endless grid lock is not a way of life any longer. we don't have to accept that. government can be response itiv and we can become proud again of how washington works. and i have spoken to democrats, and i said to them, look, we can't go on with this grid lock, it's gone on for so many years. it's gone on for so many years. they can't get together. we're going to get together, and i believe they want to get together. you know why? because it is time and the people are angry, they're angry. and they're going to get together. we're going to make joint decisions, we are. and the nice part? our victory was so great, we have the house, we have the senate and we have the
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presidency. >> all right. here we are at the u.s. bank. we have a few donald trump fans here? [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. so this election, how important -- no republican has won the white house without -- >> ohio! >> it was pretty excited. you look excited. >> yes, yes, i do. >> you have a trump make america great finger. >> it is a thumb, it is a good filing will. >> what was the main issue for you this year? >> safety for our country, the foreign affairs, and internal affairs. >> vetting refugees, building the wall? >> absolutely. ohio state earlier this week -- >> right, scary. >> and i have to say, i was not happy with kasich this whole term. i did not vote for him. didn't like him. >> now, i have a question. he's going to build a -- >> wall! >> and who is going to pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> all right. we have a lot of people.
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hi, how are you? >> great, how are you? >> what's your name? >> pam. >> pam, with was the most important issue for you. >> the most important issue for me -- i'm very nervous. >> come on, you look great on tv. you do. >> i used to work for trump. >> what did you do? >> i took junket trips to atlantic city. >> you loved it. >> i do. >> he was an excellent boss and 90% of his employees were women. >> wow. did you hear about the carrier deal. >> yes. >> what did you think of that? to me it was big. >> sean, donald trump just proved he's going to do what he's been talking about for a year and a half. this country has turned the corner with this man and i'm so proud to be a troum supporter. >> wow. eight points in ohio. this young man may be running for president with his bow tie. what is your name. how old are you? >> 15. >> you didn't get to vote. >> i did not. >> but you would have voted? >> donald trump. >> who did you come with, mom or dad? >> dad. >> what was the big issue for
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your dad? >> the biggest issue for me was immigration actually. >> really? >> you got to protect your home first before you can help anybody else, and i think president trump is a man of his word. >> did the carrier deal today prove it to you, was it a great first step? >> oh, yes. we were with him at the trump rally in louisville. there you go. >> thank you, guys. how many fox viewers we have right here? hey, sweet haft. how are you. what did you want to say? >> i did a powerpoint on donald trump. >> wow. >> and my teacher wanted me to say that he was selfish and rude and arrogant. >> whoa! >> she wouldn't. >> she said she would take points off my grade and i didn't care and i told her, that's my freedom of speech. >> oh. come on, give this girl a big hand. you know why i'm giving you a hand? because you stood up for what your beliefs are and you didn't let the teacher tell you what to do. good for you. >> thank you. can i get a selfie with you?
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>> i think so. let's do a selfie together. do you know how to do it? >> yes. >> i'm not that fast. you tell me when to smile. your job in this is to make me look good. ready? >> what was the big issue this? >> non-politician in office, someone that can finally do what they say. >> i have a question. how important was the carrier important he got done today? >> very important! >> as you can see, we have a very enthusiastic crowd. when we come back, we will continue more from "hannity" live on the road in cincinnati. now is not the time to downsize our dreams but to set our sights higher than ever before for our country. now is the time to push for real profound change that restores the full promise of america for all of its people, and those
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people are great people. i got to know them, believe me, over the last 18 months. and what we've created is a movement, and it is a beautiful thing. you take a look here, the roads are all gridlock, all gridle gridlocked, all locked down, all secured up and people pour in. it is an amazing thing. ult to man's greatest wonders... selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards... or even file a claim. do that.. yeah, yeah that should work. it's not happening... just try again. uh, i think i found your problem. thanks. hmm... the award-winning geico app. download it today.
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♪ the era of economic surrender is over. we're going to fieght for every last american job. it is time to remove the rust from the rust belt and usher in a new industrial revolution. we're going to do it. >> we're back in cincinnati at the u.s. bank arena. this guy has been 35 years on the radio, the most popular, the number one radio personality his entire 35 years, bill cunningham. do you all like bill? [ cheers and applause ] >> bill cunningham, i'm in your city, i want a full report. >> sean hannity, let me say this to you, in 18984 the giper, ronald reagan saved america from the clutches of mondale and bob
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beckel. it has taken us almost 32 years to have this kind of passion among ohio ans, kentuckians and hoosiers. that kind of spirit, that kind of drive is going to be shown right here at u.s. bank arena. these are normal, god fearing americans. >> what is amazing, bill. think about this. here is a state where the republican sitting governor opposed -- did it bother you kasich didn't support trump? >> yes! >> the republican governor didn't support him and he won by over eight points. >> it didn't make any difference. this wasn't about kasich, it wasn't about a personality. it was about a movement. donald j. trump walks in the shoes of ronald reagan. donald j. trump is a guy that fires us up. you and i, and gos bless jock mccain's patriotism, he is a patriot, but in 2008 we couldn't get a few hundred people to come listen to john mccain. 200. now there are going to be 20,000
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desperate americans here tonight. 20,000, 20,000. >> all right. bill cunningham, how did he do it by such a large margin in a state you've got to win to become the president? no republican ever became president without your great state of ohio, the buckeye state. >> there are three large cities here as you know, cleveland, columbus, cincinnati that comprise 30% of the whole state. 70%, 70%, lancaster, 70% marietta, working class, not blue -- not white collar but blue collar americans said, i don't want to be on welfare, i want a job. a good friend of mine, sean compton who is very sick today, sean compton from a small town in indiana. you go there now, it is shut down, it is done. small town america, stood up like a mighty tsunami from the bowels of the pacific ocean and wash across the great country and said, we can't take it anymore. we can't take it anymore!
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>> bill cunningham, the most popular radio host in all of cincinnati. we have to take a break. we're saying goodbye. that's it. we're out. you guys want to say goodbye? [ cheers and applause ] >> back in new york. be with us. we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. that's why this control enthusiast rents from national. where i can skip the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. on average, four out of every five rentals at national is a free upgrade. getting a full-size and paying for a mid-size?
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thanks very much for watching. here's megyn kelly. good night. breaking tonight, president-elect donald trump winding up a barn burner of a speech moments ago in cincinnati. telling supporters the best is yet to come. and telling detractors he has not forgotten. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly reporting tonight from naples, florida. it's withbeen a day of victory e for mr. trump first in indiana when he put companies on notice that they will not leave america without consequences. then it was on to ohio where he held his first rally since winning the white house and here are just a few of the highlights. watch. >> people are constantly telling me
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