tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 1, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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thanks very much for watching. here's megyn kelly. good night. breaking tonight, president-elect donald trump winding up a barn burner of a speech moments ago in cincinnati. telling supporters the best is yet to come. and telling detractors he has not forgotten. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly reporting tonight from naples, florida. it's withbeen a day of victory e for mr. trump first in indiana when he put companies on notice that they will not leave america without consequences. then it was on to ohio where he held his first rally since winning the white house and here are just a few of the highlights. watch. >> people are constantly telling me and telling you to reduce or
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expectations. those people are fools. they're fools. but this campaign proved that the old rules no longer apply, that anything we want for our country is now possible. anything we want, right? now is not the time to downsize our dreams but to set our sights higher than ever before for our country. now is the time to unlock the potential of millions of americans left on the sidelines, their talents unused, their dreams unrealized and their aspirations totally forgotten. and these are people of great talent. this is the moment. this is our chance. this is our window for action. this is the hour when the great
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deeds can be done and our highest hopes can come true. we're going to do it, folks. we're going to do it. >> in motions, bill bennett will joining us to talk about that message and why mr. trump's actions in recent days remind him of his former boss, president ronald reagan. before that, mr. trump used tonight's rally to announce his choice ff secretaond for secret making big news. >> we're going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defen defense. but we're not announcing it until monday so don't tell anybody. mad dog. he's great. >> joining me now, retired four
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star general jack king, chairman of the institute for the study of war. he recommended general mattis for the job. great to see you. so the crowd went wild, they loved mad dog mattis. i think many people continue really have an understanding of who general mattis is. tell us why you supported him and what the bottom line is that people needs to know about him? >> well he's an accomplished four-star general marine corps, battle earned stripes in iraq and afghanistan, commanded central command. so our audience went on the stand. that overseas, the most volatile and dangerous neighborhood in the world, the middle east, south asia and our friends the iranians. he has huge experience in dealing with heads of state in those countries, foreign ministers and defense ministers and obviously military counter parts. this is a proven professional. he's very capable. and i think what's also happening here, megyn, is
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president-elect trump wants to break from the past where we had a president that did not embrace the wars we were fighting and tried to get out of them. president-elect trump want to win them if you're going to be involved in war. i don't think he wants to be involved in war but when we are he wants to win. >> as you see it, if secretary mattis gets confirmed, right, what will he do when it comes to the war against isis that we didn't see under the obama administration? >> yes. first and foremost he's going to help rebuild the military and that's essential because we've got to restore the superiority that we truly have over all of our adversaries which has been eroding recently. when it comes to isis, i think what he'll insist on doing is giving the commander in chief within a reasonable amount of time, 30, 45 days at most a comprehensive plan to defeat isis, not just in iraq and
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syria, but isis has spread to 35 other countries. doesn't mean we're going to put troops in those 35 countries but we have to have a strategy to deal with those countries and how we can pool our resources and certainly our thinking and how to cope with this spreading dilemma that the obama administration has failed miserably at coping with. >> do you think we have a president coming in now, a commander in chief who is going to listen to his general, something you've been very critical of president obama for not doing? >> absolutely. there's no doubt in my mind about that. and i think he has -- there's a certain appeal that he has with military leaders who by and large -- we're all a little different. but there is a culture there of straight talk, being very direct with penal, theople, there's no involved.
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i think he's attracted to that. so yes, he's going to listen to them. but listen, generals need oversight just like any other major cabinet post or executive agency in the executive branch of the government. and that is appropriate for the president to do. he is the commander in chief. he's the civilian control of the military. and he will provide that oversight, i'm convinced, with his staff also. >> quick last question before i let you go on the straight talk front. general mattis has gotten in trouble for saying it's fun to shoot people, some people, that he likes brawling during a 2005 panel discussion in san diego. is that going to be a problem for him? what about this prohibition that if you've been on active duty you have to wait seven years before becoming secretary of defense. do you see either of those being a problem of him getting confirmed? >> no. the waiver has been done before for george marshal, our most
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esteemed general from world war ii. the congress is working in the house and the senate to get the waiver for general mattis because there will be tremendous support for him. he'll get the waiver, he'll get confirmed. yes, that was a remark that he probably regrets. the name mad dog came from how he talks to his troops. but mattis is studious, thoughtful, a closet intel lecl churl. >> great to hear your enthusia m enthusiasm. general, always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> good talking to you. tonight one of president reagan's cabinet members is comparing president-elect trump's actions with carrier to those of his former boss who took on the air traffic controllers a f they went on strike. he told the air traffic
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controllers in no uncertain terms, you better come back to work or else. >> the union demands are 17 times what had been agreed to. $681 million. this would impose a tax burden on their fellow citizens that is unacceptable. it is for this reason that i must tell those who fail to report for duty this morning, they're in violation of the law and if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated. >> and he made good on that threat. changing the strike history that we would see of these kinds of unions for years to come. bill bennett, a former education secretary under president reagan. first let's talk about donald trump's speech tonight. what a speech it was. optimistic, you know at times -- strong, at times a little threatening of those who would cross america in his view, not
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dissimilar from what we heard from ronald reagan. >> that's right. but it was vintage trump. very funny i think when he was on the text reading from the text and then when he departed. i preferred the departures from the text, actually. would be just as happy if he didn't return to the text. he's the same guy. that's the same thing. and when reagan did the air traffic controllers firing, everybody said oh my gosh, this guy is serious. remember, ronald reagan was called a dunce by part of the republican establishment. people didn't know what we were getting. washington didn't know what they were getting. the people knew. and when he got in and did this, people said my gosh, this guy is serious. he means business. that's what trump did in indiana with the carrier thing. two things, he showed that he meant what he said, said what he meant and second he showed that he remembered what he promised during a political campaign.
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do you know how cynical people are about american politics? here's a guy that said something, before he's president he acts on it. >> obviously he did not keep the promise to go after hillary and put her in jail and got some heat on reversing himself on that promise and a couple of others. this leads to real american employment and jobs which may be more important to the american people. how do you square those two? >> both are consistent with christmas, i would argue, and before christmas. the hillary thing that can still be covered by other people if it needs to be. i don't think people are worried about that. the clintons are done. she's out of the picture. but this was a reminder that the guy meant what he said and he means business. now we'll see what else. but the other thing i mentioned was about the cabinet because people have been saying the never trumpers, with whom i was arguing, said two things they were sure of, one, he wouldn't
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be elected. that was wrong. the second thing is he's no conservative. this cabinet, these picks so far are not the most conservative by a republican president since reagan. they're the most conservative including reagan. i was there. i sat around the table. you have place, you have jeff sessions, you have flynn, you have betty deboss in education and now mad dog mattis. it's nice to have a general named mad dog, i think. i'd like the other side to think he meant it for them. i can imagine he could be tough there. the warrior monk they call it because he reads books. how about that, generals read books. >> what do you think about the never trumpers? do you think they're coming around now. a lot of the republicans who opposed donald trump are suddenly looking around saying, this is actually great, we control the house, we control
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the senate, we've got a republican president in the white house who is saying all of the things that we believed in, maybe not the trade stuff but apart from that he's saying a lot of things. that speech tonight was a speech 80% of which most republicans have been dreaming about for eight yeesars. >> yeah, no kidding. i haven't heard from them. i'm still lonely for lunch but that's okay. maybe you'll come you and i can have lunch. some of them are trying to get on the transition team and they're looking for positions in the white house. i've talked to a couple of people who say they were in transition. i said did you vote for trump, no. did you support him, no. i'm going to turn you no. i don't think you should be on the transition team. but in any case i haven't heard people saying you were right, we were wrong. if you're a conservative, you have to be very pleased. administration is personnel.
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i ran three federal agencies. when you hire conservatives, that means your government and your policy will be conservative. >> quickly, what do you think -- who do you like for secretary of state, who do you hope he picks? and he mentioned, we're going to get to this in a minute, possibly sarah palin for the head of the va who is a controversial figure for half of the country. what do you think of those two positions. >> i'm loyal to fox so i would like to see pete get that position. >> he's going to be on tonight. he's coming on. >> good. you tell him i'm supporting him. in terms of secretary of state, a name not on the list and i don't know why is john kyle. i think he's one of the most capable people. >> would you stick to the list, stick to the list, bill. >> yeah, okay i'll stick to the list and go for giuliani. i have trouble with the romney thing. he was so far out of the realm of fairness no terms of what he
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said. so personal, so nasty, so uncalled for by romney, supposedly a general. >> but if donald trump was to forgive him and say fine, i'll following the example of my leader. >> bill, great to see you. >> thank you. so as we've been discussing, president-elect trump kicked off his thank you tour tonight with a powerful speech featuring an unexpected cabinet announcement and his plans for this presidency. but then in the middle of all of this, mr. trump seemed to go a little off script and delivered a fierce critique of some of the media coverage leading up to election day. listen. >> breaking news, donald trump has won florida. and we won it big. but then the people back there, the extremely dishonest press, how about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started
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crying when she realized that we won. how about it. tear tears. tell me this is a joke. and you know what she doesn't understand? things are going to be much better now. remember, you cannot get to 270 dishonest press. there is no road. folks, how many times did we have this, there is no path to 270. there is none. there is no path. i'm supposed to win the great state of utah. i love utah. remember when they said donald trump is going to lose to some guy i never even heard of. there's no way that donald trump can break the blue wall, right?
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we didn't break it, we shattered that sucker. >> that had to feel good. karl higbee is a trump supporter. great to see you both. you got to love president-elect trump's sense of humor. when he goes off script he's at his most charmsing. he's referring to this moment that martha rat tis had on the air at 1:00 in the morning on election night which he and others have suggested was her crying. abc news said she did not cry at all. let me show tight the audience so they know what we're talking about. >> tim kaine has a son in the marine corps, he was asked by john dickerson, if donald trump is democratically elected and your son is serving as a marine, you wouldn't trust his life under that commander in chief
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and kaine said i wouldn't. that's a pretty extraordinary thing to say if you have a son in the marine corps and you don't trust the commander in chief. people in the military defend the constitution. >> so her voice cracked up a little bit there. but her voice does that when she talks normally. what do you make of it? >> look, the issue here is maybe she cried, maybe she didn't. the term masomeone is crying abt something, don't take it too literally. everybody told him he couldn't do it and he did. i'll give him some rope on that. >> what do you make of that, he's entitled to spike the ball. however the dismantling or the attempt to delegitimize all of the media is potentially problematic. >> martha rat tis has spent a lot of time with the military. it's something that's close to her. i agree with karl, whether or
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not she cried isn't the point. politically donald trump did things we didn't think was possible. i thought he never had a chance. he's doing what worked for him which is attacking the press. do i like that? no, i don't. but until it stops working for him, he's going to continue. he's gloating. a >> karl, what do you make of him -- he came out tonight saying what we need is unity. i'm looking at my notes. that we're going to seek an inclusive society where people love each other, where they dream big, where they believe anything is possible. and you know he's gotten hit for not being more inclusive, not reaching out to some of the groups that felt he was against them or wasn't in their corner during the course of the election. was this that? was this that attempt to do
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that? >> i think this was an attempt at that. but also keep in mind, back to the campaign times, the republican electorate generally stayed out of the black community. and donald trump reached out to them saying we haven't been here for a few years and that's our bad. vote for me, it can only get better for you. he did that during the campaign and i think that showed successfully. and now as he goes on this tour, i think people are actually seeing that donald trump is not as divisive and they think he is >> there was always a question about whether donald trump -- was that divisive or saying what he believed he needed to say to get into office. and now that we have a president-elect trump and about to have a president trump, we're going to see the real man and what he really stands for ideologically and otherwise. >> i think time will tell. i haven't seen anything in the last three or four weeks that he's not going to do the things he said he wanted to do.
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he said he was going to build a wall. he put mike flynn as the national securitiedy ed adviser. we're seeing him repay the people that supported him. i don't think he's going to tone down his rhetoric. he outsourced his own tie to china, talked about women tonight. i haven't seen anything think that he's going to actually outreach and be some kind of leading -- a leader of our country that wants to unify. this was a partisan and political speech and nothing looked presidential trying to unite the country after a brutal election. >> what do you think about that, the accusation that he did not seem presidential. he's unlike any other figure that we've seen before. the willingness to laugh and to sort of make fun of himself at times and obviously make fun of a lot of others. it is unusual, you're not used
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to seeing it. it's entertaining. i mean you could argue that it's charming too depending on what the content is. >> i think what you see is donald trump is he's actually having fun with this too, which is a good thing. he's devoted to it. but also donald trump has redefined presidential and we're seei ining it now. and the other thing, mike flynn, mike flynn said what he said because mike flynn was in charge of an intelligence agency that had good intelligence. mike flynn is an intelligent guy, far and beyond many of the people i served with. just to say because he said one thing that you have a fare it's rational. >> i don't know how you can make the argument that banning muslims is somehow going to unify this country. >> flynn didn't say that. >> there's a reason that people are protesting in this country. donald trump could can have say i understand there's people that
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don't agree with me, i'm going to your president even if you don't agree with me. he still goes out to attack people. he could have said something tonight to the latinos, hey, i'm not going to deport everybody. but instead he stood up there and said i'm going to build a wall. i haven't seen that from him yet. leadership starts at the top and we're not seeing that type of unity from him as our commander in chief. >> just for the record, on the muslim ban he did say tonight, we're talking about a specific group from specific countries who are meant to harm the united states. that's gotten much more narrow from the day he announced it. guys great to see you. you heard bill suggesting that pete should be the head of the va. he's rumored to be one of the last three in the mix. he's here with us in moments and we'll get all of the details on whether -- is he like -- he just got a show on fox and friends. he's there all of the time. he's going to leave that to go run the va?
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also his main competition, sarah palin. who would you prefer. new audio type of congressman keith ellison, the guy who may be heading up the dnc, talking about israel and this could mean trouble for the man considered the likely new head of the democratic party. wait until you hear this. there's new controversy over a media hit piece aimed at the religious believes of two tv hosts. tonight we'll hear from a teen who suffered a similar attack. the new battle in the culture wars. chip and joanna are believers in clis. they're not anti-anything. they're propeople, pro-bible pro-jesus. what's happening right now is a
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gives you so much more: better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. breaking tonight, new audio tape surfaces of congressman ooet ellison talking about israel and it could mean trouble for the man considered the likely new head of the democratic party. trace gallagher has more on the controversy live from our l.a. newsroom. > . >> megyn when keith ellison made his bid to become the head of the democratic national
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committee much was made of his past controversy, including his involvement of the nation of islam. but even the anti-defamation league which bills itself as a jewish nongovernmental group defended ellison saying it appreciated his contrition and would not rush to judgment. but now more of congressman else ellis ellison's comments have come to light, including comments from 2010 referring to israel. >> the united states foreign policy in the middle east is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. a region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 mill whereon. does that make sense? is that logic? right? when the people who -- when the americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get
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involved, everything changes. can i say that again? >> congressman ellison says his comments were selectively edited and taken out of context. the audio was uploaded by whose founder had dealt with credibility problems in the past. thinking he should be disqualifying say, his words raise the specter of age old stereotypes but has no place in open societies like the u.s. ellison is also battling information uncovered by kansas which found that in 1990 he wrote a column in his student newspaper at the university of minnesota where he defended a black radical speaker who claimed that during world war ii the zionists joined with nazis in murdering jews so they would flee to palestine. it was that that same student
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newspaper that ellison said there should be a separate count friday for black americans. chuck schumer who initially back keith ellison for dnc chair says his support still stands. >> trace, thank you. joining me now with more, fox news contributor catdy paf litch and dnc plate form contributor that me ki konst. this is a guy who defended him as not anti-semitic, gutter religion, saying hitler was a great man and now they're thinking about making congressman ellison the head of the democratic party. your thoughts. >> just have to say that the democratic party has become increasingly anti-israel over the past couple of years. it was at the 2012 convention where delegates booed putting
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jerusalem bo jerusalem back into the platf m platform. keith ellison talks about this comment that he's under fire with. america has an interest in israel because it's the only democracy in the united states where women and gays can walk around openly being themselves. he has no business running a major party in this country. he went on a trip to saudi arabia and met with a president of a bank that funded suicide bombs. he also defended a cop killer. he's a radical who has no business of being at the head of a major party in this country. >> that me ki, the adl came out saying we view this remarks as disturbing and disqualifying. why are they wrong? >> there are a lot of remarks being taken out of context,
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being pulled from years ago in snippets. this audio was mentioned -- >> this is 2010. the stuff about why do we dictate our military was 2010. >> edited by somebody who the center called an anti-muslim extremist. >> he's not denying it. we heard it for ourselves. >> but the person who edited the footage. keith ellison has been one of the strong e alleys for israel. he's fought in the minnesota state legislature. he's been a humanitarian. look at his record. look at his allies on top of it. >> we're looking at his record and he said lewis fair kon is not anti-semitic. >> he has never been a member of the nation of islam.
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>> not anti-semitic. >> he organized the million man march. >> come on. >> you are part of a kbgutter religion. >> maya angelou was at the march. >> she never came out and said fair kon was not anti-semitic. go ahead, katie. saying fair kon wasn't ant so mat anti-semitic things. >> as i just mentioned was hi meeting with a president of a bang that funds suicide bombings to kill jews. >> you're pulling from all of these places. >> it's the record. >> what knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy. >> a meeting with clerics that called for the death of jews in israel but also the death and murder of american troops in
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iraq and afghanistan. we should talk about his record in entirety and it includes his rad radical view points. you cannot cherry pick. >> there's nothing that shows he's radical. let's be clear here. the only radical we should be talking about right now is president trump who has somebody who's a white so premist. >> there's no evidence of that. we're talking about ellison. >> he helped past the most aggressive platform, who was there doing that? that was representative keith ellison. hey's the strongest record of humanitarian issues in congress. he's somebody who wants to reform the democratic party. and there's not one time -- >> i got to go but i got to ask you quickly. 26 years ago he offered support for a separate country for black americans saying they would have the option of choosing their own
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land base or remain in the united states. southeastern united states would be the most suitable, that means arkansas, mississippi, georgia. peace l whites would not be compelled to move away. problematic? >> he was 22 years old responding to police brew tlty at a time when there was massive police brutality. if you were to go back and look at your writing when you were 22 years old -- >> go for it. you won't find anything like that. >> psalm attitude today as he did back then. >> you don't know him. i do. he voted for $26 billion in israel funding. donald trump sure as hell never did that. >> good to see you both. taking your thoughts on that. you may have heard bill
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our most basic commitment to provide health and medical care to those who fought for us so bravely has been violated completely. the va scandals that have occurred are wide spread and totally inexcusable. can you imagine the waste in corruption -- and i will tell you, we will find it and we will find it big league when i become president in january 2017. >> big league. taking care of our nations veterans is one of the promises that president-elect trump repeated over and over. and with rumors swirling now over who could soon be heading
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up the va under president trump we're learning this week that nearly 600 patients at one facility in wisconsin may have been inadvertently infected with things like hepatitis and hiv. making it clear that whoever fills this post is going to have their work cut out for them. joining me now, pete hegseth, one of the names being mentioned as a candidate for the secretary of veterans affairs. great to see you, pete. so horrible what happened in wisconsin. and sadly this isn't the first time we've had you on to talk about what is happening to our veterans at facilities across the country because whatever they do, they cannot seem to manage this facility correctly. let's start with that and your thoughts on it. >> that's exactly right. donald trump is correct in what he said up front. it's a systemic failure and a bureaucracy that cannot care for veterans because of the government run system that puts the bureaucracy in front of the veteran. and in this place, wisconsin who
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has had problems with opiates and overprescriptions, doctors are putting 600 lives at risk and he's not been fired. he's on paid hadministrative leave. if you can't hold people accountable, you can't change a culture. a future leader has to have that authority. and then veterans need a choice. if you go to a va or you can go to a private provider and go to a doctor of your choice if you don't feel like you're being cared for properly. the answers are there, you have to have the courage to fight for them against the interest in washington, a raid against reform. the swamp is powerful. the union, the va bureaucracy, the special interest, the media, others that will fight against it. you've got to have the willingness to fight back and then you can change things. >> i want to ask you whether you're going to be in the
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cabinet. liste list >> listen it's humbling to have our name considered. i'm serving veterans for my work with concerned veterans for america where we put the most comprehensive plan forward and pushed reform on capital hill more than any other group. i never expected to be considered for anything. my heart is for vets. my heart is for serving them and serving our military. our country has done them such a disservice for so long and so whoever is in that position needs to day and night wake up with a focus on putting veterans first, forget about the bureaucracy being the priority, the priority is vets. and i think there's a crystal clear opportunity. donald trump cares for the vets and he wants to fix this. >> got to get through the red tape. you were spotted at trump tower on tuesday and i want to ask you whether -- they're also talking about sarah palin potentially for this role, possibly senator scott brown. and the question is whether might you go in a number two
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position if they asked you, would you serve in any capacity if they asked you? >> well service is in my blood, as i said. i would welcome the opportunity to serve vets. it's going to be up to donald trump who runs that and my job is not to lobby for that. i had the honor of meeting with him, made the case of what it would take to fix things for vets. he'll make that choice. but i would welcome any opportunity to serve. >> what about sarah palin, would you get behind her as a choice? >> she's got a heart for vets. she's got a son-in-law and a son wh who's served this country. i have only good things to say about her and scott brown. i welcome the opportunity. i feel good about what i've done and why i've done it and it really is hard to go to capitol hill and get things passed which is something my ground has done, concerned veterans for america, we've fought for real choice for vets. you got to do that. >> what does that mean for fox and friends weekend where you're a regular host up until the end
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of the year. >> vi no desire to leave this network at all. i'm not hunting or lobbying for anything. i love you guys. we'll see what happens. >> we love you, pete. thanks for being here tonight. >> thanks, megyn. appreciate it. up next, there's also new controversy over a media hit piece aimed at the religious beliefs of two popular tv hosts. tonight we'll hear from a sup couple of guys suffered a similar attack when the ben nam brothers join us next to talk about the new boost it's about moving forward not back. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition, it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for it.
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now to a kelly file follow-up for you and new backlash against buzzfeed for questioning the faith popular hgtv stars chip and joan that gai gaines. two christian brothers who lost their show because of their religious beliefs are coming to their defense. trace gallagher has more from our newsroom. >> chip and joan that gaines have not publicly commented on their believes regarding same-sex marriage although chip gaines did go on twitter saying be courageous, be strong, do everything in love. and hgtv which airs the couple's show is addressing the question
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raised in the buzzfeed article as to whether the show would welcome a same-sex couple saying we don't discriminate against members of the lgbt community in oof our shows. hgtv is proud to have a crystal clear record of including people from all walks of life in their series. now the benham brothers who lost their show on hgtv two years ago after being labeled anti-gay are coming to the dpe defense of chip and joan that gaines saying they're not anti-anything. they're progood, pro-bible, pro-people, they're pro-jesus. what's happening right now is a witch hunt. the benhams also encourage fans of the show to stick by the couple pointing out that the stars of duck dynasty also came under fire for homophobic comments. but millions of americans stood by them and that show remains on the show today. buzzfeed is getting major pushback about the article from
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the "new york times" and washington post calling it dmog more than a hit piece. >> just to clarify i think it was the website right wing watch that went after the benham brothers. >> right wing watch. you're correct. >> okay. good to see you. now speaking out in a kelly file exclusive, david and jason benham. they're authors of the book "living among lions." thank you for being here. let me start with you and why you thought it was important to speak out, david. >> well, here the thought mafia is targeting another christian couple. this is the same thing that came after us. it's time to stand up for the gaines family. and here's what's interesting is that this agenda to silence men and women of faith and really to silence anyone who disagrees with the sexual revolution, the ceiling has become the floor. now to where we are today where
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jason and i, we were actually fired for simply voicing our opinions about marriage and sexuality within the context of marriage. the gaines are being pressured because they simply attend a church that has a pastor that speaks about our traditional beliefs. this is an absolute witch hunt and we knew we had to come to their defense. >> the gaines have not said whether they agree with these things that their pastor has said. the question buzzfeed is raising is do they. this is the pastor and the church that the gaines atent. he's listen to the controversial comments that buzzfeed is focusing on. listen. >> this is a clear biblicaled e ad admonition. homosexuality is a sin. a lie.
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homosexuality is not a sin. the statistics say that over 90% of people who are in a full-blown homosexual lifestyle, abused in some way, physically, sexually, mentally. >> jason, that last one in particular has caused a lot of controversial, just not supported by the facts. your thoughts. >> our thoughts are god's blessings are found within god's boundaries. when you remove the boundaries, they're replaced with burdens. if you remove one or the other, you don't have love. what this pastor has done is to actually stand and say what does the baseball say about marriage. it's not that difficult. and when we have pastors backing out of this hot topic issue right now, this is why the thought mafia can come in and try to get the gaines off of their show. and so we don't need this anymore. this is why it's such a great
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time for christian to stand up and say we love all people. we're not anti-anything. but god's blessings are found within god's boundaries and we need to live within those boundaries. >> the lgbt community and those who support them would say hey, we have the right to vote with our pocketbooks, the same as christian community does. if we don't want to support a show then we have the right to say we don't like that show, we're going to go after them. >> you're right. you'll remember when jason and i were on your show and various other shows after we got fired, we said hgtv had the right to fire us. the gay community -- which was not the whole gay community. this does not represent the entire gay community. there are so many gay individuals across the country that support the gays, that supported us. this is not representative of the entire gay community. but jason and i said they have the right to watch what they want to watch. but what we're talking about here is an agenda that's gone from acceptance to appreciation
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so we are here in naup ls florida tonight as part of the book tour. i wrote a memoir called "settle for more" number one on the "the new york times" best seller list. this has been the most uplifting experience i've had professionally perhaps ever in my life. meeting our viewers face to face and sharing even just a moment with all of you has been so exciting to me, to my entire team. these are some of the people we met today here in naples. and we are so grateful. it's just been -- you just have a second to connect with somebody across the desk or hold a hand.
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but man, this is like the complete opposite of the internet. this guy says i'm from michigan second district. and i'm grateful for the support of the book as well. tomorrow off to the with el come to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the "red eye" tease deck. >> coming up on the big show, donald trump kicks off his thank you tour in cincinnati, ohio. he got the most applause when he called marvin lewis up to the stage and said you're fired. and students at a kaw made yep -- canadian university want to ban men from the gym one hour every day. but then how do they exercise their male privilege? and nasa unveils food bars that will feed long missions. please do not believe the
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