tv The Five FOX News December 2, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is "the five." president-elect trump kicked off his nationwide thank you tour last night in ohio, one of several swing states that helped him pull off his victory. he delivered his first major address since winning the white house firing up a large crowd of supporters. >> we are going to bring our country together, all of our country. we're going to find common ground. the advantages are going to come back to our country. and they haven't for many, many years. we pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the american
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flag. from now on, it's going to be america first. okay? america first. never again will anyone's interests come before the interests of the american people. it's not going to happen again. the era of economic surrender is over. we're going to fight for every last american job. it's time to remove the rust from the rust belt and usher in a new industrial revolution. somewhere along the way, we started thinking small. i'm asking you to dream big again. americans will be the captain of their own destiny once again. we are going to come together and make america great again. >> in case you missed it last night, that was an excellent recap. i miss the rallies. i think he misses them too. >> was he in his element?
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president obama is very good at delivering a speech that's been written on the teleprompter. there's nothing -- i'm not being condescending or hateful on that. he is really good at it. you watch him. you are intrigued. you listen. trump has an equal amount of magnetism when he is off teleprompter. there were bullet points you could see. when he went off and the crowd was responding, he is really in his element. early in the campaign, he was doing all of those. then he would start to go down rabbit holes. they started to get him on prompter. that was one of his best hours or hour and a halves that i have seen since early in the campaign. >> wait until his next one. >> i shall. >> watching for the next one. >> they're fun to watch. i have to say, he was gloating big time. but the difference is, he was gloating for them. he wasn't saying i.
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in fact, he was saying we almost entirely through this entire event. >> he almost never says i. >> which is another departure from president obama. obama was -- we used to count the "i"s. he just goes we, we, we. the gloating is actually -- in a way he is putting himself out there and saying i will do this for you. i'm saying this is for you. it's not for me, it's for you, because you stood by me. that's interesting. i was wondering if you turn this on and you -- will this change any minds? it doesn't matter. he won. will this win over anybody? it's like for me when i turn on and see pierce morgan, i turn the channel. is there going to be half of america that goes, i'm going to give this guy a chance? >> i do think that people -- some people felt that way about president obama. some people lunged for the mute button when he came on. maybe turnabout is fair play. welcome to lisa. did you have a good time watching last night? >> he should be gloating a little bit.
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he defied conventional wisdom. he got outspent more than three times by hillary clinton and her allies through paid media. this is a guy who defied all odds from both the primary campaign, throughout the duration of the general election as well. there should be a sense of gloating. he did win. this is what donald trump does well. part of the reason why he was able to defy the odds to break through a lot of negative media attention that we know that he received was because of things like this. he spoke directly to the people. i think this is also why he was elected as well. people felt like he was speaking to them. he was able to speak past the media and reach voters. i think it's smart he says he is going to continue to do these tours throughout his presidency. i think it's smart. i think that's the way that he is going to break through with his message. >> in 2004, juan, when president bush won, when we worked at the white house, he said to all of us, no gloating. that may be an example of the victorian era that we used to
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live in. >> as i said, i'm old school on this. it's interesting for me to hear this. i think there's some part of me that wants to give him a chance. then i said yesterday, if he comes out tonight and speaks to the american people in terms of a unity message, i'm all for it. in fact, he had a little bit of a unity message in what looked to me to be the written portion of the speech when he spoke about we don't want anybody part of bigotry or hate. none of it. this guy is good for me. but then when he starts the to disparaespaiisparage journalist starts the stuff about hillary clinton and lock her up and we're going to build a wall, it looked like he was back in campaign mode. then i think, i'm not buying this. >> that's my point. the thing is, i want to be clear, when i say he is gloating, he is actually gloating for them. he is not -- i don't think he is saying, hey, hey, i won. i'm thinking that he is saying, you won. a lot of that stuff -- a lot of the performance when he is making fun of the media is for them.
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>> okay. but then when he says stuff about john kasich, the governor, we don't have upper echelon leadership. i think he is putting down republicans. >> isn't that funny? it's kind of funny. >> from the guy that is the president? >> this is not a normal -- >> he is not the president yet. >> we have to admit, this is a departure. >> this is a thank you tour before he is sworn in. look, here is what -- watch this. here is what i think you see. you see the same message during the primary and during the general election only then it was we're going to do this. right? now he is the president-elect. he is saying, we are doing this. he has carrier in his back -- rearview mirror. he has ford in his rearview mirror. we are going to this. that's the beauty of it. hillary's message was never we're going to this. hillary's message throughout the campaign -- >> i'm with her. >> i'm with her and it's not his time. there's something wrong with
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him. that message didn't resonate. >> you mentioned him taking the dig at kasich. he has gone a long way in trying to unite the republican party since he was elected, extending olive branchs. some of the cabinet picks are a reflection of that. he tapped nikki haley for u.n. ambassador who did speak critically of him. the fact that he is picking mattis and the more part of the -- the fact you have senator sessions who is populist tea party wing. he is extending all of the branchs. the fact he set down with governor romney who was so critical throughout the general election. he has done a lot to try to unite the republican party. giving the nod of the head to speaker ryan to be able to run again and to be the next speaker of the house. he has done a lot in terms of uniting the republican party. >> what's he talking about when he said last night, stupid politicians in washington.
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i don't think he said democrats. >> people think politicians in washington are stupid. >> okay. but now -- >> this is the difference. guess what? the american people elected him to be the leading politician in washington. >> he is uniting people. >> he has that weight. he has the bully pulpit. how do you use it? i hope you use it for good. >> yesterday, right before the show, we had john roberts on the phone. getting the latest about a possible pick for defense secretary. then he said, wait, wait, wait, too soon. don't want to announce it's mattis. it probably isn't going to be. a couple of hours later because he wanted to announce it himself, you had the president-elect say this. >> i don't want to tell you this because i want to save the suspension for next week. we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense.
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we're going to be announcing him monday of next week. keep it inside the room. but that's what we have. and he is our best. they say he is the closest thing to general george patton that we have and it's about time. it's about time. >> you like the pick? >> it's interesting. mr. trump isn't just build a cabinet. he's creating his own version of the magnificent seven. it's like a remake of a classic film if you haven't seen it. this candidate is an important candidate because he wasn't seeking the job. i think it was ralph peters who pointed this out that the best candidates are the ones who aren't actively trying to get a job. people are scared because he has a nickname like mad dog. it's kind of good to have a general with a nickname like that. it's better than captain shrink shrinky.
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generally they are anti-war and they have seen it up close. >> even though he said things that are quite strong, i guess, in terms of rhetoric, apparently he is humble and always give s credit to everybody else. do you think congress will give the waiver? >> i think so. he does need the waiver. i prefer mad dog to pussycat. i'm sure our enemies would rather him be pussycat. the interesting pick is that mad dog -- james mattis has told president-elect trump that he is against waterboarding and he wasn't always against waterboarding. he is against it. trump is for waterboarding. he still tapped him. look what trump has done now in four weeks. you have pence -- cabinet. vice-president's obviously -- wilbur ross, transportation, treasury. you are down to a handful. one important one, secretary of state, and then you have ag and energy.
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>> dhs. >> dhs. he has the very nuts and bolts of his cabinet ready and forward in a very short period of time. >> so much for drain the swamp. they look very establishment to me. >> you can drain the swamp and keep most important people. >> i just know what the man said. we're going to drain the swamp. we're bringing in new people. we don't like the wall street ee people. back to mattis, they will oppose the waiver. i happen to think mattis is maybe the best of all the appointments. this is a guy known as my favorite thing is he -- my favorite is, engage your brain before you engage your weapon. he speaks in those kind of terms as someone who is a learned warrior. he speaks wonderfully about -- >> he is someone -- >> unlike someone else we know who might be at the head of this.
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>> he is someone who has a ton of respect from the military community. this is a general who fought on the front lines along with his troops. this is someone who is very we respected. he has a distinguished record, a record of winning. people really respect him. i think it's a change in trajectory in a sense that we have someone who is an incredible leader, take the fight to isis. i think it's a signal of strength. >> he will now -- from what i read today -- outrank mike flynn who will be the national security adviser. flynn has been at times -- people describe him as unhinge and rough. >> mattis would be a civilian. >> he would go into trump's ear and a counter and a strong counter. i think the military community will line up behind mattis, not flynn. i think a lot of this has to do also with the fact that mattis was willing to take on the obama administration and say he thought that their policy in terms of fighting isis lacked a sustained policy. >> so did panetta. >> right.
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issues, among them the border wall with mexico. >> there are certain places you don't need a wall because you have mountains. you have other things. you have large and rather vicious rivers. we're building a wall. it's going to be a real wall. we're going to stop the drugs from coming in. we're going to have people come in legally. we're going to have a great wall. we're going to have a real wall and we're going to stop what's happening. because what's happening in our country is very sad in so many different ways. but we are going to stop those drugs from coming in. >> greg, you point out rough to not build a wall after promising the wall. >> you gotta do it. he has to name the wall. china has the great wall of china. he should call it the even better wall of america. also, let's point out this thing in this segment we will have thoughts from these various fox news anchors. this is the first time we had a president talk to us in eight years. my god, this is weird. how do you talk to him?
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>> your thoughts on trump's promise to build a wall? >> that's one of the things when we were going through the cabinet choices so far that department of homeland security is a really important one. because that job will be in terms of -- there's not just the idea of securing the border. you have to work with congress. immigration bill like obamacare repeal and replace is going to be difficult. it's going to be hard to do. it will be highly political. i think that pick is really important. >> juan, oh yee of little faith. >> i didn't think he would get elected. let's not forget that. the most interesting thing i heard when he was talking about mitt romney. for secretary of state. there's one line of thinking that said, this is all just a dance. giuliani has it in the bag. >> ainsley said -- had an opportunity to talk to mr. trump. they talked about mitt romney. >> he has been very gracious.
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i hit mitt pretty hard also. so i understand how it all works. he has been very, very nice. we had dinner the other night. it was great. there was actually good chemistry. we will see what happens. we have some other announcements coming up literally very soon. people are loving our choices so far. we're going to have an amazing cabinet. >> go ahead. >> what was interesting to me then, if so much of the narrative has been about mitt romney, one line of thinking is he is doing a nice dance to reach out to the establishment. and rudy giuliani, in fact, has the job. here he is saying, wait a second, it's not just that mitt romney is being nice to me and taking back when he called him a fraud and phony and all that. he says, i hit mitt romney, too. now this strikes me as a different -- he is thinking, maybe i have some responsibility in all the bad language and bad
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blood that flowed back and forth. maybe he is serious about mitt romney. it's not building the expectation beyond the point of dalliance. i'm wondering what's going on. >> all these picks, you hear names. you hear leaks and you have innuendo. this is one that for me it feels like the president-elect is literally the only one who knows at this moment and he doesn't even know at this moment. >> i don't think we quite know. if you look at governor mitt romney aside the fact that they clearly got into words throughout the general election, look, he has picked nikki haley. it wouldn't be surprising if he brings governor romney into the field. governor romney, despite what people think of him, he is qualified for the position. this is a guy who is a governor. he has run an international business. he saved the salt lake winter games. this is a guy who obviously ran for president. has high name recognition. i think would be respected by other world leaders.
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if he picks him or not, he is clearly qualified for the job. i think it comes down to the fact that donald trump trusts him. does donald trump trust him to do the job? does governor romney feel comfortable to carry out the mission and the directive -- >> steve mnuchin is following donald trump's example. he is talking to the press before he is confirmed. i never heard of anything like that. >> victorian era. >> check this out. >> medieval times. >> i said old school. here you get mnuchin, he says there's cuts for the middle class, but not necessarily for the wealthy. donald trump ran saying there will be tax cuts. last night he said tax cuts. what is going on here? >> you are confused. >> i am. >> i think i'm going to be wrong. i'm hoping rudy giuliani gets the nod for secretary of state. it's telling, some of the -- we had good chemistry? >> i don't know if he is
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trolling or he is messing with newt. i'm going to make newt jealous. when you have a cat and you bring home a puppy. you play with the puppy. the cat gets angry. >> that's devious. >> that's a great tease for my one next thing. >> i am the -- >> the election is tempers are still flaring. top aides got into a heated shouting match when they took part in a forum at harvard university yesterday. you are not going to want to miss this next.
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>> a mandate. it's a difference now the clinton people -- folks choking up. somebody wrote it was like jerry springer without the chairs being thrown. you could hear jennifer choking up. she is so angry. i guess the feelings remain? >> i think this alt right raised is the reason why they lost. division is what the democratic party does best. look at the nearly 700 counties
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that went for president obama. one-third flipped for donald trump. look at 194 out of -- >> went from obama to trump? >> yes. you look at 194 out of 207 counties that obama won in 2008 or 2012, went for donald trump. are they all racist? you look at the fact -- i don't know how the democratic party can say this on the same breath. you have chuck schumer who will be the minority leader in the senate who is endorsing keith ellison who said black americans need a separate country and the u.s. constitution -- this is his wo words. he said the united states constitution of evidence of a white racist community. how you can drive that narrative when you are propping up someone who will lead your party who says things like that? >> the constitution, obviously, didn't give citizens -- didn't give -- >> i think kellyanne is right. the reason why they lost, hillary clinton didn't connect with people. she didn't have an economic driven message. >> eric, when you look at what
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you -- this argument, it comes down to an argument about steve bannon and whether or not bannon when he was at breitbart provided a platform for white nationalists. >> it's unbelievable that jennifer, given what she knows that this narrative that they picked up -- i will tell you when they picked that narrative up. it was the turning point in the election is when hillary clinton went from he is bad, this is why you can't vote for donald trump or half the people who support donald trump are deplorable, that was a big change in the attitude. people who weren't deplorable didn't feel deplorable maybe were undecided up until then decided, i can't vote for that. i think that was a big change. she's still perpetrating this narrative that didn't work. if i were democrats i would say i distance myself from her comments as fast as rapidly as i can. this whole alt right. >> that's what i wanted you to respond to.
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>> stay away from that. >> there are lots of democrats who have trouble with steve bannon. >> donald trump was elected by american people in the heartland. take out the coast. as lisa points out, 200 counties that voted for obama helped elect donald trump. not everyone is part of the alt right movement. there's a movement over there. donald trump himself has looked in the camera as "60 minutes" and said, stop it. we're not about this. it's a losing debate. >> dana, this is a very -- as you can tell just here on this set -- very charged debate. kellyanne conway said voters vote on what affect them, not what offends them. if he is putting down john mccain, talking about grabbing women or mecxicans or rapists o thieves, she's saying what our voters cared about were economic issues. >> when it came to the choice. i don't like to see anybody upset. it has only been three weeks. i understand the clinton people are still feeling stung by the
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loss. i also when i lose, i try -- i just go into complete humility mode and humble. seek a way to understand rather than to come up with things that just -- i think it's masking their real problem. for example, you look at this wisconsin recount. hillary clinton never campaigned there. there were nuts and bolts of the campaign that they missed. i also don't like it when somebody doesn't get the credit where it's due. i feel like kellyanne conway is not getting credit due as the first woman campaign manager to successfully bring a victory to a presidential candidate. she really deserves it. she's really tough. i would add one thing. i do think there is a mandate on one particular issue. it's the supreme court. i think if that really helps drive thesage forward -- mitch mcconnell was smart not to try to confirm garland and say we will hold. that drove a lot of people. >> one of the more interesting aspects to this was, i thought,
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they're going to go after fox news. had you that piece on fox news about this issue. in fact, they went after cnn. they went after jeff sdzucker. you let them come on and the anchors would try to come back. this is coming not from democrats. this is coming from people who represented rubio, cruz, bush. saying you just gave all the air time in the world to donald trump. >> it's because he is e entertaining. she's like a villain who keeps firing the gun after she's out of bullets. it's the race and bigotry pistol that no longer works anymore, because for the past eight years, maybe even let's go back further to the late '60s, that gun has been fired over and over again. rememb >> remember the trick squirt guns? they keep shooting. >> because you know what happened?
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they expanded the target of abuse. it used to just be a narrow band of conservatives. it worked. it scared conservatives. it terrified them. they were afraid to speak up. they kept widening the ban to more americans until it was including democrats and liberals thinking about voting for trump. if you weren't falling in line, you had this swath of america who were now racists, misogynists, sexists, isl islamaphobes. >> you know what? you just let him run the field. cnn said -- what i heard, they're going to make a billion in profits, most profitable year ever. media did do well. >> she's a woman. that's why she went after kellyanne conway. sexist, sexist, sexist. >> calm down. stay right there. facebook friday up next. i had frequent heartburn,
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welcome back. friday, facebook friday, that's what we call it here. great first question. i am going to go to you, dana what hidden talent do each of you have? >> supposed to answer for myself? >> that's an interesting answer. i don't even know what that means. >> i'm a great imic. >> actually, you are. >> i am pretty good. >> you can't do any here. >> no. it's a secret. it's supposed to be hidden. but i'm really good. you know who you are. >> they don't, actually. >> i'm really good.
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>> eric. >> hidden talent is that -- numbers -- i love numbers. i can eat, drink and sleep numbers. i can eat hot stuff. >> really? >> handle it no problem. my wife has the best hidden talent. she's never been among other things she's never been medically trained. she can diagnose -- she can hear two or three symptoms and nail what the issue is better than any doctor i have seen. it's uncanny that ability. >> that's a tv movie. >> name that disease. >> that would be very depressing. >> it's fatal. here is your parting gift. juan? >> i don't know how to answer this. i'm thinking -- >> that's why it's a great question. >> i say to people, i was a championship cross-country runner. people say, really? we didn't know that. i was the captain of a championship basketball team. >> of course you were. >> people say this is the one --
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people come up top me and they say, you know, i saw a book in the bookstore. it was by a guy named juan williams. wait a minute. >> who is that guy? >> i want to meet him. >> they don't associate the person on the tv with books about history. >> your secret talent -- you order the biggest thing on every menu and you eat it. >> at any time of day. >> you will have three full meals a day and you are still as slim as a weed. >> what dana says is i'm a grazer. i graze. i keep eating all day. >> we have experienced that on some road trips. he can graze on the bus tour. >> not just food. he will eat anything. >> he can sleep anywhere with a blanket over his head. >> that's a talent. >> lisa? >> they are all impressive. i can throw a mean spiral. i grew up with three brothers. >> i can fly. but i can't show you. ki it's only when i'm naked.
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sorry. john writes, if you could eliminate one government entity, lisa, quickly, what would it be and why? >> epa. >> she took the best one. >> get rid of regulation. >> juan? >> i think government shouldn't have anything do with art. >> that's pretty good. >> really? >> that really is interesting. >> i would eliminate the department of education, i think. >> how about you, dana? >> the government accountability office. >> what do they do? >> they do -- they report -- lots of reports about the government. >> they said entity. i'm going to say all of the parks. >> no. >> yes. >> i'm for the parks. >> a lot of animals, bears. i don't trust them. harry things, don't trust them. do you want me to do another? no. they're good. i think they gave up in the middle of this. >> are they still watching? >> i don't know. it's friday.
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that's when all the producers go down to the bar. they're getting wasted. that's what they do. i can go longer and longer. more from president-elect trump post-rally next. ♪ this artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. come on artoo! ♪ artoo! welcome to the rebellion. ♪ this is for you. duracell and children's miracle network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. burning, pins-and-needles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad
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last night, president-elect trump spent a good deal of time thanking supporters. he also squeezed in a number of digs to his doubters, specifically the mainstream media. >> remember when they said he cannot win north carolina? so we had just won ohio, iowa and we had just won florida. breaking news, donald trump has won florida. the people back there, the extremely dishonest press sa said -- very dishonest people. >> mr. trump singled out one member of the press in particular. >> how about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying when she realized that we won?
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tears. tell me this isn't true. you know what she doesn't understand? things are going to be much better now. she doesn't understand. >> he was clearly referring to martha radditz. she said she wasn't crying. she sounded choked up by the thought of a president trump. juan, i want to know -- there has to be equal accountability. it's the media's job to hold candidates and politicians accountable. shouldn't the media be held accountable? >> absolutely. what do you mean? >> that's what he was doing. >> no. i think what he was -- he was mocking her. i think that's what is a little much. clearly, i don't know if she was choked up or not. she says she wasn't. clearly, she was emotional to some degree. clearly, she was wrong. i think he uses now the press as a whipping boy. i don't know this is -- we were talking earlier about how there's complaints about how the press, in fact, opened the door to donald trump.
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gave him so much press time. >> eric, why do you think the media got things so wrong? >> because they're liberal. they are vastly liberal. my problem is, martha did get choked up. she got emotional. his point about -- this is someone who moderated a debate. also donna brazile leaked questions to hillary clinton as well. it was so against him. it was 90% against him. he has a right do this. can you imagine she was getting choked up about him winning? that's a fair and balanced journalist? you think that's fair and balanced to cry about -- >> there weren't journalists on the right who were in support of him? >> i think fox had a debate this time. >> do you think wallace would have welled up if hillary clinton won? >> there were pictures of anchors looking disappointed.
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the white house -- the next white house press secretary will have a huge role in working with the press. how important is that for donald trump to identify a good press secretary? what do you think that role will look like? >> well, i love that job. i think it's a really important one. i spent 50% of my time advocating and defending the presidency of the united states. the other 50% i really spent advocating and defending access of the right of the press to question the government. again, that could be victorian era. but i think it's important and i do believe that the president-elect will find reporters in the briefing room itself strive very hard to be fair. i think that has been true for president obama and it was true for us. >> did martha cry? >> i refer -- >> she said she didn't. >> i refer to this as choke-gate. they were talking about the military and the military -- i don't really -- here is the --
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you can't go wrong bashing media. we do it. they do it. the media does it to themselves. everybody does it. it's okay. the media is already armed. they own the turf of communication. it is their field. imagine -- let's put it this way. imagine the media is an armed gang. donald trump is like this innocent pedestrian being chased. he stumbled on a rifle. that's what a normal citizen is when they are dealing with the media. when they fight back, they are outnumbered. when they get the republican, they should use it. another gun metaphor for me today. >> one more thing is coming up next. meta appetite control... it helps put some distance between you and temptation. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand.
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you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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it's time for one more thing. juan williams. >> yesterday, i shared pictures of a couple of louisiana who have no wedding pictures. but their granddaughter arranged for them to have a photo shoot on their 70th wedding anniversary. guess what? turns out the lovely couple was watching yesterday. their granddaughter amanda sent me a note today that i thought was so sweet. she said this moment ranked in the top three moments of my grandpa's life. he had so much respect for fox and feels so honored fnc shared
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the story. he wrote me a note. he said that while he is a republican who voted for donald trump, he has a new respect for this democrat on "the five" after sharing his story. let me tell you, my hat is off to you. when it comes to big news, i think 70 years of marriage, it's one in a million. i don't know anyone who has been married 70 years. your story is worth fox's time. >> juan made a friend. >> tomorrow night, 10:00, greg -- i have the producer from "cheers." and kennedy. love kennedy. you know our kennedy. greg's prison news. this guy in washington county got arrested. this is his mugshot. he happened to be with his bird at the time he was arrested. why does this bother me? mugshots are taken so you recognize the person. if this guy is walking around
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without the bird, no one will recognize him. >> that's a great point. thank you for bringing that up. >> someone on instagram told me about this cartoon for kids in hungary. it has english subtitles. find it on youtube. it w this dog was acquired to give the cats a hard time. it's a great cartoon. meet me in texas this weekend. eric? >> very quickly. cashing in. let's talk about the carrier deal. it's a win, win, win. average wage of carrier worker, we looked it up. we went to carrier. $70,000. that's great. wages and benefits, you pay taxes on benefits. 1,100 jobs. if you applied tax burden -- tax
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rate, 3.3% to the state, the feds are going to raise $19 million in taxes. the state is going to raise $2.5 million in taxes per year. $700,000 per year investment by indiana is going to return $2.5 million per year. let's not forget, $77 million worth of economic activity going towards the state as well. this is a deal. anyone want dozen ths to do thi should do this deal. >> 4.6 unemployment. this is a ripoff. >> the state of tennessee has been hit very hard. the wildfires claimed 13 lives. the southern part of the state has been swept by tornadoes. out of darkness sometimes there is life. a miracle birth. it happened this week. a tennessee woman gave birth to her daughter on wednesday after being rescued from her home that had been ravaged by a tornado. a team of 20 first responders
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walked three miles to get to her. they were in it. it landed more than 200 feet away. >> we have to go. have a great weekend. "special report" is next. new indications about the president-elect's possible pick for secretary of state. new controversy about a call with a world leader. a new take on presidential speech making. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. a cavalcade of candidates filed into trump tower again today with a few surprises. the president-elect is slowly filling in the blanks on the list of his key advisers. we may be getting a better indication of how donald trump plans to present himself as president. we are seeing and hearing how bitter the defeat remains for some in hillary clinton's campaign.
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