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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 4, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST

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p.m. eastern and it's a busy news day here in the fox news channel as the news continues all afternoon. have a good day. we'll see you later. good sunday to you. nice to be with you. nice to be with you at home. lots of news. i'm leland vittert. >> i'm shannon bream. here is what's making news right now. heart break in oakland, california. more bodies found as recovery workers make their way further into that highly dangerous charred debris of a warehouse once filled with young people enjoying music. it's now a mass grave. >> it was quiet. it was heartbreaking. plus, early morning tweeter in chief.
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president-elect donald trump tweets a major warning to u.s. businesses to, quote, not make an expensive mistake. we'll tell you what he says that mistake is when we go live to new york's trump tower. and green party presidential candidate jill stein is vowing to ask for an american federal court order tomorrow. she pushes for voter recounts in key battleground states won by president-elect donald trump. . our top story today, emergency and rescue crews working around the clock in oakland, california, where a massive fire ripped through a warehouse friday night killing at least 24 people. the death toll is expected to rise as dozens of people are still unaccounted for. what's left of the building is unstable, and that, of course, then poses a threat to firefighters' safety. they are removing debris bucket by bucket. adam is on the scene in oakland with the very latest. hi, adam. >> reporter: hi, shannon.
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grim news as the number is 24. they expect that number to rise. the recovery effort resumed last night and has continued throughout the evening and into that morning. you can see where it's taking place right now. i have talked to a number of firefighters after they have come out and they're obviously very grim, very sad. they say it's obviously a very difficult situation inside. they talk about the fact that the victims that they have found, in fact in one case there were a number of victims as i was told piled on top of each other as if they huddled together trying to find their way out and were unable to escape the inferno. from the air you can see the task as another firefighter said to me it was like an oven when this thing was going. you can see basically a masonite block building. the inside collapsed upon itself. there's debris, metal, all sorts of stuff that's been burned and char cha
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charred. it's a tedious process. >> this will be a long and arduous process, but we want to make sure we're respecting the victims, their families, and our firefighters' safety to work slowly and carefully through the building. >> reporter: and at one point the battalion chief even broke up as she spoke about the people found inside. you can see what it looked like prefire as one firefighter mentioned to me who had not been inside prefire but has seen the photos and has been in there with the debris. he said everything in there was basically flammable and really nothing was legal. you can see that they had all sorts of rooms and kind of a makeshift artist colony, concert venue. a little bit of everything really inside here. he did say there were a number of young people that they have found. at this point only a few families have been officially notified because of the process of having to identify the bodies. they're even going around here and taking note of the cars parked in this neighborhood, shannon, then taking those license plate numbers and trying to match them up with people that have been reported missing. right now the number is 24. that number is expected to rise
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significantly as they go through this building, and it may be a couple days before they're completely done with the process here at this location, shannon. >> still danger for those on the scene trying to make the best of that situation. adam, thank you very much. those pictures tell such a story. i want to show you a little bit more inside what was known as the oakland ghost ship. that warehouse before the deadly fire, and so many people have called it a tinderbox. as you look through there, according to nbc there in the bay area they were actually under investigation for having illegal interior building inside of that warehouse, and the one thing you don't see in any of these pictures is either sprinklers or fire alarms, and our claudia cowan yesterday was reporting that neither of those went off during this fire. >> i mean, you can see it's very unconventional what they have inside. these are structures that look very makeshift. some of them. so we have no way at this point of knowing whether there was
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proper licensing or permitting. those are things the investigation will uncover. >> the other thing, some people are -- we're trying to get ahold of some people who were witnesses, try to talk to them at the half hour, but some people were saying some of the stairwells were made out of wooden palettes, which means as the fire started, the stair we wills went up in flames themselves. >> so much more to uncover, but just what we know right now, a deadly situation. >> sad too. well, in the last year a fire department responded to fire every 23 seconds in this country. about 500,000 fires were structural like the one we have seen in oakland. similar tragedies have struck the u.s. over the past 50 years in may 1977, 165 people were killed at a fire at a supper club in kentucky. in 1980 a fire at the mgm grand in las vegas killed 85 people. in 1990 an arsonist attacked a club in the bronx. that killed 87 people. and in the more recent, you'll
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remember this at a rhode island nightclub, 2003, a pyrotechnics display that went wrong, set that place on fire, killed at least 100 people there. the deadliest single building fire in u.s. history occurred on december 30th, 1903. the iroquois theater in chicago caught fire. 602 people perished there. >> and so much has changed in terms of fire safety since then. in cambridge, massachusetts, it worked the way it was supposed to. a more fortunate ending to a massive and devastating fire. it took more than 130 firefighters to battle a ten-alarm blaze that ripped through a densely populated neighborhood in that boston suburb. the fire broke out yesterday afternoon, quickly spread across 11 buildings in cambridge, massachusetts. one of those buildings completely collapsed. fortunately, no one was killed. no major injuries have been reported. but as the cold sets there in boston, more than 60 families are displaced from their homes
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today. the fire chief called the outcome and we certainly can feel this in the wake of the oakland fire, quote, miraculous. now on to politics, president-elect donald trump has a message for businesses thinking about outsourcing jobs. well, he tells them don't do it. the president-elect made his point again on twitter this morning threatening a major tax increase if businesses take their jobs somewhere other than america. we're live at trump tower with more. hi, brian. >> reporter: hi, leland. donald trump is doubling down on a campaign promise to make sure that he's going to punish those companies who ship their manufacturing jobs to mexico. he said, quote, they'll be making a very expensive mistake and promising to heavily tax their products once they enter back here in the united states. he also tweeted that he emphatically says that the united states is open for business while also saying, quote, the u.s. is going to
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substantially reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country for another country, fires its employees, builds a new factory or plont in the other country and then thinks it will sell its product back into the u.s. without retribution for a consequence is wrong. there will be a tax on our soon-to-be strong border of 35% for these companies. now, trump's doubling down on 35% tariff penalty. it comes days after he struck a deal with carrier plant and united technologies to save about 1,000 jobs from leaving indiana and going to mexico in exchange for $7 million in tax breaks. but critics are concerned that the carrier deal set a dangerous precedent of rewarding companies with tax breaks who threaten to move to mexico. democratic senator bernie sanders said offering a tax break to carrier isn't tough. it's essentially begging them to stay. on "fox & friends" this morning trump's chief of staff, reince prebecause, said that the move to make america more business
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friendly is happening, but while that's happening that you can expect companies to get more personal calls from mr. trump. >> he wants to get it done. he wants to get it done fast, so i would not be surprised if he wasn't on the phone with all of these companies, as many as he can, to encourage them to stay, to stick it out, wait until these policies can be put in place, and do a business here in america. >> reporter: perhaps the next deal that mr. trump may actually strike is with another indiana company who mr. trump targeted in a sweet slamming them they plon to move 300 jobs from indianapolis to mexico. this morning a ten-year employee spoke about the move. >> i'm very happy. i mean, honestly, when i seen the tweet friday night, i was really shocked because i know
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that, you know, he worked on carrier, and carrier had the 1400 employees. we only had 300. i figure we were small potatoes, that we probably -- we'd get lost in the storm, but when i seen the tweet that he was engaged, i'm very happy. >> reporter: obviously, that an employee who is optimistic that mr. trump can do for his corporation what he did for the carrier plant. by the way, kyle says it makes him sick to his stomach this he will now have to train his counterparts in mexico for the jobs as of now. >> there's a lot of employees' companies for sure wondering what will happen to them. bryan outside trump tower. thanks, bryan. shannon has more. >> let's bring in congresswoman marsha blackburn for more about how the trump administration is going to look. she is part of the trump transition team. congresswoman, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> i know that you were working
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with the transition team, and you've met with mr. trump. what do you make of where his head is at with these tough picks as he continues to add to his potential cabinet nominees? >> donald trump understands organizational leadership. he understands putting the best person for the job in that position, and i think it is exciting to see that he is spending so much time pulling together a cabinet that is going to work together, people that have unique skills that are going to move forward in achieving the agenda he has set and the american people want. i think this is going to be a great 2017 for the united states of america. >> well, and you know there's been so much focus on the secretary of state position. we've heard names in, names out, the list narrowed, now we're being told it may be expanding again. a new name i hadn't heard before but one that is now surfacing is former rival carly fiorina. it would be an interesting person to have in the mix, but we know that mitt romney was
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also very much an opponent of mr. trump. they have kissed and made up. what do you think about the possibility of ms. fiorina being floated? >> i have always been a fan of carly fiorina. i have at mired her work, her commitment to conservative principles. i'm delighted to see she and mr. trump are talking and she's being considered for a placement in the administration. secretary of state or wherever else. they wou carly is accomplished, she's committed. she speaks well. she represents our country well, and i love seeing strong women pushed forward. >> i want to ask you too about the issue of life and pro-life issues which we're going to talk more about separately with your work you've been doing on the hill but with respect to mr. trump, there are -- there was a lot of opposition early on in the primaries from people who didn't feel like he really understood or was committed to the pro-life movement. is that something you've discussed with him or do you feel like he is fully on board
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with that particular issue, which is certainly going to be one that's going to be fought in the courts and other places as we move forward. >> shannon, i feel that he is fully on board with the issue. donald trump is someone who will tell you he was pro-choice. he grew to be pro-life. that is a position that he has taken, and he has moved to the point he can articulate his support for life beautifully. it is wonderful to hear him do that. i fully believe that as we look at the work i'm doing on my committee, the report that we are getting ready to deliver to congress, that you're going to see mr. trump say what can i do to be helpful for the cause of life in this process. >> and let's talk about the work. you've been heading up the house select panel that's been investigating the traffic between planned parenthood and fetal tissue providers, was it legal, was it illegal? they have denied at the wrongdoing. i know you've had trouble in compliance with some of the subpoenas and different groups you've been talking to, but
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ultimately this week you did refer potential criminal and regulatory charges against a number of groups. can you update us on that? >> yes, i certainly can. we have issued 41 subpoenas this year. we have held two hearings. we have done a business meeting on contempt charges, and i have done nine criminal and regulatory referrals. some of those are federal, some of those are to the states. what we have done is we have found evidence and have shown a pattern and been able to show that pattern where laws have been violated such as in new mexico with the spradling act. we have an issue in florida. i have referred that to pam bondi. our panel is to seek out the information, to report back, deliver our report to the speaker and to congress, and then actions further will be taken by the house or by the authorizing committees, but what we are seeking to do is to
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protect life, to protect scientific research, to make certain that the organ donor program, which is highly regarded in this country is not compromised in some way. to be certain that second and third-term abortions and that we are working -- that the children that survive, the babies that survive these abortions have the proper care and protections. so that is kind of the entire scope of the work. we were put in place by hr-461. we were given one year to do our job, and that is drawing to a close, and we will deliver our report for further action by congress. >> well, we know democrats on the panel were very unhappy with most of what went on. we've heard from them as well. we will continue to track and see what you referred no goes the next step. congresswoman marsha blackburn, thank you for your time. good to see you. >> good to be with you. thank you. back now to president-elect trump's threats to companies
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moving jobs overseas. they come on the heels of his deal with indiana-based heating and cooling manufacturer company carrier. in exchange for keeping about 800 manufacturing jobs in the united states, the company received tax breaks and incentives. those still more than 1,000 jobs move to mexico. for more on this indianapolis based talk show host marian weaver and mary. >> clarjo clark. they are known as chicks on the right. miriam is in the blue. amy jo, i'm told you are wearing red today. on the right and i guess always think you are right, is that correct? >> yes. >> and they agree on that point too. miriam give us a sense of the mood in indiana. only, anytime is job is saved, it's a job that's earned, one more family that doesn't have to worry about this during the holidays, but $7 million is a
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pretty high price tag. >> i think it's really easy to get excited and super happy for the people who are going to have a much better christmas this year than they were going to, and everyone i think is really happy that jobs have been saved, but the question is at what cost? and so we're a little conflicted about how this deal has gone down, what it means for companies that are facing similar circumstances. so we're very, very pleased that donald trump has sort of taken on -- you know, he's taken the lead on this charge and it's very exciting news. it's great pr for him. it's a great symbol of what's to come, i think, but we do have questions about how this deal exactly went forward and what it means for companies who are facing similar circumstances. >> amy jo, to that point we had on a reporter from "the wall street journal" yesterday who said ceos are sort of ecstatic to do is threaten to move jobs overseas and suddenly in this case the trump administration but the governor of the state
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perhaps will then show up with tax credits and everything else. it's almost like the sports team extortion. we're thinking of moving to cleveland and if you don't give us a new stadium, well, we're going to head out of town. >> well, we hope that that's not necessarily the case. i think a lot of small businesses and a lot of business owners right now are thinking, well, this is hopefully a sign of what's to come, tax breaks and great deals for us. hopefully this is just the landscape of what's to come for everybody, and that is, you know, a great tax environment for everybody and, you know, conservative values across the board for everybody. listen, i'm still reeling from the segment before when you were talking about karly fiorina on the cabinet. are you still reeling from that or what? is that true? is that happening? >> at least according to shannon's guest that's a name out there. you all would like this or -- >> oh, my gosh we would love this. we're fans of carly. >> fantastic.
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talk about a changing climate. that's so fantastic. >> big carly fans there. miriam, what when you think about high tariffs, these aren't really conservative values. >> right. and that's where we feel a bit conflicted because we don't want to be hypocritical as conservatives about getting excited that companies are getting special treatment if that's, in fact, how this deal has gone down. i mean, we're supposed to be the side of the aisle that is angry about deals like solyndra, for example. so when we see a company that we don't quite understand all the specifics of how this deal went through and whether or not -- because government is supposed to stay out of business. >> we want the regulations to not be as stringent as they are -- >> amy jo, i only have 30 seconds left but i want to put this last question to you. we saw in that video vice
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president-elect mike pence and lots of people have credited the recovery in indiana to his policies. 30 seconds or less, give us what those policies are that in the words of i think your chamber of commerce, quote, makes indiana work? >> government stays out of the business of small businesses and out of businesses and they let people do what we do best, and that is we know what's best for our companies. we know what's best. we know, you know, the value of a dollar and we know -- >> government's job is to make sure the environment is good for businesses to thrive. >> exactly. >> other than that they need to stay out of our way. >> you know better than anybody what a hard breaks on. you're on twitter on chicks on the right -- >> chicks on right. >> all right, guys. thank you very much, ladies. we'll talk to you soon. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> shannon? coming up, why the failed green party candidate for president is vowing to file an emergency federal court order as part of her mission to recount
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key battleground state votes. plus, we'll talk to a congressman who wants to help donald trump make good on his promise to defund sanctuary cities.
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green party candidate jill stein is rethinking her strategy for forcing a recount in
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pennsylvania. the third-party presidential candidate's campaign says they want to take their case to federal kout because they believe the $1 million price tag for a recount in that state is too high. well, elizabeth prann is here live to tell us more about stein's request. it changes minute by minute but you're on it. >> it changed saturday night. in her own words she committed to protecting the civil and vogt righ voting rights of all americans. she said she would drop one statewide recount and now she's taking it to federal court after a pennsylvania judge ordered the voters who petitioned for that to pay a $1 billion bond to recover. lawyers have asked the judge to dismiss stein's request citing no evidence of fraud or illegal activity during the election. this morning she spoke to our own chris wallace about her aggressive move to the federal level. >> this is not about donald trump. it's not about hillary clinton. it's not about my campaign. it's not about gary johnson.
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this is about the american voters who deserve to have a voting system we can trust. when something like 75,000 votes in detroit may, in fact, be an error because -- why would people come out in detroit, fill in all the other positions but not vote for president? >> and while she went on to say it's not to show preference for one candidate over the other, she also says it does not coincide with states where donald trump won narrowly. the recounts are being done in wisconsin and in michigan too. critics are openly questioning her motives and the funding since she's raised almost $7 million to fund the efforts. opponents are concerned that local governments could still end up shouldering millions of dollars. they just say it's time to move on. >> i'd say to her give it up as it seems you're going in pennsylvania for a very simple reason. even your friends in the clinton campaign have admitted that these recounts will not change the result. the question for jill stein and hillary clinton and those in the grief, anger, and denial stages,
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will you start moving over to acceptance and let this protect and vice president-elect get on with the business of government, have a peaceful transfer of power. >> reporter: tomorrow dr. stein will hold a press conference, a formal one in front of trump towers to announce her efforts at the federal level. >> just to be clear, she says this isn't about trump winning but she's only challenging three states where he won where he wasn't expected to win. >> correct. >> just want to make sure we've got that right. >> you've got it right. >> we'll be watching these pressers tomorrow. thank you. you can see the entire interview with jill stein and kellyanne conway on fox news sunday with chris wallace at the top of the hour after our show. stick around for this. as firefighters and rescue workers are working quite literally around the clock searching for more victims and trying to figure out what caused that deadly warehouse fire in oakland. >> i texted one of my friends
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immediately, and, you know, people were checking in on facebook. we're all checking in looking for them, and they're still not accounted for, and i can only think the worst at this point. for them, and they're still not (vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entrées, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes purely fancy feast.
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we are learning more about that fire at that oakland, california, warehouse that killed 24. that number is expected to rise. fire and rescue crews searched throughout the night. they made it only about a fifth of the way through this warehouse. the building was reportedly being used illegally for housing and as a music venue and may have had only one way out, a makeshift set of stairs made out of wooden palettes. officials say victims got out through that one stairwell or wound up trapped inside with the fire. >> we have members from our latest recruit class that have two months on the job, and we've had members over the course of the night that have 30 years on
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the job, and every one of them has been emotionally impacted by this. it is tragic to watch so many people perish from a fire fatality in front of your eyes. >> the warehouse and artist studio called the ghost ship was a popular spot for local reggae artists and deejays. people were just starting to file into the building when that fire woke out abobroke out abou friday night. officials say the difficulties are too much trying to get inside and outside the warehouse. it is unstable and they said this rescue could take a long time. in less than two months, president-elect donald trump will take the oath of office, though many are questioning how the commander in chief will also be the tweeter in chief. evidence this morning, he warned companies against outsourcing jobs saying one wanting to
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sell -- please be forewarned prior to making a very expensive mistake. the united states is open, according to the president-elect, for business. let's bring in our fair and balanced political panel, douglas smith, alex. we had on a radio talk show hosts out of indiana where the 800 jobs were saved and they said despite being tried and true conservative radio hosts, they said we're not really sure about this strategy by the president-elect. >> it's the new reality whether they like it or not, whether businesses like it or not. i think the new president-elect has made it very clear he's not going to pause or he's not going to hesitate when it comes to targeting individual businesses, and so if you're a ceo in america right now, this is the new reality. you need to prepare for the fact
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that if you do something that the new president-elect does not like, he's going to come after you. i can tell you my public affairs firm we started, we're working with a lot of companies preparing for this new reality. >> ceos are saying what happens when the president-elect comes after me or in this case in 47 days the president comes after me on twitter. >> ceos are preparing right now because it's going to happen to a lot of companies, and they won't see it coming just like the carrier guys didn't necessarily see it coming and when it comes, you need to have a plan because the tweets go up instan ttaneous instantaneously. >> when you think about sort of the idea of calling out individual companies for taking jobs overseas, that's much more of a democratic president than a republican president if you didn't attach any names to this. >> obviously. what's going to be interesting is when they start pushing back and tweeting to donald trump's enterprises, when are you going to bring your jobs back joan
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sh onshore. i think once he minutia of being president and trying to do it in realtime, i think a lot of these big companies will stacatch on quic. they will hire great political consultants. the carrier thingunique. it helped it was in indiana. i think the president could do a little carrot and stick -- >> how many times since donald trump announced he was running for president said, well, this is unique but next time donald trump won't be able to pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. >> we have talked about this many times but i think the challenge is being the candidate and being the president are very different. i'm not saying he's not turning the apple cart upside down. he absolutely is. but i think it's going to get more challenging once he's actually the commander in chief. >> alex, you're close to what you might you call traditional
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republicans, marco rubio. ran other senate campaigns through this cycle. how far is the senate behind this -- these kinds of ideas? 35% tariff is something donald trump is essentially proposing is not a republican ideal. >> donald trump did not run as a traditional republican and there is going to be conflict between the senate and the president-elect and his administration. that said, there will be tax reform and there will be winners and losers and tax recomp and that's going to be a big fight. >> you said knceos are prepared for being attacked on twitterer. are republican senators preparing for that very same poge event? >> republican senators are preparing to work with the administration and i think there's a lot of opt 34i6rtism n get a lot of things done -- >> yok. now answer the question. are there republican senators who worry if i don't xsupport
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what donald trump is i saing -- >> there's republican senators who have been attacked by donald trump dug the campaign, and i would expect, you know, they expect that to continue. that said, they knew their jobs in the senate as when they disagree with the administration, they're there to serve as a check and balance when they disagree with the direction that the new president is going. >> obviously i'm sure doug that you all are looking to exploit that wedge as much as you can. >> i just think it would be humorous when the first tweet that goes out bashing senator mcconnell because he won't pass a transportation bill that his wife sent forth. that's going to be a little awkward. >> we'll be able to recue this tape when it happens. gentlemen, appreciate you being here. >> thanks. coming up, when home improvement becomes a cultural war. the couple behind one major hd
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tv hit are now facing scrutiny over where they choose to worship. what the network has to say about its stars. >> it's targeting another christian couple. this agenda to silence and and women of faith and to silence anyone who disagrees with this sexual revolution. this is an absolute witch hunt and we knew we had to come to their defense. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette.
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and her new business: i do, to go. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant. way to grow, jeanette. get paid twice as fast. visit quickbooks-dot-com.
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president-elect trump has promised to deport, quote, bad hombres and end the so-called sanctuary cities, those that refuse to comply with federal law regarding illegal immigration. but one lawmakers says congress doesn't need for trump to take office. there is a plan to enforce
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sanctuary cities to enforce federal law. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> you say that's a framework in place and if mr. trump wants to activate it on january 20th he can. >> that's right. i have installed an off switch that danged officiald oj policy on july 7th and notified every state and city in the doesn't that unless you comply 100% of the time with federal requests to deport criminal illegal aliens in your jails or prisons, you will lose all your federal law enforcement money. that's been the policy of the department of justice since july 7th. i just didn't make a lot of noise about it because i didn't want the obama administration to crawfish on us. so it's done. this is in place and at noon on january 20th, if president trump chooses to do so he can throw this switch i created and turn off all the federal law enforcement money to the top ten
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sanctuary cities in the u.s. >> and you know that this is -- as you said this framework has been there. it's not been activated. you have seen in the wake of the election a number of the mayors of these cities saying we are welcoming. nothing is going to change. we don't care about president trump will say about that. they've also threatened to sue if the money is turned off. what then? >> well, suing will not do them any good. this is their decision. this is the law now as a result of what i have done on july 7th. if you want federal money, follow federal law. you must hand over every criminal illegal alien in your jails or prisons to federal authorities to be deported immediately or you lose all your federal money and if mayor de blasio and mayor emanuel continue to refuse to comply with federal "requests, not onl
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do they lose all their federal money but the policy of the department of justice put in place at my request says they will owe a refund of every dollar they've ever received from these federal grant programs over the last ten years. that means the state of california if they don't change will have to write us, u.s. taxpayers, a check for $1.2 billion. new york city will owe us as taxpayers $211 million and rahm emanuel, get your checkbook out. you're going to have to bright america a check for million, mayor emanuel, if you don't comply with requests to hand over these dangerous criminals and that's who we're talking about, shannon. criminals convicted of crimes who are here illegally who should be deported immediately. that's all we're talking about. follow federal law or don't ask for federal money. >> what about the broad ler implications of this? are you strictly talking about the people who have been convicted and they're going to be released or are you talking about allowing people to be
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there without the correct legal status who are grandmothers, children, those kind of things? would this apply to them as well? >> well, the precedent i have established creating this offswitch, if you want federal money, follow federal law can be applied more broadly. and a lawsuit won't help them because the supreme court has ruled that accepting federal money is a discretionary act. you don't have to accept federal money, but if you take the federal money, you have to accept all the strings attached to it. so it won't do them any good to sue. if you want to protect criminal aliens in your custody, don't ask for federal money. and that precedent that i have created can apply much more broadly to other federal grant programs that are already in place. this works not only for law enforcement grants but i believe it applies more broadly to community development grants, to other types of annual federal grant programs. the trump administration, if they choose to do so can make it apply much more broadly, but the days of asking for federal money and not following federal law,
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those days are over. >> how do you respond to critics who say some of the federal money feeding into the cities is doing important things. it's funding law enforcement and all kinds of other things. >> no question. >> other people are going to be punished by this if the money goes away. >> there's no question this federal money is doing good in these local communities, but that's the local mayor or county judge's decision. it's the governor of california's decision. the legislature in california gets to make the choice if you want federal money from now on you have to follow federal law. this is simple. it's not our decision. the law i'm enforcing as childr chairman has been in place in 1996 and it was never enforced until i used the power of the purse to force the department of justice to put this policy in place july 7th. so this is up to the local folks. if the mayor refuses, get your checkbook out rahm emanuel, you're going to owe us a refound. >> great to have you with us
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today. thanks. still ahead, the couple behind a wildly popular home improvement show are at the center of a controversial story. why? well, all because of their church. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, >> great to have you with us now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how.
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it has been a roller coaster week for the texas couple who host "fixer upper." chip and joanna gains found themselves a target of an expose on buzz feed stating they attend an evangelical church where the pastor is against same-sex. the article didn't say anything about how the gains feel about the issue. that caused a lot of christians and defenders of religious liberty to call the piece a hit job. does it matter, cal, how they feel about this issue? >> we are faced with some of the worst persecution in my lifetime and this is just the latest example. as you say this, couple didn't make any statement on their own about same-sex marriage. they happen to attend a church where traditional christian doctrine about men and women marrying each other is preached and taught. now, the founders clearly wanted the state out of the business of
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religion. thomas jefferson, not exactly a low information voter we would say on situations like this, listen to what he said. i consider the government of the united states as interdicted by the constitution from interimmediateli interimmediate interme interimmediate meddling. the stay defines a church as a building in which people meet on sunday morning for one hour, but if they have a wednesday night supper, if they invite speakers in on any subject, then that's considered not part of the church and they have to install transgender bathrooms. these kinds of things are popping up all over the country. it's why judges matter, and it's why i think it's very important that donald trump has made this promise during the campaign that religious liberty will be a major issue for him. >> you know i have interviewed people on all sides and there are many in the lgbt who are
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worried, scared about a president trump. they feel sidelined by people they feel don't respect where they're coming from. is there some middle ground where people can have their personal beliefs but also feel not threatened. >> the late bishop fulton sheen said a number of years ago, america doesn't suffer from intolerance. america suffers from tolerance, tolerance of everything. no right and wrong anymore. i see at the beach during the summer signs that say no shirt, no shoes, no service. i don't feel discriminated against. there are kosher restaurants and islamic restaurants that don't serve pork. i'm not going to go in there and raise a big stink if i order a pork chop or bacon and say we don't serve that here. there's a way to have accommodations. if there's a couple that does a wedding invitations and printing business, they've gone to court in a very interesting legal
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pattern to try to get a court decision before anybody sues them. so that may be a way to go, but still it allows the state to define what religious belief in a church is. i think that's dangerous. >> we would hope we could come to a place where everybody could find common ground and solution. respect is the most important thing. cal, always good to see you. >> thank you, shannon. >> great conversation. obviously we've got more conversation coming up. fox news sunday is next. also following the developments out of oakland where there's a press conference expected in about five or ten minutes. >> we will keep you updated. that's it for us from washington. we'll keep you updated as news develops. >> great being with you. have a great sunday. try, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about.
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i'm chris wallace. president-elect trump takes a victory lap and previews what's in store when he takes the oath of office next month. >> i'm going to discuss our action plan to make america great again. >> and trump is already acting, intervening to keep jobs in the u.s. and naming a retired marine general to lead the pentagon. >> we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense. then insults fly when top officials from the clinton and trump campaigns meet at a harvard forum. >> i would rather lose than win the way you guys did.


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