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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 5, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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that's great stuff. you bring that extra, extra element that we're missing. thank you very much, my friend. i guess it's going to be cold. to stay inside, be warm, be cozy. watch fox. it's delicious. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it's been nearly a month since election day. the mainstream media is melting down over the reality of a president trump. >> why is this not government intervening in the private sect sector. >> i know the tendency in the media. >> it's not about the media. the media -- hitting the media is a crutch for you. it's not about the media. >> it's not a crutch. >> the way donald trump lies has people rethinking journalism, like the assumption that everything a president says is automatically news. i think trump does it
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differently than past presidents. his lies are different and deserve scrutiny. >> never in a million years could i have imagined myself on the stage in new york reappealing for the safety and freedom of the american press. i base that on obviously donald trump's rhetoric against the press. i feel i have to stand up for my own tribe in the united states. >> the president-elect took to twitter. if the press would cover me accurately and honorably, i would have far less reason to tweet. sadly, i don't know if that will ever happen. three journalists with decades of quality reporting under their belts somehow allowing the idea of a trump presidency to throw even these veteran journalists off their game. i would say trump is living rent free in the mainstream media's heads. i love it. >> you know, it's the pendulum swing.
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remember, president obama lived in our heads for eight years. >> he's still there. >> the great thing is, the point you are making and the point we are making is the media is the yellow cab and twitter is trump's uber. he found a different way to get from point a to b without their help or intereference. what's the young fellow from cnn? he says trump's deceptions are different. his lies are different. the conduit, the way they are delivered is different. the transportation model was "the new york times," the new yorker, nbc mainstream media. these are the lies. these lies weren't on twitter. they were in mainstream media. women make 77 cents on the dollar, fracking is harmful, police shootings are up, global warming is killing polar bears, cuba gives great health care, michael brown is an innocent person.
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these were all falsehoods perpetuated in mainstream media. you can say that donald trump perpetuates deceptions. they are nowhere near as big and as widespread. >> not only that, the yellow cab media -- if they won't pick you up, what do you have to do? >> call an uber. >> you gotta call an uber. two times. just pay it. obviously, they are upset. they called it wrong. they are getting a lot of backlash about it. he found a way to go around them. i don't need to play by your rules. i will take it directly to the people. take my case to the american public and see if they feel ready for the movement. the answer was, resoundingly, yes, they were. you saw that across the country in a number of counties that he won, number of people that came out to his rallies and so support him. still for some reason, the media needs a little safe space to handle it. that's disappointing.
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put on your big boy pants, cover the news. it's true. you can't fit in those. >> mine are shorts. >> yours are mini-shorts. dolphin shorts. whatever it takes. whatever fits you. deal and cover the news responsibly and accurately. grow up about it. they had a honey moon wimoon wi. >> can i ask you to make -- bring some clarity to -- chuck todd, a veteran journalist, a friend of mine. >> not anymore. >> why did he change it into you are using -- you are taking a shot at us as a crutch when he was asking mike pence a very serious question? i'm not sure why these veteran journalists are off their game. are they that angry there's a trump presidency? >> no. i think they are disappointed. most of them are liberals if that's is your point. what you have got here going back to friday when trump came out, trump goes after the press, despicable, these people are liars, they are right back
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there, we have them and the crowd hoots and hollers. he calls them out by name. he talks about an anchor crying at the election. he is playing a game with the press. the troubling part is, you know, if you look at -- it's 70% of his claims not true. people say, well, it doesn't matter. it's donald trump. it's symbolic what he said. don't take him literally. if you are in the press, your job is to hold powerful people accountable. you are supposed to call them out every time. you are not supposed to be their bud buddy. trump wants buddies. >> you are talking about -- there are -- i called trump on a lot of them. but the media limmediatmedia le obama get away with things that bankrupt a country. >> we will take that. the media is supposed to uphold the office of presidency accountable. we haven't seen that over the last eight years. >> look, the media -- juan is right. the media's job is to hold the
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candidates and -- >> you should never start a sentence with juan is right. >> you will get a shock collar. >> no, the media's job is to hold people accountable. who is holding the media accountable? that's the problem. the press has been able to run amock and nobody has held them accountable. as someone who worked for republican candidates for republican members of congress, the bias is real. juan pointed that out, the fact the majority of the media is liberal and the scrutiny that is given to republican candidates, republican politicians, republicans and members of congress is a lot more amplified than to the democratic party. the thing i like about donald trump is the fact that he is not dealing with any of that. he held them accountable and he has rendered them useless because he was able to figure out a way, uber or twitter, whatever you want to call it, he has been able to find a way to bypass them and to get his message out. did he that with twitter, with his town halls, with his
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facebook live. it's a good thing. it's time for republicans to stand up to the media and to stop taking it. >> exactly did that over the weekend. media freaked out about being called out by the president-elect via twitter. some defended president-elect trump's use of social media to communicate with america. >> he is communicating with people in this country who felt like they had not been listened to. he is going to be an unconventional president. who cared what he tweeted thursday night if we fix this country's big problems? that's the way i look at this. >> president-elect looks at his social media accounts, 25 million or more at this point, users on twitter and facebook as a platform to convey his messages. i can tell you firsthand that there are posts that he makes that otherwise would not be heard or seen by the 25 million people but for him posting them. >> one of the reasons people get so concerned about the tweets is it's sort of a way around the press. modern era, modern technology.
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the point where we don't need you anymore. >> maybe that's part of the reason that these liberal left leaning media are up in arms is that he is able to make -- take one tweet, copy to facebook and instagram and reach 30 million people. >> no. first of all. president of the united states, i don't care who it is, has a famously known as the bully pulpit. if you can make a statement, you can stand up, you can shout, the president can say anything and then it reaches the american people. the question here, eric, is, what happens -- let's imagine that trump goes off the rails and becomes a demagogue. the demagogue then has a populist base that says no matter what he does, we love him. he can say whatever he wants to say. he is going around those terrible people in the mainstream press. exactly then who is it that will say the king, the emperor has no clothes on? >> president obama, not the potus has 17 million, but he has
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30 million twitter followers alone. any president can go off the rails and become a demagogue. >> wait a second. i think you don't like obama. but i don't think you will say obama became a demagogue. >> you are using a hypothetical. >> he does go off the rails. >> what if obama went off the rails? >> he says things that aren't true. >> jeauan, he is not president. there's enough mainstream media around to go after trump. it will happen. honeymoon will be over. there's another side to this. twitter is a great way for him to communicate with america. but he has to take some responsibility with that. that means you don't retweet or get involved in any kind of conspiracy thinking. we know this. around the table, we get people tweeting and saying, why aren't you covering this story about pizza gate? we know it's false. >> i'm glad you brought that up. >> but that's my point.
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my point is this, with something great, a great tool like uber, you have to make sure the drivers are safe. you have to have responsibility. >> there's a danger with the media. they sensationalize everything with donald trump. when it is the media's job to hold presidents accountable -- when you over sensationalize everything, then when do voters and people and americans actually know when there's a problem? the democratic party does this. when you call everyone a racist, everyone is a bigot, everyone is sexist, who actually is a bigot, who actually is sexist? when you over sensationalize everything, when that is your mo and that's your game, then you muddy the waters. it's hard to make things clear when you do that. >> i apologize. take a second here. i find it hard to say it's the media's fault for over sensationalizing when he says things about people being rapists and thieves, when he says things about john mccain is not a hero because he got caught, when he says horrible things -- >> how about when obama said you
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didn't build that. >> there's an argument. you don't like the argument. >> he dropped the ball on benghazi. >> president obama has enjoyed a fairy tale romance with the mainstream media. they like him personally. they like his politics, his ideology. to say anything -- he is the one that hasn't had a full fact checking and whatnot. he has had i think quite a nice relationship, a nice eight years with the press, with the exception of him calling out and having a problem with the fox news channel because we're reporting all of the news instead of just select positive stories. you have to take about what's going on everywhere. the flip side is, nobody has had it so bad as president-elect trump in terms of the amount of bashing, trashing in the press, even the new york types saying th they went too far, they need to do a better job. i think this is going to be a real test. >> republicans said this guy is not telling the truth.
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>> fellow republicans. >> future secretary of state. >> the never trump movement. you are calling him a fellow republican. >> he is going to be secretary of state. >> i'm going to say he's not. we will talk about that coming up next. a major cabinet announcement from the president-elect today. plus some interesting new developments on his search for a secretary of state. and guess who showed up at trump tower today? al gore, mr. i invented the internet himself. what was he doing there? >> not secretary of state.
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president-elect trump announced a new cabinet appointment today. he tapped dr. ben carson to lead the department of housing and urban development. in a statement mr. trump said carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within the communities. more on that selection in a moment. first, a very unexpected sighting today. al gore showed up there. he had a meeting with the president-elect and ivanka trump. he addressed reporters. >> the bulk of the time was with donald trump. i found it an extremely
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interesting conversation. and to be continued. i'm just going to leave it at that. thank you. >> greg, what do you make -- >> i'm very concerned about this. about al gore showing up there. i think that's ivanka, because she's -- whatever donald trump feels about climate change, i don't think ivanka agrees with him. this could be part of that strange new respect evolution that you see with the candidate when they start moving back towards the middle and perhaps to the left. it's like with arnold swar schwarzenegg schwarzenegger. you expected the terminator but you got kindergarten cop. he embraced climate change, everything. just the whole bible. it was just -- it sucked. this is the problem. i'm a lukewarmer. i'm not a climate changer. there's a big problem with regulation and with corporations and our economy. i worry.
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>> what if it's a matter of sitting down, trying to say, i'm trying to unify the country, i want to hear what everybody has to say, bringing in people? dan quayle, he came in to sit down. al gore came in. >> it's not the same. it's al gore. >> he has a dark cumulous cloud over his head. >> very upset about this. >> of all the people that i would not want to see, al gore is near the top of the list. >> did he bring his lockbox with him? >> i don't know why. i think ivanka is interested in climate change. she wanted to hear. i understand the meeting was put together by the ivanka team. maybe she brought donald trump in to the meeting. that's fine. whatever. great. can i talk about secretary of state at all? >> if you want to. >> i am dieing to. >> go ahead. >> a week and a half ago, i'm having dinner with good friends. you know who would be a great secretary of state, but i think it's down to four and he wasn't one of them, john huntsman would be a phenomenal secretary of
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state. we have this thing with china. his family was in the energy business, in chemicals. he knows so many businesses and it's a fantastic business minded family. you are dealing with a lot of foreign countries when you are dealing -- when you are secretary of state. i thought he would be phenomenal. this comes up. he ends up -- i hope he moves right to the top of the list. he is the moderate that romney is without the never trumper that romney is. i think the administration would be absolutely solidified by having john huntsman as secretary of state. >> we have his fabulous daughter here as well. there we go. we're fans. lisa, what do you make of this? you can go climate or secretary of state. you can go rogue. >> can i go back to climate change real quick? i echo your concerns. i don't like the fact he is there. i don't think that donald trump needs to be having this conversation. donald trump reached out to those co-workers whose jobs have been decimated by the climate policies of president obama. he absolutely cannot prioritize
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that over jobs in america. and over energy independence. one thing i was excited about donald trump is energy is an area where we have been missing opportunities to add to the gdp and also to get americans working again. i'm just going to be so disappointed if donald trump takes that route instead of the route of pushing for energy exploration on federal land and getting the -- >> fracking. >> fracking, getting the regulations out of the way. >> keep the climate stuff -- make it business -- if you push it towards business, businesses could figure out the right way forward for the emissions. >> how do we know he was there talking about climate? maybe as the creator of the internet, he was also invited. >> we're talking about twitter. that's what it was. >> he has more foreign policy experience than being considered for secretary of state. i say this, i don't -- >> except for huntsman. >> that's an interesting point. guess how huntsman became
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ambassador of china. thank you obama. thank you obama. >> is that a partisan comment? >> it is interesting coming from you. huntsman is -- >> he is a very moderate -- >> he goes back almost to the model of a liberal republican. i know john huntsman. i like john huntsman. i'm surprised you are a john huntsman fan. maybe you are not really eric. >> whatever. >> wait a minute. it's only people you know you root for? >> i know what he is about. i know he was a great ambassador to china. >> running for president next time. he knows me. >> juan williams. >> let me finish this point. we go on now. here is the rest of it though. i hear you guys talking about energy. i think, i went to the gas pump this weekend and guess what? why are you mad at me? >> i'm not mad at you. i'm talking to the control room. >> i went to the gas pump. gas is cheap. >> gas what?
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>> anyway, my thought is, you talk like, gas is so high. america is not an energy independent nation. we're not competing with the saudis and driving down the cost of oil worldwide. you act like things are terrible. >> president obama roped off any federal land. >> get out of town. >> fracking is happening on private land. >> all right. obama came -- >> right now america is doing great. we are producing jobs and energy. it's no reason to have your chin down in your soup. finally, on this business about secretary of state, james fabre, he was considered to the end to be the vp. now he is at the top of the list for secretary of state. >> retired admiral. >> ben carson, you have a surgeon running hud, which is better than the reverse. if you had a bureaucrat performing surgery on your brain.
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it would be a disaster. see what they do. >> beautiful mind over here. >> it's like oceans 11 in government. i will get the brain surgeon, i will get the grizled vets, the geek, the billionaire. all that's missing is julia roberts and a cute puppy. it's like oceans 13 for government. >> there you go. when is clooney coming? >> you would know. >> terrible. ahead, vice-president-elect mike pence shuts down the loud criticism from the left over mr. trump's call with the president of taiwan. hear it all next.
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cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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on friday, president-elect trump took a phone call from the president of taiwan. she reportedly wanted to congratulate him on his win. the call was controversial. it broke decades of diplomatic protocol. america's only recognized a one
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china policy since 1979. vice-president-elect mike pence described the call as a courtesy and he thinks there's some hypocrisy when it comes to the pushback over this. >> i think during the course of the transition eight years ago, president obama it's reported spoke to 22 world leaders. >> he did not speak to the leader of taiwan. >> i have to tell you, george, it's a little mystifying to me that president obama can reach out to a murdering dictator in cuba in the last year and be hailed as a hero for doing it and president-elect trump takes a courtesy call from the democratically elected leader in taiwan and it has become -- it has become something of a controversy. >> kimberly, is there -- is the reaction to this from the diplomatic community, from the national security community to be predicted that they're not used to dealing with someone like donald trump? >> certainly, they're not. eventually, they will have to get used to it.
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he will call the shots and make the calls and take the calls as he sees them. he promised that to everybody in terms of his movement. he will drain the swamp. he was an unconventional candidate. i don't believe he will be a predictable president. he's trying to change and manifest change in this country and also internationally. the role that america plays, the leverage we have and use against other countries to be able to create stability, yes, throughout the world and also to improve our economic relationships and our deal advantage across all kind of platforms. so this to me is not so much of a surprise. i think that vice-president-elect pence brings up a good point. nobody seems to criticize president obama for his relationship with cuba for not calling for release of prisoners to be brought back over here. nothing. he continues to still enjoy and embrace a relationship over there with a country that has
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treated its people horribly, with people being stripped of their businesses, people being -- their land taken away, families destroyed. nobody seemed to mind that whatsoever. >> can i add to that? it's not just cuba. if you look at how the media's relationship with the ussr during a period of time when they killed millions of people, millions of people -- there were countless fellow travellers in america that were okay with it. they are worried about a phone call? our administration just spent seven minutes in heaven with iran, giving them billions of dollars. thank you. they are worried about a phone call. they are worried about a phone call. if president obama had made this phone call, he would have been -- it would have been a nobel prize. look how he thumbed his nose at china. how brave is that? >> another -- he got the nobel peace prize already. >> bookends. >> you have a different presence. i think the word i was hearing this weekend was loose cannon. the idea is that you know what? he is not taking the daily
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briefings. >> where were you hearing these thing s things? >> i was in washington. >> he was in the gym showering. >> i am in the swamp when i go home. but i have to tell you something, there's people saying he is not taking daily briefings. if you are going to do this, if it's intentional as greg was sugge suggesting, go to the state department and security people and say, what do i have to say in this call. >> the taiwan president said, i wanted to call to congratulate you. by the way, there was chinese bombers flying around the island last week. he talks the phone call. he says as kimberly points out, he is not your conventional president-elect. he is not going to be a pushover. this is much adieu about nothing personally. he took a phone call from a satellite island off of china that wants to be sovereign. by the way, one of our customers as well. we sell them arms. for josh earnest -- >> you can't take the call.
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>> some of the progress we made with china -- what progress have we made? they are still building military bases in the south china sea against our will. they are still -- >> manipulating currency. >> still manipulating the currency. they are still stealing from us. our businesses are begging our state department to put pressure on china to stop with the theft of our intellectual property. >> diplomacy is about a two party relationship. michael haden the former cia director said, he will have big region. >> north korea. >> he pointed to north korea as potentially taking provocative action to test trump. what do you think? >> i think the days of apologizing for america are over. what did president obama do in less than 100 days? he apologized to three continents. that's not going to happen under donald trump. he made that clear when he ran. i think it's ridiculous for the media to be going insane when
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they clearly didn't care that president obama cut a deal with a country whose supreme leader says death to america, we give them over $100 billion in sa sanction relief. president obama set foot on cuba, the media didn't freak out. but president-elect trump takes a call from a democratically elected leader and now it's just the worst thing that's ever happen and we're on the verge of war. it's insane. the days of apologizing are over. >> you may have hit the nail on the head with war. >> that's the crazy speculation in the media. >> china's response was perfect. they just treated it like it was a piffle. they said, whatever. they made no big deal out of it. >> they filed a formal complaint. >> that's nothing. they're adults. >> start a war. >> they don't -- >> juan, we have a file of complaints against china for all -- >> taiwan which is a democracy. >> read the headlines.
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it freaks out -- >> they weren't happy when we -- >> they were -- >> take it easy, america, the five got your back. we will watch. greg has an interesting story coming up about something that happened atrop fidel castro's funeral. it didn't go as planned. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ i want a hippopotamus for christmas ♪ ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ♪ so whatever your holiday priority, our priority is you.
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middle of the road. a fitting tribute for a thug who steered a country into tiyrany. it stunk more than his last film. he lost a soul mate. lucky for him, robert mugabi is kicking around. now i know castro was cremated. it's tit's the hurst breaking down that's the real burn. they looked the other way under castro's sad watch. because he was the david to our goliath. under the guise, they welcomed a way to normalize it. it's cute why libs are losing it over a call to taiwan.
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the symbolism was too obvious. >> perfect. i can't believe it happened. it's a once -- an abundant country starving. maybe it ran out of gas. communist is dieing, not -- at the pace of the dictators dieing. castro dies, chavez. we have a while for un in north korea. the world has proven communism is failing. it's dieing out over time. >> venezuela has -- what is his name? the city is held. >> they're going to have to come around at some point. >> when you replace a dictator with another dictator and the people go, i'm not sure this is working. >> why is president-elect trump having this bromance with a communist? >> who? >> putin. >> look, man, i don't know. >> here we go. >> he's not really a communist. >> he is not really.
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>> he's a strapping, shirtless man. >> he has won elections. >> he likes to ride horses. >> are you kidding me? >> kind of elected. >> un wasn't elected. >> the election with the fake news and russia trying to influence the outcome and attacking our campaign. is that the election you are talking about? >> how did this -- kimberly, this is a fitting end. the fact here is a country out of gas, thanks to castro and his thing breaks down. >> it's true. that image will live forward. keep in mind, if he were alive -- he would probably imprison or murder the people that let the truck break down. that's the type of country they were living in. like he had the doctors weren't even from cuba. they were spanish. yet, he is the guy that created this amazing socialized medicine for cuba. i don't think so. >> i will ask you if you read sean penn's obituary.
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it's okay to lie and say you did. >> i would have read it if you told me you were going to ask me about it. >> i read it for you. it was really bad. >> i think it's interesting, because in your statement you mentioned the fact that the media looked the other way on this. we have a president who looked the other way. you just look at the statement that he put out in saying that he gives his condolences to the castro family and that cuba is a friend and partner. no mention of the dissidents who were imprisoned, of the firing squads of the over 1200 killings of the 1.5 cubans who fled under his regime and under his watch. no mention of that. you look at that in contrast. will read you my favorite quote from tom cotton. castro created hell on earth. he will become familiar with what he wrought. look at the juxtaposition of what he said and what president obama put out. >> if that hurst belonged to
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margaret thatcher, it would have been the target of media. they would have thought it would have been hilarious. >> the administration and media romanticize someone who was a murderer and had a horrible regime that left cuba in a terrible position. >> a jeep pickup? really? >> i love jeeps, but -- >> no offense. >> the only other cars with beatup '57 chevys. >> castro groupie, colin kaepernick, more sacks than passing yards. communism doesn't work, even for a pro quarterback. >> not in the nfl. green party candidate jill stein made an appearance at trump tower, but not to meet with the president-elect. she was there to push her defend for recounts in three swing states next.
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green party nominee jill stein is moving to move ahead with her push for a recount in the battleground states of pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. she held a press conference outside of trump tower today to
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defend her effort. >> we're here today to stand up for exactly that, for a vote that is accurate, secure and fair and just in which every vote counts and every vote is counted. this, in fact, is what makes america great. the promise of democracy and the promise of justice. we will not give in to intimidation, to legal maneuvering and to bureaucratic obstruction. >> president-elect trump called stein's recount push a scam just to raise money. jea she raised $2.5 million. she has been able to raise $7 million. if you look at her votes -- if all the stein voters went for clinton in the states, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, trump would have ended up with 260, ten shy of the 270 that he needed to clinch
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the presidency. my question to you, is she a scam artist? is she a con artist? >> i mean, the thing to remember is, the best argument for her would be, so what? have a recount. the american people will have faith in the system. we need to have faith in our democratic process. i believe it's not going to result in any big change. i don't see any indication there's any chance of a change. let it be. i think that she's a scam artist to this degree. i think she's really trying to build a left wing party in the united states, a third party out of the green party and make sure they have valid access in the future. this time they weren't on all 50 ballots. next time, with this kind of money -- she says the money is segregated, dedicated solely to a recount effort. i suspect that money is going to lead out into more of an operational structure for the green party going forward. >> do you think this is more about building her own notoriety? >> i think it's both.
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i think juan is right there's -- we talk about what happens after hillary's big loss. who is going to fill the void? warren and sanders -- bernie sanders is competing with jill stein. when you think about it, as it not hillary, who is the democratic party going to be? i would think they would want to put their money and emphasize and support behind bernie sanders. this is ridiculous. these recounts are doing nothing but proving -- making the democrats or jill stein look ridiculous. the fact that hillary clinton jumped on board with this is more ridiculous making democrats look bad, just not the green party. bernie sanders is the one who should say, let me take this from here. we're not going to recounts. this is what we're going to be about. you are lost in the wilderness. >> kimbe >> naked and alone. >> but not afraid? >> chris wallace pointed this on. the biggest shift in history from recall was 1200 votes. isn't this all pointless?
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>> yeah. i think it's an incredible waste of time. there was no up side for hillary clinton to get involved in this. she should have kept her stature and her positioning and not sunk to this level like she's chasing after jill stein and what she's up to. this really is a sham. they're wasting the money of people who are supporters with more false promises and pipe dreams that aren't going to come to fruition. i don't know is to be gained about it. all they are doing is help jill stein dilute the power of the democratic party. what they need to be doing is focusing like eric said on a quality, formidable candidate. somebody that they can push forward to be a contender. they have a lot of seats that are going to be up again in the next election. they better start to get a little focused. >> i want to get you in here. what do you make of all this? >> she's a doctor. i wonder if her middle name is franken. i can't blame her. we spent a whole year talking about how rigged everything is. right?
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she has a lot in common with donald trump. if donald trump had lost, would he have -- would he have done a recount? he kept saying everything was rigged. they're both -- i think she should practice medicine. that's her calling. by the way, nobody is intimidating her. they are ignoring her. she said she was being intimidated. who is intimidating her? we're not paying attention. i'm not paying attention. >> all right. we gotta go. one more thing is coming up next.
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time for one more thing. greg is up. >> let's go to this. >> love this. >> greg's political animals. it's still happening. weeks after donald trump is elected president, there's still conflict everywhere. take the outback where this poor helpless dog is being -- maybe he's not being attacked. he is being assaulted. we can't tell if it's romantic. the trump supporter comes in and punches the kangaroo. >> we find out later. they paid the supporter do that. >> if the congress kangaroo wan with the dog, who are we to stop them? >> is this real? >> maybe love transcends species. >> you want to find out? >> you are up. >> was that real?
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>> that was real. i think so. if it's not, i apologize in advance. >> so bizarre. the little one is. okay. this afternoon, i had the pleasure to be with my colleague and co-host juan williams as we attended and we were the keynote speakers at the diversity discussion in television and video event. we want to thank the editors of broadcasting and cable and multichannel news for presenting such a fantastic event. we discussed diversity in television in a post-election america. far too intellect ual for greg. some of the top leaders in sports production, marketing, human resources. >> i did not see a caucasian there. >> there were lots of them. >> we want to say congratulations to the award winners. a pleasure to be there and keep up the good work. >> congratulations to both you. the college football season is almost over. all the games are done except for the championship and the
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bowl games. championship series, alabama ended up being ranked number one. they will play washington. ohio state is going to play clemson. i think you go with alabama and ohio state. bam alabama could probably beat the 49ers. they will be national champions. for me, the na tional championship is colorado, oklahoma state. i think they got screwed. they should have gone to the rose bowl. they were picked to go to the alamo bowl. >> my big upset was temple over navy. >> christmas usually means red, white and green. for one chicago family this year, it's purple. the family spent all year preparing an epic christmas light display. they will pay tribute to prince who passed away in april. purple guitar adorns one wall of the house. some of the music made it into the christmas mix.
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the family put the display on every year and asked spec taters to leave donators. last year they raised $25,000 for the wounded warrior project. this year hoping to raise more. for our viewers in chicago, get out there. >> by the way, the producer told me it's not the bcs anymore. it's the national championship. go ahead. >> so we are going to be looking at asher nash who is the newest face of oshkosh b gosh. they submitted to photos to a modelling agency in hopes of reaching companies, but she was told they weren't specifically looking for a special needs kid. she took to social media. ultimately, he got the job. you are looking at asher nash. he is getting into other ads with companies like toys r us. it's a happy story. he is the cutest little thing ever. >> how cute is he? >> 15 months.
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>> are those new glasses? >> they are. you like them? th >> "special report" coming up right now. the expanded hunt for the country's next top diplomat. the foreign policy establishment uproar over a phone call heard around the world. and the president-elect's defense of his use of 140 characters or less to make a point. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. donald trump is not waiting until he hires his secretary of state to start shaking things up on the foreign policy scene. as the list of candidates for the top diplomatic job grows, the president-elect is aggravating the leaders of the world's most populous


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