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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 7, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PST

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. jenna: we'll see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> a fox news alert for you. remembering a day which forever changed the course of our nation, we await the start of a ceremony at pearl harbor in hawaii. it marks 75 years since the japanese attacked us on december 7th, 1941. more than 2,000 americans perished. the attack on pearl harbor catapulted the united states into world war ii. four of the five remaining survivors of the "u.s.s. arizona" will be there to attend today's events. likely the last mass gathering of world war ii veterans on american soil. we say that because most of them now would be in their 90s and beyond. a moment of silence is scheduled for 7:55 a.m. local time there.
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later this hour, 12:55 eastern. keep watching. we'll be with you live and we will watch together as the world marks the exact moment when the attack began. >> another fox news alert -- president-elect donald trump filling in more key pieces of his national security team. multiple reports saying mr. trump is tapping retired marine general john kelly to head the department of homeland security. this, as the incoming commander in chiefs is the conventional thinking about how america conducts foreign affairs has got to go. this is "outnumbered," i'm meghan mccain, here harris faulkner, sandra smith, fox news legal analyst and host of justice with judge janine, the lovely judge janine pirro. very vocal trump supporter antonio sabato junior, and you are "outnumbered." >> good to have you.
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>> good to be back here. >> i didn't know i had so much in common. >> all of us, all of us. >> great to see you. >> a lot has gone on, i saw you at one of the conventions, a huge supporter as megan pointed out. a lot to get to. >> it's been a tough year, i'm glad we won. >> let's get started, reportedly falling into place, mr. trump expected to tap retired marine general john kelly to head homeland security. this, one day after he officially introduced retired general james mattis as pick for defense secretary, and slammed president obama's foreign policy as too status quo, watch. >> we don't want countries taking advantage of us anymore. we don't want that. we don't want that. we want to be the smart people, we don't want to be what we've been over the last long period of time. but to accomplish our goals we
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must reject the failed approaches of our past. we must move past the retired conventions of washington, d.c. >> president obama claiming isis is a quote shadow of former self. >> the bottom line is we are breaking the back of isil, we're taking away safe havens and -- [applause] and we've accomplished all this at a cost of $10 billion over two years, which is the same amount that we used to spend in one month at the height of the iraq war. >> this, despite the fact that since mr. obama took office, the number of countries where isis is operating nearly tripled. i was saying to you, judge, this is hard for me to watch. i think the speech is an exercise in delusion, what do you make of that? >> it is delusional.
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we have a project who didn't have a strategy, was he going to contain or destroy them? what sticks out in my mind, meg arngs last year the day before the paris attack, the worst terrorist attack in european history or one of the worst, obama comes out and says we have contained isis and trumpeting what he's done! and when you combine the lack of a strategy, what appears to be inconsistent with the reality, and the fact that we have a president who has difficulty with the truth, i can't take anything that he says as fact. and so when donald trump, the president-elect comes out and says we're going to change things, we're bringing in generals, we're going to deal with reality and we're going to make america great again. i'm all for it, and so is america! >> antonio, to you, james mattis, i was excited with the choice, he's well respected within the military. what did you think when you heard that choice? >> i'm with him 100%. just the name alone, mad dog, that's what we need. we need something strong, his cabinet is going to be
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unbelievable. excited for the next four years, he's starting well. i would love to be part of the cabinet one way or another, definitely in the fitness world. >> hint, hint, hint, hint. >> i think it's great. we need tough leadership, he's been saying that all along, we won because of that and exciting to see these people come together and giuliani is in there too probably and excited to see what his part is in the cabinet. >> i meant it when i said that speech was hard to watch. i think it is entirely disrespectful to the men and women who want to win who i don't believe were given the opportunity to win in their mission against isis. i think he is completely delusional that he thinks he will be remembered in any way as someone who is tough on isis and terrorism. >> i'm going to meet the conversation with points of news that are happening right now, and you know, we had heard talk about general john kelly for possibly pick for the president-elect for the department of homeland security secretary, and now we can report that we expect to learn
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him to be named for that position, we're not really given much of a timeline on this, marine general john kelly possibly the pick for dhs secretary, interesting time, we're having deeper conversations about the obama foreign policy legacy. i would say, this interesting to get reactions to this. texas congressman mike mccaul, steeped in terrorism and national security had this to say, roll it and watch. >> we are in probably the highest threat environment that i have seen in my tenure as chairman. our country is less secure than it was eight years ago. we are grappling with the calamities of retreat and a failed foreign policy. president obama called for strategic patience, but really this was a little more than a wait-and-see approach to national security. >> strategic patience, antonio. >> he's a good man, i had the pleasure of meeting him, and mike is a good guy, and i met
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him in cleveland, and we were talking about the same thing back then. you know, president obama, he is delusional. i think in the last eight years, he has done absolutely nothing to fight isis and about time we fight them and fight isis with strong weapons and our strong military, and we're going to have to come together next year and do it right. >> the numbers speak for itself, right, judge, the house committee report, homeland security committee reporting surge in homegrown radicalized terrorism, 227 cases in 15 years. 115 of those cases occurred in just the last two years. >> one of the things that we're going to have to start to deal with in in country is the issue of homeland security. >> yeah. >> and now when you look at the rise of isis through western europe and what is going on in the political spectrum there, you know, from brexit and then france and germany, what we've got now is a movement in the united states. what are we going to do to protect ourselves? what are the feds going to do
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with the state and local first responders, state and local police? how are we going to identify these people? it isn't a nam bee pam bee delusional approach. we have to identify through language, the internet, trying to find out why this is coming, we're next if we don't do something. think add to sandra's numbers, during president obama's term while touting a campaign in iraq and syria, yemen and somalia, to squeeze isis, as we so-called have squeezed them, they have tripled in the amount of countries that they appear in now. >> is he going to bring up the largest refugee crisis since world war ii that raged out of control in syria that happened under his watch? he had a red line that he set aside, once we crossed over he would take aggression. globally we are much weaker. do you feel safer?
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every time i get on the subway in this city, i do not. >> mike mccaul doesn't think we feel safer. and he has the numbers to look at to say that we are. >> as i look back, antonio, the huge trump supporter that you are and have been, now that he's the president-elect, he's on the thank you tour, was that the right opportunity, the right time for him to come out and be so critical of our president's foreign policy? >> well, the left and the right has always been against him from the beginning, they always say is that the right time, the right thing to think about, he's always winning. one way or another, he's able to win, i think he does it his own way and he's successful at it. >> do you union it's the right time? donald trump is sending a lot of message to people, whether it's business, taiwan or china through taiwan, that, look, america is coming back, this isn't a namby-pamby delusional approach to the military.
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we're going to end the sequestration and we're going to do what we're going to do. the man is going to deliver, it's a new era. >> this is a man not able to call it for what it is. islamic terrorism. from the beginning, now we have a president who speaks blunt about it. and we support it. >> i mentioned the news with general john kelly, i invite everybody to read the article, i tweeted it out earlier in the weekly standard about the trio of men he served with. have you read that about the generals? >> yeah. >> if you have time today, look it up and learn about the history and see the richness, if you will, of the leadership that has used that language, but in part been silent over the last few years. read it. it's interesting. >> i am facebook friends with many of friends of my brothers who served in the military on facebook, and the enthusiasm about general mattis and the enthusiasm about the tone shift and being a new sheriff in town globally with the message that america is not going to be
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screwed with globally in the way president obama has let us in the last eight years and you can't underestimate enthusiasm with men and women in the military which i haven't seen in a long time. jon: >> the morale, especially since we shrunk in side to nearly pre-world war ii levels in branches of the military. i wanted to ask you, judge, do we put too fine a point on the red line in syria? is that a reset? i read that. what do you think about it? >> i think that the red line issue, whether it is the cause for the refugee crisis or whether it contributed to, it it's a bigger issue, it's a more rhetorical issue and has to do with the issue of the united states being a paper tiger, the united states not saying what it means and meaning what it says, but at the end of the day, we've got a refugee crisis in europe, in the united states, they're coming here, it fits in, it dove tails with the problem of the jihad, whether it's a civilization jihad or the real
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war that's happening in this country and will happen if we don't do something about our homeland security. >> exactly, preach, judge, 100%. all right. "time" magazine naming president-elect donald trump person of the year for 2016, but on its cover calling him president of the divided states of america. so is it really an honor and can he unite the country? plus mr. trump's list of secretary of state contenders keeps extending. when he'll make his choice and the role president obama may be playing. any time you can click on our live chat --
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. >> president-elect donald trump has been named "time" magazine's person of the year. mr. trump once again beating hillary clinton who is "time"'s number two finalist. the president-elect today calling it an honor but also taking issue with the subheadline on the cover. calling him president of the divided states of america. >> when you say divided states
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of america, i didn't divide them. they're divided now. there's a lot of division, and we're going to put it back together, and we're going to have a country that's very well-healed and be a great economic force and build up our military and safety, and we're going to do a lot of great things, and it's going to be something very special, but to be on the cover of "time" magazine as the person of the year is a tremendous honor. sandra: tremendous honor, he didn't like the subheadline, divided states of america, antonio, was that a shot? >> the country has been divided for the last eight years, trump has not been able to divide this country in the last eight months. this president has been able to do that. now our next president, trump, is going to put it together, and he's fighting nar and going to continue to do that. sandra: meghan? meghan: "time" magazine has to get shade in where it can, if hillary clinton were named person of the year, feelings broken, angels coming out of the sky, continuing on leftist agenda.
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i don't pay that much attention to "time" magazine anymore. sandra: i think i said this to you in the green room, antonio, "time" magazine is relevant all of a sudden? >> the picture, it's one of the best pictures of trump. judge jeanine: what's so interesting is when president obama when he was elected, barack obama was elected, it was like there are no red states, there are no blue states, we're the united states and everyone hoped, you than hope and change thing? everyone said we're going to come together, we've got an african-american president. this is great, forget the past. it's never been as divided, in my time that i can remember, as it is now. especially with the attacks on the military, on the police, and you know, the defunding of all of those organizations and groups that defend us and take care of us. i really believe that donald trump, when he gets to the economy, the military, i think americans are going to start to feel good again about this country, they're going to feel it in their pocketbook, they're
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going to feel there is respect for them throughout the country. i think it's going to be a great four, if not eight years. sandra: "time" discovers who makes the cover here, for better or for worse has done the most to influence the events of the year is the basic criteria. harris: they say who has most affected the news and our lives, they pretty much had to give it to them, right? who can you think of? i can understand maybe in second place hillary clinton, just in terms of the news, think about what we're talking about now. we're coming down on people for fake news, looking at the media in a whole new light for not asking the right questions at the right times that would have illuminated issues during the campaign. he pretty much had to get it. meghan: i think they were forced to give it to him. if you didn't give it to donald trump, there would be outrage for obvious reasons, last year it was german chancellor angela merkel, she's an icon of the left in a huge refugee crisis
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which raged so out of control in germany. harris: i don't know she necessarily affected our lives as much. sandra: looking historically as far as presidents making the cover. president obama was named person of the year in 08 as was george w. bush in 2000 and 2004. judge jeanine: angela merkel said she wished she could turn back time. harris: most women of a certain age do. [laughter] . judge jeanine: and you're right, she doesn't do anything that impacted america and the united states, but what has happened with donald trump is he has changed the whole political paradigm, he's an outsider, he's not beholden to the establishment, to the republicans, to the democrats, i mean, he has changed everything about politics in america, and i guarantee the parties will change going forward. if he starts looking at more democrats, bringing them into the congress, irrespective of what his motivation is, maybe
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to clear a path for a senator in this place or that place eor a governor, the bottom line is we're going to work together now. i believe he will bring america together, except for the whiney cry babies who just don't want to. meghan: by the way, in addition to hillary clinton being second on the 2016 people list, the hackers came in third. harris: the hackers like a band? they didn't single one out? >> like julian assange. like ricky bobby says. judge jeanine: i like ricky bobby. sandra: president-elect trump asked if he's delaying announcing secretary of state nominee as a way to punish mitt romney for sparring in the past. his answer and what his picks so far and process say about governing style. democrats urging with senators to turn down any offers they may get to serve in his administration. why their fellow dems are saying this, and whether they're putting party ahea
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. harris: president-elect donald trump will likely announce his secretary of state choice sometime next week. this is the list of potential candidates for secretary of state. keeps getting bigger actually. mr. trump asked on the "today" show this morning if 2012 gop presidential nominee mitt romney is still in the running. here's what he said. >> go back to mitt romney. is he still under consideration? >> yes, he is. >> does he have a chance to become secretary of state? >> yes, he does. i mean, i've spoken to him a lot. we've come a long way together. we had tremendous difficulty together, now i think we've come a long way. the answer is yes, he does. >> this isn't about some case of stringing him along as revenge being a dish served cold for the comments he made
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during the campaign? >> it's not about revenge, it's about what's good for the country. i'm able to you in the stuff behind us. sandra: wow, that was a little leading question, what do i know? anyway, mr. trump also said he asked president obama for suggestions on possible appointments? so let's talk about some of those, right now. so you have mitt romney, and you have the list grow to a rex tillerson. >> yeah, ceo of exxonmobil. could we clear things up. are either of you on that list? should we know anything right now? [laughter]. sandra: that being said, antonio, there has been criticism right here on our couch, meghan mccain saying it's time to name a secretary of state. this is one of the biggest appointments. >> it will happen at the right time. he's taking the right -- it's not easy to make these decisions, especially now. so giuliani is my pick, i want him to be in it.
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sandra: why do you like him? >> he's strong. he knows that part of the business and -- so well, and he's done so well for new york and so many other things and i know him personally and he's a great guy, i think he will be perfect. harris: so i brought up the exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson. i have a question as to why. sandra: why not? harris: right, why not? what do you think puts him on the list? sandra: he's very familiar with conducting business in foreign countries. i think exxonmobil operates in 50 countries around the globe. he's quite clearly a smart, knowledgeable person. donald trump also has to keep people at his side that he understands like he has good chemistry with. that's a business person choice. judge jeanine: interesting observation, the one-on-one, we speak the business language. meghan: this job is not about business language, no offense to rex tillerson, we're talking
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about having to reestablish relationships that are severely damaged. i like jon huntsman, i like mitt romney, i like general petraeus. harris: you like mitt romney even though he's more of an establishment pick. meghan: i'm an establishment girl, harris! [laughter]. meghan: but i don't like the going on a double date, being so public about it. i thought it was a little ridiculous, but apparently people did. harris: i want to ask you about this idea that he's considering asking president obama for suggestions. judge jeanine: you know, one thing about president-elect donald trump, i have to say that, is the man is strategic, make no mistake, it's not that he hasn't decided or he's not sure. harris: you don't think so? judge jeanine: no, he knows exactly what he's doing, does it mean he knows this moment it's this person or does it mean he is sending signals to
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this part of the country or that part of the world that i am aware and i am cognizant of this or that issue. harris: so what signal does it send when he says i'm asking president obama for suggestions? what does that communicate? judge jeanine: sends a signal they want a united america. it sends a signal that i don't deserve -- he did this before, i don't deserve that headline president of a divided america. he is doing everything that he can, bringing in the establishment, bringing in the democrats, calling in al gore on climate change. i mean, think about it. this is a man who understands that this country is divided, having nothing to do with him, but he has the burden to bring it together, and that's what he's doing in this very visible way where, he is, as you call it, a double date, is bringing in everyone that he can to show americans, look, i don't have
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any agenda here other than to make america great again. sandra: the favorability numbers are going up this week. some of it is working. meghan: i'm really, really excited to see who he chooses. senate democrats are urging peers to turn down offers from president-elect trump to serve in his administration if the senators come from red states. west virginia senator joe manchin will meet with the president-elect friday. they met last week. north dakota senator heidi heitkamp also met with mr. trump. party leaders warn if they leave congress, republicans have a good chance of picking up their open seats, that would swing the power to the right. republicans hold 51 seat, democrats hold 48. senator dig durbin telling cnn quote -- so i'm going to go to you first, harris. i like heidi heitkamp, one of the democrats i respect. a lot of great work to combat human trafficking. she's an asset to the
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democratic party. i think it would be smart of her to work with donald trump to show she's bipartisan. harris: what's interesting about the potential pick, she's not necessarily in the group of blue dogs, right? she has issues that you come together with but comes more traditionally more democratic in most of her leanings which speaks to the issue, it's not just a name, not just a label he's looking for. she's going to bring her politics with her. and no one's fault that the democrats can't hang onto their seats. i find it a little disingenuous that durbin or anybody would stop the thwart of administration both sides saying we could lose. judge jeanine: it's a sad commentary on the democrats and what agenda is that they are so willing to admit or so open that you can't help america now, you can't help the president now. we may lose! how pathetic is that? think about that! and by the way, america is listening and saying wait a minute, we're not into the partisan stuff, anymore.
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we voted you out of the house and the senate and the white house and the governorships, this is different america. we have a plan. we want an america that is going forward and is not divided. sandra: we should all want that, and by telling leaders to not accept a job with -- isn't that a great opportunity for democrats to work with donald trump? >> democratic party is collapsing, if they don't come together and support the next president, they're going to be in a big mess, they're heading in that direction, they've been the entire year. it's a fine line and hopefully come together and support him. judge jeanine: look at the collapse, nancy pelosi is voted in again, she lost in 10, 14, 16, every time she runs, they lose the house. >> and she's done absolutely nothing. judge jeanine: and who is it there, the whip says we don't have a plan or a strategy, kind of like isis, but it's good that we got her. harris: such a missed opportunity. we touched on this just a little bit yesterday and i want to go further with it.
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a missed opportunity for pelosi and some of the people in the democratic party not to mentor that young talent in representative tim ryan or others who are up and coming. judge jeanine: are there any up and coming? . meghan: there are, cory booker. harris: whether you want to look in the mirror behind you or not. she has the opportunity to build the legacy that goes beyond the sound bites. meghan: i would be so angry if i were a young democrat. they are working into power, game of thrones, i'm on the iron throne, nobody new can come in, no new ideas and two notable senators from red states are being basically threatened if you work with donald trump, you're a herretic, it is such a disaster on the shout of freud, i love watching him squirm, not good for america. harris: two words, joe biden, why would he get in at 78 saying i better get in there.
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sandra: to meghan's point, country first. meghan: fists will start flying everywhere, i don't see it. okay. [ laughter ] >> as the murder rate tops more than 700 this year in chicago, city leaders are ordering trump street signs to be removed after the president-elect painted the city as a war zone during the campaign, but didn't he have a point? plus madonna is slamming women who voted for donald trump calling it, quote, betrayal. are liberal celebrities the ones who should preach to everyday americans? that's next. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works.
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thousands since january 1st. thousands of shootings. and i say, where is this, is this a war-torn country? what are we do i think? we have too -- to stop and bring back law and order. >> workers now removing two honorary two plump plaza street signs after city council ditched the signs after the president elect's remarks. a third sign was stolen in october. when he gets up there on the national stage and trashes chicago basically telling folks not to visit this great city, he's actually making it harder for us to solve our public safety problems by investing in more cops because we need more rev. -- revenue. that's why he's losing his honorary losing sign. that number continues to grow.
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in the men time trump supporters are calling the effort to remove the sign a waste of lawmakers' sign. i take this personally for many reasons but what we are seeing in chicago, judge, if it weren't an election year should be the number one story across all newspapers, across the planet. it is so bad. >> it's been the number one story. i lived in chicago for three years when i had a court show, but look, so far this year there's been 3,289 shooting incidents in shooing and that is just so far this year and for that person to blame donald trump if there's a reduction in the number of people come to chicago is all about the double sweep that's going on in the country. what we need in this country and what they need in chicago is someone who is a police chief, who is focused on law enforcement, prosecution, sting operations and making sure that they exert -- get confidential
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and start putting people in jail. you try to get statistics from chicago and this is my wheelhouse and you try to give statistics, they don't want to give you statistics. there's a south side of chicago and for some reason law enforcement there is not as focused as they are in michigan avenue where i lived where there was virtually no crime and donald trump is going make it better because he believes in law enforcement. harris: let's not pretend like we don't know what the reason is. >> let me at another thing as a second amendment person, the city of chicago you can't have a gun and so then everybody says, well, the only reason more people are dying here is because they are bringing them from another place, really? >> that's not true. >> it's irrelevant. >> every state should be equal as far as carrying weapons
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specially ccw's. chicago is an interesting city. it's run by democrats. it's been run by democrats for a very long time and they have done absolutely nothing for the city. actually the city has been going downhill ever since they've been running it. everybody out there, vote republican to run your city. sandra: i have so many friends still back there, people i talked to were so happy to hear him shine a light on this issue on the campaign trail because it does feel like it's being ignored by the current administration. >> i'm going to get grief for saying this, as you were talking, let's not pretend like we don't know why they get different treatment on the south side than they do on michigan avenue. there is power in keeping certain people down. there is some -- there must be something wrapped up in those politics in chicago that allows that to happen. i'm just going to put it out there. we can go there. hit the ground and start asking
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questions. >> let's talk about it. then the question needs to be asked, let's peal that layer off the onion. let's talk about why? is there enough patrol? children are being shot on playgrounds in chicago. they don't respond to the sound of a gun. make that an issue. >> where is rahm emmanuel? >> he's been the mayor of chicago. again, the idea that president obama's fingerprints aren't all over this as well is just wrong. the trump sign thing in particular i find so short sided. people want to continue to villify on the left. this is our president right now and there has to be more respect right now than what people are giving him.
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harris: i hear you talk about this about your old home all of the time. changing the economics. >> when was the last time president obama went to chicago and actually talked in chicago? i really don't remember the last time it was there. >> still raises a lot of money there. harris: some of hollywood's biggest names are still refuse to go -- refusing results. madonna is in mourning. i felt like someone died. it felt like a combination of the heartbreak and betrayal. >> what? harris: also a death. i feel that way every morning. i wake up and say, oh, wait, donald trump is still the president and it wasn't just a bad dream that i had, it feels like women portrayed us. some other big names are slamming celebrities, kiss simmons. >> celebrities should shut their
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pie hole and do what they do best, dance, juggle balls, all that kind of stuff and then do what an informed citizen does, draw the curtain and vote. [laughter] >> mark wahlberg said, a lot of hollywood is living in a bubble. they are pretty much out of touch with the common person. >> i know mark. we worked together in the big hit. he's a good guy and i totally agree with what he was saying. listen, we have the new president, president-elect trump and that's the way it's going to be and if celebrities going to cry over it, sobeit. these people wanted to leave the country, right? harris: yeah. >> they're still here, what happened? [laughter] >> they should leave. harris: this is on so many levels.
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the daily mail responds that had favors for those who would vote hillary clinton and she we wanted to rape on trump's parade and supports women who plan the march in washington, d.c. the day after inauguration in january. i won't mention wardrobe issues with some of the women that are going to show up. >> classy. >> i don't know if i have any thoughts. sandra: what happens when you go back to hollywood? >> i put country first. i'm producing my movies and doing my own thing. you have to stick to your beliefs. my country comes first and i respect mr. trump and i backed him up for a long time. >> i can't believe we've been subjected to what madonna just said. you're just reporting. but, my god, our poor viewers. i talked about the time that i
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lived in los angeles and i never experienced such anger for being a conservative in a long time. i will say that madonna who i haven't paid to mad ona since i was in high school one way or another, i am not doing your job, stop trying to do mine. you are wildly out of touch with women and take offense of the idea that madonna's idea of feminism talking abtrading sexual favors. this is somehow what the women in america are. >> what madonna has done is she has stripped down, stripped down and objectified women more and more. this is consistent to who he she is. she's offering sexual favors. you have to look at them and say, what makes you think that you are so smart that you know what's good for us, it kind of reminds me of someone who is in
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the white house right now. there's a certain, you know, elitism that we know what's right for you, the small people and she's totally inconsistent because she may thinks she's a feminism. she's far from a feminist. she sells things that -- sandra: do you know what she said about the women who voted for trump in overwhelming numbers than projected, she deems them insanely high. that's not doing to help our record sales, is it? harris: like marijuana? >> i won't support them, put your money where your mouth is. don't support people like this who feel like they're going to demagogue those who still believe in certain freedoms, pro-life across the country. it's ridiculous that she's going preach and i think madonna is out of touch and irrelevant.
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harris: this is really -- it's your background? >> hypocrisy and ignorance together is a bad thing. >> well said. >> everything is given to them on a tray and listen, america spoke. we've got someone in the white house that's going to change this country for the better and it's about time. harris: all right, let's do something right now that's a very american thing to do. we are going to mark 75 years of pearl harbor. we are going to do it with live pictures. this is hawaii minutes from now a moment of silence for thousands lost. stay close hey, need fast heartburn relief?
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harris: fox news alert. we are doing exactly what we said we would. live now 75 years ago when japanese bombed naval air base in how. the event that brought the united states into world war ii. coming up a moment of silence is set to begin.
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7:55 local time there. 50 seconds from now. the moment when the attack actually began. thousands are expected to be at the ceremony and you can see it. they're all on their feet ready to remember the more than 2300 lives cost that day. four of the five remaining survivors of the uss arizona are there right now. as we watch, we know that the master of ceremonies is lieutenant commander rob franklin. he's the deputy chief of staff at the naval surface group. okay. let's listen now and watch together.
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[inaudible] >> color guard, parade the colors.
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>> left, left, left, right. left, left, left, right. present.
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>> our national anthem. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[applause] harris: big worldwide thank you to all of those who fought. and right now, a little rock and roll there and that's officer steven lamonica. your thoughts on december 7th. >> it's about to get better next year. my gratitude and blessing for everybody who was fighting for our freedom in hawaii and all over the world. if you haven't had a chance to go see and it, check it out.
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hawaii is a beautiful state and beautiful people. harris: great to have you. all right, we are going to stay right here for our online outnumbered overtime and now let's go to happening now


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