tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News December 7, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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the winner, arkansas. much to the dismay of ted cruz, he had a good excuse for not showing up. his wife was in labor. i'll see you tonight at 9:00. it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 here on the east coast. the pick for secretary of state will be known next week and mitt romney is still in the mix but the president-elect showing signs of coming together with democrats. for instance, today meeting with the chicago mayor rahm emanuel. and after trump blasted president obama. and pearl harbor 75 years ago today. the attack that changed our nation and pushed us into world war ii. my father remembers. let's get to it.
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the president-elect said he's asked for his opinion on candidates for the trump administration. >> i've asked him what he thinks are the biggest problems of the country. what are some of the greatest assets going forward and we have a very good dialogue. i must tell you. i never met him before this and i never spoke to him before this. i really, i do like him. i love getting his ideas and i may differ in many cases i differ very greatly. >> quickly though. in one of those cases where you went to him with the specific person you had in mind for an appointment. did you go with his recommendation? >> i would say that yes, i take his recommendations very seriously. and there are some people that i will be appointing, and in one case have appointed where he thought very highly of that
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person, yes. >> so there you have it. the president-elect did not say who that person is. during campaign, donald trump called the president a disaster, weak and maybe the worst president in american history. president obama called trump unfit to be commander in chief and accused him of having a dark vision for america. now it seems the two men are getting along just fine. thanks for the sake of the nation. in fact, donald trump heaped even more praise on president obama. we'll have that ahead. first, meeting with mayor rahm emanuel at trump tower. emanuel was the first for the chief of staff. he was bill clinton's finance director during 1992 presidential campaign. trump announced today he has chosen iowa's republican governor, i should say, terry branstad to be u.s. envoy the china. they've known each other for decades. the chinese president has close
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ties to iowa and first visit that had state back in the 1980s. he and bran stathd have lots of experience in agriculture. more on that later in the news hour. the editors of "time" magazine have named who else but donald trump the 2016 person of the year. it reads president of the divided states of america. trump called it a tremendous honor but said the cover line was snarky. time editors say they gave the title to the person who gets the greatest influence on events for better or for worse. the editor-in-chief said she has never seen so much agreement over who had the most influence or the most disagreement about whether it was for better or worse. peter is live at trump tower in midtown manhattan. what do we know that the president-elect's meeting with rahm emanuel? >> reporter: it sounds like the mayor came their midtown manhattan with some advice and some explanation. the advice, the mayor says, was
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about white house operations. because emanuel was one of president obama's chief of staff. the mayor said he spoke to some top trump staffers about the way things should work when they start working in washington come january. as for the explanation that the mayor had for the president-elect, he said it was about immigration and specifically the reasons he thinks chicago works well as a sanctuary city. >> i was clear about where i stood and other mayors stood on immigrants, that we welcome them because they are striving for the american dream. but also then how to make as a city and a country key invest nmts both the talent, the training, as well as the transportation to drive economic growth. >> mayor emanuel said the president-elect told them on drop a line if he was ever in new york ask that is how this meeting came about. >> who else is on the guest list? >> we know that up on 26, mr.
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trump is meeting with the ceo of cke restaurants, the company that runs hardy's and carl's jr. his name is anthony puzner. and tokyo attorney general scott pruitt was here earlier. his name is swirling around as possible epa head. we've also learned that tomorrow on his way to a victory rally in des moines, the president-elect will stop in columbus, ohio, for two meetings. one of the meetings will be with some of the 13 victims of last week's attack there and another meeting with the first responders who stopped that attack while it was in progress and then took care of the victim on ohio state. >> when are you going to get an apartment in there? >> reporter: i don't think i can afford an narmt there but maybe something nearby. >> i've hearde
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pitching secret service protection at the front door as the hot new amenity here in midtown. >> almost a thousand square feet, peter. you should check into it. >> bigger than my apartment now in d.c. >> i would hope so. >> nice to see you. good luck there. now more on the new friendlier relationship between colonel and future presidents. >> i've now gotten tonight president obama. i really like him. we have, i think i can say for myself, i can't speak for him. we have a great chemistry together. we talk. he loves the country. he wants to do right by the country and for the country and i will tell you, we obviously very much disagree on certain policies and certain things. but you know, i really liked him as a person. >> really good chemistry together. as we just reported. president-elect trump said he has even run some of his cabinet choices by president obama and the president approved of at least one of them.
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then the president-elect said he wouldn't name names out of respectful let's bring in julie, with the associated press. kellyanne conway says, julie, that donald trump and president obama have spoken for a total of about 30 hours. that's a long time. >> it sure is. it seems like both men are really adhering to what they pledged right after trump won the tloeks make the transition of power as smooth as possible. that's a huge challenge. you're changing over parties. lots of different appointments. if you look at trump's cabinet so far you could not almost name a more different cabinet than what obama has had over the years. with you nonetheless, they're focusing on points that they can agree on or at least find a way to keep talking to each other on. and you have to think that maybe obama is having a little bit of an influence on him. you hear trump being a little more open things like obamacare,
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things like how he is going to handle illegal immigrants in the country. we don't have specifics but it does seem like maybe obama is buzzing around in his head a little bit. >> has obama referenced these conversations at all? >> the white house for its part is being very, sort of respectful of the process. not giving reporters a lot of details or really even confirming when the two of them do speak. you're flaring the trump transition team a little bit and even from the president-elect himself. really, eager to swhar the american public that the two of them are talking. >> have they said whether the first moments were awkward after all that had been said on the campaign trail? if there was a period through which they did some sorry and stuff like that? or if they just put it behind them in. >> i think we all would have loved to have been in the room for that. at least to be a fly on the wall
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for that very initial meeting. how do you even start a conversation like that? do you reference twitter at all? it must have been very awkward. we haven't learned a lot of details about their first moments. we do know that they spoke for longer than expected during that first meeting so it couldn't have gone too poorly. >> this is a time honored tradition. i remember when president bush 43 came in. they removed the w's from the key boards like ohio state removes the ms before a michigan game. it all seemed fun and games and in the end it wasn't much of anything. >> exactly. it is a time honored tradition to be respectful to one another. maybe have a little fun with it. thinking ahead, it will be really interesting when we finally learn what exactly was in the note obama will leave for trump. that's another tradition that i expect the president to follow. we've seen on social media some
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of the previous notes that presidents left and it will be interesting to see what obama has to say and his parting words to president-elect trump. >> i wonder personally if you've put some thought to what you think the differences will be between covering this administration and the next. >> well, you know, you can only judge by what has happened so far and what hasn't happened is a press conference. really shocking in some ways that president-elect trump hasn't made himself available to reporters. a bank of reporters even one time. very unusual for the transition process. and i have to say it doesn't necessarily bode well for the incoming white house. of course, you have to sort of hope for the best and hope that over the next couple of weeks, the president-elect warms up at least to the idea that we do have a free press and he has to participate with that. >> that would be a really great thing for the people and certainly for all of us. great to talk to you as always. >> you too, thank you. >> and the president-elect's defense, he has spoken for like
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an hour with "the new york times." a lengthy berd the "washington post." he was on the "today" show this morning so he is making the rounds. as far as an organized news conference, that is something that hasn't happened and something to which we look forward. ahead, will mitt romney be the next secretary of state? president-elect trump weighs in on that, sort of. coming up on this wednesday afternoon. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication...
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no. it's not about revenge. it is about what's good for the country and i'm able to put this stuff behind him. i hit him very hard also. >> trump met with matt lauer. the president-elect said he man's to announce his pick for secretary of state next week. laura is a national politics reporter for the paper. >> i think anybody who places bets on that is someone looking to lose their money. i don't think anyone knows who it will be. >> do we have a sense of who is on the short he list or is it not like that? >> the list seems to be growing. normally you see a situation where the list is getting smaller. and the other thing that sit remarkable about this transition is the fact that mr. trump and his aides sort of openly talk about who is being talked about for the job. normally this stuff happens really behind closed doors and things might hike out here and there.
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but not from the president-elect himself. so i think that that is really interesting. we have other people who are still being considered. david petraeus, for instance. the former general, others on the list as well. i don't think we know. >> it's been fun to watch. in the very beginning, it was kind of weird because we've all been covering this stuff for years and nothing like the ever happened. change is never good. then it happened. the whole nation is getting involved in the process in one way or another. that seems healthy. >> i guess, yes. i'm not sure how i would feel if i was one. candidates. from a reporter point of view, it is fantastic. we see the sausage being made. you can tell by matt lauer's we do trump this morning that was, are you sort of stringing him along? i think that he is probably not the only one who has had that question, given the relationship between these two guys. and then he has the opportunity for outside people like speaker paul ryan who has publicly weigh in the on romney's behalf saying
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he would be great. so it is a very interesting situation where you have a public conversation about an important appointment like secretary of state. let's think back to barack obama considering his ultimate choice. hillary clinton for secretary of state when he was president-elect. i mean, it came out that she was being considered. and then it seems like within a day or two, she had the job. there was no, we don't who know the other choices were. at least we didn't at the time. >> in the past, the ap turns redful you learn who it is and then you talk about it. now it comes in a tweet. rahm emanuel was interesting, especially after the dirty campaign laundry. that laundry had to be burned from the campaign. he really raked rahm emanuel and all that is chicago and all that is barack obama over the coals. >> i guess if he can make nice with donald trump, he can too.
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while he is an extremely partisan figure, he is also a deal maker. he is somebody who knows how to get in there in the sxreen clearly, you know, trump tower is the arena. so he was there and he was, of course, pressing his case on issues like immigration. he went in and made a pitch for the dreamers. the young people who were brought to this country illegally as children, as well as the issue of sanctuary cities as you talked about earlier. so necessary their making his case. talking about infrastructure and other areas where they might agree but you're right. it is a pretty stunning scene to see somebody like that right there at the door. >> no doubt. and we have breaking news on this subject, as would it turn out. i've just gotten word. she has sboen general john kelly about the news president-elect trump has tapped him to serve as dhs chief. department of homeland security chief. he is traveling in canberra,
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australia right now. he has confirmed saying i have been asked and would consider it an honor. this general's son died in afghanistan, as a matter of fact. so a war hero family all the way around. another general on his cabinet. somewhat unusual. >> yes, it is. he is really leaning heavily on the generals and on people with military experience. some have speck hated that that is because he likes people who will take orders and implement them without necessarily a lot of public pushback. i don't know that that is the reason. i think he has long admired people with military experience. he clearly values that. but yes, he is putting some strong figures sue his cabinet for sure and also his national security advisers also. >> i was about to ask you that. general flynn and our own former contributor, k.t. mcfarland as advisers. national security adviser and deputy national security adviser, respectively.
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that's two very hawkish people, i think it is safe to say. as a national security adviser, i've known k.t. for 20 years. and that is her philosophy. she is a go get them. it feels like the kind of people who might be pushing us more toward it than away from it. >> and that makes the secretary of state appointment maybe all the more important traditionally. there be will a balance between zparmt the pentagon with should we be leaning more on diplomacy or military action? not always, it is not always that way but that has been the case in the past sometimes. so it had probably be important from the people who want a more diplomatic approach to have a strong figure at the state department. >> and general kelly, donald trump has said that because his son died in that afghanistan, it is the president-elect's belief that he wouldn't rush into war anywhere, knowing so personally the kind of effect it has. so it is all coming together. and more quickly than we might
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have expected. great to talk to you. >> thanks for having me. 75 years and two hours ago, hundreds of japanese war means launched a surprise attack on american naval base at pearl harbor. the strike killed thousands of american soldiers, sailors and civilians, and pushed our nation into world war ii. next, stories from those who survived as our nation pauses to remember the day that lives in infamy. my belly pain and constipation? i've heard it all. eat more fiber. flax seeds. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know. tell me something i don't know. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under six
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generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. december, 1941, a date which will leave in infamy. >> president franklin delano
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roosevelt one day after the attack on pearl harbor in 1941. today marks exactly 75 years since japanese war means launched the surprise assault, killing more than 2,300 service members. the attack on pearl harbor propelled the united states into world war ii. today, memorial services throughout the country and in hawaii, about 1,000 veterans who served in japan during world war ii are attending events to honor their service and remember all those who died. some images in our slide show today. the oldest survivor of pearl harbor, there he is, 104 years young, navy veteran ray chavez. he said he prepared for this trip. it is a big trip when you're as young as he is and he prepared with the help of a personal trainer so he could make the eight-hour night from san diego to hawaii.
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he said he'll never forget many innocent people who were lost that day. and this is 103-year-old navy veteran jim downing. he was but 20 years old during the attack and served on board the uss west virginia where more than 100 men died. downing said he spent two hours trying to put out fires and checking name tags of his fallen crew members so co-write personal notes to their families. can you imagine? here you can see some members of the greatest generation at an event honoring them in honor who lou earlier this week. and in this aerial image, you can see the sunken battleship, the uss arizona with the memorial museum built on top of it. more than 1,100 men died on board that naval ship during the attack on pearl harbor. we'll have more in a moment from some of the remaining survivors. first to trace gallagher who is in pearl harbor. >> reporter: the number 7 and 5,
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obviously, they are recurring numbers here. the 75th anniversary. it happened on december 7 and of course, it was at 7:55 in the morning. and now there are just five remaining survivors of the uss arizona. you can see the memorial behind me. four of them are here at pearl harbor and they were all asked exactly how they got off the burning ship. here's what they said? >> them abandon ship as long as on the deck and got into a boat and taken off.
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you heard from donald stratton. he is 94 years old there. and one of the most compelling images of the day was him saluting out to the uss halsey as it steamed by. all of these survivors, they have one thing in common which is, they all feel this indescribable connection to the arizona and the sailors and marines they served with. those four men, by the way, will be going out to the memorial at some point today. it may be their last time there. >> trace, thanks a lot. we really love your reports back here. they've been terrific. ? donald trump's newest hotel in d.c. was a picture in the campaign, of course. as he held news conference there's and showed off new digs. now that he's going to be president that same hotel could be a conflict of interest. one foreign government has canceled at another hotel to stay at trump's hotel instead.
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on could that be to get closer to the president ask curry favor? and the president-elect sitting down with fox news sunday in his first sunday show interview since the election. this weekend, chris will travel to new york city to speak with donald trump about the transition and then go on the road with the president-elect as the conversation continues on trump force one. that's this sunday only fox news sunday on your local fox station. check your local listings and don't miss that.
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headlines from the fox news desk. a baltimore school bus was going nearly twice the 30-mile-an-hour speed limit when it crashed into another car last month. six people died including the school bus driver. investigators also said the driver has a history of crashes and suffered a seizure the week before. no children were on the bus when
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it crashed. snp investigators busted two men in huntsville, alabama, after they posted a mannequin challenge video online. the sheriff says they saw a post, got a search warrant and found guns, rifles and weed. and a black baer went after a man in kern county, california. the home owner said he's moving out. at least for now. wildlife crews have tried to coax that bear out from tunneled house but so far the bear is winning as bears do. go bear. we'll be back. there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition.
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donald trump is promising to get tough on china. now he's chosen an ambassador to beijing who calls himself a close friend of the chinese leader. the pregt has offered the ambassador job to the iowa governor, terry branstad. he is the longest serving governor in all of our nation and was an early supporter of
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trump's candidacy. trump has taken shots at china. he has accused that country at purposefully making that country's money less valuable. trump also broke decades of diplomatic tradition last week taking a phone call from taiwan's president. it may help to ease tensions between the two countries. the chinese president's ties to iowa go back more than 30 years. that's when he and branstad first met. xi jinping first met in 1985 on a research trip. i'm told he was working as an agriculture officer in the chinese government at the time. no one knew he would become the president of china. the two men have kept in contact all these years. blake is live at the tower in manhattan. that's an interesting coincidence. >> reporter: there was certainly a relationship between these two. as you mentioned, it goes all the way back 30 something years to 1985 and that is the first
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time xi came here to the united states to iowa, of all places. when you fast forward about 25 years from there into the beginning parts of this decade. to go 2012. that's when xi went back to iowa again. branstad a couple months later went to china. then all you have to do is look to last month, november, when branstad went to china as well. this should make for some fascinating diplomacy, talking about the tightness of these two. as you know, china has been front and center for mr. trump, dating back to the very first day, june 16, 2015, here at trump tower when he made his announcement that he was running for president. and ever since then, i draw your attention on just on sunday when he unleashed a couple of tweets relating to that taiwanese phone call of he said did china ask us if it was to know devalue their currency, heavily tax our products going into their country. the u.s. doesn't tax them. or to build a massive military
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complex in the middle of the south china sea? i don't think so. now it falls to the governor of iowa. >> we just got word a short time ago of another nominee. general scott pruitt to head of the environmental protection agency. associated press describes him as a reliable booster of the fossil fuel industry and an outspoken critic of what he derides as the epa's activist agenda. he is in the camp of the climate change isn't real and he's head of the epa. >> he has called it a hoax. he is attorney general for the state of oklahoma. this one will have a whole lot of people talking. just about everything that president obama was for that relates to clean power, clean energy, his climate goals and dreams. pruitt has been very vocal against all of that. he for example to give you another one has called for an end to the paris climate
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agreement. and let's go back a couple days. to monday when all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere it was al gore, the former vice president, who worked in here to trump tower. we were told that he was just to meet with ivanka trump about climate issues. he turned out meeting with the president-elect, mr. gore did. gore said that they had a very long and productive conversation and that had some wondering, questioning, some maybe on the left hoping that mr. trump might take a different pivot as it relates to climate change. now you have a senior source telling fox that it is mr. pruitt, the attorney general from oklahoma, that is the pick ask that will seem to end that talk. blame berman live with us from trump tower. the new luxury hotel in d.c. raising questions about possible conflicts of interest. critics say they're worried special interest groups are booking rooms and events to try to score some boinlts the new president-elect. the embassy of bahrain rented
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out space for a party just today after being at the ritz carlton for years. they used trump hotel after the election. trump said he expects them on bring up a conflict of interest every time somebody stays there instead, he won't have anything to do with the hotel. ed henry live outside that hotel. his name is on the thing. i think that's the point. >> yeah. it is and not just about a conflict of interest. it is about the constitution. there is actually a clause in the constitution, as you know, which says that no government official, the president, or anyone else on down, can receive financial benefit are a foreign government without approval from congress. so when they're throwing parties behind me like the government of bahrain today, you have good government groups saying it
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appears this is a violation of that clause. watch. >> there is a real mess here. it is unprecedented. i think this is a really dangerous area and i think he will see it. hopefully he'll see and it they will divest it. >> another issue is the fact in the case of bahrain, they've a questionable human rights record and remember, as a candidate, donald trump went after hillary clinton for taking money from government like bahrain to the clinton foundation. >> a news conference on all of this next week, right? >> that's right. december 15th. what we expect is the plekt turn over his business interests to his children. in his defense, he told cbs's 60 minutes, look, i've got much bigger things to focus on now in terms of governing than worrying about hotels. watch. >> what i think ivanka is trying to say, who cares? this is big league stuff. this is our country. our country is going bad.
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we're going to save our country. i don't care about hotel occupancy. it is peanuts come fired what we're doing. >> even if he literally severs ties from the business, as you noted, he won't take name trump down from the building behind me or any of the other buildings he has from around the country or the world and the inaugural parade will go right by this hotel. >> outside the trump international hotel. let's bring in andrew napolitano. this is constitutional stuff. where does this fit? >> the clause that he is referring to is a fancy phrase for a foreign country cannot give a gift to the president, more than a couple of dollars, in order the induce the president to make a decision. they can't give him a title of no built, cash, a really expensive gift. they rent a room in a hotel with his name on it for which he has
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a management contract, which he says he does not participate in the management company of. so let's say bahrain rented the ballroom and threw a spectacular party and the tab was $150,000. does any of that money go to the president-elect or soon to be president's pocket? probably not. because it is a long way from paying that boil the getting to donald trump. he owns shares of stock in a t management of the building that has the naming rights on the building, and that own as small portion of the building. that's one way to look at i. the other way to look at it is, if they want to curry favor with him, he will surely know that they're spending $150,000 on a night a party. there's a suite in there that goes for $30,000 a night. just a suite in that hotel. does he care? will that influence him? i doubt that it will influence him. some people will say this has
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the appearance of impropriety and it shouldn't. is it unlawful? it is not. the laws that gompbl everybody that works for the federal government of two exceptions. the president and the vice president. >> a president once said, if a president does it, it's not illegal. >> that was richard nixon. that was proven profoundly untrue. >> what do the people think? should donald trump sell all of his, it should say all of his businesses. that goes too far. 69% of the people. >> he doesn't to have sell anything. he can put it in the hand of a blind trust. he will not know who the trustee is. he will not be able to influence the trustee. it relinquishes everything back to him in four to eight years. that's the way other wealthy people have handled it when they sbeenl office.
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>> if your kids run it, that is not a blind trust. no. absolutely. >> so what do you think? >> i think that this will come back to haunt him. and i think he will be a happier person as president if he divorces himself from these businesses by putting them into a blind trust. >> we want him happy. he's the president. we want him happy. >> good to see you. >> my pleasure. >> more terrorists looking to attack americans than at any point since 9/11. that's the word today from the national terrorism center why. we need information, i don't really know. if you have a specific, don't walk on 13th street at seventh avenue on tuesday at noon. if that you have for me, that helps me. but this, more people want to attack us than ever before. not helpful. fox news can confirm that is not helpful. but he says the would be attackers are coming from all over the world. the government's strategy to
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there's breaking news now. officials in the state of tennessee now report they have arrested two people they describe only as juveniles and charged them with arson. in connection with those deadly fires that hit east tennessee and gatlinburg and pigeon forge. investigators say those fires killed more than a dozen people and destroyed or damaged more than 1,500 homes in other buildings in the gatlinburg area south and east of knoxville. two juveniles, according to authorities now under arrest. the exact charges, arson, who they are, what their back ground is, what the circumstances are, we don't know. there are more terrorists trying to do us harm than at any
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point since the tafks 9/11. we got that unhelpful word from the director of counter terror. this he said the battle has become more challenging in part because the terrorists manning and recruiting on a global scale beyond the usual hot spots. so just concentrating on certain people there certain regions, not helpful at all. the chief intelligence correspondent, katherine? >> the national counter terrorism center is the main hub for threat assessment and it was set up after 9/11 to prevent the stove piping of intelligence that led to that attack. we don't often hear from the chief unless it is on capitol hill, which is what made today's forum in washington all the more newsworthy. >> there exist a greater number of terrorist actors who intend to do us harm than at any point in our history since 9/11.
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importantly it does not yet appear as if he we have stopped the rate of increase. >> speaking at the conservative heritage foundation in washington also today, the republican chairman of the hous today the republican chairman of the homeland security backed that up and acarding to their research says that they have seen cases with a resent surge of 115 cases in 2015 and 2016 alone. >> for eight years the obama administration played global with jihad rather than leading into the fight with the decisive leadership. they said that terrorists were ton run when they were on the rise. >> we have that a little bit more complicated than that because of the push in 2014, they took away the real-estate from isis and iraq and syria and foreign fighters stopped traveling, and it left more of
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them in other countries and created more opportunities for them to establish the safe haven. >> thank you catherine. >> you're welcome. >> we will be right back. i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too.
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next month events are fit for a billionaire. if you're planning to go to dc, you're going to spend like one. some details. >> well, if you wanted to stay at the trump international to be festive, that's out of luck. that's already buck. if you have a couple of million, then there's a deal for you. for just $2.5 million that you can have a package there and it includes four presidential sweets and hundred 35 guest
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rooms. >> two and a half million dollars for four to five nights? >> yeah. but air b&b has some and just today it's already gone up 138 percent in just the last two weeks. >> average of that. >> yeah, it's going to cost you if you are going to stay there. >> yeah, i hope that the company has already booked hotel room. we don't want them to spend that much money. know any american heros? my dad is one. meet him next.
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the news that the japanese just bombed pearl harbor. shep senior remembers not knowing where or what pearl harbor was at the time. it was nowhere near holly springs, mississippi. they knew that america just got attacked and everything had just changed. a few years later dad was the oldest boy left in the little town. everyone else was off at war. you had to be 18 before they called your number, dad shipped off to texas to join the corp. of cadets. he had the go prepared to serve. dad said that texas a&m training would make the marine corp. training seem like a breeze. dad eventually came home. many of his friends did not. my dad shepard smith sr. and all of his buddy from the sand lot that day are now and forever our heros in holly springs and
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across the nation. dad will have another birthday this week, and we will separate during christmas time, and i will honor all from the greatest generations that learned that america has been attacked 75 years ago today. love i don't pop. proud to be your son. wow, that's hard to top. try this on for size a 300 point rally and that's a record and that's two and a half percent now from 20,0460 pointsaway. now, let's take a look at what's been a big catalyst to all of this. yes, donald trump but small stocks to the russell 2000 populated by the small stocks has been running at about double the pace for the dow. just since the election up about
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