tv Hannity FOX News December 10, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PST
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will damage democrats agonizingly for the next year or two. >> thank you, panel. that's it for us. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." speaker of the house paul ryan will join us for an exclusive interview in a moment. first, president-elect trump speaking to supporter ons the latest round of his thank you tour. here are some of those highlights. >> i am here tonight for one main reason. to say thank you to the incredible people of michigan. incredible. you went out and pounded the pavement, organized your fellow
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citizens and propelled to victory a grass roots movement, the likes of which actually, actually the world -- we don't just have to say the country. the world has never seen. you know i talk about the forgotten man, the forgotten women. let me tell you, they're not so forgotten anymore, by the way, in case you haven't noticed. they're trying to figure it out, they're still trying to figure it out, the media, where did all of these hundrmillions of people from. i knew they were there. they didn't have the incentive to come out and say i like this person. but boy did they come out in big league numbers. government must stop listening to the special interest and start delivering for the national interest an for the people. >> also tonight, speaker of the house paul ryan met with president-elect donald trump earlier today at trump tower and speaker ryan joins us in an
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exclusive interview. good to see you. >> thanks, sean. >> i know we've had our differences but i know you and donald trump had your differences. you were pretty harsh at times during the campaign. i spoke to him two days ago and he said your relationship is great. >> absolutely. >> what happened? how did it evolve? >> first of all, we agree on the same goals. our agenda is one in the same and we quickly decided f-- firs of all at the end of the campaign we merged forces. if you recall, mike pence and i saying republicans come home, vote trump, vote for your senator, vote for your congressman, unify republicans and look what a unified republican government can get. that was the pitch we made in the closing minutes of the campaign. i spent most of my time campaigning for congress. now look what we have. we have a president, donald trump republican, a senate majority republican which everybody was saying we weren't going to keep and a strong house majority. so now we have unified
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republican government. it's really exciting. so very soon after the race donald and i said look, this is fantastic. we have so much to do. let's forget about any differences in the past and let's get working on the agenda and that's what we've been doing from that day on. >> i know there's still anger among trump supporters and the trump base. you said one of hisments you thought was racial, to use the exact words. you had at different times said you're not ready to support him. i remember an exchange you and i had when donald trump was going to wisconsin, i know you had another engagement, i said you need to be with him and you said i've got to campaign for other people. why were you so hesitant -- >> i was basically focused on keeping the house republican and i was very concerned about whether or not we could lose the house republican majority. speaker of the house, your primary responsibility is to save house republicans.
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the black swan event we were worried about is think about having a hillary clinton presidency, a democrat senate run by chuck schumer and a democrat house ran by nancy pelosi. that was the horrible scenario i was trying to guard against. that was the default break the glass, stop that from happening. we had a 30-seat majority. we won 63 seats in 2014. the democrats won 31 seats in 2008. so these things can switch back and forth fairly easily. so my goal was protect house republicans. at the end we were excited about the ability to close this race as a unified republican ticket, a unified republican party so that we could have unified republican government which now we're not worried. we're looking forward and we're excited about getting this agenda implemented. >> and you said in "60 minutes" you take every day. >> yeah. >> tell me about those conversations. >> it's all about personnel and policy. every conversation we have, to me, you have to know how
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exciting this is for us. we've been fighting barack obama for eight years. this has been really -- >> mr. speaker, i warned the country about obama. i know about all obama. >> to be able to talk on a daily basis with the man who's about to be the president of the united states and tackling the big problems and undoing the wreck and the mess that was done before is so exciting. the conversations we had resolve about getting things done, how we're going to replace obamacare within how we're going to secure the border, how we're going to get people from welfare to work, how does rebuilding the military look like. now we're talking about how to execute it, personnel, getting the right people in place, those kinds of things. >> i've called this election the forgotten man, forgotten woman election. for an entire year i give e gave out statistics, 8 million americans on poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the '70s, lowest home oin rate,
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more debt than the other 43 presidents before him combined. now it's time to govern. i want to go over the agenda. i was surprised by the comments by congressman flores. you support originalists justices. >> i didn't hear what bill flores said. >> i'll get to that in a minute. on the economy, getting people back to work, getting our economy in order, obama will leave as the first president never to reach 3% gdp growth in a year. you said 20% on "60 minutes." he wants 15%. will you go to 15? >> it's a question of with whether the numbers add up or not. in order to pass the budget with the tax reform in it these numbers have to add up. i would love to do 15. it's a question of whether we can make the numbers work to get the votes we need to pass the budget through. it's simply a matter of getting it through congress.
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>> do you have a majority? >> if you want to get into the details. in a house we have a majority and we're a majoritarian body. all i need is 218 votes and i can pass something. that doesn't happen in the senate. you know the senate has the filibuster. there's one bill we call it budget reconciliation, and that cannot be filibustered. >> but that's how they passed obamacare. >> no, it isn't. they pass it obamacare with 60 votes and they did a side bill to add to obamacare. >> that was the reconciliation part. >> but they called it the side car. >> i got it. >> here's the point. for you to be able to use reconciliation to not have a filibuster it has to be deficit neutral. we have to have deficit neutral tax reform. 20% we know is neutral. 20% gets us there, 15% isn't deficit neutral. we're going to work on the bill to get it as best as we can so
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it stays deficit neutral to they cannot filibuster it. >> the repatriation part is what some 2, 3, 4, $5 trillion dollars. multicorporations have parked offshore. >> because we have a terrible tax code. >> you agree to hay low that money back in at a 10% rate? >> absolutely. that's part of the plan. what we want to do, we want to switch the system over so that from ever more you can bring your money back. in the old days, meaning back in 2005 -- >> that's really old, congressman. >> we had a holiday. so for a moment. and then what happened is people use that holiday and then they keep their money overseas, stockpile it. >> you want to make it apartment. >> we want to paying it permanent. >> would you consider a 5% rate if the companies that are bringing the money back would agree to invest in detroit, in
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milwaukee, in -- >> yeah. >> in cleveland. >> the big debate we'll have being in the spring is with that repatriation rev that we get, where does it go. that's where lots of these conversations come into play. the point is this. trillions of dollars are parked overseas that american companies would like to bring back and reinvest in this country and this economy. >> and you're going to give them the opportunity. >> we're going to give them the opportunity to do that. >> we'll pick it up on the budget when we come back. more with speak are of the house paul ryan after the break. also coming up later tonight right here on "hannity." >> the false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year, it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. >> sore loser hillary clinton seems to be blaming fake news for her big election loss. we continue on this busy newsch
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nine members of a predominantly black church last year. but on taxes, we're going to undertake one of the great tax reforms and simplifications in american history. at the center of this claim is a massive middle class tax cut. middle class tax cut. we're also going to lower our business tax rate from 35% all the way down to 15% bringing new companies to our country and to your state. >> all right. those are highlights from president-elect trump's thank you tour. we continue now with the speaker of the house paul ryan. we went over repatriation. we're going seven brackets to three and we're going to have
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between 15% to 20% and you've talked to donald trump about that. obamacare is one of the first thing on your agenda. >> it is. >> transitioning from obamacare to health savings accounts -- >> where you buy what you want to buy. you know one of the best advocates for health saifths accounts in congress is tom price. i coauthored the law in 2003. so we want to give people options and choices. we want competition and choice which drives down choices and allows people to buy what they want to buy. there will be a good transition so no one has the rug pulled out from under them as we go from a dark day of obamacare to a better system. here's the point we keep trying to make with people. it's getting worse with obamacare. >> the price is going up. we see more and more carriers dropping out. >> the biggest health insurance
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company in america, united pulled out, aetna pulled out. they're making the deductible so high it's like you don't have insurance in the first place. we're expecting more of that. it's in a death spiral, the term that it's going down. >> it took six years to implement obamacare. >> we're trying to figure it out. >> will it be less than two? >> tom price isn't even at hhs yet. the trump government isn't stood up yet. so those people who will be integral in making sure this will be successful aren't even in the positions yet. that's why what we want to do is bring relief immediately. we're going to work on the repeal legislation immediately and whthen we have to make sure there's a good transition period so people don't have the rug pulled out from under them and bring relief as quick as possible. >> my biggest concern and people who wrote me at the radio show,
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their biggest concern is a trillion dollars for infrastructure. you were asked on '60 minutes" how are you going to pay for it. and immediately after you were on, a guy who brought businesses to mexico city. >> i watched that segment. it was private sector. >> they build roads, sewers and a power grid to bring a steel mill into their town, created 12,000 jobs. and revenues went up. how do you spend a trillion dollars infrastructure and how do you pay for snit? >> that trillion dollars is leveraged money that is in the private sector. so what we want to do is leverage private sector dollars -- public-private partnerships so people put private money into rebuilding our airports and improving infrastructure.
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>> not a trillion dollar -- >> it's not washington spending a trillion dollars. >> how much is washington going to spend in. >> that's something we're going to figure out and negotiate adds as we go. the goal is to leverage resources in the private sector so that the private sector produces lean mean and on time infrastructure. if you spin it through the washington system, cents on the dollar goes to the actual road to making improvement. we had to clean up that mess, which the obama administration has made worse. if you take a dollar spent by the private sector in private investment, so much more gets actually done in -- >> i would argue if it goes through the d.c. bureaucracy and you've got 535 guys fighting for it -- >> we don't want this to be bureaucracy. we want this to be private sector direction and leverage so we can have better jobs, more money going into the economy,
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the infrastructure and don't do it through a washington program. >> i would argue that opec, saudi arabia, the middle east purposely ma nnipulated the pri of energy. how quickly will you put on the agenda america energy independence? >> they want it. this is what we're working with the transition team on. there's a very legitimate point you're making there which was the american energy renaissance that could be there for us but for our government was threatening to opec and other energy producers. we're sitting on a store of oil and gas that is tremendous. america -- this country could be the dominant producer in the world. think of what that does for jobs, think of what that does for our prices for heating our homes. >> every car could be driven
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on -- >> you name it. think what it does for our foreign policy. selling europe our gas instead of them having to buy it from russia. it's fantastic for foreign policy and jobs and everything but for our government. what we're working with the transition team is what can they do immediately on day one to clear the regulatory bary barri the obama administration. and then wachat do they need to do. and then what do we need to do legislatively the deal with the barriers. we're working hand in glove with the transition team what is it they can do administratively, what can we do. this is starting right away to get the energy renaissance under way. >> i want to talk about senator flores comments, some areas we may have disagreement with the
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president-elect. more with speaker paul ryan. and also coming up tonight on "hannity." the epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year, it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. >> all right. hillary clinton sore loser keeps coming up with new excuses for why she lost the election. lisa boothe
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welcome back to "hannity." we continue with speaker of the house paul runyan. so congressman flores seemed like he was speaking with you. let's go for the things, the issues that the house republicans agree with and donald trump agree with and then we'll deal with the other issues later. now i would argue that you might have some disagreement on immigration or extreme vetting.
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do you? >> actually we don't. we've talked about this quite a bit. we're fusing the agendas and working on a common platform of what we're going to do for all of 2017. people say we have 100 days. we're working on a 200-day plan. there's not a problem or disagreement here. >> you're working on the wall? >> we're working on getting border funding up. >> criminal aliens gone. >> we've agreed on that. >> has there been a discussion -- >> that's enforcing current law. >> i understand that. >> why would we be against if a person comes here illegally and creates a violent crime, enforcing the law to get rid of them. >> what about the drem amers? >> what president-elect trump asked us to focus on is the current laws and getting the border secure. >> where are you are extreme vetting? >> i agree with extreme vetting.
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i think his position changed to extreme vetting from hot spots. we always agreed that you need to vet more carefully and that is a sound policy. >> is there any issue you can think of today -- you say you talk to him almost every day. >> all of our conversations revolve around getting the big things done. and when they resolve around where our common ground is, we don't talk about what we disagree on. we're trying to execute an agenda. obamacare repealing and replacing and solving that problem. it's really hurting people. we've got to bring relief. getting comprehensive tax reform. clearing the regulatory burdens out of the way of businesses. first couple of hours but there's more. we all believe our military has really taken it in the chin lately. we've got to rebuild or mill tr tear. we've got to open up. one thing on the agenda, he
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feels very strongly about infrastructu infrastructure. we've got to honor -- >> you're saying that's not going to be a trillion dollar check? >> from the federal government, no. it's all about leveraging. it's going to leverage private sector money. >> if you agree on seven bracket to three, you're close to 15% for the corporate, you agree on repatriation, agree on originalists justices, agree on obamacare and health savings accounts and you agree on energy independence and you agree on the wall and you agree on vetting, what's left on the agenda? and the military >> and add infrastructure to the list and we're happy to do that. >> and the va? >> house republicans, jeff miller, the chairman of the committee, he's the one that uncovered the disgrace at the va. we're the ones who brought the choice program in place to give veterans recourse away from the waiting list. that place needs a clearing out.
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>> will you get education back to the states, which i would argue especially for inner city america? >> yes. we made good progress on that. we passed the title one, got rid of common core and no child left behind. i can't think of a better person than betsy devos. she's one of t the next leg of the reforms -- we've pushed the dollars back to the states. now we want to encourage innovation like choice and charter to actually take place. that's how you get people out of the poverty trap. >> is there an opportunity for something like a grace commission, the biggest, besting with brightest business minds in the country getting together, how to reform government to run more like a business? for example when we watched joe max higgins -- >> we just want to get that done and do it. with barack obama in there, we've been really frustrated
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because progressives believe in a no limiting government. they want to grow grow grow. rights don't come from god, they come from government. this is the philosophy we've been fighting for years. we have a great opportunity that's been given to us by the american people to get the country back on track, limit the government, honor the constitution and clean this mess up. we don't want to want on a commission. we want to get going. >> i'm a deficit hawk. this president accumulated more debt by the tame he leaves than 43 presidents before him combined. ie kn i know this is an aggressive agenda. so the next question is can you do it without adding to the deficit? can you get us to a balanced budget? >> the spring budget is going to have to address that. our spring budget which i have written eight budgets bf when i ran the budget, our spring
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budget is going to have to -- >> you disagree with entitlements with donald trump? >> i wouldn't say that. we haven't had a conversation. >> it's a big part -- >> it's been a part of every budget i've ever written. but more importantly the entitlement programs are going bankrupt and will jeopardize the people who depend on them. we have to reform them and make them more solvent. and if you do something soon, you don't have to change or affect the benefits of those near retirement. it's us that are younger -- >> speak for yourself. i want my social security money. >> right. >> i'm young. don't worry. newt gingrich didn't balance a budget along with bill clinton. you've gotten there. >> the. fiscal pressures were different. they cut discretionary spending. we did that too. >> reduce the rate of growth for medicare. >> that was what that did. that was a part of that. but now the entitlement programs
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have taken so much more of the budget, they're on auto pilot, those have to be addressed. >> you've never been a support are of penny plan. >> it cuts medicare for current seniors. >> a penny a year? >> the way the math works, those programs are growing about 6% a year. if you -- to make the numbers work you have to cut 1%. that's about a 7% cut. the point i'm saying, we believe we can fix these problems without jeopardizing the commitments made to current seniors who retired. they organized their lives around these programs. it's a commitment that needs to be kept. if we make these programs better, more choice, more competition, reform it, then you can guarantee the benefits if are the seniors. >> i do think something has to be done. the numbers are what they are. we don't have a big nondiscretionary spending budget when you look at it. >> we do have a big -- >> i'm sorry. big discretionary spending. >> the day we took over for
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nancy pelosi, we cut $889 million out of discretionary spending. >> we got $10 trillion in debt. >> we've got a long way to go. >> do we get rid of baseline budgeting all together? >> i've always believe that. two congressmen, i brought these through when i was chairman. are the guys who offered the zero budgeting bill. automatic spending increases. so before you get to debating whether you spend more or less money on a program, it's built in that you're spending more. i agree with that and i think that's something now that we have a republican president, i think this would be a fantastic reform to bring through. >> you ran with mitt romney in 2012. you've heard everything mitt romney said about trump, racist, misogynist, hukkster, fraud.
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went all in on helping admiral mullins. but he said all of these hukkster, fraud, doesn't have the temperament to be president. now they're meeting every day. a lot of trump supporters are like what is he doing? are you surprised that mitt romney -- >> i'm impressed. >> -- went this far? >> well, the past is behind us. i don't think there's a point -- >> that was harsh. that was cold. >> donald punched him pretty hard first, too. the playground talk, let's get rid of it. i'm impressed. this is washington, d.c. >> if you want a friend, get a dog. >> i'm impressed with how donald trump handles himself. i'm impressed with how magnanimous he is, i'm impressed with his demeanor, his temperament, and the cabinet he's putting together. this is a very good cabinet. he's picking very good people for this cabinet. this is something that has those of us who have been fighting
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against this liberal progressive government for a long time -- >> and you didn't think he would win wisconsin. >> no, we did not think he was going to win wisconsin. we're very excited. why don't we all stop underestimating donald trump. i think that would be a smart thing to do >> last thing i'm going to say. i said this once to president-elect trump. i said the only thing i care about, i know i speak for a lot of our viewers and listeners, i want the country saved. it's a mess now and i think obama made it worse. the most important thing that both of you can do and i said this as friendly as i can, is keep your promises. >> what i love about the election that we just had is we all ran on ideas, specific solutions. what that means is we didn't just run on some vague platitude on some unsuspecting country. we ran on specific ideas and specific promises that we've merged forces open working together to deliver them.
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but the point is that we earned the right to put these solutions in place and we're given that chance by the country. >> and you will be held accountable. >> cannot blow this opportunity. >> mr. speaker, thank you for keeping your promise to be here. thank you. appreciate it. coming up next right here on "hannity." >> the epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year, it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. >> hillary clinton cry baby liberals, well they're over their play dough and colors books and now they're complaining about fake media outlets. we'll check in with lisa boothe and charlie hurt as "hannity" continues.
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welcome back to "hannity." hillary clinton is having a tough time accepting our crushing defeat in last month's election and now he's jumping on the lib ra media's band wagon blaming fake news for all of the world's problems. watch this. >> let me mention one threat in particular that should concern all americans. democrats, republicans and independents alike, especiall s. the epidemic of malicious false news and false propaganda that
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flooded social media over the past year, it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. this isn't about politics or partisanship. lives are at risk. >> forget isis, radical islam t islamis islamists, fake news is the real threat that you the american people are facing. here with reaction, lisa boothe and charlie hurt. i don't know what to say to this. lisa, fake news, would that be her in bosnia saying she came under sniper fire when really she was handed flowers by children or the video lie about bengha benghazi, is that fake news or cnn colluding and giving her questions before a debate, is that fake news? what is this fake news phenomena? >> one would think that all of that would be called fake news or identified as fake news. but the left and the media are going everything they can do
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delegitimize donald trump's victory and to marginalize his supporters. a lot of the individuals who are decrying fax news are the ones who are complicit in driving it. hillary clinton drove false propaganda about benghazi, an event for harry reid, a guy who lied about mitt romney's taxes and spread that. the media has been complicit in driving a dangerous and false na narrative about the hands up don't shoot. the players who have been complicit in driving the fake news are now decrying it. >> charlie, how throughout the entire campaign people like us were under fire because we're open about our opinions. i am not a journalist. i am a talk show host. everybody knows i'm a conservative. but yet you would think it's a big shock and surprise to all of the mainstream media. but what did we learn? they have been colluding with the clintons, nbc, abc, cbs,
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cnn, msnbc, cnbc, the "the new york times," politico, all of them. that's face news to me. >> absolutely. and it was flparticularly grubb for her to go to the people's house and make that charge, en after what i thought, she delivered the finest speech of her career in conceding, a very gracious one a month ago. it was a very nice note of bipartisan and wanting to move on. and so to do this now is particularly disgusting, especially because, as you pointed out, my goodness, the entire mainstream media coverage of the entire donald trump campaign was fake news. they called him a cheat, a liar, a rapist, a racist, they misquoted him. >> everything. >> they did everything they could do smear this guy. >> i don't want to hit low hanging fruit here but i'm going to take the shot. i can't help it. >> it's fun.
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>> brian williams is over at nbc. he was a big nbc news. watch him talk about fake news. but while you're watching it -- >> the king of fake news. >> he talked about dead bodies in front of his hotel. >> fake news played a role in this election and continue to find a wide audience. a buzzfeed news study of donald trump's own tweets where they follow back news stories to their root source found more of them came from breitbart originally than any other single source. >> excuse me, lisa. did he see dead bodies floating in front of his hotel or not? >> it is low hanging. >> yes. >> but sean, i think it's ridiculous. you've got the left and they're still doing this. we saw it last week with the harvard event where hillary's communications director is pushing the alt-right racist
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narrative. and it's just utterly ridiculous. chuck schumer is behind a guy like keith ellison, a guy who said that black people need a separate country. look at his cabinet choices. ben carson, elaine chow, nikki hailey. i think it's low for them to continue to push this false narrative and to marginalize donald trump's supporters and slander them really. >> last word, charlie. >> i do think lisa is exactly right. but one of the biggest losers of the election is the mainstream media. all of those years they've spent truly pedaling fake news, there wasn't an alternative media out there. there wasn't the internet and talk radio. now people can actually fact check these people. >> i don't trust any of them. good to see you both. up next tonight right here on "hannity."
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>> thousands of americans are marching in new york and washington and across the country demanding a justice system that applies the same to everybody and honors our values. and you -- we want you to know that our hearts are out there marching with them. >> left repeatedly pushing the hands up don't shoot lie that created the black lives movement. we'll expose that hypocrisy. also reaction tonight as we
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. welcome back to "hannity". president obama and hillary clinton supported and defended black lives matter and their agenda. take a look. >> in a movement like black lives matter there are going to be some folks that say things that are stupid. >> i am fighting to reform crime nat justice for every mother and father who worry every day their child will be stopped by the police just for being african american because yes, black lives matter.
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>> don't all lives matter? don't we care about everybody? joining me now, chairman of the tea party movement, your life matters to me. niger's life matters to me. i'm conservative, i'm pro life. i understand the argument. why a group that chants what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now. how did they get in the white house with the president? >> it is outrageous. and unfortunately, the media ran with this. the left wing media ran with this lie, sean, and way too many americans believe this was the truth and sadly, this were police officers who were killed as a result of this lie. but the left is talking about the fake news, right? the real fake here is the left wing media. they're promoting the lives happening in the headlines and
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in the news and sadly, americans are falling for it. think about obama and how he said we had a small window of opportunity to negotiate. he was negotiating with the nuclear deal. >> with iran. >> yes. >> he didn't use it as a treaty so donald trump will get rid of it. you can't get the money back because ransom was paid. niger, we've known each other so long. if i was the president of the united states in the last 100 years i would have spent more time in chicago. this year in chicago, 3,000 victims, victims of a shooting, most of them black americans. where is he? those lives matter. why isn't he there michael brow
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killin test ory, his justice department said hands up, don't shoot did not take place. >> let me ask this. if donald trump gives choice in education and goes into inner city america where schools have been neglected for too long and if he brings businesses to those cities and communities, that need him the most will the demographics of the country
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change? >> that is why the left is having a temper tantrum, protesting in the streets, burning the american flag. trump's policies are to help turn our economy around. he talked about addressing the issues that are happening in urban communities. families, schools, crime. he wants to turn those communities around. and yes. that will propel, i think, americans to look toward the policy he has to present to the country and will spur jobs. >> that will be great for everybody. >> thanks, guys. when we come back, important i'm about to start the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. so in 30 days, my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model?!? yes. no. start the challenge today and notice more beautiful hair, skin & nails or your money back.
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innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. time for the question of the day. after watching our exclusive interview, do you think republicans in congress will keep promises, work with the president and get things done? that is all i want for christmas. that is all the time we have left this evening. you can respond@seanhannity on twitter and facebook. set your dvr and we'll see you back here tomorrow night. thanks for being with us. ♪ [national anthem]
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[national anthem] ♪ good morning to you, it is saturday, december 10th, 2016. i'm abby huntsman. the secretary of state list getting a little shorter as rudy drops out. >> he has enough sufficient choices so that he can get someone as good and maybe better. >> what america's mayor says about who should be the next top diplomat and what he thinks about mitt romney. >> a stunning new report from the u.s. government claiming the russians helped donald trump win the elections. but as shocking as that sounds it's trump's response that's getting all the attention this morning. >> and many people would call hillary clinton a hypocrite for condemning fake news stories. if that's the case, then what would
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