tv Americas News HQ FOX News December 11, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST
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aisles, jumping over stacks of books. >> fail. >> makes you wonder, where is the librarian of all this. >> at least it gets them into the library. i don't know. >> i was afraid of the librar n librarian. >> we're back at 4:00 and 6:00 eastern. hope you can join us. washington today buzzing about exxonmobil chairman and ceo rex tillerson. that's the guy on the right. his ties to vladimir putin on the left. and tillerson's chances of being our next secretary of state. >> he does massive deals in russia. he does massive deals for the company, not for himself, for the company. i have tremendous respect for him. >> a horrific bombing attack on christians in the middle east at one of the region's oldest and most historic churches. more than two dozen worshippers dead, many more injured. we'll bring you the very latest. and now a month since election day. we now know the final political
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makeup of the united states senate as louisiana declares a winner in their runoff race. good sunday to you. only a couple weeks been christmas. nice to you with you. i'm leland vittert. >> i'm shannon breen. exxonmobil ceo rex sill tillers on the short list for secretary of state but mr. trump is not ready to confirm anything just yet. in an exclusive interview, trump tells chris wallace he's still considering other options. bryan is live outside trump tower with more. hi, bryan. >> reporter: good afternoon, shannon. the president-elect says stay tuned as to who he will pick as secretary of state. his team says we could expect an
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announcement as early as this upcoming week but all eyes are on who appears to be the leading candidate, rex tillerson, who mr. trump calls a world-class player and a dealmaker. in an interview with our chris wallace, mr. trump makes it clear he values tillerson's relationships with world leaders. exxonmobil operates in over 50 countries. it's made some $200 billion in the ten years he's been the ceo, and he may not have traditional diplomatic experience, but tillerson has brokered many international business deals with these world leaders, and that's what makes him an attractive candidate to mr. trump. the president-elect says he currently has one person in mind he thinks can do the job, but he hasn't quite made the final decision just yet. >> i have others also that i think -- i mean, bob corker is a fantastic guy. mitt romney i have really gotten to know him and i get along with him really well, but these are -- you know, these are all very different types of people,
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but when you ask me about rex, i mean, he's a world-class player, there's no question about it. >> reporter: now, perhaps sensing that a decision has already been made, bob corker tweeted if it is rex tillerson, he is a very impress sifer individual. tillerson could have a tough time getting confirmed by the senate because of his close relationship with russia and vladimir putin. he was awarded the order of friendship by putin in 2013. he's brokered billion dollar deals. he was also against u.s. sanctions against russia for their invasion of crimea, and republican senator john mccain says he's enormously concerned about these relationships and these ties and senator marco rubio is too tweeting, being a friend of vladimir is not an attribute i'm hoping for from a secretary of state. meantime, mr. trump ktelling chris wallace he has chosen to receive classified briefings
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less frequently an they're president-elects have. take a listen. >> first of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. if something should change from this point, immediately call me. i'm available on one minute's notice. i don't have to be told -- i'm like a smart person. i don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day for the next eight years. >> reporter: now, critics think while this gives off the appearance it might be indifference to something they think should be highly prioritized, but mr. trump says, look, his aides and vice president, his generals, aides, and vice president mike pence receive these briefings at least six times a week and if there's something he needs to be alerted to, he trusts them that they will alert him. >> bryan live for us outside of trump tower where all the action is. thank you, bryan. bring in our fair and balanced panel, jessica, democratic strategist, josh,
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conservative radio talk show most. a lot to unpack here, guys, in that interview from chris wallace. josh, starting with you, is being a world-class guy who got the order of friendship from president putin enough to make you secretary of state? >> well, that alone is not enough to make you secretary of state, but when you run a multinational company like exxonmobil operating in 50 different countries around the world, you obviously have to have diplomatic skills, and i've listened to the liberal commentators start panning his nomination from day one saying, well, he's friends with vladimir putin because he got the order of friendship from russia. look -- >> josh, i'm going to stop you and let you respond but it's not just liberal commentators. take a listen to senator john mccain, hardly a liberal commentator on, on our air yesterday. >> vladimir putin is a thug, a bully, a and murderer and anybody else who describes him as anything else is lying. so we cannot have an
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accommodation with the russians until they understand what ronald reagan taught them and that is peace through strength and right now we have no peace and we have no strength. so it depends -- i don't know what mr. tillerson's relationship with vladimir putin was, but i'll tell you, it is a matter of concern to me. >> all right, josh. why is the senator wrong? >> well, look, we don't know that tillerson is buddies with vladimir putin -- >> hold on. we know they're very close. we know he's been given the order of friendship. we have countless pictures of the two of them together. we have many more pictures of tillerson and mr. putin together than we do of tillerson and trump together. >> what's fascinating about that is obviously russia is a major oil and gas producing country. they're a major exporter. if exxonmobil has to get a deal done in a country like that, it's obviously vus the chairman and the yoep is going to deal with the president. the order of frip beiendship be
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given to tillerson is probably a one sided friendship. being the head of a multinational corporation, you're going to deal with people who aren't exactly the most savory of characters. if tillerson vladimir putin is a great guy and our foreign policy should be about defending the interests of russia, then i'll be concerned but that's not been the case. the president-elect has said and if tillerson is the secretary of state i'm sure he'll carry forward this policy, this is an america first administration. i think people are making -- >> josh, i'm going to let jessica get in here in terms of whether or not this is -- is this an american first policy if you have somebody who has been given the order of friendship by another country? >> it doesn't look like it, and as you pointed out, this is something that's unifying the parties actually, and we haven't had a lot of bipartisanship as of late. lindsey graham also speaking about his concerns and on the left you have harry reid who has been talking about this for
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months, and chuck schumer calling for an investigation into this. i can't see a way right at this moment that i think tillerson is going to get confirmed but we don't know if donald trump will pop up tomorrow and say, hey, guys, it's bob corker. this is concerning. the questionable fondness donald trump has for vladimir putin has been called into question before. this adds to it. we had the current chairman and the future white house chief of staff talking with chuck todd about the rnc were not sacked when the klcia report says they were. the fact that we need to know exactly what they did, if they tampered in our election or if we are appointing people to cabinet positions who are too frae friendly with them -- sorry, go ahead. >> first of all, the information about the rnc being hacked by russia and the information not being released has not been corroborated with the cia.
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you heard from that t"the new york times" -- >> it wouldn't seem to matter to you what's corroborated by the cia or at least to mr. trump because he says he thinks they're all wet. >> look, here is the reality. you talk about tillerson. the big focus is on tillerson and whether the incoming administration is too close to vladimir putin. the president-elect has said this will be an america first policy. it's fascinating so many people are pouncing on tillerson as the head of a major corporation and back in 2000 and 2009 not that many people are pouncing on the fact that the clintons were taking millions of dollars -- >> that is so absurd. i don't know how you can make that argument after she just lost the presidency essentially because of that. so to say this has not been -- >> she lost the presidency because she's endangered america's national security secrets. >> she also lost the president
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pause donald trump hit her over and over and over again on this very issue of pay to play. it was one of his favorite words and phrases on the campaign trail. last word to you and then we have to wrap. >> but it's not pay to play when you're the ceo. the clinton global initiative was a true pay to play. it's not comparable. >> thank you. chris wallace took on that very same issue with donald trump today. to see all of chris wallace's interview with the president-elect in its entirety, stay tuned right after this show. "fok "fox news sunday" at 2:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. >> this is a fox news alert. at least 25 people are dead, 49 more wounded in cairo after a bomb ripped through the city's main coptic christian cathedral. it is one of the deadliest attacks on egypt's christian minority in recent years.
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connor powell is following the developing story. hello, donor. >> shannon, egypt's christian community really does continue to suffer. they're trying to make egypt their continued home but this is just the latest in a string of attacks on the christian community in recent years. this morning a bomb exploded outside of st. mark's cathedral, the main home of the coptic christian community in egypt, including their patriarch as well. at least 25 people were killed. dozens were injured. egypt has seen a wave of attacks since the coup which ousted former president muhammad morrissey. the current military regime led by president sisi has blamed the violence on the ousted muslim brotherhood who they say is behind all of these attacks but the stain buiinstability in egy growing. there's problems with the economy and a growing isis presence in places like the
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sinai and there's just a real instability that eventually president sisi was brought into power to deal with but things have continued to get worse. the violence we see in egypt is also happening in other parts of the region. late last night a pair of bombs blew up in downtown istanbul. kurdish separatists targeting the soccer stadium and an upscale area in downtown istanbul. at least 38 people were killed. more than 150 people were wounded. this was a sizable and significant attack. kurdish separatists claimed responsibility. there's been an ongoing decades' long battle between kurdish separatists and the turkish government. the kurds in iraq and syria are considered strong u.s. allies but there's a tension between the kurds who live in southern turkey and who have been battling the turkish regime there really for decades now and this is one of the sort of
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growing problems when the leadership led by erdogan and nato. turkey, of course s a nato member and considered a strong nato member. but there's a concern about the kurdish movement not only in iraq and syria but also in turkey. there's a growing problem in turkey and the middle east about the ongoing violence. instability is the theme we're seeing across the entire region. >> connor powell live on the latest bombings. thank you so much. here to weigh in on that and much more, author of "the first hostage" and many other best sellers, also served as a top adviser to leaders here and iraq, joel rosenberg. let me start by getting your reaction to the bombing of the coptic christians. we often talk about the threat to the religious may nortinorit.
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this is a setback. >> it is. radical islam is trying to destroy christian communities in syria, iraq, now in egypt. president sisi has his hands full. when you think of president trump as then candidate trump, who did he meet we, benjamin netanyahu and al sisi. i think this is a devastating clowe and as an evangelical, my heart goes out to our christian brothers and sister. as a country, america, israel, and our other countries standing with israel in a challenging environment. >> israel taking delivery of a couple f 35s and talking about how that will give israel different ways to probe, to father surveillance, tok places undetected and they live in a
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very, very rough neighborho loo. there's been a lot of criticism by conservatives that president obama has been horrible to zraezrae israel. you have a memorandum of understanding of $38 billion of military cooperation over the next ten years and these f-35s are critical both to u.s. national security and to israel especially with the iran threat rising. >> as you know, it's been a bit -- like you said, many people say that our administration has been generally supportive of israel. maybe there was a lack of chemistry between president obama and prime minister yetten yahoo but here is what president netanyahu has to say regarding how he views incoming president trump. >> i know donald trump. i know him very well. and i think his attitude is support for israel is clear.
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he velts very farmly about the jewish state and the jewish people. >> he tauges about how trump will be supportive and nts the situation israel is facing there. >> he was with netanyahu when he gave a briefing in jerusalem just a week and a half ago. netanyahu described himself as supremely optimistic about israel's future. the context seemed to be very strong. i now have a friend and an ally in the white house and, of course, vice president mike pence, i know him well, is strongly pro-israel. this is the first time netanyahu has ever had a republican in the white house while he's been a prime minister, and he's the longest serving prime minister in the history of israel. so he's encouraged, and 83% of israelis now say they believe that trump will be pro-israel. you look at the cabinet picks that are coming, general mad bi,
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mikepompeo. i'm concerned about tillerson. i think trump talk talking to someone who knows the region well. but put isbutte is put is a ser challenge. tillerson does not strike me as a conservative good choice to draw a line in the sand with putin. >> plenty of senators asking questions and there will be a thorough hearing and vetting on if he is the pick and we should know -- >> we don't know and it could be a head fake to make us feel better about somebody else. compare how trump is dealing with china where he's talking tough but he sends terry branstad, the governor of iowa,
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as a friend to china. you have something you be he can to. >> always good to see you. >> appreciate it. >> coming up, brand new details about the cia investigation into russian hacking and the 2016 election and we just have to show you more of vladimir putin. why president-elect trump and some republicans in congress be have different takes on what mr. b putin may or may not have done with his shirt off. plus much of the country dealing with the big chill. this as the economy and president-elect trump. we have a fair and balanced break down on why trump says free trade has to come with conditions. >> i'm a big free trader but it
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has to be fair. we have lost over a period of years, short years, 70 thofactos in this country. 70,000. i would say to people, i think it's a typo. 70,000. i would say to people, i think it's a typo. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief.
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welcome back. this sunday president-elect donald trump saying he doesn't believe the cia's report that russia influenced the election so he could win. the incoming commander in chief went so far as to call that idea ridiculous. christian fisher here is more with what the president-elect had to say. hi, kristin. >> not only is he calling it ridiculous, he's also calling it just another excuse this democrats are using to try to justify his defeat of hillary clinton. listen to what he said this morning on "fox news sunday." >> i don't believe it. i don't know why, and i think it's just -- you know, they talked about all sorts of things. every week it's another excuse. we had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the electoral college. i guess the final numbers are now at 306, and she's down to a very low number. no, i don't believe that at all. >> but that's very different
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from what some top members of his own party are saying. this morning republicans on the senate armed services committee like senator john mccain joined forces with incoming democratic leader chuck schumer. they're now calling for a full investigation into russia's alleged interference with the 2016 election. they issued a statement that reads in part, this cannot become a partisan issue. the stakes are too high for our country. we are committed to working in this bipartisan manner and we will seek to unify our colleagues around the globe of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyberattacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security. senator mccain says his committee will get to work immediately. he also says ultimately he'd like to create a special committee that would be set up stribl strictly to investigate these allegations. >> we would be working on a bipartisan pay sis. you can't make this issue partisan. it's too important. a fundamental of a democracy a free and fair election. >> president obama has ordered his intelligence agencies to
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conduct a full review of all election-related cyber attacks and he wants them to present their findings before he leaves office just a few weeks away. >> john bolton on our air not so happy about that. kristin fisher live in washington. thanks, kristin. >> thanks. >> shannon has more. >> let's bring in susan, washington examiner chief congressional correspondent and i want to welcome you, first. >> thank you. >> i want to start by playing more of what senator mccain had to say on meet the nation. let's hear that and then i'll get your reaction. >> it's clear the russians interfered. now, whether they intended to interfere to the degree they were trying to elect a certain candidate, i think that's the subject of investigation, but the facts are stubborn things. they did hack into this campaign. >> so what we've heard from "the washington post" is they say there's a secret cia assessment that the russians hacked and got
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involved specifically to benefit trump. you may be hearing something different or short of that. >> that's right. i have good sources on capitol hill with access to the same information, and they say that really this is jumping too far ahead of the story, that there's a kernel of information that's kind of expanded into a theory that this was specifically to help trump, but that that connection was not established by the cia. and you heard mccain say a little of that this morning. he said we though they were interfering by hacking into e-mails but we don't know why. who were they trying to benefit? and the story now has advanced to make it appear that it was all to help trump and that's what we're reading about as we're seeing on social media that this is all about putin trying to help trump get elected. that's not what the cia has concluded. from what i understand and what i'm hearing from my sources on capitol hill. there probably will be an investigation into this as mccain was talking about, but they haven't reached that conclusion yet. >> so the conclusion is
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apparently that there was hacking which we've heard from numerous agencies leading up to this but the connecting of the dots, making that next leap, that it was done specifically to benefit trump, is still -- >> that's right, and if you look at the sourcing to some of these stories, we don't really know where that's coming from. u.s. officials. there's some belief at least again from my sources on capitol hill that this is being capitol hilly driven by the democrats whether it's coming to the obama administration or democratic folks on capitol hill who want to establish that connection because they believe that trump was the person who the ruthss we russians were trying to benefit at the expense of hillary clinton but the firm connection is not there. it may establish that later on but that connection is not there now and that's what we're reading in the newspapers and on social media. >> that it's a settled matter. >> there's a big difference between trump was the beneficiary or russians were just hacking into our elections and there's a big difference there and that's what you're not seeing in the reporting i think.
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>> i want to play a little bit too of his exclusive interview with chris wallace on "fox news sunday." here is what mr. trump had to say about this idea. >> why would the cia put out the story the russians wanted you to win? >> i'm onot sure they put it ou. i think the democrats put it out because they suffered one of the greatest defeats in the country. it's ridiculous. we've started the process of making america great again. gee went on to say the democrats, this is an excuse for them. he's pass agree andand -- >> we saw earlier tweets where he was critical of the cia that they put out the weapons of mass destruction information that let to the iraq war. that's trump playing defense as he always will when he feels like he's being attacked by
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anybody, even the cia he's about to preside over. but i think, you know, what are the practical implications of all this right now and just the previous guest was talking about the secretary of state nominee. i think the last thing trump wants is to have this meme out there that it's a trump/putin administration and i kind of wonder whether this is all going to influence who he decides to select as a secretary of state. whether that connection between tillerson and putin is too close in light of all this other information and all the suggestion about who the nugs were trying to pick. this is all really pretty interesting. >> it is quite a chess game. susan, good to see you. thanks for coming in. leland? >> coming up, more on president-elect trump as he is singling out people and businesses this week including boeing and union he'ders. we'll have a pair and bl it's
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debate on the dez-- and it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. we'll take a look at where the snow is piling up this weekend. >> it's beautiful actually. i have never seen it like this in december in a while. (becky) i've seen such a change in einstein since he started the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. (vo) try new beneful originals with beef. now with real beef as the number one ingredient. he is.errible at golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. ensure enlive. always be you.
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it's not just the cold but the wind too as frigid temps are causing major headaches. in michigan police along with mama and papa vitter are calling on drivers to slow down and drive carefully. there was a huge crash involving 33 cars and three semi trucks there in michigan. the national weather service says the storm system is developing in the great plains and could bring blizzard conditions through monday. road crews are working around the clock in chicago. transportation authorities there have deployed 300 snowplows.
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it looks like they still have a lot of work to do. more than 1,100 flights out of chicago o'hare have been canceled. local meteorologists there expect anywhere between 6 and 10 inches of snow by monday afternoon. it's a free market, sir. >> it's not free market when they go out and they move and they sell back into our country. >> but that's the free market. they made a decision. >> no, that's the dumb market, okay? that's the dumb market. >> president-elect trump has a new name for the free market calling it the, quote, dumb market. he's gotten push back from twitter post that is called out boeing and also the president of the united steel workers and others so people are asking questions saying whether it's right to single out companies and people. critics say it's unpresidential and dangerous. steve moore and former cia
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operative evan mcmullen. welcome to you both. >> great to be here. >> evan, some will say even though they're critical that it works. they point to a number of companies who have been willing to have conversations and rethink some of their decisions because they've gotten heat from president-elect trump. he says he's the greatest negotiator around. is that just part of the way it works? >> well, i think in one-off case it is may have the desired effect at least to some degree, but from a management perspective, you simply can't scale that approach. president-elect trump i think probably understands this. i hope he does, that he can't simply call every ceo and intervene in every decision the ceo is going to make. so i think he understands that. i think the better approach is to refortunatem our corporate te to roll back regulations and reform the way we make regulations in the first place, in general create an economic environment that fosters competition and, therefore, innovation and, therefore, job growth. that's what we need. >> and, steve, how does the
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president-elect do that? because there's been a lot of talk that he's good at these showy, flashy deals, but the hard work of sitting down and reforming tax policy the super wonky sausage making stuff that happens on the hill behind me, it's a lot of intensive work. >> i agree with what evan just said. you're not going to save this american economy one company at a time but i think what he was doing in the case of carrier where he saved 1,000 jobs is just really sending a message to the voters and the people around the country who are feeling so much economic stress that i got your back and i'm going to help you out. evan is right, the way to do that is to do it through policy changes. i love when he said the dumb market. what he was talking about i think is we've got the dumbest tax system in the world. you couldn't design anything dumber than we have right now where we're taxing everything we produce and stuff comes into the country and we don't tax it and we put our producers in this country, our manufacturers, at a huge disadvantage.
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so i think trump is basically saying to these companies, don't leave now. we're going to get the regulations off your back, repeal obamacare. we're going to cut tackxes. i love what he did with boeing. there's a new sheriff in town. you can just charge the federal government more and more money for these contracts when you have these cost overruns, we're not going to pay it anymore. it's nice to have somebody who is going to look after taxpayers. >> i want to ask both of you to react to some of his picks that relate to his economic issues and decisions moving forward and if you can keep it relatively brief, only so i can hear from both of you on this. evan, i'll start with you. labor secretary and also gary o cohn to head up the white house national council? >> i don't have big issues with those picks. i really don't. there's a concern that he's
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choosing some that have ties to the financial industry that are too much for the good of the country. i'm not sure i share those. i don't have big gripes with those picks. >> okay. and, steve, i'm guessing that you may have had some influence or some conversations about these ultimate picks. >> who is the first person you mentioned? >> andrew puzder. >> i love him. he's a good friend. i have known him for several years. he's a very successful ceo. you have a guy who is going to run the labor department who actually knows something about creating jobs, who is not a lawyer or, you know, a member of the afl/cio. he's actually created jobs and i think he's going to be fantastic. as a lot of people in washington, i don't know gary cohn so he's a bit of a blank slate. i can't wait to meet him and get to know some of his views on tax policy and regulation and he's going to have to do that soon to get to know the policy community. >> absolutely. evan, real quickly before we go, given your background, i really want to get some reaction to you. i know you had a tweet,se sels
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tweets and you're raising concerns about where we're going with our relationship with russia. we have one tweet, it must be clear that donald trump is not a loyal american and we should prepare for the next four years accordingly. do you want to expound on that? >> yeah. look, the basic measure of a president's loyalty is his commitment to the constitution, his or her commitment to the constitution. he will swear to uphold and defend the constitution when he's inaugurated. we have a president-elect who has undermined the constitution and our democratic norms during the election and post election. he's also welcomed the intervention of russia and our democratic process and then denied that it happened even though there's plenty of overt evidence that it has happened and the intelligence community has said it happened and at the same time he plans to align us with russia. this is a very, very dangerous thing. i urge him not it pursue it. i think he's going to. i think he's indicated and signaled in every way for a long
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period of time that's what he's going to do. even while russia tries to undermine our country and our fundamental sources of power. >> what about what he did with taiwan which was wonderful? he's standing up to china. i think he's going to be tough on china and russia. i think it's fantastic. >> i have no real gripe with the substance of what he did on taiwan but we're talking about russia here, steve. >> we have to leave it there. of course, there's a lot more to come on this russia issue and puckba push back on what the cia has and hasn't found. steve and evan, great to see you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. repeal and replace is, of course, the rallying cry for companies against obamacare and some january they will control the white house, the senate and the house with repeal looking more and more likely. we'll take a look at exactly what it would mean for you and your family. the real gift isn't what's inside the box... it's what's inside the person who opens it.
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cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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it is a little bit wonky, but new musings from the insurance companies could cost you your health insurance. for the first time, health insurers like cigna and aetna are outlining what they want in return for staying in the obamacare exchanges. this wish list could be a preview of the issues facing respects who want to repeal and replace obamacare. kimberly leonard covers health care for ""u.s. news & world report."" thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> anytime i hear about insurance companies having a wish list, that can't possibly be good for consumers. >> not necessarily. some of the things they have asked for include asking the government to have some sort of guarantee that they're going to help people continue to buy health insurance on the exchanges. >> okay. so the insurance companies are protecting themselves with this, fair to say? >> for sure. but there are a lot of interest groups that are going to be looking to make sure that
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they're taken care of if obamacare is repealed and replaced. >> the issue obviously isn't repealing it. that's pretty easy to do. the question is what do you replace it with? everybody i have talked to on capitol hill indicates that there is a huge amount of uncertainty within the insurance community about what happens and what the replacement is wh. when markets see uncertainty, they raise prices. >> that's right. and they want to make sure people aren't suddenly going to be dropped from these plans and no longer paying into their premiums. >> where does this go from here? do the insurance companies get together with congress, then the doctors get together with congress and then congress comes up with something? >> well, a lot of different groups are going to be talking to congress. pharmaceutical companies, the american hospital association has put forward their policy propositions. there's a lot at stake here for obamacare repeal for a lot of members of the health care industry as well as for patients. >> billions and billions of dollars at stake in terms of picking winners and losers. but it's clear though that there are places that the insurance
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companies have become sort of so overwhelmed with costs by obamacare demands they're either raising prices to something people can't afford and putting a huge burden on the taxpayer or they're just pulling out altogether. >> with obamacare, it really depends where in the country you live. certain states premiums have gone down a little bit. in others they've almost doubled. what people are playing reflects the county they live in and how many plans they can choose from. >> how many plans they can choose from, but you say this is reflective, but obviously if there's places where there is one plan or no plans to choose from, that's a problem about with the law or a problem with the insurers? >> both. some of the reasons they pulled out of the marketplaces is because they're not getting enough young healthy people to enroll so they're losing money because so many older, sicker enrollees are going into the plans. >> we know the health insurance companies are in the business of making money. kimberly leonard, thanks so
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much. the final senate race of 2016 is in the books. up next, a look at louisiana's new senator and how his runoff victory impacts the balance of power on capitol hill. plus, a reward for those cadets who braved the cold and our leland vittert did as well. college football's most storied rivalry and a celebration 15 years in the making. >> go army! >> i think you guys can do better, right? >> go army! the war is over, i'll be a free man and you will be back in
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chapters to let this happen. like we saw in the presidential race in louisiana, this was the year of the outsider. republican state treasurer john kennedy was ahead throughout the runoff. the one-time democrat ran on his reputation as a fiscal hawk as an anti-establishment candidate. last night he told his supporters he's going to washington to fight for them. >> in our state, there are no federal issues, there are just issues. and if any single louisianian has a problem, whether at the state level or the local level or the federal level, it's my problem. >> the democratic candidate, former state senator foster camp bell, tried to paint kennedy as a flip-flopper for switching parties. but like we saw in other races across the country, voters were more focused on the presidential election. kennedy was an outspoken supporter of donald trump and hammered campbell for supporting hillary clinton. he returned to the state on friday to campaign for kennedy.
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and that is partly why democrats viewed this race as such a long shot, and largely left their candidate on his own. with the win, the gop's majority in the senate is now giving them a 52-48 over democrats. >> that will make a big difference with the nomination hearings coming up. so the books are closed on that one. thank you, garrett. leland? one -- all right, one for the record books in baltimore. two of the nation's most honored college football teams made to match up to fight until the very end. a little more on the army celebration coming up.
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♪ check out that excitement and spirit overflowing in the stands. it's a celebration 15 years in the making. the army cadets rushing the field after the final whistle sounded in baltimore to celebrate the 21-17 win over their sometime not-so-friendly rival the naval academy. this was the 117th meeting between the two teams. and leland, you were there. it is very electric.
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>> electric and emotional because you see the grown men west point graduates brought to tears by victory. and it's moving in every way. >> and they are heroes off the field. >> even the leaders, too. >> that's right. >> "fox news sunday" is next. i'm chris wallace. today, the trump way. we go on the road with president-elect trump for his first sunday show interview since winning the election. >> the cia has concluded that russia intervened in the election to help you win the presidency. >> we'll take you behind the scenes for an all-access look at a day in the life of the trump transition. >> now let's go to election night. you were prepared to lose. >> and as he makes his unofficial debut as commander in chief at the army/navy game. >> we sit down at trump tower to discuss
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