tv Americas News HQ FOX News December 11, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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studio audience. >> president-elect donald trump giving the first interview since the election and sat down with us exclusively. shielding a wide ranging discussion with chris wallace with thoughts on everything from the allegations the russians tried to influence our presidential election so he could win and whether he will move to try to dismantle president obama's legacy. welcome to a brand new hour of america's news headquarters. >> he also defending the qualifications of the top contender for the job of secretary of state exxonmobil c.e.o. tillerson with lawmakers raising concerns
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ability his deep ties to russian president vladimir putin but the president-elect said the head of the oil giant said he would guilty in fine on the world stage. say the great advantage is he knows many of the players. he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. he does massive deals for the company. i have tremendous almost for him. he is a world class player. i have others, also, that -- bob cork certificate a fantastic guy. mitt romney i have gotten to know him and i get along with him well but these are all very different types of people. when you ask me about rex he is a world-class player, no question. >> and now, outside of trump tower we have the latest. brian, president-elect is keep his options open but some of the senators are expressing concerned identify it will --
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concerned over tillerson. all the two points of contention for tillerson or the ties to russia, first, and two, the lack of formal diplomatic experience. he has a close relationship with russian president vladimir putin and as c.e.o. of exxonmobil he has brokered billion dollar deals with russian state-owned companies and he was awarded the order of friend by vladimir putin in 20ship and was a gift imposing sanctions against united states for were saiding cry media and senator john mccain, a republican, said if chosen, tillerson will have to answer questions about the russian ties. >> matter of concern he has such a close personal relationship with vladimir putin. obviously, they have done enormous deals together. that would color his approach to vladimir putin and the russian threat. that is a matter of concern. we will give him his chance.
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>> others like democrat senator mccaskill is concerned abut the lack of diplomatic expense. >> i worry about the lack of experience he has had on the diplomatic front and, frankly, that is true for many of the appointments to his cabinet. they have not had experience in the areas they are being asked to manage in a very complicated we world and very complicated government. >> it will her son is thought to be the leading candidate for secretary of state because trump is impressed with his lifetime career of exxonmobil where he has officialed with many world leaders including being c.e.o. for ten areas with the largest companies in the united states operating in 30 years. >> trump said whether high choose himmor not for state, it will her son is a world-class player and deal maker. stay tuned. he always has a flare for the
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dramatic, obviously, and we shall be seeing. the trump team said we could have the announcement this week. >> stay tuned. >> what did president-elect say about conflict of interest concerns over the business ties? >> trump today in the interview with crystal last did not -- with chris wallace did not deny he would maintain a business stake in his businesses but we it ised he will not have anything to do with the day-to-day management companies while he is president and when pressed by chris wallace over conflicts of interest concerns he said neither he or his children will embryo check business deals. >> i turned down seven deals with one big player, great player, last week because i thought it could be perceived as a conflict of interest. >> probably $1 billion of deals that i turned down.
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>> before --. >> they are not going to do it either. >> i see what you are getting are, they are not making deal. >> he will unveil more details on how he will handle the concerns about his business while he is president. arthel? arthel: is that snow? >> yes, this is not a weather report. arthel: it looks like snow. yikes. thanks. >> we will have more on the weather in a few moments, folks, if you are in chicago you know what is going on and it is heading east. >> different storm on capitol hill lawmakers are getting ready to lunch an investigation into the allegations that russia tried to influence our presidential election in favor of president-elect donald trump. but but he does not believe
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this. >> it isry doing louse another excuse. i don't believe it. i don't know why. it is just -- they talked about all sorts of things. it is another excuse. we had a massive landslide victory in the electoral college and the final numbers are at 306 and she is down to a very low number, no, i don't believe that. >> and now from washington, dc, we have more. what is the latest on the claims and the plans for investigations on capitol hill? >> at first democrats were leading the charge but today two very prominent republicans jumped on board, senator john mccain and senator graham with cluck serial and jack read issuing a joint statement "our democratic institutions have been targeted, recent reports of russian interference in our
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election should alarm every men." senator john mccain then stressed the need for an independent nonpartisan investigation into russia's role in the united states election. >> we would be working in a bipartisan basis. can you not make this issue partisan. it is too important. a fundamental of a democracy is a free and fair election. >> senator. senator john mccain is ready to begins the investigation. >> and john bolton is being blamed, and he said, he raised the possibility of it being in his view, a fault flag although there is no evidence of that, so, what is the trump campaign and the trump administration to be saying about the possibility investigations by congress? >> his incoming chief said he would support it, that the president-elect would sport it
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but only if it lookd at all possible adversaries and not just russia. >> look, someone hacked. we don't lick that. i don't like it. no one wants it. we want to protect american interests. it is america first. why want the d.n.c. hacked. why want anyone hacked. but i don't know who did the hack. that is my point. >> the democrats and now many republicans argue that we do know who did the hacking and they point to the c.i.a. report that concluded with high confidence that russia trade to influence the election to help mr. trump win. >> frank i i don't know a democrat or republican who has her the intelligence that would car really -- would quarrel with the conclusions. that is fact one. it wasn't china, a 400 pound guy in new jersey or anyone else, this was the russians. >> adding to the confusion are reports that the c.i.a. and the f.b.i. are not in agreement on this issue. the "washington post" is reporting the two agencies gave
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lawmakers very different accounts of russia's motive and that is what is making this more complicated. >> thank you. if it was a foreign government it would be an unforgivable assault on our very republican and democratic ideals we hold in this country we hold on sod oar. -- so dear. >> louisiana republican getting the last senate seat last night jack kennedy beating foster example giving republicans a 52-48 edge in the upper chamber, and now more on that on senator elect john kennedy's victory. >> lot of folks at home have been waiting for the elections to be over and this was the final chapter. like we saw in the presidential race, in louisiana, this was the year of the outsider, republican state treasurer john kennedy was
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a favorite through the run off, the one time democrat ran on his reputation as a fiscal hawk and anti-establishment candidate. last night at victory rally, he told supporters that he is going to washington to fight for them. >> in the world we live in today there are no state issues. there are no local issues. there are no federal issues. they are just issues. and in any person in louisiana has a problem, the state or local level or the federal level, it is my problem. all the democratic candidates, former state saturday foster campbell tried to paint kennedy as flip-flopper for switching parties but like we saw in other races, voters were more focused on the presidential election. kennedy was an outspoken supporter of trump and hampered campbell for supporting hillary clinton. president-elect donald trump won the state of louisiana by 20 points and returned to the estate on friday to campaign for kennedy. that is partly why democrats viewed this as a long shot and last their candidate on his own.
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with the win, republicans are now celebrating a final victory for the election season and an important one that expands the g.o.p. majority in the senate giving them a 52-48 edge over democrats. >> thank you. the christian faith again coming under attack in the middle east this time, in egypt. a bomb went off outside a catholic cathedral as services ends killing 25 worshippers and wounding dozens more. it is one of the most deadly attacks carried out against christians in egypt's recent history a day after the active terrorism hit turkey. twin blasts rocked the capital killing 38 and wounding 100 others outside a soccer stadium. now we have an update. >> the turmoil and bloodshed that has plagued the reason for
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decades claiming more lives this weekend. with a bomb tearing through the cathedral in egypt. the church is home to the small coptic chin -- christian community. 25 were killed. there has been a wave of violence since removal of the president. the ousted muslim brotherhood is blamed for the attack but the instability is running deeper and increasing the president is facing criticism for handling of the economy and the security situation. violence also striking in turkey. on saturday night, occurred inseparatist carried out attacks on a police station outside a soccer stadium in an unscale area of downtown istanbul. 38 were killed. 150 were wounded. the bombing is just the latest in a string of violence in turkey. >> a day of mourning today and the turkish president vowing he
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will defeat the terrorism. >> thank you. arthel? >> senators from both sides of i'll stepping up calls to investigate russia meddling in the united states election putting them at odds with president-elect donald trump. why is all of this heading? fans, they have been briefing the snow and the cold in green bay at the field. the arctic blast is heading east and we will give you details on what to expect from the winter weather. it will be ten degrees tonight! .
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on fox news president-elect donald trump criticized them as being politically motivated. >> i think the democrats are put this out because they suffered one of the greatest defeats in the history of politics in this country and frankly, they are putting it out. it is ridiculous. >> but a bipartisan group of senators say the report should "alarm every american." here is senator john mccain. >> by the way, the russians have interfered in a lot other elections, the russians have hacked interest some of our most secret military information. the russians have been active using it as a tool as part of vladimir putin's ambition to regain russian prominence and dominance. >> now, we have republican senator a member of the intelligence and homeland
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security committees, senator lankford. incoming senate minority leader new york senator chuck schumer is saying the fact that the f.b.i. and c.i.a. disagree over hacking of r.n.c. and otherwise shows the need for investigation and demanding congressional inquiry. do you agree? what would you look for? >> what is interesting some of the democrats and the white house have leaked out the ongoing conversations that is happen. this is an investigation that is underway that is a normal part of the investigate ever process for members of congress and the intelligence committee. that is already ongoing and what the "washington post" leaked was what some of the concludes, and it is interesting what is leaked out is only one aspect not the rest of it and there is selective looking going on to try to skew the conversation. >> and there was mention of a false flag operation regarding the report, pointing fingers at
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russia. how likely without say is a false flag suspect aereo? >> -- scenario? >> no question they have been involved. russians have been engaged in elections in europe, obviously in ukraine, and wherever they have in the form soviet areas. they have been trying to disturb elections. they are always trying to get out there and rile people up. the real question is, not whether the russians were trying to put out propaganda against the united states but the question is, what was the end? were they trying to stir things up? >> how do you know that? >> how do we know? >> no, no, the what the end game? >> that is the exact issue. that is the part that has been out there heard comments you just played from president-elect donald trump. there is a dig friends from saying the russians are engaged in undermining the credibility and they are trying to get trump
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elected. there is not consensus on what the russians were trying to do. there is consensus the russians were actually trying to hack into our systems and try to create chaos. they not involved in election changing. all the accusations the russians were in investigating machines, this is no evidence of that but there is a lot of evidence of cyber attacks and propaganda. >> what problem are you in congress facing, do a thorough investigation? present the hardcore concrete evidence conducting the cyber dots to russia? the russian government and somehow find out the intent if that is possible, but, tame, you are not, you should not reveal exactly how the united states intelligence agencies gathered their information? >> that is correct. the administration is the one who classifies and declassifies information. that is what is interesting on the leak of the investigation that is happening, when they selectively leak some opinions
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and some views and they know the rest of it cannot be put out there because they know it will be exposing what is classified information. the real issue is on the election side, in democrats want to continue to say we lost the legislation because of the russians, not because of the policies, not because of what is happening in the economy the last eight years or because of the way they stand on the issues, fine. the real issue is we have to look at what russia has done in europe and other areas and identify why we didn't pay attention to it when it was there we only paid attention to it when it was here. no one is saying the election who is gone the other way. the issue is do we continue to allusions to engage in as many areas? known is trying to say the election who is gone the other way if the has were not there. >> do you believe c.i.a. reports
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shatz was involved? you mentioned this earlier you do believe that, in fact, russia has finger prents then but you are saying, again, intent, intent, intent. >> that is correct. this is in question the russians were involved. the issue, what is their intent? there was no russian hacking in the voting machines or change votes. nothing like that. the democrats are saying the russians manipulated the american people so they voted in someone else and that is a big stretch. >> lick -- politics aside we have a sacred system we do not want any government hacking into or flying. that is the correct. this is why cyber issues are a big deal and why it was a big deal that hillary clinton had a private essentialer with private state department materials and classified materials. and why it is a big deal we continue to engage in this when it happens overseas and not wait when it comes here. the cyber hows are pent to -- are important to our national security and our elections.
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it needs to be investigated and it is under investigation. the claims that say we need to start the investigation assumed one has not started. it has started. that is the comments coming out. >> more questions, no more time. senator lankford, thank you for being here with us this evening. >> thank you. >> president-elect donald trump's interview with chris wallace he touched on a range including the allegations of the russian hacking, all very public. as congressional investigations gear up, when he takes the oath, over the c.i.a. reporting the kremlin tried to interfere with our election process to favor more trump and chris asked him on how the transition process is ongoing and the listens for when more trump takes the oath of office. howard kurtz spoke to chris about the interview.
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>> welcome. >> donald trump was dismissive of the c.i.a. finding that russian hackers tried to help him win blaming it on democratic partisanship. did you not get a clear answer about working with the democrats. >> it was obvious because he will have to rely on these people to tell him what is going on. he had two answers, one, i will have my people in charge, not their people. he think as lot of this is past dan and i thought it was fascinating when i asked of the daily brief diagnose he -- daily brief which he gets, and i asked why he want getting it, and he said he didn't want to hear the same thing over and over again. >> asked about the nominees for epa, hhs, and education, opposed to what the --s have been doing during the last eight years but when you suggest he is taking a
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wrecking ball to the obama legacy he would not embrace that. >> that was bait, but interestingly what he is saying, this is not just a chain, it is a course correction. best example was epa, he said, look, if there is something that is bad we still are going to block it if it hours the environment but we do not want all of the regulations and red tape that keeps us going for ten years and we disapprove it anyway. i want to speed up the process. >> he said he would be open mined on climate change. >> have interviewed him a number times. did you fiend him to be different or more cautious than the drop we saw during the campaign? >> no, he was donald trump. what impressed me was, and he is always comfortable but now he is comfortable being the president-elect. no sense at all that he has any doubts about his ability even at
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the army navy game and i pointed out these are young men and women you could be sending into war in a year and he was saying, look, i don't want to do that, that is not what i am about, but i am ready and prepared to be the commander in chief. >> revealing interview. thanks. >> if you missed chris' interview, no worries you can see it in 3 1/2 hours in its entirety because fox news sunday will be replayed again at 10:00 p.m. eastern, 7:00 p.m. pacific and 8:00 central. >> in mountain time people are usually offended but they don't change so i don't know what time it is right now. >> it will be on in under 3 1/2 hours wherever you are. just keep the television on fox news and you won't miss it. >> president-elect donald trump is expected to announce the
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>> who will he pick? we have former director of the c.i.a., james woolsey and senior advisor to president-elect donald trump. dug the interview, the president-elect said he went to 50 countries and he certainly is an accomplished national corporate businessman but should we be worried and concern he could be sympathetic to russia and to vladimir putin, after all, is it your sense it is proper for an american secretary of state to have been honored by the kremlin? >> these are diplomatic necessarities, i don't think it matters particularly. this man has extraordinary reputation for his ability and leadership at exxonmobil. if you are doing business with russia and you have to do business with russian if you are in the oil business and other unpleasant places, these daze such as venezuela and iran, you
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are going to be in a situation in which you are dealing with some fairly unsaferry characters. i know nothing that would suggest mr. tillerson has handled this anything other than straightforwardly in way you deal with didn'ts and leaders of that sort. athere would be confirmation hearings, and a new jersey senator said this is "alarming," and he got from russia the order of friendship israel from vladimir putin but you see the picture of mr. tillerson and vladimir putin together, pop stars and medalists, and former american congressman, also have gotten the award for helping and assisting the russian federation. does that in a sense, may, give him an inside track or does that rather than hurting a the
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critics say, somehow help? >> if you are a fairly senior individual and you do business with one of the countries, a lot of them love to hand out medals and ribbons and have ceremonies where they take the picture and so forth. this is not a substantial matter. there is no, as far as we know, no corruption involved, there is no payment on the side, no pay to play, no foundation set up to take money. i think it is a tempest in a teapot. all the current secretary of state jesus christ has -- the secretary of state john kerry has raised the question of war crimes and tillerson has spoken out against sanctions and he said in 201 he acted at the chief of exxon and said we do
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not support these because it is hard to implement. we encourage those who make the decisions to consider the birthday damage of would they are harming, with sanctions, and he obviously meaning exxon and the business that may have last $1 billion, with one of the sanctions. do you think it will impact any potential sanctions against russia for what they doing in syria and any other actions? >> i am being more critical of russia and friendly to sanctions than mr. tillerson was in that quote. particularly, this terrible agreement we signed with iran, that we have tried to implement some sanctions and withdraw the money that earlier was taken from russia for this. it is just a mess. i think it shows basically weakness on the american side for letting things get out of
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hand that way. however, showing anything other than a policy difference between mr. tillerson and his critics, i don't see that there is anything more there. it is a policy disagreement of the utility of sanctions. sometime they do work, sometimes they don't. >> do you think he will be picked? >> i don't know. i am an adviser on the system but not privilegety to these considerations. i have no idea. >> we will see what happens, probably this back we are hearing but we will see who gets the nod. ambassador james woolsey, former director of the c.i.a. always good to see you. >> ambassador woolsey, did russia really hack the united states elections? d lawmaker want an investigation as they propose a commission. along lines of the one formed after 9/11. and how, exactly, would that work? our legal panel will look.
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the coalition forces so far have killed or seriously injured more than 2,000 isis fighters but still 3,000 are needed to defend mosul as the operation continues. >> allegations of russian meddling in our election becoming a hot topic on capitol hill. even as president-elect donald trump dismisses the claims as "baseless." two democratic lawmakers have a bill to create a bipartisan commission to investigate russia's role in terms of scope and reach. the commission now being compared to the one formed after 9/11. we will discuss how this would work with our legal panel, the against attorney david schwartz and former prosecutor and a trial attorney. missy, what types of legal experts would the commission be looking to recruit? >> you are going to find election law experts, you are going to find experts on the
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first amendment and what type of information is appropriately publicly disseminated but most importantly, you are going to have experts on cyber law, people talking about how to prevent these types of cyber attacks because that is the purpose of the commission to prevent this in the future. we want to investigation what happened but we want to fill in the gaps and the holes to make sure it is not more serious next time. >> and if you want to piggyback on that, david; what election law issues does russian hacking raise? it is mostly international. under international law you cannot impede, you cannot interfere with another nation's internal security. you cannot interfere with their government. can you not interfere with their election and it is not just a physical interference, cyber hacking is absolutely one of those types of conduct that has been sought out by the u.n. and
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sanctionable. >> what areas of law could be we applicanted? >> this is an interesting topic because you are right about the international aspect. from a domestic perspective the electoral votes and the fact that donald trump is president is not going to be touched unless we find out that these efforts changed some votes or something like that. however, we are going to see some interesting arguments about the first amendment, and, for instance, with donald trump this summer saying, russia, i want to you go into hillary's e-mails that could be instigating criminal activity. it is an interesting argument, i heard it, and it is a stretch but we are going to be seeing that come up in the context of the investigation. >> i don't think it is close. what you say on the campaign trail and all of the types of commons and jobs that were made on the campaign trail, you cannot equate that to spurring a foreign government to hack and
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interfere with the united states election. it is such a stretch, it should be put away. >> any legal limitages or boundaries might the commission run into, misty? >> there will an lot of limitations, if the commission is formed. let's assume it is. there will be budgetary restrictions and access to witness. all they can do is subpoena the witnesses, there will an lot of access issues. what kind of documents do they have to review? they will not have the full set. >> great idea, arthel, take it away from the c.i.a. and the f.b.i. and justice department and give it to a bunch of political hacks because they will get to the bottom of a bunch of politicos getting to the boss only of what is going on here? look it to the justice department, leave we it to the c.i.a., leave it to the f.b.i. they will -- those are the agencies we have that will get to the bottom of this. >> will we see a commission? >> i don't think we will. there should be tax on the cyber hacks from other governments because that is the issue.
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how do we take preventive steps? this is hacking of d.n.c. e-mails but what about true confidential information? we need the security experts to prevent this from happening in the future. >> i grease with misty on this. 100% we need, it is a technical issue, and we need the best and the brightest to attack the issue. i am sure america, the united states of america, will ultimate tly prevail on this issue. >> david schwartz, all about america, baby, that's right. misty, say hello to your mom for me. thanks to you both. >> winter officially is a days an but tell that to the folks trying to catch a plane in chicago. they canceled 1,300 flights this weekend, a blustery blast grounding the planes in the windy city and some parents braved the elements to get their hand on the holtest holiday
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talk about extreme weather, portions of the u.s. preparing for winter weather. snow in the midwest is moving to the northeast and the temperatures are expected to fall. chicago getting three to four inches of snow today and more could fall there before tomorrow. robert gray is live from los angeles where you can see it's way too warm for robert to give us this weekend weather wrap up. you're making everyone jealous in the midwest and northeast. you have a nice suit on. there's green and no snow and it's not cold. >> reporter: not a cold. there's a small breeze but that would be make people feel worse. the snow is starting to pile up around the great lakes and the northeast as well. a foot of snow in some major p
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metropolitan areas. there's trouble for air travel, 1,500 flights have been cancelled and nearly 100 accidents have been reported on streets of chicago as residents and visitors alike adjust to the weather. >> we are touring the windy city which is currently the snowy city. >> reporter: this travel trouble in detroit as well where a delta airlines flight slipped off the runway. no injuries have been reported in that incident, but the motor city getting eight inches to fall there and the midwest and parts of the east coast can look forward to temperatures 30 degrees below average in places. the snowstorm is effecting nfl games today. the tundra was frozen where the seahawks were playing.
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the folks out in western new york are unfazed. >> like the snow or i would have probably moved. there's nothing wrong with this. this is heaven so how can you beat it? >> reporter: probably too warm for him here this time of year, guys. it's 63 degrees in los angeles. back to you. >> robert, robert, you know how to rub it in. >> whatever, robert. >> thank you. it's the polar vortex. remember that, it's coming back. it's winter. >> i'm sorry, dear. >> it's winter. >> proving to be no match for shoppers in new jersey. folks lining up outside a target this morning in the philadelphia suburb of cherry hill. they were trying to buy a hathimal. some parents waited for hours. the toy has become a hot
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commodity this season and restrictions on the amount one can purchase. i didn't know what it was and i checked it out and i want one. it's super cute. >> it's this hot toy every christmas. >> this thing is cute. $59.99. >> okay. >> tease it says. president elect trump is expect to make more cabinet picks in the coming weeks. we will tell you what positions remain open besides the big one of the secretary of state. >> do you remember who the first president was to say mr. president. >> my wife. my family. my daughter. and then everybody just started going crazy.
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>> that is fabulous. the chiefs won. >> it's all good as they say. >> i'll be back with you tomorrow morning for america's newsroom at 9:00 a.m. >> check him out. ridiculous, that's what president-elect donald trump has to say about the cia findings that russia interfered in the presidential election. as we enter a new week, this is the issue that appears to be heating up. here's what we do know. 17 u.s. intelligence agencies have concluded russia's hacking of political organizations including the democratic national committee was an attempt to undermine the electoral process and with officials going further saying russia's goal was to help donald trump, mr. trump is pushing back hard. in an exclusive interview with chris wallace he called it ridiculous
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