tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News December 11, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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hello and welcome to justice. i am judge janine pirro. we have a big s we have a big show with the latest including the russians. did they interfere with our presidential election? presidential election. but first my opening statement. look, it's time to it take sides. the election is over. you are either with us or against us and that is with the united states or against the united states. y we have a new president-elect. his name is donald j. trump and so move over barak.
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move over hillary, harry and jill and all of you namby pamby pathetic losers that are crying in your double shot skin canny lattes. there was a time we united behind the flag and in celebration of the new.. we did so in 2008 when obama was elected and we had high hopes of the united country irrespective of the politic and it is time for the left to show the same dignity and class to the 45th presidentex length. but no. this woke, the president himself, obama announces his intention to investigate whether russia interferred with the presidential election, assigning our intelligence agencies to conclude the task before he leaves office.
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seriously? why now, mr. president? you have been watching the release of information from wiki leaks for months. you have watched the release of hillary clinton's e-mail and in fact some were even sent to you. and watched the release of john podefta's e-mail and the double talking mainstream media outed for providing questions to your hanpicked successor, hillary clinton, for months and you never say a word. but now, it finally hits you your successor of choice has not been elected, which would be you yourself said would be a personal insult. and now you decide it is time to investigate? and the suspect russia? why are you talking about this now? you had a chance to put an end to the hacking and interferrance
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assuming that it might impact the election before the election. we have the best metric's operations in the world. and if all of the warning signs were there, long before the election, and now a month later you weak up and you decide, not only are you going to investigate, but you are going to investigate russia. using the same bozos, the ones who said saddam hussein had weapons of mass destructions and the same bozos that said we're defeating isis and the same intelligence geniuses who gave us the benghazi bs. a politicalized intelligence group. this is not about the election, is it, mr. president? this is about domestic politics. it's not about november 2016.
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it's about jan 2017. and your attempt to pro vent donald trump from a smooth transition of power and your inability to accept the electorial college win that the american people win. ironic since you and your want upon to be successor was so fired up that he may not quietly accept hillary's ascension to power. you say nothing about the jill stein phony recount nonence and wasted taxpayer dollars that pay for it and the division that it is creating. why are you so obsessed with russia? you who cut a deal and were made of by the world's largest sponsor of terrorism, iran. and the one that buzzed
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hesbollah and hamas that yell death to america and you gave billions to and secretly sent them 4 billion to on paulets in an unmarked plane. you are obsessed with a russia who at least is a christian and himself obsessed with killing isis and a russian who had his own problems with muslim terrorist and told us twice about the boston bomber and your administration was too dumb to follow-through with deadly consequences with the americans. and even hillary hates the russians and she can't believe that americans can see through her lying money grubbing. and harry reid. the one all in to the what he
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said nothing to cowith money and solar power and the son-in-law, the chinese, calling for jim comey to step down because he said comby and the fbi knew the russians were hack nothing the election. i got a nows flash. everybody's been spying on everybody else for years. even obama knows angela merkel's hair appointmentes. remember how angry she was when she found out he had her e-mails. don't be fooled bite narratives. it is all part of an orchestraed effort to prevent donald trump from making america great again and building a accept with a country that is fighting isis and don't get me wrong, i despise all dictators, but between a dictator who thinks i
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am an infedell and you and i and our families should have our heads cut off and the dictator for whom i simply want to keep my distance and might warn me of our common enemy. the choice is a no brainer. and that's my open. comment on my facebook page or twitter hash tag judge ja nine. and president-elect trump attending army/navy football game and army broke the 14 year losing streak. and the president-elect reflected on his becoming commander in chief. >> it is humbling and a great honor, but it is a great responsibility. when you see incredible people, we just want to be strong and they want to be strong. it is beautiful to see. and it is a spirit. you don't see it at any game. you don't see this kind of
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spirit anymore. it is just amazing people. >> joining me now army lieutenant colonel allen west. and former florida congressman and compat in iraq. you are an army goichlt how do you feel? >> i feel great. for the the first time in 14 years, i don't have to get back talk from a bunch of sailors, but i listened to your opening statement and if you are paying attention to the army/navy game. after of the things that happens. loser stays on the field and they listen to the alma mater of the victor being played. that's what you are talking about. we can have a hard fought election but we are still american and those young men go out and fight together on the battlefield. being as navy and sailors and marine and army soldier.
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but go army, beat navy. >> all right. let's talk about what is going on. this week, president obama says a month after the election. you know, there is evidence that you know, we, we suspect, what is it. the intelligence community probed and suspected foreign intervention in the election and concluded russia was likely involved in breaching and releasing dnc e-mail and i want a study by the intel community. does the intel community have any credibility? haven't they been politicalized by the president in one issue or another? >> you are right. and also in this week. president obama sat down with with a gentlemen from another cable news work and talked about how the intelligence radar screen did not allow him to pick
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up the fact that isis was growing. he said in the final 42 days, he wants the intelligence community to investigate russia potentially. we have no proof of this and being involved in our electorial system and the greatest islamic terrorism group and scourge we have seen on on the earth. he admitted he had no sense of it. and he had no intelligence reports that allowed him to understand is happening. we know it is not true. he didn't take the intelligence briefs. you can't have it one way and investigate the russian and this week, you can't understand and just completely caught off guard by the emergence of isis. >> what is amazing, if he concluded they were involved. why didn't he get involved earlier? if hillary clinton's e-mails were released dnc, and john
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podesta and all of the damaging information. he was silent during that whole time. we would have to assume julian assange was a russian agent, yes? >> we understand that it was president obama along with hillary clinton that came up with the russian reset button. it was president obama with an off mike moment who talked about having more flexibility after the reelection. and it was president obama and hillary clinton foundation was cutting uranium deals for the russians for the benefit and profit of the clinton foundation. this is all about undermining the election we had. and same as i said. score for army/navy 21- 17 and hard fought and it is over now same with the election and we should not have a president on the way out seeking to undermind the president-elect.
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>> colonel allen west congratulations and thank you so much. my next guest personally knows general mattis. ann kelli joins me with reaction. retired colonel david hunt. good evening, colonel. and a former army guy as well. what would you like to say about the army boating the navy? >> i think the people navy was a tough 25 team. it was nice to be on the winning side after 14 years and a great game and the young men and women deserve. it was a hard fought game and personally i never cared unless i played hockey against them whether they won or lost. glad they won but okay. nall right colonel, let's get down to it. we have general flynn, general mattis and general kelly and compare them to dod. and i want to talk about mad dog
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himself. general mattis. the fact that you know, we have someone at the top of that pyramid, either in the department of defense, does that concern you? >> not at all. i mean, he will have to get a waiver because he was not out seven years. last one to get that was marshal. i think it takes 60 votes and going to take democrats. prin combat veteran is going to run the actual swamp. when trump starts talking about p the swamp, he's talking about the department of defense. there is a million plus and the pent dpon payroll. only a million 4 people in service. it is bloated and it would take someone like mad dog to straight ten out. he is a good marine and officer. and now they are going to have secretary of defense. and they are going to have a guy
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in homeland security. it is it a big >> let me ask you this. if a former secretary of defense said obama would get calls on the bat 8 field from the staff people and the obama administration. that is not going to happen with mattis. >> that has been happening for 30 years. actually 50 years where the white house, the pentagon would call in down to a battalion in the field. mattis can help stop that. he shouldn't be doing it either. interference happens all the time. it's because we have phenomenal communications that allows this to happen. it should not. >> why is the defense department a swap? is it people have different
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politics? what is it? >> no. there is a 1.4 million in uniform. >> what does that mean? >> that is staggering amount of support. it's eboverdone. 1.1 million people are in a support activity like the pentagon supporting only 1.4 million. that is disproportionate. it is out of control. it is good people but massive bureiocracy that cannot get it right. more than half need to go down the road. >> who decides the rules of engagement? the joint chief? >> they're part of it. division commander and lawyers. it goes all the way to the white house. mattis.
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what they are is permission on when to shoot the enemy. they have gotten cumbersome and legal. they need to be just one rule. rule number one kill the enemy. that's it. >> do you expect mattis can change it? >> absolutely he can. >> thanks so much. look forward to seeing what happens. and next a big week for president-elect donald trump and his transition team. his billionaire cabinet could be the wealthiest administration in modern american history. will the washington outsiders be able to make america great again? and you're not going to want to miss tonight's street justice. >> i'm here where saevd shopping and i'm going to figure out what people would buy donald trump and hillary clinton for christmas.
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and i'm riding side saddle, mom, not to worry. >> justice rolls on in a moment. . feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond.
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and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. it's been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, america's favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. but now it's finally back home where it belongs. aw man. hey, wait up. where you goin'? here we go again.
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administration picks. this week hillary clinton was whining about that fake news. can't make this stuff up, folks. a lot to talk about. let's get right to it with my next guest good evening. let's talk about hillary clinton which i think is so ironic and let's see if we can hear this now. >> the epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year it is now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. this isn't about politics or partisanship. lives are at risk. lives of ordinary people trying to go about their days to do their job, contribute to the community. it is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly. >> i got to tell you i'm going
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to let you weigh up to the question. of all people to talk about fake news or lies, coming from this woman who i don't this can knowathize difference between truth and a lie. what is your take on her and her championing the fight against fake news? >> you're exactly right. with all the coverage of her e-mails, fake news and that she said she never did anything wrong, that was a lie. was that all fake when people reported that? the democrats would do well if they just started focussing on ideas to get our country safer and ideas to create jobs. and democrats who want to work with the incoming trump administration and the republicans in the house and senate and the 33 of 50 republican governors in the 68 of 99 state legislators, the republican dominations, democrats who want to do something for our country will start figuring out ways to work
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on ideas with them to address the concerns americans have and stop this fake news. >> i think she needed something to talk about. she is never quitting. let me ask you this. we have donald trump and a lot of complaining about the fact there are so many billionaire s and pointing to the cabinet. what do you think of this? all the net worth? does that worry you? >> success is a wonderful thing. that is the type of people you want in an administration, people who have been successful. to quote my old home state senator i am -- somehow rich democrats can serve but rich
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republicans can't. >> i want you to look at this. i just checked the last few presidents. everyone is complaining about donald trump being able to point at his secretary of state. there is belief that it will be the gentleman. barack obama appointed secretary of state december 1 and that was hillary. bush didn't appoint until december 16. clinton didn't announce until december 22. it is almost as though people can't think of anything that they are not ready to complain about with donald trump. isn't this a bit much? i think he is moving very quickly. >> you are exactly right. here is what we can say about donald trump's selections so far. 12 selections, 12 swamp cleaners. there are folks who will go into agencies and take on this status quo and do what donald trump has directed them to do which is get
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focussed on creating jobs and keeping americans safe. there is all this hubbub about look who he apoipted to the national security post. he is putting the strength by having mattis as secretary defense. he is putting folks who know how to create jobs in economics positions. he put tom price in charge of the health system so he can replace obama care. >> and general kelly in homeland security. >> these are all solid picks th that -- there are -- this is going to be an administration where he sets his cabinet and he allows cabinets to select their
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staff. just as in a corporation they don't pick the vice president of marketing. donald trump is not going to pick anybody who serves. they will hire qualified people. >> that is exactly what they are going on. >> and next president-elect trump's choice for secretary of state turning into the ultimate guessing game. my all star panel is standing by to break it all down. justice back in a moment. ♪
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fight terror. saturday's attack killed 38 people mostly police near a soccer stadium. more than 160 others were injured. a kurdish militant group claimed responsibility. travelers have not. more than 1,000 flights cancelled including several hundred at chicago's o'hare airport as winter blast moves through. inches of snow creating hazardous flying conditions. earlier today snow caused problems in michigan where a delta airlines plane went off the run way. now back to justice with judge jeanine. with judge anoth of developments for president-elect trump and his transition team after several significant administration announcements and yet one of the biggest ones, secretary of state still to come. here to discuss it all my political panel tonight.
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so tuesday morning we wake up and we find out that donald trump says that boeing contract with that airplane is way out of line. let me ask you this. didn't you feel good about that? here is a guy who knows airplanes and isn't looking to waste our money. put politics aside splmpt dw i think it is fantastic if we are able to produce more materials here in america that would be fantastic. if we were to have reduction in the cost that it costs for things like air force one it would be great. these are little changes. we need big changes. he promised big changes instead putting the fox in charge of the henhouse continuing to appoint people from wall street. he is building a cabinet top 1% for the top 1% of america. i don't see this president fighting for the little guy when
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appointing the exxon ceo. >> what do you say to that? >> i think i have a lot to say about that. i think donald trump is putting in individuals who are fires. they are agents of change. they are individuals who know how to handle complex bure yauk ra yaukeracies. they understand donald trump's mandate which is that of insuring that it's not politics as usual, that the bureiocracy is not in charge. we are going to see fundamental change within the government in washington, d.c. i think that is very powerful. i think the fact that he is putting in successful business men, generals, individuals who are highly respected in their fields, i think there is much to be said about that. >> earlier in the show colonel hunt said one of the biggest
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blows to the agency is the department of defense and compared the fact that there is over a million support personnel in the department of defense in addition to i think he said 1.4 million. it was over a million, who were out there in the service itself. and, you know, that kind of, in my head, tells me this is nonsense. don't you agree that someone -- forget about the seven-year waiver. someone who understands the military will say this is hogwash. i don't need a support chamber. >> i think it is important to recognize there is a reason why we have rules that require civilian leadership in the department of defense. >> that's not the question i'm asking. don't you think -- by the way, we have had civilian leadership and now we have the biggest bloated swamp in the government in the department of defense.
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but the idea that who knows better than general? i agree it should be civilian leadership. i wish he had that. this guy gets it at least he gets the military. >> i think if you look at what we've got, we have a government run by corporations for years. with donald trump we are seeing a double down on corporations whether looking at military leadership or exxon ceo or fast food ceo across the board everyone of his appointments is more and more of the same. actually not draining the swamp, just filling with more of the same people we have had before, people that are in the pocket of major corporations. >> they are independently wealthy. they are not looking for a handout. they don't need anybody. they get the top. mercedes, respond. >> all donald trump is talking
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about is the little guy. it is about the forgotten voice. his plan is to promote economic growth and bring in investments, capital. he is calling corporations and saying stay in america. that is the message for the american worker. >> so much that he is putting the guy on top. >> to have less regulation so that you can have more franchises and more people employed. >> whoa, guys, we don't have a lot of time. charles, didn't what donald trump did at carrier, wasn't that a good thing? >> donald trump is doing is filling his cabinet with the top 1%. >> the workers at carrier who weren't going to celebrate christmas. you are not answering my questions.
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the workers at carrier who are going to get a paycheck. isn't that a good thing? >> it is always a good thing when workers get paychecks. >> on to the next question. michael moore wants everybody around the world to disrupt things on january 20. is this guy a sore loser? what is wrong with him? he said we need mobilization social justice call for world wide disruption. is that a good thing? >> of course not. i think one of the things that republicans have to put up with is in 2008 and 2012 guess what the republicans did here in washington. they took a vacation. this is what it is. it is a peaceful transition of power. it is allowing donald trump and his supporters to celebrate the historic moment. i think for the democrats it is a matter of --
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>> what do you think of michael moore saying people should go to the embassies and disrupt whatever they can because donald trump is going to be the president? >> america has a history of peaceful civil from veterans protesting the war. >> i should complain that donald trump won the election? >> people need to speak out and speak their minds. there is nothing wrong with peaceful civil disobedience. it gives a chance for americans to have their free speech. if people want to protest the inauguration they should be able to. >> absolutely. also, we want to see peaceful transfer of power. that is important. >> peaceful civil disobedience. >> mercedes and charles thanks for being with us. it's the most wonderful time
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of the year. street justice goes to bryant park where we asked what gift would you get donald trump and hillary clinton for christmas. give donald trump and hillary clinton for >> if you were going to buy a gift for donald trump for christmas, what would you buy him? >> a new hairbrush. >> and hillary clinton? >> a nonsquare jacket with a bit of shaping to it. >> a nonsquare jacket with shape in it. don and i met because i'm a
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now to a critical story that we followed closely. the dangers facing the united states power grid. america's first legislation to protect the critical infrastructure has passed the senate and is expected to be signed into law by the president. here to discuss this is arizona congressman trent frank. it has been a long and difficult struggle to get to this point. tell us where we are. >> judge, we are on the very edge now of being able to see a landmark legislation that will protect this country against the dangerous electromagnetic pulse threats. it has been a long time but you have been there from the very beginning. i know that this is always a
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kind of business where everybody pats each other on the back. i want to express gratitude in my heart because you made a difference. you helped people understand the significance of this issue and it really allowed people like me to get the kind of traction we needed. this is something very significant for this country. >> you know, and i do appreciate you saying that congressman. without people like you who identify and fight the good fight it would never happen. what is so stunning to me is that there are actually people in government who resist the kind of legislation that americans need. it's the american people and they did respond to the segment that we did on this. and they did understand the dangers that are inherent in our electric grid being subjected to some kind of electromagnetic pulse and how we can literally be thrown back into the dark
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ages. everybody assumes that politicians are all on our side. we are still not at the point yet where we are protected, are we? >> no. but we have -- this is the end of the beginning. we have a clear mandate to go forward. so does homeland security in the law. and the good news is it sort of dove tails with the new administration because the trump administration already understands the threat and said they are going to upgrade the grid and they understand it is critical defense asset. this is going to come right at the right time. i'm just grateful because i don't think any of us really understand worst case scenario what it would mean in terms of shutting down water, sewer, electricity. as you say, it would put us in the horse and buggy days without the horse and buggy. it would mean the loss of
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millions of lives. we just shouldn't be that vulnerable. by the grace of god we are not going to be. >> thank you for all the work you have done. we are going to stay on top of this. and i thank you for coming out tonight and thank you for all your efforts. congressman trent frak. >> thank you for everything. coming up, has president-elect trump and hillary clinton made the naughty or nice list? >> what do you want to buy hillary for christmas? >> balloons. >> we want to congratulate her. >> she lost. >> the wait is over. street justice is next. [ sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i'm so stuffed up, i can't rest. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka-seltzer plus night liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms. plus, unstuffs your nose. oh, what a relief it is.
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you've been you have been waiting patiently and now it is finally time for your weekly dose of my street justice. this week i went to the holiday shop in bryant park to ask what people would buy hillary clinton and president-elect trump for christmas this year. and boy, did i have some fun. take a look. >> if you were going to buy donald trump a present for christmas what would you buy
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him? >> wow. that's a good one. >> that is a loaded question. i would buy him a book on advice. >> what kind of advice? >> advice on humility and grace. >> and hillary clinton? what would you buy her for christmas? >> that's also a loaded question. >> for hillary i would buy her, let's see -- i would probably buy her a handkerchief. >> if you were going to buy a gift for donald trump for christmas what would you buy him? >> a new hairbrush. >> and hillary clinton? >> a non-square jacket with a bit of shaping to it. >> probably a book on foreign policy. >> and hillary clinton? >> if i had enough money, a nice ranch maybe. >> what would you buy?
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>> you don't want to know what i would buy for hillary. >> i would buy her an outfit. if you were going to buy donald trump a gift for christmas what would you buy him? >> i'm not going to answer -- >> go right to hillary. >> something to -- >> a band aid. >> what would you buy hillary for christmas? >> handcuffs. >> what do you want? >> love and affection. >> you want love and affection. everybody. >> say it. it's your one chance. who is she? >> michelle. >> you don't have to say her last name. >> hillary clinton, what would you buy her? >> some relaxing a little bit.
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>> safety deposit box to put that phone in. >> we are from kentucky so you know he -- >> doesn't drink. he can give it back to us. >> give me one. >> how about hillary? >> give her a bottle of bourbon. >> she would drink it, too. i'm here with some of the teachers from jamaica academy. they just polled their students. what would they buy donald trump for christmas? >> they said tanning lotion. >> what do you want to buy hillary? >> balloons. >> where is she going? >> they want to congratulate her. guys, she lost. >> if i were going to buy a puppet for donald trump which would you suggest i buy?
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that one for donald trump. >> that is because he would rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet. you're the puppet. >> it is pretty clear you won't admit. >> what would i buy for hillary clinton? which puppet would i buy for hillary clinton? that one. you're going oo buy donald trump a present for christmas what would you buy him? >> i would buy him -- >> this one for hillary. where is she going? >> anywhere where the sun -- >> how about saudi arabia? >> we like hillary. >> a diamond necklace. >> what's it going to say? neck. and i was on a merry go round, too.
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we'll be right back. cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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anyway, thanks for watching. we'll see you next week. same time, same place. e me.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d. >> even the leaders, too. >> that's right. >> "fox news sunday" is next. i'm chris wallace. today, the trump way. we go on the way with president-elect trump for his first interview since winning the election. >> the cia has concluded that russia intervened in the election to help you win the presidency. >> we'll take you behind the scenes for an all-access look at a day in the life of the trump transition. >> now let's go to election night. you were prepared to lose. >> and as he makes his unofficial debut as commander in chief at the army/navy game. >> we sit down at trump tower to discuss the big decisions he's made so far and preview what's ahead on the cabinet he's putting together.
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